
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on May 26, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know the BSB nor have I ever met them. I don't know anyone that has or does work with them in anyway. This is just a story, in other words not real. I made it up and I'm happy I did.

Warning: There will be sex in this story, so you've been warned in that area. This story has a really dark plot to it. It has a super natural twist to it, so be warned again. I'm not going to have any flying monkeys or anything, so don't worry. Just some stuff that's a little out there.

Authors Note: I love writing these, but doesn't everybody? Anyway I want to thank everyone that's ever wrote me about any of my stories. Eddi thank you for being such a great friend to me. I do not look like Nick, got that, good. Fallen Angel, your really cool and I love your story French Kiss Me. Everyone go read it, it's really good. Kenitra I don't know how to thank you, you've helped me so much. If it wasn't for you I would have never started writing and posting stories. So thank you so much, by the way go read any stories by Kenitra, I hope your feeling better. As for anyone I've missed I'm really sorry, cause I know I've missed a lot of people. Ok now I get to tell you a little about my symbols that I love so much. These *** mean a character change, or who starts off the chapter. If I'm starting a chapter the name will be in the middle of the symbols. if I'm in the middle of a chapter or somewhere around that area I'll put the name at the end of the symbols. Now I don't always use these (( )) but if I do it's either a time change or a note from me. I try not to use them but it happens so I thought I would let you know. If you have time I would love to hear from you. Anyway on with my new story I hope you all like it.


I liked their bus it was nice and big, I could get use to it. I had helped move my bags since no one else could even lift a few bags. Now I was looking at my bunk, it was pretty big. I climbed in and pulled the curtain closed, I must have slipped off for a while. I was really tired from the night before, it was one thing to take out ten dirt bags. It was another to walk all night to get to your car. I noticed that the bus was moving pretty quickly. I pulled the curtain back and got up making my way up to the couches. I guessed that everyone else must have been sleeping. I looked out the window and thought about my group. We had thought ourselves the four horsemen, we did have power. When the underworld talked about us it was with fear. Faith was our mind reader, she was good at what she did. Then you had Fate, he could kill with the touch of his hand. When his skin met someone else's he could make their heart explode. Then one of the most feared of the ground Discord. She could make your dreams or nightmares come true right before your eyes. She had killed a lot of people with that power, it didn't always work so they sent me. I was always known as Death, I had studied so many things. I could be anyone and do just about anything. I could kill with my hands a weapon or my mind alone.

That made me the worst out of the whole group. Discord had to be so close for her power to work. She couldn't kill everyone with it, some people it didn't even work on. Fate had to get to close to people and that it was risky. Faith on the other hand couldn't really attack anyone. I on the other hand I could attack anyone at any given moment. I never had to get close to kill anyone. That's why I was named Death, I was unstoppable. That has now been proven wrong, thanks to Kevin. I myself still didn't understand it, how could I just not. I had been doing this all my life, and here I was not able to kill one person. I didn't even know if I was in love with him, I just knew that I liked him a lot. Ever since that first night when I had looked into his eyes. It was like something inside me turned to mush. I was putty in his hands and I didn't even know it until now. I looked out the window and used my gift a little. I needed to get stronger, I was now on my own. I missed DC more than anything, she was my talking buddy. I would sleep in her room where ever we may have been and talk all night. She knew me and understood me better then the others. She was also the first to know and she accepted it without a second thought.

DC knew everything about me, I had no secrets from her. She was the only one to know I could lift a truck with my mind. I had lifted one off of her while the others ran to find something to help. I just picked it up with ease and moved it away from her. I made her promise not to tell anyone else. She agreed and I moved the truck back and bent it in the right places. The other's came back shortly after that with a blow torch. When I saw them coming I acted like I was about to pass out. I even made my nose start bleeding, it had to look real. I couldn't let them think that what I had done was easy. It looked like I had just bent it enough to free her. I made it look like it had taken everything out of me. After that night I would use my gift to lift something heavy and hold it there. To night was no different, but it did mean more. So when I could I would lift a car that was riding beside us. They didn't even know it was happening, but it was starting to stress me a little. I was starting to get a headache, which wasn't good. I had lifted close to ten cars in the last hour. I had even managed to lift three at once for a total of twenty minutes. I couldn't quit, and I knew the price. I felt the blood trickle down from my nose and eyes. So I sat the last car down and almost passed out.

I pulled myself up so I was sitting up, I then knelt my head down and held it. I slowly made my way to the bathroom and washed my face. My eye's were still a little red but it would pass. I made my way back to the kitchen area. I started looking for some pain killers. I found some next to a few bottles of whiskey, it was an interesting place to keep it. I took five pills and downed it with some water. I laid back on the couch and fell back to sleep. I woke up to someone shaking me, I jumped up really quick. I brought my hands up and moved my foot back slightly. I turned my knee inward and bent to outward. I hadn't even opened my eyes yet. I dropped down in a stance I had gotten use to years ago. I then opened my eyes, all the things I had done took less then a second. Nick was standing in front of me with his mouth hanging open. "Kevin your boyfriend just scared me to death." I relaxed and starting laughing, I almost fell down laughing. Kevin walked in and all I could do was look at him and laugh. "I am so sorry, I'm just not use to someone waking me up." I choked it out between my laughter and Nick looked mad. I couldn't stop laughing, and I did fall on the ground. Kevin didn't seem to be upset with the whole idea. The other guys had gathered around to watch me roll on the floor.

Ten minutes later when I had regained myself enough I sat up. Nick didn't look that mad anymore and the guys thought I had gone nuts. "When most people wake me up it's by saying my name loudly. Other wise I shift into defense mode and get ready to fight. I'm just happy I opened my eyes before I did anything." The only two that understood what I was saying was Nick and Kevin. "What happened, did Nickie try to jump your bones?" I looked at AJ and rased an eye brow, what did he mean. "No, he just tired to shake me awake. I almost attacked him, so I guess it kind of scared him a little." Brian was the first to start laughing now I was confused. I heard a cell phone ringing loudly. It was coming from me, but I didn't remember having a phone. "I thought we were the only one's with that number." Kevin said looking to the other guys, I answered the phone. "D, we have a problem, and I know I shouldn't be calling you." I took a deep breath and looked at the phone. "I'm sorry MS, you must have the wrong number. What number did you dial, I'm sure we could clear this up." I had to give her time to speak. Kevin tossed me the number that he had been given. "They're after you now, but they don't know where you are. They sent someone like us after you, his code name starts with H. I didn't even know there was someone like us out there. Be careful D, I plan on seeing you again gotta go, love you." I listened to the dial tone for a few seconds. "That's the problem, you dialed the five before the one." I hung up the phone and looked at the guys.

I was in a shock, someone like me was coming. I had played it off pretty well, but now I was alone. I found myself on the verge of a panic attack, that had never happened before. To say that I was scared was an understatement. I had thought we were the only one's gifted. How could I be so foolish to think myself so powerful? I didn't even know what this guy could do. He could attack me in my dreams or even by touching me. I could handle being shot, it had happened before. This was something different, I would have to pull up all my walls. I hadn't ever had to hide my thoughts, not like this. I would have to keep everyone I didn't know at a distance. I got out of my bunk and joined the other guys in the front of the bus. "We should be getting to the hotel soon, you can sleep in my room if you want." I smiled at Kevin I wouldn't mind that at all. I still couldn't get over his eyes, they were such an intense green. Once the bus stopped we entered the hotel slowly. It was the middle of the night, and I knew they had a concert the next night. I wondered if I would hear from DC anytime soon, I wanted to talk to her. I needed her help, I needed to know if I had made the right choice. She would tell me the truth no matter how much it hurt. I cared about Kevin, but I didn't know if it would last. It wasn't like he couldn't find someone else.

I was taking a shower when the door opened up slowly. I smiled to myself and pretended not to notice it. Then I felt it, not something that strong, but a force pushing me. It wasn't Kevin in the bathroom, it was the man sent to kill me. I pulled up my wall, hoping that this morning hadn't drained me. I turned to face my attacker, he was Kevin's height. His hair was bright red and his eyes a deep blue, he smiled. "I'm not going to kill you yet Death, I have other plans." Then it was like the lights went out, I didn't even see the dart gun. I had thought it was going to be a metal attack, he had my gift. I didn't know how strong he was, but if he hurt my boys I would rip him apart. I woke slowly, Kevin was shaking me gently. "Who the hell was that, and why did he call you Death?" I guessed now was as good a time as any. "Get the guy's together first, I want to make sure their safe." Kevin nodded and moved out of the bathroom quickly. After all of the guys were in the room and I was dressed I started my story. It was a long one and I didn't want them to ask to many questions. So I picked the best place to start the beginning. It was that hard to remember, I had been foolish then. I hadn't thought that I would soon be a murder. I guessed that was what I was to most people. To myself I was an assassin, something very different then a murder.

I looked at each of them slowly, who would run first. I could keep the door closed that was simple. "When I was sixteen, a man from the army came to my foster family. He said that with my gift I could change the world for the better. At first all I could do was bend spoons, something I'm sure you've seen on TV. As time passed I got stronger but kept it a secret. I was trained as an assassin, and a few other things. I'm sorry I lied to you, but it's all I know to do. Our meeting wasn't an accident, I was sent to kill Kevin." Brian jumped up a mistake on his part but I wouldn't hurt him. I just held him in the air without any trouble. "If you listen, you'll learn more, now sit down." He was now on the bed his face bright red. "As you can see Kevin is alive, and will remain that way. I couldn't kill him, he was an innocent in my eyes. As all of you are to me, I've seen a lot worse. So I refused to kill him, so now I'm being hunted by the man that broke in here. He's not out to hurt you, just me since I canceled the kill order. If he was out to kill you he would have. The same with me, not many people can stand against me. There are others like me, I wasn't the only one that was picked. There are three others with different gifts. It's how we got so close to you, we were known as the four horsemen." No one else had moved yet, it was either out of fear, or interest.

I took a few deep breaths I was jumping around so much. "I wasn't lying to you Kevin when I said I learned how to make mask in China. That's the truth, it's what I did for a long time. I learned to be anyone at any give moment, I speak ten languishes. I can kill with my hands or any given weapon, and then theirs my mind. And like I said before, I wasn't alone, now I am. DC is the one that made you see me as something I wasn't. F read your mind to tell her what to make to see. While FT got the van for me, and packed my things. When I decided not to kill you, I cut those ties. I'm on my own now, so if you want I'll leave. Trust when I say I can understand why, I'm not a good person. I have killed a lot of people in my short life. At first it was to better America, then it was for money. The reason I'm called Death is because I have the most kills. Plus no one has ever been able to stop me from taking a target out. I'm sorry that I'm jumping around but, it's not easy telling you something I've kept hidden for so long. "I stopped I didn't really know what else to say. "Why didn't you kill me, it's not like you couldn't have?" I looked at him and I really didn't know the answer. "I don't know, I just felt something for you. I still don't know what I felt but it was so strong." I shook my head a few times and stood up to get my stuff.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, it wasn't Kevin's. "How many people have you killed, people that needed to be killed?" It was a hard answer, because some of them didn't need to be killed. "Ninety-five people, ranging from big time drug dealer to murders." Nick nodded slowly and then sat back down on the bed. "How many people have you killed all together?" That was the question I had been waiting for, it proved I was in fact evil. "One hundred and thirty-seven, but no one under the age of twenty-one." I didn't even know why I had thrown that in. They were all silent, it was odd to not hear them whispering. I guess that was my answer, it was time to move on. I could carry all of my bags it wasn't a big deal. Then the thought hit me really hard, I could kill them. I know it would be a little late, but it would be done. I could end all of my worries in one quick attack. They didn't even have to know what was happening, they would all just die. I could make it so quick and painless. When I turned to look at them, I knew that I couldn't. I sighed to myself and started collecting my clothes that I had in Kevin's room. "As of now your no longer under a contract, you'll be safe for a while." Still they said nothing, it was starting to get on my nerves.

I felt another hand on my shoulder, this time it was Kevin's. "Why can't you keep us safe?" I turned and looked at him, was he crazy? I was sent to kill him, and he was asking me to watch over them. "I could but it might put you in more danger, he didn't kill me for a reason. He said that he had plans Kevin, which could mean anything." He shook his head and looked to the guys. Brian still had a red face but he didn't look like he wanted me to leave. "I think it would be better having you around. It's not like we can lift stuff with our minds." I nodded, and got a good feeling in my chest. "Ok whenever you leave the hotel, try to wear your mask. The fewer chances we take the better, I have to get in contact with a friend." I picked up my cell phone and dialed a number that I had dialed one to many times. "Hello Jase, yeah a need a favor, no not that kind of favor. I need you to track down DC, yes were playing a game. No, we are not going there, listen I'm asking you to track her down. It's not that damn hard, she should be looking for a new job. Ok I'll call you back in a few hours, don't screw this up Jase." I hung up my cell phone, everyone was looking at me. "You said you cut your ties to your old group." I nodded for the most part I had. "Thing's are changing, and I need help. DC is my closest and most trusted friend. We've known each other for ten years, and she's the one that warned me I was being hunted." I had to get in contact with her it was that simple.

The guy's had a concert to go to, and I couldn't let them go alone. I went out to the limo first, clearing a small path. I would like to know how these people find out where their staying. I put up walls so none of the fan's could brake threw when they ran to the limo. That would also keep H from getting to them, or at least I hoped. I didn't know how strong he was, he could lift a house for all I knew. If that were true he could brake my walls in a heart beat. I knew that when we met again, it would be a war. I wouldn't mind dying so much, as long as I took him out. It wasn't like I wanted to die, but I didn't mind it. I had taken a lot of lives, and if I lived longer I would take more. All it took was for someone to really get on my bad side. Then I would let lose on them without a second thought. That worried me a little, I was worried I'd hurt one of the guys. They came running out of the hotel and made it the limo. Once they were all in I shut the door with my mind. "That was the easiest dash we've ever made." I smiled to myself, maybe I would make a good body guard. The limo took off toward the arena, I didn't think they could move that fast. I pretty much stayed to myself, it wasn't like I wasn't use to being alone. Even with the others we always kept our distance, well I did. I hung out with DC every so often but I gave her, her space.

I knew that if I could get in contact with her everything would work out. She had warned me that proved she wasn't to mad at me. I just hoped that my luck held out for a little longer. I was really going to need her on this, this guy could be my undoing. I couldn't have that happen just yet. I wanted to at least have a boy friend for longer than a few days. I was hoping Jase could track her down quickly, it shouldn't be all that hard. With me no longer on the team she should be looking for a new job. I just hoped she was close enough to save my ass. If she wasn't I would be dead in a short amount of time. I wasn't looking forward to that, not in the least. I noticed that someone had been trying to talk to me. I looked at Brian, he didn't look so pissed off anymore. "I'm sorry I tried to jump on you." I smiled and told him it wasn't a problem, it wasn't like he hurt me. I couldn't really be mad at him, there just wasn't a reason. He continued to talk to me I just nodded slightly. "What else can you do with your power?" It was a good question, I hadn't really tried all that much. "I can lift stuff, break it and so on. I can make a mental bullet and send flying into someone's brain. I guess I'm mostly a warrior, it's what I was trained to be. I don't really know what else I can do. It's my life, it's all I've ever known." Brian looked like he was really listening to everything I said.

It had been three days and not much had changed. After I told Brian what I had, not many more questions were asked. In fact everyone had pretty much kept there distance everyone but Kevin. He hadn't really made any moves, that I could understand. But he did hang out with me during his free time. I didn't know what he was looking for in me, the same went for me. I thought he was cute, I liked him a whole lot, but I didn't love him. I wanted to keep him safe, I knew that much, but not much more. He was a really nice guy, but still I just didn't know. I was starting to lose hope on tracking DC down, Jase hadn't found any trace of them. I had called him once a day to check up, still nothing. I was about to call him again when Kevin walked into the room, he looked a little pissed. "Is there a problem, or are you just trying to scare me? Cause if your trying to scare me it's not working yet." He started smiling, I guess that's what I had been hoping for. "I'm not trying to scare you, it's just that you scare everyone else. Well, everyone but me and Brian." I nodded it made sense that they fear me. "If they want me leave it's ok, I'll understand." Kevin was shaking his head slowly the smile getting bigger.

I was now standing in a room with all of them facing me. It turned out that they didn't want me gone. They just wanted to see what I could do, that was simple enough. "So what do you want me to do?" They started the whispering again, I liked that little fact. "Well, can you lift one of us up in the air, or like something like that?" I looked at Nick and started laughing, I guess once wasn't enough for him. I lifted all of them off the ground, they looked scared. I didn't even have to use my hands, normally I use a focus. When I use my hands it gives me a little more control. "You didn't tell us you could lift us all." I just laughed and started spinning them in circles. "I have many skills, this is just one of them." I sat them back down slowly making sure to put them on their feet. "So like their are others that can do this and other stuff." I looked at Nick and nodded slowly, I wondered how they would react. "I hate to cut this short but I need to make some phone calls." I left the room and returned to my room without another word. I dialed a number I hadn't dialed in close to three years. My friends and I had set up a message service. It was just in case we had to get in contact with one another. There were times when we all went on different jobs. That hadn't happened in a very long time, now I just hoped one of them would check it. I was a little shocked to find that a message had been left fort me.

I pushed the code in on the cell phone and waited for the message to play. "Eric I hope you get this before it's to late. I really messed up, I thought that I was helping but I wasn't. Me and the others set you up with Kevin, we thought it was time. I made you feel things that you didn't want to feel. I'm the one to blame for you dropping the kill, well all of us are. We didn't think you would just blow the job off. I'm sorry you have no idea how much I'm sorry. F and FT are dead, the guy that's after you is taking us out first. He's really dangerous, and I think he's stronger than you are. I've managed to stay alive this long, I don't know how long I can stay alive. I just had to tell you that I love you, and that I always would. You have been like the brother and father I always needed. I know that most likely by the time you get this I'll be dead. I just hope you get to hear this, something tells me you will. I wish I knew what to say to you, I wish I could see you one more time. I think he just found me again so I'm going to go. I love you Eric, and please live, for all of us." The message stopped there and all I could do was look at the phone. I dropped the phone and caught it before it hit the ground. I held it in the air for a while, this just couldn't be happening. "Eric are you ok you look a little pale man." I turned to see Brian standing at the door.

I let the phone drop to the floor just before my knees hit the floor. I had never thought something like this could happen. I could give up my life, but to lose those closest to me. The anger that filled me couldn't be matched by any normal humans rage. I could feel my power raging around me. Brian had moved away from me almost like he was frightened. I had lifted off of the ground allowing myself things that had been denied. I screamed letting my anger and pain be heard by all. This shouldn't have happened, I just hoped DC lived long enough. If I could just find her I could at least save her. If that monster hurt her I would rip him apart from inside. "Eric calm down or your going to bring the whole place down." I looked Brian, he was holding onto the door frame. The whole place was shaking violently. I let myself fall to the ground, my powers pushed beyond my limits. The blood poured from my nose and mouth. The tears that followed wouldn't be understood for a short amount of time. I pushed myself to my feet and looked around the room. "Your bleeding, oh God are you all right?" I looked at Brian, I must have looked like a monster myself. "Their dead, my friends are dead." Brian's whole body seemed to soften.

That was the last thing I had said before I had passed out. When I awoke my clothes had been removed. I was all cleaned up, and someone was sitting beside the bed. "Who's there, and where am I?" Kevin turned slowly and my memories returned. "You said that your friends were dead, then you passed out. Brian carried you back in here and laid you on the bed. The little temper tantrum you had was thought to be an earth quake. I hope you don't mind but I took your clothes off and cleaned you up a little." I shook my head, it was good to have people that cared. "I'm sorry, it's just the message I got from a friend. The guy that's trying to kill me has gone after my friends. With that in mind I think we should part ways. I don't want any harm coming to you or the others. You should fly as far away from here as you can and forget I even existed." He had a hurt look on his face. "I can't just leave you behind to die, what kind of person would that make me?" I looked at him, he really didn't understand. "Kevin, I'm a killer not a nice person. As for your question it would make to a hero to some people, you shouldn't worry about me. You should worry about your friends on the other hand. They are good people, I'm not and I never will be." Kevin was shaking his head slowly, he just wasn't going to give up.

I stood up to leave but my body gave out on me. As I fell two arms wrapped around me tightly. "I won't let go, your to important to me. When Brian told me you were bleeding my heart stopped. When I looked at you, you looked dead. At that moment all I wanted was to die with you. I know your past and yes it bothers me, but I can look past it. You were sent to kill me and you didn't. Doesn't that tell you anything?" I looked at him, I could force him to release me. For some reason I just couldn't force myself to hurt him in anyway. "It tells me that for once in my life I've done something right. If you leave me behind then it'll make that complete. I'll know that no matter what I wasn't always just looking out for myself. That for once I did something that would really help someone else. Every second that I'm around you it puts you and your friends in danger. I can't let you risk your life for me, not now." With every word I said his grip got tighter as if trying to prove he wouldn't let go. "I can't, I love you and I refuse to give that up. I'll tell the others to go on without me. They'll be safe and I can stay with you, if you die, I'll die too." I didn't fight him anymore, his words had put an end to that. "Kevin, I don't know if I love you, I'm sorry." He still didn't let go, and my heart ached to love him back. "I don't care, I would rather at least know what it is to love. Then to never know that feeling again." My eyes had closed and my body had given in.

I needed him more than he would ever know, I just couldn't let myself admit it. "It was forced on you Kevin, DC made you feel that way. It isn't real, I wish it was but it isn't." It couldn't be real, how could he ever love me. "I loved you before we ever met, I watched you while you were in the audience. I couldn't take my eyes off of you for a second, and if what you say true. Then I'm no longer under your friends power, what I feel is real." His words held truth, but I wasn't sure DC was dead. "I have strong feelings for you Kevin, and I want to believe that it's love. I think it may be which makes this so much harder." He didn't understand what I was telling him. For that I was grateful, I pinched a nerve in his mind. It wouldn't hurt him he would just go to sleep for a while. That would give me enough time to leave. I got dressed and pulled a few of my things together. I would have to leave the rest behind. I thought that may have been for the best, it wasn't like I had anywhere to put it. I left the hotel and started moving, I had no idea where I was going. Tears fell from my eyes as I left the man I loved behind. I hoped that he would find someone better to love in time. I deserved to die, the lives I had taken proved that point. I just planned on taking my assassin down with me when I died. I had to keep a small force field around myself at all times. The only time I would be in danger was when I slept.


When I woke up I found my arms empty. He had somehow knocked me out without hurting me. I ran out of the room and back to the one he had been using. Most of his clothes were gone along with a few bags. He was gone, and he thought that he was helping us. He had no idea how much he was hurting me in the process. I turned to leave the room to see a man blocking the way. "Where is he boy, did he start the hunt without me?" It was the man that was out to kill Eric, I wouldn't let him. I tired to move toward him but I found that I couldn't move. "He's gone, he left us high and dry leave my friend alone." Nick was standing behind the man which surprised him. "Sneaky little punk aren't you, I could use someone like you." Then before I could blink Nick was sent through a wall. "Death must have thought I would spare all of you. He is such a fool to believe I would ever do so." The pain started from the bottom of my feet, it almost felt like fire. "I'm not a fool, you should have known that by now." Eric was standing ten feet away from the man. "I hoped you would be here so I could give you a message. I killed Discord, ripped her apart from the inside out. She screamed out to you while she died, it was interesting. The thoughts that she sent into my head was that of pure love. Did you know that Death, that she was in love with you?" Eric wasn't moving, but his body was shaking.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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