Getting Fucked by Mary

By Suzy Suburbanite

Published on Feb 19, 2002


Getting Fucked By Mary By: Sally Suburbanite

Part 1: Mind Fucked and Then Some

Chapter I

My name is Kate, and I guess that until three weeks ago I was just an average suburban soccer mom; shuttling kids to various after school activities, trying to find fulfillment in the garden, or at work, or in front of the stove, and performing my regular wifely duties in the bedroom once every six months or so. I other words...I was stuck in a rut of total boredom. My lifestyle was far from domestic bliss.

Over the past four years, I had become an `Internet widow' as the home computer occupied more and more of my husband's time. Initially, I tried to entice him away from that stupid box with sexy lingerie and feeble attempts at seduction. Then I tried to participate in his online life, but to no avail, he always hid his trail, and really wasn't interested in sharing whatever fun he found.

During those three plus years, I developed a very strong fantasy life, where I was often the center of attention for men (at the start) and later women of all shapes and sizes. I fantasized that I was steeling my husband's online girlfriends and having them go gaga over my sweet little treasure and my toned, well shaped bottom.

I became so enthralled with my fantasy ability to extract my `Lesbian Revenge" against my husband, that most (if not all) of my masturbatory fantasies revolved around women. At some point, I crossed a line, and decided that I had to experience a woman's touch and a woman's sex.

So, back where we started. About six weeks ago, I placed an ad on an internet message board that I am a married woman looking for her first bi-sexual experience. I stated that I wanted somebody--no, not somebody--I wanted a beautiful, nasty woman that could control my body, and take me to places that no man, nor my husband, ever had. I wanted a woman that could possess my very being. I was very, very nervous, but I was not disappointed by the responses.

After two weeks, I had close to thirty entertaining responses. The most enticing was from a woman who identified herself as `Mary'.

"Kate, being a suburban mom myself, I would be pleased to introduce you to the

joys of girl love. I have a very dirty mind, and will stretch your limits in the most

deliciously, nasty manner. I suggest we meet for coffee and a chat.

My Warmest Thoughts,


Along with her decidedly slut-like words was a picture of an average blond house mouse. She was pretty without being overly beautiful, and suggested an exceptional, though understated sensuality. I responded to `Mary':

"My Dear Mary,

Your brief comments intrigue me. I would like very much to meet you.

How does this Friday at 1 pm sound? I will take the afternoon off from work.

I'm not sure where you work, but does the Starbucks at the mall work for you? If

not, then can you suggest someplace that does?

Looking forward to new experiences,


Within the hour Mary responded by accepting my invitation for Friday at 1...what was I doing? Was I really willing to risk my comfortable, albeit boring, life with my husband to taste this forbidden fruit? I had three days to ponder on my actions, to make plans, or come crashing to earth with the realization that I was just Walter Mitty with breasts.

Chapter II

Friday. The moment of truth, so to speak. I was so nervous that I was ready to jump right out of my skin. I couldn't eat breakfast, nor could I focus on any one thought for more than a few seconds. My husband asked if I was feeling ill. (If he meant sick of him, then yes, frankly I was.)

When I entered the shower that morning, it was as if I was dancing on hot coals. I just could not keep still. I masturbated once to a short unsatisfying orgasm, and then decided to trim the hair surrounding my pubis, which ended with a complete shave...something I had not done in 20 years, since I was in college.

Work was no easy task that morning either. I did manage to eat some Danish, but focus on anything other than my `wet little treasure' was a very real issue. I was truly on the verge of sexual madness.

I called the hotel adjacent to the mall, and reserved a magnificent suite overlooking the river. I still had problems fathoming what I was doing, but I was so out of control with my desire for girl sex that I forged ahead, whatever the cost.

I left work at noon, and headed to the onsite health club for a shower and to change. Once again, I couldn't help but rub my exceptionally moist honey pot, to yet another unsatisfying cum. I so hoped that I could relieve myself and forget this fantasy gone wild, that was not the case and I forged ahead...would this be eternal damnation or eternal bliss?.

I dressed in a very short navy skirt (sans panties), a sheer silk blouse (sans bra), and a navy wool blazer. Underneath it all was a simple, black silk garter belt and black silk stockings. I applied my makeup thick and whorish; bright red lipstick, dark pink blush, and the quintessential combo of blue eye shadow and black liner. A few dabs of Joy on the neck, wrists, and even my inner thighs, and I was as ready as I was going to be for this illicit adventure.

I didn't want Mary to have any doubts that I was ready to try her girl sex that very afternoon. I did one last look in the mirror and off I went, into the unknown.

Chapter III

I swung by the hotel and checked in, dropping my bag in the room. I arrived at the coffee shop ten minutes early in the hope that I might sit and collect my nerves before meeting my new friend. I ordered a regular coffee and found an empty booth facing the door.

"Hello? Kate?" Came a quiet voice from behind my left ear. I jumped and turned, almost scared into a heart attack. I came face-to-face with Mary. " Mary?" I said hopefully.

"It's wonderful to meet you my darling Kate," she said as she leaned into me for a light hug and a quick peck on my cheek.

I felt her breast softly touch my own as her lips moved from my cheek to my mouth where she kissed me ever so softly. I absolutely gushed as she pulled back, with her hands on my shoulders and looking me squarely in the eyes and smiled.

Breathlessly I said, "Oh. Oh my. It's nice to meet you as well Mary."

"Shall we sit," she gestured to the booth. I followed her direction, nodded dumbly, and sat as she moved in next to me. I thought it odd that she did not sit across for me until I remembered why we were meeting in the first become lovers.

Mary was sexier, more beautiful and more exotic than her picture conveyed. She was about 5'3", but in her very high heels (I later found out her heels are 5 inches) she seemed much more statuesque, even commanding. She had lovely blonde hair that ran to the middle of her back, and lovely breasts that appeared to be about a C cup.

For the next 45 minutes, we sat close in that booth. We wandered into our secluded cocoon of `mom talk', glancing touches, and intent longing. By the time we reached our limit of coffee, I believed that Mary was "The" one who could expand my life picture well beyond my present reality.

In many ways we were very similar: her three children to my two, her interests in crafts to my interests in gardening, both equal in our education and efforts to `climb the corporate ladder', and both with husbands that are complete bores and totally inattentive to the marriage. I shared with her how I had reached the point of needing to explore my sexual feelings for women, and she shared with me excerpts from her two previous lesbian affairs.

I felt that I was chatting with a life-long friend as we shared our experiences, until Mary shifted her gentle touch from my left arm to my left breast and said, "Darling, do you know that you're made-up like a two dollar whore, is that for me?"

Stumbling over my tongue, I came back to the entire reason for our meeting. This wasn't just friends having coffee. This was not a schmooze meeting for a sales effort. We were checking each other out as prospective lovers. I had a rush of sexual emotion...blushing, inflaming, tingling emotion.

"Yes Mary, it's just for you!"

She almost squealed in her delight.

"I have a room across the street," she said, "If you are interested in moving to more intimate quarters?"

I stared at her full, glistening lips as she was speaking, and then I burst into laughter.

"Oh my goodness," I laughed, "I booked a suite until Monday." And we both burst out laughing.

"Well my pretty little whore, I want my money's worth," she said with a playful, sly grin, while throwing two one dollar bills on the table, grabbing my hand, and leading me out of the coffee shop-- towards my first, and only, lesbian affair.

"Mary wait. I need to pee," she looked at me and said, "Save it my darling. We may need it soon." What had I done? What path of depravity was I going down? Was I ready for the type of uninhibited sexual activity that Mary may be suggesting? `In for a penny, in for a pound' I thought and followed along like a puppy eager for her bitches teat.

Chapter IV

We chatted as we walked the few blocks to the hotel. It was then that I had my first chance to really look at this woman. Mary is about 5'3", very petite, strawberry blonde hair that runs to the middle of her back. I watched her bottom as we walked, and noticed that is was firm under her black skirt. Quite counter from her unruly breasts, which it seamed were barely contained inside her black blazer. It was very apparent that she was not wearing a bra, nor was she wearing a blouse, so the effect was very entertaining.

She caught me stealing glances at her chest, "My, but you are anxious. Here dear, have a peek," she said, as she turned and slightly pulled open the lapel of her blazer and gave me a glimpse of long, womanly breasts. I was stunned and actually gasped. She laughed turned and held out her hand for me to follow.

"Have you already checked-in?" she asked.

"Yes, room 1156." And we went straight to the elevators and headed upstairs.

Somewhere around the 4th floor, Mary pulled me to her and gave me a very passionate, open-mouthed kiss, which ended abruptly as the elevator stopped on the 8th floor. Three women, who appeared to be in their late 30s, entered the car. They were laughing and giggling as I tried my best to look calm. I was feeling completely humiliated and nervous. Did they notice my smeared lipstick? Was my face and neck flush with the excitement from Mary's kiss? "Oh please hurry," I thought.

`Ding!' The elevator car stopped and the doors slowly opened. Mary grabbed my hand and said, "Excuse us please," to the other women. As I strode past, somebody lightly tugged my elbow; I turned my head and came eye-to-eye with a very pretty brunette, "Have fun dear," she said with a wink. I almost died on the spot...she knew. She knew I was going to a hotel room in the middle of a weekday afternoon to have sex with a woman.

As the elevator door shut, I heard one of the women exclaimed, "Well, somebody is getting her pussy sucked today." There was loud giggling. And, as the door slid closed with some finality, I heard a response of, "Sounds like fun. Let's go have a quick one before we..."

Mary led me along the corridor to our room, took the key from my hand and held the door open for me to enter. I was having serious, serious doubts about what was happening. Could I really do this? Was my fantasy this overwhelming?

Chapter V

As I heard the door click shut behind me, I felt an empty pit in my stomach and my heart raced to a point where I thought it may go merrily pumping right out of my chest. I stood frozen just inside the entryway of the room, eyes close, and trying to breathe normally. Was this panic? Oh God, I was terrified. I heard Mary move about the room. She dropped her bag, and I heard the click of her heels on the marble floor of the bathroom. Those heels,' I thought, how I wanted to lick and kiss her pretty, pretty heels,' what am I thinking?

Suddenly, Mary was before me, gently holding both of my hands in hers. I opened my eyes to look into the lovely blue pools of her eyes. "Kate," she started, and leaned forward to give me a very soft kiss on my cheek, "you are so terribly sexy, and I want to make you my lover; to teach you, to make your fantasy your new reality. Kate, my darling...I want this to be a very special turning point of your life. Kate, I want to love you." She was reading my mind: all the emotion coursing through my body, all my fears of appearance, performance and acceptance, my need to be guided through uncharted waters, my need to find new love, and a new lover.

"Let's sit," she said while guiding slowly to the sofa.

I was still in a trance-like state, somewhere between a `B' movie zombie and rough clay for Mary to mold as she saw fit. I dutifully took my place beside her on the sofa. "Are you afraid?" she asked.

" Yes, I'm very scared. I'm not sure I should be here."

"Oh darling, I understand. It seems like a very short time ago that I was in your position. Why don't we try to get you relaxed a bit? Does that sound good to you?"

"Yes...I don't know. I very confused."

"Lean your head against my shoulder and put your arms around me...and listen closely to what I'm about to say." I did as she asked and immediately felt her warmth. I could hear her heart beating and sensed her breast rise and fall as she breathed steadily, calmly. Mary lightly stroked my hair and cheek as she spoke and I listened.

"Kate, I want you to be as comfortable as possible with me and what we are here to explore. I know that all of this is very foreign to you, and that your emotions are running wild at the moment. I will do everything to be gentle, and guide you slowly through this new adventure, but please trust me, it will be an adventure that you will cherish and I hope enthusiastically help to blossom in the coming weeks, months, and years."

I was half paying attention to Mary's words, and was falling into an almost hypnotic state as I listened to her heart beat and felt her warm body enveloped in my arms, and mine in hers. My brain was picking-up key words: explore, wild, foreign, adventure, trust, cherish, words that evoked visions of exotic, exciting places and forbidden acts of physical pleasure...a mental hybrid of the romance novel and a pornographic movie.

She was still speaking, "I don't ever want to do something to, or with, you that you can't cope with. This will not be like sex with a man; you will be an active, explicitly vocal participant in our activities. I am a very demanding teacher Kate, and will expect you to be a responsive student. Do you understand?"

"hmm hmmm," was all I could muster.

"No dear, that is not suitable. You will preface all your answers to my questions by saying, Yes Mary,' Yes ma'am,' or `Yes Teacher,' do you understand Kate? I am the teacher and you are the student."

"Yes Ma'am, I understand that you are the teacher and I am your student."

"Very good darling..."

This beautiful woman was starting to control me as if I were a child, starting to possess my actions, molding me into her lesbian lover...just like in my fantasies.

She continued, "I will expect you to tell me, in explicit detail, about your emotions and feelings during any portion of our time together. I want to hear about your excitement, your fear, humiliation, guilt, and pleasure. If I am to teach you properly, then I must know of your inner-most emotions darling. If you are to learn from me, and be my special lover, then you must trust my judgment. Is this clear Kate?"

"Yes Mary, I must vocally express my emotions to you if I am to be a proper student."

"Now, when you say the magic' word, we will stop. I will not judge, and I will not pressure you into situations were you cannot receive pleasure. In other words, No' means `No' and I will respect your boundaries, just as I expect you to respect me. Do you understand?"

I was feeling so warm, so incredibly ensconced in tender affection that I dare not move, but Mary demanded a response, "Kate darling, did you hear me?"

"mmmmmmmm," was all I could manage.

"Yes my dearest, I will have you mewling and groaning, but please, you need to understand the rules."

"Mary, can we please stay just like this," I whined.

"No darling. You need to listen. I need your commitment."

As I lifted my head from Mary's shoulder, I said, "O.K. Ma'am, Dean Martin." She looked at me quizzically and I restated our `magic' stop word, "Dean Martin is what I'll say if I really, really want you to stop."

Mary giggled...well more than giggled, she guffawed, "Dean Martin?" she laughed, "Why on earth Dean Martin?"

All I said was, "That's Amore"

She hugged me close to her breast and whispered, "Yes my dearest, `That's Amore' my darling little cunt. Now kiss me!"

We fell into each other and kissed the kiss of lovers.

Mary's tongue soon found mine and we wrestled for control of our passion (she won...of course). Our hugs became impatient, yet tender caresses that became needful clutching. Both our bodies betrayed the logic of earlier agreements as we thrust urgently in anticipation of a building climax. Oh, how I needed this release. How I wanted to let myself go, to let my sex be felt by another woman.

But, Mary stopped.

Chapter VI

"Slow down my sweet," she stood and slowly removed her suit coat; revealing her long conical breasts, topped by very dark, very prominent, red nipples that extended a good two inches from the breast itself. `What amazing tits,' I thought. Why was I thinking in those terms?

I stared at her stunning tits. I stared at the small gold rings that pierced the end of each nipple. I stared at the toned muscles of her upper chest and shoulders. I was awed by her delicate neck, the tiny hairs standing on end, as if waiting for my kisses. My God, how I want to kiss her. Devour her body with my lips.

"Do my breasts excite you dear Kate?"


"What, you nasty slut?"

"Yes Ma'am, the sight of your breasts excites me," was my more formal response. I still didn't understand why I had to answer her questions in this manner...but, I was to learn.

She cupped her left breast and said, "Kiss my nipple dear."

As I moved forward from my seated position, towards her inviting tit, she said, "Yes Kate, kiss mommy's nipple," and I did.

Mary grabbed my hair and pulled my head to her other breast and told me to pleasure her other tit, which I gladly did. My womanly treasure was feeling hot and juicy; I was embarrassed by my overt excitement to her domineering actions.

Mary pushed me back on the sofa, and said, "Look at me darling." As if I could stop. I watched as she lowered the zipper on her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Like me, she was not wearing panties. Unlike me, she had a small tuft of hair above her pretty, pink treasure. Unlike me, she wore thigh-high stockings and not a garter belt.

"Look darling," she teased, "does my body excite you? I know you excite me." And, she bent over to place her hands on her ankles and slowly, ever so slowly, drew her fingers up along her calves, to her thighs and ultimately to her wet, wet pussy. "Oh my, but you excite me," she moaned, while dipping her right index finger into her honey pot. I was utterly transfixed on her self-gratification, but she suddenly moved her finger from her wetness to my lips, "Taste me Kate," she moaned, "taste how you excite me, my darling."

Without any hesitation, I opened my mouth and took her wet, glistening finger against my tongue. "mmmmm," I moaned as Mary slowly pumped her tasty finger in and out of my mouth. I am doing it,' I thought, I finally tasted the sex juice of another woman. In this lovely hotel room, fully-dressed, on my knees before my naked Mary, I was actually getting to taste the glorious, musky tide of a woman.'

Mary slowly removed her finger from my mouth and placed it under my chin. She raised my head so that our eyes met in a lock of passion and lust. "Stand Kate," she commanded. She started to pet my cheek with her left hand; "Is this how you imagined it Kate? Did you enjoy your first taste of a woman's cunt?"

"Oh Mary, yes Mary, yes...I love the taste of your juice."

"What kind of juice my darling Kate?"

"Its your sex juice."

"Now Kate, I told you to be both explicit and specific," Mary demanded. "I'll ask you again. Did you enjoy your first taste of a woman's cunt?"

"Yes Ma'am, I loved my first taste of your...cunt." I shuddered in what I can only describe as a mini orgasm as I said that filthy word.

She pulled me close to her and whispered in my left ear, "Do you want more of my cunt juice Kate? Do you want to become a slut for my hot, wet cunt darling? Are you ready for me to teach you how a proper lesbian worships a woman's cunt?"

Mary's hot whispers against my ear and repeated use of THAT word made me absolutely vibrate. I was having one small orgasmic burst after another as she hugged me close to her naked body. "Oh Mary, oh Mary yes," I moaned loudly.

She pushed me back to arms length and looked into my eyes, waiting for me to provide my `proper' response. Mary looked at me with a knowing gleam, that she just turned a suburban housewife into a cunt worshipping, lesbian slut, without once touching my breasts or my treasure. That I was thoroughly and completed ravished, fucked, and truly well at that, just from her words and one small taste of her cunt juice.

"Yes Ma'am," I started, as she reached to gently stroke my cheek, "I am ready for you to teach me how to worship your cunt. I am ready and willing to become your lesbian slut. Mary, I need to taste more of your cunt juice. I'll do anything for you Ma'am." Now I was beginning to understand her demands for me to vocalize my feelings. She was right. This was not like sex with my husband, or any man I had ever known, this seemed almost a play on a stage; that I was an actress in that play, reading her lines not for the edification of an audience, but for the pleasure of the director. Hearing these words come from my mouth was forcing me to accept what I was doing...simultaneously humiliating me and exciting me, but without guilt as I did not, or could not control the script.

As I finished declaring my lustful commitment to her, Mary again dipped her delicate finger into her cunt and held it up for me to marvel at the glistening, viscous juice clinging to the pale digit. I watched, transfixed, as she applied her cunt sauce to her lips as if it was the most precious lip gloss known to women, "Kiss me my darling Kate," her wish was my joyous command.

I gently explored her soft lips with my tongue, tasting for the second time the magical musky flavor of her cunt. Mary unbuttoned my blazer and blouse and urgently pushed both off my shoulders. Then to my skirt which she deftly unbuttoned and unzipped only to have it fall around my ankles in an unceremonious pile. Save for my heels, stockings and garter I was naked, in the arms of another woman for the very first time in my life. My fear and trepidation had all but disappeared as my lovely teacher took complete control of my body and mind. Mary made me feel so desirable, so sexy, so wanted...I never wanted her to stop.

Mary broke our kiss and hugged me close. She reached her hand between our naked bodies and touched my treasure. Oh god,' I thought, it is happening. This beautiful woman is touching me in the most intimate way...she is touching my cunt.' Mary started a couple inches from the top of my slit and dug her finger into my lusty valley; pressing onto my clitoris and further down into my cunt hole. "My darling, but aren't you the saucy little bitch? You're absolutely flooded." She whispered into my ear. "Is all this sweet pussy cream for me?"

"Yes Ma'am, all my cunt juice is just for you," I moaned.

"No dearest, only experienced girl lovers have cunts, yours is a pussy or fanny." And she continued to forcibly stroke my pussy.

"Oh Mary, my pussy cream is all for you," I groaned into her ear. My teacher, dare I say, my mistress set another boundary on our stage of lesbian sex.

"Do you want mummy to fuck your smooth little pussy and make her little girl feel good?"

"Oh my god," was all I could manage as another series of rapid little cums shook my body to the point where Mary had to hold me on my feet as my knees buckled. I almost fainted from the pure sexual pleasure of her touch and her depraved words.

"Now little Katie, you know that is not a proper answer," she demanded as my `mummy', my tormenter inserted her long, delicate finger into my pussy.

"Yes mommy, yes, yes...please fuck your little girl's pussy. Please mommy, make me cum." I was almost screaming by this point as Mary thrust first one, then two, then three, then four fingers into my pussy hole. She pumped me hard--very, very hard--for a minute or so, taking me as no man ever had, ravishing my hot, smooth pussy; and then I came, and what an orgasm it was. The whole lower half of my body just seemed to go limp. It felt as though every bit of energy I had was flowing out through my pussy...all of my tension, all of my fear, all of my self-consciousness, all of my anger, every emotion stored for years on-end in my middle-aged body gushed-forth from my `little girl' pussy.

"That's it my darling little dyke, let everything go. Let Mommy take care of you my adorable slut." Mary still held me standing as my breathing and blood pressure returned to something close to normal. She gently led me to the bed and laid me down.

"Kate darling, that is just the start," she said, all the while stroking my face and hair, bringing the feelings of love and acceptance flushing back to my inner soul. I began to doze-off. Totally overcome by my lesbian awakening, in not only physical love between women, but dominance and submission. My last thought before falling into a most peaceful and restful sleep was that I would do anything this delightful woman asked of me. The last words I remember speaking before sleep overtook me were, "Mary, I love you."

-------------------End of Part One of Getting Fucked By Mary

This is my first attempt at publishing my fantasy erotica. I am very interested in responses from lesbian this too graphic? too tame? (This story will get much more intense in following sections...'Dean Martin' may be used more than once.)

For the male audience, I have a number of male-to-male-to-female bi-sex fantasies, as well as interactial gangbang fantasies that I may try to write about in coming months. ANd who says suburbia is a cultural wasteland. Copyright 2002 Anonymous, Arlington VA USA

Next: Chapter 2

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