Getting Lucky

By moc.loa@33698ykcuL

Published on Feb 28, 2000


Getting Lucky

All characters are property of ABC and General Hospital. This is not meant to imply anything about the characters or the actors that portray them.

This chapter is only a short time in the future after Lucky returns to Port Charles. I know that Lucky may be a completely different when he gets back but this story assumes he is just normal old Lucky. Although Jacob Young is now portraying Lucky I prefer thinking of Lucky as Jonathan Jackson still but you can picture it however you want.

If you enjoy this story, or if you hate it, please let me know by e-mail at I would really appreciate any comments (positive or negative) and story ideas with other celebrities or continuation of this story. This story will be more story than some of my others but I will be building up to the next section which will include more sex.

"Lucky!" Luke was so happy to be looking into the eyes of his son again. For awhile there he wasn't sure he would ever do that again. Lucky ran up to his dad and hugged him harder than he had ever hugged him before. Lucky looked a little older but was still the Lucky that Luke new and loved. During the hug Luke noticed that it felt as if Lucky had taken advantage of his time in captivity by working out and had built up some muscle.

"Dad, what took you so long? I mean come on candles? I thought you new me!"

Lucky gave his dad a punch in the shoulder to show him that he was just kidding. Luke faked a frown and pretended like his feelings had been hurt. Luke couldn't believe he was actually standing talking to his son. He hugged him again and then took a step back to look at his son again.

"You know son you look pretty good for a dead guy. Your mom is going to flip when she finds out you are alive, and LuLu is going to go through the roof. And I know that Liz, Emily, and Nikolas will be ballistic. Apparently Juan keeps saying that he wishes he could have met you." Luke was still grinning uncontrollably.

"Who's Juan? I don't think he was there the last time I was in Port Charles." Juan had come to Port Charles after Lucky's "death" and so Lucky had never met him.

"Juan is Emily's boyfriend. You remember Miguel Morez. Well Juan is Miguel and Lily's son. He came to town thinking that Sonny was his father and when he found out that he wasn't he stayed in town because of Emily. Now I can finish catching you up on the way back to Port Charles. What do you say we get out of here." Luke began to walk to the door.

Lucky turned as if to look the place over one more time. He looked back to his dad and smiled. "You know I'm really gonna miss this place. I was beginning to think of this place as home."

"You know Cowboy if you want to stay I can leave you here." Luke tried his best at a very serious face.

"As tempting as that is I think I'll come with you."

A few hours later as the plane flies in to Port Charles Lucky recaps everything that his dad had told him to catch him up.

" So let me get this straight. Carly married AJ, Jax married Alexis and Ned married some fashion designer. And now Carly is having Sonny's baby. Since Carly is having Sonny's baby, Jason left town."

"So far so good."

"And then this guy named Roy that you told me was shot and killed is now your partner at Lukes. Sonny was in love until he found out that his girlfriend was FBI. And Nikolas found out that he really is the prince and Stefan isn't really his father. Aunt Bobbie was about to get married to Jerry Jax, Jax's brother, when the feds came and broke it up. And now because Liz and Jason became friends some guy named Sorel is trying to get information from her and Sonny had to put a guard on her. Did I miss anything?"

"That pretty much raps up the major happenings. Oh except while researching Lila's memoirs, Felicia Scorpio were locked in a crypt and nearly died. Turned out that it was Reginald, the Quartermaine butler who locked us up, but he wasn't going to let us die."

"Sounds exciting!"

"Not without you it wasn't." Luke took his son's hand as they came to a stop. "Now wait here I told everyone to meet us here but they don't know why yet, I want to surprise them."

Luke walked off the plane and saw Laura, Liz, Nikolas, Emily, Juan, Bobbie and LuLu all waiting patiently. Laura was the first to speak. "So what is this big surprise that we all had to be here to see?"

Luke looked back into the terminal and yelled, "OK, come on out."

With that Lucky walked from the plane and everyone's mouth dropped open. Everyone's mouth opened because they were shocked to see Lucky, except Juan who was shocked that a guy could turn him on as much as the guy who had just walked off the plane.

"Oh my God, Lucky, it can't be!" Nikolas could not believe what he was seeing. He was the only one that was able to speak. LuLu was terribly confused and Liz, Laura and Emily were in tears and completely stunned. Liz was the first to move. She ran up and hugged Lucky. God she had missed his touch, his smell, everything about him.

Liz could barely bring herself to speak. "Lucky? Lucky!" She kept muttering it to herself. After a moment, as the shock began to decline, she realized that he had been working out and was now even more hot than before, if that was possible. Lucky began to look around the crowd he began by walking to his mother, LuLu, Emily, and Nikolas, giving each of them a hug. He then came to Juan.

"From what my dad tells me you must be Juan. I understand you have been taking care of the gang while I have been deceased." Lucky held his hand out to Juan.

Juan looked at the hand and said,"What I don't get a hug like everyone else?"

Juan was not going to give up the opportunity to hold this hunks body to his own. He wanted to get as close to Lucky as possible.

Lucky was a bit surprised by the request but was definitely not about to turn him down. Lucky was very excited about the possibility to touch this incredibly cute guy. Ever since his captivity Lucky had been unable to think of anything but sleeping with men. Except for Liz, Lucky found that Liz still turned him on as much as ever. Lucky took a moment before hugging Juan to check him out. He noticed a slender body, cute face, very hot lips, and pretty nice hair. He could not tell how defined Juan was because of the baggy clothes that he was wearing. Lucky had delayed long enough, he stuck both arms and wrapped them around Juan. He ran his hands up and down the boys back. Without realizing it he even allowed his hands to drop to Juans tight ass.

Juan moved his mouth towards Lucky's ear and whispered, "I have to have you."

Lucky, realizing that this hug could not last any longer without seeming suspicious, let go of Juan and said, "I totally agree."

Juan smiled understanding what Lucky was talking about and replied, "Soon, real soon!"

"The sooner the better."

Nikolas had been watching closely the whole time and had a pretty good idea of what was going on. He looked at Lucky with a knowing grin and mouthed, "Me too!"

With that the crowd decided that they had better get back to Kelly's and do some catching up. Lucky and Liz stayed behind to talk a little before heading to meet with everyone else. Although he really enjoyed "talking" to Liz (mostly they made out) he couldn't get his mind off of that Puerto Rican boy and his half brother. Lucky swore that Nikolas looked a lot different than he did a year ago.


For those of you who didn't get that little inside joke, Nikolas was recast after Lucky's "death") Please send comments to . I would also appreciate suggestions for other stories about other celebrities.

All characters are property of ABC and General Hospital. This is not meant to imply anything about the characters or the actors that portray them.

If you enjoy this story, or if you hate it, please let me know by e-mail at I would really appreciate any comments (positive or negative) and story ideas with other celebrities or continuation of this story

With that the crowd decided that they had better get back to Kelly's and do some catching up. Lucky and Liz stayed behind to talk a little before heading to meet with everyone else. Although he really enjoyed "talking" to Liz (mostly they made out) he couldn't get his mind off of that Puerto Rican boy and his half brother. Lucky swore that Nikolas looked a lot different then a year ago.

Getting Lucky 2

After hours of catching up with his friends and family Lucky was ready to get to sleep. Since Roy was staying in Lucky's room Lucky decided to stay in Liz's studio. Liz had to go to L&B to work with Chloe and tols Lucky that she unfortunately wouldn't be home for hours. They kissed long and passionately and then she left. Lucky plopped down on Liz's sofa. He layed his head on a pillow and began to drift off to sleep.

About halfway between dream land and reality Lucky was awakened by a knock at the door. Lucky got up to see who was there. He opened the door and was somewhat surprised to see Nikolas and Juan. Lucky smiled and hugged his half-brother again. This time he ran his hands up and down Nikolas' back. He spent a long time feeling Nikolas's tight ass and ran his hands through his jet black hair. He ran his hands to the front of Nikolas' shirt and began to unbutton the buttons.

Juan just stood in amazement as he watched these to go at it. He felt his cock begin to grow watching these to hunks grope eachother. He began to rub his dick through his jeans. Juan nearly fainted as he watched the two lock in a hot, fierce, deep, passionate kiss. Juan's mouth dropped open as he saw their tonuges clash and battle for dominance.

Lucky broke the kiss and glanced at Juan before turning back to Nikolas. "You know we've been neglecting Mr. Hotlips here. I think that we should fix that." With that Lucky and Nikolas walked over to give Juan the attention he deserved. They began to undress the Puerto Rican hunk. Lucky began with his shirt, while Nikolas worked on his pants. After removing the shirt Lucky began to nibble on the nipples. Juans nipples were attached to a beautiful, well defined, smooth body. He ran his hands over the smooth chest and looked into Juan's beautiful eyes. "Are you enjoying yourself Juan?"

Juan could only nod. Lucky leaned in towards Juan's gorgeous lips. As they inhaled eachothers tongues Lucky allowed his hand to fall to the beautiful ass that Nikolas had just exposed. Just as Nikolas was about to remove his own pants his cell phone began to ring. He frowned and answered it. "Hello...Yeah...Yeah...Uh-huh...Right...Ok...Yeah, I'll be right there."

Nikolas put the phone down and began to dress himself again. "I am sorry but I have to get going. They need me at L&B. But we will definitely meet up later."

As soon as Nikolas had left Juan turned back to Lucky and attacked him tearing off his shirt and pushing him back onto the couch. They began to tear at the remaining clothes and soon both hot guys were laying on the couch in eachother"s arms completely naked.

They were so caught up in what they were doing that neither one of them heard Elizabeth and Emily walk in. Emily and Elizabeth just stood there with there mouths open as they watched there guys go at it. When they had seen enough Elizabeth cleared her thoat to get there attention.


Any comments (positive or negative) would be greatly appreciated. If you have aby ideas for other celebrity stories let me know. E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 5: On the Run 1 2

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