Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Oct 27, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part 12

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publications.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

e-mail me at

Now on with the story.

From Justin's point of view.

"Thanks for tonight," Troy said as he smiled up at me. He was considerably shorter than I was. "Ummm can I umm kiss you?" I chuckled at his shyness. He was so cute.

"Of course you can kiss me," I whispered to him. I lowered my lips onto his. I actually felt him tremble from my touch. I wrapped my arms around and pulled him close to me. I thrilled at the feel of his tight young body against mine. He moaned softly as I begin to gently grind up against him. His tongue gently probed my lips as if asking permission to come in. I eased my lips apart and allowed the inquisitive guest in. He was gentle and timid as he probed my mouth. I allowed him to explore my mouth, teeth and tongue. Finally I eased off of him and smiled at his pout on his face. "I promise that we will have more time to kiss later." He nodded and licked his lips as if to remember the taste and feel of my lips. "Ummm I guess I should go."

"Yea umm I got to work in the morning," Troy replied with a small smile.

"Can we do something tomorrow?" I asked hopefully.

"Umm sure," Troy said with a huge grin.

"Ok why don't I pick you up at five and we go out to Matt's place. He is having a dinner party and board games tomorrow night," I started but stopped when I saw the disappointed look on his face. "Or we could go to nice dinner at a private restaurant and than maybe a movie and than a nice long walk on the beach?"

"That would be great!" Troy grinned. I leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Good night Troy," I grinned. I left him standing there feeling his cheek. I got into my car and drove away.

From Matt's point of view.

"No!" I scolded Mattie as he bopped Kevie on the head with his teddy bear. "You don't hit your brother. That is not nice." He looked up at me with tears streaming down his little face. Than he opened his mouth and whimpered a little. Kevie stood up in the playpen as he tried to get to me. "You two ready for bed?" I asked.

"No no no no no!" exclaimed Mattie.

"No no no no no!" agreed Kevie. Ok let me explain something. Mattie and Kevie had learned a new word. And that word was no. And they were both very cranky tonight too. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was two in the morning. "Daddy?" Kevie asked as he looked around the room with tearful eyes.

"Daddy is making music," I replied as I touched his little face.

"Daddy!" Kevie wailed at the top of his lungs.

"Daddy!" Mattie wailed too.

"Kevin!" I sobbed out. "I wish you were home!" I looked down at the twins and my heart broke. They were both crying their little eyes out and nothing I did made it better. I saw the light coming up the drive. After a few minutes the door opened and Justin peeked in.

"Can I stay tonight?" he pleaded.

"Yea I guess," I replied waving him in.

"JJ!" Mattie exclaimed as he smiled through his tears.

"JJ!" Kevie put in too.

"M&K," Justin exclaimed as he bent down and gave them each a kiss and hug. "What's wrong little dudes?"

"They are not having a good night," I sighed. "We've been up since midnight."

"Oh poor little dudes!" Justin cooed down at them. They looked up at Justin with the cutest little pouts on their little faces. "Want Uncle JJ to help?" They both stood up and held up their little hands. Justin swiftly picked them up and carried them over to the couch. "Why don't you go on to bed," Justin grinned up at me. "I'll spend some time with my nephews."

"Are you sure?" I asked giving them a kiss. They squirmed with pleasure and cooed up at me.

"Of course I'm sure!" Justin grinned up at me.

"Oh by the way, how did the date go?" I asked.

"Troy is a good kisser," Justin replied with a grin.

"Really?" I asked grinning.

"Yea and I'm sorry but I'm going to have to bail on board game night tomorrow," Justin said. "Troy wants to go out again with me."

"Well I for one am happy for you both," I replied. "Now if you will excuse me I'm going to get some shut eye." I looked down at the twins and smiled at them. Mattie had Justin's finger in his mouth and was sucking on it. Kevie had Justin's car keys in his mouth chewing on them too. It was plain to see that both of them were very happy being spoiled by their Uncle JJ. "And you too don't keep your Uncle JJ up to late."

"No no!" Mattie giggled up at me. Kevie just looked up at me with those huge adorable eyes of his. I gave each of them a kiss and headed up stairs for another long night with out my sweetie."

The Next morning

I woke up with a feeling of somebody in bed with me. I looked around and immediately smiled. It had seemed that Tyler had climbed into bed with me. He probably had a bad dream or he missed Kevin and needed some quality daddy time. I tapped him on the shoulder. "Tyler?" I asked softly. "Time to get up son."

"Don't wanna," Tyler grumbled. I giggled at him.

"But you have school this morning buddy," I said sternly. "Come on up and at im!" He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes and looked around. "You came into my room sometime during the night. Did you have a bad dream?" He shook his head no. "Did you miss Pappa?" He nodded as he snuggled closer to me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. "Well after today we will only have one more day and than he will be home!"

"Goodie!" Tyler exclaimed with a sleepy grin. "Can I stay home today?"

"Why?" I asked. "I thought you loved pre-school."

"I do," Tyler explained. "But Josh doesn't have to go and he gets all lonely staying here by himself." I had to admit that he had a pretty good argument.

"Ok you can stay home for today but let's not make a habit of this," I relented. The wide grin that spread across his adorable face was worth it.

"Thank you Daddy!" he squealed as he clamored out of the bed and took off out the door. I had given up trying to make him walk in the house. For Tyler and Josh there were only two speeds. Fast and stop. I eased out of bed and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I stripped out my clothes and looked down at my cock. It was hard as a rock.

"Sorry," I said with a pout. "Kevin won't be home until tomorrow, so you are going to have to wait until then." I heard the phone ring and I sighed and walked back into the bed room and picked it up. "Matt here!"

"Hey baby, " came the voice of my lover. "How are you doing this morning?"

"Lonely and horny!" I pouted as I stared down at my morning hard on. It showed no signs of going soft. "And you are not here to make him all happy!"

"I'm sorry baby," Kevin giggled out. "But if I was here do you know what I would do?"

"No but I'm sure you are going to tell me," I giggled blushing. I could tell by Kevin's voice that he was very horny too.

"Well I would cover your very tight and sexy body with lots of kisses," Kevin replied with that voice of his that drove me nuts.

"And than?" I asked as my hand reached for my cock.

"Than I would work my way to your neck and add a few hickeys to your collection and than I would suck on your nipples for a few minutes." I let out a whimper of lust and Kevin giggled. "Than I would lick my way down to your cock. I would kiss it and lick it until you begged for mercy."

"God, Kevin," I hissed out.

"Am I making you hot?" Kevin whispered out. "Are you jerking off for me baby?"

"Yes," I squeaked out.

"I want you to cum for me baby," Kevin continued to whispered in that bedroom voice that he only reserved for me. "After I kiss and lick your cock for an eternity I take your very beautiful cock in my mouth and allow you to gently ease it down my waiting and hungry throat. I swallow all that sweet tasting pre-come that leaks out of your dick."

I let out another whimper as my hand continued to stroke up and down on the length of my cock. "God Kevin, I'm so fucking close!"

"Than cum for me baby," Kevin whispered to me. "I'm sucking your cock really hard now. You are pumping in and out of my mouth making love to me with your cock."

"FUUUCK!" I moaned out as my body twitched uncontrollably as I exploded all over my hand. "I'm Cumming!" After a few minutes of breathing heavy and trying to calm down I could hear Kevin giggling in the background. "What?" I asked all innocent.

"I made you cum," Kevin giggled out. "I've never done that before."

"Yes you have," I replied as I cleaned myself off.

"Well yes I have but I've never made you cum like this before," Kevin said with obvious pride in his voice.

"Now what about you?" I asked wanting to relieve him too.

"Umm Sweetie?" Kevin asked sheepishly.

"Yes dear?" I asked back.

"Umm too late, I umm all ready came," he giggled. I laughed him and I could tell he was pouting on the other end.

"What are you doing today?" I asked as I cleaned myself off.

"Talking to you," Kevin cooed out. He was being silly now.

"I know you are silly!" I giggled. "I mean after we get done talking."

"More of the same," Kevin sighed. "I'll be glad the weekend is coming."

"You say that like you have something else planned for next week," I sighed back.

"Well you know that little Publicity Tour that you wanted us to do?" Kevin replied. "Well that kicks off next Monday."

"I'll cancel it!" I giggled.

"Now sweetie," Kevin scolded. "That would not make good business sense."

"But I miss you so much and the twins want their daddy home," I pouted.

"Why don't you come with me?" Kevin replied with hope in his voice. "Since we are taking our separate busses their will be plenty of room for you and the kids. We can take Tyler out Pre-school if you want. It will give us a chance to be together!"

"That sounds like a good idea," I said with a grin. My grin faded as I saw Ruddy round the corner and walk into my room. "What are you doing here?" I hissed at it. He looked at me and clucked a few times and than continued to snoop around my room. "You want to become Sunday's dinner?" I hurled at it I could hear Kevin laughing his head off. Ruddy just strutted around the bed and than hopped up on it and walked over to me and sat down next to me. "We are not friends!" I scolded it. He pecked at my let hard. "OUCH!" I yelped. Ruddy squawked and jumped off the bed and took off running out of room. "He pecked me!" I yelped out looking at the red mark.

"Oh my poor baby," Kevin cooed in between laughing his head off. "Did the bad rooster hurt my baby?"

"Yes he did, now come home and make him into fried chicken!" I ordered Kevin.

"Now sweetie," Kevin said in his scolding voice. "You have to be nice to Ruddy."

"No I don't!" I said with a pout. "The truce is over!"

"You mean you and him had truce?" Kevin yelped out.

"Yes we did," I muttered. "But now the truce is over!"

"Sweetie, as much as I would love to see how this is going to turn out I have to go," Kevin replied with regret in his voice.

"I love and miss you baby," I cooed at him.

"I love you too," Kevin replied. I heard the phone click off and put the phone down on the bedside stand. I quickly showered and got dressed and headed down stairs to eat. I walked into the dinning room and looked at the table in horror. There was Ruddy standing on the table drinking from a tea cup and than pecking at a bowl of chicken feed. "What is going on?"

"He is part of the family," Leo said as he wrapped a protective arm around the feathered freak.

"Get him off the table now!" I yelped out. "He can eat in the kitchen with the rest of the pets!" Leo huffed and stood up and picked up ruddy and the bowl of feed and the cup of tea.

"Well!" he huffed again. "Ruddy can tell when he is not wanted!" I shook my head in disbelief as I got my plate of food and sat down to start eating. Leo sat back down and started to eat too. We were shocked to hear a loud crash in the kitchen and Blackie yipping and Ruddy squawking. Soon Blackie cam running out whimpering with his tell between his leg. He came over to me and sat down beside me looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"What's wrong buddy?" I asked bending down to scratch his head. "Is Ruddy giving you a hard time?" He let out a whimper and placed his paw in my lap. "Well you and him are just going to have learn to get along." I heard Leo choke back a laugh and I glared at him. Blackie just huffed and walked out of the room and back into the kitchen and than we heard him barking and growling at Ruddy. Ruddy came flying out of the kitchen with feathers flying and squawking loudly. I roared with laughter as Leo glared at me as he got up to rescue his poor defenseless pet. A few minutes later Blackie came out all happy. "Blackie," I said in a scolding voice. He lowered his head and walked over to me with his tail between his leg. I kept my stern look on my face until he was at my side. "Good boy!" I exclaimed as I patted him on the side. He of course got all happy and was squirming with joy. "Now be a good dog and go wake up Tyler." I watched as he raced out of the room.

Later that day

"Matt," Justin's voice sounded from the door way. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure come on it," I replied looking up from my work. Justin walked in and I glanced up and once again was struck at how gorgeous he was. Justin new he was hot too. The way he carried himself litterly screamed sexy! I shook my head to clear any naughty thoughts from my mind.

"Umm you know that I am going to with Troy right?" Justin asked.

"Yes," I replied being careful not to spend to much time on Justin's sleeveless shirt that showed his muscles very well and his tattoo. "What do you guys have planed for tonight?"

"Well that is just it," Justin replied. "I think Troy is going to want to have sex with me."

"How do you feel about that?" I asked carefully.

"How do you think I feel about it?" Justin replied with a grin. "I would love to hook up with him in that way."

"Why do I feel there is a but coming?" I prodded.

"Well I wanted to date him for a while, you know not rush things," Justin replied with a frown. "The last few relationships I've had I've always rushed things. I want to take it slow and get to really know him."

"He is a very sweet guy," I spoke up almost defending Troy.

"I know he is," Justin replied. "I hear that all the time from just about everyone. I just want to find out for myself. I want to have fun dating him. I don't' want to jump into bed right away. Do you think he will understand?"

"I think he will," I replied and Justin heaved a sigh of relief. "But you have to tell him that." The phone rang and I picked it up.

"Matt's love advice line," I quipped into the receiver.

"Umm Matt?" asked a timid voice. It was Jack and I knew from the sound of his voice.

"Hey Jack," I said frowning. "What's wrong?"

"Troy's parents found out about Troy's sexuality and they threw him out," Jack replied.

"Damn them!" I hissed. "How is he?"

"I don't know," Jack sobbed out. "I went over to his house to see him and his parents told me what happened. Matt, Troy's father's hand is bruised."

"How fast can you get here?" I asked out. I also heard the door bell ring. "Justin can you get that?" Justin nodded and quickly left the room. "Jack?" I asked again. "Can you come out here?"

"Yea I'll be there in a few minutes," Jack sniffled out. He hung up the phone and I looked up to see Justin came back in with his arm around Troy. Troy had a black eye and a busted lip. There was tears flowing down his face and Justin had tears flowing down his face too.

"Justin, bring him over here and sit him down on the sofa," I directed Justin. When he sat down with Troy I leaned in to get a good look at the extent of Troy's injuries. Troy shied away from me with fear and shame in his eyes. "Troy?" I asked softly. "Do you know who I am?" He nodded. "Than you know that I want to help you right?" He nodded. By now JC was there too looking all worried. I turned to JC. "Please bring me an ice pack and the first aid kit from the kitchen." JC nodded and took off to get the things. I turned back to Troy only to find that Ruddy was sitting in his lap clucking frantically. I looked at Justin and he just shrugged his shoulders. "What are you doing here?" I asked the rooster. He just looked at me for a few seconds and than continued to cluck and worry over Troy. I smiled a little and decided not to try and move Ruddy, especially when Troy seemed to calm down a little. "Troy?" I asked softly. "Who did this too you?" A small sob came from him as he shook his head. "Who ever did this to you needs to be thrown in jail."

"It was dad," Troy sobbed out. Justin held him a little tighter and Troy laid his head on Justin's shoulder.

"Here is the ice," JC announced as he handed me the very large ice pack.

"Now Troy this is going to be cold," I warned him as I gently pressed the ice pack to the side of his face. He whimpered a little as he reacted to the sudden cold. "I know it is cold sweetie," I said trying to choke back tears. "But you need it to keep the swelling down." He nodded and took the ice pack and pressed it to his eye. I took the first aid kit from JC and went to work working on Troy's busted lip. Finally I was done and I handed the kit back to JC. "Troy?" I asked softly. "I'm so sorry about this."

"It's not your fault," Troy mumbled as he petted Ruddy. Ruddy was still clucking as if he was upset about something.

"What's wrong Ruddy?" I asked. He just continued to cluck and act worried. Finally he hopped down and trotted off. "Well that was weird," I said shaking my head.

"Animals can sense when something is not right," Troy said. I could tell he was still upset but thankfully Justin was holding him and helping him out. I heard a car pull up in the drive and walked out onto the front porch. Frowning because I didn't know who it was. A middle aged man climbed out of the car and stalked up to the porch.

"Where is my boy?" he demanded.

"Excuse me?" I asked. "First of all, who are you and what are you doing on my property?"

"I see his fucking car now where is the faggot?" the man shouted.

"You are Troy's father," I commented. I heard a soft growling at my side and saw Blackie baring his teeth. "Down Blackie!" I commanded him. He immediately laid down at my feet and continued to glare at the man.

"Yes I'm Troy's father," the man replied.

"I'm Matthew Whitewater a friend of Troy's," I introduced myself still hoping to defuse the situation.

"I know who you are and what you are," Troy's father sneered. "Now get me my boy!"

"I don't think so," I replied crossing my arms across my chest. "You see I don't like the idea of a father beating up his son just because he is gay." I heard Ruddy clucking behind me. "Now I would like it if you got out of here. If you don't leave I will have to call the police."

"I'm not leaving until I talk to my son!" he shouted at me. The next thing I knew Ruddy was squawking loudly at him and chasing him down the drive and back into his car. "Get that damn chicken off of me!" he shouted as he tried to bat the rooster off of him. Ruddy just kept on chasing him and pecking at him about the legs and ankles. He had made the mistake of wearing shorts. I watched in amazement as Ruddy herded the bigot into his car. Satisfied that he had taken care of the mean man he strutted back up on the porch and climbed up on Blackie's back and sat down and looked up at me. Blackie just looked back at the rooster and huffed and laid his head in-between his paws. It had seemed that Ruddy and Blackie had come to an agreement. I was in shock.

"Umm wow!" I exclaimed as I regained my wits. I picked Ruddy up and cuddled him closer to me. "You are a brave chicken! You are definitely hanging around here!" I walked into the house carrying the clucking rooster in my arms. "Hey every body!" I called out. "You are not going to believe what Ruddy just did!"

"You are a good rooster!" cooed Leo. I had just finished telling everyone in the house about Ruddy chasing Troy's father away. "Yes you are!" I rolled my eyes at the display of affection that Leo was showing the bird. "You are getting a special treat! Yes you are!" Ruddy just clucked some before hopping down and strutting into my office and hoping up in my chair. It had seemed that he had decided that the office was his now. I sighed as I finally gave into the idea that I would be sharing my office with a Rooster.

Later that night the phone rings and I pick it up.

"Hey," I mumbled into the phone. I was blue and was waiting for Kevin to call.

"Well hello sexy," his deep and soft bedroom voice drifted over the lines and into my soul. "I miss you baby." I shivered as I allowed his voice to wash over me. It felt like a warm soft comforting blanket. I also felt myself grow hard instantly.

"Hey," I gulped out. I heard his soft giggle. "What time will you be home?"

"Well look out your window baby," his voice washed over me again. I looked out the window and saw him standing there in all of his glory. There was also Brian and Nick and AJ. They also had their cell phones out and were obviously talking to their lovers. I got up and ran outside followed by the rest of the gang. I saw Kevin standing there and he smiled at me. I moved quickly as I could. I saw a blur run past me and than I saw Kevin bend down and pick up Ruddy. That Damn Rooster had gotten to my Kevin first. I glared at it and he just looked back at me all innocent. "Well you must be Ruddy," Kevin chuckled as he petted Ruddy.

"Yea and he had better keep his feathers off you!" I hissed at Ruddy. "You are mine!" Kevin busted up laughing as he placed Ruddy down on the ground. I walked into his arms and shuddered with pleasure as he wrapped his arms around me. His lips came crashing down on my lips, his tongue sliding deep into my mouth and caressing every part of it. I allowed myself to get caught up in his touch , his smell and his presence. "You are incredibly sexy right now." Kevin whispered in my ear as his hand found my crotch. I moaned softly and he snickered. "Get ready for me to take you to heaven sweetie." It was at this point that I realized that he was a day early.

"God," Kevin whispered. "I missed you baby." I looked up to see a wild look in his eyes. "I want to make love to you right here and now!" he growled at me. I blushed and looked down. "You are incredibly sexy right now." Kevin whispered in my ear as his hand found my crotch. I moaned softly and he snickered. "Get ready for me to take you to heaven sweetie." It was at this point that I realized that he was a day early.

"Umm Kevin?" I asked looking into his lust filled green eyes. "Umm why are you a day early?"

"Well we finished up with what we were doing," Kevin said grinning. I caught movement behind me and glanced back to see Justin carrying the twins.

"Daddy!" squealed Mattie as he held out his hands to his father. Kevin's face immediately took on a very soft and loving expression as he tenderly took Mattie from Justin's grip. I took Kevie from Justin too. "Daddy!" Mattie squealed again as he rubbed his little head against his daddy's chest. Kevin bent down and gave Mattie a kiss on the top of his head.

"Daddy?" Kevie asked with his bottom lip trembling. It had seemed that Kevie thought that Mattie was getting way more of his share of attention. Kevin chuckled and traded twins with me. Soon Kevie was giggling and squealing up at his daddy.

"Why aren't you two in bed?" Kevin looked at me.

"No no!" Mattie exclaimed.

"No no!" Kevie agreed. Kevin looked at me with shock in his eyes.

"New word sweetie," I giggled out.

"Pappa!" squealed another high pitched voice. I saw Tyler running down the porch stairs. Blackie was following him too. I stood back and watched as Kevin was reunited with his adopted son. I was happy. Kevin was home again. And the four simple days that he was gone seemed like a million years. Kevin looked at me and grinned. I could tell he was horny as hell and I knew that I was in for the ride of my life. The very prospect of Kevin riding me all night long made my heart race. I wanted him on top of me making love to me all night long. And it seems that I was going to get my wish. I felt a tapping on my shoulder and looked up to see Kevin smiling down at me. I had done it again. I had zoned out. I smiled and looked down at my feet.

"You want to go inside and get something eat?" Kevin asked grinned.

"Pappa!" Tyler exclaimed as he tugged on Kevin's hand. "Do you like the house?" Kevin looked up for the first time and saw the Halloween decorations. "Is it scary Pappa?" Tyler asked with a hopeful look on his face.

"Oh yes son," Kevin said looking around. "This surely is a scary house!" Tyler giggled with laughter as he jumped up and down clapping his hands. Everyone around us laughed softly at Tyler's excitement. Kevin slid his arm around my waist and we walked into the house together.

As we walked into the house I remembered poor Troy. I turned to Kevin. "Umm Kevin," I said softly. "We have a small problem."

"And that is?" Kevin asked.

"Troy's dad beat him up and threw him out of the house," I replied. I saw the anger in Kevin's eyes but I also saw him push it away.

"How bad is it?" Kevin asked.

"Not to bad. He has a busted lip and a black eye," I replied. "But his emotions are hurt allot more. But don't worry to much. Justin has been taking good care of him."

"Justin?" Kevin asked confused. He had sat down in the sofa and that bratty Rooster had hopped up in his lap hogging as much attention as he could get. I glared at Ruddy and wrapped my arms possessively around Kevin. Kevin giggled at me and kissed me on the lips. "You are really not jealous of a rooster are you?"

"Yes I am!" I pouted. "I wish I was in your lap being petted!" Kevin busted up laughing as he gently put Ruddy down on the floor. Ruddy clucked for a few minutes and paced the room before finally walking out. "Now where were we?"

"I think I was about to take you upstairs and make love to you all night long," Kevin said as he nipped me on my shoulder. "If my husband is up to it?"

"You bet I am!" I replied as I slid my hand up his shirt dying to touch his bare flesh.

"Well first I want to spend some time with the kids and than I will spoil you for the rest of the night," Kevin replied.

Later in the Twins' room.

"Mattie!" Kevin said in a scolding tone of voice. "Don't hit your brother with the teddy bear!" I stifled a giggle as I watched Mattie bop Kevie over the head with the teddy bear. I had to admit that he was cute but Kevin was right. This behavior was not acceptable. Mattie looked shocked at Kevin when Kevin raised his voice at him. His little bottom lip trembled and his little eyes started to tear up. I could see Kevin starting to cave.

"Be strong my love," I giggled into his ear. Kevie stood up and grabbed onto the crib railing to hold him self up as he wobbled over to his daddy.

"Daddy?" he asked with his cute adorable pout. He had decided that Mattie have had enough attention and he wanted some himself. Kevin smiled down at him and picked him up. Big mistake. Mattie started to whimper at once. Sighing I picked Mattie up and Kevin and I carried them both into our rooms. I loved bringing the twins to bed with us. They were so much fun to play with. But it also met that I would probably not get any tonight. Oh well. Seeing my Kevin happy with his children was enough for me. Tyler came shuffling in with his thumb in his mouth and he too climbed into bed with us. He snuggled up to me and we as a family went to sleep holding each other. I was in domestic heaven as Mattie and Kevie chatted to their daddy. Kevin answered them as best he could in his very deep and sexy bedroom voice that he reserved only for his children and me. Sighing I snuggled up to Kevin and breathed in his scent and drifted off to sleep. Kevin would definitely have to make up for the lack of sex tomorrow night.


Note: Only a few more chapters left of the Get Another Boyfriend saga. I really want to work on a few other of my stories.

Here is a list. Please e-mail me and let me know which ones you want me to work on. The one with the most votes will win.

Though he Only be Mortal

The Beginning of Something Wonderful

Whip Lash

Kevin's Twink (NEW)

Only the Night will Tell (NEW)

Next: Chapter 71: Get Another Boyfriend 3 13

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