Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Jan 14, 2003


Get Another Boyfriend Final Chapter?

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publications.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

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Almost two years ago I started this story at a point where I was at an all time low. I found that writing made my life full again. It is through writing I can express myself. Over the past year and some months I have made many friends in the "Boy Band Fiction world. Two people I really want to thank are the following. Nate: You have been a true Godsend to me. You inspired me to stretch out further than any other person. I will always hold a very special place in my heart for you. Thank you for being there for me. Tom: What can I say? All the days I sat alone in my townhouse in the Shenandoah Valley wile my back healed you were there on Yahoo Messenger cheering me on. Thank you both for the friendship and love.

Now onto my fans. Many of you will be saddened to see me end this part of my life. Get Another Boyfriend couldn't have gone on forever. For there is an old saying and it goes something like this. "All good things must come to an end." I like to add this part. "So we can make room for more good stuff!" Thank you for honoring me by reading my work. That is the best compliment you can give a writer. By reading and enjoying my work you have validated me as an author. I thank each of you from the very bottom of my heart.

And now with out further ado, I now offer you this final chapter.

Life Goes On.

From Matt's point of view.

"So this is good bye?" I asked Troy as he stood with me on the beach. It was evening and we were walking on the beach together. The wind was cold and it was overcast. There was a light rain falling as well. The weather suited the mood that most of us were in. Christmas had long since past. The New Year came and went. The news of Justin and Troy starting their lives together in California had finally sunk in. Maybe the fact that this was their last night on the east coast finally made it real for me. I looked up at Troy and saw his eyes were misty.

"No," he said gruffly. "This isn't good bye Matt. I like to think of it as another chapter in our lives. You finally have your family that you have always dreamed of. I have found my place with Justin. I love him very much and I truly want to spend the rest of my life with him. And we want to do it in California."

"I'm going to miss you Troy," I said sniffling. I felt his hand on the side of my face as he wiped a tear free. "California is a very long way away."

"Yea but you're rich and you can fly out any time," Troy snickered.

"Is that an invitation?" I asked smiling at him.

"My home is always opened to you and to your family," Troy replied. I noticed that he was shivering.

"Let's get back into the house," I said as I turned and headed back up the beach. "Justin will chew my ass out for letting you get all wet." We walked back to the house in silence. Once there we crept in and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed to mugs and filled them with hot coffee.

"Sweetie?" asked a deep and soft voice. I looked up to see the concerned face of my lover. "You're all wet."

"Yea I guess the rain caught us," I replied. "Don't worry, we will be fine."

"I'm not worried," Kevin lied. I wrapped my arms around and snuggled closer to him.

"You are a terrible liar sweetie," I giggled as I snaked out my tongue and flicked the hallow part of his neck. I heard him take a sudden intake of breath. I giggled as I rubbed my hand on his crotch and than detached myself from and went off to find Tyler. I heard Kevin growl softly with frustration. I heard Tyler's high pitch giggle from the play room so I walked in. I found Justin tickling the daylights out of him. After stopping he let the laughing boy out of his tight grips.

"So you and Uncle Troy and really going?" Tyler asked with a small pout on his cute little face.

"Yea buddy," Justin replied as he ruffled Tyler's hair. Tyler of course swatted his hand away.

"I'll miss you," Tyler replied with another pout.

"Yea, well I'll miss you more!" Justin said in a childish voice.

"Nuuuhh uhhhh!" Tyler argued. "I'll miss you more!" They went on arguing for the next few minutes before falling into another tickle war. I listened to the high pitch laughter of Tyler and the one of a kind laugh from Justin. Finally I coughed softly and they looked up with guilty looks on their faces. Tyler struggled out of Justin's grip and took off running until he was in my arms. I sighed with happiness as I felt his little arms wrap around my neck and hug me.

"Do you want to go check on your brothers while Justin and I have a talk?" I asked grinning down at my angel.

"Ok Daddy, but you be good and no fighting!" Tyler said seriously with his little hands on his hips.

"Ok son," I said kissing him on the cheek. "I promise."

"Ewwww Yuckie!" Tyler squealed off as he took off down the hall. I looked up at Justin and actually saw fear in his eyes. I stood up and walked over to a sofa and patted the seat beside me. He sat down and waited for me to start talking.

"Is this really what is best for him?" I asked looking hard at Justin.

"No," Justin replied honestly. "It is what is best for both of us."

"Why is taking my best friend away from me and his friends best for both of you?" I demanded. "Tell me Justin. Make me understand!"

"You still don't get it do you?" Justin hissed at me. "This is not about you!" He sighed heavily as he stood up. "This has got to stop!"

"What has to stop?" I asked confused.

"Us fighting like this!" Justin blurted out. "We are always locking horns with each other. I really want to be your friend!"

"You have a strange way of showing it," I blurted out in response.

"Do you want to know why Troy and I are moving away?" Justin asked as he sat back down. I nodded. "Because he asked me to take him away." I jerked my head up and glared at him. "He asked me to take him away from this place not because of you or Kevin. You have become a very good friend to him. But we are constantly running into his father. You should hear the horrible things that man says to him. Especially since I have come out officially." I suddenly saw the whole thing in a new light. Troy was trying so hard to set his own life and he had chosen to do it with Justin. He like me had chosen his life mate. And like it or not I had to respect that. I sat quiet for a few minutes before I heard Justin sigh heavily. "So are you going to let him go?"

"Excuse me?" I asked glaring at Justin.

"You heard me!" Justin sighed again. "You going to let him go and let him live his own life and let him love me and me love him? Because I gotta tell you I'm not going to let you stand in the way of our happiness."

"Justin," I sighed back. "I'm not going to stop you two from living your own lives. It is obvious that you two love each other. I would be a fool to stand in the way of that."

"So I have your blessing?" Justin asked. I laughed softly and he glared at me. "What is that for?"

"Justin, you don't need my blessing," I replied with a grin. "Sure I may not be too happy about one of my best friends moving across country. But it is like Troy says. We all have our own lives to live. And now that I have my own family with Kevin Tyler and the twins maybe it is time that I started living mine."

"You can come and visit you know," Justin mumbled looking down.

"You can count on that," I replied. "Now why don't you go tell Troy that we made nice. He has been scolding me all night long because he thinks we hate each other." Justin nodded and headed out of the room. I stood up and walked to my study. Once there I sat in the soft confines of my office chair and sighed.

"Hey," came that very deep and soft and sexy voice that I had grown to love more than anything in this world. I looked up to see him standing there with his arms crossed and leaning against the door frame. I glanced over the fireplace and smiled fondly at the picture that Nick had painted for us. It was the one where Kevin and Tyler were sitting on the stone bench at the mansion in Vermont. Tyler's hair was all messed up and so was Kevin's. You could see the excitement in Tyler's eyes as he fired one question after another at his new Pappa. My eyes misted over as I thought back on that day. I felt Kevin's hand drop on my shoulder and I snatched it up and brought it too my lips and kissed the back of it. I shivered when I felt Kevin's lips grace the back of my neck. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Allot has happened since that day," I mumbled.

"Yes it has," Kevin agreed as he led me over to the sofa. I lay down and he stretched out over top of me. "You know something?"

"What?" I asked stealing a quick kiss on his nose.

"I love you Mr. Richardson," he whispered as he snuggled closer to me.

"I love you too Mr. Richardson," I whispered back. "I'm going to miss him."

"Troy?" Kevin asked concerned. I nodded. "Yea I'm going to miss him too." I heard a soft clucking and looked up to see that Rudy had decided to make his presence known. He hopped into my office chair and made him self comfortable.

"Hey!" I hissed at it. "Get out of my chair!"

"Now honey," Kevin giggled. "You be good and learn how to share."

"I'll share all right!" I growled. "You get half and I get half. I'm fixin to make me fried chicken!" Ruddy squawked and jumped off the chair and stomped out. Kevin giggled softly as he started to suck on my neck. "Kevin," I protested softly. "I'm going to have a hickey."

"That my dear," Kevin said as he continued to suck on my neck. "Is the point." I heard a soft knocking at the door and I also heard Kevin growl softly under his breath. "Come in," I called out smiling at Kevin. Leo came in arm in arm with Brian. Who of course was holding his son, Baylee. "Oh oh baby fix!" I called out. Brian grinned at me as he turned over his squirming son to me. I had to laugh at Leo because he was baby talking to Ruddy. "So you guys here for the going away party for Troy and Justin?"

"Yea," Brian said softly. I also wanted to talk to Kevin about something.

"What is it Cos?" Kevin asked softly.

"Umm it is about the group," Brian said as he looked down at his feet. "Ummm Leo and I are um starting to think that maybe we want to um strike out on our own. We want to try something new."

"You can't leave the group," Kevin stammered.

"Face it Kevin," Brian said with a sad face. "We're over. We haven't put anything out in over a year. With the exception of that greatest hit thing and drowning. Let's move on," Brian pleaded. "Leo and I want to produce movies and stuff."

"But you love music," Kevin said softly. But I could hear it in his voice. He wasn't going to fight it. He knew in his heart that an end of an era was at hand. The Backstreet Boys who had ushered in one of the biggest pop music periods in American History was bowing out. I decided that it was time to step in and put in my two cents.

"Um guys," I said softly. "I have an idea." Kevin turned to me frowning. "You're not ready to say good bye are you?" Kevin shook his head no and I saw a stray tear flow down his chiseled face. I reached up and wiped it free. "Than maybe we don't have too."

"Matt," Brian sighed. "I'm tired!"

"Yea but you're not going to just the Backstreet Boys fade off in the sunset are you?" I demanded. "If you do than the whole world will say that the Backstreet Boys couldn't cut it! They are giving up. Pop has once again conceded defeat! Is that what you want? Do you want everyone to look at you and say, 'Hey here is Brian of the now defunct group Backstreet Boys?'" I waited for him to reply. Finally after a few minutes of silence he turned to Leo and shook his head no.

"No," Brian said softly. "I don't want it to end like this."

"Than don't let it!" I urged him. "Here is what I sugest. Have a press conference and announce to the world that you are starting to lay the ground work for your farewell CD. That way you are not quitting because of the pressure. You are quitting to move on with your lives. That way you can leave with dignity and honor. Ten years is a good run. And 2003 is a good year to end it."

"I agree with Matt," Leo said softly. "Leave with a schedule plan. Regardless of how many cds you sell. Make this your farewell CD and farewell tour." Brian wrapped his arms around Leo and pulled him close. By now Ruddy was perched up on top of Leo's shoulder. I had to admit that they made a very unusual but cute picture.

"So is it settled?" Brian asked Kevin.

"Yea," Kevin said softly. "Let's get the rest of the guys on the line and get this thing on the road."

Later that night from Kevin's point of view.

The house is dark, and Tyler and the twins are in bed. Brian and Leo and Josh and Baylee have long since return to their home. Justin and Troy had gotten on the jet four hours ago that will take them to their home in California. Nick and JC were staying over night at our place so Nick could be here for the press conference in the morning. AJ and Howie were flying in as well. Tomorrow morning we would stand shoulder to shoulder and announce to the world that Backstreet was over. 2003 was going to be the last year that we would perform. We have had a good run. Ten years was more than any of us could've hoped for. I looked over at Matt who was sleeping in our bed. The soft scent of sex still lingered in the air. I shivered as I thought back on our lovemaking. I loved to hear the whimpers and sighs from Matt as I brought him to climax. Three times tonight I had made love to him. Finally he had drifted off to sleep. The full moon was just rising and it cast its soft blue light over the naked form of my lover. I shivered again with lust and love as I thought back on that day when I leaned down and whispered in his ear on that day in the hospital so long ago. "Get Another Boyfriend." I thank God every day and every moment that he took my advice.

The End.

Next: Chapter 77

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