
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Mar 30, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know the BSB nor have I ever met them. I don't know anyone that has or does work with them in anyway. This is just a story, in other words not real. I made it up and I'm happy I did.

Warning: There will be sex in this story, so you've been warned in that area. This story has a really dark plot to it. It has a super natural twist to it, so be warned again. I'm not going to have any flying monkeys or anything, so don't worry. Just some stuff that's a little out there.

Authors Note: I love writing these, but doesn't everybody? Anyway I want to thank everyone that's ever wrote me about any of my stories. Eddi thank you for being such a great friend to me. I do not look like Nick, got that, good. Fallen Angel, your really cool and I love your story French Kiss Me. Everyone go read it, it's really good. Kenitra I don't know how to thank you, you've helped me so much. If it wasn't for you I would have never started writing and posting stories. So thank you so much, by the way go read any stories by Kenitra, I hope your feeling better. As for anyone I've missed I'm really sorry, cause I know I've missed a lot of people. Ok now I get to tell you a little about my symbols that I love so much. These *** mean a character change, or who starts off the chapter. If I'm starting a chapter the name will be in the middle of the symbols. if I'm in the middle of a chapter or somewhere around that area I'll put the name at the end of the symbols. Now I don't always use these (( )) but if I do it's either a time change or a note from me. I try not to use them but it happens so I thought I would let you know. If you have time I would love to hear from you. Anyway on with my new story I hope you all like it.


I stood in the crowd watching my newest target. He was taller than I was, but that wasn't a problem. I didn't like this job to much, I didn't like killing the innocent. I knew that no one was really innocent, they couldn't be. I knew that it was my heart trying to make me stop but I couldn't. I had to kill him it was my job, I had to make a living someway. This was all I knew, this was how my country trained me. I moved closer to the stage and watched him sing a little more. I could kill him now and no one would know that it was me. I didn't like that idea I wanted to use one of my guns, maybe a knife. At least then he might have a fighting chance. He looked strong, maybe he could kill me before I killed him. If he could pull that off everyone from my unit would leave him alone. They would fear him like no other man, he could kill a psychic. Most people didn't know what that word really meant. Most people thought it was a person who could see the future. Being a physic was so much more than that, it was power. Their are four other people in my unit, all had power. All of us had different powers, it wasn't like we were all born the same. I had been drafted by the army when I was sixteen, well taken was more like it. It wasn't like they kidnapped me that didn't happen. You needed a family to be kidnapped that I didn't have.

It was the same case with the others, we were all pulled from different foster families. We were trained for years to use our gifts. I had decided a long time ago that I would never let them know how strong I was. I could do a lot more than bend spoons with my mind. I knew that I could lift a truck if I had to, maybe even more than that. I had left the army a few years back, I had gotten tired of it. Plus that little don't ask don't tell got on my nerves. How was I to find a boyfriend if I couldn't ask? I had talked the others into leaving with me. It hadn't been easy but they couldn't make us stay. We all stayed together, it was the only way we knew to live. We soon found that with our training and the right contacts we had a job. My kill count went well over one hundred, seventy-five of those kills had been needed. I didn't let it get to me, they had been drug dealers and big ones at that. Ten of the kills had been that of innocent people, people that didn't need to die. I had felt bad that I had taken men or women away from their families but it was all I knew. I walked out of the main arena and hit the rest rooms. "DC this is D calling in, we have a problem." We all had code names, the ones we use have only now it was the letters. The mic was in the shape of an ear ring, same with the receiver only it was on my other ear.

The others were in a van on the outside of the arena. "Go a head D, and if you tell me what I think your going to tell me. I'm going to kick your ass until you touch the moon." I laughed at her, she was my best friend out of the whole group. "No, I'm still going to do my job, but I'm not doing it today." I heard a sigh from the other side and I looked around the room. DC, also known as Kate was going to give me a really hard time. "Well, the good news is this, the target was checking you out, or so says F." I was a little taken back by those words. He couldn't have gotten that good of a look at me, then again. "Then I'm going to use the pass and get to know him a bit better." This time I heard a groan coming from the other side, I laughed again. F was our mind reader, she wasn't that strong at a distance. F was also known as Sarah, she was a bit weird but still a good friend. "Listen D, now is not the time for you to grow a heart we need this money." I rolled my eyes, I hated talking to Timmy he always managed to get on my nerves. "It's not my heart that's getting to me FT." It was my mind, it was screaming for me to not kill this guy. Our full code names were only used in secret circles of the underworld. To us it was just what the army had given us.

I walked back into the arena watching the rest of the concert. Once it was over I moved to the guarded entrance. I showed them my ID and a pass that I had picked up from a friend. I walked back stage into a small room where other fan's were waiting. I waited for thirty minutes until they walked into the room. I smiled sweetly, time to slip into fan mode. I liked their music, but not as much as I liked other bands. The meet and greet started quickly. I kept my eyes on my target as I walked toward him slowly. He looked up into my eyes, I almost froze. I felt like a deer caught in the head lights of a speeding car. He stood up and walked toward me, his hand was reaching out slowly. I shook his hand and smiled some more. "Hi I'm Kevin, it's nice to meet a fan over the age of sixteen." I laughed, he was cute that was easy to see. "I'm Eric, it's nice to meet you Kevin." Then there was silence for a little while, he looked like he was searching my eyes. I knew that DC was putting things in his mind while he looked at me. He was seeing his dream come true and so much more. It was how we got close to our targets, it was how I got close. I was the trigger to the gun since I could take there heart out in seconds. FT had to touch them to kill them I didn't have to worry about touch.

Kevin looked away and took a few deep breaths. "So you know of any hot spots in this city?" I nodded and hoped to be filled in as soon I could be. "That's good would you mind hanging out with us for the night." I made myself look shocked and honored that he would offer that. "I would love to, so when do you want to head out?" He looked at his friend and told me he would be right back. "I need a big car and get ready to fill me in as I drive, have the keys under the front wheel. Don't screw this up FT, if you do so help me God, D out." Kevin walked back with his fellow band member, I think Nick. "It look's like it's a go the others are wanting to hit the hotel first, would that be a problem?" I smiled and shook my head no, it would give me a better lay out. "I hope you have a big car or were all screwed." Nick said while patting Kevin on the back. "I have a nice sized car so it shouldn't be a problem." It was time to take it down a little, no need to be a big fan. After everyone was rounded up we left the building. I could hear them all whispering behind my back. I wondered if I had hid the scar that was on the back of my neck. I had a lot of scars, some that you would really have to look to see. I had counted twenty so far, but I could have missed some. It wasn't like my business allowed everyone to be pretty.

I was built pretty good, I didn't have to use my gift to kill. I could do that with my own hands it wasn't hard. I may only stand six feet, but I packed one hell of a punch. DC was whispering in my ear as I walked. I saw the small mini van parked and almost laughed to myself. I walked over to the drivers side and opened my hand. I could see the keys so I pulled with my mind slightly. I unlocked the doors and yelled for everyone to pile in. "So what hotel are you staying at?" Kevin pulled out a little planner and checked it. "Here, I wrote the directions down in this." He handed it over and I started driving, it wasn't that far from the arena. I parked in the lot and opened my door, everyone piled out. I followed them into the hotel and then to the rooms. The rooms were ones I would never sleep in. They were far to nice and cost to much money for my taste. I made a lot of money but I was really careful with how I spent it. "Do you want to change into something more fitted for dancing?" I looked up at Kevin and then to myself, I was in solid black. "Sure but I don't think you have anything that would fit me." He laughed and walked into one of the rooms. "D what the hell are you doing, taking them for joy ride? Just kill Kevin and get the hell out of there." Kevin walked back out into what I guessed was the meeting room.

He tossed me some black slacks and a silver shirt. "I think those will fit you, you can change in my room if you want." I took my shirt off and tossed it on the couch, then I slid my pants down. Kevin's eyes never left my body, I smiled to myself. I pulled the sliver shirt over my head and then pulled the slacks up. "How does it look?" He looked like I had just knocked him out of a daze. "D, Kevin's mind just went nuts, what the hell are you doing to him?" I almost laughed, I was wrapping him around my finger. "It look's great, really good I mean." I picked my clothes up and folded them, laying them down neatly. The other guys decided to join us soon after that, all of them had sun glasses and hats. I felt sorry for them, they had no idea how to change their looks. "You know you wouldn't have to look so damn silly if you learned to use stage make up." I had their attention now, which worried me. "Why don't you show us what you mean?" I hadn't thought about revealing any of my own secrets. "I would if I had my stuff, but since I was coming to a concert and not work I left it at my apartment." Nick smiled and walked up to my side. "We could always run by your place, or you could stop by tomorrow and show us." I nodded and told them I would stop by tomorrow.

I took them to a nice little club that DC led me to. They wouldn't let me pay my own way in. I didn't mind it wasn't hurting me in the least. They danced I pretty much stayed at the table, I was not a dancer. Kevin and Brian had stayed with me and just drank a little. "That stuff will kill you, you shouldn't drink." Both of them looked at me and smiled sweetly. "I'm not drinking anything really, just a coke. Kevin's the drinker, he's on his third Jack and coke." I shook my head and tapped Kevin's hand as if scolding him. "Which brings up an important question, are you gay?" I almost choked on my sprite and just looked at Kevin. "I don't see how that question got brought up, but yes I am." I let myself pull up some anger while I looked at them. "Cool, then maybe we could get the hell out of this place and go somewhere a bit cooler." I looked at Brian he was smiling at Kevin who looked like he was in lust. I nodded and went to collect the others, we were soon in my car heading toward a new club. DC was giving me directions all the while, she was also bitching me out. I couldn't say anything to her and she knew it, so she had her fun. I pulled into another parking lot and got out slowly. We entered and I was talked into getting on the dance floor.

I hated dancing you just couldn't understand how much. I had two left feet and I looked like a fool when I tired. Kevin placed his hands on my waist sending chills up my spine. "Just move with it, it's not to hard, let yourself go forget about everything else." I closed my eyes and let him move my hips. His body was pressed against mine tightly as we danced. One of his hands had left my hip to wrap around my chest. I let him control everything, I just let everything go. I could feel something hard on my back as we danced. He was a little taller than I was, so his frame over lapped mine. His other hand was no longer on my hip it was just below my happy trail. Two of his fingers had slipped back the waist band. I leaned back against him his touch sending my body into new places. I have had sex before, just not in a slow passionate way. I knew that if I had sex with him it would be different. I wanted that more then ever now, his hands touching every inch of my body. I pulled away from Kevin slowly, I had no choice. I couldn't fall for him he would be dead in a few hours. "I have to go to the restroom I'll be right back." He smiled and watched me walk away. "D, I'm not going to yell, but F has been watching you for a while. What are you up to, you've never let anyone touch you like that?" I didn't know how to answer her question just yet.

I took a few deep breaths and looked into the mirror. "DC, I think you should send FT in, I can't do this." I heard a sigh from the receiver, she was getting pissed. "D, you twenty-six years old. We've been doing this as far back as I can remember. FT can't help you out, you've already made contact. I have a little more bad news for you, your going to have to kill them all now." I splashed water on my face, I couldn't do this not him. I sank to the floor against the wall hoping no one would walk in. "Kate I can't do this, I got to close to him. He hasn't done anything wrong, he's an innocent." I was pleading with her, I could hear her breathing. "No, one's innocent and you know that Eric, you have a job to do." I looked at my hands, I had killed so many without a second thought. "I'm not doing it Kate, and I know the price, I'll pay it myself. Just take off and forget about me, it was nice knowing you." I took the mic and receiver off and tossed them in the toilet. I flushed and looked into a mirror, what the hell had gotten into me? I was willing to give up a two million hit. I wouldn't have to work another day in my life, we would all be set. I knew that there would be a hit put on me by the end of the week. The others would be fine without me.

I walked out of the restroom and went back to Kevin. He was smiling still waiting near the dance floor. I walked up to him and kissed him, his arms wrapped around my waist. If I was going to die then I was going to be happy doing it. "Let's get out of here, I think it's getting a little hot." I nodded to him and waited until the rest of the guys were together. We left the building and joked around while we walked to the cars. "Oh look at them Allen, a bunch of fairies." I heard laughter and turned around slowly facing five men. All of them had baseball bats while they moved toward us. I smiled, this was something I had always dreamed of doing. "Oh look it's a bunch or bullies, what should I do?" The others had gotten really still and stayed behind me. The first guy I believe Allen swung his bat. I stopped it by grabbing the bat before it hit. I took it away from him and knocked him off his feet. "One down four to go, anyone else up for a little game of kick the can?" The four remaining changed in all at once, this would be fun. I jumped into the air kicking two of them in the face. I brought the bat down on the third head, it made a cracking sound. Only one was left and he looked scared to death. He tried to run but found that his feet didn't work any more. I walked up to him slowly putting my bat on the ground.

I felt hands on my shoulder, it was Kevin. I pulled away and walked up to face my last would be attacker. "You make me so sick thinking your so high and mighty. Well, let me teach you a lesson you little prick." I grabbed his throat and lifted him off the ground without braking a sweat. I shouldn't have been able to, he had to weight three hundred pounds. I could see the fear all over his face, I was loving it. I knew that I couldn't kill him or throw him into a wall so I dropped him on his ass. "If I ever see you or your friends again you won't make it to another sunrise." I walked away waving for the guys to follow me. They did without question, once we were in the van and driving the questions started. "Where the hell did you learn that stuff it was like so cool?" I looked at Nick and smiled he was an innocent. "I use to be in the army, not a normal unit." I couldn't tell them everything, or maybe I could. "So were you going to tell us that you were really batman or did that come later?" I looked at Kevin, he had sounded so cold. "Oh that comes later, can't have everyone running around the bat cave. What would Robin say, gee whiz batman were in a real fix now." Everyone broke into a heavy laughter even Kevin. "What would you say to becoming our body guard?" I looked at Kevin and smiled it was a nice offer.

I agreed to it, but I didn't think it would really work out. I didn't really have a past, all I had was an ID. I dropped them all of at their hotel and headed to my own. I hoped that the guys had left like I asked. When I walked into the room I was quickly proven right they were gone. My stuff was left behind a long with a note from DC. I read the note out loud to myself. "I hope it was worth it D, you know you'll be dead in less than two weeks. FT already made the call and canceled the hit. Your boy is safe for now, I'm going to miss you. Who would have thought that Death would fall apart? I haven't called you that in years. Don't worry about being put in the ground, we'll make sure that doesn't happen. I hope that you make it, I'm not going to lie. I hope that someday I'll see you again, and it'll be like the old days. Until then forever yours Discord." I burned the letter and dropped it into the ash tray. I got all of my stuff together which was mostly weapons. I packed them and put everything in my van. I pulled out of the parking lot and found a nice place to park and sleep. I woke up to someone knocking on my window. I opened my eyes to see a flash light. I turned away quickly, I closed my eyes and tried to get rid of the spots. I rolled the window down and looked at the cop, he looked like he was pissed off. "Could you step out of the car please?" I nodded and got out of the car.

I stepped out of the car then something hit me in the back of the neck. I woke up a little while later tied to a chair. I looked around the room to see a dozen guys with bats. I was impressed, they had the guts to challenge me again. "He's awake, time to start the pain." It was the one I had left unharmed, I laughed at him. "I warned you, but you didn't listen did you?" They all started laughing at me, that was a mistake. I ripped the rope and chains apart with my mind. There laughter stopped instantly, I lifted my hands and sealed the building up. No one was leaving this place alive, well I was but no one else. "You people never learn, maybe it's time someone started hunting you." They were all looking around the room, I could smell the fear. "There's no way out, that I promise you, oh have you ever seen Carrie?" Some of them were nodding slowly, as I lifted off the ground. "Well, that little girl has nothing on me, and I haven't got any reason to let any of you live." They all started running to the doors or windows, I laughed. I heard glass breaking, that was a mistake. I picked the glass up with my mind and used it to kill a few of them. The cop had his gun pulled out, I took it away from him. I didn't use it, I wanted to have some fun first.

I left the building a few hours later, it had been an interesting show. In the end I had hung all of them up on the ceiling. I couldn't wait until the police found them, it would be one hell of a story. I didn't know where I was anymore, it was a bad part of town. I remembered the park I had parked at, but not how to get there. I decided that maybe if I could get a better look of the city I could find my way. I walked behind a building and pulled the latter down, I started climbing. Once I was on top of the roof I pushed with my mind and slowly lifted off the ground. I couldn't really fly but I could push myself high into the air. I didn't have the free feeling, in fact it stressed my mind out. My power was like a muscle, the more I used it the stronger it got. I looked around the city finding my park, or what I hoped was my park. I slowly went back to the ground and started walking, I hated being in such an open place. I found my car just before sun rise, I started driving. I parked my car in the guys parking lot and went to sleep. I set my watch to go off in three hours, it was when I was going to meet them. When the watch went off I almost jumped out of my skin. I had one hell of a cramp in my neck, I closed my eyes for a few seconds.

I got out of my van and walked around to the back opening the door. I pulled the lightest suite case out and stripped down. I noticed that there was a little bit of dried blood on Kevin's shirt. I pulled out a few bottles of water and washed my myself off a little. I put some fresh clothes back on and head to the front doors. I walked up to the front desk and asked for Mr. Happy. The lady nodded and gave me a card key to their floor. I went the elevator and hit the button then slid the card threw. I leaned against the wall and waited for the door to open. I had a large suite case in my hand, it had all my make up in it. I could change myself like normal people change clothes. It took a few hours to make the mask, but after that it was all good. I had a few ideas to help them out but I would have to run it by them first. When the door's opened Kevin and Nick were waiting for me. I smiled and walked in putting the case on the couch. "You got to be kidding that's all your stuff?" I looked at Nick and shook my head, my van was filled with my stuff. "My van is filled up with all my stuff I spent the whole night packing it up." That was a good lie other wise I'd have to tell them more. "I put my apartment up for rent this morning then grabbed a few hours of sleep in my van." Kevin's eye brows shot up and he smiled.

I opened the case and started setting everything up. When I turned around everyone was in the room looking at me. "I told you I'd bring my stuff by today, I wasn't lying." Kevin started shaking his head while he looked at all the stuff. " It's not that Eric, it's just that theirs so much and it's looks heavy." I shrugged my shoulders, I guess I used my gift more than I thought. "Well, I need it all to change you guys into different people. By the time I'm done you'll be able to walk anywhere you want without anyone knowing who you are. In other words you can be normal again. I can either make each of you a mask, or just change you a little every time you want to go out. It's up to you, but with the mask you can put it on in abut five minutes. While with me just changing you every so often it takes about half an hour." They started their whispering again, it was kind of cute. They looked like a bunch of kids when they did it. "Ok we want to make the mask, less trouble to put on." I nodded and started setting up the plaster. "Who wants to be first?" Brian walked over and sat down in front of me. I put the plastic hair net on, in other words he looked bald. I started putting the plaster on, putting two straws in his nose when the time came. I had to sit on his lap for a short amount of time. I noticed that he was starting to get a hard on.

I decided to play with him a little, so I moved my hips slightly. He couldn't moan of say anything, but his hands moved slightly. I kept moving my hips around making it look like I was just doing my job. So far everything was looking perfect, I got up and washed my hands. "Next please, I would like to go one after another. That way I'll be done before the days over." Nick took a seat and I repeated everything down to the last detail. I had even started moving my hips slightly. I then did Howie and AJ, Kevin was last and had a smile plastered on his face. "Relax your lips or this isn't going to work." It took him a few minutes but then I went to work on him. I did everything the same and then left his lap and sat back. I checked my watch, Brian would be done in about five minutes. So I started looking around, I couldn't help myself. I looked around until it was time to set Brian free. I took the straws out of his nose and slowly cut the mask away. I was on his lap again as I slowly pulled it off. "There now your free, hope it wasn't to painful." He had a smile on his face and he shook his head no. I stood up and put the cast on a table, Brian went to wash up. I checked my watch again and then took a seat on Nick's lap. I did everything like how I had done Brian.

Soon everyone was free and waiting for the next step. No one was unhappy with the way I did my job. I knew that it really wasn't a job but it's how I looked at everything I did. I pulled out some more stuff and started making the mode. Making a mask wasn't the easiest thing to do. There were a lot of steps to doing it right and I was doing it right. It took six more hours before I was close to being done. They had watched me the whole time. Which meant I couldn't really use my gift all that much. It slowed everything down a lot, so much so I was three hours late. "Ok what do you want to change or is it up to me?" AJ was the only one to start telling me what he wanted done. I thought the boy was nuts, he wanted tattoos all over the face. So I went to work once again, I only stopped once to remove my shirt. I looked at my new mask and started handing them out. "We don't know how to put them on could you give us a hand?" I nodded and put the masks on all of them. "Now go look in your mirrors and tell me what you think." I took a seat on the couch and laid back. I almost fell to sleep when someone sat down beside me. I opened my eyes to see Kevin with his new face. "It look's so real, how did you learn that?" I took a few deep breaths and thought up a really good lie.

I decided to go with the truth and then a lie. "I learned it in the army when I was a spy in China. I was seventeen, and I was on a mission to take out a big drug dealer. I had to learn to speak the languish and all that. It was an interesting job, I quit it when I was twenty-three, it got boring." I held my face a tight as I could then bust out laughing. Kevin started to laugh to once he thought I was joking. "I learned it in a school a few years ago. I was thinking about going to Hollywood and do it for a living. It's why I've learned all that I have. I would get bored and then take some new classes, that's all really." He was nodding and looked a little embarrassed. "I almost fell for that one, I can't believe that I almost believed it." Now it was my turn to ask a very important question. "Would it be so bad if I was an assassin, or a secret agent?" I said with a smile, it had to sound like a joke. "No not really, if you only killed bad guys, but then again killing is wrong no matter what." He was being dead serious with me, I had to wonder if he had taken me serious. "I was only joking Kevin do I look like I could kill someone?" His hand moved over my chest and tracing a few scars that lay there. "Honestly, yes you do Eric you look like you could kill a hundred men and not think twice." I looked into his eyes, was he a mind reader?

Then he smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. "Your smile is like heaven, so yes you could kill with it." I smiled and slowly pulled away from him. My heart was racing, he had scared the living hell out of me. "So have you talked to your management to find out if I could be your body guard?" He nodded and slowly looked, I was guessing bad news. "Everything is set up, all you have to do is sign a few contracts." I nodded, that wouldn't be a problem or so I hoped. "So when do we leave I have to gas up my van." He looked at me a little confused then checked his watch. "You'll be with us in the bus, your our body guard so you have always be there. We can put everything that's in your van on our bus, it wouldn't be a problem." I nodded and thought to myself, they wouldn't be able to lift some of those bags. "So what's going to happen to my van?" He looked like he had just turned some lights on. "Oh, we'll put it somewhere safe until the tour is over, then you can reclaim it." It looked like everything was taken care of. I knew that with me being on tour with them I would live a little longer. I didn't know by how much but longer then a few weeks. I wasn't all that worried in truth, it wasn't like I couldn't defend myself. There wasn't a human on earth who could match my power. Well, that's what I use to think anyway, I found out differently in a short amount of time.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 2

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