Get Another Boyfriend

By Travis Smith

Published on Jun 3, 2001


Disclaimer: The Fictional characters portrayed in this story bear no likeness to the actual Backstreet Boys or the members of Nsync. I have no idea what the sexual preferences of the BSB or the members of Nsync really are and do not mean to imply anything about actual living people. My fictional Characters are part of my vivid imagination. There are some very strong Homosexual themes in this story. If you are under age please do us all a favor and click off and find something else to do with your time. Go read a book, watch a video, or play a game of basketball or Command and Conquer that is a cool computer game. You are welcome to come back when you are 18.

Get Another Boyfriend

Chapter 19

I slammed the door to my bedroom and plopped down on the bed. "The nerve of him!" I shouted and I spent the next five minutes swearing at Justin calling every name in the book. I started coughing when I shouted after a few minutes I finally got myself under control. Calling him names would not help us at all. I needed to go back down stairs and hash this out. Sighing I got back up and headed back down stairs. I could hear JC yelling in the study too. I heard someone behind and I turned around to see Tyler standing by the staircase holding onto Jake.

"Why are you mad at Justin?" he asked with his blue eyes looking up at me. "I don't like it when you get mad." I knelt down and took his little hand and held it.

"I'm sorry I am mad at Justin," I said to him as I gently tried to tame his wild hair. "He just said some things that made me really upset is all."

"You going to pologies?" he asked. I had to smile at his use of the word. "Daddy, you always make me pologies when I am mean to people. You pologies to Justin." His little face was drawn up in a stern look. I couldn't say anything because I knew he was right.

"You are right little Buddy," I replied as I ruffled his hair. He of course swatted my hand away, which started a tickle war. Soon he was a mass of giggles and Jake was barking and bouncing around trying to in on the act. After I had worn Tyler out by tickling him I stood up and headed into the study. The sight was not pretty. JC was sitting in one chair glaring at Justin. Justin was sitting in the sofa with tears flowing down his face. My heart gave into him when I saw how helpless he looked. I went to him and sat next to him and pulled the distraught singer into my arms. "It is going to be all right," I said to him as I wiped some of the tears away. "It just came as a surprise is all." I noticed that JC was staring at me like I was nuts. "He doesn't need our hate or our anger JC. He needs our love and Understanding right now."

"But he did all--," JC sputtered.

"It is in the past," I replied. "I've forgiven him and by orders of Tyler I have to pologies to him."

"Well I'm not going to apologies to him!" retorted JC. "He put me through years of hell! And than I find out he is gay too. He is a fucking hypocrite!" Justin let out a sob and sank deeper into the sofa.

"JC," I pleaded with him.

"NO!" JC shouted at me. "There is no way I am going to forgive him!" With that he stomped out of the room. I shook my head at him.

"I don't blame him," said a small voice. It was Justin. "I mean I was a prick to him when he needed me most."

"Why?" I asked.

"I was scared to death," he mumbled. "I know if I told him I was gay too it would ruin everything."

"How would it ruin everything?" I asked sitting back.

"Because I--," he started than stopped looking down at his hands.

"Go ahead," I prodded him gently. "Whatever is said in this room stays here." He looked up at me with new tears in his eyes. I saw the answer in his eyes. "You love him don't you?" He nodded falling back into his seat.

"But he hates me!" he mumbled. "I mean why shouldn't he hate me. I treated him like shit for years just because he had the courage to come out and I didn't."

"Justin, stop being so hard on yourself. We all make mistakes," I told him. "Yes you were an ass but you are a good friend to him and whether he wants to admit it or not he loves you."

"What about you?" he asked. "I mean how do you feel about me?"

"I'm not sure I know myself how I feel about you," I answered honestly. "You did really try to mess up my life."

"I'm so sorry I did that to you. But I'm mostly sorry I did that to poor Tyler," Justin mumbled as fresh tears flowed down his face. "I promise I will spend the rest of my life making up for the harm I've done to you and your family."

"If you promise to be our friend that is all that is needed," I smiled at him.

"You want to be friends with me?" he asked surprised as hell. I had to laugh at is confused look on his face. He pouted momentarily at me laughing at him. "What is so funny?" he finally asked.

"Your face," I giggled. "You are so expressive."

"I'm glad you like my face," he grumbled. "That is still not going to help with JC."

"We are just going to have to work on him is all. In the mean time you are tired so why don't you take a nap. We will work on JC later," I suggested.

"How about you?" he asked. "I heard you just got out of the hospital yourself. What happened?"

"I just wore myself out is all. I'm on the mend now," I smiled at him. "In fact I am going to lie down myself and it is time for Tyler's nap." I stood up and held out my hand to Justin. He took it and I pulled him up and he hugged me tightly.

"Thank you for accepting me," he smiled. "And I would be honored to be your friend." With that we headed up stairs for our nap.

Later I woke up to find that I was sweating bullets and cold to the bone. I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and tried to stand up.

"Matt!" exclaimed a voice. I looked up to see that JC was standing there in the doorway. "You look terrible!" He crossed the room in a few strides and gently pushed me back into the soft confines of the bed. I was shivering uncontrollably by now. "You belong in bed." He scolded me as he grabbed the thermometer. After it beeped he took it out and looked at it. "Jesus Christ!" he gasped. "You are at 105!" He turned over his shoulder and shouted for Justin. Justin came running in dressed only in his boxers. He was rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Matt has a fever and we need to get it down!"

"I'll fill the tub up with tepid water," he said as he ran to the bathroom. In no time at all he had the tub filled. With the help of JC I stripped out of my clothes and they helped me into the tub. I let out a moan as the cold water hit me. I tried to get back out but Justin pushed me firmly back into the water. "Matt, you need this, it will help bring your fever down." I nodded shivering uncontrollably.

"Where is JC?" I asked looking around.

"He went to make sure that Tyler is ok," Justin said.

"I want Kevin," I sobbed. "Where is Kevin?" Justin looked concerned at my question.

"He is in Florida," he said.

"Call him?" I asked.

"When you get your fever down than you can talk to him," Justin promised me. I tried to get back up only to have Justin push me back down. "Stay there!" he shouted at me. "Don't make me sit on you!"

I gave up and closed my eyes and allow the tepid water to surround my feverish body. I could feel the fever going down. At some point I fell back asleep.

From JC's point of view.

"How is he?" I asked as I walked back into the bathroom.

"He is sleeping now," Justin replied. I was still very angry with Justin but didn't show it because I was worried about Matt. "He is asking for Kevin."

"Kevin is in Florida," I hurled at him. "I'm calling the Doctor and than I'm calling him. You work on getting him out of the cold water while I place these calls." I headed out into the bedroom and called the Doctor. He in turn told me to call the ambulance. It was only after I called the ambulance did I finally get up the nerve to call Kevin. I dialed his number and it picked up on the first ring.

"Hi Sexy!" exclaimed an excited Kevin.

"Hey Kev," I mumbled.

"JC?" asked a now confused Kevin. "Where is Matt?"

"He running a very high fever and his doctor wants him brought in," I told him. I swore I could hear a sob coming from Kevin. "He is asking for you."

"I'm on my way," Kevin said. "Tell him that I love him and I'm coming for him." The phone went dead. I heard the doorbell ring and the door open and Cook directing them up stairs. By this time Justin had managed to wake up Matt long enough to dry him off and put on a pair of boxers. I insisted on riding with Matt and Justin volunteered to stay home with a distraught Tyler who was upset that his daddy was taken away again. Having to explain to him that his daddy was running a fever and had to go back to the hospital wasn't fun.

From Kevin's point of view a few hours later.

I walked into the room where they had my angel sleeping. He looked so peaceful lying there. I could tell he was not feeling well at all. Something had to have happed to make him relapse like this. I made it to his bedside and took his hand. He responded to my touch by squeezing my hand tight. I smiled and gently ran my hand over his damp hair in a vain attempt to tame his wild hair. I finally gave up. I saw the door open and the doctor walk in. "How is he?" I asked getting up. He waved me back down but I choose to remain standing.

"Well he has a high fever, it comes with the pneumonia," the doctor explained. "There is good news, his lungs are clear. I do want to do more tests though, and I will need his consent to perform an HIV test." I nodded not really listening to him once I heard him comment on the fact that his lungs were clear I was relieved. "Well I will leave you to alone." I looked over at Matt and saw that he was restless. I smiled and leaned down and kissed him on the lips lightly. He let out a small moan and tried to swat me away.

"Psst!" I whispered in his ear. "Time to wake up and pay attention to me." He turned over facing the other way. I growled softly at him and went to the other side of the bed and resumed my attack. Finally his eyes fluttered open.

"Hi Kev," he said softly as he yawned. I waited patiently for him to realize that I was here. When his eyes got real big I leaned down and kissed him full on the lips driving my tongue into his mouth. He moaned again and wrapped his arms around me pulling me close. After I let him go he smiled up at me with that dopey look on his face. "What are you doing here?"

"You asked for me and so I am here," I smiled at him. "You scared me!" I scolded him. He cringed at my outburst.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"It's not your fault babe," I said as I lay down beside him and he at once cuddled up to me. "I missed you."

"You've only been gone for half a day," he said laying his head on my chest.

"A half a day too long!" I pouted. "As soon as you are well enough to leave the hospital you are coming down to Orlando with me so I can keep an eye on you." I could tell that Matt loved the sound of that. "How is Tyler taking this?" I asked.

"How does our son usually take me being gone?" he asked grinning at me. "He is chomping at the bit to get over hear to see that I am all right. Poor Justin."

"What is this about Justin?" I demanded.

"Justin is taking care of him while JC and I are here," Matt explained. I was up in heartbeat glaring at Matt.

"How the hell can you let that man in our house and alone with Tyler?" I demanded.

"Justin is fine," Matt defended him. "Allot has changed since that time."

"I don't trust him! He hates us you know," I shouted at him.

"He is gay," Matt said with a grin on his face.

"He is what?" I yelped out.

"He is gay," Matt repeated again with that shit-eating grin.

"When the hell did this happen?" I asked calming down a little.

"He came over today looking for my advice and he spilled his heart out to JC and me. JC didn't take it well at all. I understand where he coming from." I opened my mouth to argue with Matt some more but he shook his head. "Kevin, he is confused and scared. He is heartbroken that JC is not accepting this."

"As rightly he shouldn't!" I exploded. "I was there when he was giving JC a hard time about being gay. He was cruel and heartless about it and he knew it and enjoyed it. I can't believe you would accept him just like that."

"Actually it was our son that made me see the light. He reminded me that I always made him apologies to the people he was mean too. So he instructed me to as he put it, "Pologies" to Justin. We worked things out and I trust him Kevin." I looked at Matt and saw that he was truly convinced that had changed his ways. I heard the door open and in walked Justin holding Tyler. My heart almost broke in two when I saw the tear streaks down poor Tyler's face. He scrambled out of Justin's arms and raced to me and leaped into my arms.

"Pappa!" he squealed as he hugged me tightly around the neck. I could feel the tears from him on my neck. I sat him in my lap and gently wiped the tears from his face. "Don't leave again!" he scolded me. He than squirmed in my arms so that he could see his daddy. "Daaaaaddddy," he squealed again as he scrambled out of my arms and into his fathers. I smiled as Matt hugged his son. I got up so that they could be alone. On my way out I grabbed Justin's arm and pulled him out. Once outside I looked at Justin and saw him looking to the floor. I could tell he was scared shitless. I knew at that moment that I couldn't hold the grudge any longer. I reluctantly pulled him into my arms. He broke down sobbing into my arms. After a few minutes he stopped crying and looked up at me.

"I'm so sorry for all that I've done," he mumbled.

"You are forgiven," I replied. "Thank you for taking such good care of Tyler for me."

"He is good boy. Do you know he got forty bucks off of me today?" he said grinning. "I had to bribe him to--," Justin started.

"To get him to stop playing Arron Carter's songs," I laughed out. "I'm going to have to talk to him about that. That is 120 bucks he has scammed out of us so far." I really busted up laughing when I saw the look on poor Justin's face.

"Why that little brat!" he exclaimed grinning. "He was really upset that Matt was taken back to the hospital again. I felt so sorry for him. You should've seen him Kevin." Justin shuddered from the memory.

"That bad huh?" I asked. Justin nodded.

"There is one thing I hate the most in the world and that is seeing a little child hurting or crying," Justin replied. We heard the door open and Tyler's shaggy hair popped out.

"Pappa!" he demanded. "Daddy wants to see you." He took me by the hand and started pulling me towards the door. I shrugged my shoulders at Justin who in turn shrugged his.

"I'm going to track down JC and talk to him," Justin said as he headed up the hall. I turned to follow Tyler into the room. Once in I smiled at Matt who was sitting up in bed now. He still looked like crap but at least he had a smile on his face.

"Hey sweetie," he grinned. "You stay here and spend some time with us." He patted the bed bedside him and I sat down. Tyler climbed up into my lap and started to talk about what Jake had done since I was gone.

"And he was a bad dog!" Tyler exclaimed. Of course Matt and I listened very closely to what Tyler had to say. "He peed in JC's shoes!" I chuckled at that and poor Matt got into a coughing attack from laughing so hard. "JC didn't think it was funny he was really mad at Jake. He chased him up the hall and Jake ran into my room and under the bed," Tyler finished.

"Well we are going to have to teach Jake that he has to go to the bathroom outside for now on," I said as I gently messed up Tyler's hair.

"I can do that Pappa!" he said excitedly. "Jake always listens to me." I looked over at Matt to see that he was asleep. I leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Ewwww yucky!" Tyler said scrunching up his face. "That is mushy stuff!" I giggled and picked him up and carried him out of the room. I spotted Justin and JC talking in the waiting room. I headed in when I saw that both of them had smiles on their faces. "Daddy says we have to teach Jake not to pee in your shoes anymore Uncle JC!" Tyler exclaimed. Justin snickered loudly at that. JC just glared at him and picked up Tyler and started to tickle him. Soon the room was filled with JC making monster noises and Tyler giggling his head off.

"Did you and JC iron everything out?" I asked. Justin nodded but I could tell that he was still sad. "Something you want to talk about?" I asked.

"He dating Nick," Justin said looking at the floor.

"I love Nick like a brother," I said warningly. "Please don't hurt him."

"I wouldn't do that," Justin retorted. "I can tell that JC is in love with him. I'm just going to have to find me a boyfriend."

"Don't let Matt hear you talking like that," I giggled. Justin looked at me confused. "You don't want him to go into Matchmaking mode."

"That bad?" Justin asked. I nodded. "Hmm might be fun."

"Listen, I'm going to go back in and spend some time with Matt. Do you guys mind putting Tyler to bed?" I asked. I could tell that Tyler was not happy about that at all.

"I wanna be with Daddy!" he exclaimed. I bent down and picked him up. "Please Pappa?" he pleaded with me.

"Your Daddy is very sick and he needs his sleep. And a hospital is no place for little boys. I promise you can see him first thing in the morning." I could tell that he still wasn't happy about it. "How about you give him a big hug and kiss good night?" He smiled and nodded. I carried him into the room and found that Matt was awake flipping through the channels. "Someone wants a hug and kiss from his Daddy." Matt looked up and smiled and held out his arms for Tyler.

Later that night I was sitting in a chair beside Matt. He was trying to sleep but not having much luck.

"Matt?" I asked softly.

"Yea?" he asked back.

"Go to sleep," I instructed him rubbing his arm.

"Not tired," he commented as he turned on the TV again. I gently took the remote from him and turned the TV off.

"Babe, it is 3:00 in the morning. Please try to relax and go to sleep."


"Yea babe?"

"What is it like?"

"What like?"


I thought about that he asked. I really enjoyed working in Orlando. It was a nice place to live except for the cost of living was a little high. I smiled when I remembered complaining to Brian about the cost of living. That was only a year ago.

"Babe?" he asked again.

"It is a nice place to live in," I replied. "Tyler would really love it there."

"Gee I wonder why?" he giggled.

"Ohhh I don't know, maybe it has something to do with a big eared mouse named Mickey?" I smiled. Matt yawned and turned over to face me. I could tell he was getting tired but I could also tell that he was not happy about going to sleep. "I'll make a promise if you will go to sleep."

"What kind of promise?" he asked smirking at me and grabbing for my crotch. I swatted his hands away.

"I promise to hold you until you go to sleep?" I asked. He nodded with a big smile on his face. I climbed in beside him and he snuggled as close to me as he could get. "I love you Matt."

"I love you too Kevin," he said in a sleepy tone of voice. "You'll be here in the morning?"

"Promise," I smiled as I kissed him goodnight.

Chapter 20

"I'm gonna go see Mickey!" shouted a very excited Tyler. He had been running around in circles and Jake was barking and bouncing around the house all morning with him and he was not happy when we had to put Jake in a carrier. I gladly put up with Tyler's endless questions about Mickey and Aladdin; it was worth seeing him happy. Matt looked at him and shook his head smiling. We had just stepped off the plane and were headed for our limos that would take us to my apartment. It had been three days since Matt's last stay in the hospital. He was definitely on the mend and was going stir crazy so I decided that now was the time to bring him down. Tyler was very hyper all morning. He was bouncing all over the place. If you asked me, I think Nick slipped him some M&Ms in his breakfast. "Pappa!" demanded Tyler. I looked back to see him riding on top of one of the carts that held out luggage. "I wanna let Jake out!"

"Jake has to stay in his carrier until we get home," I reminded him the hundredth time that day. He stuck his bottom lip out in a pout and I almost gave. "That is not going to work mister," I scolded him. So he settled on petting Jake through the little bars on his carrier. He giggled loudly whenever Jake's tongue would find his fingers. I looked over at Matt and saw that he was getting tired.

"You sleepy?" I asked softly. He nodded. "Well when we get into the car you use my lap as a pillow." After getting our luggage loaded into the trunk and Jake into the back seat we all piled in after Tyler. Tyler spent the next few minutes getting into all of the cubby wholes in the limo. Matt took full advantage of my offer and laid his head in my lap and closed his eyes. In no time he was snoring softly. I felt a small weight settle on my other side. I looked down to see Tyler resting his head against my side. "You sleepy too?" I asked him. He nodded. "Well you can take a nap when we get home."

From Matt's point of view.

I felt a pair of lips brush against my cheek. I knew those lips! They belonged to Kevin my sweetie! I struggled to wake up. I heard Kevin laughing softly and finally I convinced my eyes to open up. Sitting up I looked at him as he grinned at me. He was obviously very pleased with himself. "Did you have a nice nap?" he asked bending over to kiss me on the lips.

"I was sleeping real well until someone wanted to wake me up!" I pouted as I leaned forward and rested my forehead against his. It was at that time that I noticed that he was wearing his hair different. He had it all done up in small braids. I grabbed his head and turned it this way and that way inspecting it. "Hummmmph!" I grunted. "I don't know if I like it!" Kevin looked shocked and sat back pouting. I had pity on him and hugged him. "You know you look sexy in anything." I said as I found his spot behind his ear. Kevin's entire body shivered and he purred loudly. I giggled as I continued to torture him. "Besides this way makes it much easier to get to you!"

"We are about to have a mess if you don't stop that!" he rasped out.

"But I love torturing you," I giggled some more. "Don't you have a show this after noon?"

"Yea some TRL Retirement Home thing," Kevin said.

"But honey!" I whined. "You are only 29!" He laughed when I said that. "Can Tyler and I come?"

"I'll see what I can do," he smiled at that. I felt the car come to a stop. The door opened and we stepped out of the car. Kevin took a couple of bags and I took the carrier and the driver took the rest and he headed up to Kevin's apartment. Once there he slid the key into the lock and swung open the door. I stepped in and looked around. It was nice place. Everything seemed to have its place. Kevin did come off as a neat and orderly person. Tyler wasted no time in letting Jake out. Jake and Tyler spent the next few minutes exploring their new home. I just walked around and looked at Kevin's apartment. It was full of nick knacks and little trinkets from his fans. There were a lot of pictures of his fans too. I looked over at the fireplace and I smiled. The mantle was covered with pictures of Tyler and me. "I missed you," he said. "So I had to get as many pictures of you as possible."

"I wanna see the bedroom!" I demanded. His eyebrows shot up and he grinned. "We don't have time for that!" His bottom lip stuck out in a pout. "You've been taking lessons from our son." He just grinned and looked away.

"Daddy!" squealed Tyler. "I found my bedroom!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room. I stopped dead in my tracks and gaped around the room. Kevin had filled it with every possible toy and computer related thing possible. "It has a computer!" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Kevin grinning sheepishly at me.

"I wanted to make him as comfortable as possible here," he said blushing.

I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him on his lips. "Thank you," I whispered.

"We should be going," he commented. I nodded and took his hand and called for Tyler.

I was having so much fun watching my sweetie ham it up to the crowd. The crowd was happy too. I was in the front roll with Tyler on my shoulder. I could tell he wanted to shout Pappa so bad but we had a talk on the way over and convinced him that it was our little secret. Every time that Kevin would come over to our side he would squeal and bounce on my shoulders. Kevin would just grin and wink at us. Than came the last performance of the show. I was so happy for them. They got the highest honor of the day and got to perform the "song of the summer" "I Want it That Way." I watched in awe as Kevin sang his solo looking right at me. I guess my mouth was hanging open and I had this dopey look on my face because Kevin smiled trying real hard not to laugh. I blushed and looked around to see if anyone was watching. Thankfully all the other fans were busy adoring their singers too.

After the show.

"I love you," Kevin whispered in my ear. I looked at him and gasped. He had that wild "I want you now!" look in his eyes.

"Ummm Yea, umm I love you too," I gulped. This sent Kevin into a fit of laughter. He knew what he was doing. "Let's go home now!" I demanded.

"Umm I have a better idea," he said looking around. He grabbed my hand and led me off to the dressing room.

"Umm Kevin?" I asked.

"No time for talk!" he said in a strained voice.

"But Tyler," I yelped.

"He can't join us dear," Kevin said as he continued to drag me towards the dressing room completely unaware that Tyler was on my shoulders.

"But pappa," Tyler spoke up. This seemed to get Kevin's attention. "Why can't I join you and Daddy?" I snickered out loud.

"Yea Pappa," I smirked. "Want to explain that to him?"

"Because Daddy and me need some quiet time alone. NICK!" shouted Kevin. Nick's head appeared out of his dressing room. "Watch Tyler for us please?" he asked. Nick raised his eyebrows when he saw how flushed Kevin was.

"Sure Kev," Nick said grinning. "Come on Tyler, let's go play some basket ball." Tyler couldn't get down off of my shoulders fast enough and into Nick's arms.

"Bye Daddy! Bye Pappa!" he shouted at us as Nick swung him up on his shoulders. Kevin continued to drag me to the dressing room. Once in he pounced on me pressing his hot and sweaty body to mine kissing me hard and rough. I moaned as I grabbed his head and twisted it to the side as I tried to drive my tongue into his mouth. But Kevin would have none of that. He made it plain that he was in control and he planned on staying that way. He stopped long enough to pull the shirt over his head and than he was back attacking me again pulling and tugging at my clothes. Soon I was naked and so was he. I guess we should have figured out that some one else was in the room but we were too much in lust with each other to even bother with minor details.

"I want to fuck you!" Kevin rasped in my ear. I turned so that my ass was against his cock. He took his cock in his hand and guided it to my whole. I tensed up for the insertion. When it came it was hard and fast. I let out a small gasp as a few tears flowed down my cheek. Kevin begins to fuck me hard and fast. I grabbed onto the arm of the sofa to keep from falling. "Oh fuck!" growled Kevin. "You are so tight!" I moaned in response and it seemed to drive him harder. I was in a mixture of pain and pleasure as Kevin continued to drive into me. Where were the kisses? Where were the tender caresses? I soon begin to realize that this was all about Kevin and very little about me. I tried to get him to respond in some way but he wouldn't. I even tried to call out his own name.

"Ohhh God Kevin!" I groaned out as my orgasm approached. Kevin reached down and pulled down hard on my scrotum and I whimpered from the loss of the approaching orgasm.

"You will cum when I tell you too!" he rasped out. I had never seen Kevin like this. It was like he was a wild horse mounting a mare. I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder as he sunk his teeth into my shoulder. I let out another groan and arched my back to meet his thrusts. But he roughly pushed me back down. Tears stung my eyes and I begin to get mad. "I'm getting closer," he rasped out as he reached around and started to jerk on my cock. His touch sent me over the edge and I let out a huge groan and shot my load all over the arm of the sofa. "OOOFFF FUCK!" screamed Kevin as he plunged into me one last time and I felt his load blast into me. There was no love or feeling in what Kevin had done to me. Only the cold hard need to get his rocks off. He didn't even kiss me or tell me that he loved me. Hot tears stung my eyes and than it happened. The one thing that really cheapened it.

"Wow!" said a voice. I stood up and saw AJ staring at us from a chair. "What a show."

"AJ!" yelped Kevin as he pulled out of me in a hurry. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't say anything. Kevin quickly put on a pair of Boxers and mumbled sorry to AJ and took off for the shower. I was left standing there holding the bag.

"What was that all about?" AJ asked.

"Ummm Ummm, I've gotta go!" I blurted out and grabbed my boxers and took off for the showers too. I was enraged at Kevin by this point. I stomped into the shower and deliberately used a separate shower stall. I could hear him in the next one over.

"Sweetie?" he asked as he peeked over. "You want to join me?" I shook my head no and continued to wash myself. I heard the door open and felt a pair of arms surround me. "What's wrong?" he asked softly.

"Go away!" I grumbled.

"No, I can't do that," Kevin said. "Not until you tell me what is wrong."

"You!" I hurled at him. "You treated me like a piece of meat!" I heard Kevin take a sudden breath in. He than broke away and took me by the shoulders and gently turned me around so that I was facing him. I wanted to remain mad at him for a little longer but he wouldn't have that.

"Look at me," he ordered me. I shook my head as I felt the hot tears flow down my face. I was so embarrassed by the fact that AJ had seen me fucked like I was a common tramp and I was so mad at Kevin that he didn't even try to help me explain. "Please?" he pleaded. I looked up at him and saw the hurt and sorrow in his eyes. "I had no ideal," he whispered as he pulled me close to him. The very touch of his naked skin against mine was pure heaven. Try as I might I couldn't stay mad at him. I felt his lips on my shoulder and his hands run up the side of my face. Than I felt his lips grace mine. I moaned as his tongue gently probed my lips. I parted them and allowed them in. At some point he had gotten the sponge and soap and gently washing my body down. All the while his lips played a game of silent tribute to our love. I don't think he missed a single inch of my body. He was so gentle and caring that soon I had forgotten that I was mad at him. After words he wrapped me in a towel and gently dried me off. "I promise never to do that to you again," he vowed. "I promise that for now on every time we make love it will be out of love and not out of lust."

"I didn't mine the rough sex Kevin," I explained. "It is fun, but I don't like being treated as a piece of meat. And I certainly don't want to be show piece for the rest of the guys."

"Baby, I had no idea that AJ was in the same room," Kevin explained back. "Tell you what, why don't I take you home and make love to you the right way."

"You wore me out," I giggled trying hard not yawn. Kevin smiled as he saw me trying not yawn.

"Well than I will take you home and tuck you into bed and hold you for the rest of the day," he smiled as he kissed lightly on the nose. I tried to catch his lips but he pulled them away. I stuck my bottom lip out in a pout and he giggled softly. "I promise when we get home you can kiss me all you want."

"Really?" I asked excited. He nodded and I grabbed his hand dragging him out of the showers. "Well come on! Times a wasting!" Kevin laughed behind and followed me to the dressing room. AJ was nowhere to be seen thankfully.

Well it didn't go exactly as planned. Tyler was still all hyped up about the show and how he had beat Nick at Basketball. (I think it was rigged.) It took Kevin and me a while to get him quieted down for his nap. As soon as Tyler's little eyes closed in sleep I found myself being drug out of the room and into Kevin's. I still tired easily from the pneumonia so I was grateful for the chance to nap. I looked down at Kevin in confusion as he slowly removed all of my clothing. "Kevin, I thought--," I was interrupted by his lips against mine. After he was done kissing me he looked at me with those incredible eyes of his and I melted.

"I want you to be as comfortable as possible," he mumbled as he slid my boxers down. I stepped out of them and he laid them aside and took my hand and led to his bed. After pulling the blankets aside I slid under the sheets. They were satin sheets and they felt so good against my naked flesh. I watched in enjoyment as Kevin stripped out of his clothes too and slid under the blankets and spooned me holding me close. "Now I want you to relax and let me do all the work," he whispered in my ear as his lips blazed a trail down my back and shoulders. His hands found their way to my cock and he gently stroked it. I let out a moan. "Shhhh," he cooed into my ear. Yea right! Like I can control my self when this Greek God was caressing me like no tomorrow. He inched his way around so that he was facing me. I looked up into his eyes and saw the love in them. He looked down at my erect cock and grinned. "So Jr. is all excited huh?" I nodded. "Well let's just see if we can calm him down a bit. I watched in amazement as he made his way down my chest and abs with his lips and tongue until his tongue licked up the side of my cock. I let out another moan and this time he didn't tell me to Shhh. I looked down at my angel as he slowly and torturously engulfed my entire cock in his mouth. After my pubes graced his nose he started to suck hard and bob up and down. I gently massaged his hair and tried not to thrust in and out. I could feel the orgasm build and just when I thought it couldn't get any better Kevin gently inserts a finger up my ass and searches until he finds my prostrate gland and than he gently massages it. I started to shoot really hard and long. Kevin swallowed ever drop that surged out of my cock. Finally my orgasm subsided and he let my now limp cock fall from his mouth. Working his way behind me he wrapped his arms around me pulling me close. "Now sleep my angel," he whispered into my ear. The last thing I remembered was his lips kissing my naked flesh and him humming me asleep.


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Next: Chapter 10: Get Another Boyfriend 21 22

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