Girl in a Threesome TG Story

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jan 18, 2002



A Girl in a Threesome

By Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Note, this a fictional story.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and this is a fictional story about a time long past and what I sometimes fantasize about, some of it is based on reality, but for the most part it is fantasy. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this is simply a fantasy of what I would liked to happen many years ago with my then girlfriend, who later became my spouse.

It had been 5 months since I first introduced my girlfriend to my feminine side and she totally accepted and enjoyed the fact that she had a boyfriend and a girlfriend all in one. She taught me much about how to act and behave as a woman and had managed to help me build a nice wardrobe with a combination of clothes she no longer wore and the odd thing we would pick out while shopping as girlfriends. As time went on we came to do many things as girlfriends, shopping, movies, dinner, and even becoming intimate female lovers. She could see the fact that I was getting more and more comfortable with my feminine side and often complimented me on my appearance.

Now, one of the differences between her and I was the fact that my style of clothing and hers was totally different. She was more conservative, her skirts and dresses were usually at or below the knees and always in low heels. I, on the other hand really enjoyed my short skirts and would always be wearing 3" heels, even for shopping and if we went out for a special dinner, my heels were always 4" with my dress. She often commented about my skirts simply being "belts" and always reminded me about bending over and crossing my legs to save my dignity. From time to time we would play a little game while we were out shopping and I would walk way ahead of her and she would see what the guys and girls reactions to my outfits were. She would always tell me that the girls basically ignored me and the guys would sometimes almost break their necks gawking at me. We would laugh later as she told me if they were with girlfriends, the girlfriends would get mad as they gawked. Now, my skirts were not that short, maybe a few inches above my knees but not quite miniskirts or "belts".

My girlfriend and I were really having fun as girlfriends and as lovers and one Saturday evening as we were relaxing after a long passionate evening of love making, and after a couple of bottles of wine. My girlfriend blurted out, "has Joyce ever had a man before?", I told her "of course not", she sighed and said, "too bad, every woman needs to at least experience a man once". There was a very long pause and even though we both had a ton to drink, I managed to say, "are you serious?". She gently said, "yes, how can she appreciate a woman if she has not appreciated a man?". My head was spinning and I found she was talking in circles, she then quietly said, "don't worry, I will be there with her to make sure everything is alright". I found myself saying, "well I guess it will be alright", she rolled over and fell asleep and left me to wonder that, if what just happened, really happened?. I fell asleep shortly after that and in the morning I woke up and my girlfriend had already got up and left. I started to recall the conversation from the night before, but quickly dismissed it as a dream that I had, and for an instant thought about it and thought it might be an interesting experience, but quickly the thought left my head.

My girlfriend called later that day and said nothing about the conversation had the previous evening, she told me she got up early and did not want to wake me and left. We talked throughout the following week and she asked if we were going to have our usual, "girls night out", and I told her "of course". Usually that was a Friday night trip to a local "road house" restaurant to enjoy a feast of chicken wings and a couple of drinks then home to relax until she had to go home. She told me "great, pick you up at the usual time, 6pm?", I told her I would be dressed and ready.

I came home from work on Thursday evening and stuffed in my mailbox was a large box the words "To Joyce" on it. I quickly grabbed it and hoped my neighbors did not see it and headed up to my apartment. I quickly opened the box and on the top of the tissue paper was a note from my girlfriend that read:

Dearest Joyce,

"I bet you forgot about the conversation we had the other night, didn't you?, well even though it was not actually you, I am sure you know about it. Inside this package, you will find an outfit that I want you to wear for Friday evening, wear your 4" black patent heels with it. Do not do your makeup, leave that to me and as I promised, I will be with you when you please your man, Friday evening, you will experience what a man has to offer a woman. See you at 6pm to do your makeup, be dressed and heavily perfumed and no dear, we are not going for wings."

I was shocked and excited all at the same time and realized the conversation I thought was a dream actually happened!. I ripped back the tissue and pulled out a black skirt, it was insanely short, with splits up the sides. The blouse was really pretty, it was white with long sleeves and a wide lace collar and was basically see-through. There was a pure white lacy bra and ultra sheer back hose that were sheer toe to waist. My girlfriend and I never talked Thursday evening, and we usually did not, as it was her night out with her mother.

I could barely work all day Friday, I could not even concentrate and kept wondering what my girlfriend had in mind for the evening and what was going to happen. About 3pm my boss saw that I was so distracted that he thought something was wrong with my health and sent me home and I did not argue and quickly made my way back to the apartment. I got home and quickly jumped into the shower and cleaned myself thoroughly. When I got out I started getting dressed and slipped into my favorite pair of red satin panties, and a tight panty girdle to completely "hide" my other sex, then finally the ultra sheer black pantyhose. I then slipped on the pure white lace bra and adjusted it into place, I grabbed my Halston's perfume and sprayed it all over like my girlfriend asked. I then slipped on my blouse and noticed a problem immediately, my bra was completely apparent through the blouse and I took the blouse off and grabbed a camisole for modesty under the blouse. I then slipped the skirt up my body and did the zipper up at the back and looked in the mirror. I was totally shocked, it barely covered my panties!!!!, the slits exposed almost all of my legs on the sides, there is was no way I could even think of bending over in this skirt. I tucked my blouse in and about that time the buzzer rang and it was my girlfriend. I slipped on the 4" heels and waited for the knock at the door.

She came right up and when I opened the door I was blown away at what she was wearing compared to me, she had on a pair of jeans, a comfortable sweater, and running shoes. She looked me over and said, "very nice, now go in and take off the camisole under the blouse", as she closed the door and turned around, I was still in disbelief. I was still shocked at the way she was dressed, as we always went out dressed as women coming from the office, in skirts and heels and such. I asked her if she was going to get changed and she told me, "no, this is how I am going out tonight, now go in and take off the camisole". I pleaded with her that my bra was clearly visible through the blouse without the camisole. She just smiled and said, "that is the whole point of the blouse and the bra". I was stunned and went and removed the camisole and came into the living room were my girlfriend was opening her makeup bag and placing things out of it and looked me over and said, "much better, now sit down and let me make you really irresistible".

As I sat down she went to work, applying my makeup for the evening. She showed me her left hand where a Wedding ring would go and she had on what looked like an engagement ring. As I asked her about it, she reminded me to keep my knees together and my feet crossed and told me that this evening I was going to be the available single woman and she the soon to be married one. I asked her why, and she told me that I was going to be the one hit on and she just wanted to sit back and watch. I was stunned at the words that came out of her mouth as she applied my makeup. She told me that we were going to be going to a pickup spot that she knew of and that she wanted to watch me get picked up by the "man of my dreams" and wanted to watch me satisfy him in my own apartment!. I was floored, but deep down knew this is what I really wanted, she told me that I was on "my period" and that I could only do things orally if it got that far. We were to appear as girlfriends, but if I found the right guy, we would tell him that we were BI-sexual and that we were attached and that she wanted to watch me satisfy him!.

I was quiet and wondering what I was in for as she continued to apply my makeup, as she finished and just before she applied my lipstick, she looked in my eyes and said, "bet you are thinking on how to please a man right?". I must have blushed 5 shades of red and she went to her purse and pulled out a HUGE rubber dildo of a male penis and started licking and sucking on it and sat next to me. She took it out of her mouth and put it to mine, and said, "open wide!". I did and she rammed it in, and I nearly gagged, she apologized and spent the next 10 minutes telling/showing me what to do and what not to do, "teeth, remember, no teeth", to lick and suck slowly and enjoy him. After awhile she stopped and said, "I think you are ready, here is your lipstick, go put it on and pack it in your purse and let's go". I went to the bathroom and opened the tube of my lipstick and then saw what my girlfriend had done to me!. As I stared in the mirror, I looked literally like a hooker!, I applied the lipstick and left the bathroom and started to protest my makeup with my girlfriend. She just laughed and told me the place we were going to was so dimly lit that I would look perfect. She handed me my purse and in her other hand was three condoms and looked at me and said, "where shall we put these my precious?". I was dumbfounded and she just opened a part of my purse and slipped them in. She grabbed my hand as we left the apartment and down to the car we went, me still in shock. She explained that when I found the right guy to kiss him deeply on the dance floor and that would be the "sign" that he was the right guy to take home. I was to explain to him that I was a BI-sexual girl, with a BI-sexual partner that wanted me to give a stranger oral sex while she watched. We would then leave to my apartment where I would seduce him while she sat afar and watch.

It was around 7pm when we arrived at a club in the city next door. We stopped right in front. I got out of the car and my girlfriend said that she would park the car and would join me inside. I heard as she drove away, "have a great time Joyce". I thought we were going to go in as girlfriends, but quickly realized she had other plans. I entered the club and saw that it was pretty busy, and after about 5 minutes searched around to find my girlfriend and she was nowhere to be found, I looked and looked and could not find her. As I looked around a waiter came up to me and said, "care for a table Miss?". I said "yes" and waited for my girlfriend to join me and followed him. As I was seated I ordered a glass of white wine and started looking around, hoping to se my girlfriend quickly joining me, but found myself in a tiny little skirt, see through blouse, sheer black hose and 4" heels, alone and vulnerable. I sipped on my wine and kept my knees together and kept looking for my girlfriend, but the place started to get more and more packed and I could not find her.

I started to feel like I had to use the washroom, but did not want to give up my table. I wanted to make sure I stayed in one place so that my girlfriend could find me. I started feeling eyes on me and tried not to make eye contact with any of the men checking me out. It was inevitable and two guys came to the table and the one in the lead and asked if I was waiting for someone and told them, "just my girlfriend". The first one commented that I was almost done my glass of wine and if I wanted another. I smiled back and said, "sure why don't you have a seat while I wait for my girlfriend?". As they sat down I noticed that they were dressed nicely in a sweaters and dress pants. As for their appearance, they were "ok" looking, no Tom Cruise or anything and I saw one of them staring at my ring finger and smiled as he saw there was no ring. I did the same and saw that one had on a Wedding ring and the other did not. We introduced each other and I found out the guy without the ring was Gary, and the other was Mark and was married. A slow song came on and Gary asked me to dance, inside I was thrilled, but outside was a little reluctant. Before I did anything I had to use the washroom or I was going to burst. I excused myself and promised Gary that when I got back we would dance.

I grabbed my purse and headed to the washroom, weeding my way through the crowd. When I got in the washroom, it was pretty busy, but I eventually got a stall and did my business. When I came out I decided to check my hair and makeup and stood at the mirror and as I was touching up my lipstick, a girl came up beside and I could see her looking me up and down and sarcastically said, "nice skirt girl". I was shocked at the comment and quickly packed my purse and left to go back for the table, and searched the crowd on the way for my girlfriend. As I walked through the crowd I could "feel" eyes staring at me, male and female and as I walked towards my table Gary and Mark were staring at me. As I got near the table Gary got up and I knew he wanted to take me on the dance floor and I put down my purse on my chair and took his hand and we went to the dance floor. The song was slow, and Gary was a perfect gentleman, he made the comment, "I know I barely know you, but please don't take this the wrong way, but you have gorgeous legs". I blushed and just looked back at him and said, "thank you". Gary was about 3 inches taller than me, even in my heels and lead me around the dance floor gracefully, I really started to feel comfortable with him already. The song ended and he took my hand and lead me back to the table.

When we got there, Mark told him that he saw a few of his other friends and that we has going to talk with them and told Gary he would join up with him later. When he said that, he had a little smile on his face and I quickly caught the same smile on Gary's face. I continued to look around for my girlfriend and then fear starting coming into my body as I realized that perhaps she had abandon me. I decided to make the best of the situation and starting talking with Gary, who turned out to be a very nice guy. He bought me a few glasses of wine and we did allot of dancing, and I kept looking for my girlfriend but she was nowhere to be found!. I felt myself being enamoured with Gary, his poise and his flattery told me that he was making a "play" for me. During dances he would shower me with compliments about how pretty and sexy I looked and kept on complimenting me on my legs. I had no clue what time it was, but Gary mentioned that it was getting late and he had to go, and asked me if my girlfriend was ever going to show up?. I told him, "I sure hope so, or else I have no way of getting home". He grabbed my hands and told me "he would be honored to drive me home". I told him that I needed to use the washroom and that I would like at least couple more dances before we left and he said that it would be fine.

I grabbed my purse and headed for the washroom, and noticed the place was starting to "thin out", and the washroom was not that crowded and I quickly got a stall. As I did my business I could hear other girls come and go and when I was done I made my way to the vanity mirror to check my hair and fix my lipstick. I heard one of the doors to a stall open and out walked my girlfriend!. I was surprised and angry at the same time and she came and stood next to me and looked at me in the mirror and said, "I still have not seen the kiss on the dance floor". I said sternly to her "where have you been?!", she smiled and said to me, "at home reading, I just came to see who you were going to bring home?". I was just finishing my lips and she grabbed her purse and opened her wallet, and handed me $20, and said, "have fun and see you at home, the money is in case you strike out, for a cab", and she abruptly left the washroom. I was left standing there again in disbelief. I went back to the table and Gary greeted me and told me I looked better than ever, and for once I spotted my girlfriend at the main bar sipping on a glass of wine. Just then a slow song came on and I took Gary's hand and lead him to the dance floor.

Was it the wine?, or was it me wanting to get back at my girlfriend, but I tried my best to give Gary, "green light signals", that I really liked him. After the first song, he looked me deep in the eyes and then moved his lips to mine and gently kissed me. I reciprocated and looked into his eyes and thought, "yes this is the one", and moved in for another kiss. The second song was a long one and he held me close and I saw my girlfriend walking out of the bar and decided just to concentrate on Gary and his affections. He lowered his hands to my rear and gently squeezed and he held me tight, I had never felt anything like it before, I could tell he was sexually excited. When I realized this I looked him deep in the eyes and smiled, and he knew I had felt it, I continue to look him deep in the eyes and as we danced, slowly licked my lips. When the dance was over he took my hand and lead me back to the table and we sat down and did not let go of each others hands and all I could do was smile at him and sipped the remainder of my wine. He asked if I really was waiting for a girlfriend and I told him I was but she came and left and I would take him up on the offer of a ride home. He looked at me funny, but we both got up and I grabbed his hand and he lead me to his car.

He lead me to the passenger door and before he opened the door moved closer to me and our lips met in a long and deep kiss, his hands were all over my backside, pushing me into him. I felt his hardness and slowly moved a hand down and brushed my hand against his manhood, and he groaned as I did and knew that he liked it. He said, "let's get you home, it is getting chilly", and opened the door for me. I slid in and my skirt literally crawled up legs to almost my crotch and did not do anything to tug it down. Gary got in on the drivers side and could not help but reach over and give me a long and deep kiss and I felt one of his hands start to caress my legs and he started groaning again. He stopped and then started the car and asked where I lived, I told him and we held hands all the way to my apartment.

He pulled up to my apartment and he gave me a long and loving kiss "goodbye", and I gently let my hand slide down to the front of his pants and caressed the front and he of course was hard. I broke our kiss and looked at him in the eyes and asked him if we wanted to come up to my apartment, and smiled all the while. He was breathing hard and I gently kissed him and told him that I had to tell him something. I could see the concern in his eyes and grabbed his hands and told him, "what I have not told you is that I live with another woman, my girlfriend". He looked at me and told me he understood and that we would be discreet as not to disturb her. I smiled at him and said, "I don't think you understand, she and are a couple, and are both BI-sexual, she is also my lover". I expected total shock, but Gary just smiled wider and said, "how interesting?". I kissed him deep again and after we broke our kiss I slowly stroked his hard member through his pants and quietly said, "I need this". He the smiled and said, "and what about your girlfriend?", I just smiled and said that "she is a bit of an exhibitionist and will probably want to watch". I could have sworn that the bulge in his pants grew twice the size when I said that to him. I then kissed him lightly and told him I was getting chilly and told him before we left for the apartment, "I am on my period, so 'these lips', are only available", as I licked my lips.

He came and opened my door and I grabbed his hand and I showed him the way to the door of the apartment. I used my key to open the door and right away saw my girlfriend sitting in the corner reading her book. She had done her makeup up dark and heavy like mine and was wearing a large white terri cloth robe. She closed her book and came to greet us as I closed the door, she floored me as I saw her walk towards Gary and I. After I closed the door and locked it, I turned to see her walking towards us, she was wearing a black merry widow, sheer black stockings and a pair of 3" black patent heels!. She was not wearing panties and I was shocked that she left her robe open and I introduced her to Gary and as she passed me to shake his hand I could tell she doused herself in Obsession perfume. She then said, "have fun you two, I just will watch", and she walked back to her chair and sat down. I thought, "what the heck?!", and grabbed Gary's hand and lead him to the couch and my girlfriend was sitting about 15 feet away.

I really did not care about my girlfriend and melted into Gary's arms as he and I made out heavily, kissing and kissing, his hands were all over me. I could see him looking over at my girlfriend from time to time, but I just concentrated on Gary. I have no idea how long we were at it, but eventually he placed one of hands on his crotch and rubbed it all over and knew it was time. I started to slowly to undress him and after taking off his sweater, I worked on his pants, I undid his pants and lowered myself to the floor and kneeled before him. I took off his shoes and socks and then slipped down his pants and was staring at his underwear were there was nothing more than a white tent staring at me. I looked over at my girlfriend and she had her robe open and was slowly rubbing her naked pussy as she stared at me, her expression never changed as I reached up and pulled down Gary's underwear and his very erect manhood sprang out. I looked back and saw my girlfriend start to rub faster and she blew me a kiss.

I looked back at Gary's member sitting inches from my face and remembered what my girlfriend said and stuck out my tongue and started to lick the shaft of his manhood and I could feel him jerk and groan as I slowly worked on him. I totally enjoyed the new experience of pleasing a man and having him react to each and every one of my licks and sucks. I eventually opened my mouth and wrapped it around Gary's manhood and started to slowly and gently suck up and down, and the words, "watch the teeth", echoed in my head as I bobbed up and down hearing Gary moan. I don't know how long I was at it but could hear the grunts and groans from Gary and I then started hearing the groans from my girlfriend in the background. I then heard Gary moan, "Oh my God Joyce, your girlfriend is soooooo hot as well". As I sucked away I heard the clicks of heels behind me and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stopped and let Gary's hard manhood leave my lips and looked back and there was my girlfriend, without her robe on, all flush and red and rubbing her pussy, standing behind me in her black lingerie.

She looked at Gary and said, "I need something more than a piece of plastic or rubber that Joyce can give me this evening in my pussy". I was floored and Gary was panting as much as my girlfriend and he grabbed his manhood and looked at me and her and said, "this?". My girlfriend smiled as she continued to rub her pussy and said "oh yes, that". My girlfriend leaned forward and kissed Gary, I was definitely jealous, but I remained on my knees and my girlfriend grabbed Gary by the hand and pulled him off the couch and started heading for the bedroom, leaving me on my knees. She looked back at me and said, "come on Joyce, HE is YOUR date". I got up and by the time I got to the bedroom, they were lying side by side on the bed kissing and as I entered, my girlfriend said, "Joyce, get a condom and put it on Gary". I was really uncomfortable but reached into the nightstand and grabbed a condom and as my girlfriend continued to make out with him, I found his very erect manhood and slowly rolled on the condom. When I was done my girlfriend asked me to start pleasuring her clit with my fingers and suck on her nipples while Gary was going to make love to her.

I was stunned, but watched as Gary entered her and started to thrust in and out of her. I rubbed her clit and sucked on her breasts as he made love to her, and I could tell both were having a good time, my girlfriend's head was arched back and eyes closed and she was moaning. It did not take long and before I knew it, Gary came in my girlfriend's pussy I felt her shudder as she orgasmed as well. He then collapsed on top of her and kissed her. When he was done with her, he also kissed me and thanked me for my lovely lips and my girlfriend's lovely pussy. When the both of them had calmed down, my girlfriend told me to remove Gary's condom and to hand it to her and that I should "clean" Gary up. I moved down and as Gary lay back and relaxed, I removed the condom and handed it to my girlfriend and it was full of Gary's cum. I leaned over and made my way down to Gary's wet and cum covered cock, and slowly licked it up, and the experience was wonderful and Gary was moaning as I cleaned him up. When I was done, I sat up and as Gary continued to recover, my girlfriend came with the condom and told me, "you earned this, now open wide!". I looked at her and wondering what she was talking about and she then forced my head back and surprised me and emptied the contents of the condom in my mouth.

I complied and felt the salty and creamy liquid enter my mouth and when she was done, she pushed my mouth closed and smiled at me and said, "now swallow and enjoy". I did and when I was done I licked my lips and smiled back at her, she kept smiling and said, "yummy is it not?". At first I was disgusted at the taste and I wanted to say something bad to her, but I did not. I leaned forward and gave her a long and probing kiss and could hear Gary moaning and after we broke our kiss and I looked over and saw Gary massaging his now semi erect member. I was hotter than a firecracker and knew what I wanted to do and leaned forward and removed Gary's hand and started sucking and licking his semi-erect member. My girlfriend left the bed and sat in the chair in the corner of the room and started to play with her pussy again and watched me.

I decided to give my girlfriend a show and Gary a long and slow blowjob and very slowly licked and sucked on the entire length of his engorged member. I ever so slowly licked up and down his shaft and could hear him moaning and groaning and enjoying my efforts, I felt so "in control". I made him jerk and jump with the flicking of my tongue on the head of his manhood and slowly massaged his balls, he was putty in my hands. Eventually I wrapped my lips around him and started to slowly pump up and down and could feel him get hard and soft as I went along. Finally at one point there was no "soft" and he was rock solid and I could taste pre-cum oozing out of his manhood. It was about 20 minutes of my licking and sucking and he grabbed my shoulder and while he was panting, pulled me off and I looked at his face. He was sweating and breathing heavy and said, "I want to cum in a pussy!!", I was disappointed at all of the licking and sucking I had done would go into a condom and my girlfriend would be the one to enjoy his orgasm!.

I heard my girlfriend's heels clicking as she got off her chair and slowly walk towards us, as I was still slowly licking the head of Gary's cock. I felt her get on the bed and she then asked Gary in a very sexy voice, "so do you want my pussy again?, or is it Joyce's you want?". As Gary was panting and I continued to lick, I could not believe the conversation that followed that comment.

Gary asked, "well, Joyce is on her period, and I am not into making love to a woman on her period, so definitely you!". I could tell my girlfriend was still playing with her pussy, she was hot and was breathing heavy and words I will never forget came out of her mouth. "We girls have two places you can put your cock you know?, and I have had all the cock I want tonight, I need my girlfriend to lick my pussy". There was a pause and then Gary said, "so what do you have in mind?", I could hear her giggle and she flipped my tiny skirt and exposed my bottom and said, "this!". I was in the process of slowly pumping up and down on Gary and nearly gagged!. Gary again grew by about 1 1/2 times after she said that, his manhood felt huge!. Gary gasped, "take her from the rear?", my girlfriend giggled again and said, "of course silly, what did you think I meant?".

I was mortified and knew this was never "what I had bargained for". My girlfriend got out of the bed and lowered the lights and I could hear her kissing Gary and I did not stop licking him. I could hear her opening a condom package while she was making out heavily with him. She told me to move out of the way and slipped it on. She then said, "Joyce, you are already on your knees, now come up here". I crawled up the bed stunned and in disbelief, she lowered my head down to the bed and moved to my panty covered behind, she flipped up my tiny little skirt and pulled my pantyhose down to my knees. I then felt her move my girdle and panties out of the way and applied a cool liquid to the entrance of my love hole. I will never forget the next words out of her mouth, and in a very sexy voice, said, "right this way big boy!". I could feel Gary moving up the bed and felt his condom covered manhood at the entrance to my anus and with my exposed anus way in the air I felt defenseless. He was still panting and managed to say, "are you sure Joyce?", I just moaned and my girlfriend then said, "that is your cue Gary, go on in!". I was not sure, but I am sure it was my girlfriend that pulled my ass cheeks wide open and then I felt him.

To say it was pleasurable as he entered me would be a lie, it hurt like hell!!!. The pain shot through me like electricity and I grinded my teeth and tried not to scream in pain. I kept on moaning "slow Gary, slow", and he did, he was slow and gentle, I have no clue where my girlfriend was, I was trying not to cry out in pain as he entered me. The world according to me was basically the pillow I was hugging and the feeling of Gary as he entered me. For the first 5 minutes he slowly moved in and out of me and I eventually relaxed my anal muscles and as Gary started to get wetter and such, he started moving in and out of me and it got easier as time went by. It actually started to feel better, and I started pushing back on Gary. As Gary pumped away I was still seeing stars and slowly started really enjoying the pumping of Gary behind me. I was dazed as my girlfriend crawled on the bed and said nothing and crawled to the top of the bed and opened her legs wide and jammed my face into her soaking wet pussy. I looked up and she was smiling and she just pushed my face down again and I started licking at her pussy. She started groaning and I heard Gary groaning as well and I felt Gary lean forward and could hear Gary kissing my girlfriend as I was being made love to. Eventually Gary started thrusting faster and faster in my rear and my girlfriend started breathing harder and harder and I felt him sit up and I felt him pulse over and over in my "pussy" until he fell on top of me. My girlfriend took a little longer and I kept licking and about 30 seconds later felt her shudder and knew that she had orgasmed.

Both of them were panting and I as well, after about 30 seconds, I felt Gary slip out and roll over. Just after he did my girlfriend grabbed my hand and quickly got me out of bed and lead me to the bathroom. I was sore as hell in the rear and she tugged on my hand and I had a hard time managing my heels and skirt and the fact my pantyhose were still sitting down around my knees. I had no clue what she was doing, but when we got to the bathroom, she bent me over the sink and told me to be still. I felt something running down my right leg and at first I thought I had orgasmed as well, but I was to learn I had not. My girlfriend quickly wiped it up and then I saw her grab one of her sanitary napkins and take it out of the package. I asked her what it was for and she had a serious look on her face and said, most women bleed after being made love to for the first time. Bleed?, blood?, what was she talking about?, I quickly found out as I saw the tissue she used to wipe me up in the toilet, covered in blood. She put the sanitary napkin on me and then pulled up my pantyhose and adjusted my panties and the girdle. I was still bent over and started to wonder what just happened and she could see the look in my eyes and came and gave me a loving hug and said, "you did wonderful, but you are not done yet, go claim your 'reward'". I was numb, a million thoughts were running through my mind, blood?, Sanitary napkin?, a cock taking me?, my "reward"?. She took me by the hand and as I entered the room Gary had a look of genuine sense of concern on his face and asked me if I was alright?. I told him I was ok, and my girlfriend lead me to the bed, and she poked at Gary's semi-erect member, still wearing the cum filled condom and said to me, "here Joyce, 'your reward'".

My girlfriend very carefully removed the condom to ensure all of Gary's cum was in it and held it in her right hand and pointed to Gary's semi-erect member and said, "don't want to waste a drop dear". I took the cue and leaned over and took him in my mouth and cleaned him up, he was simply "yummy" and groaned all the while I cleaned him up. As I sat back up, I knew exactly what was going to happen and saw my girlfriend smiling at me. She crawled on the bed and her eyes never left mine, and again, in a very sexy voice said, "open wide darling". I leaned my head back and she slowly emptied the contents of the condom in my mouth, the only difference between this time and the last time, was that it was cold. I did not need any encouragement this time and when she was done, closed my lips and swallowed. When I was done swallowing, I laid down next to Gary and my girlfriend laid down on the other side and basically we "cuddled". Myself still dressed, heels and all, my girlfriend in a sexy black merry widow and Gary, buck naked. I reached down as cuddled into him and felt his now spent member and he laughed a little and told me, "no Joyce, not again, it is late and I really should be going".

He got off the bed and I looked over at my girlfriend and she quietly told me, "see your boyfriend to the door and then come back and see me". As I followed Gary to the living room I watched as he got dressed and we chatted a bit about the evening. When he was dressed he came and gave me a long and hard kiss and then grabbed my hand and lead me to the bedroom where my girlfriend was lying and as he held my hand gave my girlfriend a long kiss goodbye. I walked him to the door and he before he turned to leave, gave me a kiss that was like no other in the evening. He poked his tongue in and out of my mouth and squeezed my rear, lifting my skirt well above my waist and caressed my nylon covered backside. The kiss lasted for at least 10 minutes and when he was done turned and opened the door and left. A flood of emotions came over me and they were all foreign to me, I felt used, and like a slut, here I was picked up by a guy, sexually please him orally and anally, shared my girlfriend and he did not even ask for my phone number or told me he loved me or thank you?.

I had small tears running down my eyes as I walked into the bedroom, and found my girlfriend lying back and slowly masturbating. My eye makeup was definitely running and at first she was smiling at me and then saw what was going on and quickly stopped and got up off the bed. She gave me a big hug and asked what was wrong and I looked her straight in the eyes and told her sincerely, "I did not know". She gave me another big hug and kept staring at me and said, "did not even ask for your phone number right?". The tears continued to stream down my face and I collapsed into her arms crying. I cannot even describe the thoughts running though my head and managed to somehow get out the words, "I feel so used". My girlfriend held me tight and slowly rubbed my hair and tried to calm me down but I continued to cry. My girlfriend looked me in the eyes and grabbed either side of my head and explained that what I was going through was not unlike allot of other girls have gone through, and that if I wanted to behave like a girl I had to deal with it. The comment did not make things easier, but knowing that I was not alone, in some way it seemed easier.

She gently kissed me and said, "forget about Gary, he is a pig, now let's take care of you". She lifted me off of the bed and lead me to the closet and pulled out a powder blue teddy and handed it me, she smiled and said, change into this and come and see me in the bedroom. I grabbed the teddy and walked to the bathroom, and when I looked in the mirror I thought I was looking at Alice Cooper!. My makeup was an absolute mess and before I changed, I fixed it up and re-did my eyes to look presentable. I slid off all of my clothes and left the sanitary napkin in place as well as my girdle and put on my favorite teddy, a powder blue one, lacey and silky. I slipped into my 4" heels and then made my way into the bedroom were I saw my girlfriend masturbating again, and as I entered the room she stopped. She noted the fact that my makeup was all fixed up and told me I looked great and to join her on the bed.

I had not even thought about it, but my own sex was absolutely rock solid and straining against my girdle and panties, even through all of the emotional times. My girlfriend gently laid me back and she came and gave me a long and loving kiss and her hands explored all over my satin and lace covered body. She pulled back the material covering my breasts and slowly licked my nipples and got them rock hard, I was totally lost in the ecstasy, I did not feel her pull my girdle down and expose my "clit". Our Lesbian lovemaking "rule" was that only the "tip" of my clit was exposed and that is what she could pleasure. She pulled down my girdle a little more than usual and something she never did before, and that was put a condom on me, as that was a "guy" thing. I almost started to protest, but she put a finger to my lips and whispered "shhhh"

She told me to lay back and enjoy. She moved herself into a "69" position with me and lowered her pussy to my face, which I quickly started to lick up and down and please her. I then felt what I was pretty sure was her index finger slowly rubbing up and down my "clit". It literally only took 30 seconds and I exploded into the condom that she put on me. I have had tons of orgasms before, but this was the biggest I have ever remembered. I must have gone on for over 45 seconds and it was so wild. I was breathing heavy and eventually I calmed down and again was seeing stars and could not believe what just happened. I could feel my girlfriend crawling up the bed and laying next to me and gave me a long and deep kiss.

Her hand really never left my pulsing "clit" and she smiled at me and asked if I had enjoyed the evening and I had to admit that I did. She then asked if I enjoyed the taste of Gary's cum and again, I had to admit that I did. She smiled and gently rubbed a finger across my lips and said, "you know, all men taste differently", I just smiled and said, "oh really?". I found out that was the wrong answer, and she smiled and said, "oh yes", she pulled the condom off my "clit" and stared into my eyes. She was smiling wildly and she grabbed my nose and pinched it and that forced my mouth open to breath, and she pushed my head back and emptied the contents of the condom she took off me into my mouth. It was a load and a half and she shut my mouth closed and was giggling and I swallowed and she asked "taste better than Gary?". I said nothing and she kept smiling and said, "any cum tastes better then a pig like Gary right?". I said nothing and she threw the empty condom in the garbage. She kissed me lightly and pulled me in close to her and she gently told me that I had to leave my sanitary napkin in place all night long. As I looked over I saw the time on the clock was 4:45am, and cuddled into her arms and fell asleep.

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