Getting Fucked by Mary

By Suzy Suburbanite

Published on Oct 7, 2002


(F/F, FFFFF, Adult Friends)

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It`s a story of lesbian sex, so if that offends you, or is illegal where you live, or if you're underage where you live, then you must not read it. It is a work of FICTION.

Thanks to all who wrote regarding Part I - XII of Getting Fucked by Mary.

Please be sure to e-mail feedback to

enjoy, Suzy

Part XIII: Epilogue

Chapter L

That first week after my awakening was a whirlwind of life changes. I hired Lena as my summer intern, and Shell hired Maddi in the same capacity for her department. Tammary, Shelby, and Mary collaborated on getting Maddi and Lena moved into Tam's five bedroom townhouse that was both convenient to work and to where their classes would be held in the fall.

"Now girls, you must be good and obey Miss Tammary's rules," Shelby warned the young women as we unpacked what few belongings each possessed. "Tammary will report any transgressions, so be good little girls."

Tam seemed thrilled to have the company, even as young as they both were. Her first order to her new young charges was nakedness was not only accepted in her house, but preferred. I could see that my new "little sister" was going to be well and fully occupied during her stay with Tammary.

Shelby and Mary split the ridiculously low rent that Tam agreed to in exchange for regular help with the domestic duties and "other duties as assigned". Maddi had a huge grin on her face while Shelby rubbed her through her jeans as Tam described a few of the "other duties".

The first Saturday after "the weekend" was interesting to say the least. Mary and her two sweet children joined me and my kids, along with Caroline and her kids for a "play date" at our swim club. Caroline rambled on and on about all the women that she's had, pointing out some of the most conservative, and snooty women in our community.

"You could drive a fucking truck through her pussy," Caroline forced a smile as she waved to the president of the local PTA who stood at the far side of the pool.

"You're kidding," I questioned, wide-eyed, as I also waved to the smiling Judith Sunseri.

"No I'm not kidding...and she likes it when I fart on her face," Caroline whispered.

"Oh gross," Mary and I commented in unison, giggling wildly.

Play date took on a whole new meaning that day. After we finished with the pool, Mary, Caroline and me went to my house and fucked while Nadia watched the kids next door. Caroline showed me how to get Mary to squirt, and I showed Caroline my new hand skills.

"Oh you fucking bitch," Caroline groaned as my hand slipped into her wide cunt, "fuck Kate, why didn't we do this sooner...c'mon girl...fuck me, fuck me real good and hard."

Before leaving, Mary demanded that Caroline respect me, and my wishes, and to not expose my new sexuality to anybody.

"There are plans in the works, and I don't want you to screw them up," Mary warned.

"Sure, sure."

Chapter LI

Megan and I finally had our little chat one day while my husband took our youngest, Anne, to soccer practice. Meg told me that she and Nadia had been fooling around for about a year and just recently began "going all the way".

"What exactly do you mean by that Megan," I queried as gently as possible.

"You know..."

"We may have different ideas is all," I wasn't sure I should pry, but this is my daughter and I wanted to be sure she is safe, "Did Nadia deflower you honey?"

"Yes. Boy did she ever," my daughter sounded happy at the thought of the event. "But what about you mom? Are you really fooling around with girls now?"

"Yes honey. You've met Mary," I started to explain, "she's my lover, and we have a very special friendship."

"Do you love her Mom?"

"Yes, very, very much," I could feel myself blushing as I confessed my lesbianism to my daughter.

"Do you still love daddy?"

"Yes Meg, but in a different way than I once did."

"Ok mom, I think I understand."

"Does Anne know about you and Nadia?" I asked, wondering how gay my little family had become.

Megan blushed again, ", yeah. She sort of caught me and Nadia in the shower together."

"How did she react?"

"She wanted to come in with us and play in our "tickle" games," my daughter explained.

I rolled my eyes a bit, "Meg, you two need to be more discreet...ok honey.

Otherwise your father will find out and I don't think he will understand.

Just be a bit more careful."

"Ok Mom."

Chapter LII

It's been six weeks now since my first lesbian experience, and my life couldn't be happier. Mary and I get to see each other about four times per week. Sometimes we wind up in bed, but mostly we just sit and talk and hold hands. Lena is in "English as a second language" courses and is going to be hired full-time by my firm within a couple weeks. Unfortunately, not in my department, but she will be close enough to join me for "lunch" as often as we both need.

My husband and I have an arrangement now, after the private investigator Mary hired caught him on video screwing a mailroom girl from his office. All I asked was that he be discreet, and not create a public scene and to never, ever try to have sex with me again. He agreed, and we now cohabitate amicably. The funny thing is, now that I know he is fucking around, he is much nicer and more attentive `round the house.

Christina managed to talk Shelby out of leaving her husband and running-off with Maddi, but Shell is completely out-of-control, mad in-love (lust) with the young woman. I think Chrissy is a little pissed at her "Mommy" for falling so hard for the innocent waif, but she is taking this in her normal easy stride.

"She'll get over it, I know, because she acted the same way when we first got together," Chris explained in her quiet calm to me at lunch one day, "Don't get me wrong, I think Maddi is a ton of fun, but Shelby just gets so damned infatuated."

"And I wouldn't say that Maddi is being exactly faithful, if what Lena tells me is even halfway true," I added.

"But Shell likes that. She likes to hear about how Tammary fucks Maddi and Lena silly almost every night, even after Shell has visited with Maddi for a few hours in the evening," Chrissy sounded a bit exasperated as she whispered to me, "I hope I don't need to find a new mommy. I really adore Shelby."

And so goes my life. To the outside world, I'm an average suburban soccer mom with two beautiful children and an idiot husband. But, to those that know, I'm a terribly horny and adventurous lesbian girl who will do anything and try anything to satisfy her Mommy. Ask me six weeks ago if I could ever imagine drinking urine from a woman's cunt and my answer would have been a resounding "No". Now, ask me the same question...and my answer is a hearty, "yes Mommy".

Mary has opened my emotions to happiness that I had long forgotten. The joy and consuming desire for a soul mate; that one person who makes you feel complete. I've found that person in Mary, my mommy, my love.

So my friends that is the story of how I was seduced, and found a delightful, tender partner to guide me into my new life. Its Friday afternoon now, and I need to finish preparing for a night out on the town.

My husband has already gone out to meet whomever, and Nadia and my girls are settling-in with a pizza and a couple movies. Tonight, Mary is taking me to a seminar on anal sex for women, hosted by Tristan Taormino, and we're both hoping that this is the woman who can coach me through a proper anal fisting.

Wish me luck; both me and my butt will need it.


And who says suburbia is a cultural wasteland. Copyright 2002 Anonymous, Arlington VA USA

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