Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Oct 2, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part Seven

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situatons is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

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Now on with part Seven

From Matt's point of view.

"Mr. Richardson?" Travis asked timidly from the doorway to my office. I looked up and took in the very attractive young man standing in the doorway. Kevin had hired him to be my secretary. He was a cutie, with blonde hair with a very tight body. His boyish looks made me look older than I was. He was nervous as hell because of the fact that he was surrounded by his heroes all the time. I tried so hard to get him to relax. But he just couldn't seem to. Frankly I was worried that he was going to have a heart attack before his next birthday.

"Yes Travis?" I asked smiling at him. "Come in please and close the door behind you." Travis quickly stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. Mattie who was walking around in his walker made a beeline for him. He bumped into poor Travis and gazed up at him with a grin. "Mattie," I said in a soft scolding voice. "Leave Travis alone." Mattie looked at me and smiled his huge innocent smile and started making his way across the office in my direction. Kevin had taken Kevie for a check up and I had Mattie all to myself. Tyler was in pre-school and Blackie was spending time on the beach with the new love birds Nick and JC. "What can I do for you Travis?"

"Umm there is a umm a Justin Timberlake here to see you," Travis stammered. Anger surged through me and I had to control my self.

"Please show him in please," I said softly. I stood up and picked up the squirming giggling Mattie and placed him in the play pen. He immediately began to play with his toys. I relished at the sound of his little voice and the squeaks and beeps that his toys made. Every once in a whiled he would squeal with delight. I smiled as I watched him toss a teddy bear around his play pen. A soft knock interrupted my quiet time with him. Sighing heavily I looked grudgingly at the door.

"Come in," I said politely. The door opened and in walked Justin Timberlake. Travis was right behind him.

"Stop following me like dog in heat. You will never have me!" Justin sneered over his shoulder. Poor Travis stuttered and looked at me for help. I stood up and walked around to the front of my desk. "I need to talk to you in private. Hey boy! Make yourself useful and get me something to drink," he said over his shoulder at Travis. "Oh yea and get the baby out of here!"

"Just a minute Travis," I said sternly. Turning to Justin who was looking at me with shock. "First things first Timberlake. Travis is not a boy. He is a man, a professional man and he happens to be my secretary. And you don't get to order him around. Second thing, this is my fucking house. You don't come in here and start ordering me around and telling my staff what to do with my children!"

"Mattie is not yours!" Justin seethed.

"I beg to differ with you but he is mine. Kevin and I made it official this week. I am officially Mattie's and Kevie's adopted parent and Kevin is officially Tyler's adopted parent," I said calmly smiling at Mattie who giggled and showed me a stuffed dog he was playing with. I turned my attention back to Justin. "Now what can I do for you Mr. Timberlake?"

"What the hell was that all about last week?" Justin asked as he sat down in a chair across from my desk. I sat down in my comfortable chair that Kevin had bought me. "You can't seriously think that you can take me on and win do you?"

"You still don't understand do you?" I said shaking my head in pity. "This is not about the Great Justin Timberlake and my ability to take him on. This!" I gestured to my office and son. "This is about me living my life. This is about making sure that my friends don't get screwed over. This is about standing up for and defending my friends and family."

"No this isn't!" Justin said with a smirk. "This is about you getting pissed because I'm better than Nick and NSYNC is better than Backstreet!"

"You poor pathetic man," I sighed. "Get to the point! I have the afternoon to spend with my son Mattie." I saw Justin look at Mattie with just a hint of longing in his eyes. "Don't even think of touching him. You lost that right when you shit on all of us. Now what do you want and make it fast!"

"You don't order me around!" Justin shouted at me.

"In this house! In this Office! I sure the hell do order you around!" I shouted back. Mattie started to cry. I turned to Travis. "Please take Mattie out and shut the door behind you." Travis looked terrified. "I promise, he doesn't bite." Travis walked up to the play pen and picked up Mattie. I blew a kiss at him and smiled. He sniffled as he stuck Travis's finger in his mouth. "Now let's get back to business."

"I want JC back," JC said glaring at me.

"You can't have him back," I replied. "He has a contract with White Star Productions and we are not selling his contract and he doesn't want out. JC feels at home with us. We are using his talents not shutting him up!"

"You don't understand!" Justin pleaded with me. "NSYNC needs him!"

"NSYNC needs him or you do?" I hurled at him. "What Justin, did you finally figure out that you are nothing with out JC's voice and energy and passion and talent? You need people to support you and hold you up. JC tried doing that and look where it got him. He tried loving you and look where it got him. He tried to be a part of NSYNC and look where it got him. He got shoved in the corner. His music shelved and pushed aside. Everyone made sacrifices and for what? I'll tell you what. So that you could make an ass out of yourself! So that you could have your little solo album! And guess what? It sucks! Remember I've seen some of the songs. There isn't one song that you sing solo on. You have every song on that CD loaded with other artists. This isn't a solo CD and you know it. You can't make it by being the only lead singer in NSYNC and you know it! Well guess what pretty boy! You are on your fucking own! You are going to have to prove that you have what it takes to make it on your own without JC to hold you up and support you. JC is through being shit on by the likes of you!"

"Let him tell me!" Justin shouted.

"I will," JC said from the doorway. "Matt, can you excuse us just for a few minutes?"

"Are you sure?" I asked looking hard at JC. He nodded. "I'll be with Mattie if you need me." I walked out of my office and down the hall and into the living room. I spotted Travis sitting on the floor playing with Mattie. Seeing Travis behaving like a kid and playing with Mattie was a cute and adorable sight. Mattie was giggling at Travis and Travis was laughing. "Ahem," I coughed softly. Mattie looked at me and smiled and pointed at Travis.

"Travy!" he giggled.

"Yes Mattie," I smiled. "That is Travy." Travis blushed and looked down. "You're very good with kids."

"I have a younger brother," Travis said softly.

"How old?" I asked as I sat on the soft carpet next to Mattie. He plopped a teddy bear in my lap and crawled in and snuggled close to me. I wrapped my arm around him and slipped my finger in his mouth. He started sucking on it hard. I could tell he was tried and getting ready to drift off to sleep.

"He is four," Travis replied.

"He is Tyler's age," I commented as I bent down and kissed Mattie on top of his head. By now he was sleeping soundly.

"Yea, I guess," Travis mumbled. "I should get those contracts ready for you sir."

"Travis?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yes sir?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"Call me Matt?" I asked.

"Yes sir, I um mean Matt," Travis stammered as he walked out of the room quickly. I looked down at Mattie sleeping soundly.

"Well I guess it is just you and me," I sighed as I stood up and lay on the sofa with Mattie resting comfortably on my chest. I heard the office door open.

"Get out of my life Justin!" JC shouted. "You have fucked with me for the last time!" Justin walked out holding his eye. I gently laid Mattie down on the sofa and walked over to where JC was standing. He had tears flowing down his face. I held out my arms and he fell into them laying his head on my chest sobbing loudly. After a few seconds I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Nick standing there. I guided the distraught JC into Nick's waiting arms. Nick guided JC out onto the front porch. I decided to give them Time alone. Walking back into the living room I picked up Mattie and carried him into my office and laid him down in the play pen and covered him up and than sat back at my desk and continued to work. I watched as Justin left the grounds. I reached over and pushed a button that I rarely push, the front gate. Sighing I watched it slide close vowing that this was the last time that Justin Timberlake would ever step foot on our property again.

Three hours later from Kevin's point of view.

"Matt?" I called out. When I got no answer I walked into his office and found him looking out the window that was directly behind his desk. He had that far away look in his eyes. "Sweetie?" I asked softly. "You ok?" He turned in his chair.

"Hey," he smiled at me. "How did the doctor's visit go?"

"Kevie is very healthy. Kevie bit the doctor," I giggled. "I warned him not to put his finger in his mouth but he wouldn't listen." I looked over at the play pen and saw Mattie sitting up jabbering to his pile of stuffed animals. He looked up at me and grinned.

"Daddy!" he squealed as he pulled himself up and held up his hands to be picked up. I of course picked him up and held him close.

"Hey Mattie!" I smiled down at him. He did the only thing that he could do. He promptly wiped his nose on my shirt. I laughed as I cradled him in my arms. "So tell me about your day."

"Justin showed up," Matt replied. "He wanted to flex his so-called muscle. But I tossed him out on his ear."

"Ohhh," I giggled wrapping my arm and kissed him. "My hero!" Matt blushed and laid his head on my shoulder. "Umm Matt?" I asked looking down at him. He looked up at me with those adorable blue eyes of his. "Do you want to go to the doctors with me tomorrow?"

"Oh the twins need their shots," Matt said softly. "I don't know babe." I could tell he was not to happy about it. "I don't want to see them cry."

"I know you don't but Mattie will be more comfortable with you there," I urged him. "Kevie needs you too." I gave him my most pleading look I could muster. Finally he sighed and nodded. "I love you baby."

"Why don't you prove it to me?" Matt asked with a naughty glint in his eyes. "Put Mattie down for a nap and take me upstairs and make love to me for the rest of the afternoon?" How could I resist a request like that? I had the chance to see my baby all naked and horny. I promised him I would meet him up stairs and he rushed up to get ready.

"Daddy?" Mattie asked. I looked down at him. "Daddy!" He smiled up at me. He was so proud to have me all to himself.

"Time to lay you down for your nap," I smiled down at him. He rubbed his nose against my shirt and yawned widely. "I love you my sweet little Mattie." Soon I had both twins in their beds and sleeping soundly. I quickly walked into our room and saw Matt laying on the bed stark naked. I gasped at the sight of him laying there snoozing lightly. His entire body was exposed to me. I took him in leisurely and stripped out of my clothes. Creeping to the bed I climbed in and crawled between his legs so that I was face to face with his cock. It was limp and hanging low between his legs. I looked up at his tight abs and watched them raise slowly from sleep. "Uh uh, my little sex god," I giggled. "No sleep for you." I took his limp cock into my mouth and started to suck on it hard. I heard the soft moans from Matt and felt his cock quickly fill with blood making him rock hard. I continued to bob up and down on his shaft bringing more moans and whimpers from him. The slight salty taste that was Matt assaulted my senses as pre-come leaked out of his cock. I swallowed it greedily and begged for more. By now Matt was groaning loudly and thrashing around in bed.

"Ohhh God Kevin!" he gasped out as he looked down at me and locked eyes with me. Lust and love poured from his eyes shaking to the core. His cock twitched in my mouth signaling me that my sweetie was about to cum. I giggled softly and took his cock from my mouth and moved to his balls kissing them tenderly. I giggled again at the frustrated growls coming from Matt. After paying proper attention to Matt's balls I continued to kiss and tongue the inside of his thighs. "God Kevin!" he growled out.

"Yes dear?" I asked all innocent.

"Please?" He whimpered at me.

"Please what?" I asked back.

"Suck me please?" he pleaded with me. He looked so cute laying there looking down at me. I couldn't resist. I quickly engulfed his cock in my mouth sucking it to the hilt. More pre-come leaked out and I swallowed quickly. I slid my finger up his ass and pushed forward until I found his knob of pleasure. I gently massaged it causing him to buck violently and his cock exploded sending burst after burst of hot seamen down my throat. I quickly begin to swallow as hard and as fast as it could. Finally the flow subsided and I liked him clean and than snuggled up to him watching him breath heavily as he calmed down from the orgasm I had just given him. He looked at me and smiled. I leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips and slid my tongue into his mouth. We shared his taste for a few minutes before he broke away. "Make love to me?"

"Are you sure?" I asked looking down at him. "I mean we haven't in a while."

"Please Kevin?" he pleaded. "I need to fill you in me." I gently urged him down so that he was face to face with my cock. He looked up at me with confusion on his face.

"Make me ready? I asked. He grinned happily and popped my cock into his warm and tight mouth. I gazed down at him as he continued to make love to me with his mouth. My cock was slick and shining with his saliva and my pre-come. "Babe?" I squeaked out. "I'm going to cum if you don't stop." He pulled off and grinned at me. "Are you ready?" I asked. He nodded and I slid his ankles up on my shoulders and than I guided the head of my cock to his entrance. Laying down on top of him I pressed my lips to his at the same time ramming my cock into him. He arched against my thrust whimpering into my mouth as I impaled him with my cock. I looked into his eyes and saw the tears of joy and pain flow from him. I waited a few minutes as he grew accustomed to me. All the while gently kissing him and caressing him. Finally by the movements and little moans I could tell that my lover, my husband was ready. I eased out of him and than slammed back in. He wrapped his legs around me as if to try and bring me closer to him. I set myself into a good rhythm. I watched my lover closely as I made love to him. I thrilled at the feel of his body under mine. I could feel his rock hard cock rubbing against my tight abs. The more I made love to him the more lost I got in his actions, his moans and groans and whimpers. I could feel my cock pouncing off his prostate gland which caused him to shudder every time I thrust in. Finally he tensed up and bit down on his bottom lip and I knew he was ready to cum. I brought my lips to his and kissed slowly and passionately. He moaned and bucked under me as I felt his cock shooting his hot load between our bodies. The clenching of his muscles contracting around my cock sent me over the edge too as I blasted my load into him. We continued to bask in the after glow of our orgasm gently kissing eachother and stroking his angelic face. He smiled up at me and kissed me on the nose. I brought my forehead down to his and smiled. "I love you baby," I whispered out. "Don't ever forget that." He nodded and kissed me full on the lips again. Soon I was lost in the kiss as my lover ravaged my mouth with his tongue and teeth.

The next day from Matt's point of view.

Sitting in the doctors office was bad enough. But with to very hyper and energetic babies was another story. They were so cheerful and happy. Kevin had Kevie in his lap and was tickling the daylights out of him. His high pitched squeals of laughter filled the waiting room. Mattie was busy playing with my car keys. He looked up at me and smiled as he held up the keys. "Pappa?" he giggled. I hugged him close to me and he snuggled closer. The door opened and out stepped the doctor. "Matt and Kevin Richardson?" he called out.

"That is us," Kevin said as he stood up. I stood up and we carried the twins into the office. I knew what was going to happen and tried to calm myself hoping that I wouldn't burst out crying.

From Kevin's point of view.

"Ok this won't hurt a bit," the doctor said as he pushed the tiny needle into Mattie's leg. One second Mattie was grinning and cooeing up at the doctor. Now he looked shocked and hurt. I could see his eyes well up with tears. He looked around in fear. He than opened his mouth and begin to whimper just a little. This wasn't so bad. "Ok two more than we are done," the doctor said calmly. Five seconds later Mattie was wailing at the top of his lungs. The Doctor quickly finished and I handed Mattie to Matt. Matt took the crying Mattie in his arms. My heart broke when I saw the tears on Matt's cheek. He brought Mattie up to him and kissed his cheeks. Mattie's crying subsided to whimpers. Sighing I handed Kevie to the Doctor and waited for Kevie to start crying.

Five minutes later.

"There that wasn't so bad now was it?" the Doctor said smiling down at Mattie. Mattie glared at him with tear filled eyes and than promptly hid his face in Matt's chest. I stifled a giggle and was glared at by Matt. After paying the bill we went home. Matt was quiet all the way home. I tried to get him to start a conversation but he wouldn't. Mattie and Kevie had forgotten the whole thing and was giggling and playing in their car seats.

"Sweetie?" I asked softly.

"Yes?" a small voice sounded.

"Talk to me?" I pleaded.

"I hate to see them in pain," Matt mumbled. "I know that shots are important and all but I just hate it." The car rolled to a stop and I stepped out and grabbed Kevie's Car seat and carried it to the house. I could hear Matt behind with Mattie.

"I know," Matt said to Mattie. Mattie was babbling on in his baby talk. "That mean old Doctor hurt my baby Mattie. Yes he did." I smiled and shook my head. Once inside and had Kevie safely deposited in the play pen I turned my attention to Matt.

"I know how much you hate to see them in pain. But it is important for them to get their shots baby," I said to him as I walked up to him and put my arms around him. He snuggled close to me and rested his head on my shoulder. "Look babe," I giggled at the twins. "They've already forgotten about it."

"Yea I know," Matt smiled. "Did you see the dirty look Mattie gave the Doctor?"

"Yes I did," I laughed softly. "I think all kids do that."

"I know Tyler did," Matt replied giggling. "He even gave me a dirty look too. He thought it was all my fault that I took him to get poked by the mean Doctor."

"Well why don't I take you up stairs and poke you with something?" I said as I rubbed his cloth covered crotch. He moaned softly and rubbed up against me. "I'll take that as a yes," I smiled.

From Matt's point of view

I watched Kevin sleep after making love to me. He was so loving and gentle this time. When he came in me I about blacked out. But it was worth it. It made him happy. I bent down and kissed him lightly on the shoulder. He moaned and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I was shocked to feel his cock hard against me. Smiling I ducked under the sheets and soon was face to face with his cock. After being with Kevin for so long I could still get lost by looking at his body and his cock. His cock throbbed gently in time with his slow and steady heart beat. I was drawn to it. Licking my lips I wrapped them around his cock. I loved the feeling of his cock sliding into my mouth and to the back of my throat. Once it started to threaten my gag reflex I swallowed allowing the head to slide past. I heard Kevin moan softly. I felt his hands touch my head and than I felt his hips start moving. I loved it when he took control of it. People some times get freaked out when a guy starts fucking someone down the throat. I don't. I just relax and enjoy the ride. It is a true sign of complete and utter trust when you allow your partner to fuck you in the face. His thrust got more and more urgent. Finally he slammed into me one last time and I felt the welcome feeling of his seed sliding down my throat. I pulled back so that I could taste my Kevin. I looked up and saw his face smiling down at me. I was happy because Kevin was happy. I made him feel good and to me that was all that mattered. I cleaned him up and than snuggled back up to him.

"I love you," Kevin said as he ran his fingers along the side of my face. I ground my cock up against his leg. "Is my baby all excited now?" I nodded as I latched onto his neck and started to suck hard. He reached down and started to pull on my cock. I sucked a few more minutes and than broke away to inspect my work.

"There!" I smiled with pride. "All done!" Kevin kissed me as he continued to jerk me off. "Kevin?" I begged him.

"Yes dear?" he asked with his eyes twinkling. "Do you want me to suck you off?"

"Please?" I pleaded giving him my best puppy dog look. He giggled as he slid under the covers and soon his lips closed around my cock. All too soon I was blasting my load down his throat too. When he was done cleaning me up he snuggled back up to me and we drifted off to sleep.

From Justin's point of view

"Come on AJ," I sneered at him. Take it, you know you want it!" I waved the small zip lock bag full of white powder under his nose. "It will make you feel good."

"Please Justin," AJ pleaded with me. "Don't make me do this."

"You know it want it," I smirked. "Come and take it." I slid the packet of cocaine into my boxers. "It's all yours for the taking." AJ looked at me with disgust.

"Fuck you Timberlake!" he hissed. "You are not worth my sobriety!" I watched in shock as he quickly got dressed and stomped out of the house.

"Oh well," I smirked as I put the small zip lock bag on my night stand. Closing my eyes I drifted off to sleep.

At some point I woke up to noise. I opened my eyes to a barrow of a 45 pointing at me.

"Freeze!" the cop shouted. "This is a raid!" I struggled to get up but was tossed back down and some cop pounced on me digging his knee in my back.

"Fuck!" I shouted. "Get off me!" I screamed. "Do you know who I am?"

"Yes we do Timberlake!" the cop rasped in my ear. "You're just a pretty boy who was stupid enough to get caught with Cocaine in your possession! Mr. Timberlake, you are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent.."

"Fuck me!" I groaned as I watched another cop slip the bag of Cocaine in another bag. I looked out the door and saw AJ standing there. "You!" I screamed.

From Matt's point of view.

I woke up and climbed out of bed and slipped down stairs and into the nursery. I heard Mattie whimpering softly from his crib. I peaked in and saw him laying down and looking around. I felt him and frowned. "What's wrong little guy?" I asked while I picked him up. "You're all hot." Mattie whimpered again rubbing his little nose against my shirt. "Let's take your temperature." I put the ear piece in and waited for the beep. I looked at it and it was a little high. "You have a little fever," I replied looking down at his sad little face. "How about a nice bath to help cool you off?" He smiled a little at me. After giving him a bath I took his temperature again. It had gone down somewhat but I was still worried. I picked him up and carried him into our room. Kevin was just waking up. "Hey Daddy," I said softly. "There is a little guy who has a fever."

"I'll get the car!" Kevin said as he started to panic.

"Kevin calm down," I smiled at him as I laid Mattie down. "He had three shots today. He is bound to be achy and run a slight fever. The best thing we can do is watch him and spoil him." Soon we had Mattie sleeping soundly all snuggled up to his daddy. "I'll check on his brother," I said as I kissed Kevin lightly on the cheek. Kevin nodded as he continued to watch his son sleep. I looked back and saw Kevin's beautiful face etched in fatherly love and concern. I smiled at what a wonderful daddy Kevin was. I walked back into the nursery and checked on Kevie. He was cool and was playing with his toys. When he saw me he giggled up at me and held up his arms to be held. I picked him up and carried him out into the living room. Nick and JC were making out on the couch. Nick smiled at me and showed me the new hickey that JC had given him. I smiled and sat down with Kevie. A knock at the door made us all jump. I got up and placed Kevie down in the play pen. Opening the door I peeked out. "AJ!" I yelped out. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Justin was arrested," AJ said softly. "Can I come in?"


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Next: Chapter 66: Get Another Boyfriend 3 8

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