Ghost Busting

By David Lee

Published on Jul 17, 2024


Ghost Busting, Chapter 2

Terry awoke feeling himself wrapped in Jackson's arms. He could tell that Jackson was asleep because of his breathing pattern. Being caressed by his friend was awesome, especially with Jackson's hard dick pressed against his butt! Terry wished that Jackson wouldn't wake up anytime soon. He also hoped that Jackson wouldn't panic when he did. Perhaps he would worry about Terry's reaction to their closeness. Terry would have to figure out some way to let him know it was okay.

It was so comfortable for Terry that he drifted back to sleep, enjoying erotic dreams of sunning with his friend on a nude beach. When he awoke again, Jackson was coming back into the bedroom. Terry hastened out of bed to relieve the pressure on his bladder. He blushed knowing that Jackson had to be aware of his morning stiffy.

A few minutes later, he returned to the bedroom with a smaller bulge in his boxers.

The boys took turns showering and brushing their teeth. Terry did his best not to get a full-blown erection as they shared the small bathroom. They ran across the hall, covered by their towels and hastily donned fresh clothes for the day.

There was a delightful aroma of breakfast cooking as they made their way to the kitchen. Jack had a pair of Belgian waffles keeping warm in the oven while he scrambled a pan of eggs. It wasn't long before the three of them were sitting down to a great meal.

"I thought I'd take you to the multiplex theater this afternoon where you could choose which movie you'd like to see. They have several recent releases. I plan to watch Oppenheimer, but that might be a bit heavy for you kids. I'm making a wild guess that you won't be seeing Barbie."

"Eew!" Jackson made a gagging gesture with his finger pointing down his throat. "How could you bring that up while we're eating?

"I thought we might go to The Boys in the Boat. Mr. Mathews said he'd give extra credit in social studies if we saw it and wrote a two-page paper about it. It's historical."

"That sounds like a good choice. Are you sure it'll be better than Aquaman and the lost Kingdom?"

"Yeah, I've kinda outgrown some of that super-hero fantasy stuff. I mean, I still like Hobbits and that kind of fantasy."

"Hmm, your taste seems to be improving," Jack chuckled.

Jackson's father insisted on paying for all their tickets. When Terry protested, Jack said it was his reward for getting his son settled in his new high school. Terry accepted but insisted on buying their popcorn.

Jack said he wanted only a small bag. Terry and Jackson were going for the medium size when Terry realized they'd get twice as much for two dollars more if they split a large tub. So, that's what the boys did.

The movie the kids chose wasn't heavily attended. They managed to get seats toward the middle of the 8th row which was an ideal spot for feeling like they were surrounded by the sights and sounds.

The story takes place during the Great Depression and the years leading up to World War II. It was based on a real story and actual events. The boys learned a lot about history from seeing it. And although they wouldn't discuss it until much later in their relationship, both were impressed by the athletic bodies of the characters.

Since both shows ran late, Jack decided to take them out for pizza instead of cooking dinner. He was tired after a long week of work, and he could loosen up the purse strings a bit since progress was being made in the lawsuit. With any luck, Jackson and he would have a better life soon.

After they got back to the apartment, the boys discussed the movie they'd seen and sat down with their laptops to write up their own reviews. Doing this together was cool. Each brought up points that the other hadn't noticed. Then, they proofread each other's work to make it as error-free as possible. The results of their combined efforts should be good.

After each took a quick rinse in the shower, the boys set up their bedding like they had the night before. If either of them was uncomfortable about being in close proximity, neither voiced any objection.

They were on the verge of falling asleep when the loud screeching of the smoke alarm in the hall outside the apartment caused them to spring out of bed in panic. A second later, Jack was advising them to get dressed quickly and grab their laptops, coats, and sleeping bags. Fortunately, they had already put their computers in their backpacks, so they could sling them over their shoulders on the way out. He advised them not to worry about any other possessions because life was far more precious than material things. However, Jackson grabbed his childhood teddy bear which was sitting on his dresser.

The three of them headed toward the garages to be out of the way so the firefighters could do their work. The building manager was there with the master list of all the tenants. She was checking names off so that they could determine if anyone was missing.

After conferring with her, Jack opened his garage, and the boys tossed their hastily gathered possessions into his SUV.

The mid-November night was quite cold, and the boys were thinking about huddling under a sleeping bag, but they didn't want to miss any of the excitement.

The fire chief told the residents that they would need to find other lodging for the foreseeable future. There was a lot of damage to a first-floor unit toward the center of their complex. He feared that the structural damage would prohibit occupancy for some time to come.

"I guess we'd better get over to Motel 6 before it becomes filled up," Jack suggested.

"Nope. I have a better solution." Terry said. "We'll go to my house. Jackson can bunk with me, and you can have the guest room."

"I can't just impose on your parents."

"I've already texted Mom, and she insists that you stay with us. I'm calling her right now so you can talk with her. She's a determined woman, and she's not going to take `no' for an answer."

When Jack and the boys arrived at Voss's home, Angela was in the kitchen making hot chocolate and thawing out homemade brownies which she had in the freezer for an emergency. Tonight, surely qualified.

"This is too kind!" Jack exclaimed. "Not only do we have shelter for the night, but comfort food to boot."

"It's not just for tonight," Vern informed him. "We want you to live here until you can get settled."

"But that could take weeks, even months!"

"We considered that before we made our decision," Angela said. "We don't want you living out of some motel and having to eat out all the time. It's costly and not that healthy. There's plenty of room here. You may have to share the bathroom with these two, but we have our own master bath attached to our bedroom, and the boys could use that in a pinch. There's also a half-bath off the family room and a three-quarter one in the basement by the rec room."

"But what about holidays?"

"We have only one set of parents living, and they can be put up in a motel if necessary. Or the boys could sleep on the sofa in the basement. We're going to make this work."

Jack felt tears forming in his eyes. He didn't want to come off as a big sentimental wuss, but he was deeply moved. He simply nodded before speaking.

"You're the nicest people I know. I can see where your son gets his kindness toward others. I can't imagine there are many families who would open their home like this."

"Actually, people helped us when we had a lot of destruction from a tornado where we used to live. I think they called it, `Iowa Nice' and we're just paying it forward."

Vern got up on Sunday morning to attend the early service at First Methodist. He didn't disturb anyone else in the house because he knew they'd all had a trying night.

The boys woke up about 20 minutes before he returned to the house. They took quick showers and Jackson had to put on the same clothes he'd worn the day before. Having showered twice since wearing them meant that they hadn't gotten funky. However, he had slept in the underwear. Terry would have loaned him a pair of his, but they would have been uncomfortably tight.

Last night, it had been too dangerous to spend time packing a bag. Terry found him a new toothbrush in the linen closet and a small travel deodorant which they'd planned to give to the homeless shelter. Having those amenities made Jackson feel a lot more at ease.

Angela prepared a heavy brunch at about 11:00 which she hoped would keep everyone satisfied until dinner time. Sundays were traditionally laid back at their house.

Later in the afternoon, Jack received a message on his mobile phone that his apartment was among those deemed safe enough to go into to retrieve their belongings. He was thrilled to be able to get in because he'd been worried about what Jackson, and he would wear on Monday. He had scrubs at the hospital for his job. However, he needed underwear and lots of other things.

Vern said he'd be happy to take his SUV along as well. Angela offered to bring some Amazon boxes which she hadn't broken down for recycling. Along with some newspapers, she could pack their dishes and pantry items.

With five people working on the move, it took only a couple of hours to pack up everything that was theirs. Since it was a furnished apartment, the only large items were their TV and vacuum cleaner.

While Jack and the boys were taking one last look under beds and behind the sofa, Angela vacuumed the floor to clear it of whatever they'd tracked in. It was likely a futile gesture because the building might have to be demolished.

When all was finished, Jack took his keys to the manager and received a check for his security deposit.

Back at the Voss's home, Angela set the boys to work sorting clothes between darks, mediums, and whites. Because of the odor of smoke clinging to them, everything would need to be laundered. She added a bit of washing soda to help freshen them.

Jackson was relieved to know that he'd have clean clothes for school the following day. He'd been in his current underwear for over 24 hours, and he didn't want to smell bad. Teenagers seem to run the gamut from tidy to grungy. Some don't realize that their underarms can have an unpleasant aroma. Jackson was definitely one who was on the tidy side. Since the onset of puberty, he'd been almost obsessed with hygiene.

The boys decided to shower again before bedtime, which would leave the main bathroom freer in the morning for Jack. They could use the powder room to brush their teeth and such.

"Should we still use our sleeping bags, or should we roll them up and stash them in the closet?" Terry asked.

"We can put them away if it's all the same with you. It would be more comfortable with a sheet over us and have the option of one or two blankets depending on the season. Right now, I'd sweat at night in my heavy sleeping bag.

"We probably shouldn't let anyone at school know about our sleeping arrangements – even the fact that we don't have twin beds - because we might get bullied. You know how Dylan always goes on about those `fags' who are taking over the world," Jackson continued.

"At least my queen-sized bed is plenty big for the two of us. We can put your bear between us if you like. Dylan can kiss my butt. In fact, I'll bet he'd enjoy it."

"For a little dude, you have a lot of spunk. Dylan could put a major hurt on you."

"Maybe so, and maybe not. I think he's all bluster with nothing to back it up. I've taken quite a lot of martial arts lessons, and I'm not afraid to face a bully."

As they had in previous nights, the boys tended to migrate toward each other in their sleep. When Terry was awake enough to realize it, he didn't move away from his bud. In fact, he found the contact enjoyable. He hoped that it would continue. Mr. Bear ended up on the floor.

Monday, back at school, Jackson found that his mind wasn't particularly distracted by trauma from the weekend fire. Getting settled quickly had driven those thoughts away rapidly.

Both Terry and he were pleased at their social studies teacher's reaction to their short essays reviewing the movie they'd seen. He had looked them over while they were doing seatwork, so they quickly knew that they'd received extra credit.

Lunch with their usual companions was good too. One of the kids had seen the firetrucks in his neighborhood and wondered if they were at Jackson's apartment. When the rest heard it, they all asked if there was anything they could do for Jackson. It caused him to realize that he had made good friends in the few months he'd been at West High. Maybe this move had been for the best after all.

The following Friday, Jackson's father arrived home a little earlier than usual. He had news for his son which he hoped would make this weekend great. So, he took the boy into his bedroom to tell him about it privately. Terry wondered what was going on, but he didn't fret because he knew Jackson would share with him, as he always did. They had already finished their homework and were looking forward to playing video games and relaxing.

Jackson's expression seemed to be mixed when the boys got together a few minutes later.

"Is everything okay?" Terry asked.

"Um some things are awesome and others not so much. Dad got word that the hospital in Illinois is about ready to settle without taking the case before a jury. He's getting over $200,000 plus more to pay his attorney. It's a lot of money and we'll be debt-free. As soon as he found out, Dad set up some counseling sessions with Dr. Grim because he feels I need them. He's also got a realtor looking into houses on this side of town."

"That all sounds awesome! I know you're gonna love Parker. It looks like many of your problems have all been solved at once. What could possibly be a downside?"

"I love us being out of debt and all, but I hate to change other things. I really like being how we are now – staying with you and all, um..." Jackson said looking at the floor.

"Jackson, look at me. Do you have a crush on me?"

Jackson's eyes teared up. He averted his gaze, and barely nodded his answer, afraid to speak the truth.

Terry rushed over to his bud and wrapped him in his arms.

"Awesome!" he exclaimed. "I've been hoping it wasn't one-sided."

Now, both were grinning broadly, belying the message their tears appeared to be sending.

Jack passed the open door to their bedroom in time to see the wrapped tightly together. He decided not to stop because he didn't want them to be aware of his presence and assume he was spying on them. Instead, he hastened to the kitchen to start dinner for everyone. He had been making sure to hold up his end of sharing household duties from the moment his son and he had moved in. The task of cooking one of his traditional meals would leave his mind free to ponder what he'd just witnessed.

Things in the kitchen were under control when Terry's parents arrived.

"Wow!" Angela exclaimed, "is that meatloaf I smell?"

"It is," Jack responded. "I made it with extra picante sauce because that's what the boys like best about it.

"Did you get my text about the good news?"

"I did but didn't have time to respond. Congratulations!"

"Thanks. We should be able to get out of your hair soon. It might take a month or two for a house, but I have the means to move into a long-term motel rental now."

"Now Jack you know you're not allowed to do that. We have the room, and we love having you here. I don't think our boys are looking forward to being separated either," Vern said.

"About that; are you concerned about how close they've become?"

"Not at all," Vern continued. "Terry has always wanted a brother."

"Um, what if they're closer than brothers? What if it's a bromance?"

"That doesn't bother us either," Angela interjected. "Do you think they have a crush on each other? And would it upset you if they do?"

"Not really. I have a cousin who's gay and he has a good life - happily married to another guy. He had a very difficult time coming out, and I always told myself that I would never handle it like my uncle did. It's taken a lot of years for them to make up. My brief study of genetics in medical school convinced me that people don't make choices about their orientation. It appears to be as predetermined as the color of their eyes."

"I'm glad we're in agreement. It will make their lives easier if they are, indeed, gay," Angela nodded. "We've suspected that Terry might be, and we asked Dr. Grim about how to let him know we're okay with it.

Everyone enjoyed their meal of comfort food on a chilly autumn night. Jack had even stopped at a bakery on the way home to purchase a cake which he hadn't felt he'd have time to bake.

The boys had eaten well enough, but they had appeared to be edgy. Perhaps it was the excitement over the news. However, their parents weren't surprised when Terry said they had an announcement to make.

The two of them stood side by side kind of rocking on their heels.

"He promised me it will be okay," Jackson said, looking concerned.

"Does it have something to do with your newfound financial situation?" Vern asked.

"Um, yeah. But we love our current situation. Um, that is, being together, not being poor," Jackson mumbled.

"It's my doing," Terry spoke up. "I have a crush on him. I guess that makes me gay."

"I feel the same," Jackson admitted. "I hope you all won't be angry with us."

"Well, I guess that means I have to find a house that's not too far away," Jack said. "We can't risk derailing your relationship."

"Oh, wow!" was as articulate as the kids could be in response, as they received hugs from the adults.

After clearing up from dinner, they all sat around the kitchen table and played 12 rounds of Mexican Train Dominoes. In their elated state of mind, it was difficult for the boys to concentrate. They both lost royally but didn't care. They grinned the whole time.

Returning to their shared room around 8:30, the boys were almost in a daze over how things had gone with their families. While they hadn't expected to be berated, they weren't prepared for the overwhelming support they'd received. It seemed too good to be true – the kind of thing which only occurs in stories!

"Do you believe what happened back there?" Jackson shook his head.

"Pretty much. Parker said he thought my parents would be okay if I came out to them, but I didn't know that your dad would be just like them."

"I was surprised at his reaction, too. I mean, I knew he loved me, but I wasn't sure how he'd take the news. He knows a lot about genetics and all, so it makes sense that he would know I hadn't made a conscious choice to be different. But sometimes I think people aren't as rational when it comes to their own children."

"Yup. Now we can be ourselves at home, at least. I'm not sure that we should come out at school," Terry said. "There might be fallout with your wrestling squad."

"I think the choir members might be more tolerant if they found out about you. There are a couple of guys in there that I think might be gay.

"I'm with you about not coming out yet. However, if we get outed, I won't deny it, about me, at least. You're more important to me than a sport," Jackson insisted.

"If we get outed, I won't deny it either. We're a team. I guess that makes us boyfriends."


"Should we go do our usual shower and toothbrushing bit so we can go to bed and snuggle?" Terry asked.

"Um, do you think we should do it separately so the `rents don't think we're fooling around in the bathroom?"

"Nah, if we change our routine, it might make them more suspicious. Besides, they know we're sleeping in the same bed. If we want to fool around, what's gonna stop us?

"I've got an idea about changing things up a bit. Why don't we brush our teeth at the same time and shower together? I could wash your back and you could wash mine. We share the shower at school after gym."

"Yeah, but that's with other guys around. We're bound to get hard when it's just the two of us."

"And the problem with that is?"

"Nothing! Maybe we could help wash some other parts too!"

Standing in the tub together, the boys couldn't resist spreading gel on each other's genitals. Both cocks were hard and pulsing in a matter of seconds. Terry initiated their embrace and Jackson didn't hesitate to participate. In fact, he was the one who started humping. He also began their first kiss. After that, it took very little time to bring them to glorious climaxes.

They hosed off their fronts and the bottom of the tub with the shower wand and gently dried each other. Wrapping their damp towels around their waists, they ducked into Terry's room and quickly locked the door.

Jackson went over to the chest where Mr. Bear was sitting and turned the stuffed animal toward the wall instead of placing him in the bed between them.

"What are you doing?" Terry asked.

"Three's a crowd, and he doesn't need to see everything we do," Jackson grinned. "I want to continue to make out with my boyfriend without an audience."

They dropped their towels and climbed into bed naked."

"Have you ever kissed anyone before, other than a relative?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah, I kissed a girl last year after the 9th grade dance. It wasn't what I thought it would be. I mean, it didn't hold a candle to what we did in the shower. How about you?"

"Pretty much the same. I'd heard guys in the locker room saying how they threw a boner the minute they kissed a girl, and I was expecting a lot more than what happened. I didn't feel much of anything."

"I guess that makes us gay for sure."

They did a little more kissing to test their theory and decided that their conclusion was correct. Then, Jackson asked Terry to lie on his side so he could snuggle against his back.

"It's a lot nicer holding you than Mr. Bear," he remarked. "I hope we can do this a lot!"

Author's notes: Thanks to: Ott H, Justin T, Mendy D, Burke C, Jim W, Peter S, Tony C, JLF, Chandra B, Si R, Charles G, Geoff S, Johnny K, Allen S, Paul R, Tim T, James M, Tony, Frank K, Barry, and Paul F who emailed since the last chapter.

Thanks for reading this story. If you enjoyed it, please feel free to contact me a and let me know. Your emails are the only reward I receive for writing. Please put the story title in the subject line in case your email goes into the spam folder.

Thanks to David S for editing. He finds typos and missing words! He also makes valuable suggestions.

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Ps: I have a chronological list of all my posted stories which I can email to you if you have an interest.

Next: Chapter 3

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