Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Nov 8, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part 13 Halloween Part

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publications.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at

"Boo!" shouted Kevin behind me.

"Auuughhh!" I shouted. He busted up laughing and I glared at him. "Very funny Kevin," I sassed him. He pouted for a few minutes before drawing me close to him and pressing his lips to mine. "MMMMM Yummy!" I giggled. "Someone has been a bad boy and has been in the Halloween candy!"

"Yea so what?" Kevin asked acting all innocent.

"Candy Corn to be exact!" I giggled.

"You sure do know your Halloween candy," Kevin snickered.

"That isn't all I know," I replied running my hand under his shirt. I found his nipple and tweaked it.

"Is my sweetie horny?" he asked looking down at me smiling.

"Maybe," I giggled.

"Didn't you get enough this morning?" he asked rolling his eyes.

"Nope," I giggled again. "I can never get enough of you."

"Well since Tyler is in school and the Twins are snuggled down for their naps and the Halloween party is ready why don't you and me go up stairs so I can make love to you for the rest of the afternoon?" Kevin asked me as he kissed me gently on the lips. I moaned as his tongue gently pried my lips apart so that he could have access to the inside of my mouth. "Yep!" Kevin said as he broke away and looked down at my dazed expression. "You are definitely horny."

"Well are you going to take care of it?" I asked as I looked up at him. I made sure I gave him my best puppy dog eyes I could.

"What do you want?" Kevin asked huskily.

"I want something that is long and hard and very very hot," I whispered into his ear as I nibbled on his earlobe. "Do you have anything like that?" Kevin let out a small whimper as my hand found his cloth clad cock and I gently massaged it.

"Well I think I can help you with that," Kevin grinned as he took my hand and led me up stairs to our room.

I lay on the bed naked and exposed to Kevin. My legs were spread apart and I was ready to receive him. He looked down at me and took in my naked form. My cock was rock hard and dripping with pre-come and I looked up at his towering form that hovered over me. His scent washed over me as he lowered his body on top of mine. I shivered when his hot body touched mine. Our cocks brushed against each other's and caused us to each moan as our lips connected. "I love you so much Matt," Kevin breathed as he kissed my chin and than moved to my neck. I could feel his cock grinding up against mine.

"Please?" I begged as I looked into his eyes. He looked into mine and nodded silently. I knew what was coming and I wanted it bad. I winced with the small amount of discomfort when his cock slid into me. "God!" I hissed out.

"No sweetie," Kevin giggled softly. "Not God, just little old me."

"Oh Kevin," I moaned out. "There is nothing little about you." He blushed and looked down. I leaned up and kissed his bare and brown shoulder. "Now get busy and make me happy!" I ordered him. Kevin chuckled softly as he drew out of me so that only the tip of his cock was embedded in me. He than shoved back in causing me to arch my back and whimper in pleasure. The sound of my whimper seemed to drive Kevin on. He started to thrust in and out in increasing speed. I thrilled at the feeling his body controlling mine. I loved being a bottom and having Kevin riding me. His cock continued to slide in and out of me and I closed my eyes to enjoy them.

"No," Kevin ordered me. I looked up at his face. "I want your eyes open and looking at me."

"Why?" I asked grinning my naughty grin that I knew that Kevin loved so much.

"Because you are so fucking hot when you are being fucked by me," Kevin grinned back down at me. "I want to look into your eyes when you cum." I could tell that Kevin was close because of his body movements and the fact that his cock was swelling in me. "God!" he grunted out. "You are so fucking tight!"

"Cum for me Kevin," I pleaded with him.

"You like that don't you?" Kevin smirked down at me. "You like it when I fuck you and than fill you with my load." I whimpered and nodded as I tried to get him to ride me faster. "Yea well here it comes!" he growled out as he started to fuck me harder and faster. "Ohhh yea fuck yea!" Kevin growled out his entire body tensed up and his green eyes bored into mine. "You ready?" I nodded licking my lips. My cock was so hard that I wanted to come too. "Here I cum baby," Kevin said as he plunged into me. I felt his entire body twitch and quiver and than I felt the welcomed feeling of his cum searing through me. I lost it too as I began to shoot my load too.

A few minutes later a pair of lips brushed my eyelids. "Hey," a very deep and soft voice drifted over me. "You awake?"

"I don't want to be," I replied grinning up at him. "What about you?"

"You know me," Kevin said with a grin. "I can have sex all day and it is like it recharges me."

"Yea well I like to snuggle and nap after I make love," I sighed as I snuggled deeper into his embrace. "Now be a good boy and let me nap." Kevin chuckled softly and kissed me lightly on the shoulder. He lay his head on the pillow as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I loved it when he held me tightly. I could feel his strong chest muscles resting up against my back. His warm breath was on my neck comforting me with its soft caressing feeling. His legs wrapped around mine drew me even closer to him. He knew that I loved to be held close after making love. I also felt the limp form of his cock resting between my butt cheeks. Yes this was the way to fall asleep with him. And it took me no time at all to drift off into a very long and refreshing nap.

I woke later to hushed whispering. I grinned and listened in on what my sweetie was talking about.

"Ok buddies," Kevin said in a soft tone of voice. "Pappa is still asleep. So we have to be real quiet. We have to get ready to scare him."

"Pappa!" Mattie squealed out. Well so much for keeping quiet. I tried real hard not to laugh and succeeded.

"Pappa!" Kevie squealed out too.

"Yess that is your Pappa," Kevin said quietly. "Now come on help me get you ready!" I tried not to giggle because I knew what Kevin was doing. He was putting on Kevie's and Mattie's little devil costumes. They looked so cute on them when we first tried them on. I groaned and turned over so that I was facing away from them. I didn't want to spoil Kevin's fun. He had grown to really love Halloween and Tyler was part of that. Me? Well I loved Halloween too. That was probably because I got a rare chance to see Kevin act all silly and like a child. I could hear Kevin talking quietly. I felt the bed sink in a little and I also felt the movement of two very little babies crawling their way over to me. I snorted loudly to make my sleeping seem real. I heard Kevin giggle and I also felt my side of the bed sink in. Kevin's lips graced my cheeks and I pulled the blankets over my head. "Sweetie?" Kevin asked as he peeked under the covers. "Umm there are a couple of little devils that wants to see you."

"Sleep!" I grumbled.

"Sleep later," Kevin giggled. I growled at him as I opened my eyes and looked into the loving and very sexy face of my lover. "Hey cutie!"

"Hey," I yawned. "Ok now where are my cute little devils?"

"Pappa!" Mattie squealed out as he came up over the top of me. He looked so cute with his little devil costume on. Kevie's head popped up next and he smiled at me.

"Oh they are so cute!" I cooed out.

"You mean you're not scared?" Kevin asked with a small pout.

"Really Kevin," I giggled. "Who can be scared of these little angles?" I looked at Mattie who was still making his way over to me. "Oppps I meant Devils." Kevin wrapped his arms around me and kissed me lightly on the nose. "Umm I should get up and showered." I groaned as I slid out of bed. I groaned slightly as the memory of our lovemaking came back to me.

"Did I make you a little sore?" Kevin asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the shoulder. "Do you want a repeat of it?"

"Umm I think that you should take the twins down stairs for the party and Tyler should be home in a while and I think that you and him have some dressing up to do," I grinned at Kevin. He happily picked up the squirming twins and carried them down stairs. I could hear them giggling all the way down. I turned and headed into the shower. I quickly washed the sweat and dried seamen from my body. I leaned back against the wall of the shower and thought back to the love making that Kevin and I had had that afternoon. Just the thought of Kevin plunging in and out of me made me hard as a rock. I quickly finished my shower and got dressed and headed down stairs. When I headed towards the living room I over heard Justin talking to Troy. I heard the tone of his voice. It was the same tone of voice he used on his first solo release. It reeked of seduction. I peaked around the corner and caught look on Justin's face. His lips were set at an innocent expression. I had to admit that I was very attractive to him. Everything about him exuded sex. I shook my head and did the one thing that Kevin would most definitely not approve of. I listened to a master of seduction work his craft on an innocent eighteen year old teen that was going through a very rough time. I was filled with rage as I listened to Justin Timberlake work his craft over the fragile friend of mine. I took a deep breath and decided that I would have to step in on behalf of Troy.

In the living room from Justin's point of view.

"Hey cutie," I cooed at Troy. He smiled at me as he adjusted his bandages. You see he was going as a mummy and I was going as Frankenstein. We were so looking forward to this party. I had watched Troy as he tried to get comfortable in his costume. "You look really good." I leaned forward to kiss him. He shivered as my lips came in touch with his. I loved how he reacted to my touch. "You want to make love tonight?" I asked suddenly. His eyes widened and I could see the fear in his eyes. "If you're not ready than that is ok," I quickly moved to sooth him.

"No I want to make love with you," Troy replied with a shy smile. "It is just that I didn't think that you wanted to be with some one like me."

"Baby," I said shocked. "You are very good looking and very sexy. And I love you. "Why wouldn't I want to be with you in a sexual and loving way?"

"But I turned eighteen only a day ago," Troy replied. "I'm just a kid compared to you. Why would you want to have sex with me?"

"Oh baby," I said as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. "I love you. I don't care about how old you are. You very sexy and it has taken me a long time to control myself. I want to make love you."

"I want to make love you too," Troy giggled as he blushed.

"Good," I smiled. "Than it is settled."

"Ummm when do we umm you know," Troy said looking around like he was scared.

"When you want to?" I asked.

"Tonight?" Troy asked hopefully.

"I think that would be great!" I agreed as I kissed him long and hard.

"Ahem!" coughed a voice in front of us. I looked up to see Matt standing in front of us. "You two having fun?"

"Umm yea," Troy stammered. I noticed that Matt was looking at me rather harshly. I decided that it was time to put his fears to rest.

"Ummm Matt can I talk to you?" I asked looking directly at him. He nodded and headed out onto the porch. I turned to Troy. "I'll be right back sweetie," I said as I gave him a quick kiss. I followed Matt out of the house and onto the pumpkin filled porch. The sun was setting and the decorations were already starting to show. I had to admit that they did a really good job on the decorations.

"What are you doing?" Matt asked me looking at me hard.

"What do you mean?" I asked all innocent.

"Are you pushing Troy to have sex with you?" Matt asked. "How can you do that to him?"

"Matt," I tried to cut in.

"If you hurt him Justin," Matt said in a warning tone of voice. I had had enough of his accusations.

"Matt!" I raised my voice to him. "There is something that I need to make clear to you."

"I'm listening," Matt replied crossing his arms across his chest.

"I love Troy," I said and I couldn't help but smile. "I can't help it. I love Troy. He is so cute and so sexy. He has a great body and a great sense of humor. He is kind and did I mention that he is cute?" Matt nodded but I could tell that he was not convinced. "Listen, Troy loves me too. And we have decided that tonight is going to be the night that we give ourselves to each other!"

"Give yourselves to each other?" Matt yelped out. "Justin you have never given yourself to anyone. You fuck and are never fucked! You wouldn't suck a man's dick if your life depended on it!"

"That is so fucking unfair and you know it!" I shouted at him. "Troy has changed me! I would love nothing more than to make love to him with my mouth and have him make love to me!" Matt stared at me for the longest time as if trying to convince himself that I was being truthful. "Damn it Matt! I deserve to be happy. You and Kevin do not hold the fucking patent on happiness! Troy has been through hell these last few days! And like it or not he deserves happiness too!"

"Fine!" Matt hurled at me. "But if you hurt him!!"

"Don't worry," I hissed back at him. "I won't!" Matt nodded and walked back into the house. I sighed and followed him back in. Once in sight of Troy I looked at him and saw him the way Matt did. He was an innocent teen that had not had sex with a true lover as of yet. Sure he had given Jack blow jobs before but they had never gone beyond that. I made it my mission to show him that love making could be a very pleasurable experience. Sure I was scared. I had never taken a cock in my mouth. I had never swallowed cum nor had I had ever taken a cock up my ass. But I loved Troy and that I was sure of. And if this was going to work I would have to totally give myself to Troy.

"Hey sexy!" Troy said as he walked up to me with that very sexy grin on his face. "You and Matt done talking?" I nodded. "Good cause I want to spend the rest of the time with you!"

"Good," I replied. "I love you," I said softly as I wrapped my arms around him. "And if you're not ready to make love tonight than I'm completely ok with that."

"I want to make love tonight," Troy said. "It is just that I'm well I'm kinda nervous about it."

"Can I ask you something?" I asked. He nodded. "I want you to make love to me first."

"Really?" Troy asked shocked. "You mean you want me to fuck you?"

"First things first. It is not fucking. What you and I will be doing will be making love, and yes I would very much like you make love to me," I smiled up at his very shocked and surprised face. "You look so cute right now."

"Oh yea?" Troy asked with a hint of naughty creeping into his eyes. "Well you are cute too. My very own cute Frankenstein Monster!"

"Well you are my very cute and adorable mummy and I can't wait to unwrap you!" I giggled back. I busted up laughing fully when I saw the blush appear on his face. "Come on; let's go in side so we can join the party."

From Kevin's point of view.

I looked around for Matt and frowned when I didn't see him. Ruddy walked up to me and hopped in my lap. "Hey Ruddy," I said down to him. "Better not let Matt see you in my lap, you know how jealous he gets." Ruddy just clucked and settled down in my lap. I petted him for a while wondering where Matt was. I had just finished putting on my Dracula Costume and wanted to show Matt. Tyler was running around the house and yard scaring the daylights out of everyone.

"Well hello sexy," a soft voice purred in my ear. I looked up and my face broke into a smile. Matt was grinning down at me. "I missed you."

"Really?" I asked patting the seat beside me. He happily sat next to me and very promptly picked up Ruddy and sat him down on the floor. With a few indignant clucks Ruddy stomps off. "When does the party start?"

"Well I know a certain Vampire that has to take his kids Trick or Treating," Matt giggled as he snuggled up to me. I noticed that he was not wearing a costume.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" I asked.

"I am dressed!" Matt said very proudly. "I'm going as my self!"

"Uh uh," I giggled. "That is not fair and you know it!" I grabbed his hand and led him up stairs. I opened the closet and pulled out a garment bag and handed it to him. "Here put his on," I instructed. I sat back and watched him take off his clothes.

"Do you enjoy watching me strip?" he asked as he pulled off his shirt. Now he all he wore was his boxer briefs. I licked my lips and swallowed hard. He looked so hot! "See something you like?" he asked softly as he slid his thumbs into the waist band of his boxer briefs and lowered them so that I could just barely see the start of his pubes. Than he giggled and turned away from me. I growled and pounced on him. Wrapping my arms around his waist I stuck my hand down his boxer briefs and wrapped my hand around his semi hard cock. "Hey!" he yelped. "No touching!" I whimpered as he pulled apart. "Now be a good boy and go down stairs and wait for me."

"But I wanna fool around!" I whined as knelt down in front of him and jerked down his boxer briefs and gazed at his cock. "Please?" Matt sighed and smiled down at me. I took that as a yes and slid his cock in my mouth and sucked it down my throat. I moaned softly as it slid down my throat filling my mouth. I shivered at the unique taste that was only Matt. It was like a drug making me dizzy with desire. He moaned softly and jerked his hips forward driving his hardening cock further down my throat almost gagging me. I remembered to swallow and soon he slid past my gag reflex. I was in heaven as Matt slowly fucked me in the face. Matt would scold me for calling it fucking. To him it was making love. I loved the feel of his cock sliding in and out of my mouth. The head of his cock brushing the back of my throat. I listened to his soft grunts and moans. His balls slapped against my chin and soon they were tight and drawn up close to his body. His body was trembling and his whimpers and moans were growing louder and louder. I knew that soon I was going to get a treat. I looked up at him with a very naughty grin, one that I knew he could not resist. "Trick or treat!" I giggled up at him before devouring his cock again. He grunted loudly and his body tensed up and I felt the twitching of his cock and than I felt the rush of his seed as he came in my mouth. I swallowed as quickly as I could sucking down the cum that shot out of his cock. After cleaning him up and gently tucked him back in his boxer briefs and stood up and pulled his naked chest up against me and leaned down and kissed him. I loved the feel his bare skin against me. He looked up at me with glazed eyes and smiled. "Thank you," I whispered as I placed my fore head against his.

"No thank you," he grinned sheepishly up at me. "Now go down stairs and wait for me." I kissed him again and walked out of the room and trotted down stairs and waited for my sexy husband. I was met with a very hyper pair of boys.

"Pappa!" exclaimed Tyler. "Josh and I wanna go Trick or Treating!" I looked over at Brian who looked really silly wearing a scare crow outfit. He blushed and looked away. "Josh is a lion!"

"I see," I smiled down at the very hyper Josh. "And his daddy is the scarecrow?" Brian nodded. "Well we have to wait on daddy than we can go." I heard him coming down the stairs and I looked at him. His long black cape flowed around his narrow form. He wore a hood over his head and his face was partially covered with a mask. "Look everyone," I said pointing at him. "The Phantom of the Opera!"

"Daddy you look neat!" squealed Tyler as he ran up to Matt. Matt looked at me and shook his head. "Can we go Trick or treating now?"

"Yea I guess," Matt said grinning. "Justin, Troy, we'll be back in a bit. There is candy on the front porch for the ghost and goblins if they come."

From Justin's point of view.

I watched as Matt and Kevin and the twins and Tyler and Josh and Brian and Leo piled into two suvs and drove away. I turned and grinned at Troy. "It appears that we have the house to ourselves." I slid off my shirt and stood up and motioned him close to me. "I want to make you feel good," I whispered huskily. He swallowed hard and walked into my outstretched arms. I shivered at the feel of his bare flesh against mine. He had taken off his mummy costume and walking around the house shirtless. It gave me a good look at his very cut and attractive chest. I caught his lips in a kiss driving my tongue deep into his mouth. I ravaged his mouth wanting to taste as much of him as possible. His moans and whimpers drove me wild. Reaching down I found the waist band of his shorts. I eased them down and looked up on his very erect cock. It was beautiful. Smooth and hard and throbbing. It was obvious that very few people had even gazed up on it. "God you are so beautiful!" I breathed as I reached for his throbbing cock. He moaned softly as my hand wrapped around it. I looked up at him and saw fear in his eyes. "Troy?" I asked softly.

"Yes?" he squeaked out. He was chewing on his bottom lip and his eyes were full of fear.

"Has anyone ever touched like this?" I asked softly as I gently ran my hand up and down his shaft.

"Ummm no," he stammered out.

"Does it feel good?" I asked as I leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock. The pre-come on it slid down my throat like a succulent honey. He let out a small yelp and his cock twitched with feeling. I looked up at his heaving abdominal muscles. He looked down at me with lust glazed eyes and his tongue snaked out to lick his dry lips. "Does this feel good?" I asked again.

"Yea," he replied with a horse voice.

"Than you are really going to enjoy this," I grinned up at him. I looked at his cock again and once again marveled at the idea of sucking a cock. It thrilled me and I wanted it so bad. I closed my eyes and moved forward. The head of his cock slid past my lips and graced my tongue. The taste sent my taste buds into overdrive. But hearing his moans and whimpers drove me on. Soon his entire cock was embedded in my throat and I was sucking and bobbing up and down. I could tell by his moans and whimpers that he was not going to last long. A small surge of anger welled up in me as I suddenly realized that Jack never treated Troy like this. It was all one sided. Troy sucked Jack off whenever Jack wanted him too.

"Please," Troy whimpered.

"Please what?" I asked pulling off of his cock.

"I'm so close!" he groaned out.

"Than cum baby," I purred looking into his eyes.

"I don't want to cum in your mouth," he pleaded. "Jack made me swallow his load all the time."

"I want to swallow yours," I replied grinning up at him. I dove down on his cock again. Troy let out a strangled groan and his cock exploded in my mouth. Shot after shot if virgin cum shot out of his cock and filled my mouth. The harsh salty bitter taste that was Troy filled my taste buds and I wanted it all. I sucked harder and swallowed as fast as I could. I didn't want to miss a drop of his seed. Finally the flow of precious cum stopped and I gently cleaned his cock off. I stood up and looked down at him. "So how was your first blow job?" I asked with my lopsided grin.

"Ummm wow!" he gasped out. I giggled as I bent down and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Now when you recover," I said softly running my hand along the side of his face. I want you to make love to me."

I lay in bed with Troy sleeping beside me. I was awash with so many emotions. Troy had made love to me. Never before had I had such an intimate experience. He was timid yet gentle and so very loving. When he first inserted I started to cry out in pain. The minute he heard me cry he pulled out and started to sob. It took me five minutes to calm him and convince him that I was ok. When he finally did make love to me it was beautiful and he was great! He also did a total of three times before finally falling asleep in my arms. I could hear the party winding down in the other room. Matt had stuck his head in after Troy had fallen asleep to see how we were doing. He smiled softly at me and gave us each a kiss on the fore head. Troy whimpered softly turning my attention back to him. I looked down upon his angelic face. Several strands of hair crossed over his angelic features. I gently brushed them aside with my finger. I leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I love you Troy," I whispered. Easing out of bed I walked into the shower and washed the sweat from my body. After cleaning myself off I slipped into my robe and walked out into the living room. Matt was up reading a book. I looked around for Kevin but didn't see him. "Hey," I said softly as I sat next to Matt.

"Hey," Matt replied. "How was it?"

"It was great!" I sighed. Matt looked at me with a hard look.

"So you had to fuck him didn't you?" he demanded of me. I sighed and looked at him and shook my head. "Are you telling me that you didn't have sex with him?"

"No I'm not telling you that," I replied. "But I am telling you this. Troy made love to me." Matt's eyes popped out of his head. "Yes Matt, you've heard right. The great Justin Timberlake took it up the ass and you know something?" Matt shook his head no. "I loved it! It was the most incredible experience I had ever had. I love him!" Matt nodded and went back to his paper. "I need your help!" I blurted out.

"Why?" he asked as he sat his book aside. I looked into his eyes and saw that they had softened.

"I want to surprise Troy," I blurted out. "But I need your help!"

"Any idea what you want to do?" Matt asked. I grinned and nodded. "Ok I'll help. Any thing to make Troy happy."

"Thanks Matt," I smiled as I headed up the hall and soon was sliding back into bed beside Troy. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and snuggled closer to me.

"I missed you," Troy mumbled softly.

"I was just down stairs talking with Matt," I replied kissing his bare shoulder. "How are you?"

"I feel great!" Troy said with a grin. "I feel so good that I wanna do it again!"

"Well do you know what I want?" I asked grinning down at his hard cock. He shook his head no. "I want a protein shake!" He giggled and blushed. I leaned forward and kissed his lips and drove my tongue deeply into his mouth. I shivered at the feel of his hot and hard cock as it rubbed against me. I slid down so that I was face to face with his rock hard abs. I covered them with licks and kisses until I reached his cock. I quickly slipped the rock hard cock into my mouth. I heard him whimper in pleasure and he begins to lightly thrust in and out of my mouth. I found it very arousing to have him thrusting in and out of my mouth. I looked up at his very tight chest and shivered again with desire at his head as he had it tossed back.

"Ohhh Justin!" he moaned out. Pre-come was flowing out of his cock and I was swallowing it as fast as I could. His whimpers and moans were increasing in volume and I knew that I would soon be getting my reward. Sure enough he let out a very cute little high pitch yelp and his cock erupted with his cum. It flowed down my throat and I swallowed as quickly as I could. Poor Troy was breathing hard and fast as he tried to calm down from his orgasm. I slid up beside him and pulled his trembling body close to mine.

"I love you Troy," I whispered in his ear as I smoothed out his hair. "I love you so much."

"I love you too Justin," he smiled up at me. "I loved it!"

"I'm glad that I can make you happy. Now be a good boy and go back to sleep," I whispered to him as he snuggled closer to me. Soon I could tell by his breathing that he was sound asleep.

The Next morning from Matt's point of view.

I woke up to see that I was once again the only one in the bed. Looking around for any sign of Kevin I finally gave up and swung out of bed. I walked into the bathroom and stepped into the shower and quickly showered and shaved and brushed my teeth. Throwing on some clothes I trotted down stairs where I was greeted by the very welcomed signs of Tyler and the twins. I also heard the deep soft Kentucky voice of my sweetie. I walked into the living room and sighed at the sight of domestic happiness in front of me. Kevin was on the bottom of the pile and Kevie and Mattie were sitting on top of him and Tyler was tickling Kevin. Kevin looked up at me and smiled and he wore the look of "Please help me". I busted up laughing as I picked up the twins and deposited them in their playpen.

"Good morning sexy," Kevin said as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did," I replied as I quickly kissed him on his lips. "But I woke up to an empty bed!" I pouted for a few minutes for good measure. I could feel Kevin chuckling.

"Well you see the twins woke up and they wanted to play," Kevin replied as he glanced over his shoulders over at the twins. They were busy babbling about something that only they could understand. "Well you know how they are. I just couldn't resist them."

"Ok you are forgiven on the fact that the twins are way too cute to be ignored," I replied as I rubbed noses with him. "But now they are busy playing so pay attention to me!" Kevin giggled as he pulled me close to him and I snuggled in as close as I could get. I loved being held in the morning and Kevin was a perfect morning snuggler. "So what are you doing today?" Kevin shrugged his shoulders. "Good, than you can help me!"

"Ummm help you with what?" he asked getting a worried look on his face. He looked so cute that I had to laugh.

"Justin needs some help with a surprise he is setting up for Troy," I replied.

"Cool," Kevin replied as he took another look at the twins. They were still babbling and playing with their stuffed animals. "What does he have planned?" He asked as he slid his hand under my shirt and begins to play with my nipple. I shivered at his touch. "You hungry? he asked as he nibbled on my earlobe. I heard gagging noises from Tyler. Kevin giggled softly and sat up. "What's the matter Tyler?"

"That is yucky stuff!" Tyler complained. "I'm hungry!"

"Well let's go see if breakfast is ready," I said as I got up and pulled Kevin up with me. I grabbed Mattie and Kevin grabbed Kevie and we walked into the dining room. The smell of breakfast food drifted over to us. I sat the very happy and squirming Mattie in the high chair and went to the buffet table and picked up a plate and started putting food on it. The Butler had done an excellent job fixing breakfast and the table was full of all my favorites. Soon my plate was over flowing and I happily sat down to wait for Kevin. Mattie whimpered softly and I picked up a small cup of baby food and started to feed him. He was happily eating when Kevin sat down and started to feed Kevie too. We sat together casually feeding our twins and our selves. We were so engrossed in each other that we failed to notice that Troy and Justin were here too.

"Hey," Justin said softly startling us out of our little piece of domestic heaven. "You still are going to help me?"

"Of course I'm going to help you," I smiled at him. "I'm also recruiting Kevin to help too."

"Cool!" Justin exclaimed happily.

"What is going on?" Troy asked looking at Justin.

"Nothing," Justin said looking all innocent.

"Right," Troy giggled as he returned to his huge pile of food.

"Hungry Troy?" I asked grinning at him. Instant blush!

"Yea I umm guess I am," Troy stammered. At this time we heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shouted. The door opened and JC and Nick walked in. "Good morning guys!" I smiled at them.

"Good morning," Nick smiled at me as he kissed each of the twins. They squirmed with joy at the sensation. "Mind if we join you?"

"Sure go ahead!" I gestured at the steaming food trays. "There is no way we can eat all that." Nick grabbed a plate for him and JC and begins to put food on it. "Morning JC," I smiled at him. "How was your Halloween?"

"It was great!" JC said with a dreamy expression.

"JC got some last night!" Justin teased him. JC instantly turned red from the blush. Nick was blushing too.

"Justin behave yourself," Troy scolded him. Justin grinned at Troy and gave him a quick kiss.

"So Justin," I said wanting to change the subject before they started in on Kevin and me. "You ready for your big release?"

"You mean my solo cd?" Justin asked grinning happily. I nodded. "Hell yea I'm ready!"

"They seem to be making a big deal out of it don't they?" I asked looking at him rather intently. I felt the gentle squeeze from Kevin as a warning.

"Yea they do seem to be making a rather large deal out of it," Nick spoke up. "You have to wonder." I heard Kevin sigh and I looked at him and saw the anger in his eyes. "What is up with all that attention?"

"I guess they recognize real talent when they see it," Justin answered smoothly.

"Talent?" Nick asked frowning. "Well I guess everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion."

"Yea I guess I am," Justin replied looking hard at Nick as if to challenge him to go on. Nick to his credit chose not to push the envelope. Kevin sighed and smiled softly at me. It had seemed that I was forgiven for now.

"Don't we have somewhere to be?" I asked Justin.

"Yea umm I'll hook up with you at about ten," Justin grinned as he glanced at Troy. "You'll be ok by yourself for a while?"

"I'll manage," Troy said with a small pout as he laid his head on Justin's shoulder making a very cute picture.

"Trust me baby," Justin grinned down at Troy. "It will definitely be worth your wait." Troy looked up at him and grinned as he snuggled closer to him. For the next few minutes they spent feeding each other and making cute noises at each other. I finally got tired of all the sugar and pushed my plate aside and took Kevin's hand and pulled him up.

"Walk with me husband," I smiled up at my sweetie. I eagerly took the hand of Kevin and we walked out of the house and onto the beach. "Were you upset with me?"

"Well I was a little ticked off. I thought that we had settled the battle between Justin and you," Kevin said.

"I thought so too," I replied. "I guess I still have some issues to work through."

"Well I'd like to help if you will let me," Kevin suggested. "I love you baby, and I want us to be happy with no big wars hanging over us."

"I know that sweetie, and I promise that I will ask for your help," I smiled up at him. "Now onto more pleasant things. What do you want to do for the holidays?"

"I don't know," Kevin said softly. "What do you want to do?"

"I want a Christmas for just us," I said softly. "You know the Twins and Tyler and you and me."

"Ok," Kevin replied. "If that is what my sweetie wants than that is what he is going to get." He pulled me close to him and pressed his lips to mine. Soon I was lost in another one of his mind blowing kisses. When we finally broke apart he giggled at my dazed look and than plated a soft kiss on the tip of my nose.

"When do you have to leave?" I asked softly as I rested my head on his chest.

"You mean when do we have to leave," Kevin corrected me. I lit up immediately because I had forgotten that we had decided to the press tour together as a family.

"Oh yea," I giggled. "So when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow," Kevin replied.

"Tomorrow!" I yelped out. "Oh my God there is so much stuff to do!" Kevin laughed softly as I ran towards the house. "There is no time to do it all!"

"Sweetie," Kevin said softly as he caught up with me. "Why don't you go help Justin out with his little surprise for Troy and leave the packing to me?"

"You would do that for me?" I asked looking up at him.

"For you, I would do anything," Kevin whispered as he pulled me into one of his mind blowing kisses again.

From Justin's point of view

I pulled up to my house and climbed out and walked around to the other side of the car and opened the door. Troy stepped out and looked up at the house. "Wow!" he exclaimed. "What a house!"

"Thanks babe," I said grinning. "Do you want to come in?" Troy looked a little nervous so I took him in my arms. "I love you Troy, and I would never do anything that would make you uncomfortable or anything." Troy nodded and I kissed fully on the lips to show him just how much I loved him. "Now shall we go in?" He swallowed hard and nodded. I took his hand and led him in. Once inside he was like a kid peeking into every room. I had to smile at how cute he was.

"Man you should have MTV Cribs do an episode on this place," Troy said as he glanced into the living room. I snuck up behind and wrapped my arms around his narrow waist. He shivered at my touch as my lips graced the back of his neck. "MMMMMM," he moaned softly. "That feels so good."

"I can make you feel even better sweetie," I whispered in his ear as I nibbled on his earlobe.

"I bet you could," Troy replied with a shy grin.

"Umm I have something for you," I said suddenly shy myself. "It is a gift."

"For me?" Troy asked grinning. "EEEWWW I love gifts!" I walked him into the living room and sat him down on the sofa. I handed him an envelope. He opened it and looked at it. "I umm don't understand," he stammered looking at the papers in it.

"Your name is on the deed to the house along with mine," I explained. "I want this house to be yours too." The next words out of his beautiful lips tore my heart in two.

"I can't do this," he sobbed as he thrust the envelope into my hands and ran from the room.


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Next: Chapter 72: Get Another Boyfriend 3 14

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