Giving Us a Chance

By Jesse McMillan

Published on Dec 13, 2015


"The Old McPherson place" was anything but what its name described. Sitting in the midst of one of the naturally occurring "balds" that dot the southern Blue Ridge Highlands, construction on the massive log A-frame had only begun on the land Dr McPherson had purchased some five years ago. It had been his intended retirement retreat from the busy city practice he'd spent most of his life building. Yet sadly Dr McPherson had not lived to see his dream project through. There had been countless prospective buyers who'd taken Mrs McPherson's tour of the rustic sanctuary with it's commanding view of the Appalachians from well over 4,000 feet. Yet somehow no one ever "worked out" to suit Mrs McPherson's idea of just who needed to live in the house.

Lydia McPherson knew what most of the folks in the town below said about her. She knew they thought she was crazy! And perhaps living by herself on the mountain, having just turned 70, did make her a bit insane. But she didn't care. This had been her Arthur's dream. All his hopes for his and her retirement years were bound up in the timber that surrounded her. She wasn't about to let just anyone move into her Arthur's sanctuary! She supposed that was what had so intrigued her when she'd heard Betty Jo McManus' story at the Red Hat Society luncheon the other day. Betty'd been arguing with some other woman about her son and his, if Lydia'd overheard correctly, new boyfriend.

Betty Jo hadn't specifically referred to her son as having a boyfriend. But the other lady had been more than a bit disgruntled when she'd set eyes on Betty Jo, accusing her son of "being a pervert who couldn't make his mind up if he wanted her daughter," a Meagan she thought, "or if he wanted another man." And Lydia had specifically heard Betty Jo, quite more calmly than she felt she could've done herself had someone insulted her children, explain that Betty's son and this other person, a Mason, were merely giving things a chance, to see where they went. Still to this very moment she couldn't explain what had taken hold of her senses. A homosexual couple certainly wasn't what she'd "planned on" while waiting for who she felt were the rightful next occupants of her Arthur's dream. Yet something had seemed to tug at her heart as she'd sat listening to the chatter and laughter that had filled the meeting that day. Something had just felt right, insomuch that as soon as the meeting was over she'd gone strait to Betty Jo McManus and made her an offer.

"You tell your son that, if he's interested, he's welcome to bring his significant other up the mountain and tour the house!"


Aidan drummed his fingers anxiously as he steered the Mustang along the paved road. Though the road that led to the McPherson house was well-maintained, owing to it's being the closest way across the mountains into the next state, Aidan worried about Mason's reaction to the isolation of living atop the mountain. Neither he nor Mason were terribly keen on the idea of moving so far away from town. They'd purposely chosen to keep both their apartments, in case things didn't work out between them. But his mother had been adamant in her opinion that they needed somewhere that was neither his nor his, but theirs. ("You need to make a fresh start, get away from the memories of the apartments and focus on seeing if you can make new memories together.")

He supposed his mother was right in her reasoning. He had to admit that these few weeks had been, at times, awkward, knowing they were sleeping in the same bed he and Meagan had slept in several times before. They'd chosen to alternate between the two apartments, but much of Aidan's sports equipment and workout gear was too cumbersome to lug from apartment to apartment. On most of these nights when he'd finished lifting he'd simply ask Mason if they couldn't "crash where they were." Mason, being Mason, would all-too-easily give in and be content to spend the evening smelling the foul stench of a week's worth of laundry as it waited its turn to be dumped into the machine.

There was still no spark between Aidan and Mason, no sudden urge to simply take Mason's small form into his arms and ravish him, but still Aidan couldn't help but feel proud of himself. Though he knew Mason hoped and dreamed for more in the future, Aidan could truly say he was giving his all to their "prospective" relationship. But this was proving not to be without its difficulties and worries. Though Mason never objected or complained, Aidan feared there was a fine unspoken line between being respectful and caring in the type of relationship he and Mason were trying out and simply treating Mason like any other woman he might've dated.

He'd watched carefully for Mason's reactions in those earliest days of their trying things out. Holding the door and helping lug groceries hadn't wrought any unpleasant reactions, but the day he'd teased Mason about "fixing the man of the house a sandwich" had brought an unmistakable flinch and several moments of uncomfortable silence before Aidan had apologized. Yet trial-and-error as their relationship may have still been, Aidan and Mason had settled into a comfortable routine.

They had breakfast together each morning before going to their respective jobs, Mason at the local recording studio and Aidan having only recently been hired as a welder at the rail yard. They called and chatted for the majority of their lunch breaks. They worked together most nights to cook a decent dinner together before bed. Things had even progressed to a night where Mason had, without thinking, snuggled into Aidan's side while they watched television. He'd unwittingly gotten into the habit of doing so every night after, and the crazy thing was that Aidan didn't mind.

It wasn't such a bad thing having Mason for a "try-out boyfriend." Having known each other for such a long time before, Mason seemed to instinctively know the boundaries of comfort between them. He was always willing for more contact or interaction between them, yet sensed immediately when Aidan became uncomfortable. He knew how to joke to lighten Aidan's mood after he came home with aching back and muscles. He knew how to calm Aidan's anger after the still-daily calls from Meagan or her family. Mason knew Aidan, knew what made him happy and pleased him. Aidan chuckled at the thought that shot through his mind as he chanced a sideways glance at Mason. "Now if we could only get past the sex thing we'd be perfect!" But the thought had no more ran through his mind than he regretted it. That was out of the question! He'd promised himself from the beginning he wasn't going there!

It wasn't that the idea repulsed him. And it certainly wasn't some issue with Mason. He'd cracked countless jokes throughout the years at Masons "girly pretty looks." And he was; guy or not, Mason was lovely! But though the thought set Aidan more than a little on edge (he had no clue how to "do" anything with a guy) it wasn't the actual thought of sex that bothered him. No, it was much more than that.

Aidan knew how much Mason loved him. He'd known for years Mason held feelings for him. But the longer they spent together the more Aidan realized the truth. It was more than just feelings for Mason; he loved Aidan! Aidan could see it in his eyes, see it in the way he looked at him. He ground his teeth as these thoughts echoed round his brain. He'd be damned if he'd treat Mason like some cheap hookup! If and when they ever "did anything" it would be special, and he, Aidan, would show Mason just how special he was! That was exactly why they were driving up this mountain to begin with!

His mom had promised him she wasn't playing some kind of crazy joke when she'd said old Mrs McPherson was interested in talking to them about their living in that big house she had on the mountain. Everyone knew about that place; it was huge. And all those "snowbird" tourists who came from Florida to spend the summer months would pay out the ass for the view that Mrs McPherson woke to every morning! Mason deserved something like that. He deserved Aidan giving him something special. And if Aidan had anything to say about it, he would!


Mason sat humming contentedly to himself as they made the drive up the mountain road. He wasn't sure exactly where it was that Aidan had in mind. The only thing he could remember that sat this far along the state road was the old McPherson House. Aidan hadn't given any hints as to what their destination was, merely smiling slyly and asking if he might do the driving in Mason's truck. Mason didn't mind this. He didn't want to be treated like some small infantile weakling. But Aidan had been so wonderful about the whole thing. He'd gone out of his way to make sure he didn't demean Mason into feeling like "the subservient" in their relationship. He smiled a bit as he glanced at Aidan. He was trying so hard!

To Mason's great surprise Aidan did indeed direct the Mustang along the drive that left the state road and made its way toward the McPherson house. And to his even greater surprise Mrs McPherson stood waiving to them from the expansive porch that wrapped round the front of the imposing A-frame. Aidan chanced a small smile toward Mason as he brought the Mustang to a halt within feet of the house. "Well, here we are." "What do you mean? What's going on?"

Neither Mason nor Aidan had ever spoken at great length with Lydia McPherson, but she proved to be a gracious, welcoming hostess. "Good morning! I'm so glad you were able to make it up to visit! Now, if you'll just follow me I'll take you on a tour!"


Though the house's eastern front was indeed built in a traditional A-frame construction, complete with floor to ceiling windows that were sure to capture every bit of morning sunlight, the massive timbered house was anything but the minuscule one-floor home with loft many imagine when hearing the description "A-frame." Indeed, the "A-frame" was merely what Mrs McPherson described as "the great room," a splendid room with towering beam ceilings and decor that gave the ambience of having stepped into one of the great western mountain lodge retreats of days gone by.

Mason allowed his eyes to roam the buffalo prints and plaids that lay strewn across the leather furniture and varnished wooden surfaces. But it was the massive natural stone fireplace which, with the exception of two great beam archways that lead into other parts of the house, occupied the entire western wall that his eyes were most drawn too. He dreamily wondered what the house would look like bedecked for the Holidays. How splendid would the house feel with a towering Christmas tree and wonderful evergreen bows along the fireplace mantle?!

Worn saddles, horseshoes, and all sorts of what Mrs McPherson jokingly waived away as "her husbands cowboy obsession" hung along the walls and from the ceiling. A giant chandelier made from three great tree limbs that had been stripped and varnished gave a soft glow to the center of the room. A beautiful grand piano sat in one of the corners where the towering windows poured light upon the music upon its stand. Wrought iron candelabras, complete with drippy wax, stood in each corner. Mason felt as though he'd stepped into a dream. But why were he and Aidan here?

The rest of the house proved to be every bit as stunning as the wonderful great room. The two archways led from the great room into a beautiful towering hall with staircases on either side that led to the second floor. Through another archway beyond the stairs lay a kitchen that would've been the envy of any chef, with more expansive windows that viewed what appeared to be a lovely evening sitting area, complete with stone fire pit and grill. But it was the master bedroom that truly astounded Aidan and Mason both.

The master bedroom sat just atop the stairs. Though there were no less that six bedrooms in the house, a massive set of doors, framed by intricate wood carvings of buffalo, turkeys, and deer, left no question where the master of the house was intended to sleep. The suite was surprisingly elegant. Though still dawned in the dark greens and plaids so often associated with the western hunting lodges, towering windows along the western wall allowed wonderful light to fill the room. The massive bed, complete with sumptuous heavy drapes that enclose round it, sat upon a stone platform that was intended to elevate the occupants so that they could have an unobstructed view of the surrounding natural beauty, even while in bed.

Had he not been growing more puzzled by the minute as to what the hell Aidan and he were doing at the massive house, the onsuite bathroom would've taken Mason's breath away. He couldn't help but wonder if his entire apartment wouldn't have fit into the bathroom alone! The largest tub he'd ever set eyes upon sat in a corner of the room, providing a wonderful view of the "bald" fields beyond the house, yet still far enough from the windows to provide privacy. Yet more intricately carved woodwork adorned the massive vanity cabinets, topped with a beautiful granite slab that had been carved only enough to adjoin the smooth surface of the wall. A wonderful open shower, created from the natural stone of the surrounding mountains stood invitingly opposite the tub. But though the house was magnificent one question plagued Mason. Why were they here?


Their tour complete Mrs McPherson led the boys back down to the massive great room. "Well, how about a little refreshment? These cooler fall temperatures are putting me in the mood for some hot tea!" They sat for some time, drinking tea and chatting of the goings-on in the town below them. Mrs McPherson proved to be an excellent host. She'd soon fed them so many finger sandwiches and cookies that neither felt as though they could breath properly. But finally Mason's curiosity could be held back no longer. "Mrs McPherson may I ask something that will, perhaps, sound rather rude?" "Why certainly. What's on your mind?" "Well.....why are we here?"

To Mason's great surprise both Mrs McPherson and Aidan chuckled at his question. It was Aidan who turned to him to respond first. "I'm sorry Mason. I guess I should've told you before now. I wanted it to be a surprise. We're here to discuss renting from Mrs McPherson." "Surprised" was an understatement as to how Mason felt. The house was grand, but the thought of renting one of those bedrooms upstairs while a little old lady tottered round in the house wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind when they'd discussed moving! "But, and please forgive me Mrs McPherson, where will Mrs McPherson live? I mean, I don't quite understand. Will we be living here together?" This time it was Mrs McPherson who smiled and replied.

"Why don't I just tell you the whole story? You see, I overheard Betty Jo discussing your two's situation a few days ago at one of our society meetings. I was immediately intrigued by your predicament; two young men attempting to find somewhere to spend time alone to build a relationship." She bemusedly waived a hand toward their surroundings. "I don't think you'll find anywhere much more `alone' than here! But you see, I've been hoping for sometime to find someone to move into the house. I'm returning to Connecticut soon, and I can't bare to think of my Arthur's dream being neglected."

She stared round, a sad smile forming on her lips. "I would never have told my Arthur this, but I wasn't quite as keen on moving here as he was. I've taken great pains to finish and preserve what he dreamt of here......but for his sake only. The house is simply too large for one old woman! It wasn't meant for an old lady to putter round in; it was meant to house life, to house love! My children have wanted me to move closer to them for some time now. I've simply been waiting on what, or rather who, felt right for the house."

Mrs McPherson sat silently for time, her eyes misty as she reminisced on a life that had never been fated to happen within the house with her own husband. Eventually, however, she recovered, wiped her eyes delicately, and pulled a large brown envelope from beneath her purse that had been on the coffee table since before their arrival. "I hope you boys don't mind; I took the liberty of asking Betty Jo for both your full names." She pulled several papers from within the envelope and began rifling through them. "I believe everything's in order. I had my lawyer review everything yesterday." With one swift movement she jerked a pen from her purse, signed a swift signature across the bottom of one paper she held, and shoved the envelope's contents toward Aidan and Mason. "If you would be kind enough to allow me a week to pack all my own belongings, I will be out, and you will be able to move in!"


Aidan's smile faded as he took the stack of documents from Mrs McPherson. Something was off. This wasn't the agreement for rent they'd discussed over the telephone; this was a deed, a deed with his and Mason's name stated as the new owners! "Mrs McPherson this doesn't look right. We discussed renting. This........this looks as though you've given us the deed. I'm afraid there's been a mistake."

Two small hands reached across the table to take his own. "No, my dear boy, I'm not mistaken. I told you; I've been waiting for a long time for who felt like the right people to take my Arthur's house." She chuckled softly. "I certainly wasn't expecting a couple such as yourselves. But the more I listened to your mothers story the more I was sure of it! Two young people with a great deal against them, attempting to take the chance anyway; it sounded like just the idea of hope in love I'd been waiting on! I want my Arthur's dream to go to two people who will bring love to the house, not to just any old touristy outsider! I've dwelt on this since I spoke with your mother.......I want you to have the house! Now, as to price...........$200 a month too steep?"

Aidan and Mason sat stunned. "But Mrs McPherson we'd not even considered a mortgage. We'll have to send in applications and......."

Lydia McPherson waived her hand dismissively. "Oh fiddle! You're not gonna bother with some foolish loan! I'll send you my new address when I get to Connecticut, and you can send check or cash directly to me." She suddenly gave each of them a stern look of determination. " I will not argue this subject. I've already spoken with my children about this, and they know my decision. I trust you both to be men of your word and do what's right in regard to payment. My children have been instructed to send you correspondence as to when I pass myself. You can consider the house paid in full at that time, however far or near that may be. Just promise me something that will put my heart at much great ease than any amount of money..........just make sure the home is filled with love!"

Next: Chapter 8

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