Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Apr 21, 2003


Tyler's Tales Chapter One

Another work of Fiction by Travis Smith (Creator of Travis Smith FanFic Publications.)

(c) Copyright 2003 Travis Smith FanFic Publications

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of Travis Smith FanFic Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by Travis Smith FanFic Publications.

Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith FanFic Publications at Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at

Tyler's Tales Chapter One

April of 2028 From Tyler's Point of view.

Remember when I said I would tell you all about the big break up of 2003? Well I finally gathered up the nerve to let it all out. It happened in April of 2003 and I can honestly say that it was the most painful time of my life. I had just turned five years old and was enjoying my last few months of freedom before I got to go to "big boy school". The day it all started actually was a happy day for our little family. I guess I should turned this over to history now.

April of 2003 from Matt's point of view.

I woke as I normally did. Snuggled deep into the soft comforters of my bed. The only thing missing was the strong arms of my husband. I raised up out of bed and looked around. Kevin was no where to be seen. He must be out running again. Speaking of workouts. I should get up and get mine started. I eased out of bed and winced slightly. I remembered last night's love making and realized that maybe Kevin was a little rough on me. But than again I liked it that way. After putting on some work out clothes I trotted down stair and walked into the bedroom. I smiled when I heard the giggles and squeals of Kevie and Mattie. They were laying on the comforter infront of the fireplace and laying with them was Daddy. "Good morning," I said startling Kevin. "I thought you were working out."

"Nope," Kevin said as he sprung to his feet and walked over to me. He was shirtless and I loved to watch the play of his muscles as he walked. In no time at all his arms surrounded me and pulled me close. "The twins got up and wanted some attention."

"Have they been fed already?" I asked kissing his shoulder.

"Yep!" Kevin said giggling. "Fed and changed and ready for the day." I heard Kevie squeal with glee and glanced over to see a wobbly puppy make his way over to them. That would be Trixy. Another black lab puppy that Kevin had gotten for the twins. Kevie's arms reached up to the puppy and he licked Kevie in the face. Kevie giggled with glee again. "You going for your work out?"

"Yea I guess," I sighed. I glanced out the large picture window and watched the sun peak up over the water. "You want to come with me?"

"Let me check on the butler and make sure he is up so he can watch the twins and Tyler," Kevin said as he headed for the kitchen. I headed out on the front porch and opened the door and ran into a hand.

"Ow!" I yelped.

"Sorry," a young man's voice sounded. I shook my head and and looked up. There stood a young blonde man looking down at me. He was very attractive and he was dressed very smartly. And he was obviously very gay. "I didn't mean to run into you. I'm here to see Kevin Richardson," he stammered.

"Well come in," I said with a smile. "Is Kevin expecting you?"

"Oh Brad!" Kevin said cheerfully. "I almost forgot you were coming. Come in!" I stepped aside to allow the stranger in. "Matt you come in too for this concerns you too." Ok now I was confused. I followed Kevin and Brad into the living room. I enjoyed watching Kevin's but as he walked. I noticed that Brad was watching me and smirking at me. I smirked back. Once we were in the living room I sat down beside Kevin. I felt the tugging of a little hand on my shorts. I looked down to see Mattie grinning up atme.

"Pappa!" he cooed up at me. "Hold?" I smiled at I picked him up. He immediately grabbed hold of my pec muscle and squeased hard. I winced and gently moved his hand from my chest.

"Matt?" Kevin asked softly. "This Brad, he is here to replace Travis." I don't remember Kevin talking to me about replacing Travis. Kevin was up to his old tricks again. "He is fresh out of college and he is very good at what he does. His last job was with JC."

"Why did you leave JC?" I asked. Brad blushed and looked away. I looked at Kevin.

"Seems that Nick was a little jealous of Brad. He thought that Brad was trying to steal his man," Kevin said frowning. "So JC let Brad go to avoid a mess. I hired him because he is good at what he does. You need the extra help with the business too."

"When were you going to talk to me about it?" I asked frowning. "You know how much I hate surprises."

"Yea I know but I knew if I had said something to you about it you would've fought me over it. You never want to admit that you need help," Kevin put in.

"Fine," I muttered. "We'll do this your way as always." I glanced over at Brad and noticed that he was looking very uncomfortable. "I'm sure that Brad will be a big help." I finished with a smile. Kevin smiled too and gave me a hug and kiss. "I'm going to go for my run now. You going to join me?"

"I just want to show Brad the offices and let him know his duties and I'll join you on the beach," Kevin replied. "Come on Brad, have you had breakfast yet?" I watched as the two walked away. I couldn't help feel uncomfortable around Brad. He seemed like a very nice guy. And as for Nick? Well maybe I would give him a call later. I stepped out onto the porch and than onto the beach and begin my stretches. The warm breaze from the water felt so good. After stretching for a good fifteen minutes I started my run. At some point I notice that Blackie had started to run along side me. He was having a ball running with me. After running my three miles I headed back for the house. Once inside I ran up stairs and into our room. Grabbing my clean boxers and t-shirt I went into the bathroom and quickly showered. Later I walked into the kitchen and spotted Kevin sitting at the table going over Brad's new duties. Tyler was up too and he was eating his breakfast as fast as he could.

"Slow down buddy," I teased him. "That food isn't going anywhere."

"Have a good run?" Kevin asked.

"Very good," I sighed as I retrieved a bottle of water from the fridge and drank most of it in one drink. "How are you and Brad getting along?" I grabbed a toasted bagel and a packett of cream cheese and sat down and started to butter it.

"Well I think he is going to work out fine. I have to go the studio and lay down some more tracks on a project I am working on. So I will leave you two alone," Kevin said as he gave Tyler a kiss on the top of the head and than kissed me on the lips. Tyler made yuck noises and Brad laughed at him. Once Kevin was gone I turned to Brad.

"So what is the real story with you and JC?" I asked. Brad jerked his head up and looked guilty as hell. "That's what I thought. Shall we adjourn to my office so I can outline your duties?"

"Yea," Brad said brightly. "I can't wait to get started."

"Daddy?" asked Tyler. "Can I come too?"

"Sure buddy," I smiled. Tyler loved sitting in my big office chair. It made him feel important. I spent the next hour with Brad showing where the files were on the computer and how to work my PDA and making sure he was aware of all the dates for the next two months. Afterwards I dismissed him to his office and closed the door and sighed heavily.

"Daddy?" asked Tyler from my desk. "You look mean!"

"I'm not mean Tyler," I said as I sat across from my desk. TYler was busy drawing on my stationary. "I'm just doing some serious thinking is all."

"Whacha thinking about?" Tyler asked.

"What are you thinking about," I corrected. "And I am thinking that maybe I should give Nick a call and find out just what happened with JC and Brad." I picked up my pone and dialed Nick's number.

"Speak!" ordered a sleepy voice. I smiled at Nick's short aswers.

"Hey Nicky!" I said cheerfully.

"Don't call me that!" Nick retorted. I could almost see the pout on his face. "What are you calling me at 9 in the morning for?"

"What can you tell me about Brad?" I asked bluntly. I heard Nick sigh. "What happened?"

"Why do you want to know?" Nick asked.

"Kevin hired him to be my personal assistant," I replied. "I heard you had some trouble with him and JC."

"That is not the half of it," Nick muttered.

"You want to meet for lunch and you can tell me all about it?" I asked.

"Why?" Nick asked.

"Because if this guy is trouble I want to know about it," I replied.

"You and Kevin are nothing like JC and me. You two are solid as a rock. There is no way that Brad can even think of coming between you two," Nick insisted. "But hey, who am I to refuse free food?" I hung up the phone laughing.

"Um sir?" asked a timid voice. I looked up to see Brad standing there with a stack of papers. "The files you asked for."

"Leave them on the desk and I will look at them later. I'll be meeting a friend for lunch and I expect to be gone for most of the afternoon. I will be taking Tyler with me but the twins will remain behind. The butler will attend to them. After you get the dates for next weeks meeting set up you may be excused for the rest of the day. I'll expect you hear bright and early in the morning," I instructed as I stood up and walked around the desk. Brad nodded not saying anything. "Come on Tyler let's go have lunch!"

"Is Nick going to be there too?" Tyler asked. I heard Brad take a sudden breath in.

"Yes Tyler," I smiled down at him. "Nick is going to be there too." I knew that Brad was worried about what Nick was going to say.

"Um sir?" Brad asked. "Um where are you going to be incase I need to get in touch with you?"

"At the Fairmount Cafe," I replied. Tyler and I headed out of the house and into Kevin's BMW. I felt like driving a sports car today and Tyler loved riding in it too. Once we were through the gates I pushed the car into the fifth gear and took off. The roof was down so the wind blew through our hair.

"I dont' like Brad!" Tyler spoke up suddenly.

"Oh?" I asked looking down at him for a second before turning my attention back to the road. "Why is that buddy?"

"He is not a nice person!" Tyler replied shortly. "He looks at Pappa funny!"

"Funny like how?" I asked scrunching up my nose.

"Like you do when you are about to get all mushy!" Tyler said making a yucki face. "Only you and Pappa should make faces like that when you look at eachother!" Ok so now the alarms were rally doing off now. Tyler had picked up on the same warning bells that I had and he was just a five year old child.

"Well I think we should give Brad some time to get used to us. He is a very good worker!" I said on behalf of Brad. "I mean Pappa did hire him so that he could help me out." I looked down at Tyler and could see the little pout on his face. "Your face is going to freeze like that you know." He giggled his face breaking out in a huge grin. In about five minutes we pulled into the cafe's parking lot. I put the car in park and got out. Soon Tyler and I were sitting in a dark corner waiting for Nick to show up. We didn't have to wait long. Nick was soon walking over to our seat.

"Hey Tyler!" Nick said with a huge grin. "How you doing?"

"Ok," Tyler said as he hugged his Uncle Nick. "I miss you! You never come over to the house anymore!"

"Yea well I've been really busy with my solo cd," Nick replied. "You want a copy of it?"

"Yea!" Tyler said hopping up and down in his chair. "Please may I?" Nick laughed softly as he handed him a copy of it. Tyler latched onto it like it was a lost treasure he had just found.

"Now why don't you tell me why Kevin hired Brad?" Nick said to me as he frowned.

"Why don't you tell me you forced JC to fire him?" I asked back.

"Brad is a gold digger and he was after JC," Nick replied bluntly.

"How did you know that?" I asked.

"He told me," Nick replied. "After about working for us for about a month he informed me that he was going to sleep with JC and I had better get used to it."

"Than what happened?" I asked. I was surprised that Brad was so blunt about it.

"Well I queened out on poor JC and demanded that he fired the slut and JC bulked on it and I stormed out of the house and moved in with Brian and Leo until JC finally realized that I was right and through the slut out." Nick informed me.

"How did JC finally realize that you were right about Brad?" I was starting to get really nervous about this Brad person really fast.

"Well one night when JC was sobbing his eyes out about me not being there Brad made his move. One thing that Brad was not counting on was JC's loyalty. JC is very loyal to his lovers. Well when Brand made his move JC punched him out and fired him and than came looking for me." Nick finished with a naughty grin on his face.

"Well?" I demanded.

"Well what?" Nick asked his eyes gleaming with naughtiness.

"What is with the naughty grin on your face?" I demanded.

"The make up sex was really hot!" Nick giggled blushing.

"Ewww yuck!" exclaimed Tyler.

"Ummm ok," I mumbled. "Oh look our lunch is here!" The lunch was good but I was still upset about this Brad thing. I decided that I needed to talk to Kevin and talk to him soon.

More to come.

Hey it is good to be back. I know that I said that Get Another Boyfriend was done but hey! There is still alot to write about. So I hope you enjoy this next chapter in their lives.

Please e-mail me at my new address.

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