Give Henry a Kiss

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 18, 2010




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I'd just finished the geometry test and was hanging out with my buddies until the next class (when you finished your test, the teacher would let you go outside so you wouldn't distract the other students; so I finished my test, all fifty questions, in about ten minutes flat...I didn't care if I flunked the course, I didn't need it, anyhow). The five of us were all on the football team and had our matching letterman jackets, and were jawing about what we'd do when we graduated next month. Two of them had scholarships, one was going to work for his daddy in his hardware store, but me and Dan...we didn't have no plans to speak of.

I guess the prospect of doing nothing much, or nothing better than getting a job in some convenience store at minimum wage (my prospects too, yeah) was getting to Dan because when the next student came out of the class, he was in a really bad mood. And the guy who came out, worse luck for him, was Morton. Poor Morton. He was as tall as we were, but skinny as hell, and freckled on his face, with hair that wasn't quite red, but more of a dirty, ugly brown, like rust stains on an old car. Add to that a nose about two sizes too big for him, teeth that hadn't been entirely cured by his braces from forming an overhang on his upper lip, and a prominent Adam's apple.

And to top it off, Morton had gotten done with the test earlier than most people because he was just that damned smart. He didn't have to wonder what he was doing after school, he was headed for Yale or Harvard or Princeton, one of those big Eastern universities, and that with a scholarship that meant he wasn't going to be sacking groceries on the weekends to make ends meet, neither.

He saw us, said, "Hi, guys. Excuse me, please." on account of he was going to have to walk in between us to get past us into the hall and started on through.

And Dan stuck out a foot and tripped him.

As for just how to explain what happened next, I can't. He went down onto his knees when he fell but kind of turned as he fell so he was facing me. And when he hit on his knees, he pitched forward and his face landed right on my basket. I'd had it kind of jutting out since I was leaning against the wall and he got his mouth right on my cock inside my jeans. The teeth hit my nuts (my dick was hanging kind of between them) and it hurt like hell!

"Yeow! You stupid bastard!" I growled and I slugged him upside the head. Not really trying to hurt him so much, just knocking the nerd off my nuts, because when he fell over, he grabbed my legs but he didn't lift up, his mouth was still on my family jewels!

He fell over, and the guys laughed. "Hey, Bill, you got dork all over your crotch!" Dan hooted. "Going to have to wash it out with bleach!" And he haw-haw-hawed, as did the others. Me, I was still speechless, not to mention hurting in my nuts! I was rubbing my jeans fly, Jesus, it was wet from his spit! He'd drooled on it when he landed!

Morton was lying on the ground, his face red mine probably was, only he was embarrassed and I was mad, and the teacher opened the door. "Don't hang around here!" she chided us. "Go to the library or go outside on the steps, but don't stand here and make noise!"

Morton got up and snuffled off down the hall, he wasn't crying, the guy just sort of snuffled, constantly. Really, if you had set out to design a freaky nerd, the worst you could imagine, you'd end up with someone just like Morton.

The guys I was with headed the other direction, I assume to go to the bathroom down the hall and slip in there and smoke. Morton was heading for the library, I knew, he'd sit there until the next class, poring over some book or other. Over in the classical section where, unless you had a class assignment, you'd never go. Morton read those books, or maybe it was because when he was sitting in there, nobody would bother him.

I decided to go bother him. I didn't have nothing to do for another thirty-five minutes, and Morton had hit me in the nuts with his teeth just now, he didn't get away with that by just one slap upside the head that couldn't have hurt him very much.

He'd made my friends laugh at me. I wouldn't be happy until people were laughing at him! Only ten times louder.

I got a look at myself in the shining chrome of the fire hose cover, a large square piece of shiny metal, only the words "Fire Hose" in the middle of it to distort an otherwise perfect metal mirror. I saw me, large, strong, wide shouldered, square-headed with a nose that looked smashed on my mid-face, my eyes so blue as to be nearly transparent, my hips narrow and lean, the perfect lineman. And the minute I got out of school, those talents would be completely worthless!

Morton was in the library and had just taken a book from the shelf and sat down to read it at one of the tables.

How to humiliate him for landing with those damned buck-teeth of his on my nuts? He'd hurt me, hurt me bad and...

I smirked. Yeah.

I slipped up behind him soft as I could, no problem, he felt safe here in the library with his books. Got my jeans unbuttoned and my dong out and I stroked it once or twice to get it up and hard.

Parked it right next to his cheek, glans only an inch from touching him and said, "Hey, nerdnik!"

He jerked upright and turned around and his lips scraped right across Henry's head (I call my cock Henry, after that bald-headed cartoon kid I saw now and then when I was little. You got a problem with that?), and startled, leaned back.

"You hurt me." I growled. "You hurt my little partner here."

"I'm sorry." he sniveled.

"I think you should kiss it and make it feel better."

"Huh?" he said, only it was more nasal, like "Hankh?"

"I said kiss it. When you scraped your knee, your momma kisses it to make it feel better right? Well, this is Henry, and you need to make him feel better. So kiss it. Now!" And I put iron into that last word.

Morton looked around, for help, maybe, and there wasn't any. This was the dork section of the library and in between classes to boot, so we were as alone as if the library was closed.

"Well?" I said, waggling my dong at him. "You owe me a kiss, right on my wiener."

And Morton, seeing he had no other option, made a quick move over and gave my glans a nice, soft kiss.

"There." he said. "Are we even now?"

"Not by half." I said. How to work this? Well, I still had an English test coming up. The one class I had to pass to graduate. By the senior year, that was the only course they still insisted on your getting through with a "C" or better. Like it or not, it was one test I had to pass. "You owe me, Morton. You can make it up by tutoring me in English enough to pass my final. You got me?"

"Yeah, Bill, sure." he snuffled. "I can do that."

He knew where I lived, I knew. "You come by at seven o'clock tonight." I said. "And don't let anyone see you, understand me?" My parents would be gone by then, too, so I wouldn't have to let anyone see him. It was still three weeks until the final, ample time to figure out how to set up future sessions. I wasn't letting this dork off the leash until I got through the final!

"Sure, Bill, sure." Morton said.

"Good." I said, and I waggled my cock at him. "And that's seven o'clock sharp, too! If you're late, you got to give Henry another kiss to apologize!" I stuffed my monster back into his monster trap (another of my metaphors, I got to be consistent here? I don't think so!)

I was sitting and waiting for Morton to knock at seven o'clock. And the bastard was late. Seven-oh-five, nothing. Seven-ten, nothing. It was almost seven-fifteen before he knocked.

I opened the door. "About fucking time!"

"I'm sorry." Morton snuffled at me. "I had to take a bus and the bus was late. It was supposed to run at six thirty-two and get me here at six fifty-six but the bus was seven minutes late, it's not supposed to be seven minutes late...."

"Never mind, get in here!" I snarled and he shuffled in. "We got some studying to do, and I mean now." I led him into the living room and the conversation pit we had there. A large couch on three sides of a sunken square, a big table in the middle, and a television set on the fourth wall. I had my books there and the practice test the teacher had given us. I sat back on the couch, made myself comfortable, and said, "Okay, Morton, you know what to do."

"Okay, Bill." Morton said and he knelt down at my feet. Honest, I'd forgotten about the threat I'd made that afternoon, I just wanted to study and pass that last test so I could graduate.

But Morton leaned over and his hands went to my fly and he started unbuttoning my jeans.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"You said if I was late, I had to give you a kiss...down there." Morton's voice was so fucking nasal.

"I said that?" I didn't remember, honest, not at first. Then I did remember. "Yeah, right, you got to give Henry a kiss. Hurry up and kiss him, so we can start studying."

Morton got my fly open and he reached into my briefs and pulled my pud out through the Y-fly and got it firmly in his hand. My cock stiffened up as it did every single fucking time I got hold of it, it seemed, and Morton leaned down and gave it a kiss. Only this time, he didn't rush the kiss, he kissed it nice and slow and gentle. Then he rolled his lips around on it by moving his head around in a circle, slow and easy. Slow. And. Easy. He lifted up then and his tongue came out and began to dart around the edge of the glans, brushing the flare and sending waves of pleasure up through my body.

"Oh, ah, jeez, Morton!" I groaned. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Apologizing." he said. "I hurt you this afternoon and you said I should make it feel better. Is it feeling better now?"

"Yeah, oh, yeah, fuck, yeah!"

"That's good." Morton's voice droned on. "How about if I do this?" And Morton sank down onto my shaft and his lips clung to my cock like glue and he began to pull up and down on my dong, milking at Henry with zest.

"Oh, ah, oh, fuck, you geek, you asshole, you're sucking my cock!" I moaned.

He let go, held it in one hand, a firm grip that felt so damned good. "You want me to stop, Bill?"

"No, God, no!" I muttered. "Do it some more, and faster."

Now, I'd lost my cherry when I was fifteen, and had a dozen or more girls put out for me. Of those girls, six had limited their contact to oral sex, so I knew full well what a blowjob was. Some of those girls had been good...but Morton was better than any of them, better by far! Where the girls had been gingerly about it, or ignorant about what pleased a man and what was just wasted motion, every movement of Morton's lips and mouth and tongue on my pud was wringing ripples of sheer passion out of my body.

I was more than halfway to my climax when Morton stopped. "Can you take your pants off, Bill?"

"Uh?" I was lost in my joy-glazed brain. "What?"

"Can you take your pants off. If you take your pants off, I can show you some more."

"Uh...sure, sure, pull them down for me, shithead!" I guttered. "You do this good enough, I just might forgive you for landing on Henry's nuts with your teeth this afternoon."

"That'd be nice." Morton said as he pulled on my jeans, skinning me like a cow up on the slaughter hooks (I'd seen that in a documentary one teacher had showed us the year before, the men pulling the hide off like it was a coat the cow was wearing. And everyone went, "Ewww!" except for me and my buddies, who went, "Yeah! Hey, yeah!")

Morton got my pants down and then he said, "Now this is something I read about in a book. They call it the fluttering feather."

"Feather?" And Morton's tongue went onto my balls and did a sort of dance on my testicular sac, brushing the pubic hairs while my cock throbbed above them, wet and neglected.

"How do you like that, Bill, is that good?"

"Yeah, uh, yeah, but I want you to get to sucking me again." I ordered. "Enough teasing, get me off if you want me to accept your apology. Drain my nuts dry and that'll make them feel better, hell, yeah!"

And Morton went back to nursing my prod, only his hand came up and he grabbed my ballsac and he gave it a sharp tug!

"Ow! Ow! Owaahhhhahhh!" I yelped/moaned, because after the first sharp sting of the pull, the sensation turned itself into pleasure.

"You like that? They say it only feels good if you do it right. Did I do it right?"

"Oh, yeah, hell, yeah, but get to sucking me again! Shit!" And I grabbed Morton's head and I drove him down onto me. "Jesus, only a geek would stop sucking to yammer at you. Whatever you do, keep quiet, just do it, okay? Just do it!"

"Okay." Morton pulled off me, so as to agree to not pull of me! How numb-nut can you get?

"Shut up and suck me." I rammed him back down onto my shaft, and I buried my nine inch prong into his mouth and throat clear to the hilt! "Now, remember where you are, you cocksucking bastard! And stay on it. Come on, make Henry feel good for me, make Henry happy!"

Morton sucked me and I turned so I could lie full-length on the couch and him beside me instead of between my legs. I lounged, eyes closed, basking in the joy that was coursing through my veins. Shit, if I'd known the little prick was suck a good cocksucker I would have been sticking it into him years ago! I wasn't gay, but you don't have to be gay to love a cock-loving like I was getting! Shit! As long as I didn't have to look at this walking, talking nasal turd, I could enjoy this all fucking night long!

So when Morton stopped again, I growled. "What did I tell you about turning loose?"

And opened my eyes.

Morton was completely nude and getting straddle of me. God, what a case for retroactive Planned Parenthood! His parents should have been neutered the minute they married, instead of having this thin-limbed, sunken-chested, tiny-pot-bellied loser! My God, Morton was hung like a horse! I thought I was big, but this was a freaking fire hose hooked onto that skinny frame. Shit!

Morton sat on my cock and that long cock-hose touched my stomach, a salty heat telling me that he had just dripped a drop of precome into my navel. And I was about to yelp about that, when he gave me something else to feel instead of disgust!

When his ass closed on my dong, it was the entrance to Heaven! Tight, damned tight, but that just made my pud glow hotter. And when Morton got it deeper into him, he began to flex his butt muscles somehow, and my shaft got a freaking ass-massage, ripples of tightness raced up my schlong, and without him even moving, I was getting a really good ride on my manstick, it was all the fun of fucking without having to move my hips at all.

Morton began to move up and down now, and that just made it feel even better. I was being ridden by a skinny dork, and I was getting the fuck of my life out of the deal!

That massive prong of his was hard, jutting out and bouncing up and down, ropes of hot steamy pre-jizz sliding down and onto my stomach, dotting it with punctuation marks of Morton's own pleasure. That geeky face was all screwed up with joy and I was dazzled by it myself.

And his prick head was less than a foot away from my face as he moved, weaving back and forth hypnotically. I assume I was hypnotized, because I can't explain otherwise what I did next, which was to lunge upwards and catch that huge pud in my mouth and suck on it like it held the nectar of life!

That made Morton move on me even faster, I was completely lost in my lust and oblivious in my pursuit of orgasm, I clung to his cock and sucked as he fucked, wanting it, wanting all of it.

And my prong, somewhere in that glittering disco of climax, found itself the center of attention and rocketed into the orgasmosphere! I was coming, right now, hard! I could only groan and hunch upwards helplessly while Morton squeezed and wrenched and drove me insane with his more-than-expert lovemaking, he must have read all about it in books, and then practiced it in secret, maybe with a cucumber or banana, until he could do it flawlessly, I didn't know, I didn't care, I had it and I erupted into him and I squelched my moans on his shaft, letting the motions massage his dick with vibrations of my lust.

I was just finishing my own jizz-squirting, in that state where you are still in orgasm but you are out of spunk to express it, and that was when Morton gave a nasally whinny of pleasure and I found my mouth getting flooded with his hot squibs. Man, this dork had a tubful of come in his ball-barrels, and he was unloading it all at me, all at once. I got a mouthful and then some and then I swallowed only to have more hit me, and I choked, pulled off and that meant that the rest of his more-than-human ejaculations hit me right in my face, neck and chest while he neighed like a horse in labor on top of me. "Eee-hhheee-heee-hee!" Like that, I swear, Morton sounded like a horse and he was hung like a horse! Shit, Mort the Horse! I was going to call him Mort the Horse from now on and let everyone wonder why!

When he was done, he lay down on top of me, his inconsequential weight a mere nothing as he heaved and gasped for breath with loud wheezes and coughs. Done, he nuzzled his head down onto my chest and sighed all happy like a kitten settling down to rest.

The hell he was! I grabbed his head and I pulled it up and made him look at me. "Did I say you could go to sleep?" I demanded.


"We got to study now!" I snarled at him. "We already fucked around until nearly eight o'clock. Now, get Henry out of your ass and let's start drilling my brain instead of your butt! I got a test to pass!" And I yanked Henry out of Mort's ass with an audible "pop" sound.

We studied for an hour and I ended it (I was bored) by saying, "Okay, another hour until my parents get home. Time enough for me to fuck your butt proper!" I was standing over him as I said this and I picked him up and carrying his feeble little frame bodily to my bedroom, threw him on the bed and stripped him bare, then climbed on him and rammed him up the ass with my hard boner! This time, I was in charge!

For the next hour, I fucked Morton in every way I could think of, and every way I moved, Morton made it magical. By ten o'clock, I couldn't bear the thought of letting him go, so I made him call his parents and tell them he was sleeping over. I fucked him four more times before morning and woke up feeling better than I'd felt in a long time.

Dan saw Morton getting out of my car when I pulled up and sheer incredulity crawled over his face like a time-lapse camera of mold growing. "What the hell is this?" He demanded when I walked up to them. "Did Morton kiss your dick so sweet yesterday that the two of you got married or something?" Morton was off to his own class on the other side of the school, and heard none of this.

Now, Dan is a big guy on campus, but I was bigger. I showed him my fist and I said, "You lay off Mort from now on. He's going to help me pass my English so I can graduate. So expect to see him and me hanging around together a lot the rest of the school year, you hear me?" That cowed Dan as well as the rest of them, nobody on school fucked with me...twice.

I didn't have anything but the one class with Mort but I knew he was in a neighboring class at third period. So when it was over, I was waiting as he came out of the door.

"There you are!" I said, sounding angry.

"Hi, Bill." Mort flinched.

"Been looking for you." And I lowered my voice. "Meet me outside the janitor's closet before lunch. I got something you can suck on before you eat." And a grip on my crotch to make sure he knew what I meant.

"Sure, Bill."

"You got a lot more apologizing to do before school lets out." I said, turning away. "And Henry will be waiting for his next kiss to make him feel better."

A hell of a lot better!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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