Getting Her Wet

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 15, 2013




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Hey, Jeff! Jefferson!" came the call.

I looked up. There were several "Jeffs" on the job here, but I was the only one whose full first name was "Jefferson," not "Jeffrey." "Hey, Cody!" I returned.

For it was Cody Fairbanks, one of the luckiest damned men in the world. He had married Teresa Dickinson, a large-busted blond knockout whose body had danced through the dreams of many a lonesome rednecked construction worker at night. He'd been the one who'd landed her, and after that, I'd had to stop eating with him. Oh, not jealousy, it's just that he'd spend every lunch hour regaling everyone with what he and her had done the night before. Teresa wasn't only a hell of a foxy babe, she was also a girl of many, many talents in the sack. I'd listened to his tales of nightly bliss and multiple ejaculations until I couldn't take it any more. The worst of it was, I'd landed Teresa myself exactly once. Guess I wasn't any good in bed, because that had been the only time she'd given me the time of day after that. Nice, but not interested, you know how that is.

Cody had married her, though, taking her out of circulation. I'd attended their wedding, Cody all tall and broad-shouldered and ruggedly handsome in his tuxedo, sunburned face over light brown hair combed but still looking tousled, and Teresa looking gorgeously elegant in her white wedding dress and looking radiantly happy, both of them. Damn it, that should have been me with him, not her! I mean, me with her, not him!

I realized Cody had said something. "What?" I asked. Not entirely dumbly, he had sort of mumbled what he'd said.

"I said I need to ask you something private."

"Sure." I said. "Sit down." I gestured to the stack of lumber I was sitting on and he joined me, two studs on a pile of studs. I offered him my apple. "Want a bite of this?"

"Nah." he said. "It's about Teresa."

My heart jumped up into my throat and I had to swallow it again. "What about her?"

"You know she's a rather...wild one in bed." he started.

"Don't remind me!" I moaned. "Go ahead, sorry."

"Well, the longer we're married, the wilder she's getting and it's gotten to the point where...."


"Well, she's started bringing a third person into things. Asking one of her friends to get in bed with us and both of us do things with her. It'd be her and the girl making it while I watched, until they said I could join in, fuck both of them. And then it was the three of us, both her and me making it with the girl."

I moaned again. "Shit, Cody, you're driving me crazy."

He didn't seem to hear me, or maybe he was committed. "Then she added another guy instead of a girl. Him and me sharing her." He didn't sound that he'd liked that one at all! "And now, it's even worse."

"What does she want now?" I was genuinely curious. I could do the arithmetical progression here, and.... "No way!" I said.

"Yeah. She wants me to make it with a guy while she watches at first. She says when she gets all hot and wet, the two of us can ram her at once if we want to."

"So what does that have to do with me?" I asked. Was Cody offering to share Teresa with me....

"I know you've got that cousin, you told us about him, Steve, the gay one. I figured if you could give me his phone number, I could talk to him about being the other guy."

This was a surprise to me! "You want me to give you Steve's phone number so you and he can...."

"It's not my idea!" Cody said defensively. "But hell, I don't mind a guy getting his jollies with me long as he doesn't want to fuck my wife after."

"Oh!" I said, understanding it now. Cody was willing to do it with other people, but was jealous enough of Teresa to not want anyone else doing it with her. Another woman, maybe but that was different, I guess. So a gay guy sucks his cock a bit, then he sticks it in Teresa. Yeah, I got it. I didn't like it, but I got it. "I'll have to look at home, give it to you tomorrow."

"Yeah, that'll be fine. Tomorrow. Sure." Cody got up and dusted at his slim hips. I could just see that he had an erection in there, a fat sausage of a cock bulging out his crotch. God, it was huge! Teresa was one fucking lucky woman....

I spent the afternoon thinking it over. Cody had never met Steve, but I had. There are gay guys and you can spend a while with them and even have a drink and talk and they don't freak you out. And then there's Steve. All makeup and fluttering hands and effeminate talk and frilly tops in pink and purple pastels and calling you "girlfriend," until you couldn't figure out if he was gay or just one hell of an ugly girl or God's joke on my entire family. Having Cody, big, strong Cody, in bed with that travesty of a cousin was just...just plain sickening!

But what else was he going to do? Ask a co-worker to have sex with him for his wife's sake? Who among these guys, these beer-drinking, pool-playing, hard-working, hard-living men, could Cody ask to go the other way with him without losing all respect and have to move to another town or something, Cody, the guy who'd sucked another guy's cock or had his cock sucked by a guy, you just didn't DO that among this crowd. But he'd trusted me enough to talk to me about it.

I couldn't betray that trust.

So when it was quitting time, I sought Cody out, caught up to him as he was walking to his pickup by running. "Cody, Cody!" I called, out of breath. We had to park two blocks away and our job was a real ball-buster, I was tired!

He stopped and turned. "Hey, Jeff!" Now we were alone, he could call me that.

"About...hoo! About you and Teresa!" I gasped.

"Yeah?" He was rightfully suspicious. I mean, I had said I'd have to look up Steve's phone number for him and maybe I'd had second thoughts. Which I'd had, but not that one.

"Look, you don't want Steve!" I panted. "He's a total flaming faggot, all limp and bitchy and he'll tell everyone that he and you did it. Who you want is...." I had run out of breath.

"Who?" he demanded.

"Me." I said. "I'll do it with you. If you want to! I don't have to fuck Teresa after, I'll just sit by the bed and jerk off if I have to. That's better than a fairy, isn't it?"

"You want to do it? With me?"

"Yeah." I said. "I mean...if you want to, that is."

"Why?" He wanted to know.

"Why? Because...because you and me are buddies. And you need me."

Cody looked at me and in that rugged, hard-eyed face, the eyes softened. "I'll talk to Teresa about it. You and her did it once, I know."

I hadn't told him about that. "Oh. Well, she wasn't interested in me after that one time."

"I'll talk to her." Cody said with sudden determination. "If she's willing, I'll give you a call about it. Maybe we can get this over with tonight. Teresa doesn't ask me to do this sort of shit that often, thank God."

"Tonight." I gulped. "Okay. Sure. If you want to."

"I'll call you." he said again. I let him get into his pickup and drive away and then walked over to my own car. Shit, what was I getting myself into here? What? What?

I was home and washed when the call came from Cody. "What did Teresa say?" I asked when I knew it was him. Why waste words?

"She's fine with it, more than fine. Said get on over here, she's eager to see two guys making it."

I felt my mouth go dry. "I can be there in a half hour."

I spent ten of those minutes getting into nice clothes. I'd bathed already as I'd said, but I combed my hair carefully, picked out clothes that weren't work-stained and dabbed on some cologne I kept for my special dates. Expensive as hell, but the girls liked it on me. Teresa had.

Teresa met me at the door and gave me a hug, like I was an old friend when I hadn't seen her since, well, since her marriage nearly two years ago to Cody. "Jefferson Holder, God, it's good to see you again. And I'll see more of you tonight, too."

"I guess you will." I said. And then, to Cody. "Hey, Cody."

"You guys want a drink first?" Teresa offered.

"I'm fine." I said.

"Me, too." Cody said. "Let's get it over with."

Teresa just beamed. "Great! I can't wait!" And she gave a high-pitched squeal of excitement to cap it all off, and led the way, me and Cody following her to the bedroom.

The bedroom had been done up with silk sheets and lots of candles providing the only light, but enough light to make it about the same as a three-way bulb on the lowest setting. It gave everything a flickering, golden tone.

Teresa had been wearing a long dress, one pull at her throat and it slid down her body and she was naked. Dumbfounded, I watched as she walked to a chair in one corner and sat down in it as regally as if dressed like a queen instead of buck naked. "Okay, boys, start getting those clothes off."

I reached for my shirt buttons and so did Cody, and she raised a hand, stopping us. "Nu-uh. You two undress each other. Slow. Like you love each other."

I gulped and turned to face Cody. He was chagrined but I smiled and reached up for his shirt and began to undo the buttons. He did the same for mine. We moved fairly fast, but Teresa didn't complain. My body was bare under the shirt, Cody had on a tank-top. His work-horned hands stroked over my chest and I couldn't believe how good it felt, I didn't have to pretend anything, I just closed my eyes and hissed.

"Nice." Teresa allowed.

I reached and pulled his tanktop up and over his head, he lifted his arms to let me pull it over him and away. I discarded it and my own hands went onto and over his chest, slow circular motions over those majestic mounds of man-flesh topped with a soft patina of chest fur. God, it felt so firm, so hard! Women are soft all over, a man is and isn't, there's steel under the velvet, not foam rubber like with women. I looked into Cody's eyes and there was that softness again in those steel-grey orbs. His chest rose and fell more than mere breathing would account for.

That emboldened me to reach for his lips and my arms went around him and his came up to enfold me and we kissed, Cody and me.

"Yeah, that's the way, get all hot and bothered." Teresa urged us. "Rub against him, get your dicks hard."

We did and I know I was hard. Cody was so damned tight-packed that I couldn't tell through his jeans if he was as well, not by just rubbing at him.

His hands came in and began to fight at my belt and we quickly ran into a barricade there. A shirt, another guy can take off you without much trouble. Jeans, belts and such, though, those are too tight, you take them off yourself by sucking in your gut and hunching at the right moment, other hands can't make that coordinated a ballet. We fumbled at each other and I broke away from Cody's embrace.

"Sorry, Teresa, we got to break for our shoes and jeans." I said, panting.

"Okay, guys, go for it. Hurry up, I want you two naked." Teresa panted herself.

"I think we're getting her wet." I told Cody with a grin. He grinned, too and we both fought our shoes and socks off, then undid our pants and shucked our underwear with the jeans. Or I did, I noticed Cody wasn't wearing any. A tank-top but no briefs? Have to ask about that...later!

"On the bed, on the bed!" Teresa was busily with her hand at her crotch. I was the wrong angle to see much more than that she was doing it, but it didn't matter. My eyes were on Cody and that prod he had between his legs, a long piece of swinging sausage that was swelling as I watched. Me, I was hard as a rock already, my cock pointed at Cody as he lay back on the bed, a long golden form of male studliness splayed out for my attentions.

I scrambled onto the bed and we lay head to toe, my idea, but Cody cooperated.

"That's it, you're hot for each other, you want to suck each other, yeah, yeah!" Teresa moaned from her post in the chair. "Don't play kissy-kissy, take each other down, take it all the fucking way down, yeah!"

Cody's cock was still engorging, but it was a fat hunk of meat just the same, I caught it and lifted it to my lips and took it in my mouth. It was hot and salty and musky and all male, I couldn't believe how good it felt on my tongue and between my lips, like it was taking the entire human race into my mouth at once, all virility and masculinity bottled into a single tube of male tumescence.

When I felt the warmth on my own cock, I didn't recognize it at once. A moist warmness around my glans, that slid further down, but no contact, until it was his lips clamping onto my prick.

I had Cody's lips on my prod! I couldn't believe it! I had expected him to pretend to do it, to push my cock to one side with me on top of him, it's why I'd picked our position. But he took me, took me down and I groaned and began to suck on him for real.

Small grunts of pleasure slipped from my mouth and his as we sucked each other, "Mh! Mh! Mh! M-m-mh-hh! Mh! Mh! Mh!"

"Oh, God, that's so hot!" Teresa groaned. "You guys sucking each other is so freaking turning me on."

Cody's lips slipped from my cock. "Is she getting wet yet?"

I cocked an eye at her and she smiled, shook her head. "Not enough yet." I told Cody.

He grunted only and his lips fastened on me again. I slid over and we lay side by side, our upper bodies turned up and our lower bodies flat on the bed, so Teresa could see me and her husband sucking on each other. Two big, hard-muscled construction workers sucking each other for her entertainment.

"Yeah, come on, suck him, Cody, suck Jeff's cock for me!" Teresa grunted. "Jeff, you suck my husband's cock, make him cream in your mouth for me, make him come and come in his mouth!"

"Huh!" Cody gasped and turned loose of me. "Hell, no! No fucking way!"

"Oh, honey...."

"That wasn't the deal!" Cody rolled onto his back fully and raised up on his elbow. I let go of him, his cock was rock-hard, a long uncut dong all slicked up with my saliva, shiny and gleaming. "The deal was we did this until you got wet from watching us."

"But you haven't gotten me wet yet." Teresa protested. "I'm turned on, but honey, I'm just not slicked up yet. You got to get my juices flowing, baby. Come on, suck him some more, you can drink come once for me, can't you?"

"Hell, no!"

I was groaning in my passion and it had sort of taken over my brain. Teresa may not be turned on enough from watching, but my sucking and being sucked by Cody had driven me right into that area of sex where you don't care where you stick it and why, you just want to get off! "It's okay, Teresa." I grunted rather than said. "I got something that'll get you wet, guaranteed, and Cody won't have to do a damned thing!"

"What?" Cody wanted to know.

"Just shut up and lay there." I said and I scrambled around and straddled him, knelt down to sit on his lower abdomen.

"You're not going to...." Cody started and I caught hold of his cock and guided it up to my asshole.

"Oh, shit!" Teresa groaned. "Jeff, you're going to do that?"

"Damned right I am!" I snarled and Cody's cockhead kissed my anus and I pushed him into position and held him while I sat back onto it.

"Ah-huh-huh-uh-huh!" Cody groaned as I slid his dong into my butthole. It hurt like hell, and you know, I didn't give a flying fuck! I just wanted him in me, in me!

"Come on, give it to me!" I demanded as I slid him in to the base. I felt his prong in me, hot and wet and maybe some of that was my own blood, I didn't care! "Fuck me, you hard bastard, fuck me!"

Cody wormed and tried to thrust upwards, but he couldn't move with me in that position.

I groaned and began to ride him like the hard-muscled stallion he was! Oh, God, damn, yeah! That hard schlong moving back and forth in my ass and it was good, so damned good!

Cody's eyes were wide, his mouth open and as I rode him, his head tilted further back and he let out a moan that came from his very heart. "Guuuuuuuuuuuuh!"

"Oh, yeah, Cody, uh, huh, huh!" I grunted. "Hot man, so fucking hot! I love your cock in my butt, buddy, it's so hard and feels so good, damn yeah, come on, man, cream in my butt, shoot your wad, blow it all in there!"

"Oh, man, I'm wet, I'm wet!" Teresa moaned. And she was getting on the bed with us. "I'm wet, guys, I'm wet!"

And I shoved her back from her approach to us. "Get away from him, bitch! He's all mine! Mine, I tell you!"

"Oh, God, oh, oh, oh!" Cody was moaning.

Teresa was moaning, too and she tried to dive her head down to suck my cock, I think, but I intercepted her again and pushed her head away. She didn't get any of this! None!

I pushed her harder the second time and she slipped and slid off the bed. She landed on her feet, but it was awkward for her, she fumbled and stumbled and that gave me the time to finish off her husband.

"Give it to me, Cody, shoot it, shoot it, hard!"

"Oh, God, oh, GAH-AH-HAH-HAH, AH-GAHHHHHH!" Cody yelled and his hot spunk shot into my ass! Oh, God, it was so hot, so good!

I felt the rush of his sperm into my bowels and I cried, "Oh, yeah, give it all to me, ye-e-ah, ah, ah, AH-GAHHHHHHH, AH-AHHHH, AHH-AHHHHH!" And I was squirting my load all over Cody's stomach and chest, hot sprays of my jizz flew up to above his nipples, I threw my head up and crowed my remaining joy to the sky as Cody writhed under me and his jizz squelched and drizzled down Cody's shaft and onto his balls, and it was all hot and slick and joyful.

I sagged down and lay on top of Cody, me panting like hell and him groaning in the aftershocks of pleasure. "Ah, damn, man, ah!" I gasped.

"That was so fucking hot!" Cody agreed. "Man, I couldn't stop myself, not even with Teresa trying to get to my cock."

"Oh, oh, oh!" Teresa was groaning and digging in her bedroom dresser. Why?

The answer came out in her hand. A large, thick dong-shaped dildo. "You bastards, you were supposed to wait for me." She moaned and got back into the chair, her legs splayed wide and the dildo was wielded toward her pussy.

"Oh, man, oh, man!" Cody groaned.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Teresa ordered us. "I need the bed to finish this and you two aren't any damned help to me at all now. Get up and get out! Now!"

I'd spent enough time with Teresa pre-marriage to know she meant it. I got shakily to my feet and Cody, too, I started to get my clothes but Cody just steered me back upright and out the door and into the living room. Inside, he got us to the couch and we collapsed onto it side by side.

I could hear Teresa in the bedroom, moaning and grunting. Fucking herself silly with the dildo, I assumed.

"She'll get over it." Cody told me. "Just give her a chance to get off and calm down. Then we'll get you your clothes out of there."

"Fine with me." I panted. "I need a break myself! Whoo!"

"That was fucking hot!"

"I'll say." And then I almost burst out laughing, except I didn't have any breath left over to laugh with. "What do you think?"

"About what?"

"You think we got her wet?"

Cody started laughing like me, that breathless half-chuckles that is all you can do when you're worn out. "Yeah, I think we did."

In the bedroom, Teresa's moans of ecstasy hit a crescendo and dropped off again. Cody and I listened to it all, grinning at each other.

"I'd say she's finished now."

"Teach her to bring in another guy for me to fuck with." Cody said, his tone almost businesslike. "I'll go get our clothes. There's vodka in the refrigerator if you want a drink."

"I'm fine." I said, almost with sadness. It had been a hell of a ride, but it was over now.

I dressed and got out of there as soon after as I could. Teresa never came out to even say good-bye.

That all happened on a Tuesday night. Cody avoided me on Wednesday, was quickly polite (hi, there, bye, and such) on Thursday. I learned that day from a co-worker that Teresa had understandably not been the least bit happy about how Cody and I had treated her that night and they were fighting tooth-and-nail about it, and figured I'd lost Cody as anything but a co-worker. The penalty for joining couples in their sex games in bed is that "buyer's remorse" can be really nasty.

But on Friday, Cody sought me out. Friday was a half-day of work, so we were done by one o'clock and that's when he came and found me, as I was leaving work "Hey, Jeff."

"Hey." I said. If he wanted to pretend he'd never fucked my ass while his wife watched, fine, I'd play the game.

"I need another favor from you." Cody went on.

"What? You mean, like Teresa?"

"Yeah. Her idea again."

I perked up despite myself. Cody had been a hell of a great lay in bed. If he wanted to do it again. "What's her idea this time?"

"You got the weekend free?"

"I can." I allowed cautiously.

"Want to spend it at my house?"

"Teresa's idea?"

"Yeah." Cody said and I walked with him toward our parking lot, but he was silent.

When we reached our cars, I broke the silence. "So, what is it Teresa wants you and me to do this time?"

"She's going to spend the weekend with her mother." I looked at Cody, but he was solemn. "I said we'd only done what we did to get her wet and she said, You want to get me wet? Fine, I'll go visit my mother and you and Jeff can fuck each other silly all weekend long and that'll get me wet!"


"So what do you say?"

"To what?"

"Spend the weekend with me, doing what Teresa said would get her wet. How about it? Can you help me get her wet?"

"You mean, you and me...." I felt my stomach fill with a pool of warmth that must have bubbled up from my balls. "Yeah. I'll help you get her really nice and wet."

"Let's go."


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Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.


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