
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Aug 25, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know the BSB nor have I ever met them. I don't know anyone that has or does work with them in anyway. This is just a story, in other words not real. I made it up and I'm happy I did.

Warning: There will be sex in this story, so you've been warned in that area. This story has a really dark plot to it. It has a super natural twist to it, so be warned again. I'm not going to have any flying monkeys or anything, so don't worry. Just some stuff that's a little out there.

Authors Note: I love writing these, but doesn't everybody? Anyway I want to thank everyone that's ever wrote me about any of my stories. Eddi thank you for being such a great friend to me. I do not look like Nick, got that, good. Fallen Angel, your really cool and I love your story French Kiss Me. Everyone go read it, it's really good. Kenitra I don't know how to thank you, you've helped me so much. If it wasn't for you I would have never started writing and posting stories. So thank you so much, by the way go read any stories by Kenitra, I hope your feeling better. As for anyone I've missed I'm really sorry, cause I know I've missed a lot of people. Ok now I get to tell you a little about my symbols that I love so much. These *** mean a character change, or who starts off the chapter. If I'm starting a chapter the name will be in the middle of the symbols. if I'm in the middle of a chapter or somewhere around that area I'll put the name at the end of the symbols. Now I don't always use these (( )) but if I do it's either a time change or a note from me. I try not to use them but it happens so I thought I would let you know. If you have time I would love to hear from you. Anyway on with my new story I hope you all like it.


My feet no longer hurt in fact I could move again.

"I'm not ready to fight you yet but I will be soon. So be ready, I'm going to up the pay off if you win. I think you already know what you win, but they die if you lose." Then he was running down the hall, Eric still hadn't moved an inch. When he fell to the ground I was stunned, then I heard a moan.

"Nick, are you all right please tell me your all right." I didn't have time to worry about Eric at the moment. He was just proven right about this manic, we wouldn't be safe around him. Then again now we had no choice but to keep him close. My heart still belonged to him, but my mind was mine. Nick wasn't even really hurt just knocked out, he must have known Eric would return.

"I'm sorry Kevin, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I looked at him with anger clouding my mind.

"Why did you come back, did you forget something important like your gun?" I watched as he closed his eyes and nodded slowly.

"I understand, and I did forget something, I love you." His words made me pulse for five seconds to long.

"I'll be watching over you now, good bye Kevin, and thank you." He was gone seconds later, Nick continued to moan.

"It's ok, I got you now, your going to be fine." All I could think about was the fact that Eric loved me. I started to go after him, I was to late he was gone. The other guys were coming, I showed them where Nick was.

We all spent the next day traveling to Florida, we had to go into hiding. I hadn't seen Eric since we had last spoken. It wasn't his fault, I owed him my life in some ways. I wished I could have taken those words back now. It took me a few hours to understand why Eric hadn't attacked him. He was to weak from what had happened just hours before. He had done what he could to help me and Nick, he was the reason I could move. He was also the reason Nick had only been knocked out. Then I had yelled at him, it was enough to make him leave. I wondered if I would ever get to see him again. I loved him there was no doubt in that area. I now knew that he loved me as much as I loved him. He was still a danger to my friends, to my brothers. I was in a war with my heart to go back and find him. I just couldn't leave my friends alone without someone who could watch over them. We were now in far more danger than we had ever been before. I wondered if Eric would keep his word and watch over us like he had said. I didn't understand how he could keep that promise now. There wasn't a way he could follow, well none that I knew of. When the started making the landing I got a little nervous. I hadn't thought about it but the guy could just blow the plane up. Then I remembered that he was playing a game with Eric.

Eric had to fight this guy for us, if he lost we all died. I wasn't going to give this guy another chance. My faith in Eric wasn't that high right now, he was far to weak to win. He had no idea how much damage he had caused that day. He hadn't just shaken the hotel but the whole city. He had power that no one human should ever have. I found myself trying to find a way to make him innocent of his crimes. At first it was simple it was the way he was raised. Then as I thought about it that wasn't true he knew right from wrong. I could on the other hand blame the army for making him an assassin. If they hadn't trained him maybe he would have had a different life. Then maybe I wouldn't have met him and fell in love. To add to that I'm so worried about him it's driving me crazy. I had done what he had asked me to do, I had left him. I hadn't looked back yet, thinking is one thing but I haven't looked back. I couldn't forget him, that was something I couldn't do. He touched my life in ways that he may never understand. In some ways I'll never understand how he touched my life either. I knew that I was different now, that I looked at things with open eyes. I closed my eyes and thought of the last time I had seen Eric. Those simple words had changed everything. As I walked off the plane I found myself praying he would make it.

The others hadn't really said anything about Eric. I could tell that Brian was worried, as for the others they showed no signs. I saw a man out of the corner of my eye, he looked like Eric. When I turned to get a better look he was gone, almost like a ghost. I decided that it must have been wishful thinking. As the day moved on we found ourselves in a safe place. It was pretty far out and I doubted that anyone could find it easily. Still part of me wanted to be found, but just me. If Eric failed I wondered if I really wanted to live. When I had told him I wanted to died with him I wasn't joking with him. I just couldn't let the others pay for my mistake. So I waited until everyone was asleep and wrote a note. I then left the house hoping no one would follow me. I couldn't risk their lives, mine on the other hand was mine to risk. I knew that I could be giving up everything and costing the band a lot. I just hoped that they could forgive me with enough time. I pushed our rented car down the long driveway, it wasn't to hard. When I got into the car I noticed that it wouldn't start. My heart started racing that maybe the others were in danger. "You know Kevin it's not to smart to come looking for me." I turned to see Eric sitting in the back seat. His hair was all messed up like he had been sleeping. "I told you I would be watching over you, normally I keep my word." I was to shocked to speak, then the questions started.

I didn't understand how he had followed us.

"How, I know you weren't on the plane, I looked for you?" He was smiling brightly shaking his head slowly.

"I told you I can become anyone I want to be. Your right I wasn't on the inside of the plane, I was on the outside. It took a lot out of me to wrap my mind around that damn thing. Then I had to shield myself from everything else. But I have to admit following you here wasn't all that easy. It wasn't like I could just hide in the trunk, not with AJ around anyway. So I stole a skate board using my gift to push that thing to it's limits." He was still smiling but I could tell that he was weak from the trip. He had dark shadows under his eyes, his face was a little pale.

"So why did you make sure the car wasn't going to work?" He started smiling a little as he looked at me. "I didn't that was Brian's idea, I watched him last night." I just shook my head I should have known better.

"I should go, but don't worry I'll be around if you need me." This time I didn't give him a chance to get out of the car. I grabbed his arm lightly forcing him to face me.

"Don't go, I would feel a lot safer with you by my side. That and I miss you so badly, I need you with me." The look in his eyes told me he wasn't going to stay.

"I'm sorry maybe after this I can do that, but not yet." All I could do was nod slowly and watch him leave.

I walked back to the house and entered quietly. I went back to my room and slowly crawled back into bed. I fell asleep a few minutes later thinking about Eric. He was all business when it came to his job. The next morning I heard the guys running around the house screaming. I jumped out of my bed and ran outside to see what the hell was going on. I watched as all of them started running down the drive, look's like I had forgotten something. They must have found the note and thought I had left. Then going outside to look at the car found that it was missing. I went back into the house and started cooking breakfast. It was my revenge for Brian making sure I couldn't go anywhere. When they got back things would be a little heated but it was needed. This was my life and I wouldn't let anyone control it.

"You do know that it isn't very nice to worry them." I turned to see Eric behind me with this cute little grin. "I have to head back out before they get back, I just wanted you to know that I'm here." He started to leave, he still looked pretty bad.

"Why don't you eat something real quick, you could use the energy." He turned around and smiled dimly as he moved toward me.

"I wish I could but if I stay I could get distracted. Right now that could be fatal, and I won't risk your safety for anything." He kissed my lips softly right before he left.

I watched him walk away with tears hanging in my eyes.

"Your to weak to keep going like this, it's going to kill you. I can't stand the thought of losing you, not now not ever." He turned slowly, I could see the tears falling from his eyes.

"Kevin, I'm not going to lie to you. Most likely I am going to die when he comes, I just hope I can take him with me. Your right my body is getting weaker, but for different reasons. The stronger my mind gets the weaker my body will get. I've been pushing myself beyond all of my limits, it's the only hope I have. If I do manage to survive this battle, then most likely I'll be useless. I'm sorry you have to hear this, but it's the truth. I left that day for a lot of reasons. I came back because for the second time in my life I had second thoughts. I realized that I loved you and that I wanted you know to that. In the short amount of time that I've known you I've fallen in love with you. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever fall in love. Now that I have that I refuse to give it up in anyway. I won't let any harm come to you or your friends. I almost failed you once, I won't make that mistake again. By me staying here there is a huge chance that I could fail you. I won't let that happen, and I'm sure your friends would agree." When he turned to leave he walked straight into Brian.

Eric looked a little shocked at first then he regained himself.

"You talk like Kevin's the only one that cares about you. You should know that is far from true we all care about you. We just don't really know how to show you that. It's not like you let people in, you have these walls. We've all talked about how much we care about you. Nick owes you his life along with the rest of us. No, we don't agree with you, I think you should stay and recharge. If you don't then you're going to lose no matter what. When was the last time you ate something, or had a good nights sleep? Do you think that's going to help us, if you do then your wrong. There has to be a balance between you mind and body. If your body is to weak how do you except your mind to hold out?" Eric stood there like he had just been hit in the head.

"The last time I ate anything was three days ago, the last time I had a full nights sleep was four days ago. My body only has to hold out long enough to take that bastard out. He's taken everything that I ever knew away from me. He's killed my oldest friends, and now he plans to kill you, all of you. You don't seem to understand how serious this is. If I take time to let my body heal it could cost all of you your lives." Brian only started shaking his head, Eric was about to find out how stubborn Brian could be.

Brian wouldn't move away from the doorway.

"So you don't value your life, is that what your saying?" Eric looked confused for a short amount of time.

"Well, we value your life, so you can't just go out and waste it." Eric looked like he had just found the weakness in Brian's offense.

"I understand how you feel Brian, but really it doesn't seem right that you speak for everyone. I'm sure the rest of the guys can talk for themselves." It looked like a tremor went through Brian's body. Eric may have just found the one weakness in the group. It wasn't like we weren't close, but I didn't really know if the guys really wanted the danger Eric brought with him. Brian slowly moved away from the doorway to let the other guys step up.

"I agree with Bri, you shouldn't waste your life." I wasn't surprised by his answer, neither was Brian. Then Howie stepped up, something told me he agree with us.

"I don't know you, but what I do know is that your a good person. I know you've done some things in your past. That's your past it doesn't mean you can't make a better future. Everyone makes mistakes, but if you go out and get yourself killed then you can't make up for them." Now the one person that I was really worried about.

"You know your a pretty smart guy, and up until ten minutes ago I would have agreed with you. That changed when I heard what you said to Kev, and then Bri. In that short little speech you changed my whole opinion. So I'm with the others on this, and if it counts for anything. I now value your life, and I know I can't stop you but I don't want you to leave." I think everyone let a collective sigh as AJ finished.

Eric stood still, it was as if his body had turned to stone. "We know we can't stop you, but please don't go. I need you, more than you'll ever know. You're all I think about, every waking moment. If you die then a part of me dies with you, after that the rest of me will follow. You just don't understand what you mean to me, or maybe you do." Eric slowly turned, his face was blank and his eyes looked empty. I didn't understand the look on his face, he looked dead. Like nothing we had said had touched him in any way shape or form. Then like something had broken through his walls everything fell apart. First his body started shaking slightly, then his eyes widened. I didn't know weather to run and hide or just let it happen. I thought that we had pushed him to far and that now he was going to kill us all. When the tears started falling my breath caught in my chest. Everyone watched as Eric fell to his knees, I don't think any of us was ready for this. His whole body shook with a pain that had been kept locked up. All of his walls had fallen, now he was open to the simplest of attacks. If someone said the wrong word it could kill him. I moved his side slowly, and as I knelt down he grabbed onto me. I wrapped my arms around him holding him while he cried.

The guys stood around not knowing what to do or how to act. Eric had always seemed so cold and untouchable. Even the first time I had met him he seemed a little cold. Now all of his walls had come crashing down, leaving nothing but dust.

"I just want to keep all of you alive." I just nodded as his body began to calm down. For the next two days I made sure Eric was taken care of. The guys were doing there best to help out, I just didn't really want their help. I held him through the night just to make sure he was sleeping. He was starting to look a little better, some of the color had returned to his skin. I think in some ways he was getting better mentally, he smiled a lot more. When someone spoke to him he would answer with more than a few words. The days soon turned into a week, then another. We all got to watch Eric train, he was really getting strong. I had never seen anything like this, it was just amazing. I guess the coolest thing he did was turn water into a weapon. I watched as he sat three pales of water around the house. I hadn't understood it then, but after a few minutes passed I saw something amazing. Eric stood in a circle he had made with a stick. He started moving his hands around slowly, his breathing deepened.

His hands stopped moving leaving them both paused in the air. When his eyes opened I could tell that they were focused. At first I had thought he was pulling some kind of stick out of the woods. When it just hovered just in front of him it started changing shape. We all watched as he started moving his hands around again. The water moved slowly changing shape. Eric's hands moved quicker with each second that passed. The water was now moving to quickly to determine the shape anymore. In one quick movement the water went flying off toward a tree. The next thing we knew for fact was that the tree was falling. It never hit the ground, Eric had caught it, and was now holding it. The branches on the tree started ripping off one by one. Within a minute all the branches were neatly stacked. The tree starting spinning round and round, and as it did so it smoothed out. All of the bark was gone, where it had gone I still didn't know. The tree then flew up into the air and shot back down. The ground opened up and the tree was gone. The ground looked as if nothing had happened to it. We watched as Eric placed the broken branches in other trees. When he was done it looked like nothing had happened. I guessed that had always been the plan, he was setting up some traps.


I noticed that my body and mind weren't wearing out so much anymore. The traps I had just set up hadn't even worn me out. I looked at the tree trunk and pushed lightly with my mind. Soon it was under the ground where no one could see it. I had thought this would take a few days to do. So as of now I had nothing else planned which sorta ticked me off. I had been ready to work my ass off for this so it would be perfect. Now that it was done I felt cheated out of something. I hadn't even needed the other buckets of water. I walked toward the guys, they all had this strange look on their faces. It still amazed them that someone could do the things that I did. I didn't understand it all that well, they had been watching for the past couple of days.

"So are we going to eat lunch or just stand here all day?" Kevin started laughing lightly, he was so cute when he did that. I could feel the corners of my mouth lifting upward. I hadn't had to many reasons to smile in my life. I found that now even looking toward Kevin brought a smile to my lips. The thought of losing him sent spikes of pain raging through my body and mind. I wouldn't let that happen, no matter the cost he would survive. Above everything else he had to live, if he didn't then nothing I had ever done mattered. He was now my reason for living, and maybe just maybe dying.

I knew that H was going to be coming for me and soon. I had managed to follow them without much effort. That meant that this other guy could have done the same thing. He had to know where we were by now. If he didn't then I had never had anything to fear from him. I had set up a few alarms around the area, I just hoped he didn't see them. I had set the alarm up so the police would come. If I could keep his hands tied up long enough then the guys might have a chace at getting away. I knew that no matter what Kevin wouldn't leave me, that fact didn't help. I had to beat this guy at all cost, I didn't mind dying. I just couldn't let the same fate fall to the guys. I continued to train for the next four days without stopping for rest. I had also decided that I would need better weapons then branches. So I spent another day making the branches into wooden stakes. Some weren't even bigger than a stick, but all of them were as sharp as I could get them. My mind went back to the alarms, I knew what would happen if I survived. When the police arrived I would have to be gone along with H's body. This wasn't going to be the easiest thing to pull off. I knew that Kevin wouldn't let me leave willingly, which meant that I might have to knock him out. For that matter maybe the whole group, but I couldn't be found by the police.

For a very short amount of time I thought that he wouldn't be coming. That was until all of the guys and myself were playing outside. It was shirts against skins, and Brian was kicking my ass. I had no clue that he had been such a great player, plus I had never liked the game itself. I was half way tempted to use my gift and steal the ball from him. I had managed to keep myself on there level and not cheat.

"All my ducks in a roll, ready to be slathered." I turned around rasing my defenses as I faced my would be assassin. He was smiling which just made me sick, I wanted his head and I would have it this day. I didn't like having the guys out in the open it would be harder to protect them. I knew that he had planned this out very well.

"One question, what's the H stand for?" He smiled it was something he had been hoping I would ask. It showed me just how foolish he was, he wouldn't make it in this business long.

"It stands for hated, as in the hated assassin." I laughed at him, I don't really know what had gotten into me. I watched as his face turned bright red with anger. That's when my own stakes came flying at me and the guys. I was doing my best to block them, I had managed to keep the guys from getting hit. I on the other hand had been hit three times so far. I had managed to keep the stakes from hitting any main organs. One of the stakes had entered the right side of my chest another in my shoulder, and the third one was in my side.

There was only one stake left and I knew that no matter what I did I couldn't stop it. It was going to hit me in the center of my chest. The only thing I could hope for was slowing it down. Then if I was lucky I could stop it once it touched my body. I felt the stake enter my chest, the pain was something I could take. I was now falling backward I had kept the stake from hitting my heart. That didn't mean it rendered me powerless, it had weakened me greatly. I knew that I looked dead, and I was grateful for that small blessing. If he thought that I was finished then he would drop some of his defenses. I heard Kevin scream loudly then arms wrapped around my body. The scream itself had filled me with feelings I had never felt. I had thought that I had known rage and anger, sadness and pain. I was taken to new levels as I heard the pain in his voice, the sound of pure loss. I was loosing blood which I had to stop, so I did my best to close the wounds around the stakes. The flow of blood had now stopped, now I just looked dead.

"I'll kill you, do you hear me I'll kill you." I could hear Kevin's voice above the others, then his arms left my body. He was charging toward H, which wasn't a the smartest thing he could have done. I couldn't let him kill himself so I stopped him, which let H know that I was alive.

I pulled myself from the ground, never even thinking to use my hands. I heard the intake of breath from the guys. I looked at H, he was shaking slightly, with what I had no idea.

"Guys I need you all to leave now, if you don't it could get me killed." That was all the others needed, Kevin wasn't going to leave.

"Take him now Brian, the police are on the way. If I don't make it then I want you to make sure that he does." The others were pulling Kevin away H let them. In that one movement he had earned my respect. Once I knew they couldn't hear I decided that I had to go out on a limb.

"If I let you kill me, will you promise to let them live. I won't fight I'll just die, all you have to do is let them live. Then you can have all the credit for killing me." The look on his face confused me, he looked saddened by the offer.

"I can't, the hit on Kevin is still valid. I could get two million for his head alone. With the others added it would be ten million, so no they die if you die. On the other hand if you just give in I'll make their deaths as painless as I can." I shook my head, he knew the answer he would get.

"Then I guess I'll just have to kill you no matter what." Then the battle started, I could feel his power pushing against mine. My vision was starting blur and my chest was burning. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kevin running toward me. Then he was thrown into a tree, he no longer moved.

I looked at H, he wasn't smiling, maybe he should have been. It might have looked better when he was in a casket. My rage fueled me to do things I had never thought I could do. I was flying toward H with everything I had, everything that I had ever been was now at stake. I was cutting through every defense he had without a second thought. The world around me was shaking violently. I could see fear in his eyes as I ripped into his chest like he had done to DC. I had not forgotten or even come close to forgiving him for taking her life. His screams meant nothing to me and they never would. He had hurt the man that I loved without thinking. I ripped him apart leaving nothing solid, he was nothing but a mound of flesh. I could feel myself falling forward so I pushed with my mind so I would land on my side. If I had had fell forward I would have died, I could feel myself falling asleep. Only I shouldn't be tired and my body felt so weak, but in the same sense free. If this was dying I didn't understand all of the fear, it was so peaceful. Then it was like hearing a gun shot in the middle of a silent mall. I could hear a voice that was so distant, it was calling to me. I had heard this voice before, it belonged to someone I cared for a great deal.

His voice was distant, but it carried so much power. He was begging for my life, I could hear his prayers so loudly. I opened my eyes slowly to see him kneeling beside me his arms supporting my body. Tears were falling from his eyes as he looked upward to the sky. From a distance I could hear police sirens, my memoire returned instantly. I had to get rid of the remains of H's body, then hide myself. I pulled Kevin to my lips, I wanted one last kiss no matter the cost. "I'll find you if I survive, I promise." I then pinched a nerve, he was out cold. I lifted his body with my mind and placed it by a tree. I looked to what was left of H, then I opened the ground. I pushed with my mind until the hole was at least ten feet deep. I then put his remains in the hole soon after that I closed it up. I could tell that I had maybe a minute to get away. My strength was starting to give out again leaving only my mind to carry me. So I used what I had to, I slowly pushed myself into the woods. I had to get the stakes out of my body and close the wounds until I could get help. I knew a few people in the area that could help, but weather they would was another story. I could see that Kevin was starting to wake up, the look on his face hurt. I might have just destroyed any chance with him. I could see the fear in his eyes, he was worried that I could tell. I turned away and continued to move away, if I died maybe it would be for the best. There wouldn't be any more assassinations fueled by an unstoppable force. I looked back one last time as my mind gave way, I soon entered a world of darkness and light.


I looked around everywhere, it was like Eric had never been here. I could see the police cars pulling into the drive way. The guys were jumping out of the cars, I watched as they ran toward me. I didn't care any longer it was like my heart had turned to stone. He had left me again, I could understand it in some ways. He had to keep out of sight until the police were gone. What I didn't understand was why he wouldn't let me help him hide, unless he wasn't coming back. Then as I thought about it, maybe he thought he was going to die. I knew in my heart that if that thought entered his mind he would try to die alone. I wanted to go search for him, but I couldn't I could only pray that I would see him again. That he would keep his word if he survived, I could only hope. My mind was in fragments as the police asked questions. I just kept my mouth closed while Brian took care of everything. Later that night Brian and the others asked what had happened. I told them everything I could remember down to the last detail. Brian wanted to head back to the house and search for him. I simply told him that if Eric didn't want to be found he wouldn't be. I didn't even want to think about going back just to find a body.

To Be Continued......Maybe

Next: Chapter 4

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