Girlfriend Gets Us Blacked

By nwi joey

Published on Oct 19, 2020


I felt a bit of calm come over as I made my way to my first class of the week. I even aced a quiz I did not study for, but then I got a text....

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I had two hours to eat lunch, maybe nap or just hang out in the Union. I looked at my iPhone and I had a text from Angela. She wanted me to meet her in the west hall on the 3rd floor of the Union. I was already on the main floor in line to get food, but she told me I would not need food and to meet her ASAP.

I could feel my hole twitch at the possibility of what could lay ahead.

The hall was deserted save for Angela standing outside the lone mens room halfway down the empty hall. I walked to her. She looked at me impatiently with her hand on her hip. I walked a bit quicker. I leaned in for a kiss, but she turned her head. I got a quick glance of her cheek. It looked like dry cum. I kissed her cheek.

She told me the bathroom behind her was for the Alpha's and other black men on campus to come and use a white mouth. It did not matter who it was as long as they were white. Today there is a lack of white mouth's and it was her job to recruit. So she opened the door and I without hesitation walked into the restroom. As I walked in, she told me to sit in the last stall and not to leave until 2pm and that I should get naked.

She giggled as a Gamma walked up and squeezed her large tits and guided her into the ladies room.

I stripped, as another beta joined me in the bathroom, he was directed to the urinal. I sat there on the toilet wondering what I had gotten myself into when I heard one of the outer doors screech open.

My cock instantly got hard.

I looked to my left and that is when I finally noticed a rather large hole. I had been so wrapped up in what was about to happen. I did not notice it, but soon someone sat down and pulled out his large flaccid black cock. He looked over and saw me through the hole and just smirked, stood up and pushed his large cock through the hole.

I did what had become so natural in the last weeks. I guided his thick black cock into my eager mouth. I bobbed back and forth on his dark meat and within a few moments. I was rewarded with a mouthful of thick cum. I licked him clean and he withdrew from the hole when there was a knock at the door. I let him in.

Down the row. I could hear the unmistakable sound of a boy getting sucking and fucking.

I was told to stand up and turn around and as I did another cock slipped through the hole. The unknown black kid in my stall ran his fingers up and down my ass. I groaned as he ran his cock deep in my ass and I swallowed the cock before me.

Meanwhile, Angela was just a room away on her knees serving any Gamma or any girl that a Gamma invited to stop in. For a girl that disliked sucking my cock. She really took to eating black pussy and sucking black cock.

She lapped any pussy that was put in front of her, and like me lost count on how much black dick we took over the weekend. She, however, was getting railed by huge strap-ons as well.

She had become known in a short time as quite the pussy eater. She was spending time with the Gamma's as well as visiting the Jock floor of her dorm with the softball and basketball players, who were also Gamma's.

Back on my side of the wall. I was getting the fifth load deep in my ass, and the eighth in my belly. I could have stayed all afternoon, but I had a class across campus. It was going to be a literal pain in the ass to walk or ride there, but I had a quiz. So I had to be there.

Luckily for me, the stream of cock had slowed down, and the last Alpha to breed me slipped a rather uncomfortable butt plug into my cunty anus to keep me from leaking.

I pulled my clothes on in silence with the other white slut bottom. I ran into Angela in the hall. She barely looked at me as she walked away with one of the Mexican shot put girls from the track team.

I went downstairs feeling like every eye was on me and gingerly got on my bike and made my way to class. I passed my quiz, went back to my room, napped and waited for Angela to come home.

I did not have a shift at the Alpha house until later in the week. I was sure it was the same for her, but when she did not come by my room. I went to her room. She wasn't there either. Now knowing our new roles, I just swallowed my pride and dropped by an Alpha's room in my dorm.

I was greeted with a nod and a smile

Next: Chapter 9

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