Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Apr 1, 2001


Disclaimer: The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18.

Again comments are welcomed here. E-mail me at

Now on with the show!!!

Get Another Boyfriend

Chapters 13 & 14

"How is he?" asked Nick as I walked out of the hotel room.

"He is sleeping," I said. I had just convinced Matt to take a sleeping pill to calm him down. After holding for over an hour he finally drifted off into a fitful sleep. Tyler's body was on it's way to Vermont and we were going to follow the next day. "I'm so worried about him Nick."

"I know you are Kevin," Nick said. "This wasn't supposed to happen like this."

"And just how was it supposed to happen?" I asked harshly.

"I don't know Kevin," Nick hurled back at me. "All I do know is that Brian never met for Tyler to die!"

"Well good intentions don't really mean all that much when an innocent child ends up dead!" I shouted at him. I could still remember the moments following Tyler's passing. If I could've traded places with that little boy I would've. Matt had held Tyler's body in his arms for almost an hour until I finally had to pick him up and carry him from the room. We passed Brian and Justin and Matt buried his head into my chest refusing to even look at them. Brian started sobbing and ran from the hospital. No one knew where he was and quite frankly I really didn't care at he moment. My one concern was Matt. He was all that mattered to me right now. His heart was breaking and I was powerless to stop it. The knocking at the door startled me out of my thoughts. Nick got up and opened it. I could hear him speaking softly.

"I'm sorry, but right now is not a good time," He said. I looked up and anger raged through me. Brian was standing at the door.

"I need to see Matt," he pleaded.

"There is nothing for you here!" I hissed at him. "Get out!"

"No that is all right," a sleepy voice said behind me. I turned around to see Matt standing there leaning against the door. "Come in Brian." He walked up to me and sat next to me.

"Baby," I said softly. "You should be sleeping." He shook his head and turned towards Brian.

"Well so now that you are here tell me, what do you want?" he said curtly to Brian.

"I wanted to let you know how sorry I am for the death of your son," he said in a small voice.

"My son would still be alive if you hadn't of stepped in and tried to steal him from me," Matt said in a calm and collective voice.

"You will never know how much I regret that now," Brian sobbed out.

"You know something Brian," he hurled at him. "I really don't give a fuck what you think. You are dead to me! Just as dead as my son is to you. Now get out of my sight. Oh yea and incase you forgot. Your life is so fucked right now. I will not only destroy you but I will make sure that your life is a living hell from this moment on. Starting with your house in Atlanta. I now own the deed so you have 24 hours to vacate the residence. I have a buyer that wants to look at it!" I looked at Matt in shock. Matt eyes were so full of hate and revenge that it scared me.

"But that is my home!" Brian shouted. "You can't throw me out of my own home!"

"You seem to forget, when I froze your contract I also froze and seized all of your holdings including your house. I will leave your savings and bank accounts alone. And I will release your investments but that is all. Now get our of my room and my life." I watched in silence as my lover ripped apart my cousin's life. I did nothing because in my heart Brian deserved it and a lot more. Matt stood up and walked to the phone and picked it up and dialed a number. "Roger?" he asked. "Is everything a go on the Timberlake estate?" There was a pause and than he spoke again. "I don't give a rat's ass what and who Timberlake thinks he is. I want him out of my house!! I own the deeds to it so toss his scrawny ass on the fucking street. Oh yea and take his fancy little sports cars too." Again there was a pause. "No leave his savings and bank accounts alone. And release his investments and his charitable foundations alone. In fact transfer the funds you get from the sell of his house and cars to the foundation." Again another pause. "I don't care how many fucking attorneys he has. I pay you a hell of a lot of money to do the work I give you. Make this happen!" Matt slammed down the phone and turned to see Brian still standing there. "Why aren't you gone?"

"You are actually going to do this?" Brian asked appalled. "You're not the type of person to be vengeful."

"That was before you killed my son!" Matt shouted at him. "You are making me do these things!" He turned and headed into the bedroom and this time I followed. I was worried about him. Revenge was one thing but this was not revenge. This was something else. I had to do something to stop this vendetta before it tore us all apart. I watched him lay back down on the bed and stare up at he ceiling.

"Baby?" I asked softly. He looked over at me with tears flowing down his cheeks. I climbed into bed with him and pulled the blankets around us. "This is not going to bring Tyler back," I said as I wiped the tears from his face. "Tyler wouldn't have wanted this either." Matt was sobbing into my chest. "Please baby, I don't want you to destroy yourself over this. I can see the revenge and hatred raging through you and I know you have every right to be angry at Brian and Justin but this is not healthy."

"What do you want me to do?" he sobbed into my chest.

"Forgive them," I said. He jerked his head up glaring at me. "It is not in your nature not to forgive. Don't destroy your son's memory by destroying Brian and Justin. Besides they will be punished and they will be forced to live with the guilt of what they did every day for the rest of their lives."

"No!" he shouted at me. "I will never forgive them! Because of them my son is dead! Because of them one of the major reasons I live is no longer here. I will never hear him laugh. I will no longer hear him running through the house. I will no longer hold him in my arms. He is dead!" He screamed at me. "I hate Brian and Justin for what they did. I will carry this hate with me until the day I die!" He turned around facing away from me shutting me out of his life. I did the only thing I could. I stood up and left the room. It was so full of hate and anger that it was to painful for me to stay there. I walked out into the living area of the hotel suite. Brian was still there talking quietly to Nick.

"What the fuck are you still doing here?" I hurled at him. "Don't you have another child to steal?"

"Kevin," Nick scolded me. "That was mean and uncalled for!"

"Do you have any ideal what I just witnessed in there?" I asked Brian. He shook his head no. "When I first met Matt he was most caring and fun loving innocent guy that I have ever met. You have turned him into a hate filled revenge hungry monster! I don't even know him any more! Thanks a lot Brian! You not only killed Tyler but you have also killed Matt's spirit!" "Now get the fuck out of here and don't ever come back. I never want to see you ever again. You are dead to me!" Brian ran from the room and I fell to the floor sobbing into my hands. I felt two arms wrap around me and I felt a pair of lips grace my forehead. "I love him!" I sobbed out. "And I'm losing him and I have no idea how to get him back!"

"You are not losing him Kev," Nick said softly as he stroked my hair. I had to admit the simple gesture felt good. "He still loves you and somewhere deep inside him he is still the same caring, fun loving innocent guy that you fell in love. He is just angry right now and he is hurting real bad."

"I hate to see him pain," I sniffled. "I want to help him through this."

"And you will Kev," Nick whispered in my ear. "I will help you and Matt through this. But you need to be strong for Matt. Remember he is burying his son in a few days. And he is going to need you." The thought of putting that little boy in the cold ground sent me over the edge and I started to sob again.

"I loved that little boy Nick," I sobbed. "I was hoping that I could be his other daddy. Now he is dead and all alone in a cold morgue and than we are going to put that precious little boy in the cold ground! God why did Brian have to do this?" I was getting mad again and I pushed Nick aside and grabbed a vase and through it at the wall smashing it. That felt good so I picked up an crystal bowl and threw it too.

"Kevin!" Nick shouted. "We are going to have to pay for that!" I stopped throwing things and sat down. "Now are you ready to listen to me?" I looked up at him and saw Nick glaring down at me. I nodded. "Good, because Tyler is not in a cold morgue and he is not going to put in the cold ground. And he is not alone. Tyler is in heaven right now. He is with people that love him very much and he would be very upset to see you like this. And you know something else?" I looked up with questions in my eyes. "Tyler would hate the fact that his daddy is in that room all by him self. He would want you in there with Matt loving him and being there for him. Now get your ass in there and be with Matt!" I shook my head and smiled at Nick.

"You are a good friend Nick," I said as I hugged him. I kissed him gently on the lips and gently traced his lips with my tongue. "Thank you Nicky." I walked into our room and looked down at my angel. He had tear stains running down his face and on his pillow. I took off my clothes and gently removed his too. I needed to feel his naked skin against mine. I pressed my body next to him. As soon as my body made contact with his he turned over and wrapped his arms me and buried his head in my chest. He was still sleeping. But I noticed that he had stopped crying. "I love you Matt," I whispered in his ear. "I will never leave you."

The next morning

From Matt's point of view

I woke up the next morning to find that I was naked again. Obviously Kevin thought I needed his special treatment. Kevin was holding me and I savored the feel of his naked skin against mine. I snuggled closer to him. "So my sweetie is awake," Kevin mumbled in his sleepy sexy voice. I nodded. "How are you feeling Babe?" he asked softly as his lips graced my bare shoulder. Than it hit me. Tyler was dead. But I didn't have any more tears to shed. That scared me a little. I was so used to waking up knowing that Tyler was there ready to be naughty and cute. He was always getting into something. I smiled when I thought about all the cute things that he did. I looked down at my hands and suddenly realized that I would never hold my son again.

"Hey Baby," Kevin said again. "Please talk to me sweetie."

"Better than yesterday," I mumbled. "But I'm still the father of dead son." Sighing I climbed out of bed and shuffled into the bathroom and turned on the shower and got it as hot as I could stand and climbed in. Kevin was right behind me and immediately started to massage my shoulders and neck. "MMMMM," I moaned out. "I'll give you a thousand years to stop." I leaned against him and felt his erection against my leg. "Some one is awake," I giggled as I turned around and gently took a hold of his cock. My son might be dead but I still was a horny little shit. And I think that Tyler would want me to be happy. And for some reason thinking that made it a little better.

"You don't need to do this Matt," he groaned out.

"But I want to do this," I smiled as I knelt down in front of by baby. I took Kevin's cock into my mouth and started to suck on it. Kevin gently but firmly pulled me off of his cock and I looked up at him confused.

"Not like this Baby," he said softly. "Not here. I want to get you home and make love to you properly." I nodded in agreement. Yes I was disappointed but Kevin was right. It was at this time that my stomach decided to let me know that I was hungry. He laughed softly. "So you are hungry." I nodded and bent down to kiss his nipple. "Matt," he scolded me. "Not for that. You need real food!" We finished cleaning up and got dressed in sweats and padded out into the living area. I was pleased to see JC and Nick. I also noticed that Nick was snatching his hand away from JC. I sighed and took Nick's hand and placed it back in JC's hand. JC grinned widely and snuggled up to Nick. Nick blushed and looked down.

"Hey JC," I said grinning. "You all want to tell me something?"

"Umm Nick needed some company and I um was here and one thing led to another and we talked forever last night and we decided to um go out," JC stammered. He was so cute that I had to bust up laughing. Than it dawned on me and I started to pout. JC leaned forward and licked me behind my ear and I'll be dammed if I didn't purr like Kevin. Kevin and Nick and JC busted up laughing. "Don't worry about your fantasy," JC said in a seductive voice. "We can still do it." I blushed a million shades of red and quickly latched onto Kevin. "You know you want me!" he giggled. I buried my head in Kevin's chest. I could tell he was laughing softly.

"Hey!" I yelled at him. Kevin was looking at me with this innocent look on his face. "You stop laughing at me!"

"I'm sorry sweetie but you are so cute when you are blushing," Kevin giggled.

"Well it is his fault!" I said pointing at a grinning JC. By this time the bell boy decided to make his appearance. Kevin got up and opened the door and paid the bell boy his tip and wheeled the breakfast cart in. I waited until the rest of the guys got their food and got up to get mine but Kevin pulled me down. I looked at him funny and he laid me in his lap and started feeding me his breakfast. I started to resist but he shook his head no. He than put a piece of bacon in his mouth and the other end in mine. We met in the middle sharing the piece of bacon. We heard gagging noises from JC and Nick. I sat up and Kevin looked a little disappointed. We finished our breakfast and than packed our things and headed down stairs to meet the car. I was not looking forward to the flight home.

(See if you guys and gals can follow me! Because it is really going to get confusing right about now!)

From Kevin's point of view.

"I wonder where Matt is?" Nick asked me after we left the bedroom after our talk. I shrugged my shoulders and trotted down the stairs.

"Have you seen Mr. Whitewater?" I asked Brad.

"No sir I haven't seen him in the last hour. The last place I saw him was the east patio," Brad said pointing in the direction of the patio. I headed out the French doors and walked out onto the patio. I relished the feeling of the warm early morning sun on my face. I frowned when I heard a whimper. I turned in the direction of the whimper and saw my sweetie laying on the lounge chair. I smiled at first at the sight of him napping. But my smile turned into a frown.

"Tyler," he sobbed out in his sleep. "Don't leave me Tyler." I quickly went to his side and took his hand.

"Matt honey," I said softly. He moaned again and fresh tears came flowing from his eyes staining his angelic features. "Matt!" I said louder. His eyes popped open and he clung to me shaking violently. "Please honey what is it?" I asked worried. "Did you have a bad dream?"

"Tyler," he sobbed out. "He is dead."

"Matt honey," I said with some force. "Tyler is not dead." He looked at me confused. "Were you having a dream?" He shook his head and stood up and looked around frantically. "Matt Honey, please let me know what I can to help."

"Do you have your phone with you?" he demanded. I nodded. "Call Brian and let me talk to him."

"But why do you want to talk to him?" I asked.

"Just call him!" he shouted at me. I quickly got my phone out and dialed Brian's number. I waited until he answered.

"Brian," I said into the phone. I could hear him sigh. "Matt wants to talk to you."

"What if I don't want to talk to him?" Brian demanded.

"It's important!" I shouted.

"OK put fag boy on the line," Brian sassed. I handed the phone to Matt.

"Brian?" he asked. "What is Tyler doing?"

"I sent his ass to his room for not eating his breakfast," Brian retorted.

"Follow him!" Matt ordered. "Make sure he doesn't go into your office."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Brian shouted into the phone. Just than he heard the breaking of glass. "What the hell?"

Matt heard it too. "Brian, get your ass in your office now!" Brian took off running down the hall and into his office.

"Tyler no!" he shouted as he grabbed the brass eagle from the three year old and pulled him away from the glass trophy case just before it came crashing to the floor. Tyler was crying and clinging to Brian as Brian carried him to the chair and sat down and hugged him close. "Tyler baby," he soothed. "What were you thinking? You could've really hurt yourself."

"I don't care!" Tyler wailed out. "You hate my Daddy and wont let me go home to him!"

"Brian?" demanded Matt on the other end of the phone. "Brian what is going on?" Brian picked up the phone.

"Everything is fine Matt," Brian said into the phone. "Tyler is right here, a little upset but he is fine.

"What happened?" Matt demanded.

"I came in just as Tyler was smashing my trophy case and managed to pull him away before it came crashing down around him," Brian said cringing from the anticipated response. Instead all he heard was sobbing on the other end. Brian looked down at the frightened and crying child in his arms and listen to the crying father on the other end. "This has to stop," he said to him self. "Matt can you please give the phone back to Kevin."

"Can I talk to Tyler?" he pleaded with Brian.

"After I talk to Kevin, I promise," Brian said. Matt sighed and handed the phone back to me. I took the phone and sat down next to my sobbing lover.

"Brian what just happened?" I asked.

"Tyler almost was seriously hurt," Brian said in a shaky voice. "If you hadn't of called Tyler could've been killed."

"Brian," I said softly. "This is going to far. Someone is going to get hurt or killed. This has to stop."

"I know Kevin, I'm flying up to you guys with Tyler," Brian said. "I'm not going to fight this anylonger." I breathed a huge sigh of relief. "As soon as I can get a flight I'm bringing Tyler home to his daddy where he belongs."

I looked down to see that Matt had fallen asleep again. "Brian, Matt has finally calmed down and has fallen asleep. I'm going to get him up to our room. We will be expecting you." After hanging up with Brian I looked down at Matt. I could tell the difference right away. He was still sad but he was getting better. I leaned down and picked him up and carried him up to our room and laid him back in bed and covered him up. I looked at the clock and headed out of the room.

Three hours later.

Brian came walking into the mansion carrying Tyler in his arms. Tyler was asleep in Brian's arms. "How was the flight?" I asked.

"It was ok," Brian said sadly. "I hate to give this little guy up he is a great kid."

"I know he is," I sighed. "But he misses and needs his Daddy so much." I reached out and stroked the child's face. A huge surge of emotion raged through me as I realized that I would do anything for this little boy. "Matt is still sleeping."

"It is passed two in the afternoon," Brian commented.

"Yea well I kinda wore him out last night," I blushed.

"Well why don't we just put Tyler in bed with him. I think it would be nice if they woke up together," Brian suggested. I held out my arms for the child. "No Kevin," he said with tears in his eyes. "I started this whole mess I think I should be the one who finishes it." I nodded and went ahead of Brian to our room. When I got in I had to giggle a little. Matt had moved over to my side of the bed and was sleeping peacefully. I watched as Brian laid Tyler in bed next Matt and covered him up. Than I watched as Tyler snuggled up to his daddy and than promptly stuck his thumb in his mouth. Brian gave a little gasp. "He hasn't done that since I took him from Matt." Tears flowed down his face and I pulled him into a hug. "God Kevin," he sobbed into my shoulder. "I'm a monster! I took him from the only family he has ever known!" I guided him out of the room and down the stairs and into the living room.

"We need to talk," I said as I wiped the tears from his face.

From Matt's point of view.

I woke up and suddenly realized that I had someone sleeping in bed with me. I looked down and saw an angle sleeping in bed with me. "Tyler?" I asked softly. He moaned softly and opened his eyes and looked up at me with his sleepy innocent eyes.

"Daddy?" he asked sleepily. I took him into my arms and held him close. I could feel him sobbing against me. I let it out too. Soon we were both bawling our eyes out. "Daddy," he asked as he sniffled loudly wiping his nose with his sleeve. I had to laugh softly at the childlike move. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Tyler," I smiled down at him.

"Where is Kevin?" he asked. "I wanna see Kevin."

"Well why don't we go see where he is?" I smiled as I climbed out of bed and took Tyler's hand and led him down stairs to the living room. I could hear Brian talking in the living room. I opened the door to see Kevin holding Brian in his arms. Tyler saw Kevin and took off running towards him. Kevin looked down to see Tyler standing there looking up at him.

"Hey Tyler," he said grinning. Tyler held up his arms and Kevin bent down and picked him up. Tyler wrapped his little arms around Kevin's neck. "I missed you so much little buddy."

"I missed you to Kevin," Tyler smiled. Brian sat down in a chair and he looked down. I chose this moment to motion him outside of the room. He came out but I could tell he wasn't happy about it.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I was putting three people I care about through hell," Brian said. "I almost caused him to get hurt today. I never in my wildest dream wanted that to happen to him."

"You caused us all a lot of pain and hurt Brian," I said as I walked to the bar and poured me a shot of whiskey. "I'm not sure I am ready to forgive you for that."

"I understand that you are still angry at me and I wouldn't blame you if you hated me for the rest of your life. But you have to understand I didn't mean to hurt that little boy. When I saw the glass breaking I saw my self dying. I couldn't bear to live with my self if I had killed Tyler."

I sat down and looked out the window. Brian had done a horrible thing. I should be so angry at him. But I wasn't that type of person. I looked at his face and looked deep into his eyes. I saw a good man. A man who loved Tyler with all of his heart and that man would never intentionally put Tyler in harms way. But he did, he ripped Tyler away from Kevin and I. That hurt me more than anything in the world. He could've raped me and it wouldn't have hurt as much as it did when I saw him drive away with my son. "I can still see my son staring back at me on that day. I can't get that sight out of my head. I can't get that feeling of hopelessness out of my head," I sobbed. "You stole my son from me! How the hell am I supposed to forgive that?" I shouted at him.

"I'm not asking for forgiveness. All I am asking you to do is understand. I didn't want that little boy hurt. I didn't see how much Kevin loved you. I didn't see how much that little boy depended on you. All I saw is that I couldn't have children and Tyler was a chance for me to be a father. I thought I could be a better father than you could," Brian sobbed out. "I love that little guy in there."

"And for that I am grateful," I said sighing. "I do have one question. Why the hell did you recruit Justin?"

"You really don't like him do you?" Brian asked.

"I know I am supposed to Christian and not hate people but Justin is just about the only person I have ever really hated."

"What about me?" Brian asked. Tears welled up in my eyes as the realization hit me. I didn't hate Brian.

"You know something Brian?" I asked. He looked up at me with hopeful eyes. "You were always there for Tyler when he needed you. I mean when I was first in the group you helped me get free of that abusing bastard James. Than you helped me with Tyler. So no, I have never hated you. You broke my heart. I really liked you. I wanted to be your friend and it tore me up when you repaid my friendship and trust by stealing my son." Brian had buried his head in his hands sobbing. I looked at him and my heart went out to him. I sat beside him and wrapped my arms around and held him. He only cried harder and sobbed over and over that he was sorry. I did the only thing I could. I took his chin and pulled his head up and looked into his blue eyes. "Our Lord once said that you should leave your gift at the altar and go and forgive your brother. So Brian, I forgive you." He bowed his head again and started sobbing again. I gathered him up in my arms again and held him close and let him cry. I didn't even see my sweetie standing there with Tyler on his shoulder. I jumped when he laid his hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see him smiling down at us.

"Daddy," he said grinning. "Tyler would like to spend some time with you." Tyler struggled out of Kevin's arms and climbed into my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck. I smiled my thanks to Kevin. He nodded and took Brian's hand and led him away. I looked down at Tyler.

"So what do you think of your new home?" I asked bending down and kissing the top of his head.

"It is big!" he said very seriously. I threw back my head and busted up laughing. "Well it is!"

"Yes son you are right it is very big," I smiled. A shadow passed in front of us. I looked to see Brad standing there. "Brad, I would like you to meet Tyler, my son."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Master Tyler," Brad said formally. Tyler scrunched up his nose in confusion.

"Umm why did you call me Master?" He asked.

"You are my boss," Brad said calmly. I could tell by the corners of his lips that he was holding back his laugh.

"You don't have to call me Master Tyler," Tyler said back.

"Oh no sir, that would not be proper," Brad said. Turning to me, "Sir Dinner will be served in a half an hour. How many will be in attendance?"

"Kevin, myself, Tyler, Mr. Litteral and Nick Carter," I said counting them on my fingers.

"Very good sir," he said bowing a little at the waist and than turning to leave. Soon I had Tyler all to myself again so we decided to go snooping. The first place we went was the play room. There was a pool table and wide screen television set with surround sound. There was also Playstation two that was currently occupied by Nick. Tyler saw him and let out a squeal and jumped into Nick's lap scaring Nick to death. Tyler busted up laughing when he saw the look on Nick's face. So Nick did the only logical thing. He started tickling Tyler causing him to squeal with laughter. I sat back and listen to the him laughing and tears came to my eyes again. I was happy.

"You want some company?" Kevin asked. I scooted over and he sat next to me. I leaned over and kissed him on his lips and slid my tongue into his mouth. He let out a small moan as he pushed me into the cushions of the soft sofa. I could tell he was horny as hell. I gently pushed him off.

"Later tiger," I smirked at him as I gently squeezed his crotch. He let out a whimper an the cutest pout I had ever seen. I kissed his pouty lips and stood up and grabbed his hand and tapped Nick on the shoulder. He looked up and grinned at me. Tyler was busy trying to work the controls. Nick had lost the game a long time ago and he was letting Tyler play now. Of Course Tyler really didn't know what to do but he was having fun. It was so good to see him smiling again.

"Is Brian joining us for dinner?" I asked Kevin. He nodded. "You two have a talk?" Again he nodded. "Did you work every thing out?"

"We have a lot of harsh feelings to work out before we will ever be as close as we were before," Kevin said frowning. I could tell that he was still very angry with his cousin.

"We all have a lot of stuff to work through Kevin, and we will do it together," I said as I pulled him close.

"Dinner is served," Brad said at the doorway. We all filed into the dining room and sat down to eat. I busted up laughing when Tyler looked at his plate.

"Do I have to eat this?" he asked scrunching up his nose as he picked at the piece of fish and broccoli on his plate. "Yucky!" Kevin chocked back his laughter and I gave him a scolding look.

"Yes Tyler you have to eat that!" I said trying not to laugh.

"What is it?" he asked frowning at it.

"It is called fish!" I said as I took a bite of it. Tyler was right. It was yucky. "And it is good for you," I said as I grabbed a glass of water to wash the bad taste out of my mouth. Kevin took a bite and looked at me and mouthed.

"You have got to be kidding!" That was it I lost it and started to laugh as I pushed the plate away from me.

"You are right Tyler," I said taking his plate and moved it to the center of the table. "It is yucky! What do you say to pizza?" Tyler's eyes got real big and he nodded. "Good, Brad!" I shouted.

"Yes sir," he said formally.

"Take this away. It is unsastifactory," I said formally. A look of fright crossed over his face and he made no move to remove the plates. "Did you hear me Brad?" He nodded. "Well than please do as I request and take this back to the kitchen."

"Umm no," he said shaking his head.

"What?" I yelped. I could hear snickers across the room. I gave everyone the glare of death. Turning back to Brad. "I gave you an order. I'm not used to my orders being refused!" Again I heard Kevin snicker. I kicked him under the table.

"OUCH!" he yelled at me.

"Did you hear me Brad?" I demanded. I would apologies to Kevin later. "Take this food back into the kitchen and tell Cook that it is not sastifactory." Again the look of fright. Poor Brad looked like he was going to pass out. "Explain yourself!"

"Umm Cook is really protective about her meals. If I take that back into the kitchen there is no telling what she will do to me," Brad said as he backed out of the room. Kevin was snickering and Tyler was giggling too.

"Well we will just see about that!" I muttered as I picked up the plates and headed into the kitchen. I heard Kevin say,

"This should be fun," He mumbled. I turned and said.

"She must be put in her place. I'm the boss of the house she has to follow my orders," I said as I walked into the kitchen.

From Kevin's point of view.

CRASHHHH! That would be cook. I heard Matt yelling and than I heard some more crashing of dishes. Than I watched as Matt burst through the doors.

"Ok so I'm the boss of the house and Cook rules the Kitchen," Matt said as he wiped the food off his shirt. I was laughing so hard that I had tears running down my face. Tyler was laughing too along with Nick and Brian. "Brad!" Matt shouted. Brad walked through the door holding the phone. "Thank you." Matt said. "Umm what is the number to the nearest Pizza place?"

Chapter 14

Ride you all night long!

Later I pushed Matt into our bedroom. He looked shocked as I started to rip off his clothes. "Umm we are in a little rush here?" he asked grinning.

"Uh huh," I said as I reached for his belt. Just as I got a hold of it he moved away.

"What no hugs or kisses or anything?" teased Matt. That was it I tackled him pinning him to the bed. I ground my crotch into his and pressed my lips to his. I could feel his hardness too so I knew he was just as horny as I was. I finally got a hold of his belt and pulled it off. Than I pulled his pants off in one pull. I managed to pull off his boxers too. I looked down at my baby laying there all naked with his erection standing straight up. "Umm now what?" he asked with that cocky little grin. I buried my face into his crotch and engulfed his cock in one gulp. "Ooooooohhhhh GOD!" he growled out. He started to thrust in and out of my mouth really hard. I didn't mind the rough treatment because I knew he was going to get the same treatment from me. "You like that?" he hissed at me as he rammed in and out of me. "You're a good cock sucker aren't you Kevin?" Oh God he was talking dirty and man did it turn me on. "I'm gonna shoot my load down your fucking throat. You like drinking my cum don't you?" I nodded as he shoved in again. He pulled out and slapped my face with his cock and I tried to catch but he kept it away from me. "Or maybe I'll just jerk off and shoot my fucking load all over your face!" he rasped as he started to jerk himself off. I let out a whimper as I tried to get it back. He finally took pity on me and shoved his cock back down my throat. A few seconds later he blasted his load down my throat. I of course happily swallowed every drop. After he calmed down from his orgasm I turned the tables on him. I grabbed him by the shoulders and pinned him down to the mattress.

From Matt's point of view.

"So you want to play rough do you?" demanded Kevin as he pulled his pants off. He was so hard that I thought he was going to explode. "I'm gonna ride you all night long baby!" He grabbed my ankles and shoved all 7.5 inches into me. The pain was intense but I enjoyed it. I tried to scream but his lips came crushing down on top of mine. His rock hard body slamming in and out of mine. I was in lust induced trance concentrating on only the feeling of my lover fucking me like some cheap whore. His eyes wild with lust he bit down on my shoulder. I cried out in pain and bit him back. Just as I was sure he was going to explode inside of me he stopped. I groaned in frustration and he just laughed at me. "Oh you think it is going to be that easy don't you?" I licked my lips and tried to get him started by pushing up with my hips trying to drive his cock back into me. When the didn't work I growled at him. "Oh so you think that is going to work?" he laughed at me. "Well think again lover boy." I tried to grab his hips by my hands but he laid down on top of me pinning my wrists to the bed. I felt the cold hard steel of handcuffs snap into place. I whimpered as I struggled to get free. He just grinned and kissed me on the nose. I growled again at him. "Ok my angry little puppy," he giggled softly. He slammed back into me and the pain and pleasure raged through my body causing me to tremble at every thrust. I could tell that Kevin was getting close. "Here it cums baby," he rasped as he pulled out and aimed his cock at my face and showered me with his cum. I groaned loudly as the first spurt hit me in the face. He kept shooting and shooting until I was sure that my face was covered in his cum. Finally he fell down beside me breathing hard. The smell of his cum was overpowering and I soon found that I had another raging hardon. I let out a small whimper and he sat up and looked at me. "Ohh God do you realize how sexy you look right now?" He bent down with a towel and cleaned off his cum than he moved down to my cock and slid it into his mouth and sucked me to another mindblowing orgasm.

Five minutes later I was still handcuffed to the bed. "Umm sweetie?" I asked in a soft voice.

"Umm hmmm," mumbled Kevin. He had fallen asleep! Ok so this was interesting. How was I going to get out of these handcuffs.

"Kevin!" I shouted. He just rolled over and mumbled in his sleep. So I did the next best thing. I kicked him out of the bed.

"What the hell did you do that for?" asked a very confused Kevin.

"Umm you kinda fell asleep and um I'm kinda still in these hand cuff thingies," I said apologetically. Kevin busted up laughing as he retrieved the keys from the bedside stand removed the cuffs from me. He frowned at the bite barks on my shoulder.

"I hurt you baby," he said sadly.

"Well don't feel to bad I did the same to you," I giggled out. I also saw him wrinkle his nose at our smell. "Umm maybe we should change the sheets and take a shower?" He nodded and we got busy and changed the sheets. Why not let Brad do it? Are you kidding? And let him know what kind of sex life I lead. Oh wait a minute he already knows. Hell the whole house knows by now. I am not a quiet love maker by any means. Any way back to the story. After our shower we climbed back into bed and snuggled for a while. Kevin decided at that point that he wanted to talk. I wanted to sleep and he wanted to talk. I tried to stay awake really I did. I mean I love the sound of his voice after we make love. It is a little deeper and softer than usual. It is sooooooo sexy!

"So any way I think that we should--," Kevin said looking down at me. I had passed out. "Ok sweetie," he giggled as he pulled me closer to him and pulled the blankets up around us. "You go ahead and sleep."

From Kevin's point of view

I watched my lover sleep for the longest time. I marveled at the way he could just drop off to sleep. After we made love it was always the same. He always crashed off and I wanted to talk. I had to admit he looked really cute laying there with his hair still damp from the shower. I heard a light tap on the door and looked up to see Nick standing there. I carefully untangled myself from Matt's grip and shuffled out of the room.

"Hey Nick," I said softly. "What is on your mind?"

"Tyler can't sleep," he said. "He wants to sleep with Matt." I nodded and padded off to Tyler's room and picked him up and carried him to our room and laid him down beside Matt. Tyler snuggled closer to his daddy and closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. I looked up to see Nick still standing there. "You are so lucky," he mumbled. I saw that his eyes were getting moist. I gently guided him out of the room and down the stairs and into the living room. Brad was still up dusting and cleaning.

"What is on your mind Nick?" I asked. He looked over at Brad and than back down to his hands. "You and Brad got something going on?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Nick that is not an answer!"

"Well he asked me for coffee after he closes down the house," Nick mumbled.

"Well what are you going to do about it?" I asked. Again he shrugged his shoulders. "He is the hired help Nick!" I said a little forcefully.

"So was Matt!" Nick hurled at me. "And that didn't stop you!"

"Ok I had that coming," I said with my head hung low. "I just don't want you getting hurt."

"I won't get hurt Kevin," Nick said looking at Brad's ass as he bent over to pick up a toy that Tyler had left down stairs. Nick licked his lips and grinned.

"He is a hottie isn't he?" I teased Nick.

"Yea he is cute all right," Nick said blushing. "And he likes our music."

"Well that is always a plus," I laughed. "But there is something about him that I can't place. I don't trust him." Ok remind me to keep my mouth shut next time I try to help my friends.

"What is it about you Kev?" Nick hurled at me. "Are you the only one that gets to be happy? I mean I deserve to be happy too!"

"I know you do Nick. But I can't shake the feeling that I've seen Brad before, and the vibes I'm getting from him are not good ones." I said laying a hand on Nick's shoulder. He wrenched himself away.

"Fuck you Kevin!" he hissed at me. "I'm gonna be with Brad if he will let me and there is nothing you can do about it!"

"Nick," I called after him. "I just don't want you to get hurt is all."

"Don't worry Kevin," he shouted over his shoulder. "I can take care of myself!" I shook my head as I watched him go up to Brad and whisper something in his ear. Brad smiled and blushed and looked down. Nick walked back upstairs leaving me to ponder what we had discussed. Sighing I headed over the bar and poured myself a rather large drink.

"You know that is not going to help," said a voice behind me. I turned around and smiled.

"Well when did you decide to show up?" I asked as I took a huge swig of brandy.

"I just got lonely is all and decided to come bug you is all," said JC as he poured himself a drink too. "And I'm on a mission to get Justin reinstated."

"Matt is not going to go along with this," I said shaking my head. "He really hates Justin for his part in all of this."

"But doesn't he have Tyler back?" JC asked frowning. "I mean he did welcome Brian back."

"Whoa whoa wait a minute," I said holding up my hand. "Brian and Matt have a long way to go before all is forgiven. And no he hasn't given Brian back his contract yet. And I really don't know if he is going to do that."

"But you can talk to him can't you?" JC pressed me. I sighed and sat down. "Come on Kev, I mean you do sleep with the guy."

"Don't you dare use our realationship to get what you want!" I hurled at him. "I will not interfere with his business!"

"What if his business interferes with ours?" JC shouted at me. "I mean he is fucking with all of our lives. When he kicked Justin out of Nsync and Brian out of the Backstreet Boys he killed out careers!" Ok so he was making sense.

"I'll talk to him about it tomorrow," I sighed taking another drink.

"Good I knew I could count on you!" JC said with a grin. "Umm do think he will mind if I crash here?"

"Of course not JC," I said smiling. "You know you are always welcome here." With that JC headed up to the guest wing and left me down stairs. I was not tired. Try as I might I couldn't sleep. I picked up the phone and dialed a number. It picked up on the fifth ring.

"Hello?" asked a sleepy females voice.

"Mom?" I asked into the receiver. "You got a minute to talk?"

The next morning I felt a tugging on my arm. I pulled my arm back under the covers. Than I felt a pair of small fingers prying my eyelids open and a smiling Tyler looked down at me. "Come on Kevin!" he demanded. "I want to get up!" I sighed and sat up and looked over at Matt. I frowned when I heard him coughing. It would seem that he was catching cold. I bent down and kissed him on the top of the head.

"I don't want to get up to go to school mom," he mumbled in his sleep. I chuckled and picked up Tyler and headed down stairs. I met Brad changing the flowers again in the vases. I also noticed that he was walking a little funny. I smirked as I walked by. It seems that Brad was a victim of Nick's ways.

"What do you want to do?" I asked Tyler. He shrugged his shoulders. "I know, have you ever watched the sun rise?" He shook his head no. "Well than there is first time for everything." We headed out to the east patio to watched the Sun rise. It was chilly so I made sure that Tyler was wearing his jacket. I sat down on the bench and he sat next to me.

"Kevin?" he asked in a very serious voice.

"Yes Buddy?" I asked looking down at him.

"Umm will you be my other Daddy?" he asked quietly. My heart stood still and tears came to my eyes.

"Umm wow," I stuttered out. "Umm I don't know what to say."

"I really like you and I want you to marry my Daddy!" he demanded. I chocked back a laugh for it was very plain that Tyler had put a lot of thought into this.

"I would be honored to be your "Other Daddy," I said as I pulled him closer.

"Thank you Pappa," he said. I looked at him funny and he busted up laughing. "I have to call you Pappa, because if I called you daddy it would confuse everyone." Now I did laugh at his concentration in the use of the word confuse.

"That is a big word there Tyler," I said messing up his hair.

"Brian has been helping me," Tyler said as he snuggled closer to me.

"You know if I marry your daddy and become your pappa Brian will be you uncle," I said . "Are you ok with that?"

"I like Brian," Tyler spoke up. "I just don't like him when he tries to keep me away from daddy." We were quiet for a while watching the sun rise. "Pappa?" he asked.

"Yes Tyler?" I asked back.

"How does the sun rise?" he asked looking up at me. I sighed as I realized at that very moment that my life would never be the same.

"Well you see Tyler," I started. "The sun really doesn't rise--," I started.

"Why do we call it sunrise than?" he asked. Oh boy this was getting diffilcult. Oh well here goes.

From Matt's point of view.

I woke up to an empty bed again. What is it with my men? Why can't they stay in bed with me long enough for me to wake up with them. I swung my self out of bed and stood up. I was hit with a huge wave of dizziness. I grabbed the bed post to steady myself. AS I did I took stock of myself. My rear end hurt. That was explainable and I grinned as I thought about last night. Oh yea, I was taking stock of my self. My head hurt, my nose was running and I had cough. Yep! I was catching a cold! Yuck! I hate colds. I put on a pair of sweats not really paying attention to them. I reached the top of the stairs when I realized that I was wearing Kevin's. Now there is something you should know about me. I'm much shorter than Kevin. So I was swimming in his sweats. But I really didn't mind because now I was wearing Kevin smell. I snuggled deeper into them and trotted down the stairs. Passing Brad I noticed that he was walking funny. "Hmmm I wonder?" I thought to myself. "Nahhhh," said to myself pushing the thought out of my head. I rounded the corner that led to the east patio and a beautiful sight greeted me. There sitting on the bench watching the sun rise was a very adorable shaggy haired toddler. And sitting right next to him was an incredibly good looking equally shaggy haired stud my Kevin. I reached for the door handle.

"Wait a few minutes," Nick's voice startled me. I looked back to see him seated in a chair with a charcoal pencil in his hand and sketch book. "Give me just a few more minutes to rough sketch them." I nodded and continued to watch them in silence. I could see that they were deep in a conversation. I could tell that Tyler was firing questions at poor Kevin as quick as he could answer them. Than it happened. The sun came peaking over the horizon and Tyler jumped up and started squealing and pointing. I looked back at Nick. "Go ahead, I'm done," he smiled as he put his sketch book down and headed off to God knows where. I opened the door and stepped out.

"There it is!" shouted Tyler. Kevin chuckled as he reached up and messed up his hair. "Wow that is so neat Pappa!"

"Pappa?" I yelped out. They both spun around to see who had interrupted them. Kevin smiled when he saw me. Tyler came running over to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me to the benck.

"We watched the sun rise!" he said as he climbed up in my lap. I laid my head on Kevin's shoulder and we watched the sun rise together.

"You want to tell me why you are now called Pappa?" I asked Kevin.

"Umm Tyler asked me to be his "Other Daddy," Kevin said looking into my eyes. "I um told him that if it is all right with you I would be honored too."

"Can he daddy?" asked an excited Tyler.

"Well I don't know son," I drawled teasing Kevin. "He is kinda old."

"Hey!" yelped Kevin. "I'm not that old!" I reached up and pulled his head to mine and rubbed noses with him. Can't have my sweetie catching my cold now can we.

"Ok if he is a good boy he can be your other Daddy," I giggled. Kevin lightly punched me in the shoulder. "Not off to a good start Dad!" I teased him again. It was at this point when I started to cough. Kevin frowned at me and touched my forehead with the back of his hand.

"You're burning up sweetie," he said as he kissed my forehead. "You should be in bed." I shook my head and headed into the house. "But Matt," Kevin said in a scolding voice. "You are sick and sick people belong in bed."

"It is just a cold Kevin," I sighed as I walked into the dinning room. Grabbing a plate I walked up the buffet table and started to put food on my plate. JC and Brian and Nick were already feeding their faces.

"I'm worried about you Matt," Kevin pushed. "You have a fever too." I sighed and looked at him and my heart melted when I saw the love and concern written all over his face.

"Ok I'll go to bed after I make a couple of phone calls after breakfast," I said as I sat down.

"Can't they wait?" asked Kevin.

"Yea Matt," JC piped up. "You really need to take care of yourself."

"These calls won't wait," I said stubbornly.

"What is so important that you need to work when you're sick," Kevin grumbled. I smiled at his thoughtfulness.

"Brian and Justin's careers for one," I said. I heard two forks hit the plates. That would be Brian's and JC's. "I'm reinstating their contracts and I expect them both to be back in the recording studio doing what they do best!"

"Yes sir!" Brian said with a grin on his face.

"And Brian," I said looking hard at him. "You ever pull something like this again and I will bury you so deep that they will never find the body!" He nodded and decided that it was best if he didn't say anything. But leave it to Tyler to liven up the mood.

"So does this mean Uncle Brian is gonna be in the Shape of My Heart guys again?" he asked looking up at me.

"Uncle Brian?" yelped Brian.

"Umm should you tell him sweetie?" I asked Kevin.

OK so that is it. Tyler lives!!!!!! I decided that Tyler was just to big for the storyline to kill off. Hey! I'm the author so I get to tell the story any way I want!

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Next: Chapter 7: Get Another Boyfriend 15 16

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