Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Oct 8, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part Eight

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publicatons.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situatons is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

Now on with part Eight.

"What do you mean Justin got arrested? I asked as I guided AJ into the living room. Nick looked at him with wide eyes with concern and confusion in is blue eyes. JC gently kissed Nick on the cheek and Nick smiled at him.

"Justin threatened my sobriety by trying to push coke on me," AJ said softly. "That was it for me. He would tease me about drinking and stuff and I just laughed it off. When he brought out the coke I said that was enough. I left and called the cops."

"So now what?" I asked.

"I don't know," AJ sobbed. "I mean what am I going to do? I can't go back to him. I don't have Backstreet anymore. What am I going to do?"

I looked at Nick and he looked worried. JC was frowning but not in a bad way. He was thinking and thinking hard. "JC?" I asked concerned. "What are you thinking?"

"Has AJ signed with NSYNC yet?" he asked softly.

"No I haven't," AJ replied. "I had a feeling that this wouldn't last."

"Yea, Justin always was a taker and not a giver. Everything was and always will be about him," JC muttered. "But he is my past now and I don't want anything to do with him."

"What are you thinking?" I asked JC.

"AJ is part of Backstreet. He has that special sound that makes Backstreet's sound the way it does. I could never do that," JC explained. "SO," he continued with a mischievous glint in his eye. "What do you say that we really piss off the self Proclaimed Great one, Justin Timberlake?"

"Do I really want to hear this?" I asked getting worried.

"Yep!" JC giggled. "Sign AJ back as a member of Backstreet and announce my up coming Solo album."

"That could take up to a year or more!" I yelped.

"Normally it would," JC replied grinning. "But with my passion and work ethic I already have the songs written and laid down and recorded. All I need to do is pitch them. We could pull a typical Justin stunt and release my album the same day as he releases his."

"Sounds like a plan, but I will have to look at what you have," turning to AJ. "AJ I still don't like what you did to poor Nick but in the long run you reunited two lovers," AJ nodded looking down. "And you causing Justin to get tossed in the clink is the icing on the cake. So if it is ok with the rest of the gang I will draw up a contract for you."

"I really appreciate this," AJ mumbled. It was at this time that Travis decided to make his appearance carrying a giggling Mattie. "Who is that?" AJ asked eyeing the young and very attractive man.

"Travis," I said gesturing to AJ. "Meet AJ, AJ meet Travis, Mattie you already know everybody." Mattie looked up and grinned at me when he heard his name. He held out his little arms for me to take him. I gladly did and he snuggled closer to me. He was still warm but not as bad and he was cheerful and playful. He quickly latched onto my medallion hanging around my chest and tried to put it in his mouth. I carefully moved it to the back of my neck. He than latched on to my hand and started to chew on my thumb. I looked over at AJ who was eyeing Travis and Travis was blushing from the attention he was getting. I smiled and poked AJ in the ribs and he quickly diverted his attention from Travis. "He is single," I whispered in AJ's ear. AJ nodded and sat down next Nick. JC glared at AJ for a few minutes before turning back to Nick.

"Come on Mattie," I giggled. "Let's go see Daddy."

"Daddy?" Mattie asked as he squirmed with pleasure.

"Yes," I smiled down at him. "Let's go bug Daddy and make him wake up."

From Travis's point of view

Why is AJ looking at me. It is like he is undressing me. Well on second thought it might be fun to let him undress me. He is kinda hot.

"Travis?" asked a raspy voice. I shook myself awake as a hand waved in front of me. "You here?"

"Yea sorry," I replied looking down. "I was thinking about something."

"I was wondering if you um wanted to get something to eat?" AJ asked. "That is if you aren't doing anything?"

"I get off in an hour," I replied. "Will that be good?" AJ's eyes lit up with a grin.

"Sure!" AJ grinned. "I'll be back in an hour!" I watched AJ walk out of the room. I guess I was staring a little long because the next thing I knew there was a hand waving in front of my face. I shook my head and looked over at Nick. He was grinning that incredible naughty grin on his face again.

"Yes Nick?" I asked grinning back. "You like him," Nick giggled. "He is gay and he is available too."

"Really?" I asked grinning. "How do you know that I am gay?" I asked smirking a little.

"Trust me pretty boy," Nick smirked patting me on the shoulder. "You're gay."

I shrugged my shoulders and walked off. I had a date to get ready for.

From Matt's point of view.

"Daddy!" exclaimed Tyler. "I'm home! Where is everyone?" I had to laugh at the hyper barking of Blackie as he ran to the front door to great his little master. Soon the house was full of Tyler's laughter and Blackie's barking. Than I heard the monster growls from Nick and the high pitch squeals from Tyler. That could only mean one thing. Nick was tickling the daylights out of Tyler.

"Pappa?" Mattie asked as he looked up at me with a sleepy grin. "Daddy?"

"Yes Mattie," I smiled as I kissed him lightly on the cheek. "We are still going to go wake up your Daddy." I opened the door and saw that Kevin was already awake with Kevie laying beside him. Kevin was just staring down at the cute little baby as he slept. "Ahem!" I coughed softly. "Having fun?" I asked grinning. He looked up and smiled at me. "You two want some company?" He nodded as he slid over to make room for us. I sat Mattie down on the mattress and he started to crawl over to Kevin. Kevin wrapped his arms around the baby and cuddled him close to him. "Did you have a good sleep? " I asked as I kissed Kevie on the cheek.

"It was great," Kevin sighed. "But I woke up and you were gone."

"Yea well I had to take care of some more business. Justin is in jail," I said casually.

"Matt," Kevin said in a scolding voice. "What did you do?"

"Me?" I asked looking shocked. "I didn't do anything. Justin tried to push cocaine onto AJ and AJ called the cops and Justin got busted for cocaine possession. It was kinda funny."

"How is AJ?" Kevin asked frowning.

"He is all right. He stopped by to let me know that him and Justin are threw, and he wanted back into Backstreet. JC let him and we are going to announce his release of his solo album," I said as I snuggled close to Kevin. "He says that he has enough songs that he can release a CD."

"When is going to release it?" Kevin asked softly.

"About the same time that Justin does," I replied.

"Justin is not going to like that," Kevin grinned.

`Yea I know," I replied. "But Justin needs to know that it goes both ways," I replied.

"Be careful Matt," Kevin warned. "Justin is not a nice person. He may have the majority of the people fooled by his cute innocent face and that pout of his. But he has a dangerous side to him."

"So do I Kevin," I hissed at him. Kevin frowned at me for a few seconds before turning back to the twins. I heard the thunder of little feet coming up the stairs and I counted out the seconds until there was a knock on the door. "Come in Tyler," I smiled at Kevin. The door opened an Tyler poked his head in. "Hey buddy, did you have a good day at school?"

"Yes I did Daddy!" Tyler exclaimed. He walked up to the bed and climbed up and started to play with Mattie. Mattie cooed up at his big brother. Soon Tyler and Mattie were playing in one corner of the bed. Kevin sighed and got up and walked out with Kevie in his arms. I sighed and got up and followed him too. I could tell that Kevin was not to happy and I was determined to find out what was wrong. I followed him down to the front porch.

"Kevin?" I asked softly. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm just tired of all of this fighting," Kevin replied. "I just want us to make our music and live our lives. Why does there have to be this fighting between Justin and us?"

"Kevin," I said looking him in the eye. "I love you. I love my family and I love my friends. Justin Timberlake is threatening everything I hold dear. He might not be doing in a blunt obvious way. But the subtle way he is doing it is just as bad or even worse. I will do what ever it takes to make sure that we come out on top!"

"Is that all you care about?" Kevin asked looking hard at me. "Coming out on top!"

"No it is not and you k now it!" I replied shortly. "But it is a big part of it! Kevin we have to show Justin that he does not rule our lives. And he manipulating everything behind the scenes is starting to affect us. Hell! Look at the last CD! You know damn well they released that CD to push you guys in the background!" Kevin bowed his head and nodded. "And now he is doing the same damn thing to Nick and his solo career! This has to stop. And us breaking away from Jive and doing our own thing and keeping MTV out of the lope and relying solely on our fans will keep us head of the game."

"But is it all worth it?" Kevin asked frowning. "I mean is all of this fighting worth it?"

I glanced at Kevie and than at my husband. He followed my eyes and looked confused for a few seconds. "I don't know Kevin, you tell me. Is it worth it? Is making sure that Backstreet is ahead of the game worth it? Take a good look at your children and than ask your self this question. Are you willing to allow Justin Timberlake to continue to take bread from your children's mouth?"

"Ok so maybe I do see your point," Kevin relented. "But do me a favor and try to keep the blood to a minimal." I walked up to him and pulled him into my arms and together we stood looking out over the ocean. It was a very cool evening. The sun was setting fast. I heard Tyler yell "boo" to Nick and JC and heard them yelp. "I see our son has started early."

"Yea well you know how much he loves Halloween. What are you going to be this year?" I asked looking up at him.

"I thought of being Dracula," He giggled.

"Really?" I grinned. "I am sure that we will have a Dracula Jr. running around too. Remember last year when he was Zorro with you?" Kevin laughed softly and nodded. I heard a car pull up and walked around the house and groaned. "Fuck!" I hissed.

"Who is it?" Kevin asked.

"Who the hell do you think it is?" I shot back at him. "What do you want and what are you doing here?"

"Where is AJ?" Justin hissed. "He got me thrown in Jail! His ass is mine!"

"Like hell it is!" I shouted back at him. "Get your ass back in the car and get out of here!"

"Why don't you make me?" Justin smirked.

"You know something Justin?" I asked glaring at him. "I don't have time for this!" I reached for my cell phone and called 911."

"Put the phone down!" Justin screamed at me.

"Yes I need a cop at^Å" I didn't get to finish before Justin fists collided with my jaw and I saw darkness.

from Kevin's point of view.

I watched in horror as Matt fell to the ground. I also saw the look of horror on Justin's face. Than I heard the crying of a four year old. I looked back and saw Tyler standing by the door. Thankfully Nick was there too. He quickly scooped Tyler up in his arms and took him inside. I looked back and saw Justin kneeling at Matt's side. I rushed to his side.

"I'm sorry," Justin stammered. "I never met to hurt him. You've got believe me."

"Help me get him into the house!" I barked at him. With Justin's help we got Matt into the kitchen.


Matt was sitting at the kitchen table and was holding an ice pack to his jaw. Justin was sitting across the table from us and he was glaring at us. Nick and JC had taken the kids out of the house. AJ and Travis had left for whatever they were doing. I had decided that enough was enough.

"Matt?" I asked.

"What?" Matt spat at me.

"Hey!" I shouted back. "Remember who you are yelling at!" He bowed his head and nodded. He had the same look that he always wore when he was caught doing something wrong. I wanted so bad to take him in my arms and make it all better. "Now how are we going to resolve this?"

"There is nothing to resolve!" Justin seethed. "He is so fucking stubborn!"

"And what about you?" I hurled back at him. "Are you on a vendetta to get rid of us?"

"What?" Justin exclaimed. "Why would I want to do that?"

"Come off the innocent act Timberlake!" I shouted at him. "The writing is on the wall!"

"Hey!" Justin shouted back. "I take the advice of the management. And they are the ones who recommended this course of action not me!"

"What about JC?" Matt shot at him. "You can't ell me that you are not trying to shove him in the background."

"I would never do that to him!" Justin screamed at Matt with tears flowing down his face. "I love him! But he is to busy writing his music. That is all he ever did when we were together! He would sit at the fucking key board with those fucking headsets on and write and play and sing. He hardly ever spent any time with me! All I wanted was for him to love me!"

"But you said--," Matt stammered.

"I was angry and I was hurt!" Justin replied with tears flowing down his face. "Do you know who idea it was to release those songs on celebrity?" I shook my head not. "JC's!" Ok so I was shocked. "He is always the writer the dreamer. That is all he wants to do is write! He loves to perform and all he gets so hyped up about it. But his real passion is writing!"

"You mean JC pushed you to release your own CD?" Matt asked softly. Justin sniffled and nodded.

"I didn't want to, I wanted NSYNC to last forever, but JC said that it wouldn't so I had to start preparing for my solo career. I don't want to go out on my own! I want to be with JC and the rest of the guys," Justin sobbed. "But now Joey is doing his acting and Lance is off trying to get him self launched into space and God knows when he will get back. I miss NSYNC! I want it back!" By now Justin was sobbing loudly. I moved to hold him but I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see JC. I nodded and I took Matt's hand and led him out into the living room.

"I feel so stupid!" Matt mumbled. "What are we going to do?" He looked up at me with pleading eyes. I pulled him in my arms and held him. "We almost destroyed each other."

"Yes we did," I said softly. "But now everything is out in the open and hopefully we can mend our friendships." The door opened and JC came out and Justin came out too. He smiled sheepishly at Matt and walked up to him.

"I am so sorry that this got so out of control," he said softly. "I have grown to really love you as a friend. And I consider Tyler and Mattie and Kevie to be like nephews of mine. Can we get through this? Can we put this all behind us?"

Matt was silent for a few minutes and than he looked at me. I nodded and he looked back at Justin. "I forgive you." Justin heaved a sigh of relief. "But you are going to have to make things right with AJ." Justin nodded. Matt turned to me and held out his hand. I took and let him lead me outside. It was a very cool night out. The stars were out in full force. He led me down to the beach and sat down in the sand and patted the ground beside him. I sat down and he leaned against me. "I love you Kevin," he whispered.

"I love you too babe," I replied pressing my lips to his. We shared in a soft kiss. I loved the way his body folded against mine. "Thank you for accepting Justin's apology."

"I did for you , and for our kids," Matt looked up at me and smiled. "Justin loves Mattie and Kevie so much. And they love their Uncle JJ too. I couldn't take him away from them."

"Yea they need all the friends they can get.," I replied wrapping my arms around Matt. I heard JC's car pull up. After hearing the car door slam I counted down the seconds before I heard the patter of little feet running towards us. Soon a very hyper Tyler was sitting down beside us. "Hey Buddy," I smiled down at him. "Did you have fun?"

"Yes Pappa!" Tyler said. "Did Uncle Justin pologies to Daddy for hitting him?" "Yes son," Matt spoke up. "We all made up."

"Goodie," Tyler smiled. "I love Uncle Justin. And Mattie and Kevie loves him too."

"Well I know a little boy who has pre-school in the morning, so he should get ready for bed," Matt said as he tackled him and started to tickle the daylights out of him. Soon the night air was full of my husband making monster sounds and Tyler laughing his little heart out. I got up and headed into the house. Matt and Tyler were following me and I could hear them talking in hushed voices. Once I got inside I saw Justin and JC talking. I could tell that Justin wasn't happy with what JC was telling him.

"I don't care Justin," JC said softly. "I love him. I am not going to leave him. I did that the last time and look where it got us?"

"What about our child?" Justin asked.

"Our Child?" JC asked. "Justin we don't have a child. I have a child. Remember? Remember when you decided not to adopt Jerome." Justin hung his head and nodded.

"What about me?" he asked in a small voice. "I still love you."

"You cheated on me," JC replied. "I don't know if I can forgive you for that."

"I love you, isn't that enough?" Justin asked with tears flowing down his face. "Please JC I don't have anyone."

"I'm sorry," JC replied reaching out and wiping a tear from Justin's face. "I've found my place. My place is with Nick. I think that it always has been. We finally found our way back to each other."

"I just don't want us to end," Justin said hanging his head. "I don't want our friendship to die."

"Is that what you think?" JC asked. Justin nodded while sniffling. "Justin, I love you too. But not the way you want me to. I don't think that I ever did. I love you like a brother. You are my best friend."

"Even after all the crap I put you through?" Justin asked. "I mean I did put you through a lot of shit."

"I said some hurtful things to you to. Why don't we just continue to be best friends? " JC asked hopefully.

"I would like that," Justin replied. "What do we do about Jerome?"

"Do you still want to be a part of his life?" JC asked.

"It is going to really confusing with Nick with you," Justin replied. "I don't want him confused. He is really young and I think it would be best if I just bowed out and was an uncle to him."

"No," JC blurted out. "Jerome thinks of you as his daddy. You will stay his daddy. You can have visitations and stuff. Justin I want you to be a major part in his life. You are a great Daddy."

"What about Nick?" Justin asked.

"Nick isn't ready to be a daddy. Maybe someday he will be but not now. When he is ready than we will adopt or have one of our own," JC replied. "How are you going to do that?" Justin asked frowning.

"Look at Kevin and Matt," JC grinned. "They have a beautiful family! And Mattie and Kevie are real children to Kevin. And Tyler is a Matt's own son. It can be done."

"I guess you are right," Justin replied. "When is Jerome coming out?"

"Mom is flying in tomorrow," JC said with a grin on his face. "I can't wait."

"Me too," Justin replied. There was a period of silence between the two of them. I continued to listen to them. As they talked into the night. I was glad that they had worked things out. Justin and JC were no longer a couple but they had repaired their friendship. Justin had convinced JC to come back to NSYNC. JC had agreed and had begged Justin to help him with his solo career too. I was happy for them. Now maybe Matt and I could finally get back to our lives. I stood up and said good night to them and walked up stairs to be with my little family. Walking into the little sitting room and seeing Matt snuggled on the huge overstuffed Sofa with the fire place going and the twins playing on the soft carpet and Tyler working on one of his Lego creations filled my heart with joy and love.

"Hey," Matt's voice interrupted my thoughts. "You going to slip into something more comfortable and join me?"

"Yea," I smiled at him. "Let me get changed into something and I will join you.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" he asked.

"Apple cider?" I asked.

"It is the season for it," Matt replied with a twinkle in his eye as he retried a chilled bottle of sparkling cider from the ice bucket. I smiled back and quickly made my way into the bedroom and stripped from my clothes and put on a pair of silk pajama bottoms and a silk robe. Soon I was back on the sofa with my sweetie sipping cider and watching my children play. Life was good. And hopefully it would stay that way for a change.

From AJ's point of view.

"I had a great time," Travis said as he looked up at me with a shy grin.

"Yea um maybe we could do it again?" I asked hopefully.

"I would really like that," Travis replied blushing.

"How about a moon light stroll on the beach?" I asked.

"I would love it," Travis said smiling. I took his hand and together we walked out on the beach. I looked back at the beach house and saw Justin standing on the porch. I smiled at him and waved. He smiled back and waved. He had hurt me but I was never one to hold grudges. Besides, Justin had lost so much but he had also gained something too. He realized that power and fame weren't all the important. The most important thing was friends and family. Tonight he had found his way back to both. Now the only thing he needed was love. Maybe some day he would find that too. "AJ?" Travis asked.

"Yes?" I asked back.

"You were a million miles away. You OK?" he asked with concern on his face. "Yes Travis," I said as I pulled him close and kissed him lightly on the lips. "For once I think that I am really all right."

"Good," Travis said with a grin. "Now how about that walk you promised?"


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Next: Chapter 67: Get Another Boyfriend 3 9

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