
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Dec 7, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know the BSB nor have I ever met them. I don't know anyone that has or does work with them in anyway. This is just a story, in other words not real. I made it up and I'm happy I did.

Warning: There will be sex in this story, so you've been warned in that area. This story has a really dark plot to it. It has a super natural twist to it, so be warned again. I'm not going to have any flying monkeys or anything, so don't worry. Just some stuff that's a little out there.

Authors Note: Sorry it took so long to get this out, but here's the latest chapter.


The night had gone better than I had expected, I had a new friend. I couldn't make it anything more than friendship. We had a lot to talk about, only it wasn't anything that caught my interest. Every time I looked into his eyes I would see Eric looking back, only this time I didn't let it stop me. Well, that's not true, when I had thought about kissing him I could have sworn I had seen a tear fall from his eye. I had started beating myself up about my feelings the second it happened. I had to move on, there was no other choice Eric wasn't coming back. If he did I really didn't know if I would want him back. So far he had saved my life, and then broke my heart. I know that he hadn't meant to hurt me, that much I knew. I was pulled out of my mind by Nick storming into the room. His face was bright red, seconds after he entered Brian was right behind him. I had an idea where this was going, for a while now they had been fighting. Well, that wasn't really true, Nick had been fighting with Brian. No one really knew what had started it, and it had only been for the last month. It wasn't like them to fight, but it was like Nick was always trying to tell me something.

"Ok what is it this time?" They both looked at me with confusion, then understanding. I walked to the door and slammed it, I was tired of this little game.

"This is the last time this is going to happen. I am sick and tired of this little game and I want to know what started it right now." Brian was looking away, Nick on the other hand was looking straight into my eyes.

"Kev, what would you do if your best friend was a lying, back stabbing, low down dirty bastard?" Now it was my turn to be confused, I had never heard Nick talk about Brian that way.

"What the hell has gotten into the both of you, why would you say something like that Nick?" Nick looked at Brian and shook his head slowly, Brian only flinched.

"Brian made me promise I would keep my mouth shut, said it was for the best. At first I agreed with him, then I saw what was happening to you." I was more confused than before, where was he taking this?

"I tried to talk him into telling you what he had done, he wouldn't. I have never broken a promise, until now cause I can't take it anymore. A little over a month ago Eric came to one of our concerts. He had gotten backstage and was on his way to see you. Brian stopped him and told him that you had moved on. I had walked by at the last second, Eric had tears falling down his face. Then he nodded and thanked Brian for warning him, then he left. I was going to tell you right away but Brian caught me and made me promise not to tell." I looked at Nick then to Brian, I was wondering who I should kill first. The room was silent, all you could really hear was the deep breathing. I looked at Brian closely, he looked like a rat caught in a trap. I had to do everything in my power to move away from the door slowly. I then sat down on the bed and looked at them, with the last of my will I calmed my voice.

"You have thirty seconds to leave this room and never return. I don't want to see either of you ever again, as of now I'm leaving the band. Don't even open your mouths, it's over all of it, now get out." I watched as they left I guess Nick had thought I wouldn't be upset with him. He wasn't a child anymore and neither was Brian. Brian had done the most harm, but Nick had kept his mouth shut. I got up and locked the door before Howie or AJ could come running in. I started packing my bags, then I called for a cab. Someone had been beating on my door for the last ten minutes. I had tried to ignore it, but that wasn't really working out. I jerked the door open to see Howie standing before me.

"Before you slam the door I just wanted to tell you that Brian's on top of the hotel. He told Nick that he was going to jump, so I think you should get your ass up there." I looked at Howie, something in my heart told me to run up the stairs.

"Then tell him jump, there won't be anyone to catch him." My mind on the other hand didn't really care what my heart had to say. I slammed the door and moved back to packing.

A few minutes later I heard a scream then nothing. I closed my eyes and wondered if I had made the right choice. I left the room and made my way to the exit, people were running around everywhere. I left the hotel and got into the cab, I told the driver to take me to the air port. He had asked what had happened back at the hotel, I told him that I didn't know. I looked back once, it was then that my heart took over and I broke down. I could have at least tried to save him, but no I had been to hurt. I shook my head a few times and closed my eyes. There was a time for everything to end, I guess now was Brian's. The band was done with, two members gone would finish it. They could have made it without me, that much I knew. Now that Brian was gone I knew I had made the wrong choice. I thought back to the first night I had spent with Eric. It had been Brian that had gotten us together. I had just let my cousin die, the man who had helped me so long ago. I wasn't myself anymore, I had lost myself a long time ago. I got out of the cab and got a ticket back to Kentucky. It was the one place I could hide from the world, and as odd as it sounded my family. It would be the last place they would look for me. I had a small ranch just outside of Lexington. I knew that I could stay there for months and hide out.


I had been shocked when Brian had come flying down at me. I used my gift to slow him down then I caught him. My mother had talked me into talking to Kevin, she had even tracked him down for me. I had heard the scream, then I looked up to see him falling. At first I hadn't really known what to do, it was scary. If I didn't help him he would crush me on the impact. That wasn't something I was looking forward to so I caught him. He looked like he was in a daze, then he realized who was holding him. His face paled then he hugged me like there was no tomorrow.

"Listen, why don't you get back to your room, I'll meet you there shortly." He looked confused as I sat him down, then he nodded and took off. I looked around to see a crowd forming, this wasn't good. A good amount of people had just seen me catch him. For one it made me a hero, something I wasn't. For two if I didn't get away and quickly I would be in the news, kind of scary. My mother had gone to great lengths to make the underworld think I was dead. I took off running only to be followed by a few people, this wasn't looking too good. I put over thirty feet of distance between myself and my followers. When I turned the corner of the hotel I went straight up the wall. When all of them passed me up I went the rest of the way up. I made my way down the floors until I reached the boys floor. I found Brian sitting outside his room, he was holding his head. I could tell that he was crying heavily. I didn't understand what had gotten him so worked up, he wasn't dead. I could understand jumping around the floor screaming and shouting in joy. This on the other hand had me confused.

"Brian, what's wrong man, it can't be that bad." He looked up with the most pain stricken face I had ever seen. I watched as he slowly stood up and entered his room. A few seconds later his hand slowly came out and waved for me to come in. I entered the room and took a seat on the bed, I had a feeling it was story time.

"Tell me what happened Bri, and if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to know why you jumped." He was sitting a dark corner, it was like he didn't want to face me.

"I've done some things that I shouldn't have done. I've ruined the group, and I'm sure after today no one is going to talk to me." I looked at him and shook my head slowly, he was really being hard on himself.

"Brian, I'm sure it can't be that bad, I mean come on. I'll tell you what, no matter what happens I'll always talk to you. It's a promise, so now that you know that why don't you tell me everything that's happened." He looked up slightly and shook his head, I couldn't help but to sigh.

I was about to say something when he started talking. He was reminding me about the night I had gone to their concert. It wasn't one of my favorite memories, when the night had ended I had cried my eyes out. I had thought that just maybe I could work things out with Kevin. Then Brian had pulled me away before I had a chance to get anywhere near Kevin. I hadn't known then, but in some ways it had helped me a little. I had realized what I had been putting Kevin through. I had thought about it from time to time, but that night I really got a taste of it. Now that I looked at Brian I had to wonder what he could have done. Then as I listened to him I understood what had happened, he had flat out lied. For some reason I couldn't be mad at him, he was only trying to help his cousin. I nodded slowly as he finished his confession, then he told what had happened a short time ago. I knew that I had to find Kevin, I could fix this I knew it. Brian looked even worse than before, he wasn't telling me something.

"What happened after you made it back up here?" He looked at me a little confused then it dawned on him.

"You mean with the guys right?" I nodded slowly and waited for his answer, he looked away slowly.

"Nick asked me how I survived, but before I could answer he asked why and took off." I shook my head, all hell was breaking lose and I needed a little help. I had managed to get all the guys together, well not Kevin no one knew where he was. Nick and the others had been really happy to see me, they looked at Brian with hatred. I guess Nick had filled them in on Brian's dark act. When I heard the knock on the door I couldn't help but to smile. I ran to the door and opened it quickly, my mother stood there with her arms crossed.

"Guy's I would like you to meet my mother, it was one of the reasons I took so long getting back." Brian seemed to sank deeper into the ground now that he knew my reason. Nick looked impressed, while AJ was looking at areas I wasn't to happy with him looking at. Howie was smiling like a little kid as he moved to shake her hand. When she placed her hand in his he brought the back of her hand to his lips. My mother smiled slowly and pulled her hand free while Howie just smirked, I was close to ripping his lips off.

"I don't believe anyone's ever really kissed my hand of there own free will. It's understandable considering that there's been more blood on my hands then most doctors see in life times." Howie's smirk slowly faded away as he finally understood what she had just said.

"I guess it's time I filled all of you in on what happened after the battle." Nick looked interested, while Brian looked a little more depressed. I told them everything down to the last detail, this was the first time my mother had heard the whole story. She had this look of total regret on her face, as if it had all been her fault. Brian looked like he was trying to sank into the floor, I shook my head and moved to his side. I pulled him up from the group and tilted his head upward. I could see the streaks on his face, he had been crying the whole time. In my other life as I liked to call it this would have meant nothing. In truth I would have most likely killed him for what he had done. In this life, the one I now lived, his tears meant the world to me. I wiped the streaks away, then I pulled him into my arms.

"It's ok Brian, you couldn't have known, all you were trying to do was help Kevin. I could never be upset with you over something like that. You have to forgive yourself first, then the rest will follow." I turned to face the others, they all looked confused.

"I don't want any of you to be upset with Brian, he only followed his heart. I wasn't treating Kevin the way he should have been treated. I took off on my own little mission and didn't look back. I thought about Kevin all the time but I never even sent word that I was alive and well. If there is anyone in this room you should be upset with, it's me not Brian." Howie for some odd reason was smiling, then I as I searched the faces of the others I could see them all smiling. Brian was still holding onto me tightly, he wouldn't look at the guys.

"So your telling us that what Brian did was the right thing?" I thought about it for a few seconds and slowly started nodding.

"Yes, it was the best thing he could have done for me. It made me realize just what I had been putting Kevin through. It may not look like he did the right thing but in the long run he did. Now that all of this is settled, we need to track Kevin down. Where is the first place he would go?" They looked from one another then Brian regained himself.

"The first place he would go would have to be his ranch in Kentucky." Nick started shaking his head quickly, like it was the last place he would go.

"That would be the last place he would go Bri, we all know it's his favorite place. It would be the first place we would look for him. " The others started agreeing even Brian, they all looked stumped.

"Then that's where we go, he knows all you well enough to know your thinking habits. So shall we head to Kentucky, or just sit around here and let this band fall apart?" AJ and Howie nodded and left to get there bags, while Nick and Brian made up. My mother was shaking her head, and trying to keep from laughing her ass off. I just shook my head and sat down on Brian's bed. When we pulled up at the air port my mother was the first to exit the car.

"Give me thirty minutes and meet me by that loading dock." I didn't even think of questioning her, I found that things worked out better when I didn't ask. It wasn't that she wouldn't tell me it was just it would take time that I didn't want to waste. As we moved toward the loading dock I saw two guards moving toward us.

"I'm sorry, but you can't be in this area it's to dangerous." I smiled sweetly and waved my hand in front of their faces.

"Do you know what I could do to you?" They looked at one another then back at me and started laughing.

"I was hoping you would laugh, it's makes this so much easier." I made a swift movement and they were thrown into a wall. They slid down but they weren't out, they drew their guns and pointed them at me. I took their guns and made them dance in the air, then they shot up into the air. I smiled to myself and knocked them out without hurting them. I couldn't really help myself, violence was in my blood and they had laughed.

"Did you really have to do all of that, I mean come on?" I looked at Nick and gave him my best pout.

"You have no idea how bored I've been lately, if you did you would understand. I mean think about it, I've stopped killing all together, well unless it's in self-defense. Still I've been really good here lately, can't a guy have a little fun every once in a while?" They all started laughing, I guess it did sound a little foolish. My mother moved toward us slowly, she had the biggest smile.

"Where are the guards they should be around here, I was told they would take us to our private plane." All of the guys looked at me, and all I could do was smile sweetly.

"Eric, you didn't please tell me you didn't, you did." I looked down at the ground, I had done something like this in New York. I had knocked out five guards because they had gotten in my way, I couldn't help myself.

"I'm sure I can find the plane without them, besides they laughed at me." Nick stepped up and whispered something into my mothers ear. Then my mother moved in front of me and waved her hand in front of my face.

"Do you know what I could do to you, I think I would laugh too. Now come on and take us to the plane before they wake up." I nodded and walked past the gates and looked around for our plane. Knowing my mother as well I did it was easy to find the plane. My mother wasn't one to live to cheaply, she had earned her money. The plane that looked the best was the one my mother had to take us to Kentucky. I found it in a matter of minutes, then we slowly boarded the plane. The pilot was waiting for us, which ruined all of my fun. I was hoping I would get a chance to fly the plane. Everyone got into their seats, when the plane took off I got chills. My mother was laying back trying to goto sleep.

"So this ranch that Kevin has, how big is it?" Nick looked over to Brian, then both of them shrugged their shoulders.

"It's kind of big, but not really it's more like a good sized house." I nodded slowly, there wasn't anything to really talk about. I decided I would just go to sleep, it wasn't like anything could happen while we were in the sky. I woke up a few hours later when the plane started it's landing. The guys all had their seat belts on so did my mother.

"I see how it is, just leave me to get thrown around." They all started laughing lightly, I only made my frown a little deeper. I put my seat belt on and waited until the plane was ready to leave. I turned my nose to the others and walked to the doors. When they opened I stepped out and headed straight down the stairs. A nice sized car was waiting for us I ran around the car and jumped into the drivers seat. The others simply got in and my mother took the seat right beside me.

"Are you sure you should be driving, you don't even know where we're going." I looked at my mother and smiled sweetly, then I looked to Brian.

"Just give me the directions, I'll follow them just fine." I pulled the car away from the plane and headed for the exit. I was going a little over the speed limit, and I knew I was pushing my luck. I was hoping that I would get pulled over by a smart ass cop. That didn't happen, it was just smooth sailing all the way to Lexington. Brian was giving me directions and I wasn't having one problem. After about two hours of driving we started down a dirt road, which seemed to have no outlet.

"Just follow the road, it goes straight to his house." I pulled the car over, I had a faster way.

"You drive the rest of the way Brian, I'll take to the sky's if you don't mind." I stepped out of the car and lifted myself just above the trees. Then all I had to do was push forward at a really high speed. I made sure to keep the road below me at all times. I was finally able to fly and without to much trouble at that. I could only get myself about thirty feet off the ground. I could go higher but then I couldn't fly, it was far to much stress on my mind. I could see Kevin's house, it was a lot bigger than the guys had said. I started making my decent, I stopped at the front door, I didn't bother to knock. Something told me that he wouldn't answer, or he would go out the back door. I couldn't hear the car yet so I knew it was still safe. I opened the door and entered the house, I could hear a TV from the up stairs. I took the stairs two at a time and went straight to the door. I didn't really know how to go about opening it, I didn't want to scare him. I opened the door slowly, Kevin was sleeping on the bed. The room was a mess, I didn't know he could live like this. He had always been a neat freak, not that I didn't like that, in fact I loved it. I moved to open side of the bed and slid in beside him. I made sure I would be the first thing he saw when he woke up.

"Kevin, it's time to wake up, I have a nice surprise for you." He moaned slightly and turned over, I frowned, he hadn't been this hard to wake up before. I gently shook his shoulder and he swatted my hand away.

"Kevin if you don't wake up this instant I'm going to get a bucket of water." He turned back over and opened his eyes. At first he blinked a lot then pinched himself, it was cute.

"This is real right, you're laying down beside me and this isn't another dream?" I nodded slowly and moved in to kiss him. When my lips met his it was like releasing everything that had built up. I wanted to feel more of his touch, more of him, I wanted to be as close as I could be to him. Then I heard the car coming down the drive, they had great timing.

"I brought some company with me, without them I couldn't have found this place." He looked at me and smiled so brightly, then he started crying.

"I don't care if you brought the army with you, I just want you." My eyes filled with tears at his heart felt confession. I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but love coming from them. I couldn't look into his eyes, I had caused him so much pain.

"I don't deserve you, you do know that right, I've treated you so badly. I never called, or even tried to get in contact with you Kev, you deserve better." He pulled my chin up and looked into my eyes, I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"That doesn't matter now, I'm sure you had your reasons for not calling. Whatever they were I understand, all that matters is that you're here with me." I wished it was that simple, but it wasn't so I made myself a vow. I would find a way to make it up to him, no matter the cost. I could tell that the guys were walking around in the house, along with my mother.

"Eric, where are you Eric, if you're playing some kind of game I'm going to kick your ass." I laughed to myself, I just loved her empty treats, and she made them so often.

"I'm up here Mom, why don't you come up and meet Kevin." Kevin's eyes got wide and he mouthed Mom. Then looked at me and almost started laughing, I wonder what he thought was so funny. He jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom to put some clothes on. I had to admit I loved his sleeping habits more than anyone else, when he came back out my mother was standing in the doorway, she didn't look to happy. I wondered what she had up her sleeve this time.

"So you're the young man that has my son's heart?" Her voice was so cold and filled with hatred, it almost scared me. Kevin nodded slowly and swallowed deeply as he looked at me.

"So what do you have to say for yourself young man?" He looked at me again and all I could do was shrug my shoulders.

"I love him with every beat of my heart, and I always will. I don't know if that's good enough for you, or even if you can accept me. But I promise that no matter what you say or do, I will always love him." She smiled and I could tell that she had gotten what she had wanted from him.

"Well, then Kevin, welcome to the family, now come and give me a hug." He looked at me like she was nuts, I only smiled as he moved to her side. She hugged him tightly showing him that she was no where near as weak as she looked.

"If you hurt him unfairly, I will rip your heart out and feed it to you." She smiled brightly and then left the room.

"How did you find this place, I didn't think anyone but the guys knew how to get here." I took a deep breath and looked back toward the door. None of the guys had come up yet and with good reason.

"Well, I was walking into this hotel when this man came flying out of the sky. I caught him, then I had a nice talk with him and his friends. They showed me how to get here, wasn't that nice of them?" Kevin looked at the door and went out of the room. I jumped off the bed and tried to catch up to him. I was a little to late, he was already down the stairs and on his way to kill Brian. I jumped down the stairs and watched as Kevin walked straight up Brian. When he tried to swing a fist at him I stopped his arm, which seemed to confuse him.

"Let me go Eric, you have no idea what he did to you, or me." I shook my head and pulled Kevin to me so I could face him.

"I know what he did, and I'm happy he did it. He taught me that I couldn't just treat a person the way I was treating you. Yeah it caused some heartache on both sides but that doesn't mean it wasn't a lesson. Like I said up stairs I don't deserve you, and I don't think I ever did. Brian showed me just how much you really meant to me. When he told me you had move on, my heart had broken. I thought that my world had stopped, and I would surly die. I cried every night, thinking I had lost you forever, and there was no one to blame but myself. Kevin what Brian was wrong, but not in so many ways, he opened my eyes. I can't be upset with him for that, if he hadn't I may not be here today. It gave me time to think about everything single thing I had done to you. Yes, I had my reasons, but none were good enough, none of them." I looked to my mother and she understood what I had meant. I knew that it had to of hurt her, but she understood.

"The first thing I did was kill every single person that had a hand in paying for your assassination. I met an old friend, who tried his best to kill me, then told me about my mother when I survived. So I started looking for her, which took a great deal of time. When I found her we had a nice little talk and then I came after you. I thought that everything would be fine and you would take me back without a second thought. I hadn't admitted that to myself, but it was in my mind deep within my mind. So when Brian said you had moved on my world came crashing down. I started to understand why you would want to move on without me. My mother told me that no matter what I should at least let you know that I was alive. That's how I came to catch Brian and be here now. You can hate Brian for what he did, but it would be foolish. He's your cousin and he loves you, it was the only reason he did what he did." I released Kevin and he looked at Brian, there was still anger. He didn't move to hit him or hug him he just walked back up the stairs. Brian closed his eyes and let his pain fill them. When the tears fell I caught them with my mind and pulled them into the air. I pulled them to my hand and held them like gems. I moved myself up the stairs with my mind and stood before Kevin. I held my hand out and pushed slightly, the tears flew up into the air. He looked at them with confusion, then at me.

"Open your hand Kevin, and trust me with your heart." He did so without a second thought which ripped at my own heart. I places the tears in his hand and let them be just that, tears.

"He hurts just like you, it may not be the same, but he hurts. He's sorry for everything he did to you, why can't you forgive him? You forgave me and I've done you more harm than any other. He committed a crime of love, he thought he was helping you. Why can't you just open your heart to him like you've done with me." He looked at me and went back down the stairs very quickly. He walked up to Brian and pulled his arm back. I thought he was going to hit him, but I wouldn't stop him this time. It was his choice and I was letting him make that choice, his hand moved quickly. Brian simply closed his eyes and waited for an attack that wasn't coming. Kevin stopped his hand just inches from Brian's face. He then moved his hand to cup Brian's face. He pulled him into his arms and held him there as he cried. My heart warmed and my eyes filled with tears of pure joy. The hug soon became a group thing, only two people stood apart from it. My mother and myself, we didn't belong in this hug. We were invited into the hug, but neither of us moved.

"You all need time to talk, and my mother and I need time to talk. We'll be back in a few minutes, there are a few things that need to be decided." We left them in the house and moved to the outside of the house. I took my mothers hand in my own and lifted off of the ground.

"I'm confused and I don't know what to do Mom. I want to stay, but I know that if do I'll end up leaving again. I don't want to, but it's in my blood, I crave violence." She looked at me and gave me the saddest smile I had ever seen.

"I know what you're feeling, I've felt the same thing my whole life. It's the reason I have never married or ever even tried. What you have here is something I would give my life to have. I know what you are feeling will never truly pass, but try to push it away. You and I are more alike than I had ever thought, and that hurts me. I know it isn't just my blood running through your veins, and I know that they did things to your mind. This doesn't only run in your veins my son, they were programed into your mind. I haven't told you everything, because of the pain you never knew of. I had tried to steal you away from the Foster homes so many times. One time I almost had you, I had only missed you by a few hours." She had tears trailing down her face as she looked at me. She shook her head a few times and regained herself.

"I went into the house looking for you, what I found made my blood turn to fire. Under your bed I found what looked like VR glasses. Yes, they had that kind of thing back then, you would be surprised how many things the government has kept secret. That's not the point, I put the glasses on and what I saw sent chill's up my spine. I had tried to close my eyes but it had only made it worse, the images. I started checking into what they had done to you, and found that every night these glasses were put on you. They tried to turn you into a monster that would kill without second thought. I didn't give up on searching for you until I found the body of a boy. He looked like what I had thought would be you at that age, he had a bullet hole through his head. I also found that he had been wearing a pair of the glasses that I had found. In his hand was a bloody knife, in which he had used to kill his foster father. His foster father had been holding a gun, in his lifeless hand. That night I had cried until I had ran out of tears. The next day I launched an all out attack against the people that had done this to you. I soon learned that it wasn't the army like I had been told, it was a private assassin guild. I wiped all of them out, one by one with my bare hands, and I never looked back." She turned away slowly and looked to the sky which was filling with stars.

To Be Continued

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