Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Oct 13, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part Ten

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publications.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

Now on with part Ten

From Matt's point of view.

"You two behave for your Papa," Kevin looked down on his twins. Both of them had very solemn looks on their faces. It was as if they knew that their daddy was leaving. I moved in behind Kevin and wrapped my arms around his narrow waist. "I love you guys," Kevin said softly as he bent down and kissed each of them on the cheeks. They squirmed with pleasure and grinned up at him. He than turned to me and looked down at me. I could see that his eyes were wet with tears. "I'm going to miss you."

"You will only be gone for five days sweetie," I smiled bravely up at him. "And we have our cell phones to keep in touch."

"Yea I know but I'm still gonna miss holding you," he whispered as he ran his finger along the side of my face. "God I hate this!" He bent down and gently touched his forehead to mine. A tear fell from his face and landed on my cheek. We stayed that way until a soft knock interrupted us. Kevin sighed and stood up and looked behind us.

"Hey, Kevin," Brian said softly. "We are ready to leave." I looked at Brian and saw his eyes were wet too. Leo was standing behind him with his hands stuffed in his pocket looking all sad too. Josh and Tyler were standing side by side talking quietly to one another.

"Yea," Kevin said gruffly. "Tyler, you have to promise me you will be good and help Dad with the twins?"

"Yes papa," Tyler said in a small voice. Kevin bent down and gave him a hug. "When are you coming home?" Tyler asked.

"Friday night buddy," Kevin smiled.

"Than we can decorate the house for Halloween?" Tyler asked with a smile.

"Actually I was wondering if maybe you and daddy and Uncle Leo could work on the house and surprise me when I get home," Kevin said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Ok Papa!" Tyler said with a grin. "We will make the house really scary for you!"

"That's a good boy," Kevin said as he kissed Tyler again.

"Eww yucki!" Tyler complained as he wiped his face. Kevin turned to me.

"I love you husband," he said softly kissing me lightly on the lips.

"I love you too husband," I giggled. "Now go make beautiful music for us." Kevin nodded and walked out the door. I followed him out onto the porch and watched him get into the limo and than watched with a heavy heart as the limo pulled away. Sighing I turned and walked back into the house without Kevin.

"Daddy?" Tyler asked.

"Yes son?" I replied.

"Do you miss Papa?" he asked with a sad face.

"Yes son I do," I smiled sadly. "But we have to remember that Papa loves to sing and perform. So we have to let him do what he wants to do. And we have to do what he asks us to do ok?"

"Ok Daddy," Tyler said. "I'm gonna go play with Josh now."

Later in my study Travis walks in and sits across from me.

"Good morning Travis," I said forcing a smile on my face.

"Good morning Boss," he replies. I looked at him and sees that he is wearing the same gloomy face that we all are wearing.

"You miss him?" I asked. He nods. "Well you will be back with him in a week." Again he nods. "So what is on the agenda today?"

"Well you have a meeting with JC this afternoon," Travis replies. "Other than that your schedule is clear."

"Good," I replied. "What do you way we start decorating the house for Halloween?" For the rest of the day until three in the afternoon we spent decorating the house both on the inside and outside and yard for Halloween. When we were done we all lined up in the yard to look at our handiwork. "Well guys, what do you think?"

"It is scary!" Tyler exclaimed as he jumped up and down. "Papa is going to like it!" I heard a car pull up in the drive and saw JC's Jag roll to a stop. The door opened and he stepped out. I had to smile at him because he had the same long face.

"Hey," he mumbled.

"Hey JC, you missing Nick?" I asked.

"Am I that obvious?" he asked raising his eyebrows. I nodded.

"Don't worry JC," I replied as I patted his shoulder. "We are all in the same boat. Shall we go inside and go over your contract?"

"Yea," JC replied. I could tell that his heart wasn't in the mood. Quite frankly I wasn't in the mood either. I was missing Kevin terrible. I missed his touch and his kisses and his presence and his smell. Sighing I sat behind my desk and reached for the file that Travis had laid out for me. Just as I picked it up the phone rang. I picked it up.

"House of lonely hearts," I mumbled into the receiver.

"Hey sexy," Kevin said into the receiver. "How are you doing?"

"Fine," I replied trying to make my voice sound upbeat and cheerful

"Liar," Kevin replied.

"I miss you!" I sobbed out. I heard Kevin chuckle on the other end. "In fact I'm playing host to everyone how has a Backstreet Boy lover. We are all here at the beach house being all lonely."

"I'm sorry you guys are having a rough time of it. Why don't you guys do something to pass the time."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Have a party, go to a movie, or bowling or something. I don't want you guys sitting around the house moping around for us," Kevin said sternly. "Matt Honey, I want you to promise me you will try to have some fun."

"Ok,"I grumbled.

"How are the twins?" Kevin asked.

"They are adorable. "They got to play in the pumpkin guts!" I giggled. You should've seen them. They were orange by the time they were done. I took pictures with the digital and I'm going to send them too you."

"I can't wait to see them sweetie," Kevin laughed. "Listen I have to go back to the studio. I promise I will call if it doesn't get to late."

"Call me regardless how late it is," I pleaded.

"Promise me you will do something fun?" Kevin pleaded too.

"I promise," I replied smiling.

"I love you Baby," Kevin said in his deep soft voice.

"I love you too," I whimpered out. I heard the phone click and I sighed and put the phone back down. "Fuck this contract!"

"What?" JC asked shocked.

"Come on JC, let's you and me run into town and get some steaks and burgers and some cook out food and have party," I suggested. "I'm tired of hanging around the house all day."

"Sounds like a plan to me," JC giggled. "What about the little ones?"

"I'll get Travis and Leo to watch them," I replied. "Call Justin and see if he wants to come. I'll call Troy and Jack and see if they are up to a party." I felt better. Kevin had suggested a party and I was taking his advice. He was right. We shouldn't sit around the house all day and pine away for them.

"Ok," JC said with a grin on his face. "Justin is on his way and Leo and Travis are going to watch the kids. Oh yea and Tyler and Josh are begging for hotdogs."

A few hours later I was standing by the grill cooking the t-bone steaks. JC came up to me and handed me beer. "I can't have a beer," I said politely. "It will play havoc on my sugar."

"Ooops sorry," JC quickly apologized. "I forgot."

"That's ok," I grinned at him. "Is everyone having fun?"

"Actually," JC said raising his eyebrows. "Yes, everyone does seem to be having fun."

"Good," I replied as I turned the steaks. The smell of freshly grilled beef on the grill made my stomach growl. JC giggled at me.

Taking the fork from me gently. "Go get yourself a plate of food and spend some time with your children and friends." I looked at him to make sure that he was really ok with it. "I've handled a few grills in my time," JC grinned as he gently pushed me to the food tables. "Curly!" he shouted. Justin came running up to us. "Make sure that Matt here has some fun and don't let him come near this grill for at least an hour."

"Sure whatever you say Josh," Justin said with a grin. "Come on Matt, let's go bug your sons and Josh." I reluctantly let Justin lead me away. But instead of leading me to my children he led me to a table and sat me down and sat down across from me. He looked at me with those intense blue eyes of his. I never realized just how attractive Justin was.

"I want to talk to you first," Justin said as he looked down and than looked back up at me while licking his lips. "I can see why Kevin loves you so much."

"Excuse me?" I asked confused. "What are you getting at?"

"Well I'm just saying that you are incredibly hot and good looking," Justin replied as he gave me his "I'm an innocent little boy" look. The one that he used on his recent video. I had to admit that I was getting kind of turned on by his act. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Justin what are you trying to pull?" I asked. He reached over and took my hand which I tried to jerk back but his grip was to strong. "Justin, let go now!"

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I didn't mean to come on so strong." He leaned back in his chair and looked around for a few minutes. "Can I spend the night?" He asked bluntly.

"What?" I gaped at him.

"I mean I've had some to drink and I don't think I should drive," Justin replied.

"Yea sure," I replied carefully. "You can have one of the spare rooms."

"Thanks," Justin grinned at me. "Now let's get you something to eat."

"Justin wait," I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him down. "What were you implying there a few minutes ago?"

"I like you," Justin said bluntly. "I like you and I think you are hot."

"What do you mean you like me?" I asked.

"Come on Matt," Justin replied with a little smirk. "I know how open you and Kevin are with your sex life."

"What?" I yelped.

"I mean why don't you and I get it on?" Justin said in a soft voice that dripped with sex.

"You are nuts," I shouted standing up. Justin choose this time to bust up laughing. He was laughing so hard that he had tears coming out of his eyes. "What the fuck are you laughing at?" I demanded. By now I was ready to punch Justin's lights out.

"You fell for it!" Justin laughed in between laughter. "You thought that I wanted to have sex with you!" By now JC had walked up to us.

"Justin," JC said in a scolding voice. "Have you been trying to seduce Matt?"

"Yes he is!" I retorted with a pout on my face. "Make him stop!"

"Justin behave!" JC giggled out.

"Meanies!" Justin retorted with his trademark pout. "It was just a joke!" By now we were all laughing our heads off. I stood up and walked over to the food table which was set up by the pool. Justin made the mistake of walking on the edge and me? Well I just couldn't resist. I pushed him in. He came up sputtering and glaring at me.

"Got you back," I giggled. He swam over to the edge of the pool and held out his hand and gave me an innocent look. Now here is where I should've really paid attention.

"Uhhh I wouldn't do that if I were you," JC giggled. But did I listen? Hell no! I like a dummy took his hand. It was only when he had my hand did I realize my mistake. With a good hard jerk he pulled me in. I came up sputtering and coughing. Justin was laughing his head off. JC jumped in and pulled Justin over.

Nick yelled, "Pool fight!" And soon the pool was full of every adult at the party. I finally managed to climb out along with Justin. We plopped down in the lounge chairs breathing heavy.

"See what you started?" Justin giggled. I nodded grinning as if I were very proud of myself.

Later that night the cell phone rings and I pick it up.

"Party Mansion!" I giggled. Justin smacked me on the arm. "Ouch!" I yelped glaring at Justin.

"Hey," came a very deep and sleepy voice. I looked at the watch. It was two in the morning. Justin and I were sitting on the porch chilling.

"Hey baby," I replied. "You sound so sleepy."

"I am," Kevin coughed out. "I'm so tired. I worked over time to lay down my tracks."

"Well why don't you get some sleep?" I asked getting all concerned.

"I wanted to hear how the cook out went," Kevin replied. "I'm assuming by the way you are answering the phone that you all had a good time."

"Yes we did," I replied with a grin. "JC and I went to the store and picked up a bunch of food and had a cook out. We also invited a few friends over. It was a blast except for one thing."

"And that is?" he asked in a middle of a huge yawn.

"You weren't here!" I sighed.

"Did you miss me?" Kevin asked.

"Yes I missed you!" I replied with a pout.

"Well when I get home I'm going to have to give you a surprise," Kevin said softly.

"Ewwwww!" I squealed. "I love surprises!"

"I know," Kevin replied. "Baby, I love you and I'm going to go to bed."

"Think of me all night?" I pleaded.

"You know I will," Kevin replied. "Good night love."

"Good Night Love," I replied. I heard the phone click. Sighing I got up and walked into the house. I passed Leo's room and heard him sniffling. I knocked on the door.

"Go away!" came a muffled voice. I opened it and walked in. There was Leo laying in bed with tears flowing down his face.

"Hey," I said softly. "What's wrong Leo?"

"I miss Brian," he sniffled.

"I miss Kevin," I replied. "You want some company?"

He nodded and I laid down beside him. I was shocked when he wrapped his arms around me and snuggled close. I waited a few minutes until I heard his breathing become steady and even. Than I quietly slipped out of bed and crept into the nursery. I peeked in on Mattie and Kevie. They were both zonked out sound asleep. Yawning I walked to my room and stripped down and pulled on a pair of Kevin's sweats and threw my self on the bed and soon was asleep.

(This one is for you Nathan!!)


"What the hell is that?" I demanded as I sat up in bed.


"What the fuck?" I yelped. I swung out of bed and looked at the clock. It was five in the morning. I scrambled down the stairs and ran out on the porch. There standing on the porch railing was a Rooster! He looked at me and flapped his wings and crowed again. I slipped off my slipper and hurled at him. "Get the fuck off of my porch!" He squawked and flapped his wings and jumped off the porch and than started to chase me. "Help!!!" I screamed. "There is a crazy rooster after me!" I ran into the house and slammed the door.

"What is going on?" demanded a very sleepy Leo.

"There is a rooster out there!" I gasped. "He attacked me!"

"What?" yelped out Leo.

"Go see for your self!" I said. Leo shrugged his shoulder and walked outside. I waited for the yells but they didn't come. I peeked out side. There was Leo holding the damn thing.

"Ohhh poor rooster! Did that bad old Matt scare you?" Leo was cooing at the beast.

"Traitor!" I hissed at Leo. He just smiled and continued to pet the annoying monster. "Can you say fried chicken?" I hissed at the beast.

"That is not nice!" Leo scolded me. "He is nice rooster!"

"No he is not! He woke me up at five in the morning!" I retorted. "Than he attacked me!"

"Well maybe you shouldn't of thrown your slipper at him!" Leo replied still cooing at the feathered freak.

"Why me!" I complained looking up at the sky. The rooster clucked at me and tried to pick at me. "Hey keep that man eating monster away from me!" I demanded. "And he is not staying!"

"But he is lonely!" Leo complained.

"Well he can be lonely somewhere else!" I demanded. The rooster clucked at me again. "Ok that is it! I'm starting the oil! I'm going to fry me a chicken!" Leo glared at me and held the rooster protectively against him. "EEEEWWWWWW Why me!" I demanded again.

"But he is so cute," Leo said still petting the rooster. The rooster continued to glare at me. I stuck my tongue out at it and stalked into the house. I heard Leo say, "Don't worry, I'll protect you from the mean old Matt." I rolled my eyes as I walked backup stairs to get some more sleep.

A couple of hours later I walked back down stairs and peeked into the living room. Justin was sitting there nursing a cup of coffee. "Where is he?" I demanded.

"Where is who?" Justin asked raising his eyebrows.

"That damn Rooster!" I replied.

"We have a rooster?" Justin yelped.

"Well he kinda showed up here and woke me up and than attacked me!" I explained. Leo walked in cradling the damn thing. "I'm hungry for fried chicken. Are you hungry for Fried Chicken Justin?" Justin giggled and shook his head. "What?" I asked all innocent. "Can you just taste Fried Chicken right now?"

"That is just plain mean!" Leo said as he sat down and let the rooster down. The rooster took off after me.

"BOO!" I shouted at it. He squawked and took off running back towards Leo. Justin was laughing his head off. Leo was trying to calm the rooster down. "I'm going to my office to work right after I get some breakfast!" After eating my breakfast I walked into my office. I walked around my desk to find that crazy feathered freak sitting in my office chair "Leo!" I shouted. "Get our Sunday dinner out of my chair!" Leo came rushing in and snatched the rooster from my seat.

"He is not Sunday Dinner!" Leo replied as he walked out. "He is Ruddy! And he is my pet!"

"You can't have a rooster for a pet!" I yelled rolling my eyes. "That is just plain weird!"

"Yes I can," Leo replied. "Now if you will excuse me Ruddy and I are going for a walk." Leo stuck his head up and stomped out. Sighing I went to sit down in my chair and looked at it horror.

"Leeeeeooo!" I hollered. "Your so-called pet from hell pooped on my chair!" I heard Leo giggle as he walked out of the house. I grabbed a tissue and wiped it off. "Stupid crazy rooster shitting on my chair! I'll show him. He will be chicken soup when I'm done with him!"

"Not happy with the most recent member of the family?" JC's voice sounded from behind me."

"Have you seen that feathered freak?" I asked JC.

"Yes I have and I think he is cute," JC giggled. "Now how about we sign my contract to get my solo career off the ground."

"You are really enjoying yourself aren't you?" I asked JC.

"Yes I am," JC giggled. "I haven't seen this house turned upside down in a long time. And to think that it took a Rooster to do it!" By not JC was laughing his head off. I shook my head and went to find his contract. Just as I found it the phone rang. I picked it up.

"Matt's Ark," I said into the receiver.

"Excuse me?" Kevin's voice asked.

"Oh hi sweetie," I said smiling from ear to ear.

"What in the world is going on over there?" Kevin asked giggling.

"I get up in the morning and there is a damn rooster crowing his head off!" I explained. "And Leo has come to it's rescue and adopted the damn thing!"

"Umm sweetie?" Kevin asked trying real hard not to laugh. "How did a Rooster get on our property?"

"How the hell do I know?" I yelped back. The damn thing tried to attack me!" I heard Kevin snort back a laugh. "It is not funny!" I pouted.

"I'm sorry sweetie," Kevin chuckled. "So where is the rooster now?"

"Leo announced that he is taking Ruddy for a walk," I huffed.

"He named the rooster?" Kevin laughed.

"Yes he named the rooster! And the damn thing pooped on my chair!" Kevin was really laughing now. "Kevin!" I whined. "You're supposed to be on my side!"

"I'm sorry sweetie," Kevin said as he tried to be quiet for about ten seconds before busting up laughing again.

"Are you done now?" I demanded glaring into the phone.

"Yes dear," Kevin said meekly. "I promise--giggle-not to ---giggle-- laugh anymore."

"Good," I replied still pouting some more. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, and it sounds like I'm missing all the fun," Kevin replied.

"How are things going?" I asked.

"Going real well. We are on schedule and we should be home on Friday," Kevin replied. It was then that I heard Blackie yipping.

"Kevin," I said. "I love you but I have to go." I hung up the phone and walked out side. The rooster was chasing poor Blackie. Blackie saw me and ran towards me and hid behind my legs. The rooster came at me. "Boo!" I shouted at it. The rooster stopped and headed back to Leo. Leo was laying in the sand and laughing his head off. I looked down at poor Blackie. "Poor Blackie!" I said down at him. "That mean old Rooster was going to eat you?" Blackie just jumped up on me and started to lick my face. "Why don't we find Tyler and see if he wants to play?" At the sound of Tyler's name Blackie took off barking. I could hear both Tyler and Josh laughing their heads off. Sighing I headed back into the house and finished the contract with Josh. This was going to be a very long week. "Kevin?" I begged silently to myself. "Please come home?"


Next: Chapter 69: Get Another Boyfriend 3 11

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