Ghost Busting

By David Lee

Published on Aug 6, 2024


Ghost Busting, Chapter 5

"I love it that warm weather is on the way," Jackson said.

"I usually feel the same, but this year summer will mean we'll have less time to be with each other. You'll be moving somewhere, and we won't get to sleep together.

"It might work out," Jackson hoped. "We can do stuff like bike on the trails and play disc gulf. We might even get jobs at the same place. I know there's not a lot of opportunities for kids our age, but there is always grocery bagging and stuff like detasseling corn, and mowing. We could make a little spending money and be with each other at the same time.

"That all sounds good. But you don't even have a bike."

"Yeah, that was one of the things that we didn't have room to bring. Dad promised me a new one when we got here. With all the adjustments we made in late summer, I didn't push him to keep his promise. I'll work on him to buy me one, or maybe I should try to earn the money myself since it might cost a fortune to buy a house. It will probably come from someplace like Target. Scheels has really super ones, but dad says some of those cost as much as a used car did when he was growing up."

"I have a Schwinn from Target and it's fine for my needs," Terry said.

The next morning at breakfast, Jackson asked his father about the possibility of getting a bicycle.

"I suppose driving back to Illinois to get my old bike out of storage won't be possible until we buy a house. Um, do you think we'll have money to buy me a new bike? If not, I could get a job to pay for it. I might need a loan in the meantime."

"Yes, there's money for a bike. I should have gotten you one last fall, but money really was tight then. You might start looking online at what's out there."

"I already have. Terry and I found several that are in my price range. I don't want to invest too much because it won't be long until I can drive."

"Please don't feel you have to settle for something cheap. You need to be rewarded for all the time you spent being your mother's nurse. I can't repay all those hours with an object, but I want you to know how much I appreciate what you did."

"Dad, I did that out of love. I don't deserve a reward. We all did what we had to do as a family."

"Son, you make me so proud," Jack said as he tearfully hugged his boy. "I love you so much."

The affection between father and son left everyone in the room with a warm heart and misty eyes.

After dinner, Jack drove to Target with two excited boys as passengers. It didn't take Jackson long to make his choice. Jack made sure he had a new helmet, that fit correctly, and a light in case the boys rode at night or in a storm. He wanted to make sure his son was safe.

The next morning, the boys rode their bikes to school instead of taking the bus. The sky was clear, and the temperature was already at 55 F. No doubt, they'd be running on the track at the end of school. It would be good to ride home instead of trying to get a parent chauffeur them or try to catch a lift from someone with a car.

At school, they secured their bikes together with their locking cables. They laughed about the fact that they couldn't leave without each other because they didn't have one another's key.

It was an ordinary day with the usual kids at lunch and classes. After school, track practice was dismissed early because a cold front was rapidly heading toward the area unexpectedly. The shift to a more northerly direction had caught the forecasters by surprise. Now, they were advising everyone to take shelter before a rainstorm hit. Terry and Jackson quickly got into their clothes instead of taking showers. Throwing on their backpacks, they unlocked their bikes and pedaled home for dear life. Unfortunately, the sky opened up when they were about two-thirds of the way. There was no turning back at that point, so they tried to up their speed in order not to be completely soaked.

"Well, we almost made it without drowning," Jackson joked, as they put their bikes in the garage.

"I'm soaked all the way through," Terry shook his head. "I feel like a drowned rat!"

"Let's get out of these clothes and into a warm shower. I'm sure we'll feel better when we do."

Since no one else was home, they stripped in the back entry and hastened to the main bathroom. They had barely gotten toweled off when the siren went off, signaling that a tornedo had been sighted. They grabbed their sweatsuits and headed for the basement, remembering to take their backpacks with them.

Snuggled together under a comforter on the sofa in the rec room, they checked their cell phones. Both had received urgent messages from their parents. They quickly responded to let the adults know that they were safe. Vern was supposed to be home starting supper, but the faculty had been advised to hunker down for probably another half hour at least. Terry assured him that Jackson and he could put the casserole in the oven so that dinner would come off on time.

When the parents got home about 45 minutes later, they were greeted by a pleasant aroma coming from the kitchen. The table was set, and the salad was made. All the adults had to do was wash up and enjoy a glass of wine. They heaped praise on their sons for "saving the day."

"Um, we didn't do all that much," Terry demurred. Dad had dinner prepped. We just followed directions."

"Well, we appreciate it," Jack insisted. "Lots of kids wouldn't be able to boil water without scorching it.

"I'm off tomorrow, so plan to have me pick you up after practice, assuming it's going to be dry enough to run outside. It's supposed to turn unseasonably cold after this storm. I don't want you boys to have to go through what you did today."

Because the boys had done most of their homework while monitoring the oven, they didn't have much to do after dinner. So, they went to their room, put on their nightshirts, and sat up in bed to read for a while.

After about 20 minutes, Terry turned toward Jackson with an impish look on his face. Jackson figured his boyfriend had something devious in mind. It didn't take long to find out what it was. Terry put down his book and pounced on his boyfriend, pronouncing that he'd pinned him.

Jackson was strong enough that he could have dislodged Terry if he'd wanted to. However, he chose not to. Instead, he embraced him and the two kissed passionately.

"You're such a horny bugger!" he exclaimed.

"And you love it," Terry countered.


Terry pulled up the bottoms of both nightshirts and began humping. Jackson pushed his hips against Terry and grabbed hold of his buns, making the contact even more sensuous. Together, they flexed and squirmed until Terry began to squirt, bringing Jackson along with him. It was a pretty big mess because both had produced gushers. They got out of bed, stripped off their nightwear and used the dry parts for cleaning up. Then, they got back into bed nude and cuddled in the afterglow. Both slept well.

The next morning, when the boys got to the spot where the bus picked them up, they were met by Phil who sometimes rode with them to school. He was in a jovial mood and teased them a bit, as was his habit.

"How come you two always arrive at the same time? Do you live together?"

"Yup," Jackson answered.

"Well, you don't look enough alike to be brothers. Are you married to each other?"

"Not yet," Terry said, with a straight face. We're too young to do it without having our parents sign a waiver for us. Guess we'll have to wait a few years."

"Good comeback!" Phil congratulated him. "Do you honestly live together?"

"Yes," Jackson replied. It's kind of complicated. Remember the fire last fall in the Wellsley Apartments? That was where Dad and I lived. We had to find housing in a hurry and Terry's awesome parents let us move in with them. Dad's been trying to find a house for us ever since, but I like the current arrangement because I always wanted a brother."

"That's way cool!" Phil exclaimed. "Being an only child, I envy you."

"Maybe your family could adopt Elliot," Terry grinned.

"Uh, he's turned out to be okay, but I can't imagine living under the same roof with him. I'd probably get arrested for murder!"

Their school day was quite average and, as they anticipated, track practice was in the gym and didn't last as long as usual. Jackson texted his dad to pick them up in 20 minutes and they headed for the showers.

As soon as they were in the Dodge's SUV, Jack said that he had a surprise for them.

"Is it a house?" Jackson asked.


"Are we going there now?"

"I thought we might drop your backpacks off at Terry's place before we walk over to it."

"Wow! It's withing walking distance?"

"Yes, it is."


After their school stuff was set inside the house, the three walked out the kitchen door.

"You'll need to follow me closely, so you don't get lost," Jack teased.

Then, he walked to Mrs. Olsen's garage, punched in the code on the keypad and continued to unlock the kitchen door."

"Um, why are we coming here first and how come you have a key?" Jackson asked.

"Because it's where we're living from now on. I took possession today!"

"Oh wow! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't want you to get your hopes up in case the deal fell through for any reason. You've had enough hard knocks in life without being disappointed again. I asked Marlys to keep it a secret. She's taken out everything she wants to keep, but I invited her to come back and get anything she might have forgotten."

"So, we get all the furniture?"

"Yes, we do – whatever she left for us."

"I'm gonna check out the bedrooms and see which one I want. It needs to have a big enough bed so I can have company."

"About that," Jack began.

"Yeah, I know. I'll have to get used to sleeping alone most of the time."

"Not necessarily," Jack said, trying to suppress his smile. "I've talked it over with Vern and Angela. We're open to having you alternate between the two houses, so you don't have to sleep by yourselves, unless you want to."

His statement brought big whoops of joy from both teens. They ran up the stairs to look at the bedrooms. Neither of them had been in that part of the house before.

When Jackson realized that one of the bedrooms was almost directly across from Terry's, he decided to claim that one. It would allow them to see each other if they were sleeping in their own houses. They could even flash one another if they chose to. The thought made him horny.

Looking into the master bedroom, the boys noticed that it was devoid of furnishings. Evidently, Marlys had moved everything from there. As they checked out the other two bedrooms, they saw that one had twin beds and the other had a queen-sized bed. There were matching bureaus and nightstands with them.

Jack came up while Jackson and Terry were still exploring and engaged them in conversation.

"So, have you decided where you're nesting?"

"Yeah, the one that faces Terry's house. What are you going to do about the empty one?"

"For the time being, I'll move the queen bed and matching furniture from the other one into the master bedroom. We're extremely fortunate that Marlys took so little with her. She apologized for not having it completely cleared out, but it's a win for us so that we don't have to buy a lot of new stuff. We can bring the few things we have stored in Illinois and integrate them. I'll have plenty of time to choose a few pieces to complete it.

"Could you two help move things around?"

"You bet!" Terry answered for both. "We have our homework caught up for Monday and can help all weekend."

"Wow! Now we have a place of our own and it's like a new beginning," Jackson proclaimed. "I've experienced a lot of that already in a new school with my new special friend (embracing Terry around the waist), but this is another sign of moving on. I just wish Mom were here to see it."

"Perhaps she can see it from the other side," Jack mused. "It's been almost a year since she left us. Some of the sorrow is beginning to recede."

"I know, Dad. Sometimes I feel guilty when I breathe a sigh of relief that I don't have the responsibility of looking after her."

"You didn't do anything to deserve that burden."

"She didn't deserve to have her illness, either. But those things are ghosts of the past. We need to make a break and live in the present!"

"You sound like a psychologist, Son."

"I'm probably channeling Parker without realizing it. I guess I've internalized what he's been trying to teach me. I'll always miss Mom and remember her with love, but I also need to let go."

Father and son tearfully embraced one another. Terry put an arm on the shoulder of each.

"New beginnings!" Jackson pronounced. "Have you thought about dating again, Dad?"

"Are you looking for a stepmother?"

"Nope, I have Angela for a mother figure. But you're a healthy fortyish male who has needs. You know Mom told you not to stop living when she was gone."

"Hmm, it seems a bit strange having my son saying I need a sex life."

"Not after telling that son about the benefits of wearing nightshirts to bed," Jackson snickered.

"You're right. I need to remember that you're not a naïve child anymore.

"Well, let's stop discussing my, um, needs and start moving the furniture to take care of my need to have an organized bedroom so I can get adequate sleep!

Fortunately for Jack, Angela had dinner under control so he could continue arranging his bedroom without having to stop and prepare it. Tomorrow night, he would cook in his new kitchen and have the Voss family as his guests. While he was thankful to have his own space again and not be a burden on his neighbors, he had become accustomed to feeling like he was part of their extended family.

Dinner with the Voss's was excellent. Angela cooked fresh salmon in a honey lemon garlic sauce which was as delicious as anything from a fancy restaurant. It was in celebration of Jack's good fortune, and the fact that Jackson and he wouldn't be moving far away. Her family had grown close to them, and probably would have even if their sons hadn't become boyfriends. As it was, she found herself hoping that it would prove to be more lasting than puppy love.

Friday night, Terry helped Jackson arrange his room and christen his bed. Making it like a kind of celebration, Jackson and he prepared a few snacks to eat along with chilled bottles of flavored soda water to drink.

Jackson locked the door to his new digs so that they wouldn't be disturbed. Then, the boys helped each other strip down to their underwear. Sitting cross-legged on the bed, they alternated between nibbling on their treats and each other. Before long, the treats were set on the nightstand, and they got serious about making out. Their briefs were soon dispatched as well. Their orgasms followed in short order.

"This is the kind of housewarming party I like!" Jackson said. I know that Dad is planning a celebration next week with your parents and a few colleagues, but this is the best.

"I was dreading making the move to a new town and new school until you came into my life. Now, it's becoming one of the best years of my life."

"I feel the same," Terry responded. "We are so much alike inside."

"We're more alike on the outside than we were last fall," Jackson commented.

"I'll never be as big as you are."

"No, I'll probably always outweigh you because you have finer bones, but you're about as tall as I am now. Let's check in the mirror on the back of the closet door."

Standing side by side, it was evident that Jackson was correct. Terry hadn't realized how much he'd grown, despite having his jeans get shorter over the past few months. Given the fact that a lot of kids weren't wearing them dragging on the floor like they had in years gone by, they didn't look highwater.

Terry found that he didn't have to stand on his tiptoes to rub noses with his boyfriend, so he proceeded to do it. That caused other parts of their bodies to make contact. Soon, they were in a swordfight with their dicks. Naturally, that led them back to bed where they experienced additional climaxes. Jackson's new bed was well and truly blessed!

On Monday morning, Jackson seemed far different from how he'd been on the weekend. Terry wondered if he'd done something to offend his boyfriend. Jackson just brushed it off. That caused Terry to worry even more. He went downstairs ahead of Jackson and saw that Jack had a similar look on his face.

"Jack, please tell me what's going on. Have I done something wrong?"

"No, you're fine."

"Then, what is it. Jackson looks like he's lost his last friend and so do you."

"Didn't he tell you? This is the anniversary of Susan's death. He lost his mother a year ago today."

"Oh, man, I didn't know! I knew it was sometime in May. I should have paid more attention. What can I do?"

"Just show him that you care. Things have gotten better with time, but there must be more hurt than I imagined. I'm the one who should have been more aware," Jack insisted. "Perhaps I should excuse him from school, but it might be worse for him to be alone."

"I could stay home too," Terry said.

Jackson came into the kitchen in time to hear the last part of the conversation.

"I'll be okay. I need to go to school because we're reviewing for our final in LA. Mom wouldn't want me to mess up my grade in there after I've improved so much this year."

Terry went over and held his boyfriend closely. Jackson shed some tears but ended up smiling.

"Thanks for that! I know you care. I know you do too, Dad. I'm gonna work hard today in honor of Mom. I want her to be proud.

"Dad, do I smell Mom's cinnamon rolls?"

"Yes. I thought they might be a good memory of your favorite thing she made. I hope it helps instead of making you sadder."

"It's awesome!"

"I made them small like she did, so there's more than enough extra to take for lunch to share with the kids at your table, if you want. If we eat them all ourselves, we'll gain 10 pounds."

"It's good to share, but I'm not sure how to do that without it looking strange."

"I can take care of that," Terry insisted. "I'll text all of them to save room for a special dessert today. When we divvy them up, I'll explain the meaning behind them. Everyone's cool; I know they'll understand."

Jackson hadn't been entirely sure that Terry's idea was a good one. At least the anticipation of lunchtime plans kept him from dwelling on the fact that his mother had passed away a whole year ago. His morning classes all went fine.

The other people at their table were curious about what was going on, so they ate fairly rapidly because Terry had let them know they would find out at the end of their meal.

"Okay. Today is the anniversary of a very sad day in Jackson's life. It's been a year of ups and downs. He's had to adjust to a new school, a new house, and even a new state. On top of that, this marks the day that his loving mother passed away from a long illness. But we aren't going to dwell on that part. We're going to celebrate her life. Jackson's dad got up early this morning to make one of her favorite recipes. It was handed down from her grandmother, but she tweaked the recipe to make it her own.

Everyone at the table reacted as Terry had said they would. They expressed sympathy for Jackson but didn't turn it into a heavy event. They got him to open up a bit about his fond memories of his mother. It was almost like a therapy session. To top that off, Elliot reached over and clasped his hand. Jackson had to smile over the care he was receiving from his classmates – especially his former nemesis.

After they got home from school, the boys decided to take some cinnamon rolls to Marlys. It was a few miles to her new residence but nothing healthy teens couldn't do easily on their bikes. Terry wrapped the treats carefully in Saran Wrap and aluminum foil and placed them in his backpack for transporting.

They were able to travel on the bike path for most of the distance, keeping them out of traffic. The only part they needed to do on the streets was three blocks at the beginning of the route and a couple at the end.

Marlys was delighted to see them. She missed being next door to the teens who had become almost like grandsons in the short time she'd known them. As he had at noon, Terry took the lead in explaining the significance of the cinnamon rolls. Jackson sat beside him on the sofa, looking adoringly at him as he watched.

Marlys didn't miss the emotions which played across Jackson's face. She could tell how much he loved his departed mother, and she also sensed that there was a strong bond between the boys.

"I'll have to brew some tea and we can sample them," she suggested.

"Um, these are all for you," Jackson said. "We had them for breakfast and after lunch. We have enough left for dessert tonight. I want you to enjoy these for yourself, or you could invite in a neighbor if it's too much for you to eat."

"That's very sweet of you. I might ask a neighbor over.

"Now, tell me how the last few days of the school year are going."

That night, Terry slept over with Jackson again. His parents were fine with it, especially after they learned about the significance of the day. As the boys were getting ready for bed, Jackson enveloped Terry in his arms.

"Thanks for turning what could have been a miserable day into one of happiness."

"What did I do? Your dad made the rolls. I just came along for the ride."

"Nope. You did a lot more, just like you've been doing since the day you sat down at my table. It reminds me of a song my mother used to put on her CD player when she was down. It was by Josh Groban; You Raise Me Up.

"I kept her clock radio so I could listen to it when I'm down. I'm going to play it now as a reminder of her, and as a tribute to you. This says how I feel more eloquently than I can."


When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary

When troubles come and my heart burdened be

Then, I am still and wait here in the silence

Until You come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains

You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas

I am strong, when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up to more than I can be

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains

You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas

I am strong, when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up to more than I can be.

(chorus repeats several times)

When the song ended, both boys had tears in their eyes. Terry now fully realized how much their relationship meant to Jackson. He vowed that he would never disappoint him. The two of them were soulmates. They raised each other up and dispelled the ghost of the past.


Author's notes: Thanks to all who have written in support of my efforts on this tale. I appreciate all of you! It's been a fun ride for me. This week's list is Chandra B, Ott H, Justin T, Gordon S, Tony C, Charles G, Mendy D, Tim T, Kevin K, Frank K, Tony, Rod R, Paul R, Allen S, Andy R, Jim W, Darryl, and JLF.

A special not to Timmy (IOMFAtS)who had some suggestions. I sent you a reply, but it bounced back. Please don't think I was ghosting you!

Thanks for reading this story. If you enjoyed it, please feel free to contact me a and let me know. Your emails are the only reward I receive for writing. Please put the story title in the subject line in case your email goes into the spam folder.

Thanks to David S for editing. He finds typos and missing words! He also makes valuable suggestions.

Thanks to Nifty for providing this free service. It costs the site to do it, so please consider donating to defray their expenses.



Ps: I have a chronological list of all my posted stories which I can email to you if you have an interest.

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