Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Dec 7, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part 15

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publications.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at

Now on with part 15

"Tell me!" Kevin ordered me. I saw the anger flash in his eyes. "Do you have feelings for Troy?"

"I love you Kevin," I said softly. "But," I started. Kevin slammed the car into gear and drove back into traffic. "Kevin?" I asked softly.

"Not now!" he hissed at me. I sat back and looked out the window. Did I have a thing for Troy? Sure he was hot. He was very good looking had a tight body and great sense of humor. He was kind and gentle and loving. But--. I looked at Kevin and saw him glaring straight ahead. I saw the tears that threatened to flow from Kevin's eyes. I saw the same man I had pledged my life too. I loved Kevin more than anything in the world. But--, there was Troy.

"Please?" I asked softly. He jerked the wheel to the right and the car pulled off the road. He slammed it in park and glared at me.

"What?" He asked harshly. I cringed at his tone. I had never heard Kevin talk like that. "You ready to tell me the truth?"

"I love you Kevin," I said softly. I looked into his green eyes and saw the love and hope in them. "I won't lie to you and not tell you that I don't find Troy very attractive. But I assure you that is all it is. Just an attraction. God Kevin, me and you have shared so much together. I can't ever dream of living my life with anyone else besides you. You are my life. I love you and I love our life together." I stopped talking because I had said all I wanted to say. I had opened my heart and was honest with him. Now it was in his ball park. He would have to decide if I was being honest. I had never cheated on him. And I would never cheat on him. Hell for the last few months I lived my life for Kevin. I had given him everything. My body, my son, hell even my very soul.

"I believe you," Kevin said softly. "I love you too baby." I sighed as if a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. "But--," my heart stood still. "You need to find out for yourself if the feelings you have for Troy are real."

"I don't want to find out," I blurted out. "Kevin I'm scared! What if I find out that they are real? The thought of loosing you would kill me!"

"Baby," Kevin said in a soothing voice. "You are not going to loose me."

"But you said that you wanted me to find out if I do have the hots for Troy," I reminded him.

"There are other ways of finding out sweetie," Kevin said with a naughty look in his eyes.

"What are you thinking?" I asked. "I know that look."

"Well I have another fantasy," Kevin said grinning.

"Oh oh," I said looking a little worried. "Am I going to get the shit fucked out of me again?"

"You like it don't you?" Kevin asked softly.

"Yea it is hot," I replied blushing. "Why?"

"Well Justin and I were talking this morning and he asked me something," Kevin replied. "He wants to do you."

"What?" I yelped out.

"And I think it would be fucking hot as hell to watch him do you. And I want to watch you and Troy go at it," Kevin said grinning. I had to admit that I was exited about it. Justin was hot as hell. And fucking Troy would be hot too. But I looked at Kevin and saw him looking at me with love in his eyes. I sighed, and took Kevin's hand. This would make Kevin happy. And that was all that mattered.

"If this is what you want than let's do it," I grinned at him. The smile that crossed his face was a bright one. One that lit up my entire face. "I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," Kevin said with a grin. "Now let's get going. We have a trip to go on." We pulled back into traffic and headed home.

From Troy's point of view.

He towered over me and I shivered at his beauty. Everything about Justin Timberlake was huge. His smile and his facial expressions filled me with lust. Having him tower over me gave me a feeling of comfort and protection. "Hey," he said with a grin. I smiled at him as I reached for a pair of boxers. "Leave them off?" he pleaded with me.

"Why?" I asked as I removed my hand from them.

"I want you naked all day long," Justin answered bluntly as he gazed at me. "I want to see you in all of your naked glory." He reached out and took hold of my cock. "And I want complete access to you anytime I want it."

"Well than if I'm going to naked than it is only fair for you to be naked too," I smirked up at him.

"Really?" Justin asked as he gently stroked my hardening cock. I let out a groan and nodded. He let go and quickly shed his clothes. His long limp cock hung between his legs becoming me to attack it. I licked my lips. "See something you like?" I whimpered and turned toward him. I shivered when I felt his lips grace my shoulder. I felt his limp cock rest between my crack. I could also feel him growing hard. "You want this?" he asked in my ear as he nipped my earlobe. "You want my hot long hard cock up your ass?" I whimpered again and shivered in pain and pleasure as he slid his cock up into me. I was happy again. Justin's cock was up me and making love to me again. His lips continued to grace my bare shoulder as he plunged in and out of me. I jerked when I felt his hand wrap around my cock. "SHHHH," he soothed me. "I love you baby," he rasped out as he continued to make love to me. I soon lost myself in the emotions. His cock sliding in and out of me, his rock hard chest and abs pressing against my back, his warm and soft but firm hand jerking me towards an orgasm that I knew would be great. His cock was sliding in and out of me with such force that I jerked violently every time he slammed in. I was aware of me making little yelping noises as he continued his assault on me. I whimpered in pleasure every time his cock would tap my prostate gland sending wave after wave of intense pleasure raging through my body. I was also in tune with his love talk as well. He was whispering that he loved me and I was the only one for him. Yes I was truly happy, for I now knew what it meant to be a bottom as Matt had put it. He was right. Being a bottom was the most intimate experience of my life. I shivered as another drop of his sweat drop onto my shoulder. That was me. I was making this God of Sex and Manhood sweat and moan with pleasure. I never once in my entire life thought that it would be possible to cause such pleasure for a man. I looked back and saw the look of complete concentration on his chiseled face. I glanced down and almost came when I saw his sweaty chest as he tensed up rock hard. "God baby," he shuddered out. "I'm so close." I could feel his cock swelling in me. He begins pumping in and out as fast and as hard as he could. "Heh heh uuuuhhhnnnhhhh!" he rasped out. "ohhh fuck!" he screamed as his cock swelled even larger and slammed against my prostate glad. I felt a searing hot feeling of liquid fire shoot deep into me. I immediately begin to shoot my load too. He continued to pound into my without mercy. His lips attached themselves to my already tender shoulder and I felt the nipping of his teeth as the force of the orgasm overtook his body. I reveled in the feeling of his quacking and shuddering body as his orgasm continued to rack his body. The thought that I made him cum like this sent me into additional waves of orgasmic pleasure. The room was full of hardcore sounds of flesh slamming against flesh and the combination of my whimpers and high pitched yelps and Justin's swear words and groans was enough to send any gay or straight man into immediate orgasm. Finally I felt the weight of Justin leave me as he pulled out. He fell down and gazed at me breathing hard. I lay on his heaving chest hearing and feeling the thundering beat of this God's heart beat. I begin to cover his chest with feather kisses and begin to lap up the rivets of sweats that had pooled in the crevices of his chest and abs. Finally I snuggled up to him and begin to cover his neck with kisses as well. "Wow!" he moaned out. "That was intense!"

"Yes it was sweetie," I whispered to him. "Can we do that again?" I asked him with a naughty look. He looked at me like I was insane. "When you've had a chance to calm down." He tossed his head back laughing softly.

"I take it you like playing the role of a bottom?" Justin asked as he bent down and kissed me on the nose.

"Hell yea!" I eagerly agreed. "Being a bottom for you totally rocks!" Justin kissed me again and than slid out of bed. I stood too and grimaced at the feeling of his seed sliding back out of me.

"What's wrong dear?" he asked smirking at me.

"Your cum is leaking out of my ass!" I complained. "I'm going to take a shower." Justin giggled as he followed me into the bathroom. After showering and some serious kissing and cuddling we made our way into the nursery and watched as Jerome played with his feet. Justin's face took on a soft and fatherly look as the soft cooes and squeals and giggles reached our ear. Justin crept to the side of the crib and peeked in. Jerome looked up and his face lit up with a huge grin.

"Hey buddy!" Justin said softly as he picked up Jerome. Jerome looked around the room and than put his cute little head on Justin's chest and rubbed his nose against Justin's chest. "You hungry?" Justin asked softly offering Jerome his finger. Jerome latched onto it and started sucking as hard as he could. "I'll take that as a yes," Justin giggled. "Come on let's go join Uncle Troy for breakfast." I watched as Justin trotted down the stairs and I felt a surge of desire rage through me as I watched the play of his shoulder and back muscles as they moved in time with his trotting. I listened as Justin baby talked to Jerome. It was so adorable. As we approached the landing I suddenly realized that tomorrow was Thanksgiving. For some reason I panicked.

"Umm Sweetie?" I asked in a nervous voice.

"Yes sexy?" Justin asked as he grinned at me.

"Umm do you remember what day it is tomorrow?" I asked.

"Thanksgiving?" Justin replied grinning at me.

"Yea, ummm who is going to cook?" I asked.

"Well I certainly can't cook," Justin giggled.

"Well I can cook but I've never taken on anything so big before," I murmured. "What if I mess it up?"

"You couldn't mess anything up," Justin said sweetly as he wrapped his arm around me. "You are just way to sexy and cute to do that."

"Yea umm well ummm you haven't seen me cook," I replied blushing. I looked down suddenly feeling inadequate. I felt his fingers on my chin and I allowed him to pull me up so that I was looking up into his blue eyes.

"Baby," he said softly. "I know that if you set your mind to it you could do anything in this world. I want us to celebrate Thanksgiving together. I'll help you anyway I can."

"Even cooking?" I asked swallowing hard. Here he had presented me with an opportunity to prove that I could contribute to this relationship besides just sex. I wanted to prove to him that I could do it.

"Yes baby," he smiled at me. "Even cooking. But I really gotta warn you. I burn water."

"That is not possible," I giggled.

"You obviously haven't seen me in the kitchen," he giggled back. We heard the little whimper of Jerome and we looked down to see two hungry eyes looking up at us. "Come on buddy; let's get you your breakfast." We continued our trek into the kitchen to begin the day.

From Matt's point of view.

"Fuck them!" Kevin shouted. He slammed down the phone and picked it up and dialed a number. After waiting for it to ring a few more times. "Yea Roger?" Kevin asked as he took several calming breaths. "Push it through!" I watched and listened to Kevin rant and rave for a few more minutes. "Listen Roger, Zomba knows full well what they are doing. They deliberately delayed releasing our next CD to promote Carter's CD. Now I am happy for Nick but let's face it. There is no profit in it for the rest of us. Not to mention that the CD is essentially a flop." There was a pause in Kevin's ranting. "God dammit Roger! They are stealing money from my pocket. From my children's college education. Hell they are stealing the food from their mouths. Now do your fucking job and sue the pants off of them." Again there was a short pause. "Listen I have the backing of all the guys on this. Including Nick. Now file the papers now!" Kevin slammed down the phone and sighed heavily. I crept up behind him and wrapped my arms around. "Well we might as well go home!"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because our Managers aren't ready to release the CD yet," Kevin replied. "Come on Matt, let's get packed and get home."

"Well there is one good side to all of this," I replied as I walked with Kevin back to our room.

"And that is?" Kevin asked glaring at me.

"We get to spend thanksgiving at home," I said in an effort to cheer him up.

"Yea we have a hell of a lot to be thankful for!" Kevin muttered.

"Hey!" I hurled at him. I came to an abrupt halt and pointed to the two cribs. "We have three beautiful children! We have each other and we still have our careers! So don't you tell me that we don't have any thing to be thankful Mr. Richardson!" Kevin nodded quietly before drawing me into a tight hug.

"I love you," he whispered as he brought his lips down on mine. "What would I ever do with out you?"

"You would survive with no problem," I said with a small grin. "It is me you have to worry about."

"Why?" Kevin asked.

"Because if you were gone tomorrow I would cease to function, you, Mr. Richardson are the reason that I live," I replied honestly.

"God I love you," Kevin sighed. "Now let's get home so we can have Thanksgiving with our family."

I happily gathered up all of our belongings and helped Kevin with the twins. In a few hours we were pulling into the driveway of our little beach house. I sighed happily at the thought of many nights cuddled up to Kevin by the fireplace. I looked over at him and realized just how lucky I was. As we pulled around the side of the house I was shocked to see Brian and his ex wife standing out side the house. Brian was wearing a shocked expression on his face. Leo was standing off to the side with a shocked look on his face too. But underlining all that was fear. I quickly got out of the car and walked up to Leo.

"Leo?" I asked softly. He looked at me and squeaked out a sob. "Come here baby," I cooed at him. He fell into my arms. "Now tell me what is wrong."

"Leighanne had a baby," he sobbed out. "It's Brian's!" I looked at Brian and he was still standing there with a shocked look on his face.

"Is this true Brian?" Kevin asked softly. Travis came bounding out of the house to help us with the twins.

"Yes it is," Leighanne replied. "Brian is a father of a healthy baby boy." I felt Leo sob louder into my chest. I held him and let him sob into me. I felt the welcome feeling of Kevin's arms surround me.

"Umm do we all want to go in and talk about this?" I asked. Leighanne nodded and Brian nodded too. Gently I guided Leo into the house. I sat him down and Kevin sat down next to me. "Umm I'll ask cook to prepare some coffee and hot chocolate." I gave Kevin a quick kiss on the cheek and squeezed Leo leg. Kevin moved to my side and held Leo in his arms. Once inside the kitchen I sighed heavily. I looked at Tyler and Josh munching on Cookies with steaming cups of hot coa coa in front of them. Blackie was sitting beside his young master waiting to be fed whatever treats that he could get. Ruddy was perched onto of Blackie's back. I had to smile at the comical picture it made. I quickly instructed cook what to prepare and than I snatched a bottle of water from the fridge and headed back out into the living room. I heard Leighanne's voice.

"You've got to understand," she said in a calm voice. "The pregnancy affected me in a bad way. I went nuts. My hormones were all whacked out. I'm so sorry that I put you through all of that. I love you Brian, I've never stopped loving you."

"I have a son," Brian whispered. "I'm a father." I heard Leo sob again. I decided to get him out of the picture for just a while.

"Leo," I said softly. "Let's go for a walk." Kevin looked at me as if to ask if I wanted him to follow. I did what I over a year ago when Brian needed his cousin. "No Kevin, you stay, your cousin needs you right now." Kevin nodded and I took Leo's hand and led him out. Once we were out on the beach we walked to the waters edge.

"I'm going to loose him," Leo sobbed.

"You can't be sure," I said trying to sooth his fears.

"Oh come on Matt!" Leo screamed at me. "Brian has always wanted to be a father! Now he is!"

"Brian was a father before this!" I reminded him.

"Josh is his adopted child!" Leo shouted at me. "This other kid is a biological son! That connection is way too big to ignore! Brian is going to leave me and go back to his wife!"

"Why don't you let me decide that?" Brian asked from behind us. I jerked my head around and saw him standing there.

"What are you going to do?" Leo asked.

"I'm going to stay with you," Brian said. "I love you baby, and I have no intentions of leaving you."

"But what about your child?" Leo asked.

"Leighanne still has some things she has to take care of. She doesn't want to raise a child in the frame of mind that she is in," Brian said with a hint of sadness. "She is admitting her self into a clinic in Switzerland. I'll retain custody of Baylee until she is ready to come home and be a mother to him."

"And than?" Leo asked. I could see the hope returning to his eyes.

"Than we will work out a custody arrangement," Brian said. "But I will not leave you. I love you baby. Leaving you is not an option." He held out his arms and Leo fell into them. I left them alone on the beach and returned to the warm and cozy confines of the beach house. Once inside I heard the welcomed sounds of Mattie and Kevie. I also heard Leighanne's cheerful laugh. I walked in to see Kevin doing the proud daddy thing and showing off his twins.

"Ohhh Kevin," Leighanne sighed. "You and Matt are so blessed. They are beautiful!"

"So tell me all about your new son," I insisted.

"He is the spitting image of his daddy when he was first born. He is coming out this evening," Leighanne beamed. "I have him with the nurse at the hotel."

"I can't wait to see him," I smiled at her. "You are staying for Thanksgiving?"

"I don't want to intrude," Leighanne said softly. "I mean I did cause a lot of problems for you all nine months ago. And I have to get back to the hotel room. I'm only on release for a few more hours than my plane leaves for Switzerland. Speaking of which, the nurse should be here with Baleyee any minute." As on cue we heard the ringing of a doorbell. I got up and Kevin took my arm and shook his head no. Brian walked up to the door and opened it. He let the nurse in who was carrying a small bundle. "Brian, meet Baylee, your son." Tears flowed down his face as he reached for the very small bundle. Everyone could hear the small whimper from the bundle. Brian walked quietly into the room and sat next Leighanne. "Our son Brian," she said with tears in her eyes. "We finally did it. We finally made a son."

"The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want," Brian said as tears flowed down his face. "I give thanks to God all Mighty for his gift to us." I watched as Brian and Leighanne sat next to each other cradling the small child between the two of them. The time seem to stand still as I suddenly realized that we all had so much to be thankful for. I reached for Kevin's hand and he eased it in mine. I shivered as I always did when he came in contact with me.

"I love you Kevin Richardson," I whispered.

"And I love you too Matthew Whitewater, Richardson," Kevin said as he touched his forehead to mine. I felt the small arms of our son wrap around us too. Together as a extended family we all stood together. Finally we broke apart and looked at Brian and Leighanne. By now Leo had joined them too. He was making cooing noises at Bayely. Josh was standing beside his daddy and looking down at the small child with larger than life eyes. And yes perched on Leo's shoulder looking down too was the feathered freak from hell, Ruddy. They did make an adorable picture. I quickly grabbed a camera and snapped a couple of shots. Maybe Nick could paint them a picture like he did for us. "Let's leave the new family alone shall we?" Kevin asked. I allowed him to guide us out into the kitchen. "So do we have all the fixings for Thanksgiving yet?" he asked.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed. "No we don't!"

"Well what do you say we go shopping than?" Kevin asked. Sure we could've gotten the cook or the butler to do it. But the thought of showing off my husband to the world and doing something so normal as shopping for a Thanksgiving Day dinner seemed so right.

"That sounds like fun," I smiled up at him. "What do you say Tyler?" I asked down at him. "You want to go buy a turkey?"

"Yea Daddy!" Tyler exclaimed. "We have to hurry and do Thanksgiving!"

"Oh?" I asked grinning up at Kevin. "And why is that my son?"

"Because as soon as Turkey day is done than it is Christmas time!" Tyler squealed clapping his hands. Kevin chuckled softly. So together as a family we headed out to buy our supplies for our Thanksgiving feast.

The next day from Troy's point of view.

"Ooooohhhhh no!" I sobbed as I pulled the smoking roaster from the oven. The smoke detector was going off and the kitchen was full of smoke. "The turkey!" I sobbed again. "It is ruined!"

"Oh it is not that bad," Justin said kindly trying real hard not to laugh. He gazed down at it over my shoulder. "Ummm on second thought maybe it is." I sat down sobbing into my hands. "Honey, what's wrong?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I ruined Thanksgiving!" I sobbed out. "I'm a horrible boyfriend!" I felt his warm and protective arms wrap around me and pull me close. I leaned into his embrace and buried my face into his chest. His fingertips touched my chin and pulled me up so that I was gazing into his eyes.

"Baby," he said softly. "You are not a horrible boyfriend. You are great, cute adorable loving and incredibly sexy. Thanksgiving is not ruined. I got a call from Matt just a few minutes ago. He invited us over. So if you still want to celebrate Thanksgiving with me will come with me to Matt's and Kevin's for dinner?" His blue eyes twinkled with love and humor as he looked down at me. His very sexy lips poking out in a cute pout made me want to kiss him at that moment. Well I may have burned a ten pound turkey but I was still able to kiss. And kiss him I did. After making sure he was breathless I broke away. He had this cute dazed look on his face. I giggled at him and pecked him on the nose. "Ummm I'll guess I'll take that as a yes," he stuttered out. "Dinner will be a five so do you know what that means?"

"Ummm no," I said softly. I jumped at the sudden touch of his hand on my crotch.

"It means my sexy lover boy," Justin said with lust in his eyes. "I get to make love to you all afternoon."

"Now this is way better than any old turkey," I sighed as I slid my hand up his shirt and started to play with his nipples right away. Justin let out a cute little yelp as I pinched one of his nipples. "Now be a good boy and take me upstairs and make love to me!" Justin giggled as he helped me up and led me to our room. Soon I was naked and snuggled into his naked arms as well. We spent the next half hour exploring each others bodies. Pre-come was dripping from both of our cocks. "Take me?" I pleaded. Justin leaned down and captured my lips in a kiss. I felt him lift my leg and than I felt the pain/pleasure as he slid into me. His erect cock filling me all the way. I felt the feather feel of his pubic hair brush up against my but cheeks. I was once again happy and where I belonged, servicing Justin, my lover.

From Matt's point of view.

"Daddy?" demanded an inpatient Tyler. I looked down to see him standing in the kitchen with his hands on his hips. Blackie was sitting beside him looking up at me as well.

"Yes son?" I asked as I pulled the huge roaster from the oven and opened the lid. The thermometer had popped out and I stuck a thermometer in it and waited until it read 190 degrees. I slid the turkey back in so that it could brown on the outside.

"When can we decorate the tree?" he asked.

"Well son," I said grinning down at him.

"Yea Daddy," asked a deep voice that sent shivers down my back. "When can we decorate the tree?" I looked up to see the emerald green eyes of my lover smiling at me.

"I know two people who are very inpatient!" I said wagging my finger at the two of them. "Ok ok," I sighed giving up. "You can put the tree up now. But no lighting it until after dinner!"

"Goodie!" squealed Tyler as he hopped out of the kitchen and Blackie followed him out barking too. Kevin walked up to me and leaned down and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close and pressed his lips to mine. Soon I was lost in the feeling of his lips ravaging mine and his tongue playing a game of wrestling with mine. Finally he broke apart and grinned his naughty grin at me.

"You are a softie!" he giggled.

"Yea well you love me," I giggled back. "Now be a good boy and get out there and make sure that the ornaments don't end up on the bottom level like they did last year." Kevin chuckled softly as left. I allowed my mind to travel back to a year ago when Tyler had decorated his first tree. That was a great Christmas. Dianne came back into Tyler's life and I got to share Christmas with my love of my life.

"What are you thinking about?" a voice asked me. I looked up to see Brian standing there holding his newborn son.

"Ok ok, I need a baby fix!" I demanded. Brian laughed softly as he gently handed his son over to me. His son looked up at me with big eyes and than he snuggled deeper into my hold and yawned and closed his eyes. "He is so beautiful," I said as I kissed him lightly on the forehead.

"Yea I know," Brian replied with obvious pride. "Now you were about to tell me what you were thinking about."

"I was thinking about my life and how different it is right now," I replied. "Kevin and I are married and we have a big family and lots of friends. This is one Thanksgiving I'm so very thankful for."

"Yea I know what you mean. Look at my life," Brian added. "I found my true self and my true love all in one day. I have a wonderful new born son and than there is Josh. He is such a good boy."

"How does he feel about your new son?" I asked as I looked down at the sleeping infant.

"Well at first I thought there was going to be a problem but once I explained to him that nothing has changed as far as how much I love him he was pretty ok with it. He is even wanting to help feed him," Brian said with a smile.

"Yea well you remember how exited Tyler was when Kevie and Mattie showed up. You should see him now. He is so exited about showing his little brothers what Christmas is all about. I found the Three Wiseman in the bathroom again," I chuckled.

"So the journey has begun," Brian giggled. "I remember last year when they had them crossing the sofa. We couldn't sit on the sofa for a whole day."

"Yea that was cute," I replied. I heard an alarm go off and turned to the oven. That would be the sweet potatoes. I quickly removed them from the oven and added the marshmallows and put them back in the oven. "I wonder where they are going to end up tomorrow."

"Could be any where," Brian giggled. "Remember Christmas eve night they ended up in the shower."

"Yea poor Kevin couldn't shower until Tyler agreed to move them," I giggled back. I heard the doorbell ring and went to open it. I passed Kevin and Tyler and Josh as they were putting the tree together. Well actually Kevin was putting the tree together and Tyler and Josh were watching him. I opened the door and came face to face with Justin and Troy kissing each other. "Ahem!" I coughed quietly. They broke apart and blushed. "Welcome," I said with a smile on my face. "I'm glad you could make it." I heard footsteps pounding down the stair and saw JC looking eagerly at Justin. It was obvious that he needed a baby fix too. Justin handed a squirming child over to his daddy and than his arms snaked around Troy tightly. Troy laid his head on Justin's shoulder. I had to admit that it did make a very cute picture. I led them into the living room.

"Cool!" Justin exclaimed. "You're decorating a tree!" Justin pitched in and started to help Kevin put the tree together. I took this time to lead Troy into the kitchen.

"So how are you?" I asked.

"I'm great!" he exclaimed. "Justin and I are in love!"

"Well I kinda figured that," I smiled. "I mean all I have to do is take one look at you and see that you have it bad for him." Troy blushed and looked down at his feet. I had to admit that he was very attractive when he blushed. "But is it really loves?" I asked softly.

"Yes it is," he blurted out. I loved the way his face lit up with happiness. I had to admit that even I was rooting for Justin if he had the power to make Troy happy like that.

"Well than if he makes you happy than I'm happy for you," I replied as I took the bird out. "Now be a good boy and help me set the food up in the dinning room or we will have a house full of angry men.

Later from Kevin's point of view.

I sat at the end of the table and looked around. I saw Mattie and Kevie in their high chairs in their very cute turkey bibs. Tyler was seating beside Matt and Josh was sitting right next to him. JC and Nick were next to each other too. Troy and Justin were next to each other as well. The only people missing were AJ and Travis. Travis had convinced AJ to go to his house for a private Thanksgiving dinner. Brian and Leo were sitting close to each other as well. Brian had Baylee in his arms and was feeding his bottle. Everyone was quiet waiting for Matt to say the blessing. I looked at Matt and saw the small amount of fear in his eyes. It had seemed that my sweetie had gotten stage fright as well. I quietly stood up and walked around to the front of the table and took his hand and helped him stand up. "I love you Matthew Whitewater Richardson."

"I love you too," he whispered at me as he kissed me quickly on the lips. Turning to the family. "Let us bow our heads for the blessing."


Ok ok so I am a little late. I hope you all enjoy it. Just to let you know that the Holiday series is next. Than I will close it. I've written just about enough of this story that I can think of. Got any ideas for the last three chapters? If you do please send them to me via E-mail at

Next: Chapter 74: Get Another Boyfriend 3 16

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