Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Sep 23, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part Four

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people is purely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advise are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

And now onto Part Four

From Kevin's point of view

I watched Matt sleep through the rest of the day and well into the next. I was starting to get worried but the Doctors assured me that this was normal. His body had been through hell and he needed the sleep. The good part about it was that it gave me uninterrupted time with the love of my life. He looked so beautiful laying there snuggled against the pillows. His blonde hair all wild and carefree and the soft little moans and whimpers that came from him made me realize just how much I truly loved him. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost three in the afternoon. I decided that I had had enough. I needed my sweetie up and awake and paying some attention to me. I snuggled up to him and started to kiss him. I started on his forehead and worked my way over to his eyes. I chuckled softly as he tried to open his eyes and I would kiss them shut. I smiled as he growled at me softly and finally managed to open his eyes. I marveled at how blue they were. He blinked a couple of times and stretched and yawned. After sitting up in bed he glanced around looking at the room. Finally his baby blue eyes rested on me. "Hi," I said softly as I placed my forehead on his. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," he smiled at me as he snuggled closer to me. I relished the feeling of his smaller but tight body next to mine. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"Just a little over 24 hours," I replied as I latched onto his neck and started to gently suck on it. I was rewarded with his moan as he arched his head giving me more access to his delicious neck. "I was getting worried about you," I whispered as I nipped at his neck lightly with my teeth.

"Why was you worried about me?" he asked. I sat back and he lay against me. Wrapping my arms around his smaller frame I rested my chin on the top of his head.

"Well you didn't really go to sleep yesterday in the best of moods babe," I said softly. "They had to sedate you."

"I remember," Matt said as he shuddered. "I don't want him back."

"Will you promise me something?" I asked as I ran the back of my hand along his naked arm. I watched as the goose bumps appeared on his tan flesh. He glanced up at me and I saw the fear in his eyes. "First you have to understand that I love you. And that I will be here with you every step of the way. I would never allow you to go through this alone. Do you understand that?" he nodded. "Than will you at least listen to Doctor Jameson as to why you and Mark have to be integrated?" Matt started to pull away with the same panic in his eyes. I continued to hold him until he calmed down. "I love you, you will never loose me." I whispered in his ear. "But in order for you to leave the hospitals you have to integrated. If not, they can't release you."

"So I have to live with that monster?" Matt asked with his voice raising. I could see the anger flashing in his eyes. "I hate him!"

"Matt honey," I said softly. "Mark is part of you."

"He is not!" Matt hissed at me. "He is a monster! He hates everything about me. He hates you, he even hates poor Tyler! How can you even think that I am part of him?"

"I don't know how to explain it baby," I said softly. "But the Doctor Jameson knows how to explain it. Please let him help you?" Matt sighed and looked out the window for a few minutes. "Tyler loves and misses you so much. He wants his Daddy back in the worst way." Matt glared at me for a few more seconds before sagging against me. I could see the defeat in his eyes.

"Ok," he replied. "I will listen to what he has to say."

"I love you," I repeated. He looked up at me and I could still see the fear in his eyes. I could also see the hope in his eyes too. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his and begin to kiss him. I slid my tongue into his mouth and gently massaged the inside of his mouth and I breathed in his moans and whimpers as he responded to my kisses. I also felt him grinding against me. He was rock hard and ready for sex. I looked around and saw that I still had a few hours before rounds and dinner. I got up and locked the door and begin to take off my clothes. Matt watched me with love and lust in his eyes. He grinned and licked his lips as I stripped out of my boxers and my cock swung free. I grinned at him too as he quickly stripped out of his clothes too. Finally he was naked and ready to receive me. I lay down on top of him and shivered with delight when his naked flesh came in contact with mine. I jumped when I felt his hand close around my cock

"God I missed you so much," he whispered up at me as he gently stroked me a few times. I pressed my lips to his and ground my crotch against his. Our rock hard and dripping cocks rubbed against each other's. He moaned loudly as the sensations over come him. I started to move down his crotch as my tongue and lips and teeth slowly tortured him all the way. Finally I felt the tip of his cock on my chin. I looked down at it and marveled at the beauty of it. I opened my mouth and slid the cock into my mouth. My taste buds exploded as the taste of his flesh assaulted me. Matt let out a kitten like yelp as his hips bucked and drove his cock deeper into my mouth. I sucked him hard and lapped at him with my tongue. I let him do all the work. He pumped in and out of me with speed and urgency. "I'm close," he squeaked out. I paused and looked up at him.

"Cum for me baby," I smiled up at him and than quickly engulfed his cock again. He pumped a few more times into me and than stiffen up as his cock jerked and twisted in my mouth and shot his load into my mouth. I quickly worked and swallowed as quickly as I could, not wanting to loose a drop of his precious seed. Finally he stopped shooting and I gently licked him clean. After I was done I looked into his eyes. "How was it?" I smiled at him.

"Wow!" he gasped out. I giggled as I lie on top of him and begin to cover his face with feather kisses. I spent the next thirty minutes covering every inch of his body with kisses and loving caresses. Finally he looked down at me with that wild eyed loving look that I fell in love with. "Make love to me?" I smiled and nodded. He knew that I would never refuse a request that he made.

An hour later from Matt's point of view.

I was clean! I was showered and wearing Kevin's Cologne. Well I had to bribe him for it. And in my own clothes. Well not actually my clothes. They were Kevin's sprayed with his cologne. He giggled when he saw me. I had to admit it that I looked kinda silly. I was swimming in Kevin's sweats. He said I looked cute so I was happy. I loved wearing his clothes. He just rolled his eyes as I snuggled deeper into his arms. We were watching the premiere of Nick's Video, "Help Me".

"Well?" Kevin asked me with humor in his voice. Kevin was being mean and interrupting all the time. I looked up at him and saw the mischief in his eyes. "Will you let me make love to you all day when you get out of here?"

"No more talk!" I scolded him. "Must watch Nick!" Kevin giggled as he glanced up at the TV. He opened his mouth and I covered it with my hand. "Be quiet!" I ordered him. He giggled again. Finally someone knocked at the door and Nick came in with Tyler on his shoulders. "Be quiet!" I ordered him. He raised his eyebrows at Kevin.

"He watching your video," Kevin replied kissing me on the top of my head. I felt the bed sag and than I felt the welcome feeling of Tyler snuggling up to me. "He is being very bossy."

"Excuse me!" I exclaimed as a commercial came on. "I am trying to watch TV here!" Kevin giggled and Nick sat next to Kevin.

"What do you think of it?" Nick asked as he glanced at me.

"I love it!" I replied. "Much better than Justin's." Nick nodded. "You have real talent and I think you are going to go places."

"What about Justin?" Nick asked frowning.

"Oh don't get me wrong," I replied. "Justin has talent and is a very hot dancer. But this song he sings has no real flow. No real chorus. He moves from on are to another. He sings really high in places and than a rapper comes on. There is so much stuff going on during the song that I got lost!" Kevin laughed softly. I looked up at Kevin and caught him looking at me. He smiled sheepishly at me. "But thankfully Kevin was here to explain it all to me." I glanced up and saw that the show was back on. "Ok quiet now! The show is back on." Nick and Kevin giggled softly. Thankfully Kevin and Nick let me watch the rest of the video is peace. After it was done I turned to Nick. "That was great! Way better than the "Let's confuse the hell out of poor Matt" video by Justin." Kevin chuckled softly as he pressed his lips to mine. I thrilled at the feeling of his rough lips on mine. I also giggled as I heard Tyler's opinion of us kissing. After Kevin had made sure that he had kissed me breathless he let me go and grinned down at me very pleased with himself. "Ummm why did you do that?" I asked kissing him on the nose.

"Because I love kissing you," Kevin replied with a smug grin on his face.

"What else do you like doing?" I smirked as I reached down and rubbed his crotch.

"I like putting things into you," Kevin giggled.

"Ok ok!" Nick announced. "Little ears here!" I blushed and managed to get out of bed and hobbled over to the side table to pour me a glass of water.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked as he tugged on my shirt. I looked down at his cute little face.

"Yes son?" I asked taking a huge drink of water.

"Why are you walking funny?" he asked with his usual innocent look on his face. I heard Nick snort back laugh and looked at Kevin. He was busy finding the floor very interesting to look at.

"Well," I said grinning my naughty grin. "I think that Kevin should explain it to you." Kevin jerked his head up with an expression of horror. I busted up laughing as Tyler walked over to Kevin.

"Pappa?" he asked with a small pout. "Why is daddy walking funny?"

"Well, umm you see, umm," Kevin stuttered out. By now Nick and I were roaring with laughter. "We were playing a game!"

"Can I play?" Tyler asked. I was in tears and trying to catch my breath and Nick was in about the same position I was in. "I wanna play too."

"Well, umm," Kevin stammered as he glared at me. "When you're older sweetie, Nick take Tyler out for some ice cream. I have to talk to Matt." Nick nodded and took the confused Tyler by the hand and led him out of the room. Kevin tore off his shirt as approached me and pounced on me grinding his crotch into mine. I moaned softly as his teeth found my neck and he nipped at me. "You are a very bad boy!" he growled at me as he pulled down my sweats and boxers all in one swift move. I moaned as he pulled his pants down too. "Do you know what I do to bad boys?" he asked as he lifted my knees and placed them on his shoulder. I shook my head no and looked at his erection. It was throbbing and dripping with Precome. I looked up at his incredible sexy face and was shocked to see pure lust pouring out of his eyes. "I fuck their brains out!" he growled as he impaled me with his cock. I shivered and moaned as his cock rammed into me. I thrilled at the feeling of male flesh slamming into me. After he was buried to the hilt he looked down at me. "God you are so sexy right now." He pulled out and slammed into me again. "You think you were walking funny earlier? When I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk for a month!" By now he was pounding into me faster and harder. I loved it as he pounded into me. This was one of my favorite places to be. Me stark naked and with my legs spread apart and Kevin using me to get off. I loved being used to make him happy. I could hear him groaning and moaning as he approached orgasm. I felt his cock slam into my prostate gland sending me over the edge. I tried to scream out but his mouth came crashing down on me as his body shook and quaked with his own orgasm. I welcomed the warm rush as his seed seared into my guts. Finally he pulled out and laid down beside me breathing hard. "Wow!" he gasped out. "What came over me?" I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled closer to him.

"Umm you were horny?" I giggled as I latched onto a nipple and sucked on it. He giggled softly. "Well you were." His lips graced my lips softly. "Now what?" I asked.

"Now we get some real food into you and you have to get ready for your first session," Kevin said softly.

"Do I have to?"I asked fearfully. Kevin sat down next me and took my hand and kissed it.

"I'm going to be right here with you," he said looking at me with those incredible eyes of his. "You are not going to have to go through this alone. And if it goes well we will be able to go home and continue this on an out- patient basis."

"Really?" I asked grinning. "You mean I get to go home?" Kevin nodded grinning at me too. "When?" I demanded.

"Tonight," Kevin replied. "If it goes well."

An hour later from Kevin's point of view.

"Now tell me about Mark," Dr. Jameson asked. Matt tensed up and looked up at me. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him.

"It will be ok sweetie," I whispered to him. Matt took a deep breath and looked out the window.

"Mark was my twin brother. Actually he was my baby brother," Matt started. "He was born about an hour after I was."


Next: Chapter 63: Get Another Boyfriend 3 5

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