Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Sep 15, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part Three

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advise are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

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And Now Part Three

"Kevin?" Brian asked as he walked up to me. "They found him."

"What?" I asked as I looked up at him. "They found who?" It had been almost two days since Mark had escaped. I was terrified that something had happened to Matt. Mark had not taken any insulin and had stolen my wallet. If Matt didn't take care of his sugar--, Well let's just say that it would be disastrous.

"Matt," Brian replied. "They found him. They have him at the hospital right now."

"Well what are we waiting for?" I jumped up and started to head for the door.

"Umm Kevin," Brian said with a small smile on his face.

"What?" I asked as I glared at my cousin.

"You might want to put on some clothes," Brian giggled. I looked down and saw that I was in my bathrobe. "And there is something you should know." Brian looked down as he struggled to find the words. "Ummm Matt is ummm--,"

"Spit it out Brian!" I ordered him.

"Matt is in a Diabetic Coma," Brian blurted out. "It appears that he drank an entire twelve pack of pepsi."

"Oh no," I sobbed as I crumbled to the floor. Brian was right beside me with his arms around me. "How bad is it?"

"He is on life support," Brian said softly. "They are not holding out much hope."

At the hospital.

I walked into the intensive care unit and saw my sweetie laying in the bed. He looked so pale and sickly. I sobbed when I saw him. I walked over to his bedside and ran my finger along the side of his face. "Oh baby, please come back to me." I heard the heart beat pick up a little and looked at his angelic face. His eye remained closed and he gave no sign of waking up.

"We have him on a insulin drip," a voice said behind me. "It is going to take a while for him to come out of this coma."

"But he will come out of it?" I asked as I clung to any hope that I had.

"I believe he will," Dr. Jameson replied. "And if we are lucky, Mark will be gone."

"How can you be sure?" I asked frowning.

"Usually it takes a traumatic event to happen to cause the dominate personality to reassert control. And it is possible that they will switch back and forth as one tried to assert control over the other," Dr. Jameson added. "Any way you look at it, it is going to mean a long recovery time."

"How long?" I asked as I took Matt's hand in mind.

"Months maybe years," Dr. Jameson replied. "I'll leave you alone with him for a few minutes." I was relieved that Dr. Jameson left. That meant I got to spend some quality time with my lover. I pulled up a chair and sat at his side.

From Matt's point of view.

"Hah!" I laughed at mark. "Your little plan didn't work!"

"Leave me alone!" Mark screamed at me. "This is going to work!"

"Wrong! I taunted him. It was fun watching him face the black space that surrounded us. When you are in a coma your mind retreats to a black area. You can move around and stuff. Watching my other personality pace was kind of fun. It meat that he was no longer in control. "Kevin is on the other side holding my hand! And there is nothing that you can do about it." Mark just glared at me for a while and stormed off. I could feel Kevin's hand on mine and I welcomed it. I longed to be awake and look into his loving eyes.

"He will never love you again!" Mark taunted whispering in my ear. "You were responsible for your brother's death. How can he love you?" I glared at him and trusted my love for Kevin. I saw an pin hole opening and started towards it. I felt Mark pulling me back. "Don't leave me!" he shouted. "I can't stand being alone!" I shrugged him off. Than I heard my brother's voice.

"Mattie," I looked back to see the five year old boy looking up at me. "Please don't leave me!" I shook my head and glared down at him.

"You are dead!" I hissed. He disappeared in a flash of light. And was replaced by Mark's evil face. I turned and continued towards the light.

"Stay!" he pleaded.

"My life is on the other side of the light," I said to him as I gazed up on his pathetic face. "My son, and my husband and his children are waiting for me. He let out a wail that shook me to the core but I kept on going. I finally reached the light and stepped through not looking back.

From Kevin's point of view.

The loud beeping of the respirator woke me from my cat nap. I jerked my head up and saw my sweetie's eyes open and he was trying to breath on his own. The respirator was throwing a fit because Matt was waking up. The door to his room flung open and the whole team of doctors and nurses came rushing in.

"Please step outside just for a few minutes," Dr. Jameson ordered me. I wanted to stay but left as requested. Once outside I ran into Brian, Leo and Nick and AJ.

"How is he?" Leo asked with concern written all over his face.

"he is coming out of his coma," I said breathing a sigh of relief. "The doctors are just making sure he is all right." Nick came up and gave me a hug followed by the rest of the guys.

"But is he him self?" Leo asked.

"I don't know," I replied. Just than the door open and Dr. Jameson popped his head out.

"Someone wants to see you," he said with a smile. In a flash I was in the room heading towards his bed. I needed to hold his hand, I needed to look into his beautiful blue eyes and needed to hold and feel his body against mine. The doctors and nurses saw me coming and it was like the parting of the red sea. Finally I was sitting on the side of the bed. I looked at him and he was holding his head down staring into his hands. I saw the tears flowing down his face.

"Matt?" I asked softly. He looked up at me and my heart broke. "I love you." I whispered, for there were no other words I could say. I held out my hand and he fell into my warm protective embrace. I shuddered when I came in contact with him. I heard him sob as he wrapped his arms around me. I cradled him as he sobbed so hard and so loud. I just kept holding him and telling him over and over again that I loved him. At some point I realized that the doctors and nurses had left and Brian and Leo and Nick and AJ were there. They had brought Tyler and the twins too. Tyler was in Nick's arms holding on to him for dear life. His little eyes wide as God knows what was raging through his little mind. Matt finally stopped sobbing and was quiet. "Matt honey?" I asked softly. "There are some people who really want to see you." Matt nodded and sat back and wiped his tears from his eyes. I of course helped. He looked around and smiled sheepishly at Brian and Leo and Nick and AJ. Tyler still clung to Nick's neck. I was starting to get worried about Nick for the tight grip that Tyler had on him.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked in a small voice. A sob escaped from Matt's throat as he nodded and held out his arms. Tyler scrambled down from Nick's grasp and was in Matt's arms in a flash. I watched as father and son hugged eachother. Matt was talking quietly to his son and Tyler was nodding and sniffling quietly. When he let out a small giggle I knew that everything was going to be all right. It was at that moment that Mattie decided that his older brother had hogged enough of Pappa's attention.

"Pappa!" he exclaimed clapping his little hands. Matt looked up at the beaming child in Brian's arm. "Pappa hug?" he asked putting his little lip out in a small pout. It was so adorable. Brian lowered Mattie into Matt's arms and Matt carefully drew the baby into his embrace. I thrilled at the sound of Mattie's little squeal of happiness. I reached for Kevie who giggled with glee when I took him in my arms and sat down and deposited him in Matt's lap too.

"My family," Matt said looking around the room. "I thought I would never see any of you again."

"Well now you are back and there is not getting rid of us," I smiled down at him as I rested my forehead on his. His eyes smiled up at me. "I love you," I whispered at him. I gently took his chin in my hand and guided his lips to mine. The touch was simple and chaste but the emotions that raged through that simple touch made my world come to an end. I heard Tyler making yucki noises and Kevie and Mattie copy Tyler. I laughed softly as I pulled back. "Later." I winked at him. He blushed and looked down. I quietly ushered the crowd out of the room and retreated back to Matt. He was just letting this huge yawn when I sat down next to him.

"You tired?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around him. He nodded as he laid his head on my chest. "Why don't you get some more rest?"

"I tried so hard to get out sooner," Matt mumbled. "He was so strong."

"I know he was baby," I whispered as I kissed the top of his head. "Now sleep."

"Don't want to," he said looking up at me with tears in his eyes. "What if he gets back out?"

"Baby, that is not going to happen," I whispered to him. I brushed a stubborn piece of hair form his face. "You are back in control and you are going to stay that way."

"Are you sure?" he asked with his eyes filled with fear.

"Yes Matt," I answered. "I promise. And I'm going to be right here waiting for you to wake up." I took great pleasure in holding Matt as he fell asleep. Once I made sure that he was in a deep sleep I gently laid him down and brought the covers up around him. I stepped back out in the hall where I was met with a barrage of questions.

"When can Daddy come home?" "Is he all right?" "What's going to happen now?" I held up my hands for quiet. I looked down at Tyler's face which was set in a stubborn look. It had seemed that Tyler had decided that he wanted his daddy home and soon. I knelt down and pulled him in a hug.

"Your daddy has to stay here for a little while longer," I said softly. I could feel his little shoulders shake as he started to cry. "But you can come every day and visit him and spend time with him."

"I want him home!" Tyler sobbed out. "I don't like hospitals! Daddy spends way to much time at hospitals!"

"I know you don't son," I said sternly. "But right now your daddy is sick, and he needs to be here to be cared for." I used my stern voice to make him understand that this was serious. He nodded as he wiped the tears from his little face. "You have to be a brave boy for your younger brothers," I said in a very serious voice. "They miss their pappa too and want him home too. They will need a big brother to explain to them why their pappa has to stay in the hospital."

"Ok Pappa," Tyler said as he nodded his little head up and down. "But I don't like it!" I had to smile at his stubbornness.

"That's ok Tyler," I said ruffling his hair. "You don't have to like it. You know something?" Tyler shook his head no. "I don't like the idea that Daddy has to stay here either."

"Why don't we take the kids home and we will come back later this evening?" Brian asked. I noticed that Nick was bouncing from one leg to another. He was obviously excited about something. "Oh yea and Nick is dying to know how his single is doing."

"Oh Nick," I said cringing. "I forgot all about that."

"That's ok Kev," Nick said shrugging. "You've had more important things to worry about."

"No it is not," I emphasized. "You are family too. I should've been there showing support for you. How is it doing by the way?"

"Well I think it would be going a hell of a lot better if MTV would stop showering Justin with all the coverage!" AJ hurled out.

"AJ," Nick said in a scolding voice.

"No Nick," AJ shot back. "I don't think it is fair what they are doing to you. MTV is making a very obvious effort in shunning you and covering all the attention on Justin. And Justin is working it too don't think he is not. And after that performance at the awards the fans saw it too. God that song sucked! It wasn't a solo song. It was fucking collaboration! The nerve of that little shit calling it a Solo project. Justin doesn't have the skill or the talent to go it a lone. Hell even he sees it! Why the hell do you think he surrounded him self with big name acts? Even Girlfriend had to be redone to make it look good. Justin has no talent to make it alone!" I looked at AJ in shock. I had seen the performance too and agreed but didn't voice it. AJ did. And he was very honest and up front about it. "They put their eggs in the wrong basket! JC is the one with the real talent! Not Justin. I mean didn't they learn their lesson when NSYNC didn't come away with any awards that night? Justin co-wrote or wrote those songs and the flopped in the video department! Is MTV blind or what?"

"AJ please," Nick urged him. Turning to me. "AJ is pissed that Justin got to perform at the Video Music Awards."

"They hardly even mention your song! Even when all the polls show that the fans favor your song more than his!" AJ tossed in. "It is like MTV is deliberately avoiding covering your song so they can tell the listeners what to listen to."

"AJ," I spoke up. "MTV has never really been a huge fan of ours. For some reason they suck up to Nsync and Justin. Why? I don't' know. But I do know this. Our fans are very loyal. They are not going to abandon us just because MTV tells them too."

"But they should give Nick a fair shot!" AJ argued.

"No they don't," I added. "They are in the business of making money. And right now they think that Justin's so called talent will make them the most money. I'm not worrying about what the hell MTV thinks. I worry about what our fans think. And right now our fans support us and our fan base is growing broader. All we have to worry about is pleasing only one group of people. That group is our fans. When we shut down time square again MTV will see the light and by that time it will be to late for them." AJ nodded as he understood what I was saying. "MTV is only one small part of the industry. And an unofficial one at that. The only thing that matters is our fan base. They are the ones who matter. And they are the ones who pay our bills, not MTV or Justin Timberlake!"

"Ok Kevin," AJ replied holding up his hand in defeat. "I see your point."

"Hey," Nick said grinning. "Make sure Matt sees my new video!"

"Don't worry Nick," I said grinning. "Matt wouldn't miss it for the world. Now if you all will excuse me, I have a husband to get back too."

I crept back into our room and sat down next to Matt. He was sleeping peacefully and he looked so cute. For the next two hours I sat there and watched my angel sleep. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I had to touch him. I ran my hand along the side of his face. He moaned and leaned into my touch. Smiling I leaned down and kissed him on his lips gently probing with my tongue trying to get access to his mouth. He finally opened and allowed me in. He moaned softly and opened his eyes. He smiled at me and licked his lips. "Hey," I whispered as I ran my finger down the side of his face.

"Hey yourself," he grinned sleepily at me. "Where is everyone?" He looked around the room.

"I sent them home," I replied as I slid in beside him and pulled him close to me. "I wanted some quality time with my husband."

"That is ok with me," he grinned at me. "When do I get out of here?"

"Not for a while yet," I replied. "They need to do some test on you and get your sugar regulated. And we have to deal with your other problem."

"Mark," he said as he sniffled. "I'm so sorry."

"What are you sorry about?" I asked softly.

"I should've told you about Mark," Matt mumbled. "If I had been honest with you than maybe Mark would've stayed where he belonged."

"Matt," I said looking down at him. "This thing was not your fault."

"Yes it was--," Matt started to argue. I placed a finger against his lip.

"No it wasn't," I said sternly. "And you not telling me about your brother wasn't your fault either. You weren't ready to tell me that part of your life. I understand that. And it was your business when and if you were ever going to tell me."

"But we are married," Matt sobbed out. "You should know everything about me." I gently wiped the tears from his angelic face.

"No I shouldn't," I argued as I kissed his forehead. "Baby, just because we are married doesn't mean that we have to tell eachother everything about ourselves. When you are ready to tell me than I will listen. Don't rush yourself."

"Are you sure?" Matt asked looking up at me.

"Yes I am sure. And you know what else?" I asked smirking.

"No but I am sure you are going to tell me," Matt said smiling his cute adorable naughty grin.

"When we get you out of here, I'm going to lock you in our little house and make love to you all day," I said huskily. He blushed and grinned. "Kevin Jr. has gotten no attention from you for a long time. He misses you."

"How come I get the impression that we are not talking about Kevin your son," Matt replied as he found his way to my crotch.

"That's because I'm talking about my cock," I smiled at him. "You know, the cock that you love and missed all these weeks."

"Yea," Matt said grinning as he licked his lips. "The one I want to wrap my lips around." I whimpered as he gently stroked my denim clad crotch. "See?" he giggled. "He wants to come out and play now."

"But he can't," I sighed as I sat up and gently removed his hand from my crotch. "At least not now." I had to laugh at Matt's pout. He growled at me softly. The door popped open and Dr. Jameson walked in.

"How is our Patient this evening?" he asked as he picked up Matt's chart.

"Ummm who are you?" Matt asked scrunching up his nose in confusion.

"Oh that's right," Dr. Jameson replied. "I haven't met you yet. I've only met Mark."

"Well he is not coming back!" Matt hurled at Dr. Jameson.

"Um I'm afraid that is not entirely true," Dr. Jameson said looking at Matt. Matt's grip on my hand increased by tenfold. "For your integration to be a success we have to integrate Mark's personality in with yours."

"No!" Matt screamed as he tried to get up out of bed. "No way is that monster going to become a part of me. Get out!" I tried to calm Matt down but all he would do is scream, "Get out!" Finally the doctor had to sedate him. I held onto Matt as he whimpered over and over again. "Never! I want him gone! Please make him go away!" It tore my heart in two. I remember looking at Dr. Jameson as if he was nuts.

"I know it sounds harsh," Dr. Jameson said as he sat down across the table from me. "But if Matt is to recover and never again split into two separate personalities we must integrate them. They are part of eachother. If Matt is to ever function in normal society again he has to integrate his other personality."

"If he won't?" I asked.

"Than I will have no choice but to commit him indefinitely," Dr. Jameson said grimly.


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Next: Chapter 62: Get Another Boyfriend 3 4

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