Giving Us a Chance

By Jesse McMillan

Published on Dec 12, 2015


Meagan Carroll sat staring at her image reflected in the mirror, hating everything she saw. She'd wanted her long golden hair to be made into one of those "stylishly messy" up-do's so many brides her age were going for nowadays. She hated the way her mother had curled her thick locks into loose curls so that they flowed across her shoulders. And hadn't she told her idiotic sister she'd wanted a veil that flowed from her forehead back to her shoulders, and not some freaking piece of crap that covered her face? Typical of Tasha to pick up the wrong piece! Stupid people! Why couldn't anyone see she wanted this to be perfect?!

It wasn't as if Meagan had asked for all that much for her wedding. What would shutting down her uncle's apple orchard for her "Harvest of Love" themed wedding really do to his seasonal profits? It wasn't like those stupid tourists who drove the Parkway wouldn't be back! And why had her sister complained when she and their mother had had to drive two hours to pick up the perfect shade rose petals, "Beautifully Blushing Pink," for her flower girl to scatter before she walked down the aisle? And then if that hadn't been enough, her grandmother had actually had the nerve to suggest that, as she'd said, "if she really wanted a rustic wedding," Meagan should simply allow she and her aunts to cater the wedding with typical country food! Over her dead body! You didn't serve some redneck barbecue to wedding guests! She'd put her foot down on that one; caviar, and no substitutes!

She sighed as she stared into the mirror. Oh well. At least the veil could be altered. Surely the shop wouldn't mind, and if they did Daddy could pay for it. After all, weren't fathers supposed to foot the bill for their daughters' weddings? She just hoped Aidan and his little gay friend didn't embarrass her by doing something stupid, like they'd done at the rehearsal dinner. Her pretty face visibly frowned and winced at the memory of that fiasco. If it hadn't been embarrassing enough that she'd had to have her rehearsal dinner a week ahead of the typical day before, just because Granny had a doctor appointment the day before the wedding, Aidan and that stupid little faggot Mason had humiliated her by cracking up during the entire meal!

The frown that had crossed her face deepened. Mason! She felt sick at the very mention of his name! She'd never been able to understand what Aidan could possibly see in him, and she hadn't bothered hide it! Despite the fact they were from totally different social and economic classes, Mason was gay! She'd hoped that Aidan wouldn't be so clueless, and catch onto her hints about Mason. But evidently all those muscles didn't go all the way into his brain, because he just never seemed to get it. It just wasn't right, the son of a once-prominent lawyer in the community, an all-star athlete, military hero, and super-hot guy like Aidan having a friendship with a little gay nobody like him! Well, that wouldn't last very much longer! As far as she was concerned Aidan might as well be having a funeral for Mr. Mason Alexander, because after tomorrow he'd be as good as dead to both of them! She sat studying this necessity for some time before jerking her phone from her bag. Tomorrow would be too crazy; she might as well talk to Aidan about this now!


Aidan was jerked awake by his phone as it danced and buzzed its way across the nightstand by his bed. Damn! After storming out of his mom's house yesterday he'd crashed at home with a bottle of Scotch. His throbbing head and nauseous stomach now told him that might not have been the best idea.

"Hello?" "Hey sexy man, it's me!" "Meagan?" A tinkling laugh echoed on the other end of the phone. "Yes, dummy! Who'd you expect?" "Hey Babe. I'm sorry. Just a little confused." "Well you better get un-confused before tomorrow, because I'm expecting a certain sexy hunk to be waiting on me!" Though he knew no one would see his reaction Aidan couldn't refrain from rolling his eyes. "Yes Babe." "Now I know you're probably trying to memorize your vows, so you don't embarrass yourself tomorrow, but I think there's something we need to talk about." "Oh? What might that be?" Another small tinkle of laugher. "Well, it's actually about your little friend."

Aidan felt himself immediately bristle at this. Now what? "My little friend? Are you talking about Mason?" There was the slightest of pauses before the overly sweet voice began again. "Well, yes.......Mason. I've been doing some thinking, and I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better for you and Mason to start looking for other friends. You know, rather than each other?"Aidan sat bolt upright in the bed. "What?" "Well, I mean.......he's gay honey. I'm not saying that to be mean. But after tomorrow you're going to be a married man. How would it look for a newly-wed to be associating with a little gay guy like Mason?

Aidan sat stunned as he listened to Meagan continue her case. "And then there's the fact that you and I are gonna be spending even more time together than ever before. I mean Mason......well, I don't really want friends hanging around all the time." She giggled again. "We might suddenly decide to get would that make poor Mason feel?" "Meagan where is all this coming from? I mean I know you and Mason have never been the best of friends, but don't you think this is just a little much?" The girlish laughter returned, but this time there was the slightest edge to its sound.

"Oh Aidan! You and your causes! Mason doesn't fit in our world! Think about it. I don't remember Mason from school.......and I remember everybody who mattered! He doesn't fit into our friends' class. He probably hasn't got two pennies to rub together. How much money did your parents' divorce leave your mother and you?........Well, it was definitely more than what Mason probably has! And besides that he's gay! It's just not...........well, it just wouldn't work out." "But Meagan.....Babe.....Mason's my best friend." He didn't dare tell her the conversation that had taken place between he and Mason just the day before. "I can't just write him off like he never existed!"

This time there definitely was an edge to Meagan's voice. "Well I'm telling you now I think it's for the best! Mason just doesn't fit into the world we'll have together! He's not one of us. I think it would be infinitely easier if you just dealt with this now, instead of waiting until he embarrasses one of us!" Aidan's anger sparked within him yet again. How many more people would he have to deal with telling him how to live his life and who was good for him?! "Meagan I'm not going to discuss this with you. Mason's my best friend. He's been there for me when nobody else in the world has. I'm not going to turn my back on him now! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go memorize my vows.......I'd hate to embarrass anyone tomorrow!"


The makeshift amphitheater created along the hillside of the orchard was packed. Aidan stood nervously scanning the crowd for someone who actually bore a familiar face. Who the hell were all these people? Meagan's "small affair" was swiftly turning into a teeming mass of strangers. He scanned the crowd for Mason. He'd not spoken to his best friend since their talk at "the pull-off" two days ago. He figured Mason would want some space after what had transpired between them, not that he blamed him! If the roles had been reversed he'd have probably gone into hiding too! But as the hour ticked ever nearer Aidan had to admit that he was more than a little nervous that his best man wasn't going to show!

A twinge of guilt passed through Aidan as the cruel truth dawned on him. Had he really expected his gay best friend, his gay best friend who'd just admitted having feelings for him, to stand up as his best man? He mentally kicked himself. "Asshole!" "What?" Aidan's mother's sharp voice spoke from behind him. They'd not spoken since he'd stormed from her house after their argument, and it was clear that her anger had not completely cooled. Betty Jo stood surveying the gathering crowd with obvious disdain. "Nothing Mom. Just talking to myself." "I see." There was no more spoken between them.

To Aidan's great relief Mason arrived, a little out of breath from arriving late and not quite making eye contact with Aidan, but dutifully taking his place beside him nonetheless. Aidan chanced a whispered word between them. "I was afraid you might not show." There was a long silence. Aidan was startled to look up and realize that Mason was staring oddly at him. "If this is what makes you happy, then you should've known I'd show."


Betty Jo's feet were screaming in protest to the heels she wore. Why in God's name had that stupid bimbo wanted the family to stand around she and Aidan, instead of sit at the front like a normal wedding!? Stupid, spoiled brat! Wedding wasn't even formally over, and she was already making Betty Jo miserable! And who was this longwinded minister? Good God! Did he have to quote half the Old Testament for one wedding? She made a mental note to intentionally step on Aidan's foot when they danced later. If she had to suffer through this her idiotic son should suffer as well!

She felt guilty for resenting her son so. She knew she should've been happy for him. A wedding was supposed to be one of the happiest days of any man or woman's life. But Aidan's complete lack of regard for, not only the warnings he'd received from friends and family about Meagan, but more importantly the feelings he'd trodden over was unforgivable! She hadn't raised him to act like this.

The ancient minister droned on for what felt like hours as she anxiously switched her weight from one foot to the other. For goodness sakes, why didn't he get on with it? He droned for such a length of time that Betty felt her attention begin to wonder. She knew she should've been keeping her eyes and ears focused on her son. But this old windbag was gonna bluster on until they were all old with grey hair! But as Betty Jo uncomfortably shuffled her feet for the thousandth time an odd sound caught her ear. The minister had finally stopped; at least he'd stopped rambling. And as her attention focused on the wrinkled face of the old man she noticed that he in turn was focused on Aidan.

"Aidan?" Aidan wore a strange look on his face as he stared at Meagan, who was more than a little annoyed at the interruption. "I.....I'm sorry, what were you saying minster?" The old man chuckled. "I asked you if you took Meagan to be your wife, son!" The old man gave a mischievous wink. "You might wanna be sure and answer this one!" But as chuckles rippled through the crowd Betty Jo noticed that her son's face had gone strangely blank, his eyes seeming to look beyond his surroundings. And indeed, when he did finally move his actions brought a gasp to the crowd.


This may have been their wedding day, but Meagan was going to murder Aidan! She couldn't believe he'd zoned out today. Of all day's to pull some moronic stunt like this! He just had to act like a fool today! And as his strong grip pulled her away from the small platform they'd stood on to the shade of a nearby tree she didn't bother to hide her anger. "Aidan what on earth are you doing? You're embarrassing me!"

It was clear, however, that Aidan's mind could not have been further from considering the crowd that watched the scene before them. "Meagan I've got to ask you" "What on earth could be so important as to interrupt our marriage ceremony?" He surveyed her for a moment, his eyes seemingly attempting to bore into her mind. "Did you really mean what you said last night, about me and the friends I keep?" Though he'd used the word "friends" his eyes had flashed toward Mason's back.

Meagan felt her face flush, her anger rising rapidly within her. She forced a smile, but spoke through gritted teeth. "Why yes, Aidan, I did. I can't imagine how this is so important as to discuss it now. But if you must know, I did mean what I spoke with you about!"


Aidan had drug Meagan just far enough from earshot to prevent the crowd from overhearing their discussion. Betty Jo nervously shifted from one foot to the other as almost 500 eyes shifted from Aidan to Meagan, to herself and the others on the platform, and back again to Aidan and Meagan. What on earth was going on? It was clear from Aidan's face that whatever they were discussing at that moment very much was important enough to warrant the interruption in the service. She knew her son; something was weighing heavily on his mind!

She allowed her gaze to flicker to Mason's own curious face. It was clear that he had no more a clue as to what was transpiring under the apple tree than she or anyone else. But the scream and steady stream of curse words that soon echoed across the hillside as her son's large form retreated away from the crowd toward his car parked in the distance soon left no doubt as to what was happening.

"Aidan! Where are you going? Don't you dare do this to me! You can't walk away from me now! Aidan, you bastard, get back here! Aidan! You son of a bitch, turn around and face me! Aidan!"


The Mustang sat just where Mason knew it would, along the edge of the Parkway pull-off, just a few miles from where Aidan had left the wedding. Aidan's large form sat staring into the distance from the rock ledge. Mason said nothing as he sat by his best friend. For some great length of time neither of them spoke. Indeed, Aidan's gaze stared so intently into his own thoughts that Mason wasn't actually sure his friend had heard him arrive. But eventually a deep voice rumbled from beside him.

"I didn't expect you to come here." "I'm your best friend. Or at least, we used to be best friends. I hope we still are." Mason was silent for a moment. "I knew you'd be here." Aidan heaved a great sigh as he turned to face Mason. "I suppose you're wondering what's going on?" Mason smiled weakly. "Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious. But I think the bigger issue is the crowd of people I just left back there. It was pandemonium. I actually felt sorry for Meagan, for once." Aidan didn't smile at Mason's weak attempt at a joke. Instead he grew all the more somber. "She wanted me to stop being your friend, you know. Meagan? She called me last night to tell me it was time to find a new friend."

Mason's heart plummeted. "I see. you intend to?" Aidan's blue eyes bored into Mason's own face. "Mason I have to be honest with you and tell you that I don't look at you in the way you've admitted looking at me. You know I love you; you're my best friend in this world. But a deeper love's just something I'd never thought about between us."

Mason had half risen from where he'd sat when two strong hands grabbed him and pulled him back down. In all their 20 years Mason had never seen Aidan fix him with such a piercing stare. "Don't go. I'm not trying to upset you. At least just give me a chance to explain..................I don't understand this between you and I. And I'm not gonna lie and say I feel it right now. But what I do feel is fucking stupid for actually allowing Meagan to force me to choose between her and the people that I love, and though it may not be in the way you want, I very much do love you!"

Mason sat stunned. "Aidan where is al this coming from? And why now?" Aidan's face was pained as he responded. "Mason I told you, she literally called me last night to tell me that she expected me to walk away from you! Maybe I've been blind, or maybe I'm just an idiot, but I finally realized the truth. I realized what I should've a long time ago. Because Meagan is such a selfish, manipulative little....." "Bitch?" "Yes, and infinitely more! But because of Meagan I was going to lose the two people I love more than anyone on this earth. I was gonna lose you and my mom! I can't do that!"

Mason's heart fluttered at the touch of Aidan's hands, never releasing his own. "So what happens for you now?" "You and I happen."........ "What did you say?" "I said you and I happen, or at least we're gonna try."

Mason's breath hitched and his mouth suddenly went dry. "Aidan what are you saying?" The blue eyes never left his own as Aidan answered him. "I'm saying that you told me you loved me. And even though it's not the way you want right now, I do love you. Mason you've been my best friend. You've been there for me when my own mom's not always been able to be by my side. You've listened to all my shit, you've helped me grieve, and you've even supported a wedding I should have never considered. You've got the most loving heart of anyone I've ever known, and I've taken advantage of it. I've been a selfish asshole. I can't promise that I'll ever wanna throw you down on the bed and have my way with you, but I do want to ask you if you'd consider allowing me to return the favor of attempting to love you the way you've loved me. If you'd consider it, I'd like to give us a chance."

Next: Chapter 7

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