Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Sep 11, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part Two

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advise are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

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"I got it!" I called as I opened the door. "Dianne!" I exclaimed as I held the door opened. "When did you get in?"

"Cut the crap Kevin!" Dianne hurled at me. "I got a call from Matt, something about you committing him?"

"Why don't you sit down," I said softly. "This is going to take a while." Dianne reluctantly sat down as I explained to her about Matt's condition. Brian and Leo were there to collaborate everything for me. After I finished Dianne sat there with a shocked look on her face.

"So what you are saying is Matt isn't Matt anymore but this Mark Whitecastle?" Dianne asked. I nodded. "Well that would explain why he was so desperate to get me on his side. It is obvious that he is trying to destroy Matt's family. What could've brought this on?"

"We don't know," I said leaning forward. "You were close to the family, right?" She nodded. "Did anything happen that could've shattered Matt's personality."

"Not that I know of," Dianne started. "Oh wait a minute, oh no that can't be."

"What?" I pushed. "If there is something in Matt's past that can help us please tell us."

"Matt's brother," Dianne said softly. I heard Leo take a sudden breath in as if he remembered too. I looked at Leo. "But Mark died when he was just five."

"Wait a minute!" I stood up as I walked over to the window. "Matt had a brother?"

"A twin brother," Dianne replied. "He died tragically in a swimming pool accident. Matt blamed himself for years."

"How did he die?" I asked. Dianne eyes shifted uncomfortably. "I need to know!"

"It is really not in my--," Dianne started.

"Dammit Dianne!" I shouted at her. "That monster has control over my husband. Now tell me what you know!"

"Ok but I warn you," Dianne replied reluctantly. "This is not a pretty story."

"Tell me!" I urged her.

"Well it all begun on Matt's and Mark's fifth birthday," Dianne started.

Flash back.

"I'm so exited about our birthday!" Matt exclaimed clapping his hands together. "What do you think we will get?"

"I'm hoping for an Atari game system!" Mark exclaimed clapping his hands too.

"I want a bike!" Matt threw in. "I want to ride a big bike! I'm tired of the baby bike I have."

"You wanna go swimming?" Mark asked as he headed for the pool.

"Mamma said not to go near the pool," Matt said with a scared look on his face.

"You are such a scardy cat!" Mark teased him as he trotted through the gate and jumped into the pool.

"Mark Mark!" Matt shouted as he ran towards him. "Get out! We are going to get in trouble." Just then the motor that ran the pool cover started to run. The black pool cover started to slide over the pool.

"Matt Matt!" screamed Mark as he tried to out swim the fast approaching pool cover. "Help me help me!"

"Mommy mommy!" screamed Matt as he ran into the house. "Mark is in the pool! Stop stop!"

End Flash back.

"When she found out that Mark was trapped under the cover she tried to open it but it stuck. Two hours later when they finally it got it open Mark was dead," Dianne related as she wiped a tear from her eye. "Matt was devastated by Mark's death. He always said that Mark would come back and get him back for not saving him."

"And in his mind Mark Whitecastle was born," I said softly as I wiped a tear from my eye. "Do the doctors know of this?"

"I don't think so," Dianne said.

"Well we need to get this information to his doctor," I said as I grabbed her hand and we headed out the house and climbed into my car and headed for the clinic.

From Matt's point of view.

"Mattie!" taunted Mark. "Mattie!"

"Shut up and leave me alone!" I hurled at him.

"Guess who is coming to visit me?" Mark taunted in my head. "Dianne, Tyler's mother. And guess what she is going to do?"

"She is not going to side with you ass wipe!" I sassed him.

"Yes she is!" Mark screamed at me. "She is going to convince the doctors that I am well and they are going to release me and than we are going to steal Tyler away from that faggot husband of yours!"

"No!" I screamed. "You are never going to get away with it! I'll find away to stop you!"

"Go ahead and try!" Mark taunted. "I'm in control now. And there is nothing you can do about it!" I sank down in to the depths of my mind and brought my knees up to my chest. I missed the feel of Kevin's strong arms around me. I missed the faint smell of his sweat mixed with his cologne. I missed his touch and his soft deep chuckle and soft feather kisses. The more I missed him the more depressed I got. I sat there for hours until Matt went to sleep. When he was asleep I walked through the memories that Kevin and I built during our short time together. I laughed at Tyler's little jokes that he would play on Kevin and I cried with sadness and aching when I realized that there was a good chance that I wouldn't be able to ever hold Kevin again. I finally gave into the darkness and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

From Mark's Point of View.

"Mark?" asked a deep soothing voice. I opened my eyes and groaned out loud. It was the faggot.

"What the hell do you want?" I hurled at him.

"I know," Kevin said in the same soothing voice.

"You know what?" I screamed at him. "Get out!"

"I know about the swimming accident," Kevin said softly. "Matt? Are you in there? Can you hear me?" I could feel Matt pushing. "Matt honey, it's me Kevin. Please baby, wake up, talk to me." Matt was pushing harder and finally he burst through the shell I had built.

"Kevin?" he asked in a small voice. "Is that you?"

"Yes baby," Kevin said with a smile. "Baby, I know."

"You know what?" Matt asked softly. I tried to get through the whole and regain control. Everything was crumbling around me.

"I know all about Mark, your twin brother baby," he said softly.

"Noooo," Matt wailed as he stumbled back. I took the chance and shoved myself forward and regained control.

"Baby," Kevin said in his sickening soothing voice. "It wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault that Mark died. It was an accident."

"Like hell it was!" I seethed as I turned away from Kevin. "He should've moved faster!" I angrily brushed tears of anger from my eyes. "And for that he must pay!"

"We have the key now," Kevin said smiling sadly. "And it is only a matter of time before we will use it to integrate you and Matt. I will have my Matt beside me again."

"Never!" I screamed as I rushed him. "Never!" I lashed out and hit Kevin in the head with my fist as hard as I could. I heard him moan in pain and fall to the ground. I took the chance and took off running out the door and down the hall. I saw the door closing to the outside and I dived through it just in time. "Never!" I screamed again. "I'm in control and I plan staying in control!" I spotted Kevin's car and jumped in behind the wheel and sped off. I drove until I was at the cliffs and only than did I stop the car. Getting out I stood up and looked out over the ocean. "Why?" I sobbed. "Why couldn't you have saved me?" I waited for Matt's voice to respond. "Wake up!" I screamed.

"What do you want?" Matt small and pathetic voice sounded in my head.

"They know!" I said as I looked frantically around. "They know about the swimming accident!"

"I know," Matt whimpered. "Kevin hates me now. I let my brother die and now he hates me!"

"Oh cut the melodrama crap!" I hissed. "I gotta come up with a new plan."

"Mark?" Matt asked softly.

"What?" I hissed back.

"Give up," Matt replied in a calm voice. "You're not going to win."

"Oh yes I am," I replied smugly. "And if I can't win than I am going to take you with me." I looked in the back seat of Kevin's car and smiled.

From Matt's point of view.

"Mark?" I asked. "What are you doing?" I saw his hand reached behind the seat and pull out a twelve pack of pepsi. "Mark, don't!"

"This is the only way," Mark giggled as he opened a can and tilted it back. The sweet sugar soda cascaded down my throat and I could feel my throat muscles swallowing. "You killed me all those years ago and forced me to live in your body! Well not anymore!" Mark said as he sat down on a rock. "Now we both die. And I will be free of you forever!"

"Mark," I said frantically. "Please, you've got to stop. I am a diabetic! I can't handle that much sugar!"

"Precisely," Mark giggled madly. "If you won't let me live than you can't either! Good bye cruel world!"

"NOOOOOOOO!" I screamed as he continued to guzzle the deadly soda pop.

From Kevin's point of view.

"Kevin?" a man's voice asked. I struggled to open my eyes. "Kevin!" I heard the snap of a glass vile and than a horrid smell drifted through my nostrils. I jerked awake.

"What--, where--?" I stammered looking around frantically.

"Mark has escaped," Dr. Jameson explained as he helped me up..

"Oh God no," I sobbed.

"We have a tail on them," Dr. Jameson said.

"Dr. Jameson," I said as I stood up. "I have to tell you about Matt's brother."

"I know all about him," Dr. Jameson interrupted. "Dianne filled me in on all the details. Kevin you shouldn't have confronted him like that."

"I was trying to help him," I defended myself.

"I understand that but the fact remains is this. Matt is very delicate right now. He has created this other personality to hide from the fact that he blames himself for his brother's death. He isn't ready to face it yet," Dr. Jameson explained. "You may have endangered his very life."

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"We find Matt," Dr. Jameson replied. "And we find him as fast as we can!"


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Next: Chapter 61: Get Another Boyfriend 3 3

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