Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Dec 19, 2002


Get Another Boyfriend the Third Chapter Part 16

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publications.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at

Now on with part 15.

From Troy's point of view.

I sat scowling at the couple in front of us at the mall. They were a young and attractive couple and they were holding hands and kissing in public. I surge of jealousy raged through me as I looked at them displaying their emotions freely. I felt Justin nudge me. I looked at him and he raised his eyebrows in concern.

"What's wrong babe?" he asked softly. I shrugged my shoulder. "Uh uh," he said lightly. "Now something is bothering you. Please tell me what it is?"

"I want that," I said with a pout.

"We have that," Justin said confused.

"No," I replied. "I want to show the whole world that I am in love with you!"

"Ohh," Justin said softly. "How important is it to you?"

"I don't want to ruin your career," I said quickly. "I would never ask you to do that."

"I didn't ask you to do that for me," Justin replied with a frown. "I asked you how important it is for you to be open with our relationship."

"I don't know," I mumbled. "I just want to show everyone just how much I love you is all. But not at the expense of your career." Justin nodded and let the matter drop. But I had the feeling that this was not the end of this discussion. "You hungry?" I asked softly. Justin had been working so hard and ever since he broke his foot in London I was babying him in a major way. I could tell he enjoyed me spoiling him rotten. We hadn't had sex in a while but that didn't bother me. Justin was in pain and I wanted to be there for him. Besides it gave us a lot of cuddling time. And cuddling time with Justin was a great thing.

"No that is all right," Justin replied. "We just had breakfast a while ago."

"You want to continue shopping?" I asked.

"You know what I really want?" he asked. "I want to go home with you."

"Than home it is," I smiled at him.

"But what about your Christmas shopping?" Justin asked concerned.

"Hey," I smiled. "It is the day after Thanksgiving. We've got the whole season ahead of us." I helped Justin up and we headed for the car. Justin's body guards kept a respectful distance from us. I was glad because they were rather intimidating to me. Justin assured me that they were really nice guys. But all they ever did was glare at me. I got the impression that they didn't like me. Once in the car Justin laid his head on my shoulder. He was drowsy because he had taken some pain meds. I happily let him sleep. Once he was asleep one of his body guards cleared his throat. "Yes?" I asked gulping.

"What are your intentions with our Justin?" he asked frowning.

"Umm what do you mean?" I squeaked out.

"Are you just using him for his money and fame?" he asked. Anger raged through me but than I realized that he was just doing his job.

"I can see where you might think that," I said softly. I looked down at the sleeping angel in my lap and ran my fingers through his curly hair. He moaned out my name and I smiled. "But no, I don't care about his money or his fame. I love Justin. I want to spend the rest of my life making him happy."

"Would you leave him?" he asked.

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

"Would you leave him if this relationship threatened his career?" he asked. Tears came to my eyes. And I nodded silently. "Why?"

"Because performing is everything to him," I sniffled. "If he had to choose between his career and me I would make the decision for him. I would leave so he could continue doing what he loves to do."

"I believe you," he said grinning for the first time. "You are the real deal."

"Umm ok," I replied wiping the tears from my face. "Was this a test or something?"

"A test," he replied. "I had to make sure you would be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for him."

"I love him," I whispered. "He was there for me when I needed someone the most. I gave him my virginity."

"Ok," he giggled. "I didn't need to know that."

"Sorry," I mumbled blushing. "But you need to know just how deep my love is for him." The rest of the ride was in silence. Once home we carried the sleeping Justin into our room. After making sure he was all snuggled in bed I slid in beside him. I loved lying with him. Our bodies seem to fit perfectly. He clung to me like he was starving. I clung to him because I couldn't stand being apart from him. Soon I too was sound asleep.

From Matt's point of view.

"Tyler?" I asked as I looked down the step ladder at him. "Can you hand Daddy the garland?" I was decorating the house for Christmas. Tyler and Josh were pitching in while Kevin and Leo and Brian were house hunting. This meant that I had Baylee all to myself. Mattie and Kevie were also home too playing in their playpen. I had the fire going in the fireplace and Christmas music playing. The weather was way to cold from them to be playing outside. The breeze was ice cold coming off the water. So I made a bargain with them and promised to fix pizza for them for lunch if they helped me decorate the house. And we were having a blast doing it. Tyler picked up the huge pile of garland and handed it to me. I picked it from his hands and began to unravel it. Soon I was stringing it around the house. Tyler was right behind me giving me pointers on how to make the house pretty. I heard a bark behind me and turned and busted up laughing. It had seemed that Josh had found the box of bows and had three of them attached to Blackie. One on his head and the other two were on his back.

"Now Blackie is ready for Christmas too," Josh said with wide grin.

"Yes he is," I laughed softly. "Now help me with the lights." Josh grinned widely as he handed me the string of lights.

Three hours later we stepped back to see how it looked. "We have a pretty House!" Tyler said as he hopped up and down. "Pappa is going to be very happy when he sees this!"

"Yes he is," a deep voice sounded from behind me. I turned and looked up at my sweetie. He smelled of fresh crisp air. I wrapped my arms around his frame and snuggled closer. "The house looks nice babe," he said softly as he leaned down and kiss me. I shivered a little when his cold nose touched my cheek. "You're nice and warm."

"Yea well you are all cold," I giggled. "Want me to warm you up?" I asked grinning up at him.

"That would be nice but right now we have to talk about Brian's and Leo's new house," Kevin replied. I pouted for a few seconds because I had missed my chance to have a hot make out session with Kevin. He giggled softly and kissed me again. "I promise to make it up to you sweetie." He leaned into me and I could feel his rock hard erection against me. I knew that he would indeed make it up to me.

"Are we going to have a new house?" Josh asked scrunching up his nose. He was standing next to his Daddy Brian as Brian held his new born son. Brian looked lovingly down at Josh and smiled at his excitement. Josh was jumping from foot to foot waiting for his daddy to answer him.

"Yes son, we are moving to a nice big house just up the road from here so you will be able to come down and play with Tyler and Mattie and Kevie anytime you want," Brian explained. Josh took running to tell Tyler the news. You could hear them talking in hushed tones as they planned whatever it was. I turned to Kevin and he leaned down and touched his fore head to mine. His eyes sparkled with love and humor. I knew he was horny as hell and I wanted to relieve him so bad. But there were plans to be made. We had to get Brian and Leo's new house all set up. I patted his crotch gently and giggled softly at his whimper.

"Later baby," I smiled up at him. "I promise to let you have my way with you all you want." Kevin's eyes took on a very naughty look when I said that. I knew that I was in for the ride of my life. I blushed at the mere thought of Kevin having his way with me for as long as he wanted. Soon I was lost in his kisses and love bites as we stayed in the living room for a few minutes by the fireplace. But alas that was to end soon as we heard the gentle cough of Brian telling us that work had to be done. Taking my lover's hand I led him into the dining room where I had lunch all laid out for them.

From Troy's point of view.

I lay on the bed and watched my lover sleep. He had his clothes off and had a light sheet covering him from the waist down. I could see the outline of his cock as it lay across his flat and hard stomach muscles. I licked my lips in sexual hunger. I wanted him so bad. But I also didn't want to wake him. He looked so sexy and so innocent sleeping. I watched as his chest muscles played as he took a deep breath in. I shivered as he moaned my name softly. I giggled softly as I watched his hand travel down to his cock. Finally I threw caution to the wind and lifted up the sheet. There staring at me was the most beautiful cock I had ever laid eyes on. It was pulsing gently and was of course resting in a pool of pre-come. I lowered my head and gently licked up the succulent liquid and it only served to feed my hunger even deeper. Growling softly I engulfed his cock and slid my lips and mouth over and down his quivering shaft. I felt his hips buck a little driving his cock deeper into my mouth. I heard him groan softly and I shivered with desire knowing that I had caused him to groan with pleasure. I also felt the feeling of his hands as they touched my hair. He wasn't pushing me down but he was massaging his fingers through my hair. The head of his cock hit the back of my throat threatening to gag me. I remembered to swallow as I buried my nose into his pubic hair. I inhaled deeply breathing his scent. The musky scent that was Justin my lover drove me wild with lust. I rose up and ran my tongue across the bottom of his shaft feeling the large veins that ran along the sides and bottom of his cock. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the art of making my lover feel loved. I also felt his legs crossing over my shoulders as he sealed me into his embrace. I was locked into the place that I wanted to be the most. I continued to make love to his cock with my mouth and tongue. As his pre-come flowed out of his cock I swallowed it as quick as I could. By now he was thrusting in and out of my mouth a little faster and harder. So much that my lips and jaw was starting to hurt. But I didn't care. The only thing I wanted was to get him off. The only thing I wanted was to make him groan out my name as the throes of lust and orgasm over took him. I longed to be the one who made him cum. I wanted to the one that caused him to quake and shake his entire body as he shot his long hard streams of cum down my waiting and swallowing throat.

"God Troy!" he grunted out. "I'm so fucking close!" His crotch was hot with his sweat and I was hot too. My hair was matted to my forehead and I could feel his heat getting hotter. His musk was getting stronger too but I didn't care. Finally his cock jerked violently in my mouth and he growled out as his cock shot load after load into my waiting mouth. I groaned loudly as I swallowed and swallowed. Finally I stopped swallowing and let it fill my mouth to capacity. After he stopped shooting I slowly swallowed the rest of his load. I made sure he was watching me as I swallowed. After licking him clean I sat up and smiled at him.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I asked innocently.

"Fuck the Nap!" he replied as he sat up too. His chest was shining with a thin sheen of sweat making him look so hot.

"No fuck me," I said grinning. His face looked dark for a second. "Did I say something wrong?"

"I love you," he said as his eyes watered. "You asked me to fuck you. I don't ever want to fuck you. I love you. Fucking is what two people do to get their rocks off. I don't want to just get my rocks off with you. I want to make love to you."

"I'm sorry," I whispered looking down. "I just can't get used to you loving me. I mean this all seems like a dream." Justin wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"This is not a dream baby," he said grinning at me. "This is your life. I love you. I don't know when it happened but it did. I love you and I have no intentions of ever letting you go. Promise me one thing?"

"Any thing," I said as I kissed his cheek.

"Never ask me to fuck you again?" he pleaded with me.

"Deal," I replied as I snuggled closer to him. We lay in silence for a while before I noticed that his breathing had returned to a deep and steady breathing. I looked up to see that he was sleeping again. I slid out of bed and slipped into my coat and slipped outside and climbed into my car and started it up. I had some shopping to do.

Later from Justin's point of view.

I woke to a dark room. Troy had started the gas fireplace and opened the curtains so that the soft light of the full moon would fill the room. I slid out of bed and slid into my silk robe. I loved the feel of the slick soft fabric on my skin. After taking a quick shower I slipped on a Christmas Red pair of silk pajamas. I was in the mood to cuddle all night with Troy so I headed out of my room and trotted down the stairs. As I walked into the living room I heard Troy baby talking to Jerome. I also noticed that my lover had been very busy. Standing beside the fireplace was a nine foot Christmas tree all trimmed. It was trimmed with white lights and gold garland and Silver beads. It was beautiful. On the fireplace mantel was a white porcelain Nativity scene highlighted with gold. It was resting in the midst of green and gold garland with more white lights strung through it. The rest of the room was decked out with green garland and white lights as well. It was truly a winter wonderland and in the middle of all of it was my lover holding Jerome as Jerome looked at the tree with an expression of wonderment on his cute face. "So Jerome," Troy asked still using his very sexy baby talk. "Do you think that Daddy will like the tree?" Jerome just looked up at Troy with big and bright eyes. He looked back the tree and pointed and cooed at it.

"Some one has been very busy," I said softly. Troy turned and looked at me. He looked so beautiful standing there beside the fire place holding Jerome. He smiled at me and blushed. "You did all of this?" I asked gesturing to the room.

"You like it?" he asked hopefully."

"Yes I do," I said as I walked up to him. Jerome held out his arms to be held. I took him and brought him close to me. "Thank you," I whispered as I kissed him gently on the lips. "Thank you for bringing the Christmas spirit to this house."

"Well you were up sleeping so peacefully--," Troy started.

"Yea and that was thanks to you," I said smirking. "Not to sound mean sweetie but you are one hell of a cock sucker. And I mean that in a really good way." I had to giggle at the adorable look on his face. "And I love sliding into you. You are so tight."

"Your making me blush!" Troy said as he hid his face into my chest.

"And you love it," I giggled. I led him to the couch and sat him down. I than took Jerome who was passed out like a light and laid him down in the play pen. I than walked over to Troy and slipped off my robe and pulled down my pants. "I want to make love to you so bad."

"But what about your foot?" Troy asked as he swallowed hard.

"My foot is fine. Now be a good boy and get all naked for me," I asked. I never saw anyone strip off his clothes so fast in my life. I reached fro his hand and drew him to me. Our naked bodies touched and he shivered as my cock racked across his tight abs. "Let's lay in front of the fireplace." I eased him down on the soft pile of furs that I had in front of the fire place. I marveled at how bright his eyes were as he gazed up at me. His cock was rock hard and throbbing with desire. I lowered my body onto his and started my trek down his body. I tuned into his sounds. Every little whimper and yelp sent me into higher levels of desire. I finally reached his cock and I eagerly slipped the head into my mouth. His hips arched upwards and drove his cock all the way into my waiting mouth. He wasn't nearly as big as I was so it was really easy to deep throat him. I loved sucking on his cock. It was just the right size. He was moaning my name and thrusting his hips and trying to drive my cock deeper into my mouth. I welcomed the lovemaking from him.

"Uuuunnnhhhh God you make me feel so good!" he whimpered out. I looked up his very tight stomach muscles as he flexed them and unflexed them as the feeling of orgasm threatened to over take him. I eased off of him and he growled softly at me. "Why did you stop?" he pleaded with me.

"Because my love," I smiled at his bewildered face. "I want this to last." He growled again and I giggled as I slid up his body and eased my cock in between his legs. I found his whole and slid my cock up him. He arched his back and bucked as I begin to thrust in and out of him. I had worked up a good rhythm when I felt him convulse and than I felt his cock blast its load in-between our bodies. I watched in amazement at the look on his face. It was a cross between pain and pleasure and it was almost enough to send me over the edge. Like I said almost. I eased up on my lovemaking and calmed down enough to spend a few minutes kissing him and caressing him.

"Please?" he pleaded with me.

"Please what?" I asked as I kissed his lips again.

"Please make love to me?" he pleaded. He was biting on his lower lip as he tried to get me started again. I pulled out and than rammed in hard making sure I hit his prostate gland. His response was fantastic. He let out this kitten like yelp and arched his back so that his nipples were in reach of my tongue, mouth and teeth. I eagerly latched onto one and bit down on it lightly. I drank in his whimpers as if it were a drug. By now his body was quivering and quaking caused by my relentless lovemaking. "Cum for me?" he pleaded. HIs look of pleading sent me over the edge as I buried my cock deep into him again and released a torrent of my cum deep into him. I knew I was slamming against his prostate gland because he immediately began to shoot again. I gently eased him down from his orgasmic high with feather kisses and gently rubbing his tight and taunt abs. Finally I pulled out and smiled at his pout from me pulling out.

"I promise to put it back," I whispered to him. I noticed that he was shivering so I took one of the furs and covered him up with it. I stood up and walked to the fireplace and turned it up and looked back at my lover all nestled in the pile of furs. His eyes were closed and he was breathing deep and regular. I knew that I had put him to sleep. I crept over to the play pen and picked up Jerome and carried him up stairs to put him down for the night. After making sure he was asleep I trotted down stairs and joined my lover under the pile of furs. He immediately sensed I was there and clung to me by wrapping his arms around me and burying his face into my chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him as close as I could. For the next two hours I watched the love of my life sleep. His face glowed a soft golden haze as the fire from the fire place played across his face.

"You awake?" a sleepy voice sounded. I looked down to see a pair of sleepy eyes looking up at me.

"Yes I am," I smiled down at him. "Did I wear you out?"

"As a matter of fact you did," he replied as he yawned.

"How about a nice long shower than a soak in the hot tub?" I suggested. He smiled and nodded as I helped him up. Together we walked up the stairs and into the master suite.

From Kevin's point of view.

"So what about your promise to make me all warm?" I asked grinning at Matt.

"You have the fireplace dear," Matt replied.

"I'd rather have you dear," I whined as I snuggled up to him. It was late at night and the kids were all tucked in bed. I was sitting on the sofa with Matt and we were really enjoying the Christmas Decorations all around us. I looked down at him and again marveled at how incredibly good looking he was. He was starting to grow a little facial hair. He kept a five a clock shadow on him all the time. It made him look very hot. "You want some more Cider?" I asked him.

"Yea that would be nice," Matt sighed. I got up off the warm comfy couch and went to the bar and poured us another glass of sparkling cider. Matt loved the stuff and it had become a favorite of mine as well. I returned to the sofa and handed Matt his glass and he held out his arms to me. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Matt wanted to hold me and that was a switch because I was the one who did most of the holding. I lay down and slid in-between Matt's legs and leaned against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. I shivered with pleasure as I felt his warm breath on my neck. "You comfy?"

"Yes, very," I replied. But what I really wanted was to get my sweetie naked and make love to him right here in front of the fire place. I set my glass down and turned around so that I was facing him. "You know what I really want?" I asked licking my lips.

"Ummm no," Matt replied with his usual naughty glint in his eyes. I knew that he did know what I wanted.

"I want to make love to you," I replied.

"Not now," Matt replied as he tried to keep a straight face on. "I'm working on something."

"Working on making me nuts with lust!" I grumbled. Matt giggled and that was too much for me. I pounced on him and stretched out on top of him. I pressed lips to his and drove my tongue into his mouth. My hips ground against his and I could tell that the little stinker was just as horny as I was. "Why you little bugger!" I growled at him. He busted up laughing as I proceeded to tickle him. Finally I stopped and looked down at him. His face was flushed with laughter and he looked sexy right then. I eased my self on him and pressed my lips to his and was soon lost in kissing him.

Later that night I watched as my lover rested in my arms. The air was still thick with the scent of our love making. It was great as usual. But it was more gentle and loving. I took my time reaching my orgasm. Matt was slower too. It was as if we were taking the time to really enjoy ourselves. It was almost as if we wanted to make this night special. As if something bad was going to happen and we wanted to get as much happiness as possible in. I shook my head at the thought of that. I was happy and Matt was happy. Sure we had the law suite going. But right now our lives were perfect and nothing could change that.

"What are you thinking?" Matt asked. He looked up at me with his sleepy blue eyes.

"Just how much I love you, Tyler and the twins," I replied as I leaned down and kissed the top of his head. "Can we make time stand still?"

"For?" Matt asked as he snuggled deeper into my hold.

"Everything is perfect," I sighed looking at the tree. "I don't want anything to change."

"I know what you mean," Matt replied. "I feel everything is perfect too. I love you and I don't want anything to change either." He yawned widely and I chuckled softly at him.

"Let's get you up stairs and into bed," I said. We got up and turned off the tree and lights and fire place and checked the doors. It was very normal things that everyday normal people do at the end of their days but for me it just made so happy. I was this huge pop star and here I was a father and a husband closing down the house for the night. As I walked up the stairs I thought of my favorite thing to do in the world. And when I walked into our bedroom after brushing my teeth and I saw the fire place blazing and my lover stretched out on the silk sheets I knew that holding my lover all night long was indeed the favorite part of my day. I eased into bed and welcomed him as he latched onto me. I whispered good night to him and he mumbled sleepily as well.

The next day from Justin's point of view.

"I want to stop at one more store," Troy said eagerly. "I want to pick out Matt's Christmas Present." I had to grin at Troy's eagerness. It was obvious that Troy loved Christmas so much. And seeing him all happy and busting with Christmas spirit made me so happy.

"Ok sweetie," I smiled at him. "But this is the last store. I want to get home so we can cuddle for the rest of the day." We walked into a nice store with nick knacks. We were looking around shopping for the perfect gift when a man walked in. He walked up to the counter just as Troy was placing a porcelain Santa and sleigh and Reindeer set on the counter to be rung up. His eyes were all bright with happiness. He had found the perfect gift for his friend.

"This is a stick up!" shouted the man as he pulled out a gun. My blood ran cold as I saw three more men walk in. Two of them had guns and one of them carried a baseball bat. I moved to get to Troy but was pushed back. "Stay back pretty boy and nobody gets hurt!" The cashier behind the counter looked scared to death. "Now empty the drawer into this bag and be quick about it!" I prayed that Troy wouldn't be a hero and do anything dumb. He didn't until the man with the gun started to rush the man behind the counter. "Hurry up counter boy!"

"He is moving as fast as he can!" Troy said.

"Not fast enough for me!" the man with the gun shouted waving the gun at Troy.

"Please Troy!" I pleaded. "Don't say anything!"

"Yea pretty boy," the crook said. At this point something went wrong. I don't know what it was. Maybe another customer was trying to be a hero. A shot rang out and the guy with the base ball bat panicked and I watched in horror as he swung with all of his might. I heard the sickening crack of wood against bone. I watched Troy's head jerk forward followed by blood. I screamed as I tried to get to him. It seemed an eternity as he fell to the floor. I screamed again as his head smashed against the counter and than roll to the side and his eyes close. I finally reached his side.

"Baby!" I sobbed. "Oh God no!" I held his head in my lap as blood poured from a nasty gash from the back of his skull. Blood was also flowing from his ears too. "Baby please hang on!" I looked around to see what else was going on. I saw the man behind the counter was on the phone and I also saw the mall security had the four men rounded up. "Someone call an ambulance!" I pleaded. I continued to hold him as he went into a seizure of some sort. His entire body was quacking and shaking. I just held him as he continue to shake and quiver. At some point I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and gently pull me away. "NO!" I shouted. "I won't let him go!"

"Justin!" shouted a voice. It was JC. "You have to let them do their jobs!"

"I can't loose him!" I sobbed into JC's shoulder.

"Come on," JC said softly. "Let's get you to the car and we will follow them to the hospital." I nodded silently and followed JC to the car. We got in and he fell in behind the ambulance and we followed it the hospital. On the way their JC was calling Matt and Kevin.

From Matt's point of view.

I woke up to the sunlight pouring in through the windows. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost noon. I growled softly as I realized that Kevin had let me sleep in. I quickly showered and dressed and padded down stairs. I could hear Kevin and the twins in the living room. Both Kevie and Mattie were squealing with laughter and Kevin was baby talking to them. I peaked in and Kevin saw me and grinned. "You are awake!" he said as he stood up and picked up Mattie. He walked up to me and handed me the squirming child. I held Mattie close to me and he rubbed his nose on my chest.

"You let me sleep in," I said as I kissed Mattie on the cheek.

"Yea well you looked so peaceful this morning that I didn't want to wake you sweetie," Kevin said as he kissed me on the top of my head. "You hungry?" I nodded. "Good cause you are on time for lunch." We all headed into the dining room and sat down. Brian and Leo were already there. From their bed heads I gathered that they slept in too. I quickly grabbed a plate and piled it high with lettuce and chicken and prepared myself a chicken salad. After sitting down I started to eat. Kevin sat down next to me and started eating too.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Well I want to go into town and finish Christmas shopping," Kevin smiled at me. "I still haven't gotten you anything."

"I have everything I need," I smiled at him. The phone rang and Kevin got up and got it. I turned to Brian and Leo. "So how is the moving coming?"

"It is coming great!" Leo said grinning widely. "The house is huge!"

"Umm Matt?" asked Kevin. I looked up to see Kevin's face. I knew from his expression that it was not good.

"Yes dear?" I asked as I dreaded what he had to say.

"Ummm there has been a robbery attempt at the mall and Justin and Troy and JC was involved in it," Kevin said. "Troy has been hurt really bad."

"How bad?" I asked as my eyes filled with tears. "How bad Kevin?"

"Umm he was hit in the head with a baseball bat," Kevin said as he gathered me in his arms. "Justin said we should get to the hospital."

"Is he going to make it?" I asked. Troy was one of my best friends. He was so kind and gentle. He was so good and he had just found love. If something happened to him--.

"Come on Matt," Kevin said as he guided me to the front door. "We don't have much time." I don't really remember getting into the car but before I knew it Kevin was kissing me on the cheek and telling me that we were there. I mindlessly opened the door and stepped out. I heard the reporters shouting their questions. I also heard the clicking of hundreds of cameras. I heard Kevin rattle off something like. "We are here to see a very good friend of the family. No we're not ready to comment on the law suit. And no the Backstreet Boys are not breaking up. We are still as tight as ever." I heard my name shouted out too but Kevin quickly guided me away from horde of reporters and into the hospital. Once in I could see Kevin's shoulders relax just a little. "I hope he is all right."

"Who?" I asked. That was dumb of me. But it made conversation and right now that is what I needed. I didn't want to be left alone with my fears. Kevin looked at me and smiled softly at me.

"Troy dear," he said softly. "I know how close you too are. I hope that he is all right."

"Kevin! Matt!" a worried voice sounded behind us. I looked up to see JC running towards us. I had seen JC full of energy before but not like this. I could see the worry and feel the nervous energy pour out of him. "Thank God you are here. Now maybe Justin will calm down."

"What is wrong with him?" I asked worried.

"What do you think is wrong with him?" JC snapped at me. I could feel Kevin tense up beside me. I patted his arm and felt him calm down. JC sighed and looked down for a few seconds. "Look I'm sorry that I snapped at you. Justin is nuts with worry. Troy has been in emergency surgery for the last hour. I've tried to calm him down but he won't. He just keeps worrying and pacing and muttering that it is all his fault.

"Well take us to him," Kevin said. We followed JC to a waiting room and sure enough there was Justin pacing like mad. The tear streaks had dried up a long time ago. Now all there was a mask of fear and worry on his face.

"My fault," he muttered to himself. "I shouldn't have fallen in love with him. Wouldn't happen if I had left him alone. Matt's fault too!" He continued to mutter like that and pace the length of the room.

"How is it my fault?" I asked softly. He jerked to a stop and looked at me with a blaze of anger so intense that it litterly through me back a step. Kevin was right behind me and his strong arms wrapped them selves around me.

"You hooked us up!" he blurted out. "You got us together! If you hadn't of done that than Troy wouldn't have been hurt." It sounded really stupid and I know he knew it too. I shook my head and walked towards him. "My fault and your fault. Troy is dying and it is all of our fault!"

"Justin," I said softly. "This is not your fault!" I said that part loudly. He jerked up again. "The fucking dick head who hit him with a base ball bat is at fault. Not you and not me. Falling in love is not a bad thing. It is a wonderful thing. Troy is so happy being in love. I haven't seen him so happy in well never! And you did that for him. How can that be a bad thing?"

"What do you know?" Justin screamed at me. "You don't know anything!" The tears had started to flow.

"I know that for the first time in a long time, you are really in love," I said softly. "And I know that Troy wouldn't want you in here blaming yourself that you had no control over." Justin nodded quietly and sat down. His feet continued to bounce around as the nervous energy continued to rage through him. "Are you hungry?" He shook his head no. "Tough!" I muttered as I grabbed his hand and pulled him up on his feet. "You and I are going to the cafeteria to eat."

"Fine I'll go!" he muttered. "But I'm not eating!" I had to smile because he sounded like a child. Together he and I walked out of the waiting room and into the cafeteria. I picked up a tray and walked over to the food. I was starving. I didn't get to finish my lunch and my sugar was dangerously low. I knew I had to get food into me. I looked over at Justin and caught him piling on the food too. So much for him not eating. "For ammunition!" he glared at me.

"You plan on throwing it at me?" I giggled. Justin shrugged his shoulders and stormed passed me and paid for his food and sat down at a booth. I followed him and he glared hard at me. "Fine!" I snapped. "I'll just sit over here!" I walked over to the farthest corner of the cafeteria and sat down and started to eat. About five minutes into my meal I saw a shadow cross over me. I looked up to see Justin standing there with his tray. I looked into his eyes and saw the fear in them. I also saw his eyes well up with tears.

"Can I um sit with you?" he asked. I nodded. He sat down and looked down at his tray. I saw a tear fall and my heart went out to him. "What if he doesn't make it?" he sniffled. "I love him Matt." I reached over and took his hand. "I've never loved anyone more than him. I can't loose him!"

"You won't loose him Justin," I said softly. "He is a strong young man. And he will pull through this."

"I hope you are right," Justin mumbled as he played with his food. I saw JC walk into the room and I motioned him over. He walked up to us and waited for Justin to realize that he was there.

"Curly?" JC asked softly. Justin jerked his head up the fear was evident in his face. "The Surgery is over."

"How is he?" Justin and I asked at the same time.

"He is---,"


Mean aren't I?

Want to vent? Than I guess you are going to have to e-mail me. He he he E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 75: Get Another Boyfriend 3 17

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