
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Sep 2, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know the BSB nor have I ever met them. I don't know anyone that has or does work with them in anyway. This is just a story, in other words not real. I made it up and I'm happy I did.

Warning: There will be sex in this story, so you've been warned in that area. This story has a really dark plot to it. It has a super natural twist to it, so be warned again. I'm not going to have any flying monkeys or anything, so don't worry. Just some stuff that's a little out there.

Authors Note: I love writing these, but doesn't everybody? Anyway I want to thank everyone that's ever wrote me about any of my stories. Eddi thank you for being such a great friend to me. I do not look like Nick, got that, good. Fallen Angel, your really cool and I love your story French Kiss Me. Everyone go read it, it's really good. Kenitra I don't know how to thank you, you've helped me so much. If it wasn't for you I would have never started writing and posting stories. So thank you so much, by the way go read any stories by Kenitra. As for anyone I've missed I'm really sorry, cause I know I've missed a lot of people. Ok now I get to tell you a little about my symbols that I love so much. These *** mean a character change, or who starts off the chapter. If I'm starting a chapter the name will be in the middle of the symbols. if I'm in the middle of a chapter or somewhere around that area I'll put the name at the end of the symbols. Now I don't always use these (( )) but if I do it's either a time change or a note from me. I try not to use them but it happens so I thought I would let you know. If you have time I would love to hear from you. Anyway on with my new story I hope you all like it.


It had been three months since Eric had gone off on his own. I didn't know if he was alive or dead, the guys thought he was dead. I still held this hope in my heart that he would come back. The tour was back on the road and everything was going fine. I just didn't feel like singing anymore, my heart wasn't in it. That didn't mean I couldn't act like it was, we had all learned that lession a long time ago. Normally I found myself being awoken from a daze. My mind would drift off and think of things that could be, or could have been. In some ways my mind had stopped time, from the last time I had been with Eric. Those were the clearest memories that I had, nonthing else mattered. The world itself could have just stopped for all I cared. My heart ached for his touch, even his voice would be enough. I was flipping through channels when the news caught my eye, it was something about a car accdent. "Today a strage yet very heart braking accident took place. Lou Pearman, died today in what police are calling a freak accident. A witness reports that the car lifted off the ground and went over the side of the cliff. What makes it all the more interesting is the fact that people say the driver looked dead. Police are reporting that the late Lou Pearlman had a heart attack. This is all the information I have as of now, back to you Ken." My heart had stopped and my breathing had slowed

This wasn't happening, it couldn't be happening. It wasn't like I would miss him or even be saddened by his passing. I just didn't understand why Eric killed him, or if it even was Eric. I knew that there could be others out there just like Eric, but why would anyone else kill Lou. I couldn't think of one reason to kill him, maybe beat him to a bloody pope, but not kill him. Then I had to ask myself why hadn't Eric come back to me like he promised. Nothing made sense, and I knew that sooner or later we would have to make a statement. The phone was ringing off the hook, most likely it was one of the guys. I picked up and held my breath for a short amount of time, silently hoping it was Eric. "Kevin, turn on the news man, if I'm understanding this right then it means Eric's alive." I didn't really know what to say, if I agreed then I would have to face the fact that he had lied. "It could have just been an accident Nick, it happens all the time." For a few seconds the other side of the phone was silent. I could hear Nick breathing lightly, then in the background I heard whispers. "Your right Kev, but doesn't that mean that most likely he's dead?" I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, it could very well mean that. If that was just a freak accident, then it meant that he was dead. I knew that wasn't true Eric had killed Lou.

I knew that in my heart and soul, Eric had killed him. I just couldn't think of reason that would give him the right. I had thought he was done with killing people for money. My heart had told me that I had reached him on that level. I guessed that I hadn't known him all that well anyway. "No Nick he's alive and he's the one who killed Lou, I just don't know why." I heard more whispering on the other side, it was starting to get on my nerves. "You can stop your whispering it's really starting to piss me off. Tell Brian that if he has something to say to me then to say it." The whispering stopped and I could hear the phone being handed over.

"Sorry Kev, it's just that I'm not the person you really like talking to right now. I got an idea, and it may make you feel better, what if Lou was the one who hired Eric? I mean that would give him a reason to go after Lou and take him out. That way you and the rest of us would be safe, it would make sense. I know it's a long shot but it could be the reason you're looking for." He hadn't been lying, I hadn't wanted to talk to him. That changed the second he gave me a reason to justify Lou's assassionation. Now I just had to wait until Eric came back to me, no matter how long it took. He was doing this for me, and it made me worry how far he would have to take it. If Lou was the only person involved then this would be over. I just had to hope it was the last thing Eric would have to do.


After I had regained myself in the woods I had traveled forty miles to get some help. It wasn't the easiest of task, but the guy owed me his life. I was still in pretty bad shape but I had things to take care of. Kevin was still a target, and I had to take the payer out. It took months to track the guy down, he had used seven different names. I had to admit the guy wasn't an idiot, in fact he was very smart. Once I knew who it was I found out more than I could handle. He wasn't the only one that ordered the hit, so now I had three people to track. I knew their names and address, but I had to make all of them look like accidents. If I could pull all of that off then maybe Kevin stood a chance, I on the other hand didn't. I couldn't just let it end there, I wished that I could but things were getting out of hand. I had to cut all my ties to the underworld after I took these guys out. That in itself was a mission I didn't think I could do. Then I had questions that I needed answers too, questions I hadn't asked in a long time. Since I had fallen in love with Kevin I had started to wonder about my past. My true past, I wondered if I had a mother or farther, if they were like me. I had never even met my parents, I had no memories of them. I had gone back as far as I could, the first thing I remembered was a test.

He had asked me to move something without touching it. I did and he smiled brightly then a woman walked toward me. Her eyes were filled with tears as she kissed my forehead. I had always wondered if that woman had been my mother, her eyes held so much love. After that day I never saw her again, that's when I was taken to a foster home. From there on I was switched to a new forster home every six months until I joined the army. I had never really thought about that until a few months ago, I just thought it was normal. That wasn't the real truth it was just what I wanted to believe. The truth was that no one wanted a freak in their home. I had always managed to scare the foster parents. I didn't mean to, at that point in my life I had no control over my gift. Whenever I would get upset things would fly across the room at amazing speeds. At first they would think I was throwing them, then they would see that I didn't need to touch anything. Some of the forster parents thought it was an easy way to make money. Then for some reason I was sent to another forster home, I got use to it after a while. Not all of the homes had been good ones but I learned how to take care of myself.

I had to fight with myself every night, I wanted to return to Kevin. I knew that I couldn't, not until he and the rest of the guys were safe. Then after that I had so much to do, and some answers to find. I knew that most likely by then Kevin would give up on me. It hurt to think about losing him forever, but it was time I reclamed my life. I had to find a way to live normally from now on. I couldn't just go around and kill people anymore, well unless I had no choice. I noticed that time was passing much quicker than it had use to. Then again I had never been away from anyone I had truly love in my whole life. I wondered if he knew that I was alive now. I had made Lou's assassionation a little odd yet it could still happen without me. I had learned a long time ago that anything could happen and everyone would think it was a freak accident. I was now standing outside a building that held my next target. I didn't really have to worry about sending a message this time. I just had to wait until he cleared the doorway, then his heart would stop. So I sat outside the building reading a news paper. When he walked out he looked scared, and with good reason. He must have put everything together, he wasn't dumb man. So I let him live just a little longer as he moved toward his car. I walked up behind him making sure not to make a noise.

I let a small giggle escape my lips, his whole body froze. "It's such a pitty you know, I was going to stop doing this. Then you had to go and screw things up for me, all you had to do was leave them alone." He turned quickly pulling a gun, I took it from him without effort. "Did you really think you could kill me with that little toy?" His eyes held so much fear that I almost didn't want to kill him. "I'll leave them alone, and you too, I promise." I shook my head slowly, never trust anyone that had contacts with the underworld. "If only I could believe you, it's really sad too, but I'll make it painless. I have that gift, I don't use it too offten, so feel important that I showed you mercy." I waved my hand in front of his face. He just fell to the ground, I had crushed his brain to mush in less than a second. As I had said he felt nothing, it was like going to sleep if anything. I left his body laying on the ground. I never looked back as I exited the building, maybe I should have. If I had I would have known that I was now being followed by some old friends.

"Stop right there Eric, if you don't I swear you'll be shot down by ten different snipers." I turned slowly to face a man that I hadn't seen in five years, he hadn't changed much.

"Hello Major, it's nice to see that your still alive. Is there a reason why your following me around?" He was one of the only men that I respected.

I watched him as he shook his head, he looked sad.

"Well for one you just killed a man, are you doing this for money Eric? Is this what you've been doing since you left us?" I looked at him, I guessed that he hadn't been following me around all that much after all. "No, I didn't do this for money, I did to save some lives. But before you go thinking I'm some hero, I use to do it for money." I left out their names, no need to drag them into this. "What did that man do that was bad enough that he should die?" I had to think, it wasn't just because he had put a hit the BSB. It was more than that, he had gotten my friends killed, he had killed DC. "He put a hit on someone I love, then when it didn't work out. He put a hit on me and my team, I'm the only one left Major." I watched as his eyes filled with tears, he had cared for DC a great deal. "You can try to stop me, but I promise you that if you do, I'll take you out as well. I only have to take out one more person then it's over." He shook his head looking away as he did so, he had orders to follow. I had already pulled up my strongest sheilds so no buttet would make it through. "Major you are one of the only men I have ever respected in my life. I understand what you are about to do. With that I'll give you a chance to leave before your men start firing." He looked a little shocked, then he nodded and turned around.

The first few bullets fell to the ground, some of the others just bounced off. I shook my head it was time they learned just how strong I had gotten. I lifted off the ground quickly pushing myself high into the air. It wasn't putting any stress on my mind whatsoever, I guessed I had moved on from that. I looked at the Major who was close to forty feet away. He was smiling lightly as he nodded toward me, I couldn't help but to smile back. I could now see some of the shooters, they looked frightened. I took their guns away, but I could still see the bullets bouncing off my sheilds. I couldn't find the other snipers, so I decided it was time to run. I let myself drop from the air until I was only a foot away then I slowed myself. With my mind I picked up some of the bullets and ran back toward my last target. I buried the bullets in his body, turning the blame toward the army. I opened the ground with my mind and jumped into the hole, I sealed it behind me. I pushed with my mind going deeper into the earth, it was a little creepy. I had never tried anything like this before, I didn't think I would be doing it again. I had enough air to survive ten minutes at the most. I had to find a good place to come up and soon. I tried to remember the lay out of the area. I knew that I was heading toward the ocean, but I didn't know how far I had to go. I was pushing as hard as I could but still I wasn't moving fast enough.

There was a bright side to all of this, well not really. I thought that if I died here they would never find my body. The only problem was I never wanted to be buried under the ground. When I felt the earth give way I almost cried out in joy. I looked upward hoping to see the sun. I could tell that it was the right way to go, but it looked so far away. I pushed again hoping I would make it in time. I could speed through the water but I couldn't at this deept. I had to take it slowly, that was my main problem. If I didn't I knew that it could kill me in the end. I was getting closer to the surface every second, I just wondered how far out I was. It wouldn't really be a problem, unless I screwed up and went the wrong way. As I broke the surface I took in as much air as my lungs could handle. I looked around noticing that I didn't have far to go to get back to the beach. I pushed with my mind again sending my body flying through the water. I had to get out of the water as soon as I could. I was bleeding slightly from some of the wounds I had gotten from H. As I walked onto the beach I got some very strange looks from some of the people.

I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs, I was so tired of all this bull shit. It was like I couldn't just stop, and now I was going to take on the army. I shook my head a few times as I left the beach. I just wanted to blow up and take half the US out, I had never been so mad. All I had wanted to do was take out a few guys that threated my happiness. As long as Kevin was alive I would be happy, but no the army wanted to risk his safety. I have had enough, I was tired of taking things slowly. I should have never of ran from them to begin with. I shook my head a few times and waved for a cab. I jumped inside and asked him to take me right back to my last location. The police had already blocked off most of the area. I smiled to myself, the good major was still in the area. I walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around slowly and then the color in his face faded. I smiled just a little bit bigger, something my face wasn't use to.

"I'm going to tell you once, let me do my thing and leave me alone. If you don't, and I'm talking about all of you. I will destory you and the whole army, it may take me the rest of my life but I'll do it. I am stronger than you'll ever know, and if you don't back off I'll show you first hand. Besides you owe me, I did your dirty work long enough." He was nodding slowly, but there was something in his eyes.

I turned to leave but he placed his hand on my shoulder. "I've waited over ten years to tell you something. The goverment took you from your mother and buried you in the system. She knew it would happen when you were able to move the wooden blocks around with your mind. She was hired to make you what you are today, she was an assassin. I don't know what happened to her, after we took you she changed her name. That was the last time we had heard from her, it was the same with the others. As for the army continuing it's attack on you, it won't happen today was just a test. You passed with flying colors Eric, I'm very proud of you." I looked at him with anger and confusion. I didn't understand him, how could he have kept this from me for so long? I had looked up to him, as if he were my father. "How could you do this to me, the others your no better than the men I've killed? I should just kill you now, but I think that's why you told me. You've been carring this guilt around the whole time you trained us. That's why it hurts so much to know that I'm the last one alive. You killed them, you killed DC and I'll never forgive you for that. You took our parents away from us, robbed us of a normal life. You made us what we are, wait then that means you know who my father is." He was nodding slowly then he pulled something out of his poket.

He held up a picture that had over a hundred pictures on it. "Every single one of these men gave something so you could be made. After we collected what we could from them we gave it to a few doctors. Then after about five years they made the perfect being inside a jar. That being was then put into a woman who was to carry it to term. The only problem with that was the perfect being was no longer perfect. The gifts it had been given didn't seem to be as strong as they should be, we wondred about that little fact. You've proven that your powers are beyond our wildest dreams. We always knew what you could do and just how much you had been holding back. I have no doubt that you could in fact take on the US army and win. Now that you know, what do you plan to do?" I looked at him for a short amount of time, then I turned and walked away. I knew what I was going to do and it wouldn't take long. I was going to take out one man then find my mother. After that was done I would return to Kevin and hope he hadn't moved on without me. I would still need my connections in the underworld to find her. All of my plans had changed in a matter of seconds, and I couldn't be happier. I opened the door to a car and jumped inside, in seconds I was driving away. I'd leave the car in a good part of town. I just needed to find a better ride for my trip to New York.

It had been over seven months since I had started looking for my mother. I had taken out the last man that had thrented Kevin. I hadn't spoken with Kevin in over ten months, and I wondered if I ever would. I had thought about sending him a letter telling him I why I hadn't come back. That wouldn't be fair to him, I could die at any time and he would think I was fine. At least this way he could get angery and maybe move on with someone else. It would hurt, but in someways it was for the best. I still held a small amount of hope in my heart that he would wait for me. I was getting closer to finding my mother I could just feel it. I hadn't really had anything to go on at first, then someone sent me some papers. The major was trying to make up for all his past wrongs against me. He had even sent a picture to me, it was a lot of help. I had chased down three of my leads only to come up empty handed. I had one more to follow, this one looked the most promising. I had collected as much information on this woman as I could. She had been a very high ranked assassion in her youth. She had changed her name close to forty times in her life. On top of that she was rich beyond dreams and refused to take any more jobs. I had asked about her apperance, but no one gave me the same answer.

I had her most recent address, and her new name. She was in her late forties, her age was perfect. I parked my most recent stolen car a few blocks from her house. I steped out and made my way to her house. It wasn't as big as I had thought it would be, in fact it was kind of small. I liked her taste, it was a very smart move if you wanted to hold onto your money. I made my way up the short drive way then to the front door. It was close to midnight, and all the lights were out. I could have waited and come during the day, but I just couldn't. I placed my hand over the lock and opened the door, it swung open easly. I checked for alarms and found none, so I entered quietly. I walked up the stairs hoping it would lead to her bed room. I had thought about this for a couple of hours. I would enter her bed room and get a good look at her face. I still had the picture that had been given to me. If she looked like the woman in the picture I would return in the morning. If she didn't then I wouldn't have to worry and I could just start my search over. I entered room after room looking for a bed, the last room had a bed and what looked like a sleeping person. I moved toward the bed slowly and knelt down to get a better look.

I felt a gun rest on the back of my head, chills ran up my spine. "Stand up slowly and turn around, if you try anything funny you'll die. Trust me when I say I won't have a problem splattering your brain all over that wall." I nodded and stood slowly and turned around. It was far to dark to get a good look at her, I could still tell she was smiling. "What are you doing here, and what do you want with me?" I tried to look into her eyes, the darkness kept her face hidden very well. "I'm looking for a woman that could help me with a problem. I know she continues to change her name at least once every five years. When she was yonger she was an assassion, she helped the army make a monster." When the word monster had left my lips the gun had hit my head very hard. It had been the response I had been hoping for.

"My son is not a monster, nor has he ever been. I should kill you where you stand for saying such things." The lights had come on and she stood before me. It was like stepping back in time, she hadn't changed at all. "I wouldn't be so sure about that lady. He's killed over a hundred people, to add to that he's gay. In the underworld he's known as Death, the unstoppable assassion." Her eyes had filled with tears as I told her about bits of my life.

She slowly lowered the gun, I had been hoping to get slapped again. "They turned him into a killer, is that why they took him from me?" She had so many questions in her eyes and so much pain. "I wanted to keep him, and rase him the right way. They wouldn't let me you know, they took him. I had tried to fight them, but how do you fight the US goverment? I had even started killing their men, but nothing I did brought him back to me. I've searched for him my whole life, and now I find out he was always within my reach." I looked at her, she had confused me, how had I always been in her reach. "I know a great deal about the assassion Death, I've hired him a few times. I never met him or his team, I just gave orders. From what I understand he and his team were killed by another assassion. I've lost him, and I could have saved, oh dear god what have I done?" She had fallen to the ground, her body shook with pain. "It's all right, there was nothing you could have done, and I have something to tell you." She had started shaking her head as she looked up at me. "You don't understand, I was the one that sent the assassion after him. He was hired to kill a man in a band and when he refused I sent an assassion after him. I later found out that his reason for refusion was that of his falling in love. I had never felt so bad in my whole life, and now this." I stood frozen in my place, she had tried to kill me.

I couldn't find any anger, it just wasn't there. She hadn't known what she was doing, and she was just doing her job. "I can't believe I had my own son killed, when all I wanted was to hold him again." She had started staring off into the distance, she looked so lost. "If he was alive today, could you accept him for everything he was? I mean reguardless, he is an assassion. To top that off he is in love with a man, could you accept that?" She looked up slowly, anger filled her eyes, something I had been waiting for. No matter how much she loved her son, she couldn't accept everything. I shook my head and tried to hold back tears that thrented to fall. "How could you ask something like that? He's my son, it doesn't matter if he's gay or an assassion. I use to be an assassion, and love is love you can't fight that. You must be a cold hearted bastard, and a fool to top that. I don't see how you've made it this far with such a small mind. I can promise you this, you won't make it any further." She had aimed her gun at me once again. I didn't even think as I took the gun from her hand holding it in the air with my mind. She looked shocked at first then it was like a light had come on. "I'm not dead, but I was afraid that you couldn't love me for who I was. I'm sorry that I had to do this to you, but I had to know." I could feel my body shaking as the tears rolled down my face.

She slowly stood up and looked at me, her eyes searched mine. When she reached out I closed my eyes. Her touch was soft and kind but almost like a feather, like she was afraid. Soon I felt arms wrap around my sides, I flenched as her hand grazed one of my wounds. I opened my eyes in time to see her move back slowly, her eyes were filled with concern. "I'm sorry I've just waited so long to touch you, I shouldn't have been so pushy." I shook my head quickly and rased my shirt to show her why I had flenched. "It's not that trust me, I've waited my whole just to see you again." Once she had seen the small amount of blood she had knelt down to get a better look. "How did this happen, who did this to you?" I looked away, and she knew how it had happened. "I can't tell you how sorry I am, if I had only known." I shook my head and pulled up from the ground holding her in my arms. "That's the point you didn't know, so don't blame yourself. You were only doing your job." I had never felt so at peace in my whole life. I knew this was only the begining and my life was going to take some major turns. I closed my eyes and wondered where I would be in the next few months. I knew that no matter what I would be happy, I had found my past. I had found my mother, and she would now be at my side.


I hadn't heard from Eric in close to a year, I had given up on hearing from him. I had decided that it was time that I moved on. There was no need for me to spend the rest of my life waiting for him. If he was going to come back he would have done it by now. I still had a hard time looking at other guys. I would move to say something or try to ask someone out then I would see his face. It was like he lived in my mind, and I couldn't get over him. I wondered if it was his freinds mind warp that had me so stuck on him. The only problem with that idea was he had also had a mind job done on him. So I had to wonder why he hadn't returned to me. He was all I ever thought about, why wasn't I the only thing he thought about. I found myself wanting to scream and cry at the same time. Brian kept telling me that I should just try to forget him. I hadn't understood him at the time but now I did. I was in more pain now than I had been ever before. Brian had once told me that Eric would come back. That changed as time passed, four months after Lou's death Brian had changed gears. He no longer thought I should wait so he started setting me up to meet other guys. Now he set me up with a guy he had known for the last seven years. I was going to try and make this work if I could, it looked promising.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 5

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