Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Jan 26, 2003


Get Another Boyfriend Epilogue

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publications.)

(c) Copyright 2002 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

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2028 25 years later from Tyler's point of view.

The rain fell heavily on the newly dug grave. Fifty people gathered around the grave sight to bear witness to a passing of a dear husband father and cousin and friend and for me most importantly an uncle. Yea you heard right. It's me Tyler Whitewater. I know, you all remember me as the cute adorable blonde headed toddler that won the hearts of "The Shape of my Heart Guys" over 26 years ago. Where should I start? You see that man kneeling at the coffin sobbing loudly? Well that would be Uncle Brian. Why is he crying? Because he has lost probably the most important person in his life. His husband Leo. Leo's cancer came back with a vengeance. Three months later he finally gave up his soul. Uncle Brian is taking this really hard. Poor Dad, he is taking it hard too. Leo and him were always so close. After all they are pretty much the only Whitewater's left of his Generation. And Pop? Well he is still there. Standing quietly at Dad's side with a hand on his shoulder and tears of his own. Pop has always loved Dad so furiously. Even after the breakup in 2003. Well more on that later. Let me tell you about the rest of the gang. The rain is letting up and it is time to get in our limos and head back to the beach house. Yea you heard right. The old Beach house is still around. Dad loves it here and he says he is going to die here.

Well let's start with Pappa. Yea Old habits die hard. To me he will always be Pappa.

It's hard to believe its been over 25 years since Pappa first came into our lives. Even more amazing still is that they are still together after all these years. The world around us has changed quite a bit since those days. In 2010 gay and lesbian couples were finally given the right to marry in all 50 states and the year before that the last of the anti-sodomy laws were finally stricken from the books as were any state laws that prohibited gay and lesbian couples from adopting. Gay and lesbian couples were finally equals in every way under the law to there strait counterparts.

My brothers and I followed our fathers into the family business which now not only consists of the record company but a management and a film and television production company as well. We were able to acquire Jive and J Records and Lance Bass joined the firm bring with him the now highly successful FreeLance Entertainment and A Happy Place Productions. *NSYNC and BSB are finally at a place in their careers where they can focus on other interests and still have successful recording careers, and they all became members of the team.

JC and Chris now write and produce for other artists, and Lance AJ, Howie and Nick are all managing new and established artists. Joey and Pappa now both have multiple Tony Awards to their name and handle television producing and management duties respectively. Brian, showing greats skills as a businessman, was eventually given a partnership in the company and the firm of Whitewater, Richardson and Littrell was born. Finally, Justin has continued a very successful solo career and continues his writing and producing partnership with JC. Troy also started helping with writing and has become greatly sought after as a song writer on his own. He and Justin are as in love as the first day they met.

As for the rest of us, well as I've said my brothers and I were brought into the family business and I have been married to my beautiful wife Britney for the past five years. Yea yea I know you were all hoping that I would turn out like my dad. Well needless to say Dad and Pappa are very pleased. I've never seen Pappa so exited. Well maybe I have, like when Mattie and Kevie were born. Oooops I mean Matt and Kevin Jr. Old habits die hard. We are expecting our first child in the fall, a boy, to be named Kevin Matthew Richardson Whitewater. Although I was legally adopted by Pappa I chose to keep my birth name. Which was fine with him since as he said Dad still uses Whitewater for business purposes but that doesn't make them any less married.

Then last December Baylee and Jerome finalized the adoption of their son Leo Thomas Littrell. That's right, Baylee and Jerome. Believe me it was quite a shock to us all. Mostly because we all thought they were too young. Until it was pointed out that both of Jerome's two sets of parents were in their early twenties and in Troy's case nineteen when they started out and no one had said a thing. So once the initial shock was over everyone was very excepting of the relationship.

Kevin and Matt Jr are both still single and in no hurry to change their status. Early on it was discovered that they were both gifted children and they were able to breeze through school in record time. Graduating with degrees in Business and Law by the time they were 23. I often wonder how things would have turned out for all of us had Dad not met Pappa. What if he had not had the courage to leave an abusive relationship? I thank God every day that Pappa gave him that great piece of advice that changed our lives for the better: "Get another boyfriend!"

Next: Chapter 78: Tylers Tale 1

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