Giving Us a Chance

By Jesse McMillan

Published on Mar 15, 2016


The final bell rang and Dylan collected his belongings and stuffed them all unceremoniously into his bag. Finally! If he'd have been forced to listen to five more minutes of Mrs Tolley's lecture on Western Civilization he would've wanted to die! But at last the day was over. Now he could head to his tutoring time with Mr Webb, and then home! It was true that Aidan was gonna be gone, so he'd be stuck alone with Mason, but he could still stick to himself in his room. This might not be so bad!

Mr Webb's classroom was deserted when Dylan arrived a few minutes later, puffing from the climb up two flights of stairs and the track from the History Department, on the opposite end of the school, to the Math Department. But upon further inspection Dylan found a note addressed to him.



Change of plans. Meet me in the freshman locker rooms, and we'll see what we can get accomplished there,

Mr W


The county high school had been built in successive phases throughout the years as the population and needs of the students and staff changed. Though a much newer, better-maintained gymnasium now stood proudly overlooking the football and softball fields the old "haunted gym" still stood at a distance from the rest of the school. One of the oldest buildings of the school complex, the old gymnasium housed the facilities and locker rooms for each successive wave of freshman boys. And while safe and well-maintained enough, the creaky, dank old stone building, standing within the shadow of the forest at the boundary of the school property, truly held a bit of an isolated, lonely feeling.

Never being such an outstanding athlete, and feeling more than a bit ill-at-ease within the creaking old walls and bleachers of the old gymnasium, Dylan rarely visited what should've been his locker room. He much preferred, as did many of his classmates, to make the trek from their Phys. Ed class in the old building, sweaty and grimy as they may have been, to the newer showers to clean and groom for the rest of the day. But distaste as he held for the old gymnasium, Dylan made his way along the covered breezeway toward his teacher's instructed location.

Upon first inspection the old gymnasium seemed completely deserted. It seemed there'd been no late afternoon classes in the old building, and everyone had left for the day. But just as Dylan had begun to turn toward the door an odd rumbling sound caught his ear. The laundry machines. Someone was here! He quickly made his way across the creaky wooden floor of the old building toward the locker and laundry rooms that lay on the opposite end.


The hot water rushed over Chad Webb's shoulders and torso, relaxing his tense muscles and aching back as it went. What a day! Those little shits in last period had just about gotten on his last nerve! Good thing that had been his last class. Much more of a day like this and he'd have lost what little sanity he had left! He leaned heavily against the rough stone wall of the old gymnasium showers. He'd always liked this place. Part of it was the fact that no one else wanted anything to do with the old gym. Everyone wanted new and better nowadays! Never mind the history this old gym had seen. Never mind how many winning celebrations young boys and their coaches had held within these walls throughout the years!................Never mind the privacy this place allowed!

He stood for some time with his head under the jet of almost-scalding water that poured out over him, succumbing to the mental weariness he felt. This had not been the way his life was supposed to turn out! Yesterday the divorce papers had been delivered, and though it had gone against every fiber of his being to give the bitch what she wanted, he'd signed them. He needed peace, and the sad fact was that, regardless of how much he'd once desperately wanted to reconcile with his wife, he'd never have that peace so long as Regina was part of his life!

He wearily ran his hands over his face and through his hair, allowing his fingertips to trace along his neck, down his torso, and toward his groin. His hands had not even passed his naval before his groin reacted. He needed a release. Sex had been out of the picture with Regina for over a year, and idiot that he'd been, he'd chosen to wait for her to return to him! He allowed his fingers to idly run through the trimmed hair that trailed from just below his naval to his groin, his member reacting as he did. But he'd no more begun what he desperately needed than a the door to the showers creaked open, and a voice called out.

"Mr Webb? Are you in here?

He turned to face the wall, praying the boy wouldn't approach any closer, willing his voice to remain calm as he answered. "Yes Dylan, it's me. Just give me a moment and I'll......" "Oh, okay. So it is you in here! I was afraid I'd walked in on..................."


Dylan felt his mouth go dray as he took in the sight before him. Try as he might to will his eyes to look away from where they now stared, it seemed he could not tear his gaze from the sight before him. It was indeed Mr Webb, his adored Mr Webb.............naked! He'd turned to face the shower wall, but the flush of his face and the position of his hands left little to Dylan's imaginative wondering. "Mr Webb.....I......I'm so........oh my god, I'm so very sorry!" "No Dylan, I'm sorry. I thought I was alone, and was just.........." The man grew quiet, his breathing ragged as he leaned his head against the wall.

Not thinking of what he was doing, Dylan stepped toward his teacher. "Mr Webb it's okay. I.......I won't tell any..............CRAP!...............Geez, how are you standing that?!" The scalding spray his teacher stood under had caught him across his own chest and middle, leaving his teeshirt wet and clinging to his abdomen. He turned to race away from the heat, heading toward the door, but two strong hands found their way to his shoulders and roughly steered him toward the nearest bench. "Dylan! Are you okay? Are you burned? Here, let me check on you."

Still stunned by the sting of the scalding water Dylan allowed himself to be steered onto the bench. But he'd no more than sat upon the long, rough seat than he immediately wished he'd resisted Mr Webb's aide. As if it weren't enough that he was humiliated by finding his favorite teacher in such a state, his face now flushed crimson at the sight of the muscular man, still stark naked, sitting astraddle of the bench before him, who's hands had deftly and swiftly begun to pull his own shirt up toward his shoulders.

"Mr Webb I don't think I need to see you like this!" "Well I can't help but agree, but under the circumstances I think it best if I examine your chest first. I'm use to water that hot, but you're still young. You've got much more sensitive skin! Now stop arguing with me and let me at least check you for burns before I go to get some clothes on!"


The young man sat obediently still as Chad tenderly peeled the wet shirt from his body, though his eyes darted constantly, averting meeting Chad's own eyes. And Chad feared the boy's skin had already turned an angry shade of crimson where the water had soaked into his teeshirt. He allowed his fingers to tentatively trace across the otherwise-creamy flesh of the young man who sat gasping as Chad's fingers made contact with burn-sensitive skin. "It looks like you're gonna have some burns. I can't speak for below your waits, but there's definitely some burning on your chest! We need to get some ointment on those, but I've always heard the quickest way to stop a burn is to put something cold on it. Come on, up you get!"

The petite young man, lifted easily enough to a standing position once again, stared from Chad to the shower, comprehension dawning on his face. "Oh no! No way! I'm already embarrassed enough by seeing you! There's no way I'm getting naked in front of you too!" "Oh, stop being ridiculous! Now we've got to stop these burns from becoming any worse, and the quickest way to do that is to get you into a cold shower. Would you rather have to explain to an ER nurse why you were in a scalding shower with your clothes on, that you were trying to talk to your naked teacher?..................That's what I thought! Now, come on, let's get your clothes off and get you in here!"


He wanted to die. There was no other way to describe how Dylan felt, but to say he wanted to die! Of all the billions of people on this earth, something like this had to happen to him! He had to be the one who would up naked in a cold shower with his still-naked teacher fingering his skin for burns! Staring at the floor as Mr Webb's strong hands guided him into the waiting frigid water, Dylan's eyes caught sight of something, something that only made his discomfort that much more humiliating. Mr Webb was huge!

He felt his body react to the bitterly cold water that sprayed across his chest. The icy water stung as it careened across his burned chest. "Geez! That's freakin' cold!" "I'm sorry. I know it's uncomfortable, but we've got to make sure those burns get any worse. Did your groin get burned?" "My what?" "Your, uh........" Mr Webb made a vague gesture that brought yet more flushed heat to Dylan's face. "Oh! No, no I don't think so." "Good. That would not be a comfortable thing!" A small giggle escaped Dylan, despite his best efforts. "No, that would definitely not be a good thing!" But try as he might to go with Mr Webb's guidance, and keep the situation light as possible, his eyes could not draw themselves from the large member that hung from his teacher's groin.

For some time they stood in silence, seemingly neither of them knowing how to ease the tension between them. Dylan chanced another glance at his teacher. "Mr Webb?" "Yes?" "What were we going to study today? You know, had this not happened?"............. "Sex ed........"


It took every ounce of self-restraint Chad Webb possessed not to laugh at the stunned look that now held place across the boy's face. For several minutes he'd been wracking his brain for something to lighten the mood between them, and given that they were both stark naked in a shower together, what else was there to say? But the flush that came to the boy's cheeks immediately told Chad that he'd said the wrong thing!

"Dylan I'm sorry. I was only kidding, trying to lighten the mood. I......I just didn't know what else to say. It was just my way of trying to lighten the mood." "It's okay. It's just that.....well.....I feel kinda dumb right now. I can't believe I'm even admitting this, but when you joked about sex I wondered just how two guys could even do.........anything together." Chad stared at the young man for a moment. "Well, like I say, I am sorry. I should never have brought it up. I've made you uncomfortable. I...........Oooohhh!" Chad felt his words hitch in his throat as a small hand found its way around his member.

For some time Chad found it impossible to speak, his body reacting to the simple touch of the young man in front of him. But eventually he regained enough of his faculties to realize the severity of the situation. "Dylan this isn't right. We've got to stop this!" "Yours is a lot bigger than the other guys I've seen." "Dylan.........please stop that. It's's not right!" A look of pure horror spread across the young man's face as realization dawned in his mind. "Oh my...........Mr Webb I am so, so very sorry!" The young man bolted from the shower, not stopping to gather his still-soaked clothing, merely running. "Dylan!"


He didn't think about where he was going. He just ran. Tears stung his eyes as realization dawned in him. What had he done?! He ran blindly across the creaking floor of the gymnasium, his heavy stride echoing as he ran, Mr Webb's voice echoing behind him. He ran until the door was just within reach before two strong arms snaked themselves around his torso, and he felt himself jerked back into the embrace of Chad Webb. Great sobs wracked through his body as the man held him, whispering tenderly in his ear.

"Dylan this is okay. I'm not angry or upset. It's just..." "No, you don't understand! I'm not......I've never....." "Dylan you're curious. It's part of being a teenager. Now please calm down so we can talk about this.

He felt his body being turned to face the trim man who held him. "Mr Webb I am so very, very sorry. I..........I....." "Dylan I should've never said anything about this. It was very foolish on my part. You're one of my favorite students, and I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable. I want to do everything I can to make you happy, and to help you learn!"

He stared up into the eyes that shown down at him. "Do you really mean that?" A strong embrace brought their still-bare bodies together. "I think you and I both know that I mean that. You're so very special to me. I want you to be a happy young man." Dylan's heart suddenly began to pound within his chest, a fear like he'd never known overtaking him. "Then show me."


"What do you mean show you?" The young man stared up into Chad's face. "Mr Webb you just admitted that you care for me more than your other students. I think we've both known for a long time that I have always cared for you. You........I think you're wonderful. I think....................I think I may be in love with you. I want you to show me."

Chad's mind reeled at what the young man had just asked of him, the countless repercussions flooding through his mind. "Dylan you know I can't do that. We might get.......I.......I just can't do that!" The young man stare into his face for what seemed an eternity, his small eyes boring into Chad's own. But when his face pulled away it was hard, set in a stony determination Chad had never seen on the face of a young man Dylan's age before. In one swift movement he'd dropped to his knees, taken hold of Chad's member, and whispered one last word. "Well, if you won't take the initiative.........I will!"

His body reacted instantly. His mind screamed warning after warning of the dangers he'd allowed himself to be pulled into, yet his body's pleasure and desire overpowered the logic of his mind. He allowed the young man to suckle him for a time, reveling in the long-forgotten pleasure. But eventually he lifted the small young man to his feet, brought his face to his own for a tender kiss, and lead the young man back toward the deserted locker room. "All right Baby. If we're gonna do this, let's do it right!"

Next: Chapter 15

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