Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on May 15, 2001


Disclaimer: The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18.

As my readers know: I send out messages and requests on how and where this story should go. For the readers I have e-mailed this past few days ago I think you will be pleased with what I have done. For my new readers make sure you e-mail me and let me know how you like my story. Remember that this story is for your entertainment. And for me to provide you with the best entertainment possible I need input. Thank you to all the fans who have kept in touch with me in the past few weeks. Your praise and encouragement has meant so much to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The last time we parted, Matt was hanging on a thread to life. Kevin was worried sick about his lover. And little Tyler seemed to have found himself in a pickle trying to protect Nick. Sorry about the double cliff hanger but it couldn't be helped. Now on with the story.

Again comments are welcomed here. E-mail me at

Get another Boyfriend Chapter 17

I held Matt's hand as I waited for him to wake up. They had him hooked up to a respirator because he wasn't strong enough to breathe on his own. I blamed myself for most of his illness. I should've watched him more closely. I mean come on! How many people do you know that could survive as much shit as he had to go threw. He had was hurt by an abusive relationship, his parents murdered by his ex boyfriend. His child taken from him and on top of that he found out that he was the sole heir of the Whittington Enterprises. I should've paid more attention to him. I didn't see him going off to himself and crying his heart out when Tyler was gone. I didn't see him skipping meals for days at a time starving himself to death. I didn't see him getting up late a night to take long walks in the cold night air because he couldn't or didn't want to sleep. All these things Nick told me about and I was too stupid to pay attention. I didn't see him getting up late at night and working at a job that he hated but felt that he had to do to honor his father's memory. I didn't see all of that. I saw the happy side of him. The side he wanted me to see. That would not happen again. "Please Matt," I begged as I touched his hand. "Please come back to me." Tears flowed down my face and this time I felt no shame in shedding them. I just wanted to see Matt open his eyes and smile at me and tell me that he loved me. I had to see that again.

"He is through the worst of it," said a voice behind me. I turned to see the Doctor standing behind me. "Now all we have to do is wait until he gets stronger and wait for him to start breathing on his own."

"How long will that be?" I asked wiping the tears from my face.

"I suspect that will be in a couple of days. In the mean time you need to get home and get some rest," the doctor said softly as he left the room. I leaned in and kissed Matt on the forehead.

"I love you, Matthew Whitewater," I whispered in his ear. "Come back to me sweetie." I stood up and walked out of the room and headed home. Little did I know what waited for me at home.

Back at the Mansion.

JC burst through the door and jumped on Brad just as Brad was about to wrap his hands around Nick's throat. "What the fuck are you doing?" JC shouted at him as he pulled Brad off of Nick.

"I'm doing to him what I'm gonna do the rest of them!" Brad shouted at him. "They killed my brother!" JC looked at Nick who was knocked out but was still breathing.

"You're going to have to do better than that!" said JC as he advanced on Brad. Brad threw a punch at JC hitting him the nose. Blood flew everywhere but JC kept coming. Hitting Brad in the stomach causing Brad to bend over in pain. Jc than brought his hands down on Brad's neck knocking him to the ground. Brad grabbed JC's ankle and pulled him down causing JC to hit his head on the bedside table. Groaning loudly JC blacked out.

"You're right faggot!" Brad rasped at him. "I am going to have do better than that!" Going quickly to the bed he wrapped his hands around Nick's neck and continued to strangle him. "This is for killing James!" He shouted.

I watched the gates open slowly to allow the car through. I was dead tired from the trip to the hospital. I was relieved that Matt was going to make it. Now all I had to do is convince Tyler that his daddy was going to be all right. I had to smile at that little boy. He sure loved his daddy and when he didn't get his way he got mad. I had seen a side of him today when he thought that the paramedics were hurting his daddy. He was mad and ready to fight. Maybe Matt should think of sending his son to some Martial Arts class or something. The car had stopped by now I opened the door and climbed out. Walking up the stairs I saw Cook running down the stairs. I only assume that it was Cook because she wore an apron and she was frantic.

"Please Mr. Richardson," she said frantically. "It is the butler! He has gone completely mad. He has Mr. Chasez and Mr. Carter and Master Tyler in his room! I think he is trying to kill them." I sprung into action and raced up the stairs. Rounding the corner I ran into Brian.

"Quick Brian!" I shouted as I drug him along. "Brad's flipped out!" We burst into the room in time to see him slam Nick's head into the floor. Nick was unconscious but still breathing.

"Die dam you!" Brad shouted. Brian picked up a vase and smashed it over Brad's head. Brad slumped to the floor unconscious. I pushed him aside and told Brian to call the police. Going to Nick's side I quickly checked his vitals and found that he was breathing. He was bleeding from the back of his head but he would probably be all right. I heard a moan behind me and I turned to see JC sitting up rubbing the back of his head.

"Are you all right?" I asked him as I helped him to a chair. He nodded and I looked over at Nick. He was sitting up now rubbing the back of his head. I heard a child's whimper and my heart stood cold. I looked around for Tyler. I found him on the floor by the bed. He was curled up in a ball crying his little heart out. I gently picked him up and placed him on the bed. I looked him over and saw that he had a black eye. I was filled with rage as I turned on Brad. Grabbing him by the shirt I pushed him in the chair. "What the hell did you do?" I screamed at him. He spit in my face and I drew back my fist and drove it into his face. "Who the hell are you?" I demanded again.

"You know who I am!" he shouted at me. "You killed my brother!"

"Who was your brother?" I demanded.

"Why don't you ask your faggot lover Matt?" he grinned at me. Than it hit me. I knew he looked familiar. I guess the look on my face gave me away. "You get the picture now faggot?" He sneered at me as he tried to get away. "You killed James my twin Brother!"

"You're James brother?" I yelped out. I drew back my fist and drove it into his jaw knocking him out. "I hope he rots in hell!" I screamed at him as I continued to punch out Brad. I felt two pairs of strong arms pull me back.

"Let it go Kev!" shouted Brian. "James is dead and he can't hurt us anymore!"

"Yea Kevin," said JC as he too was pulling on me. I stood up and looked down at Brad. You could hardly recognize his face. "I'll call the police," JC said. "Why don't you check on Tyler." At Tyler's name I jerked around to see him sitting up in bed with a frightened look. I took a couple of steps towards him and he shied away from me.

"I'm not going to hurt you Baby," I said soothingly. "I just want to check you out and make sure you're not hurt. Can I do that?" He nodded as he clung to me like a life line.

"He was hurting Nick!" he sobbed out. "I didn't mean to kick him but he was hurting Nick." I looked down in surprise at the little boy who had stood up to Brad trying to protect his friend. I took his small chin and looked into his eyes. Tears flowed down my face when I saw his little shiner. "I'm sorry pappa," he whimpered out. I gathered him in my arms and carried him out of the room and down stairs and into the kitchen. I found poor Cook wringing her hands.

"Cook?" I asked softly. She jerked her head in my direction. "Could you get some ice for Tyler?" I watched in amazement as she turned in to a hovering mother hen as she took Tyler from my arms and sat him down on the counter.

"Oh my poor child!" she cooed. "Let me get you some ice!" She quickly put an ice pack together and held it too Tyler's eye. Tyler tried to get away but she stopped him. "Now now child," she said in the most gentle voice I had ever heard. "You need that ice. You don't want that cute face to get all swollen do you?" Tyler shook his head no. "That is a good boy. You want some cookies and milk?" Tyler's eyes lit up and nodded yes. By this time I knew that Tyler was in good hands. I turned and left the kitchen and headed up stairs to see how Nick and JC were doing. By now the police had arrived and they were hauling a Handcuffed Brad away. I noticed that his face was swollen pretty bad but I didn't care. He had hurt members of my family. I walked into the room and saw Nick sitting on the sofa with an ice pack to the back of his head. JC was sitting beside him with his arm around Nick. I raised my eyebrows at the sight. Hmmm just maybe--," I was interrupted by Brian.

"Kevin?" he asked softly. I turned to look at him. "How is Matt doing?"

"He is on the respirator," I said. I heard gasps around the room. I moved quickly to stop the panic. "It is only temporary. The Doctors just want him to get strong enough so that he can breathe on his own. He should be off the respirator in a day or so."

"What happened?" JC asked. "I mean I thought he was so healthy. Other than that cold he had."

"Matt was very good at hiding his feelings. He basically wore himself down. I mean he has been through a lot of crap in the last few weeks." I didn't go into detail because of Brian.

"Mr. Richardson?" asked Cook. I turned to see her standing with Tyler in her arms. "Tyler wants to be with you." I nodded as I went to her and took Tyler out of her arm. Once in my arms Tyler laid his head on my shoulder. I could tell that he was tired. "Will there be anything else?" Cook asked.

"Umm well since Brad is no longer working for us--," I started.

"You don't need to say anything else sir. I will make sure that his duties are covered as well," She said smiling as she left the room.

"Pappa?" Tyler asked.

"Yes Son?" I asked back.

"I want to see Daddy," I looked down at him and smiled.

"I promise we will go see him first thing in the morning," I said as I kissed the top of his head. "Why don't we get you in bed where you belong. You have had a rough night."

"Where is Jake?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know," I answered him. "Why don't you and I go find him?" Tyler nodded quietly and we began our search for Jake. Once we made it into the living room we spotted Jake curled up in front of the fireplace out like a light. I put Tyler on the floor and watched as he went up to Jake and picked him up. I had to smile at Tyler because the puppy was quite large but Tyler managed to carry the pup up the stairs and into our room. "Umm Tyler," I said not quite sure how to say this. "Umm do you think it is a good ideal for Jake to sleep with us?" Tyler turned around and looked up at me. Ever had a child look up at you with eyes so innocent that you caved everytime he looked at you? Well I am a sucker for a child's eyes, especially when they have the look. "I'm never going to be any good at disciplining you am I?" I asked as I picked up both the Puppy and Tyler and laid them in bed on Matt's side.

From JC's point of view.

Man is he gorgeous! I thought to myself as I held Nick in my arms. Nick had broken down again and was crying on my shoulder. I didn't mind holding even though it did hurt me to see him in such pain. "All better now?" I asked softly as I kissed the top of his head. He nodded and sat back up and turned around so that he was facing me.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled looking down. I took his chin and gently pulled his head up so that he was looking at me.

"You have done nothing to be sorry for Nick," I said wiping some tears from his eyes. "Brad was a monster."

"Why can't I find someone to love me for who I am?" he demanded. I leaned forward and gently kissed his lips. His eyes popped opened as I continued to gently kiss his lips.

"I would love the chance to love you," I whispered.

"Why?" he asked looking away.

"Why? You ask," I answered. "Nick, you are a beautiful person. You are incredibly good looking. You have a wild sense of humor that I love. I love your smile, your sense of style. And you have a huge heart."

"You're just saying that," he mumbled.

"Look at the way you are with Tyler," I said smiling. "You love that little boy and look how he looks up to you. That has to say a lot about how big your heart is."

"But he is just a kid," Nick mumbled.

"Yes but how you treat him tells me what kind of person you really are. And it tells me that I want to get to know you better," I replied as I took his hand and lightly kissed the back of it. "Please Nick?" I asked. "I want a chance with you."

"Why would you want to be with me?" Nick asked surprised. "I mean I'm fat and ugly."

"Hey!" I shouted at him. "Don't you ever say that again! You are not fat! And you are certainly not ugly! You are beautiful and I happen to find you very attractive and I am having a real hard time keeping my hands off of you right now!" Nick looked at me uncertain as to whether to believe me or not. I reached out and stroked the side of his face. He moaned softly and leaned into the touch. "Believe it!" I said smiling. "You are one hot dude!"

"Yea but you have to think I am so dumb after doing what I did with Brad," he mumbled.

"I think you were just lonely and needed someone to hold you and make you feel good," I said as I scooted closer to him. "Now how about we get you into bed. You might not be able to sleep much because of your head but you should try to get some sleep."

"What about you?" Nick asked standing up and walking to the door. "You have to sleep too."

"I will sleep, but later," I said smiling. "I have to stay up and keep an eye on you."

"Not is not fair, you shouldn't have to do that," Nick replied.

"Yes I do because I care for you," I argued with him. "You will learn real fast that I usually get my way," I grinned at him. I followed him into his room and helped him out of his clothes and held the sheets aside for him.

"JC?" he asked softly.

"Yea Nick?" I asked back.

"Could you umm I mean would you hold me?" he asked.

"Of course I will hold you Nick," I said as I slipped out of my clothes so that I was just wearing my wife beater and boxers. Once under the blankets Nick wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my chest. In a few moments he was softly snoring. I looked at the clock and set for two hours from now. I had to wake him up every couple of hours because of his head injury. It felt good to hold him. I was hoping beyond hope that I had found someone to love for a change.

The next morning.

From Kevin's point of view.

I opened my eyes to find that Tyler was up. Jake was still sleeping at the foot of the bed. I swung my feet out of bed and padded to the bathroom and did my business and headed down stairs with a very sleepy Jake. I slipped on my slippers and took Jake outside so that he could do his business. After about a half an hour of him sniffing around the grounds he finally did his business. I headed back into the house in time to see Brian sitting his suitcases by the door. "Leaving?" I asked.

"Yea," he said. "Leighanne wants to work things out and I want to work things out. I miss her Kevin."

"I hope everything works out for you and Leighanne," I replied giving him a quick hug. "You want me to call the car?"

"No, I called a cab," Brian said. "Take good care of Matt and Tyler for me."

"You know I will Cousin," I said patting him on the shoulder. With that Brian left the mansion to head back to Atlanta to patch things up with his wife. I decided that I needed to find Tyler. I heard him laughing in the living room so I headed there first. True to form I found him curled up on the couch watching cartoons. Jake saw him and scrambled out of my arms and hopped up on the couch and snuggled up to him. "Good Morning Tyler," I said softly kissing him lightly on the cheek. "What are you watching?"

"I'm watching bugs bunny!" he said grinning.

"You want to go see you Dad?" I asked grinning.

"Yes!" he squeeled. "When can we go?"

"As soon as you have your shower and eat your breakfast," I said picking him up. I looked closely at his shiner. His little eye was swollen shut completely. It looked like it was painful. "Does it hurt Little Buddy?" I asked as I gently ran my finger over the bruise. He moved his head away to avoid my touch. "I'm so sorry you got hurt by Brad."

"He was mean! He was hurting Nick!" Tyler shouted.

"Yes that is true but he shouldn't have hit you like that," I said wiping a tear from my eye.

"I kicked him real hard!" Tyler said frowning. "Is that why he hit me? I hope my daddy isn't mad at me for hurting Brad."

"Your daddy is not going to be mad at you Tyler," I said as we walked into the bathroom. "You were trying to protect your friend." I begin the process of removing his clothes and putting him in the shower and turning it on. Ok here is where it gets interesting. Ever try to get a three year old to take a shower. Fifteen minutes later he was crying his eyes out from the shampoo in his eyes and I was soaked to the skin and frustrated as hell.

"Tyler," I said with my voice rising a little. "Hold still so I can rinse your eyes out!" I had to raise my voice to be heard over him.

"Kevin!" shouted Nick. "What the hell are you doing to Tyler?"

"I'm trying to give him a shower!" I shouted back throwing the sponge aside.

"Well you are doing it all wrong!" Nick said shoving me aside.

"Oh and you think you can do it better?" I retorted.

"Umm who is the one with all the little brother and sister?" Nick asked with a knowing grin on his face. I backed away and watched Nick. He knelt down by the sobbing little boy and gently rinsed the shampoo out of his eyes. "The first thing you have to learn is there is this magic stuff called baby shampoo. You know no more tears?" he said grinning as he showed me the bottle of baby shampoo. I rolled my eyes and watched as Nick very skillfully bathed and dried Tyler off. By the time he was done with Tyler he had Tyler giggling his head off. "See Kevin?" Nick asked looking down at the shaggy haired toddler wrapped in a towel that was three times his size. "All clean." I laughed and picked him up and carried him to the bedroom to get him dressed. That is another story that I will tell you later. But right now I needed a Matt fix real bad. And I could tell that Tyler a Daddy fix too.

Later in the hospital.

(From Matt's point of view.)

I opened my eyes to see that I was in a room. Everything was pretty much white. I tried to talk but found that I had a tube down my throat. I tried to reach for it to pull it out but found that my hands were restrained. Finally after almost an hour the door opened and in walked Kevin with Tyler. I looked in horror as I saw that my son had a huge shiner on his left eye. I wanted to talk so bad but couldn't because the tube. Air was being forced down my lungs every few seconds. I struggled to get Kevin's attention by shaking my head from side to side. Obviously the machine didn't like what I was doing because an alarm sounded and that got Kevin's attention. He rushed to my side and took my hand.

"Matt!" he said kissing my hand. "Thank God you're awake." I struggled again to get at my tube sticking out of my throat. He grabbed my hands and gently held them down. "I know that tube is uncomfortable but you need that," he said softly. "You stopped breathing on us and they had to put you on a respirator." I looked over at Tyler who was staring at me with his one wide eye. I could tell that he was scared. I looked up at Kevin and nodded towards Tyler. "Oh his shiner," he started. I growled at him and shook my head no. "Ohhh!" he exclaimed. He quickly went to Tyler and tried to lead him away from my bed.

"No!" Tyler shouted. "I wanna be with my Daddy!" Kevin looked at me helpless and I nodded at him and motioned for Tyler. Tyler took a couple of steps towards me and Kevin picked him up and sat him on the bed. "Are you hurt Daddy?" he asked with those adorable eyes. I shook my head no. I wanted to talk so much but this damn tube made that impossible.

"Tyler honey," Kevin said. Tyler looked up at Kevin. "Your Daddy has a hard time breathing on his own right now so he needs this machine to help him breath. That is why he can't talk right now."

"That's ok I can talk for both of us," Tyler said grinning as he turned back towards me. "Brad was mean to Nick! He was chocking him and I kicked him hard in the ankle. And Brad hit me hard." Tears flowed down my face as heard Tyler tell the story how he got the shiner. Kevin was there at my side wiping the tears from my eyes. "I'm sorry Daddy," Tyler said sadly. "I know I'm not supposed to kick people but he was hurting Nick." I nodded and smiled as much as I could. "When can you come home?" He asked.

"Well he can go home tomorrow if all goes well," said a voice at the door. The door was open and a doctor was standing there.

"When can he get the tube taken out?" asked Kevin.

"Well I'm going to remove it now, so if I can get you guys to step out for a few minutes," the doctor requested. Kevin picked up Tyler and carried him to the waiting room. In a few minutes he removed the tube and I was sipping on water when Kevin and Tyler came back in.

"Hi guys," I croaked out. Tyler giggled at my hoarse voice.

"You shouldn't talk," Kevin said softly as he bent down and kissed my fore head. I pouted for a few moments when he didn't kiss me on the lips. He went into the bathroom and brought out a tube of toothpaste and tooth brush. After a few moments of brushing and rinsing of the my teeth and mouth I was ready for a proper kiss. His lips gently graced mine and his tongue gently graced my lips. I moaned softly and parted my lips and allowed his tongue in. It was a short kiss but it left me breathless. "There," Kevin said grinning. "That is much better. How are you feeling?" he asked me as he stroked the side of my face softly.

"Weak as hell," I muttered. "Oops sorry," I mumbled when I saw the scolding look on Kevin's face.

"You will be that way for a while yet sweetie," Kevin said kissing me again.

"Umm Kevin?" I asked. He looked at me and I nodded towards Tyler. "What happened to his eye? I know he said Brad hit him but why?" Kevin sighed and looked away. "Kevin," I scolded.

"You should wait until you are stronger," he said turning his attention back to me.

"No!" I said using all of my energy to sit up. The room was spinning but calmed down the longer I sat up. "Now tell me what happened to you guys with Brad!"

"He was James Brother," Kevin stated bluntly. The blood ran cold in my veins when he said that. "We don't know what he was planning but we are pretty sure he was trying to kill Nick."

"How did Tyler get all wrapped up in this?" I asked.

"Well Tyler heard Nick and Brad fighting and he came in and kicked Brad in the ankle," Kevin explained to me. "Well the rest is history."

I was upset that we had allowed Brad to infiltrate our home. And on top of that he was James brother. The more I thought about it the madder I got. "That son of a bitch!" I shouted.

"Matt, sweetie," Kevin tried to sooth me.

"Sweetie my ass!" I shouted at him. "That monster tried to kill my family and friends. Where is the bastard at now?" I demanded as I tried to get up. Kevin forced me back down in the bed. "Kevin!" I shouted at him. "Let me go!"

"No!" he shouted back at me. "You are sick and you do not need to be up and out of bed!" I plopped back into bed glaring at him. I heard the soft whimpers of Tyler. Looking at him I held out my arms to him. He cautiously approached me.

"Daddy didn't mean to upset you," I apologized to him. "It is just that I got angry for Brad hurting you and Nick." He climbed up in my bed and laid down beside me. I wrapped my arms around him. I had to admit it felt so good to hold him again. "Do you forgive me?" I asked as I kissed him on his forehead. He nodded and snuggled closer to me. "So tell me how have you and Jake and Kevin been getting along?"

"Pappa can't give baths!" Tyler blurted out. "He used grown up shampoo and made my eyes hurt!" I looked at Kevin who by this time was blushing and looking down. "Jake and I slept with Pappa last night and he was snoring!" I had to laugh and that inturn sent Tyler into a fit of laughter.

"I don't snore," grumbled Kevin.

"Yes you do sweetie," I said as a huge yawn over took me. I was having a hard time staying awake. Kevin caught on and motioned to Nick who took Tyler from my arms and led him outside. I had to smile at Tyler asking Nick for some ice cream.

"You're tired," Kevin stated as he sat down next to me. I looked up at him and saw that his face was still grim. His lips were drawn in a tight line as if he was trying to hold himself from crying.

"I'm going to be all right," I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"I was so scared of losing you," he whispered out. "I don't think I could go on living if I had lost you." By now he was letting himself cry. I spent the next few minutes gently wiping the tears from his face. I hated to see him in pain.

"But I'm still here my sweetie," I said as I kissed him on the cheek. "And I don't plan on going anywhere."

"Dammit Matt!" he shouted at me. "Why didn't you tell me what was going on?"

"I don't understand," I said looking confused.

"Like hell you don't!" he shouted at me. "I had to find out from my friends that my lover was falling apart! You were starving yourself to death, getting up late at night and staying up until all hours in the morning. Deliberatly going out in the cold spending hours walking the grounds. You could've killed yourself!"

"Well I'm sorry that I didn't need to tell you everything in my life!" I shouted back at him. "I'm sorry that I was an inconsiderate bastard and not share some of the hell that I was going through!"

"I love you, you ass hole!" Kevin shouted at me. "I'm supposed to help you through these things!"

"Maybe I didn't want you to go through I was going through. Maybe I was trying to spare you some of the pain I was feeling!" I sobbed out. "I look at you and see that you are always so strong and together. I mean just look at your self sometimes. You are strong and confident and brave and I'm just a whimpering coward that can't get his life together enough to raise a son and have a love life. And on top of that I have to run this fucking company!"

"Sell the fucking company if you hate it so much!" Kevin hurled at me.

"I can't sell the company!" I yelped at him.

"Why not?" demanded Kevin.

"It's the only thing I have left that connects me to my father," I hurled back at him.

"That is bullshit and you know it!" Kevin threw back at me. "Come on Matt, if it makes you miserable than get rid of it! Your dad would want you to be happy! And you are not happy!" Ok so he made some sense from that point of view. I pouted for a few moments to let him know that I wasn't happy about this little fight. "You know I'm right Baby," he said softly with that smile of his. I melted when I saw it.

"Ok I'll admit it!" I grumbled. "You are right. But I'm not selling it all!"

"I don't want you to sell it all. Just sell the stuff you don't want," Kevin said. "Like the interests you have in hotels. I know you don't want those. I do. So you could sell those to me."

"So this is what it is all about!" I teased him.

"I just don't want all my eggs in one basket is all," Kevin said shrugging.

"You sure you can afford what I'll be asking?" I teased him some more. I was actually going to sell it too him for a dollar but if I knew Kevin he wouldn't go for that!

"You will find that I haven't spent all of my money. I've saving it and investing it for quite some time," Kevin replied. "I'm not stupid like Nick or Justin." I laughed at his adorable face when he looked at me like that. His nose was scrunched up and he had this adorable confused look on his face.

"I'm going to keep my interest in Jive Records," I said. "I'll sell the rest of it."

"You going to call your attorney and have it all set up?" Kevin asked. I nodded and yawned widely. "You're tired baby, you should be resting. As much as I wanted to stay awake I just couldn't. So I didn't fight it. I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to over take me.

Chapter 18

The next day, from Kevin's point of view.

I held the door open and guided Matt into the house. I reached for his arm but he swatted my hand away. "I'm not an invalid Kevin!" he barked at me. I frowned at his sudden change of mood. When I arrived at the hospital to pick him up he was cheerful and was looking forward to coming home with me. But half way home I noticed that he was sullen and dark. I didn't push him thinking that when he was ready to tell me what was bothering him he would. I watched as he made his way into the living room where I could hear Tyler and Jake playing. When he pushed open the door Tyler let out a squeal and took off running and jumped into Matt's arm. Now Matt was still weak and not to steady on his feat yet. The force of Tyler leaping into his almost caused him to fall back. Luckily I was there to support him. He smiled his thanks and walked to the sofa and sat down heavily on it. I could tell that he wanted to have some quality time with Tyler and Jake so I decided to give them some space. I very quietly closed the doors leading the living room and snuck into the study and logged on to the web to check my e-mails. The first one caught my eye right away. It was from the firm. I clicked on it and stared at it reading it quickly. Sighing I deleted it and logged off and left the study. This was not going to easy. Heading back to the living room I smiled as I heard Tyler's high pitch laugh and Jake's excited bark. A second later Matt's soft laugh joined them. Swinging the doors open. "Can anyone join in on the joke?" I asked. Matt looked up at me and smiled and patted the seat beside him. I sat down and placed a pillow in my lap and Matt shook his head.

"I'm not tired," he said.

"Maybe I want some quality time with the man I love," I said patting the pillow again.

"Oh well since you put it that way," he giggled as he lay his head on the pillow and snuggled closer to me. I gently massaged his hair and in no time he was snoring softly.

I heard the living room door open and I looked up to see Nick and JC standing there.

"Come on in," I said as I pulled an afgan around Matt. "Nick, we have to talk."

"What about?" he asked frowning.

"I just got an e-mail from the firm. They want us back in the studio the day after tomorrow," I replied as I continued to stroke Matt's hair.

"Man that sucks!" Nick whined. As he lifted Matt's legs and laid them across his lap. JC put his bottom lip out in a pout and Nick scooted down to make room for him. I was mildly surprise that Matt didn't wake up with all of the motion. "What are you going to do about Matt?"

"Well he is no condition to travel," I sighed. "This couldn't have come at a worse time."

"Well we are done with our album and I'm free so I can stay with him," JC piped up. Nick glared at him making it very clear that he didn't like the idea at all. "Nick he really shouldn't be alone. He is just recovering and he has a child to take care of too."

"Yea I know," Nick sighed. "It is just that I was hoping that you could come down with us."

"Oh yea I can see that," giggled JC. "You would never leave your house. You would lock yourself in the bedroom with me and never leave."

"I would too leave the bedroom!" Nick pouted. "I do have to go to the bathroom and eat you know!" JC giggled softly and leaned and lightly kissed him on the lips.

"It won't be so bad," he whispered softly. "I'll call every night." Nick nodded but didn't say anything. I could tell he was not happy about it.

"It would mean the world to me Nick," I said rubbing his shoulder. "It will only be until Matt is strong enough to travel. And than he can join us."

"What about Tyler and Jake?" JC asked.

"I have that huge apartment so I have plenty of room," I said going back to giving Matt some attention. I could tell by his movements that he was starting to get restless. He would be awake in a few moments. Now all I had to do is figure out an easy way to break it him that I was leaving to go back to work tomorrow. He was not going to like this.

"Hi," spoke up Matt. I looked down and smiled at his sleepy expression. "Something bothering you?"

"You should be a sleep," I said tapping him on his nose. He caught my finger in his mouth and started to suck on it with his eyes twinkling with mischief. I pulled my finger from his mouth and he pouted for a while. "I'll give you something to suck on later," I teased him.

"Ewww," gagged Nick. "We didn't need to hear that."

"This is nice," sighed Matt.

"What is nice?" I asked.

"My own personal BSB and NSYNC body bed," he laughed out. I groaned as Matt busted up in a fit of laughter.

"We will leave you two alone for some quiet time," JC said as he pulled a reluctant Nick to his feet. "Come on lover boy, let's go see what mischief we can get into."

"Ohhh!" laughed out Nick. "I love the sound of that." I laughed as Nick and JC ran out of the room and headed up stairs. Turning my attention back to Matt who by now was playing with my stomach. He had slipped his hand under my shirt and was running his fingers across my abs.

"Umm Matt?" I asked softly.

"Ummm hmmm," he mumbled as he pulled my shirt up so that my whole chest was exposed. He climbed up so that his mouth was in line with my nipples. Very quickly he latched on to one of them with his tongue. I shivered at the touch.

"The children," I rasped out. He backed off and looked at Tyler and Jake who were playing by the fireplace.

"Oh yea I forgot about them," he sighed as he laid his head on my chest. "Now tell me what is bothering you."

"How do you know anything is bothering me?" I asked softly.

"Well for one thing you are wearing that pout and you keep sighing. Now spill the goods Mister Richardson," he demanded as he lightly stroked my crotch.

"I have to fly down to Orlando tomorrow," I blurted out.

"So you have to back to work," he mumbled. "Can I come with you?"

"You are in no condition to travel sweetie and you know it," I scolded him. "JC is going to stay with you until you are strong enough to travel and than you meet us down there."

"I don't need a babysitter!" he grumbled.

"You are right, you don't need a babysitter but Tyler does," I insisted. "You are recovering and you are not strong enough to take care of a child and a puppy. Besides JC really wants to stay and spend some time with you."

Matt was quiet for the longest time. I was worried about his reaction and I studied his face for any signs of anger or hurt. The hurt was there but no anger. Finally he looked up at me with tears starting to form. "I'm going to miss you," he mumbled.

"It will only be for a week at the most," I said softly as I bent down and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"You promise to call me every night?" he asked.

"Morning noon and night," I replied messing up his hair.

"Our phone bills are going to get expensive," he stated wrapping his arms around my waist. "But I don't care. If I can't see you or be with you at least I will be able to hear your voice." I could feel his shoulders shake a little. I looked down to see the tears flowing.

"Hey," I soothed him. "It is only going to be a week. And than you can join me in my apartment."

"Yea but you and I won't be together. I don't think I can take that," he replied as he continued to hold me tight.

"But you know that I have to go back to work. And besides you're the boss," I told him. I got worried the minute I saw his naughty grin spread across his face. "Oh no you don't!" I scolded him. His naughty grin turned into a pout.

"But I'm your boss," he whimpered. I giggled softly. "If I say you have to stay here with me than you have to."

"That is not how it works and you know it!" I laughed at him. "Please baby, we have to go back to work. The week will be by quick and than you can meet us down there."

"You going to make it worth my while?" he asked as his hand found it's way to my crotch.

"Maybe," I giggled as I slid my hand under his shirt, looking back to see what Tyler was doing. He was engrossed in trying to teach Jake to sit. Jake was not being very cooperative. I had to smile at Tyler's efforts. "Umm maybe we should take this up stairs," I mumbled.

"Yea, you did promise me something to suck on," he said with that naughty grin on his face.

"We will have to keep it short because you are still recovering," I smiled as I picked him up. I frowned when I felt how light he was. That would change now that I knew what he had been doing to himself. We headed up stairs to start our lovemaking session.

Later that afternoon I headed into the living room in time to see Nick plant a passionate kiss on JC's lips. From the looks of it JC was enjoying himself very much. "Ahem!" I coughed. Nick broke away from JC blushing. "Didn't you two get enough of that up stairs?"

"Maybe an old guy like you can get tired easily but us young studs can keep going all day long!" laughed out Nick. "How is Matt doing?"

"He is sleeping with Tyler and Jake. You should go look. They look adorable together," I said smiling at the cute picture of Tyler snuggled in his father's arms and Jake sleeping at the foot of the bed. "You packed and ready to go?"

Nick nodded silently as he frowned out the window. "You will only be separated a week," I said laying my hand on his shoulder. He nodded and went back to kissing JC. I rolled my eyes and headed off to the gym for a work out. I was going to need it having to baby sit a love sick Nick for the next week.

Later From Matt's point of view.

I woke up to a very warm fussy feeling. You know the way you feel after your lover just finished making love to you. I smiled at the memory of Kevin making love to me this afternoon. He was so gentle and caring. But than again he always was that way. I could still feel the shuddering of his body as he climaxed. The sheer memory of it almost sent me over the edge again. I heard a small moan and looked down and smiled. It had seemed that Tyler had decided to take a nap with me. Thank God Kevin had insisted that I put on my pajamas after we finished. I heard a grunt and looked down at the foot of the bed to see a very sleepy puppy look up at me.

"Well hello there," I said smiling. Jake took my voice as an invitation to come up to me. I reached out and petted the top of his head only to have him lick my hand. "So what do you think of your new family buddy?" I asked as I scratched him behind his ear. His little puppy grunts told me that I had hit the right spot. A soft knock at the door interrupted us. "Yes?" I called out. The door opened and Kevin stuck his shaggy head in. "Hi!" I giggled. I liked the way he wore his hair now. It was just below the shoulders and all wild and messed up. He had just finished taking a shower. It was late afternoon so that meant that he was working out.

"Did you have a nice nap?" He asked as he sat down beside me pulling his legs up Indian style. Jake clamored into his lap to garnish more attention.

"Yes I did, and I woke up to a full bed," I said as I tried in vain to calm his wild hair down. Finally giving up I planted a kiss on his nose. "I'm glad you decided not to cut your hair."

"Yea well you said I would look good with that Cowboy hat in the new Video, "More Than That," he said as he gently forced me back down so that his long and lean body was covering mine. I allowed his hands to caress my face closing my eyes and enjoying his touch.

"And I was right," I smiled up at him. "You do look really hot in that hat with your hair long." I noticed that he was gently grinding his crotch into mine. By now Tyler was waking up. "Tyler?" I asked softly. "Why don't you and Jake go play down stairs?" Tyler picked up Jake and walked out of the room. I turned to Kevin. "OK stud," I smiled at him as I slid my hand into his shorts. "You can come out and play now." Kevin took my chin and lowered his lips onto mine sliding his tongue into my mouth.

The next morning.

"I promise to call you when we arrive in Orlando," Kevin said softly. The tears had started long ago and I couldn't get them to stop. Kevin was leaving me to go back to work. I knew I would see him in a week but I couldn't help it. I missed him already. "Please baby," he said as a tear fell down his cheek. "Don't cry." I really don't know how to explain it but seeing Kevin in tears really got to me. I choked back my tears and wiped his free.

"Ok," I said smiling. "I promise, no more tears." Kevin smiled too and lowered his lips onto mine. We were really getting into it when the bedroom door flew open and in came charging Tyler followed by a hyper puppy.

"Daddy, Pappa!" squealed Tyler as he hopped onto the bed. Kevin let out a small wimper and I busted up laughing. "I want breakfast!"

"You do?" I asked in my Yoda voice. "Well patience my young Jedi." I continued in my Yoda Voice. Kevin let out a groan as he rolled his eyes. I in turn elbowed him in the gut.

"Abuse!" he muttered as he smiled and stood up and headed out of the room. Tyler scrambled out of the bed and scurried after him. I looked over at Jake who had his head in his paws.

"Well it looks like it is just you and me buddy," I yawned. He snorted and hopped off the bed and trotted out of the room. "Or maybe not," I sighed as I swung my legs over the bed. Slowly I stood and grabbed the bedpost for support.

"How are you feeling this morning?" asked Nick as he stood at the door.

"Better than yesterday," I smiled up at him. "Still weak as hell."

"Well I think I can help with that," he smiled as he walked in and before I could stop him he picked me up like a baby and carried me out of the room.

"Nick!" I shouted at him. "Put me down!"

"You shouldn't be walking around just yet," Nick said with that smile of his. "Besides JC is being a grouch and I need some company and you will do just fine." By this time we had made it down stairs and he laid me on the couch and covered me up with a light blanket. Sitting down at the end of the couch laying my feet in his lap. "I think I'm falling love," he said smiling. I jerked up and looked at him. "JC," he explained. I fell back laughing. "Hey!" he pouted.

"I knew it!" I laughed some more. Than I pouted some to tease him some more. "But now I won't get my fantasy fulfilled."

"Oh I think we can work something out," Nick grinned. "As long I get to participate." I looked up in shock in time to see the naughty look in Nick's eyes. I figured out right than that Nick was horny. Just a few months over 21 and still horny as a teenager.

"Yea but this time you stick that trunk up some one else!" I laughed. Nick immediately blushed and looked down. "Hey," I soothed him. "You know I'm kidding right?" He nodded. "And you know that Kevin and I will never forget that night."

"And I will never forget what you two did for me," Nick mumbled. "I was at a real low point that night and you two brought me back up." We heard noise at the doorway and looked up to see Kevin carrying a tray. The smell coming from the tray made my stomach grumble. I was hungry and from the looks of it the tray had all of my favorite foods on it. I sat up and grinned at Kevin. He frowned slightly and came in the rest of the way.

"I was going to bring this up to your room," Kevin mumbled softly.

"I need to be around the people I love. So let's have breakfast here in the living room," I smiled up at him. He smiled back down at me as he put the tray in my lap. "Where is yours?" I asked when I saw that there was only one plate of food on the tray.

"I'm going to go back and get mine," He said as he kissed me quickly on the lips. I had to laugh when I heard Tyler's gags from the corner where he was playing with Jake. "Speaking of breakfast, Cook has yours in the kitchen so why don't you go in and eat?" Kevin asked Tyler. Tyler must've been hungry too because like a flash he was up and running to the kitchen. The sound of his little feet and Jake's paws made a delightful noise through out the house. Kevin made his way back to the dinning room to get his tray. Nick and JC had retreated to a corner of the living room eating the food that JC had brought in for Nick. Kevin came back in a few moments later and we spent a very pleasant half hour eating our breakfast together. Only he did most of the eating and I did most of the talking and watching. He caught on and picked up the fork and stabbed a piece of ham and brought it too my mouth. "You need to eat," he scolded me lightly.

"But I want to watch you eat," I pouted.

"You can watch me eat and eat too," he teased me. I gave in and we ate our meals in a very comfortable silence. He was right, I could watch him eat and eat at the same time. It turned out to be a very delightful morning. Just eating and sharing quiet time with Kevin. I knew that this moment wasn't going to last forever. In a short time from now Kevin would be on his way back to Orlando and I would be here separated from him. The mere thought of that sent a dark cloud over me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he asked me in that deep soft voice of his. The one he reserved for our pillow talk. It sent shivers up my spine. I looked up at his emerald green eyes and got lost in them. "Matt?" he asked again. I shook my self back from my gazing trance. He chuckled softly and returned to his plate.

"I'm going to miss you," I said softly as I swiped a small piece of ham from his plate.

"I'm going to miss you too Babe," he smiled at me from over his glass of orange juice. "But you will be with me in a week and you know what that means?" he asked with his eyes twinkling.

"No, what?" I asked.

"Disney World!" he exclaimed. I guess he was a little loud because it caught the attention of Nick and JC. "I can't wait to take Tyler to it!" I thought to myself and had to grin myself. The picture of Kevin running around Disney World with Tyler had an endearing quality to it. I happily sat the next few minutes and listen to Kevin ramble on about what parts he wanted to show Tyler and me. I was really looking forward to it by the time he finished. The doorbell rang and Cook came into the living room.

"Mr. Richardson and Mr. Carter?" she asked formally. "Your car has arrived." I could hear the driver moving Kevin's and Nick's luggage into the car. The lump formed in my throat and this time I swallowed it. I was not going to allow the last memory of me to be one of me crying. I was determined to put on a happy face.

"Tyler?" I shouted out. I smiled when I heard the patter of his little feet across the marble. Soon him and Jake came charging around the corner. "Kevin and Nick are getting ready to go so it is time to say goodbye to them." I watched Tyler's eyes fill with tears and watched Nick pick him up and whisper something into his ear. Tyler busted up laughing and soon Nick was tickling him and Tyler's laughter rang out through the house. I mouthed, "Thank you" to Nick and he nodded and put Tyler down. He walked up to Kevin and held his arms up to him. Kevin picked him up and hugged him tightly.

"You promise that you will be good?" he asked with a thick voice. "Take care of your daddy for me." Tyler nodded quietly and struggled out of Kevin's arm and went up to me and climbed into my lap laying his head on my chest. Kevin turned and looked down at me and gave me a hug. "I love you, and I will call you when our plane lands in Orlando."

"Take care of yourself," I whispered in his ear and graced his lips with a gentle kiss. He nodded and quickly spun his heals and left the room. All to soon Kevin and Nick were gone leaving only JC, Tyler and me alone in the huge mansion.

"I want Candy!" blurted out Tyler. I groaned softly and turned back to my computer. Tyler had been listening to Arron Carter's CD all day. I had ran out of twenties to bribe him with. It was four in the after noon and I was working in my study trying to get things ready to sell. I was only keeping the stock in Jive Records and I was selling the rest of it. I had gotten a few offers and was waiting to hear from Roger on whether to sell of not. The phone rang and I jumped at the noise. I picked it up. "Whitewater estate," I mumbled into the phone.

"Is JC there?" asked a chillingly familiar voice. It was Justin. He and I hadn't talked since I had last seen him at the Jive Record Company emergency board meeting. Anger welled up in my chest but I forced it down.

"One moment please," I said formally. I put the phone on the top of the desk. "JC!" I bellowed. His head popped around the corner. I had to laugh when I saw Tyler on his shoulders. "You have a call," I motioned to the phone.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"Justin!" I grumbled. JC's eyes shot up as he picked up the phone.

"Justin?" he asked softly. I didn't pay attention to the conversation and in no time at all JC had put the phone back down. "Matt?" he asked softly. I looked up and saw the pain in his eyes.

"What did he say to you?" I demanded.

"He didn't say anything to me," JC replied back. "He needs me. Can he come over?" I looked up at JC and saw a friend who was dying to help another friend. As much as I hated Justin and disliked his part in the Custody battle over Tyler I had to help.

"Of course he can come out," I smiled. "Anything I can help with?"

"He broke up with his girlfriend," JC mumbled.

"Brittney?" I asked shocked. I had to admit that they did make a cute couple. "What happened?"

"He didn't really say, only that he wants to ask you for some advice," JC replied.

"Me?" I yelped. "Why me?"

"He didn't say," JC mumbled as he played with an eagle on my desk.

"When can we expect him?" I asked as I gently removed the eagle form JC's hand.

"He is on his way from the airport now," JC said cringing. I nodded and closed down my computer and stood up and walked out of the study. "Is it all right?" JC asked worried.

"It is fine JC," I replied. "I'm going to take a shower and get dressed. After that short work out I'm sweaty." I made my way up to my room and showered quickly and than retreated to the bedroom and rummaged around the closet and spotted a pair of Kevin's sweats hanging up in the closet. There was a note attached to it.


If I know you, you will be missing me right about now. So I left you one of my sweat suits. I know it is not me but I sprayed it with my cologne. Enjoy!

Love, Kevin

I grinned happily and slipped into the oversize sweat suit and padded down stairs in time to see Justin walk through the door. I was bending down to give Tyler a quick hug. I noticed that Tyler didn't look to happy about Justin being there. I coughed to get their attention. Justin jerked his head up and looked up at me. Almost at once his face hardened just for a second. I glared at him too daring him to comment. But instead his face soften and took a couple of steps towards me.

"Justin," I said softly.

"Matt," he said back. An uneasy silnce reigned for the next few minutes before JC finally walked through the doorway.

"Oh hi Justin," JC said cheerfully.

"Hey," Justin mumbled. "Thanks for letting me stay." He said looking in my direction.

"No problem," I mumbled back. I still wasn't comfortable talking with him.

"Umm after I get settled could you and me,--ummm talk?" he asked shifting his feet. I could tell that he wasn't to comfortable talking to me either.

"I guess that would be allright," I replied. "I'll be in my study." I quickly walked by him and retreated into the safety of my study before he could stop me and try to say something else. Once inside I heaved a sigh of relief. I made my way over to the desk and sank into the soft confines of the leather chair. I turned to chair around so that I could see the front lawn. I could see the beginnings of spring. The phone rang and I picked it up. "Matt here," I said into the reciever.

"Hi Babe!" said an exited Kevin.

The sound of his voice sent everything rushing back to me. The heartache of him leaving, the smell of him when he first woke up in the morning, the sleepy eyed smile he wore when he first looked at me in the morning. Everything about him came rushing back. I could almost feel his presence in the room, except for the fact that he wasn't here. He was all the way in Orlando. A lump filled my throat and tears threatened to burst forth. "I miss you," I whispered into the receiver.

"I miss you too," he whispered back. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing somewhat better. I've been up for almost two hours straight and I even got some work done," I smiled. The door opened and Justin stuck his head in the door. I waved him in. "So how are you doing?"

"I'm sitting here in my apartment trying to cheer up Nick," Kevin sighed. "He is really head over heals in love with JC."

"Well tell him we will both be down in a week," I said grinning.

"But if you are not strong enough--," he started.

"Kevin, wild horses couldn't stop me from coming down next week, besides Tyler is going crazy with out you too," I could hear Kevin laughing to himself. "Oh and by the way, thank you so much for teaching my son the tricks of bribing ones daddy," I giggled out.

"Oh so he been playing his favorite songs again?" Kevin asked laughing.

"I swear if I hear "I want Candy," one more time I'm going to go insane," I laughed. "No actually it is cute. He is a pretty good dancer."

"He gets it from his daddy," Kevin cooed to me. "Babe?"

"Yes dear?" I asked back. I glared at Justin when I saw him roll his eyes.

"I have to go," Kevin grumbled. "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied. The click sounded in my ear as the line was disconnected. I was grinning from ear to ear when I turned to look at Justin. "So what do you want?" I asked bluntly.

"You really love him don't you?" he asked.

"Yes I love Kevin," I blurted out shortly. "Now tell me what you want! I don't have all day!" I was shocked to see the hurt look in Justin's eyes. "Look I'm sorry, I yelled at you. It's just not I'm not really all that comfortable talking to someone who tried to steal my son from me." I laughed inside when I saw him cringe. Who said revenge isn't sweet?

"When did you know you were gay?" he asked with his eyes filled with unshed tears.

"What?" I shouted at him.

"Please Matt," he pleaded with me. "I have to know."

"Why the hell do you want to know that?" I demanded getting up and walking to the window. I wasn't ready to let anyone in that part of my life. It was too painful. I kept that part locked up and I had no intention of ever letting that monster out. "Well?" I demanded. "I'm waiting!"

"I'm gay," Justin whispered out. OK so every once in a while something happens in the universe that brings it to a screeching halt. This time was one of those times.

"What?" I asked again. "Don't tell me that I hear what I thought I heard. Don't tell me that gay bashing Justin Timberlake is gay."

"I'm gay," Justin blurted out. He was louder this time.

"How long have you known?" I demanded.

"Ever since the group was formed," he replied softly.

"You son of a bitch!" I shouted at him. He jerked as if I had slugged him in the jaw. I walked out of the study slamming the door hard. I could hear Justin sobbing in the study behind me. I didn't care, all I wanted to do is get as far away from him as possible.

"Hey, did you and Justin have a nice talk?" asked JC.

"You don't want to know," I grumbled softly. "You really don't want to know."


Next: Chapter 9: Get Another Boyfriend 19 20

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