Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Apr 15, 2001


Disclaimer: The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18.

As my readers know: I send out messages and requests on how and where this story should go. For the readers I have e-mailed this past few days ago I think you will be pleased with what I have done. For my new readers make sure you e-mail me and let me know how you like my story. Remember that this story is for your entertainment. And for me to provide you with the best entertainment possible I need input. Thank you to all the fans who have kept in touch with me in the past few weeks. Your praise and encouragement has meant so much to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Again comments are welcomed here. E-mail me at

Now on with the show!!!

Get Another Boyfriend

Chapter 15

"I like Candy when it's wrapped in a sweater!" sang out Tyler. I groaned to myself as I heard him belt out the song for the 100th time today. You see Tyler had just got done hearing the concert on TV and he had fallen in love with Aaron Carter and begged poor Nick for his cd. I could still see Nick smiling as he handed a very happy Tyler Aaron's CD. I peeked into his room to see him trying to hang up a poster that Nick had given him of his little brother. He had his CD blaring as loud as he could. I smiled as he struggled with the poster. For a three year old the poster was almost as big as he was. I walked in and turned the stereo down.

"Hey Tyler," I said as I took the poster from him. "How about I help you hang that poster up." So together we hung the poster up over his bed. "So you like Aaron?" I asked.

"Yea he has good music," Tyler said grinning as he started to bop to the music. For a three year old he was a pretty good dancer. I decided to get into the act and dance some too. You know show the kid how a pro does it. After the song we plopped down on the bed. "Where is Daddy?" he asked laying his head on my stomach.

"Well your daddy has a cold so he is in his room sleeping right now," I said as I messed up his hair.

"Pappa?" he asked as he looked at me with those innocent eyes. I fell in love all over again. "Are you gonna marry my Daddy?"

"Well I asked him and he did say yes," I replied.

"Yippeee!" squealed Tyler. I winced at his high-pitched voice. "We can be a family!" By now he was standing up in bed jumping up and down in the bed. Ok so maybe I'm not the biggest role model in the world but it seemed fun at the time. I got up on my knees and started bouncing on the bed too. Soon we were both laughing so hard that I had tears running down my face. Tyler face was flushed from the excitement.

"Ahem!" coughed a voice. I looked up to see a sleepy Matt standing in the doorway with a disapproving look on his face. Tyler quickly sat down looking guilty. "What are you two up too?" he asked as he walked in and sat down on the bed next to us.

"Umm nothing dear," I said with the most innocent look I could muster.

"Yea right," laughed Matt as he rubbed noses with me. I looked closer at him and realized that he was swimming in his clothes. Oh wait a minute he was wearing my clothes. He looked cute wearing clothes almost three times bigger than his were.

"You're wearing my stuff," I said as I fingered my sweat suit.

"Yea umm they smell like you and I was lonely," he said blushing. "Besides you left me this morning before I woke up!" he continued pouting. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close.

"You feeling better?" I asked him as I kissed the top of his head. He shrugged his shoulders and I felt his forehead with the back of my head. "You're still hot." I mumbled. "Let's get you back to bed."

"I want to stay up for a while," he argued with me. I sighed and picked him up and carried him down stairs and laid him on the couch and pulled the afghan around him. "Good," he said smiling. "Now I don't feel like an outcast. Where is everybody?"

"Well let's see," I said as I sat at the end of the couch and put his feet in my lap.

"I want Candy!" belted out Tyler from upstairs. I let out a huge groan as Matt busted up laughing I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and took off running up stairs and slipped into Tyler's room and turned the stereo down and bribed Tyler with twenty bucks not to sing that song for rest of the night. Running back down stairs and into the living room and to my disappointment Matt had fallen asleep. "That's how I beat Shaq!" belted out Tyler.

"Auuuurrrghhhh! Why me!" I groaned and made my way back up to the room. I opened the door to find Tyler bouncing on the bed. "Tyler!" I scolded.

"But pappa!" he whined back. "You said not to play that other song. This one is How I Beat Shaq!" He was grinning widely. Sighing I reached into my wallet and pulled out another twenty. "Yeesss!" he exclaimed as he shut off the stereo.

"Promise me you will keep the music down?" I asked nicely. He nodded holding out his hand. I dropped the twenty in his hand and headed out of the room. "Man that was expensive." I headed back down stairs and into the living room back to my sweetie. I sat down and laid his head in my lap. I felt his head again and frowned. He was still hot. If his fever didn't go down tomorrow I was going to take him to the doctor. I heard the front door opened. Someone was returning home. So much for some quiet time with Matt.

"Is Kevin and Matt home?" asked a familiar voice. I perked up and looked over at the doorway.

"They are in the living room sir," Brad said. I heard his footsteps and than I saw him walk through the door. He squinted his eyes in the dark room looking around.

"Hey any one here?" he asked.

"Yea JC, come on in," I said softly. He walked in the rest of the way and sat down in a chair. "How did your shopping trip go?" I asked stroking Matt's damp hair.

"It was ok. Was that Arron Carter I just heard up stairs?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"Tyler has fallen in love with Arron. I've had to listen to his music all day," I groaned rolling my eyes. "I also lost forty bucks to that kid."

"Ok how did you do that?" laughed JC.

"He has learned all about bribing," I said grinning. "I bribed him to keep the music down."

"And it cost you forty bucks?" JC yelped. I flipped him off.

"No sweetie, you can't do that to him," said a sleepy Matt. I looked down and saw that he was grinning up at me. He struggled to sit wrapping the afghan around him. "I'm the only one you can do that too."

"You should be sleeping Babe," I said rubbing his back. He leaned back so I could wrap my arms around him and pull him back.

"I've been sleeping most of the day," Matt mumbled. "I won't be able to sleep tonight." Brad walked in to change the ice at the bar. "Is Brad walking funny today?" Matt asked looking up at me.

"Well I think that Nick got a hold of him last night," I said as I leaned down and tried to kiss his on the lips but he turned away and I pouted for a few moments.

"I don't want you to get this cold sweetie," he said snuggling closer to me. "You mean that Brad and Nick are together?"

"Well that is about it. I'm not too happy about it," I looked over to see JC frowning over at us. "What's wrong JC?" I asked softly.

"Well do you know if they are serious?" he asked hopefully.

"I don't know JC, I try not to get involved in Nick's love life," I said as I continued to rub Matt's back. A shadow crossed over us and I looked up to see Brad standing over us.

"Dinner is being served in the dinning room," he said formally.

"You feel like eating something?" I asked Matt. He shook his head no and stood up and headed back up stairs.

"I'm going to go to bed," he mumbled.

"Do you want me to come up with you?" I asked hoping that he would let me in.

"If you want too," he said grinning.

"JC will make sure that Tyler gets his dinner, I'm going to turn in early with Matt," I said following Matt up to the room. I insisted on him taking a real hot shower. Of course I had to take one too with him. Hey! Never pass up a chance to see your sweetie naked.

From Matt's point of view.

I watched Kevin strip out of his clothes. My heart stopped when he dropped his boxers. His cock was limp hanging low but he still looked very hot. I felt his fingers on my chin as he gently closed my mouth. "See something you like?" he asked softly as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer. His limp cock raking against my abs. I reached down and gently stroked it until it was standing attention. I than turned around to hint what I wanted. "Are you sure baby," he said softly.

"Please?" I begged. He chuckled softly as he slowly slid his cock into me. I winced in pain. "Am I hurting you?" he asked as he kissed my shoulder. I shuddered at the touch. I shook my head no as I bit my bottom lip to prevent me from crying out. The pain was worse today for some reason. I stopped him from thrusting any more until I was used to him. After the pain went away I urged him on. He gently pulled out and slid back in. I was in heaven as Kevin gently made love to me. Riding me for almost a half an hour standing up he shot his load into me. When the load hit my prostrate gland I shot my load all over the shower wall. Tears of pleasure ran down my face. "Thank you," I whispered.

"What for?" he asked as he took my chin in his hand and lightly kissed me on the nose.

"For making love to me," I said looking down.

"Thank you," he said in the deep soft voice that he used after he made love. "Now let's get you back into bed. I dried myself off and headed for the bed. "UH uh," he scolded. "You need to put some clothes on."

"But I want to feel your skin against mine," I whined.

"You have a cold and you need to dress warm," Kevin argued.

"But I will have you to keep me warm," I smiled licking my lips. "Besides what if I want a midnight snack?" I cooed as I took his cock in my hand and bent down and kissed the head of his cock.

"Ok you win," he said as he pulled back the blankets allowing me in first. Than he climbed in and pulled the covers up around me. I let out a small whimper until he lay on top of me covering me with his body.

"There!" I said grinning. "All better now!"

"I want candy!" belted out Tyler. My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Kevin groaned loudly. "I like candy when it's wrapped in a sweater!" The door popped open and JC stuck his head in.

"I'll take care of it," he smiled. "You love birds stay put!"

"What was that all about?" I asked giggling.

"That would be your son and his new crush. Nick decided to let Tyler see his brother in concert on the Disney channel. And now your son is in love with Arron Carter!" Kevin said as he spooned me. I loved the feel of his cock resting comfortably against my ass cheek.

"OH that is so cute!" I said grinning.

"Oh yea it is real cute!" grumbled Kevin. "You try listening to that song over and over and over and over again!"

"Is it that bad?" I asked surprised. Kevin nodded. "Oh well I guess it was bound to happen sooner than later." I laughed at Kevin's confused look. "Welcome to the world of parenting Pappa." I snuggled closer to Kevin preparing myself for a nice long sleep with my sweetie. I felt Kevin's lips grace my shoulder.

"Goodnight Matt," Kevin said.

"Goodnight sexy," I giggled. Closing my eyes I soon fell asleep with Kevin holding me.

Later that evening.

"Are you getting off soon?" Nick asked Brad.

"I'll be getting off in about five minuets," Brad said as he gently squeezed Nick's crotch. "Than I can take care of Jr. there."

"I want to take care of you too," Nick said softly as he ran his finger down Brad's face. Brad closed his eyes at the touch.

"I'll try to hurry," he gulped as he hurried into the kitchen. Nick turned around to see JC frowning at him.

"Hey JC," Nick said with a grin.

"You and Brad going out?" JC asked.

"Well I wouldn't say that we are going out," Nick said shrugging his shoulders. "Let's just say that we both have needs."

"Nick," JC said shaking his head. "You are to great of a guy for him." Nick's eyes flashed with anger and JC quickly back pedaled. "What I am saying, is that you deserve someone who loves you. Not someone who just wants to have sex with you."

"What is wrong with just having sex?" Nick asked glaring at JC.

"Nothing is wrong with just having sex," JC said. "But it can be real lonely if you don't have love."

"What do you know about love?" Nick hurled at JC as he brushed by him. "When you have someone who loves you or when you find someone you love than you can give me advice on love." Nick ran up stairs to his room slamming the door behind him.

"But I have found someone to love," JC said softly as he turned and headed to other way. "Only thing is he doesn't know it."

"OOOOHHH GOD!" Brad groaned loudly as Nick rammed his cock up Brad's ass. "OHH YEA you worthless piece of shit! Fuck me hard cause that is all you are good for!" Brad grabbed Nick's hair and pulled it roughly down so he could get access to Nick's mouth. Kissing him roughly bruising Nick's lips with his teeth he shot his load in between Nick and himself. "Ohhh Yea you fucking faggot shoot your load in me!" Nick let out a strangled groan and shot his load in Brad's ass. SLAP! Brad's hand came across Nick's face hard. "Now get your ass up and get cleaned up!" Nick quickly got off of Brad and headed into the bathroom and took a shower. Walking back into the room he tried to climb in with Brad but Brad kicked him in the gut. "Get out!" he shouted.

"Why are you so mean?" Nick sobbed." Brad jumped out of bed and landed on top of Nick pinning him to the ground. He punched Nick in the gut knocking Nick's breath out. "Who are you?" Nick gasped out.

"You remember James?" Brad hissed at him. Nick's face paled, as he looked closer at Brad. "Under stand now?" Nick tried to get up to run but Brad grabbed his balls and squeezed hard. Nick let out a strangled scream. "You breathe one word of this to anyone and I will go to the fucking press so fast that your faggot head will fucking spin!" He let Nick go and Nick quickly left the room. After Nick left the room Brad walked into another small room connected to his sleeping quarters. The room was full of video monitors and a picture of James was hanging on the wall. He gently took the picture from the wall and he caressed it. "I will avenge your death for you," Brad said as a tear rolled down his face. Putting the picture down he activated the monitor and looked at the sleeping figures of Matt and Kevin. "They will all pay for what they did!"

The next morning I woke up to see the sunlight peering through the window. I swung out of bed and walked to the bathroom and took care of my business and than headed back to bed. I was still sick but I was feeling better so I thought I could return to work. I looked down at Kevin and my heart skipped a beat as I beheld his beauty. He was naked as I was and he had a morning hard on. I licked my lips in anticipation. "Good morning JR," I giggled as I slid back into bed and slid his cock into my mouth. There are some people who think sucking cock is degrading. But not me, I love to suck cock. I feel it is a very intimate way to show your lover how much you care for him. I could tell by Kevin's soft moans and groans and the gentle thrusts of his hips he was awake and enjoying the treat I was giving him. I guess I have always been a bottom. I love to be on the receiving end of things. Sound confusing? Well not from my viewpoint. I love giving men pleasure. I derive pleasure from giving them pleasure. Kevin seems to enjoy it. He does let me be on top once in a while but I can tell that he isn't really into it. But that is ok with me. I love being a bottom. Speaking of which I've better get back to work because my sweetie is getting inpatient.

A few minutes later I was cleaning him up and snuggling back up to him. "Good morning," I said innocently grinning up at him.

"Good morning yourself mister," Kevin grinned down at me. "You shouldn't be doing that when you are sick."

"But he looked lonely," I whined as I reached down and took him in my hand again. Kevin gently removed my hand from his cock.

"You should go back to sleep," Kevin said as he pulled me closer to him.

"Uh uh," I mumbled. "I've got to spend the day in my study going over quarterly reports." I could tell that Kevin was not happy about that. "Honey, I have to do it. The board meets on Monday morning and I want to be ready."

"How about we compromise," Kevin said. "I'll bring the lap top up here and I get to stay here with you to baby you and take care of you."

"You shouldn't have to waste your entire day babysitting me," I argued. Kevin looked pissed for a few seconds. "Or I could be grateful that I have such a wonderful fiancé and accept his compromise and his wonderful company." Kevin's face lit up with a huge grin. It was at this time that the door came busting open and Tyler came running in jumping in our bed.

"Daddy!" he squealed giving me a hug. "Pappa!" he squealed again giving Kevin a hug too. "I want to play!"

"Doesn't he ever sleep?" spoke up a tired JC. I looked up to see him standing at the doorway. He looked like he had been up all night.

"Tyler," I scolded. "Did you keep JC up all night?"

"We played all night, we had a slumber party!" Tyler said as he clamored out of the bed and took off down the hall. "Come on JC, let's go play!" JC groaned and turned around and headed down the hall.

"I think I will go and relieve JC so he can get some sleep," Kevin said as he climbed out of bed and slid into his boxers. After he was dressed he turned and tucked me back in and trotted out of the room. I grabbed his pillow and hugged it close to me and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

From Kevin's point of view

I headed down stairs and walked into the living room in search of my "son". "Hey Nick?" I asked. "Have you seen Tyler?" Nick put his finger to his lips to signal me to be quiet. I frowned and walked into the room and looked where Nick was pointing. There was Tyler curled up on the couch sleeping. JC was crashed out on the other sofa. I smiled as I pulled the afghan up around the sleeping child. "I love you Tyler," I mumbled softly as I kissed the top of his head.

"You are hopeless," giggled Nick.

"Hey he is adorable and he wants me to be a part of his life. You bet I am hopeless," I gushed out. "I want to get him something special."

"Well since you brought it up there is something that Tyler wants," Nick said grinning. I waited patiently for him to reveal what Tyler wants.

"Come on Nick!" I growled at him. "Spill the goods!"

"Well it has four legs and it is really cute and it can be really messy and noisy and--," Nick started.

"He already has you Nick!" I teased him.

"Shut up Kevin!" giggled Nick. "I'm talking about a puppy!"

Chapter 16

Lions Tigers and Puppy Oh Dear!

"A a a puppy?" I squeaked out. I ran my hand through my hair shaking my head. "What kind of puppy?"

"Well it should be a real gentle one. You know Black Labs are really good with children," Nick suggested.

"Yea Pappa!" spoke up a tired voice. I looked back to see a shaggy haired toddler looking up at me with pleading eyes. "Can I get a puppy?"

"Well Tyler," I said sitting down beside him and he climbed into my lap. "I would love to get you a puppy, but--,"

"Oh man here comes the buts," grumbled Nick. I glared at him and he backed down. "Buts can real good too," Nick quickly corrected himself.

"But first we need to talk this over with you father," I said. I dreaded the upcoming conversation where no doubt I would be the one to convince Matt that Tyler needed a cute, messy and noisy companion on four legs. "Now all I have to do is convince your Father."

"I can talk to him about it," Tyler spoke up. "I know he will say yes! Can I go talk to him now?"

"Your father is still sick and is sleeping. Maybe later on this morning you can talk to him," I said as I hugged him for a few seconds.

"Speaking of talking to your daddy," I said sighing. "I have to get his things up to our room so you go run up to your room and climb into bed and get some sleep. After you have a nap I will bring you in to see your daddy." Tyler clamored out of bed and ran up stairs into his room. I rolled my eyes when I heard "I want Candy!" blaring out on his stereo. I looked over at Nick. "Thank you so much for introducing Tyler to your brother's music."

"Hey it's the least I can do," giggled Nick. "How is Matt doing this morning?"

"He is still fighting that cold of his. But he is getting a little better. I have to bring his lap top up to him so he can go over the Quarterly Reports for Whittington Enterprises Board Meeting on Monday," I said as I headed out of the living room and into his study. After retrieving his lap top and the files that he needed I made my way up to the room. I paused at Tyler's room and peeked in and frowned when I saw his bed empty. Shrugging my shoulders I made my way into our room. My frown turned into a smile. There curled up in his father's arms was Tyler. He was out like a light and I didn't have the heart to wake him up. Sighing I turned and headed out the door.

"Where do you think you are going sexy?" asked a sleepy voice. I turned and saw my sweetie sitting up in bed looking at me.

"Umm I didn't want to interrupt a father son moment," I explained. Matt gently moved Tyler aside to make room for me. I gently sat down on the bed and kissed my lover on the forehead. Frowning because he fever was up again. "You're not getting any better are you?"

"I do feel some better," Matt tried to convince me.

"Liar," I scolded him. "Get showered and dressed," I ordered him. He looked at me confused. "I'm taking you to the doctor." He started to complain but one look form me and he stopped. "Oh yes and can we stop off on the pet store on the way home?" Now he did look confused. I had to laugh at the adorable expression on his face. "Tyler wants a puppy," I said wincing at the expected response.

"Hmm Tyler with a puppy," said Matt as he walked by me on the way into the shower. "I'll think about it." I could see that I had some work to do. Oh well no time like that the present to convince him. I looked back at Tyler and saw that he was out for the rest of the morning. Very quietly I slipped out of my clothes and followed my sweetie into the shower. I stopped to see him arching his back back and catching the stream of water in his face. I marveled at his dancers body as the water cascaded down his face neck and chest. I giggled quietly and knelt at his feet and reached up and took his cock in my hands. He looked down and smiled. "Hmm a little bribe huh?" I nodded and slipped his cock into my mouth and started bobbing up and down. There was a time when sucking cock revolted me. But that seemed a lifetime ago. I was in love now and the thought of making love to Matt with my mouth turned me on. I could tell by his response that he was enjoying it. After swallowing his load I got behind and gently eased my cock into him.

"So?" I asked seductively. "Does Tyler get a puppy?" I pulled out and than very slowly eased my cock back into him. Matt let out a low moan shuddering at my actions. "What was that sweetie?" I giggled softly as I repeated the action. "I didn't quite understand that." This time he almost collapsed from the feelings I was causing him.

"Yes!" he moaned. "I'll let you buy him the moon if only you will make love to me!" Bingo! I laughed softly. It seems that my sweetie was easy to bribe. I started thrusting in and out paying careful attention to his reactions. I wanted him to enjoy this as much as I was.

Later on the way to the doctor office.

"You were mean!" he said pouting at me. "That was unfair."

"Yea it was sweetie, but you didn't see his face light up when Nick brought it up. He would really love a puppy and we could use the excitement too," I said as I gently massaged his leg. I frowned when Matt went into a coughing attack. He was really starting to worry me. I could hear him wheezing from where I was sitting. "You are not getting any better Matt," I said as I ran my hand across his face. He leaned into the touch. I could tell he was tired. "Why don't you lay in my lap and try to sleep until we get to the doctors office?" He shook his head no and looked out the window. I got the impression that he was deliberately trying to keep me away from him. "I want to help," I said softly looking into his eyes. He finally gave up and laid his head in my lap. I spent the next few minutes stroking his damp hair and softly singing to him until his breathing steadied out and I could tell he was sleeping.

Later at the Doctor's office.

"So Doc," I said in cheerful voice. "Is he going to live?" Matt glared at me as he held a gauze pad over the spot where they had drawn blood. I found out today that Matt was a huge baby when it came to drawing blood from him. He hated needles.

"Well he has a good chest cold but I think we can get it under control," the Doctor said with a grin. "I drew an extra tube of blood for a HIV test." My heart stood still and I got this sick feeling in my stomach.

"HIV test?" I asked with my voice shaking. "Do you think he is positive?"

"No I don't think he is positive. But I want his permission to run a test. He is due by looking at his records. I just want to make sure all bases is covered," the doctor said with a smile. "In the mean time make sure he takes the full dose of antibiotics and he needs to get plenty of rest. No stress full meetings and make sure he drinks plenty of liquids." After getting the prescriptions we headed out of the office. I noticed that Matt was unusually quiet.

"You want to talk about it?" I asked looking over at him. He shook his head no. "It might help."

"I said no!" he hurled at me. I backed off hurt at his outburst. I felt his hand land on my cheek. I turned and looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry Kevin," he whispered. "I'm just scared is all. I mean what if it is HIV?"

"You heard the Doctor," I said trying to sooth him. "The only reason he is doing the test is because you were due." Matt shook his head no.

"I am not due for another 5 months," he said. "The Doctor was just trying to calm your fears."

"Are you thinking that maybe James was positive?" I asked. Matt shrugged his shoulders and looked out the window. The rest of the ride to the pet store was quiet. I was thinking about what Matt had said. Could he be HIV positive? I mean if he was that could destroy us all. I mean as stupid as we both were by having unprotected sex. I watched as the car came to halt in front of the pet store. I put on my stage smile and helped Matt out of the car and into the shop.

"May I help you?" asked the sales clerk.

"Yes we would like to see you puppies," I replied. He motioned us to the back part of the store. We were assaulted with the noise of puppies barking. I looked into the cage and immediately fell in love. There he was sitting by himself looking up at us as if to say. "Here I am! Come take me home!" I reached over and picked him up and held him close to Matt. The puppy's tongue quickly darted out and licked Matt on the tip of his nose. Matt let out a soft laugh and reached for him. I gently put him in Matt's arms. The pup quickly snuggled deeper into Matt's arms and closed his eyes. "I think we will take this one."

"A very good choice sir," the clerk said. "He is up to date for all of his shots and he has been fixed." I nodded as the Clerk gave us his required spill about the care of the puppy. In a few moments we had the car full of puppy stuff.

"He is cute," Matt said as he continued to hold the puppy in his arms. The puppy had already fallen asleep in Matt's arms. "Do you think Tyler will like him?"

"I'm sure that Tyler will love him. And I am glad that he will have a puppy, now they can grow up together," I said as I stroked the puppy's head.

"I love you," Matt said suddenly.

"I love you too sweetie," I answered him.

"I'm sorry," he said with tears in his eyes.

"What for?" I asked worried. "You've done nothing to be sorry for."

"Yes I have," he sobbed out. "We didn't protect ourselves during sex. Kevin, I could've given you HIV!" He was really sobbing now and I quickly pulled him into my arms and held him until he calmed down.

"Are you better?" I asked. He nodded and wiped his nose on his sleeve. "Good, because now I have something to say to you." I took his chin and pulled his head up so that he was looking into my eyes. "I am just as guilty as you are for not using protection. This is not your fault. And if it turns out that you are positive than we will accept that and deal with it as a couple. Now no more getting upset. We have a puppy to introduce to Tyler," I said as the car came to a stop in front of the mansion. The door opened and we headed inside. I held the door opened for Matt as he walked in. JC was headed up stairs when he turned and saw us.

"Oh dear," he said grinning as he walked back down stairs. "I have a feeling that things are going to get interesting around here," he said softly as he reached out and took the puppy out of Matt's hand and held it up. The puppy's tongue quickly darted out and caught JC on the nose. JC busted up laughing and he handed the puppy back to Matt.

"Why don't you go into the living room and get settled and I'll go and get Tyler," I said as I headed up the stairs.

From Matt's point of view.

I made my way into the living room and caught sight of Nick and Brad kissing. I frowned at the unusual amount of force that Brad was using. It looked like that Nick wasn't really enjoying himself. But what really surprised me was the puppy started growling. I looked down at him in shock. He looked up at me and licked my hand. "Ahem!" I coughed out. Brad jumped back and looked over at me. I frowned when I saw a quick look of hate cross his features.

"Oh pardon me sir," he said quickly recovering himself.

"I would appreciate that you reframed from any public shows of affections while on duty Brad," I scolded him. Brad quickly bowed his head and apologized for his actions. As he left I quickly grabbed his arm. "I'm happy for you and Nick,' I said smiling. Brad smiled back and blushed. "But while you are on duty you are representing not only me but the Backstreet Boys and Whittington Enterprise. Please restrain your self until after duty hours."

"Yes sir," Brad said as he made a hasty exit. I turned to Nick and frowned to see him standing there shaking.

"Nick are you all right?" I asked. Nick shook him self and looked up at me and smiled.

"Yea I'm fine," he said quickly. "Hey cute Puppy!" he said quickly changing the subject. I handed the puppy over to Nick for his dose of Puppy love. Nick cuddled with that puppy for a few moments before giving him back. I heard Kevin walk into the room.

"Can I open my eyes now Pappa?" asked Tyler.

"No you may not," Kevin said laughing. I quickly sat the puppy down and motioned Kevin to do the same. Kevin gently sat Tyler down. "Ok Tyler, go ahead and open your eyes." Tyler eyes popped opened and silence reigned supreme in the mansion for a few seconds. Than Tyler let out a squeal and held out his arms. The puppy let out a few barks and trotted over to Tyler, jumping up on him knocking poor Tyler over. Soon the room was filled with Tyler's laughter and the puppy's barking. I stood back and watched as Tyler and the new puppy got acquainted. I really didn't want to leave but Kevin gave me that look again. Sighing I gave Tyler a quick hug and headed up stairs with Kevin.

"Thank you," I said as I pulled off my sweatshirt. The cold air caused me to shiver. "Seeing that little smile on the boys face just lights up my world." I was shivering uncontrollably by now. I quickly dived under the covers and pulled them up close around me.

"Just so that you know, I am glad we got him the puppy too," Kevin said as he slid in under the covers too.

"What are you doing?" I asked grinning.

"I'm going to hold my baby until he falls asleep," he said as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"What should we name him?" I asked as I kissed Kevin's hand.

"I think we should let Tyler name him," Kevin said. That sent me into a laughing spell. After I was done Kevin took a deep breath. "Want to tell me what that was all about?"

"Letting a three year old boy name a puppy might be a mistake," I said giggling. "I speak from experience. You see when I got my first puppy I was the same age as Tyler. And I decided that the puppy's name should be Pancake!" Kevin snorted loudly as he tried not to laugh. Finally he failed and busted up laughing. "That poor dog would always get real nervous whenever we had Pancakes for breakfast. I actually believe it took a few years off of his life."

"Ok so maybe letting Tyler name the puppy isn't such a good idea," Kevin agreed. "But right now you need to get some rest if you are ever going to get over this cold." I closed my eyes and let my Kevin, (Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?) sing me to sleep.

Later that evening.

I woke up with a heavy feeling in my chest. I was having difficulty breathing and I opened my eyes to a stranger leaning over me trying to place a plastic mask over my face. I swatted his hands away and tried to sit up. "Matt!" shouted the stranger. "Let me help you!" Again he tried to put the mask on I struggled to get away. Where was Kevin? I thought to myself. What is going on? Why can't I breathe?

"Let me through!" demanded a voice that I longed to hear. I frantically looked around and saw that I was still in my bed but there were a lot of people in the room. I could hear Tyler crying the background. I tried to sit up to see what was going on but hands were holding me down. "Let me through!" shouted Kevin again. This time His hand clamped down on mine and I relaxed a little. "Baby," he said smoothing my hair down. "You have to let them take care of you." I noticed something different about Kevin. He was gray with fear. To calm his fears I fell back onto the bed and let them put the mask on. I inhaled the oxygen and the cold o2 sent me into a coughing attack. The EMT adjusted the humidifier and my coughing calmed down. I looked up at Kevin and he looked down at me. I could see the fear in his eyes. I reached up and stroked the side of his face. He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. "I was so afraid Matt," he mumbled as he bent down and kissed my forehead. "I thought I was losing you."

"What happened?" I asked confused.

"Pneumonia has settled in," he explained. "I had to give you mouth to mouth until the paramedics arrived. God I was so afraid of losing you."

"Well I'm still here," I smiled. I heard Tyler in the background getting louder by the moment. He was getting angry because he couldn't see me. I decided to calm him down.

"Tyler?" I asked. I heard some noise off to my right and than I felt a small hand touch my bear shoulder. I turned and looked to see a very scared three-year-old standing at my side.

"What is wrong daddy?" he asked with tears flowing down his face. "Why are those men doing this to you?"

"They are helping me Tyler," I struggled out. "They are not hurting me." Tyler didn't look convinced until Nick came and picked him up. "Explain it to him Nick?" I pleaded with him. Nick nodded and carried Tyler off.

"I want to be with my Daddy," sobbed out Tyler.

"Your Daddy is very sick right now Tyler," Nick said softly. "They are going to take him to the hospital ok?"

"Can I go with him?" he asked.

"We will go they're too but he has to go there with Paramedics and the Ambulance," Nick explained to him.

"Is there going to be lights and sirens?" asked Tyler. Nick had to smile at Tyler's typical child's questions.

"Yes Tyler," he laughed softly. "There will be sirens and lights."

"Cool!" Tyler said grinning. But the grin faded from his face as he saw them wheel me by. "Daddy!" he wailed reaching for me.

"Tyler?" I asked. He looked at me with a pout on his face. "You have to promise me you will be good for Nick." He nodded and sniffled. "I'll be all right. See? I have Kevin with me." That seemed to help him out and he stopped crying.

"I wanna go with you!" he demanded.

"You have to stay home and take care of your puppy," I said.

"His name is Jake," Tyler said frowning at me. I looked at Kevin and grinned. Kevin just nodded and took my hand.

"You don't want Jake to be scared do you?" I asked. "This is his first night at our home." Tyler agreed to staying home and taking care of Jake. Kevin insisted on riding the Ambulance with me.

From Kevin's point of view.

I cannot begin to tell you how afraid I am right now. I see Matt bravely talking to his son and calming him down. Several times the paramedics tried to leave but Matt wouldn't let them until he was sure that his son was taken care of first. Pride filled my heart as I watched him in action. But fear filled my heart too. I could see that he was having trouble breathing again. The oxygen wasn't having the affect that it was supposed to have. He was getting blue around his lips and cheeks. Finally Tyler was calmed down enough so that Matt let the paramedics load him up in the ambulance. I climbed in behind him holding his hand. Silence filled the compartment as the paramedic worked on him. I concentrated on holding his hand. Than it happened. He dropped my hand and I looked at him. I saw before me the man I love laying there not breathing. "Oh God!" I prayed as I watched the paramedic spring into action. "Please don't do this! I need him. His son needs him!" I watched as the paramedic listens for his heart beat with a stethoscope.

"We're losing him!" shouted the Paramedic.

From Tyler's point of view.

I allowed Nick to carry me back into the house. Once in the house I looked around for Jake. I found him in the living room with JC. He was playing with JC. I giggled at JC because he had one end of the towel in his mouth and Jake had the other end in his mouth and they both pulling on it. I turned around to look for Nick. I wanted to near Uncle Nick. I could hear him talking up stairs so I walked up the stairs and into the room where I heard his voice. I saw him lying on the bed looking up at Brad. I could tell that Brad was very angry because he was shouting at Nick. I got scared and hid in the closet peaking out the key whole. Brad was saying very bad words to Nick. I got real mad when I heard them

"You are nothing but a fucking whore!" Brad shouted at him. "I should fucking kill you right now!" He drew back his fist to hit my Uncle Nick. I got really mad and ran up to Brad and kicked him hard in the ankle.

"You leave Nick alone!" I shouted at him. Brad looked down at me and smiled. Only this smile wasn't like Daddy's or Pappa's it was mean and ugly.

"You want some too?" he asked me. He started to walk towards me and grabbed me by the shirt. I tried to get away. But he was so much bigger than I was. Than I remembered what grandma said. "When someone that you don't know or trust run and scream." Well I couldn't run but I could still scream. And scream I did. I screamed for JC as loud as I could. "Shut up your little brat!" Brad shouted at me as he hit me in the face. I struggled to get free and kept right on screaming. This time I was screaming for Brian too. Hey you have to try every thing right? But he hit me again. "I said shut the fuck up!" He hit me with his fist again and I saw black.

Ok so here is something that you all don't see very often. A DOUBLE CLIFF HANGER. HE HE HE HE I AM SO BAD!!!! Don't forget to e-mail and let me know what you think.

Remember Backstreet Boys Fans. Support the Backstreet Boys. Keep them on top of the charts!!! Let them know that we are truly "Everyone!"

Next: Chapter 8: Get Another Boyfriend 17 18

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