Give Me Just One Night

By moc.starcomed-av@ehconanu

Published on Oct 28, 2000


Continued thanks for all the email. I am so glad that everyone is enjoying the story, or at least is telling me they are...LOL.

Remember that this is only fantasy and does not imply anything about the actual sexual preference of Jeff Timmons or Drew Lachey. If you are not supposed to be reading this for any reason then improve your situation so you can. There are a lot of good stories in this section and it would be a shame to miss them because someone told you that you couldn't read them.

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Give Me Just One Night-5 By Apollo

"Oh, this sauce is fabulous." Jeff said through a mouthful of spaghetti.

"It's a secret family recipe." I replied taking the French bread out of the oven.

"This is a great dinner baby." Jeff said stuffing more food into his mouth.

"Well, after a two weeks of making breakfast for me every morning I thought I should make an attempt at cooking for you." I laughed sitting back down with him.

"I know you hate mornings, but I would like to get up early tomorrow morning so you can drive me home to pick up my car. I feel bad driving your car that far everyday." Jeff asked knowing I would not be happy.

"Are you crazy, do you know how early we would have to get up to get out there and me get back before work started? Why in the world would you buy a house 70 miles from Beverly Hills?" I yelled at him hoping he wouldn't make me do it.

"I love my house and at the time had no reason to be in Beverly Hills. Besides, I am only 25 miles from Disneyland, so that makes up for it." Jeff said flashing me his smile.

"Can't we wait for Saturday to do that? I don't mind you putting a hundred and forty miles on my car everyday." I whined.

"See, you do mind. Besides, you haven't met Alyssa yet and that's very important to me." Jeff said giving me his sad look that he knew I couldn't resist.

"Well it's not like I can say no to that. Why don't I take the morning off and then I won't have to be in until afternoon." I said taking a drink of my water.

"Oh, speaking of that, do you have vacation time that you can take next week?" Jeff said looking hopeful.

"Well it's a little short notice but yeah I do, why?"

"We have to be in New York next week promoting the new album. We are scheduled for Rosie, Regis, some big stuff at MTV, and something else I can't remember. I would love for you to come with us." Jeff said smiling at me.

"Well that sounds like an offer I can't resist and I probably don't even have to take vacation time. We have a New York office and I'm sure I can work there for a week." I said more to myself than to Jeff.

"Rick, the point is not to switch work locations, but to take time off and have fun. You can come with us to all of our appearances. We will be able to have a lot of fun in NY in between gigs."

"Hey, I wonder if I can just go with you as a representative from the record company?" I said in a serious tone but teasing with him.

"Rick, you're not getting this. I want you to take time off work." Jeff said a little annoyed.

"I'm just teasing with you baby. I'll take all the time off you want me to. However, if I went to New York without going down to see the Senator, I would be disowned. One of the days we're there I have to take the train to D.C. and have lunch with dad."

"Ok, let's plan it on a day that I can go too." Jeff offered.

"You think you're ready to meet my parents?" I asked half laughing at him.

"I would love to meet your parents. But I thought they were home in Virginia right now?"

"They were, but mom is renovating the townhouse, so she has them in Washington." I explained.

We continued making plans for the next week as we finished dinner and cleaned up. We had decided to give ourselves a break and stay in that night, so we moved into the livingroom after dinner.

"Are you ready to start the movie baby?" I asked Jeff who had just returned from getting a pillow and blanket from the bedroom.

"Yes, but we have to get comfortable on the couch here." Jeff said as the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?" I said moving towards the door. I was surprised to be greeted by Drew.

"Hey Rick." Drew said smiling and holding a bottle of wine.

"Hey Drew, what are you doing here?"

"I thought I would horn in on you guys, uninvited, and hang out here with you." He said smiling.

"You're always invited to hang out with us. We're just getting ready to watch a movie, come into the livingroom and have a seat. I'll put this in the refrigerator for later." I said as he handed me the bottle of wine.

"Drew, what the hell are you doing here?" Jeff said as he walked into the livingroom.

"I invited him to come and watch the movie with us." I said letting Jeff know it was alright with me that he was here.

"Oh, well come in and have a seat." Jeff said a little confused as to why he would have come here.

Drew took a seat on the opposite side of the room from us and Jeff reached for the DVD remote and started the movie.

"Drew, this is a scary movie, so you better come here and sit with us." I said trying to make him feel more comfortable, only to receive a pinch on the side from Jeff.

He came over and got under the blanket with us, leaning back on me the way that I was leaning back on Jeff.

"Drew I don't think he meant to snuggle up with us." Jeff said a little annoyed.

"Oh, leave him alone." I said wrapping my arms around Drew and pulling him to me.

"Yeah, leave me alone." Drew said knowing he was going to be in trouble with Jeff later.

I wondered how many people would give their eyeteeth to be sandwiched in between these two gorgeous guys. As the movie ended, I leaned my head back and kissed Jeff on the neck. He looked down and smiled at me.

"You know that Drew is asleep." He whispered.

"Yeah, he looks like such a little boy. See, this is what it will be like when we have kids." I laughed.

"Well, better hope he doesn't wet the bed." Jeff said laughing with me.

"I heard that." Drew said sitting up, giving us a half-awake smile, and looking down at his watch. "Oh man it's late. I better get out of here."

"You will do no such thing. You're going to stay in the downstairs guest room." I said in a stern voice to him.

"He is?" Jeff said at the same time that Drew said, "I am?"

"Yes, just give me a minute to make the bed up. There are towels in the cupboard in the hall between the bedroom and the bathroom if you want a shower in the morning. Jeff and I are going to his house early so we probably won't be here when you get up. You are welcome to help yourself to anything in the kitchen and to stay as long as you want."

I got Drew settled downstairs before meeting Jeff upstairs in the bedroom.

"Drew is my best friend, but I think he has a lot of nerve coming over here and practically moving in." Jeff said very annoyed by this point. "You know if I didn't know better, I would think he's got the hots for you"

"Well I think it's cute. Nick and Jessica and Justin and Scott leave him out of things and he's just lonely. You know I love you and his spending time with us shouldn't threaten you. Come on, I just came in and took you away from them and he's just getting used to it, that's all." I said moving over to Jeff and kissing him passionately on the mouth.

"You're right. I guess I just wanted you to myself for a little longer before I have to share you with them. Privacy in our little group is a hard thing to come by. I relish what I have when I have it." Jeff said returning my kisses.

"Good, cause I am going to ask him to move into that guest room."

"What! No, I'm not ready for that. I love the fact that we have the whole house to ourselves. We get to do it anywhere we want at any time. Why would you want to give that up?"

"Jeff, we'll have the entire upstairs totally to ourselves. There are enough rooms up here that we can have sex in a different one every night of the week if you want. He's your best friend and he needs us right now."

"It's your house and you can do what you want to do, but I'm not happy about it." Jeff said starting to get undressed for bed.

"Do you really want to fight about this?" I said moving over and taking his shirt off of him.

"Well, not really. I guess it's alright." He said as I continued undressing him. "I'm glad that you care so much about my friends."

Chapter 6

"Damn it Drew, you are going to make us late!" Jeff yelled at Drew trying to get him out of the house and into the limo that was taking us to the airport.

"Jeff, we have two hours to get there. I think we're fine." I said trying to calm him down.

"Oh, he is always like this when we travel. Just ignore him." Drew said finally emerging from the house.

"Drew, now is not the time for that, just get in that car." I whispered to him laughing.

Nick, Justin, and Scott were already in the car when we got in. Although it was after 8 AM, everyone looked very tired. I guessed that Jeff was the only morning person in the group. I was excited about the trip and got into the car very perky and happy.

"Good morning guys!" I belted out once I got into the car.

"Morning" Everyone mumbled in reply.

"They don't wake up till about 10 o'clock." Jeff informed me handing me a cup of coffee and a donut.

Drew took a place on the opposite side of the limo by Nick and leaned on him to use him to get back to sleep. Justin and Scott were cuddled up in the corner of the other side of the car, so Jeff and I took the middle and enjoyed our coffee and donuts together.

"It's like being all alone if you are with these guys early in the morning." Jeff told me shaking his head.

"Oh really? Will they sleep all the way to the airport? I've never gone down on someone in a car and if we are all alone..."

"Ok, I'm awake!" Nick shouted sitting up.

"No Nick, go back to sleep it's ok. I won't bug you to get up. Rick was just bringing up an interesting point that I think he and I need to pay attention to." Jeff said laughing.

I leaned and whispered in Jeff ear "I've never done it on an airplane either. Do you think we could arrange that?"

"Most definitely baby, I would love to induct you into the mile high club." Jeff said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Now I'm gonna be sick." Nick said rolling his eyes.

"Now you know how I feel when Jessica is around." Drew said sitting up and paying attention now.

Even Justin and Scott were showing signs of life now. By the time we reached the airport everyone was up and talking to each other about the details of the trip. Scott seemed to know exactly what to do when we reached the airport. He jumped out of the car and disappeared in the doors and then appeared with a security escort for the band.

Everyone moved quickly and quietly through the airport and into a private waiting room before I even realized what we were doing. This room had more coffee for the guys, but also had a whole breakfast buffet laid out for them.

"Pretty good lay out, eh? What can I get you from this feast?" Jeff asked me pointing at the buffet.

"I think I can get what I want Jeff." I laughed taking the plate from him to serve myself.

"No, breakfast is my thing. I have served you breakfast every day for the last 20 days and I'm not stopping now." Jeff said taking the plate back. "Now baby, what can I get you?"

"Ok, I'm not going to argue with you. I'm too hungry." I laughed, "You know what I like by now Jeff, just fill the plate for me."

"No need to, I've got a plate for Rick." Drew said with a smile on his face.

"I don't think so Drew, just sit down and eat your breakfast. I can get breakfast for my boyfriend." Jeff said irked by Drew's comments.

"Why do you get him so upset?" I asked Drew laughing at him.

"Cause I can." Drew replied taking my arm and leading me to the table.

"Well, take it easy on him. That's my boy, and I want him in a good mood." I said looking sternly at him.

"Ok, just for you I will. Good thing he doesn't know that I'm gay, huh. Then he would really not like all the time we spend together." Drew said taking the situation seriously.

"He trusts me, it would be all right. Are you going to tell them at some point?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder.

"At some point, still getting used to this myself and I have know idea where I am going with it. I'd really like to be with you, but I know that is not possible right now." Drew replied quietly to me.

"You're right, it's not possible. You will find the right person for you, just hang in there." I told him trying to comfort him.

Jeff returned with breakfast and the three of us ate together in relative silence. Finally it was time for us to board the plane. I was very excited to be getting under way. I hadn't been to New York City for a couple of years and couldn't wait to go. The entire first class section of the plane was empty except for our party and luggage.

"Pretty cool to fly like this, huh?" Jeff asked me as we took our seats.

"Well, if you have to fly on a commercial airline I guess this is the way to go. Dad usually just charters a private plane when he flies on business." I told Jeff trying not to laugh.

"Well, sorry you are only dating a famous musician and not the President." Jeff laughed.

"Ewww, gross. But, you know I was teasing you anyway." I laughed back at him.

The flight took off and before I knew it everyone but the two of us was back to sleep again. Jeff and I talked and held hands under our blanket. After about an hour, I excused myself to use the restroom there in first class. As I was exiting the restroom, I bumped into Jeff, who was smiling standing outside the door, and pushed me back in shutting the door behind us.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to him.

"You said you never had sex on an airplane before, so I thought while everyone was sleeping we could change that."

"You mean now? In here? What if we get caught?" I asked him nervously.

"We could discuss this, or we could do it." Jeff said unbuttoning his pants.

I took the only seat available in the room and pulled Jeff towards me. I grabbed his cock and began to stroke it, making it hard. I looked up to see Jeff standing there with his eyes closed waiting to slip his hard cock into my mouth. Not wanting to disappoint my man, I opened my mouth and engulfed his entire cock in one move.

Jeff let out a small moan as his hard tool entered my mouth. He immediately put his hands on my head and began to slowly rock his hips back and forth. I knew by now that Jeff loved to fuck my face and I had learned to just relax and let him control the movements. I let my hands roam all over his body tracing his muscles and playing with his nipples.

When Jeff began to pick up his movements, I decided it was time for a change. I wanted to have sex on an airplane and not just give a blowjob. I pulled off of his cock and pushed him backward towards the door. Jeff's look of disappointment quickly became a smile as he saw the wicked grin that I was giving him.

I just smiled at him as I pushed him to sit down. I unbuttoned my pants and let them drop to the floor. I turned around and sat down guiding Jeff's cock into my hole. I heard Jeff moan very loudly as he entered me. I knew that he wasn't going to last very long, so I began raising and lowering myself on his cock. To my surprise, Jeff reached around me and began jacking my hard cock.

Both of us began to get lost in our ecstasy. I could feel Jeff's hot mouth on my neck adding to my pleasure. Finally Jeff let out another loud moan and I felt his whole body tense up as he shot his load into me. Feeling his orgasm was enough to send me shooting all over the door of the restroom.

After resting a minute to regain our composure both Jeff and I got up and got dressed again. I cleaned up my mess off of the door and then took a deep breath. I slowly opened the door and stepped into the hallway. I turn to walk to my seat only to see each and every eye in our group focused on me. The moment they saw me the entire group began clapping and cheering.

I immediately stopped in my tracks only to have Jeff run into the back of me. I felt my face turn several shades of red. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Drew stood up and walked towards me.

"Rick, on behalf of 98 Degrees and United Airlines I would like to award these wings to you and welcome you to the Mile High Club" Drew told me with a serious face handing me the little United Airlines wings that they normally save for first time flyers.

"Speech!" I heard Nick yell out laughing.

"I think you've done quite enough to embarrass him Nick." Jeff said from behind me.

"No baby, it's all right." I told Jeff knowing that I had better come up with a very smart-ass comment for them or they would never leave me alone. "Nick, should I describe for you what we did, so you know that I was really inducted into the club?"

"No, that's quite all right. I take your word for it. Now, we need to discuss our schedule." Nick said quickly changing the subject.

"That's the way to handle Nick." Jeff whispered to me with a smile on his face as we finally took our seats.

I took Jeff's hand and stared out the window as they began to discuss their plans for the next few days. I felt myself slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep. The next thing I knew, Jeff was softly shaking me trying to get me to wake up.

"Rick, we're there honey. It's time to wake up." Jeff said sweetly to me.

I woke up and we made our way out to the waiting limo and then through the New York traffic to our hotel. Once there, we were quickly escorted through the lobby and to the elevators. We finally reached our rooms to find our luggage already waiting for us.

"Now that is service." I told Jeff pointing to our bags.

"Wow, you're right. Usually we are waiting for them for hours." Jeff said in amazement. "What should we do first my dear?"

"Actually, I am kind of hungry. Let's eat before doing anything else." I said beginning to unpack our luggage into the closet and drawers of the room.

"Sounds like a plan baby." Jeff said just as someone knocked on the door. "Ten to one that's Drew." Jeff said sighing.

"Be nice." I said to Jeff as he opened the door to greet Drew standing in the hallway.

"I'm starved, where shall we eat." Drew said moving past Jeff and into the room.

"Jeff and I were just discussing that. Why don't you pick a place for us Drew while I finish unpacking." I said barely looking up from my job.

"Ok" Drew said as we heard another knock on the door. "Jeff, answer that." He said as he grabbed the hotel directory.

Jeff shot an annoyed glance at Drew and then moved to open the door.

"John!?!" Jeff said opening the door.

"Jeff I have made a horrible mistake. In the two months we have been apart I realized that I shouldn't have left you, and that we should get married like you wanted to." John said grabbing Jeff in a tight embrace and kissing him hard on the mouth.

To be continued.........

Well, that's it this time. Hope it was worth the wait. Thanks again for the emails and I am so glad that everyone is enjoying the story.

Remember that questions, comments, and hello's can be sent to

Next: Chapter 5

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