Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Sep 29, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part Six Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situatons is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

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Now on with Part Six

From Matt's point of view.

"Keep those eyes closed mister!" scolded Kevin. "And no peeking!"

"Kevin!" I whined. "I can't see!"

"Umm Sweetie, I um think that is the idea," Kevin giggled kissing me on the nose. Let me explain. For the past few days Kevin has had a work crew in my office redecorating. And he wouldn't let me in. He said it was his gift for me. He was so proud of me taking on the responsibility of starting a new company. It was a record producing company named White Star Productions. My father had it on the drawing board and never got around to getting it off the ground. So I decided to start it. I had the capital and the time to do it. "Ok almost there!" I could hear the excitement in Kevin's voice. He was almost as excited about this as I was about this. The smell of fresh paint and new carpet hit me in the nose. I could hear Tyler giggling and Mattie and Kevie baby talking. "Ok sweetie open your eyes," Kevin whispered into my ear. I opened them and looked around. "Well what do you think?"

"Ummm wow," I gasped. I looked around the room taking it all in. It had a modern look to it the furniture was very modern too. "Where did all the marble come from?" I asked.

"Actually it is not real marble," Kevin explained. "It is process that the painters used to make it look like marble." I looked closely at it and I couldn't tell the difference. "Come over to your desk," Kevin said as he guided me to it. I sat down in this futuristic executive chair and sank into the soft confines of it. I leaned back and sighed. This was a very comfortable chair. Kevin pushed a button and the desk made a whirling noise. I jumped at the sound. Kevin laughed softly and pointed to the corner. The polished marble top slid back and allowed a computer flat screen to appear. He pushed another button and a keyboard slid out from under the desk.

"Wow," I grinned as I ran my fingers over the key board. It was a touch screen keyboard. I didn't even know that they made those. "This is like star trek stuff." A ripple of soft laughter filled the room.

"Come with me sweetie," Kevin said softly. I followed him to another area of the room. He pushed a button and part of the wall slid apart to reveal a board room. It was very modern and futuristic. I notice that there was some papers laying on the table at the head. "Mr. President," Kevin said formally. "I believe we have some contracts to sign." I looked up at him in surprise. "It is official, the Backstreet Boys are no longer a part of Jive and you were successful in buying out Nick's contract as well.

"As well as me too," JC said grinning. I notice that they were all dressed in business attire. Kevin had insisted that I be dressed in a suit too.

"Shall we sit?" Kevin asked. I nodded and took the seat at the head of the table. I picked up the gavel and rapped three times on the table.

"This first meeting of White Star Productions Incorporated will come to order," I said formally. Kevin pushed a button and a large screen television screen slid back from the wall. He than pushed another button and activated. I was shocked to see reporters with cameras in front of the house. "Kevin?" I asked softly.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the press," Kevin said formally. "I am proud to introduce to you the CEO and Founder of White Star Productions Incorporated, Mr. Matthew Whitewater Richardson." The questions started flying but Kevin held up his hand. "The CEO will take questions after the meeting."

"Yes, um thank you Kevin," I said formally. "I believe we have some contracts to sign. Let's begin with the Contract of the Backstreet Boys." I noticed that AJ was not present. I looked at Kevin he nodded. "I have five copies here. I believe that everyone has looked over them and is ready to sign?" I got nods from Brian, Nick, JC and Kevin and Howie. I passed the contracts to them and they signed them. After gathering them up again I looked around and smiled. "Welcome to White Star Productions! Now onto the business of AJ McCLean."

"Mr. President?" Kevin asked raising his hand.

"Yes Kevin?" I asked.

"I move that AJ--," Kevin started but the opening of the door stopped him. AJ walked in. Silence racked the room.

"Yes AJ?" I asked.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked obviously hurt.

"We didn't do anything," Kevin said stiffly. "You were given a choice. Continue to associate with Justin Timberlake and NSYNC and leave the Backstreet Boys or stop associating with them and stay on board with us. You chose the later."

"Yea well they offered me JC's place," AJ sneered. "So to hell with all of you!" With that AJ turned and stormed out of the room. Silence racked the room again. Finally I turned to Kevin.

"Any more new business?" I asked.

"The matter of Nick Carter?" Kevin said with a grin.

"Oh yes," I smiled back. "Nick, I have your contract as well."

"Well hand it over so that I can sign that thing!" Nick said with a grin. I passed the contract over to him and he signed it and passed it back.

"Welcome to White Star Productions Mr. Carter," I said formally. I turned to Kevin.

"We will now take questions from the press," Kevin said to the screen.

"Matt!" a reporter from MTV shouted. "Why are you taking the Backstreet Boys from Jive?"

"For the record we did not steal the Backstreet Boys from Jive. Their contract was up and they choose not to renew. Also for the record, the fact that Jive records went against the Backstreet Boys wishes and signed NSYNC has been an issue with the boys for a long time. That issue was proven when the Boy's last CD was released. Black and Blue was released and a mere weeks later Celebrity came out. Black and Blue had no chance to get anywhere on the charts due to the over advertising on the part of Jive and MTV. So it was the Backstreet Boys wish that mistake not be repeated. You can bet on this. If White Star Productions has two like groups we will not playing one against the other that is simply an unethical business practice and White Star Productions will have not part of that. We are in the business of making money. And we think that all the groups we represent deserve to make a substantial profit. Oh and in answer to your next question in regards to Nick Carter Solo Career? Well apply the same answer to that one as well," I replied. I could tell that MTV was pissed and as expected he fired another question back at me.

"How can you say that MTV has shown NSYNC and Justin Timberlake special treatment?" the reporter fired at me.

"Take a good look at your records," I shot back. "The minute that Nick Carter announced his release date of his single MTV paid scant attention to it. When Justin Timberlake announced the release date of his single MTV couldn't wait to jump on it. They deliberately played up Justin Timberlake's solo career before he even announced the release date of his first single and even got Justin to perform at the Video Music Awards all the while down playing Nick Carter's first single even to the point of even releasing Justin's first Video. All of this done after Nick released his first single. And remember, Justin has yet to officially release his first single. That is a hell of a lot of publicity for a song that isn't even on the charts yet. Here at White Star we happen to believe that Nick Carter has the talent the drive and fan base to go the distance. Given the unfair treatment you have shown Nick Carter and the rest of the Backstreet Boys has left us with no other alternative than to eliminate you from any future release dates or press releases or press conferences. Until you can show equal attention to both groups than you will not be privy to any updates from the Backstreet Boys or Nick Carter."

"What about JC?" a VH1 reporter fired at me. "Why did he leave NSYNC and join Backstreet Boys?"

"Because NSYNC has pushed JC and his talents in the background," I answered. "Take a good look at Celebrity," I continued. "Everyone of the songs released from Celebrity was either written or co-written by Justin Timberlake. Celebrity was just a launching platform for Justin Timberlake's so-called solo career. Jive was primarily responsible for this but MTV must also bear part of the blame for stifling JC's career. White Star has not yet decided to file law suits against these organizations." The reporter from MTV immediately began to scream questions and accusations at the screen. "Security, remove the reporter from MTV." I watched as two very large men escorted the reporter from MTV from the press area. "I'm sorry, but that is all the time we have for questions right now. We will releasing a press statement later this afternoon." I nodded to Kevin and he pushed a couple of buttons and clicked off the tv and it slid back into place.

"What now?" Nick asked with a scared look on his face.

"Now we wait until the fur starts flying. JC get ready, because his majesty Justin will be screaming first," I replied. As if on cue the phone rang. I picked it up and put on speaker.

"Matthew Whitewater speaking," I said formally.

"What the fuck are you doing?" shouted Justin.

"Well good day to you Mr. Timberlake," I said smirking at JC. "I take it all is well with you?"

"No asshole!" Justin sneered. "All is not fucking well! You can't get away with this!"

"Umm I think we just did," I giggled.

"We will sue!" Justin screamed.

"No you will not!" I screamed back and reverted back to my calm self. "You will not take any legal action against us at all. And do you know why? Because you don't have a leg to stand on. You know God Damn well that you have been deliberately shoving JC back in the wood work. Did you really think that your little stunt with the last CD would go unnoticed? How stupid did you think we really are? And for that matter did you really think that you would get away with trying that stunt on Nick? Fuck you Timberlake! This time you loose! Stay the hell out of our business!" I clicked the phone off cutting Justin off in mid scream. "God that felt good!" I took a couple of deep breaths and slammed the gavel down. "Meeting adjourned!"

Later from Kevin's point of view

As I look back on this morning's meeting I could not but wonder if my husband enjoyed that too much. In fact, now that I think about it, my husband does seem more aggressive than normal. I got the feeling that Mark's personality was showing himself just a little. The Doctor did tell us that Mark's personality would show himself as part of Matt's personality. The important thing was that White Star Productions Incorporated was successfully launched this morning, Justin knew that we met business. Just because he proclaimed himself worthy of greatness didn't mean that we had to accept it for gospel. JC was now with us and we were already making plans to release some of his work on our next CD. And yes this time JC's talent would not be shoved off in the corner.

"What are you thinking about?" Matt's voice sounded behind me.

"About the future," I said looking out over the beach. "We took a large step in securing ours you know."

"I certainly hope so," Matt replied as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Justin was sure pissed at us."

"Well I think that the reason Justin was so pissed at us was because someone finally told him that he either plays fair or he puts his toys away," I said as I leaned into Matt's embrace. "Nick and JC seemed really close today."

"Well they've decided that they were lovers," Matt said with a grin. "And you should be very proud of yourself."

"Why should I be proud of myself?" I asked looking confused.

"You make a really good matchmaker," Matt giggled. The screen door open and Howie came out onto the porch. "Hey Howie."

"Hey guys," Howie said with a smile. "I just heard from my girlfriend."

"How is she doing?" I asked.

"She is really starting to show," Howie replied with pride. "The Doctors say she is doing great!"

"That is good Howie," Matt said as he kissed me on the shoulder. "When is she due?"

"March of 2003," Howie replied.

"Good," I replied as well. I saw Matt yawn widely. "You ready to turn in sweetie?"

"Yes I do believe I am," Matt replied.

From Justin's point of view

"What the fuck do you mean we don't have a case?" I shouted into the phone. "You know on second thought you're fired!" I slammed down the phone and stormed outside on the back deck. AJ was sitting in a chair. "I can't fucking believe it!" I shouted.

"What sweetie," AJ asked looking concern.

"That fucking, pathetic, double personality freak Matt has me over a fucking barrel!" I shouted. "Who the hell does he think he is? No one and I mean No one fucks with Justin Timberlake!"


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Next: Chapter 65: Get Another Boyfriend 3 7

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