Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Apr 4, 2018


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' 11 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Amazed, or `dazzled' might be the word to explain what Kelly, John and Hugh find, walking out to the garage, finding Adrian parked there. Not really into cars, they were surely interested in what could easily be recognized as a classic, not one made during these modern times. Upon hearing the 20-year old had taken a junked, rusting 1992 Ford Mustang and restored it to perfect condition, it was unreal someone could accomplish turning something so dilapidated into modern day shininess!

However not all eyes were on Adrian's Mustang. Whereas Hugh was first drawn to the shiny newness of the restored car, his ears picked up on the tapping of a hammer. Turning around, eyes refocus on a ladder, reaching to the garage roof.

The other two take up Adrian's offer of a tour of the car, from under the hood, to the interiors.

Hugh, eyes traveling up each rung of the ladder can only express what he finds at the top of the garage roof, "oh my stars!"

Hairy legs, poking out of the bottom of khaki shorts, Hugh's `climbs' up to a flimsy tank top, wide openings at each side. From here, his vision invades the flapping sides of the shirt.

"Uh, Hugh, are you with us?" Kelly calls out.

"I'll catch the tour later," Hugh says.

The other three look at each other, with the obvious crossing their minds, later meaning much, much later!

Adrian is the one to address the situation, "later? Like, lets not count on it!"

They laugh it off, Adrian popping the hood.

Six feet from the garage door Hugh stops his procession, upon hearing a big clunk.

The hammering quits, Hugh faced with, "oh darn it!"

The construction worker was distressed over having to climb down one-and-a-half stories, but a man had to do what a man had to do. He didn't turn around, eyes on the box of nails, as his two hands ferried him down. Then, suddenly, a shadow of a person comes between the ladder and the garage.

Halfway down, the workman stops his descent with, "oh."

Looking up, it was the glimpse of the man below, reaching down to pick up the box of nails, Hugh saying, "I thought I could toss this up to you. Save you a trip?"

By this time, the construction worker had descended to where Hugh could have slipped his head between the rungs, facing crotch.

"Thanks," the climber, anxious to identify the helpful crusader, "but I might miss. A box like that can take one slam to the ground, but might not be able to keep it together on the rebound. Me, I'm not such a good catcher."

After said, it made him think. Pitcher-catcher? It drew a smile, thinking of such a thought.

Hugh picked up on the smile. Maybe he was onto something here, "well," he reaches up, the box in his hand, "here you go, then."

Returning the nails, his suspicions panned out, the worker taking the hammer, sliding it through a loop in his shorts, made to secure the implement, then with purpose, grabs the box with his left hand.

Right hand out, he figured it a lost moment if he didn't introduce himself, "Jason Barr. I'm thankful for your help!"

Surely, the hairy legs and glimpse of the flanks of Jason's bod, it was enough to get Hugh's gonads going, but looking upon the upper chest, face, he was more than happy to make this man's acquaintance, "Hugh Bonhomme. Nice to meet you, Jason."

Not sure he recognized the first name, but certainly, who could forget `Bonhomme', "if I'm not mistaken," they shake, "you're the boss around here?"

Not a man with an inflated ego, yet a stickler for titles, Hugh replies, "house manager."

Meanwhile, it didn't take long to check under the hood, Adrian a competent tour guide when it came to engines. Inside the doors, there wasn't much to explain, except fake leather seats, which Adrian lied and said they were `real', so they helped themselves to getting in.

"What about Hugh?" John asks.

Adrian, with a half-crooked smile, was wise to the fact, "forget Hughie. He's got something more than shopping on his mind now!"

On the way down the lane, Adrian took it slow, not which the shocks couldn't handle it. Explaining himself, he already knows a thing or two, "I have a feeling Jason is not going to get much hammering least for the next half hour!"

Kelly got it, but John didn't, "what's that supposed to mean?"

Kelly's giggle made John smile, "what Adrian means, is Jason is about to take an extended break."


Backing out of the small portion of the garage pavement, constructed to hold an auxiliary vehicle, Adrian's hand taps John on the arm, "he's gay, you dork!"

"Oh-h-h-h!" John exclaims.

Certainly, John knew Hugh is gay. Putting one and one together to spell two, that was going to be like Kelly and himself!

Kelly smiles, thinking Adrian's description funny, though not exactly a good description of how John can be. A little slow at `gay stuff,' "I'd hardly describe my boyfriend here as a dork, Adrian?"

Stepping softly on the brake, Adrian says, "John, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything about it. I guess I'm the dork." Then, extending the same hand he tapped with, "still friends?"

"Yeah. Sure," John shook hands.

Not so forgiving, Kelly says, "you should be on your knees asking forgiveness, Adrian!"

"Anytime," Adrian grins. "Name the time and place!"

"That's okay," John lets it go.

"Hey, did I ever tell you the time I sucked two cocks at once?"

Wise, Kelly says, "we only met you an hour ago, Adrian?"

"Oh. Right."

For two reasons, hinting at not only doing John's dick, but roping in Kelly for the `apology', the giggle helped soften the situation.

"I have a feeling," Kelly says, "even if we don't want to know, we're going to hear it anyway, Adrian?"

"Well, no, but if you want to hear, it might sound like gay fiction, but trust me, it really happened."

Showing forgiveness, John says, "I'd like to hear?"

It's not that Kelly wasn't aching to hear too, "can you tell it before we get to town?"

Starting to weave his tale, Adrian told of how the coach at his school, set him up in a job at the junkyard from which his Mustang was `rescued'.

Coach Miles had saved Adrian from being eternally bullied in high school, but not without a price tag attached. Whereas his basketball coach thought he was going to get a free ass to `kick', Adrian had turned the tables on him. He wasn't thrilled about losing his teen cherry, at least not at this stage in life! He was his own man, knowing what he wanted, when it came to gay sex. As he learned, Coach Miles wasn't really gay, just that he wasn't getting it from the home-front.

Clever in many ways, Adrian sensed that one of the bullies, Eduardo, never really wanted to go along with the others, but more afraid if they found out he was gay, they'd get after him too.

It all became apparent, when Adrian was shocked, Eduardo walking up to him and apologizing for his part in the bullying. They got to talking and by discovery, found a mutuality in becoming friends.

Around the time Coach Miles had approached him for sex, in exchange for saving his keister, Adrian was on the verge of sleeping with Eduardo. That night he plugged Eduardo's hole, Adrian brought up what he thought about getting together for a three-way?

Shortly after, Coach Miles wanting an answer, he was thrilled not only Adrian joining him, but Eduardo thrown in like a bonus wild card!

Kelly was anxious to get on with the shopping trip, "can you drive any slower, Adrian?"

John was so cute, saying, "his story isn't moving you, Kelly?"

That smile, a little on the devious side made Kelly say, "never mind, Adrian." He could tell by the pup tent in John's lap, "I see he's getting to you?"

At the end of the lane, Adrian slams on the break, which at 2 m.p.h., didn't throw anyone into convulsions, "you don't like my story, Kelly?"

It made everyone laugh, John, trying not to be a comedian, "he's not showing as much as me!"

Not which he was trying to be cold, Kelly responds, "it's like, you haven't really said anything Adrian, which could get me to spring into action?"

John pipes up, "I'm liking it a lot!"

"Apparently, John," Kelly says.

It's not which Kelly was being a bitch about it, "what I'm trying to say is, if you keep talking about it, well, it's going to be a little embarrassing walking into a store, with cum stains showing in the crotch area?"

With that inside knowledge, Adrian did a double check and not visibly seeing any leakage, "I guess you stopped me in plenty of time!"

A person couldn't help but explode with a feeling of funniness, after hearing Adrian laugh at his own joke.

Turning back to the steering column, Adrian puts the car in gear, getting on with their excursion, "okay. No problem. I'll keep my mouth shut for the rest of the trip."

One problem with updating an old car, was the option of whether to slip into the future with the amenities the new model cars have, mainly GPS. Adrian had traveled to Coarshill Commons using the old fashioned road map. Sloppy at folding it, it was inside out-backwards lying on the seat.

It gave him excuse to hurl it into the back seat, "here, make yourselves useful and iron this out."

Without a robotic voice to direct him to go left, Adrian chooses right, by the trustworthy eenie-meenie-mynie-mo method.

Neither of the three had lived long enough in the area to correct the action, just assuming Adrian knew the logistics.

They thought they were headed in the right direction. However Kelly knew the center of town wasn't more than five or eight minutes, ten minutes max, down the road, "uh, are you sure you weren't supposed to turn left, instead of right, Adrian?"

"Um," Adrian comes to a slow roll on the deserted country road, "y'know, I'm not sure," he stops.

"Well," Kelly says, "don't you think we should find out?"

"Maybe there's someone around to ask?"

"I guess if we don't know where we are, the map isn't going to help?" Kelly hands the rectangular package over.

"Wow," Adrian was amazed at the neat fold, "you guys are good at this."

"Might be nice if you got out of the car and asked, Adrian, but I don't see anyone around?"

`The dork' says, "we could turn around and head back from where we came. Hugh, he should know the way to town?"

Thinking it the smart thing, Kelly says, "John's right."

Knowing better, Adrian says, "are you guys kiddin'? Hugh is probably on his knees sucking up to that construction dude, literally."

Another pause in the conversation, they all had to wait for Adrian to quit his cackling!

"What about over there?"

Not seeing where Kelly means, "over where?"

Forcibly, Kelly takes Adrian's head and makes him face the sign on the side of the road.

Adrian reads, "Coarshill Commons Police Department Shooting Range?"

"Great," Kelly responds, "at least we know you can read signs better than you can read a map!"

Trying to talk his way out of this one, Adrian says, "maps, schmaps," he shifts, steps on the gas, throwing his passengers against the right side of the car, Kelly into John's lap!

Burning rubber, an audible squeal telling them of Adrian's reaction, they zip up the dirt and gravel road, at less than 10 m.p.h.

It looked much like a picnic grove. Adrian knew the looks of a fence, trees, picnic tables sprawled about, because it's where he slept, in lieu of a pricey motel, on his way here, last night.

He casually mentions, "looks familiar."

Kelly says, "how can it look familiar, if you've never been here before, Adrian?"

Right after spotting the familiar surroundings, he says, "oh lookie, a patrol car. Help is on the way!"

A little peeved because they were lost and not on their way to the center of town, to shop, immediately Kelly's spirits were lifted by Adrian's giggle!

Further on, Adrian puts it in park.

No one could be as more shocked than John, upon seeing a `familiar shape', on his knees, naked, with hands cuffed behind his back, sucking off a policeman!

"Holy cow!" Adrian remarks.

Out of the car first, Adrian approaches the scene.

The others follow closely behind.

"Looks like you've got yourself a hot hostage there, eh, officer?!"

When that high-pitched laugh is heard, there's no holding anyone back, including Officer Adamson. Though, with his cock propped between his `hostage's' lips, one force overtook the other, causing Ansel to only smile. Or, it could be he was smiling from his sensitive shaft sending happy signals to his brain!

However, beyond the hippy-looking onlooker he sees 2 more. Ansel stops quickly, pulls out and drops his hard shaft into his pants, hastily buckling up.

On his knees, John is the one to recognize, "is that you, Ryan?"

"Oh!" Ryan now sees it's his step-brother, "bro, it's you!"

Tearing away from Kelly's side, John walks over to the edge of the picnic table.

The handcuffs weren't really attached. Cuffed, they weren't locked per se. Officer Adamson had keenly adjusted a working pair to fit, so they fell open if the `prisoner' wanted to escape.

Such has been the case with Ryan. While wiping the saliva from his lips, at least he tries covering up his loins with his briefs.

By all means, on their travels up from Nashville, anything the stepbrothers did to either barter for food, or place to rest their heads, on their trek from there to here, Ryan did in secret. John, he was shocked to learn otherwise, "I thought you were a top?"

Mostly that's how it was along the highway, but there were some incidences when Ryan had to drop to his knees. Like, right now, trying to avoid not only a fee for speeding, but driving with an expired license.

Facing his brother, on the issue of position, Ryan defers comment, "hey, how's it going with you and Kelly?"

Brothers, whether or not they had different mothers, that didn't phase them. The two knew each other better than anyone else in this world, except for maybe Ryan, if he had to suck cock, he sucked cock.

Knowing Ryan was trying to skirt the subject, "we're doing real good. Did you know we're boyfriends?"

John, latching onto Kelly's arm, it was apparent they were more than buddies, "I hope we weren't interrupting anything important?"

Thinking they were, Ryan slowly was losing that feeling, with the police officer taking an interest in the long-haired guy.

Too, with the feeling of shrinkage in his briefs Ryan says, "not now!"

Officer Adamson certainly did have an interest in Adrian, who could get into just about anything sexually thrown at him, including the kinkiest of kink!

Seeing Adrian get comfortable, John says, "I wonder what they're talking about?"

Ryan, in one hours time that he's gotten to know Officer Adamson, little idiosyncrasies, like the procedure of how he likes his cock sucked, from limp to raging hard, "probably how he likes it done."

His brother questions, "how he likes what done?"

Kelly pretty much knew.

For the benefit of his brother, Ryan says, "I'll clue you in some time, bro, but take my advice, never get caught going over the speed limits in this part of town."

A revelation, John asks, "where'd you get the wheels?"

"Oh, you know Richie, from the cafe in town?"

"The one who gave you a job?"

Ryan didn't go into detail, but said Richie didn't have a place to keep his motorcycle, so Jared let him keep it in the garage, at Kelly's place. He only used it for recreation. Living near town, Richie walked to work. If he needed access to the motorcycle, his nephew, Ken, would drive him there.

"Yeah, he lent it to me, if I ever needed it. I thought I would take it for a spin."

Kelly says, "let me guess. You were going over the speed limit?"

"I had to open it up, see what it could do?" Ryan explains.

It was on Kelly's mind to ask, John beating him to it, "doesn't explain how you got to be on your knees?"

Drawing off what they learned on the road, Ryan says, "you know how it goes, John? Thecop he said he would tear up the ticket, if I did `something' for him."

From hitching, John knew how that went, but never had they come across `the law', "that doesn't sound right. He's a lawman."

Kelly tries breaking off the conversation, "who's ready to go shopping?"

From their own private chat, they look around, Ryan asking, "what happened to the cop, um?"

It's then, John discovers, "oh, you haven't met Adrian, have you?"

Standing there, shirtless, pants pulled up, but still hanging open at the fly, Ryan says, "uh, no, but I know now, I guess."

Because of the only impression he has so far, Adrian greets, "nice to know a fellow cocksucker!"

That didn't sit well with John. One would think, he and Adrian were firming up a friendship, "my brother ain't no cocksucker. Not unless he hast to."

It didn't leave Adrian cackling.

Kelly, seeing John angered over it, "I'm sure that's not what Adrian meant."

Staring at Adrian, Kelly mentally was telling him to `hurry and make amends fast'.

Adrian comes through, "uh, yeah. Really, what I was thinking," from stern to easy-going, "I'm probably a much, much better cocksucker than all of ya's put together!"

Not even John could keep a straight face, Adrian adding that signature laughter.

With the thought of that shopping trip in full swing, they head over to the Mustang, Kelly rubbing John's shoulder, assuring him Adrian was their friend and not foe.

His brother not allowing anything to bother him, converses with Adrian, "so, you're a good cocksucker?"

It was a shame Ryan put his shirt back on, Adrian lusting over Ryan's beautiful bod, "among other things. Hell, there isn't much I don't get into to. What about yourself?"

"I reckon a person lives their whole life, with impressions of themselves and it's not until they go through certain experiences, they find what came before is a total washout. If John and I hadn't had our trip, there's parts of life I would never had found out about. When you say, `not much you don't get into', I'm wondering if I, myself, have experienced some of those things?"

"I guess we'll have to compare notes sometime."

"Some things," Ryan pauses here and there, "things I never thought I would do... when I did it, I found I liked it. Like, I never thought I would ever bottom for a guy, but to keep John and me from starving, or a place to sleep in out of the rain, there weren't questions of right or wrong, yes or no, you just do it."

Reaching the Mustang, Adrian says, "it's called survival."

Kelly and John had once again found their place in the back seat.

Adrian, upon reaching the vehicle, "Ryan, mind if I ride with you?"

"Sure, but only got 1 helmet?"

Cracking open the trunk, Adrian produces another, "I always keep an extra for times like these."

Then, walking around to the driver's side, Adrian pops half himself in the window, "here," he tosses the car keys into the back seat cavity, "you two fight over who's gonna drive. I'm bummin' a ride with Ryan."

Then he was gone!

The keys landed in John's lap, but he was quick to dispose of them, "here, I'm not driving!"

Making a swift exit, Kelly holds up the keys, yells over, "Adrian, you're going to leave a restored Mustang in the hands of teenagers?"

But it was too late to stop them, the helmeted motormen whizzing away.

John appears over the other side of the roof, "I guess you're driving."

"I guess I don't have a choice. Good thing I'm not really a teenager!"

"Well, me neither," John says.

"I don't know why I said it."

John just shrugs both shoulders.

At 27 and 29-years old, that would hardly count for the teenage years. Yet, both looked as if they were still in the throes of college days.

Moving behind the rear of the Mustang, Kelly comes around the hood side. Both climb in the front seats.

"I hope I remember how to drive," Kelly turns the key.

"You learned, didncha?"

Kelly pauses, John being so cute, but then with deliberation, "of course. Ya think I would put your life and mine at risk? It's just that...well, being at college I didn't need to drive myself around and my license, it got kind of `expired'!"

"That's more than me. I ain't got one!"

By the time Kelly studied the dash, fired the Mustang up, got it in gear and looked through the dash, "uh," he scrutinizes the view from the dash, west to east, "where'd they go?"

Daring to put his hand on Kelly's knee, John says, "does it matter?"

Because he thought he was going to be the first to make a move, Kelly exclaims, "John Hull, are you making a pass at me?"

It was John's turn to stalk `cuteness', "um. Yeah?!"

He might've been impatient with Adrian, wanting to go shopping, but Kelly let time slide with John. Sooner than later they were engaged in some kissing.

Right on that first kiss, Kelly's foot accidentally accelerates, for which John states, "wow! That was some kiss!"

"Yeah," Kelly agreed, laughing along with John.

It probably could've gone on, but both agreed, the front seat of Adrian's Mustang was not the place they wanted to remember their first `very heated' plunge to sexual greatness.

After Kelly gave his opinion and starts to drive away, John dreams, "yeah, would be nice if we were to go on a picnic and pick ourselves out a fine meadow."

"I think there's a place like that down by the lake, but we gotta make sure there's only us there."

Which brought the conversation full circle, "I wonder if Ryan was enjoying himself?"

Kelly didn't say he thought it was dumb, "if he likes blowing a dude, he probably was."

A little adamancy in the tone of his voice, John says, "Ryan was sucking the cop because he had to, if he wanted to beat the ticket."

It's not the impression Kelly had, but being he thought he was treading on fragile ground, "oh, I must've missed that part."

John bought it, so all was copacetic in la-la land!


Indeed, Ryan had tore out of the P.D. shooter's range, but instead of passing by the entrance via the lane to the Magonagle compound, a tap on the biker's shoulder had him turning in.

Even though it a short distance from the range to the estate, Adrian, who has had Ryan in a bear hug the whole time, slowly has woven a tale in the biker's ear.

Adrian, a guy of many talents, not only could restore vintage cars, be of help in the kitchen, `the' authority on thrift clothes shopping, get a dude laughing, even though something wasn't a joke, also knew how to tell a tale, so erotic, it could get a guy leaking, without even touching!

With wind friction, Ryan could only hear some of what Adrian was feeding into his ear. Still, it was enough to get him wound up.

Already he was thinking about Adrian as a pretty cool guy, the kind a guy wants to get to know better. Pictures of himself, in years to come, Ryan had thought of himself as in a relationship. Maybe Adrian was key to this thinking. The way Adrian allows one hand to drift down near his crotch, it was all Ryan could do to keep eyes and mind on the road.

Poor guy.

"Then I'mma gonna drill you silly boy!" For Adrian, it could go either way. He wasn't picky about dicking a dude. Dick or be dicked, he even went for the kinky stuff; bondage, toys, whips'n'chains, watersports, it was all good!

Surely, as Adrian's hand neared Ryan's crotch, it became tougher to sit still in the saddle. Though, a country lane, where one hardly met any oncoming traffic, if the motor bike crossed over an imaginary line, there would be no consequence. It was all serious, until Adrian lets his rhetorical whispering slide, letting out a wail of laughter.

"Fuck you, Adrian!"

Knowing, Adrian plays innocent, "What'd I do?"

Coming to a standstill, Ryan's feet touch ground. Even though he could feel the sap, he had to look.

With a humorous uh-oh,' Adrian, looking over Ryan's right shoulder, then down, says, "oh no you don't! You're not blaming me' for wetting your pants!"

Perhaps John and Kelly had gone off shopping for new threads, but Ryan still had on the same old jeans he's worn for the past 100 miles. It might seem the style, tears in the knees, but all that walking had put stress on the inner thighs, making it easier for seepage to leak out.

Surely, Adrian's laughter put a damper on anything which could be interpreted as serious.

With pasty cum rubbed between fingers and thumb, there was no denying Ryan had shot his load within the confines of his jeans, "well, I certainly didn't do this all on my own?"

For someone unaccustomed, Adrian taking Ryan's arm by the wrist, pulling it backwards and treating his fingers like a lollipop, it could look like a disgusting act.

"Mm-mm, almost as good as a butterscotch sundae!"

"Well, there's plenty more where that came from!"

Motor still running, all it took was for the pair to lift their feet off the ground and they were off and going. Up the lane, heading towards Magonagle turf, there was a slight upgrade. In no time they were passing through the crude gated entrance. This was of no bother, the broken gate yet to be fixed.

By all means, so fired up, they could have very well rode off onto any trail, if it weren't for Aty, standing there with his hand at `full stop'.

It was his job, as head of the security division, to elect one of his officers, to stand there at the entrance on a Friday. Slightly under-staffed, he took it upon himself to direct incoming traffic. Sometimes it was to collect stragglers, who had yet to be assigned to a time and place for participation in practice for the Highland Games, as it became with these two.

One hand became two, flagging down the bikers.

Taking off his helmet and allowing his long hair to become dislodged, Adrian says, "what's up?"

Everyone, at one time or another, after being hired, has made acquaintance with high ranking officials.

Both were at a standstill however, having met by way of mass introduction, in the mess hall, or in small groups. Simply, they made facial recognition, but putting a name to the face...

"Um, I forget your name?"

Ryan was glad Adrian was there. More outgoing than himself, he had dismounted the bike, walking right up to the man in charge.

Rightoff, the security officer says, "Aty, in case it slipped your mind."

"Adrian, and this here is Ryan."

Standing right at the side of the front wheel, Aty noticed Ryan cupping himself, but didn't make a big deal of it. It's not like he hadn't seen a man try to `hide it!'

However, he had important business to attend to, "last names?"

"Hull," Ryan recalls for Adrian, probably because he didn't remember if he had mentioned it, "H-U-L-L."

Scanning his laptop, Aty comes up with zilch, turning to, "and you, Adrian?"

Distracted for a moment, by the bulging uniform, pulling at the collar, revealing a `taste' of fur, "uh, my name," he fumbles, "Pilleaux. Adrian P-i-l-l-e-a-u-x."

It was of no secret to those with upper echelon jobs, important data could get sidetracked, "hm, you're not in here either, although I do have a `Chad' by that last name?"

"That's my uncle. I work with him in Kelly's kitchen."

At least, that's the last place he worked!

Whether business or pleasure, when Adrian saw an opportunity, he went for it, "if you need help with data entry, I've got a lot of experience?"

He wasn't really that versed on how it all worked, but what did it take to fill in a blank and hit `enter'?

"I'll pass it on. In the meantime," Aty caught out of the corner of one eye, "I think we should get you boys signed up."

Before the jogging figure got out of his line of sight, Aty calls out the name, `Steve,' adding, "you got a minute?"

From running towards the forest, he looks like he's about to trip himself up, changing direction towards the estate entrance, "what's up?"

Ryan, he was glad his ass was still parked behind the front of the bike.

Hormones racing, Adrian was once again connecting with high awareness, "wow!"

"I hear ya," Ryan had to agree, looking upon the shirtless jogger.

Not sure if his buddy was feeling the same harmony, Adrian had to do a recheck of Ryan's crotch, lamenting, "well, if we ever had it before," close quarters in the briefs, "I dunno about you, but I sure am feelin' it!"

Probably Adrian more, Ryan at least having spurted out a load in his jeans. Whether he had to check or not, "I know I'm feeling somethin'!"

"Hey," Adrian was wise enough to draw to Ryan's attention, they were standing next to a bush.

Ditching the bike, parking it next to someone's truck, the two took to standing behind the bush, Adrian saying, "quick, before Aty brings him over."

At least, they could take into account their balls clumped up inside their briefs. If hanging out in the air, chances are they would surely be dripping.

"He's coming," Adrian announces Aty, making his move to bring the dude, `Steve' over.

Like he wasn't an eyewitness himself, "that, I can see," Ryan says. He didn't need the protection as much, but his light-colored jeans did show the `wet' spots.

"Adrian," Aty greets them, "Ryan, this is Steve Rek, one of the trainers for the Highland Games. Just so happens, Steve is a floater and as of yet, has no one to train."

Wise attitude, Adrian says, "pity."

According to Adrian, he looked mean. Just their luck, he and Ryan would wind up with some ballbuster.

However, first words out of his mouth, hand extended for greeting, "well, it's good to meet you boys."

He was friendly enough and whether Steve's hand was warm, or not, the closeness of the distance of one bush was making Adrian feel hot.

Ryan, he had already convinced himself he was only into young guys who worked out and had smooth bods, but up close, looking upon all that sweaty fur, while shaking Steve's hand, perhaps he was having a change of heart, "good to meet you Steve."

After introductions, Steve didn't waste any time, "well, you two can't work out in those clothes."

Aty left, attending to a car entering the clearing.

"You wouldn't happen to have any fitness gear, would you?"

Ryan, after short explanation about arriving with almost only the clothes he had on, Adrian saying he had an old pair of basketball shorts, Steve says, "well then, we better see about finding you some suitable clothing."

He went to walk off towards the dormitory, but Adrian and Ryan, for their own reasons, hang back.

"You can come along. Trust me, I don't bite!"

If Adrian wasn't so fearful of stepping out from the bush, sporting a full-fledged boner, he would have gladly followed, "come to think of it, those basketball shorts might not be so old, I could run back to the house and fetch them?"

Ryan, half-joking, says to Adrian, "you traitor!"

Along the trail, getting from home to Courshill Commons, Ryan has had to extend himself in ways he never thought he didn't think possible. Taking the gumption to step out from the protectiveness of the bush, "I think it would probably be a good thing if I showered first?"

What Ryan show, Steve mistakes as, "good thing about riding a motorcycle, if you've gotta go, you can go without having to pull over at a service station. Trust me, I've been there, done that!"

Knowing it wasn't to take a wiz, Adrian says, "it's semen, not piss, wetting up Ryan's pants, dah?!"

Meant to blame, Ryan says, "really, Adrian?"

Good sport about it, Steve says, "whichever, at least we've got the wind to help dry it out, eh?"

One good thing about all this speculation, it bought Adrian time, his torpedo relaxing quite a bit!

Instead of a brisk jog, most of the walk over to the boy's dormitory, they walk two or three abreast. Conversation began over Steve's experience with motorcycles, his transportation to get him to and from college.

From there it led to where Steve, in his early thirties, having reached the apex in his life, coaching college football, after successfully working with high schoolers, admits to his downfall.

"Yeah, depression, when you get it, it's nothing to fool around with. Experiencing it myself, I learned the signs, after which I could kick myself for hounding guys whom seem to suffer from it, to buck up. I just wish it were that easy, to just `buck up.'"

Having not experienced it, Adrian and Ryan couldn't feel anything but sympathy in general, Adrian saying, "I suppose it could happen to any of us."

Not which he meant to put a hand on Steve's sweaty shoulder, Ryan laments, "yeah, don't beat up yourself about it, Steve."

After feeling the sweat on his hand, Ryan withdraws it, wiping it on his pants.

If it would matter, Steve would apologize for sweating!

"Well, should we get on with it, fellas?"

Adrian wondered if that meant the uniforms for HG practice, with the way Steve said it. Up until this moment, neither he, nor Ryan, mentioned anything about being gay playmates.

Holding the door, he ushered the two in, saying, "where might it be that you two are bunked down?"

Adrian slept at Kelly's residence, his Uncle Chad putting him up for the night, till he found a more permanent settlement.

Ryan bunk with a guy he didn't even know. Yet, by the next morning he knew more about what he liked to do in bed than a name!

"Uh, I really don't have a place yet," he told Steve. Picking up his backpack, lying right there in the hallway, "this here's my stuff."

From the decrepit condition of the backpack, plus the smell, Steve knew he would be doubling up on Ryan's clothing rations, "well, let's see what we have in your size, shall we?"

Adrian, the bargain hunter, says, "me too?"

At 44-years old, Steve could easily tell Adrian at least half that age, Ryan falling probably somewhere in between. Yet, as he's always has thought, age is but a number. Getting along was more the important factor in a relationship. Another thing on his mind, given Aty's testimony, he knew the two were gay. He didn't say if he told Adrian and Ryan the same, about him. One doesn't rightfully come out and tell another person they are gay, unless something leads up to it.

One way would be, causing a delay getting to the HG practice, whereas he can scope them out, get to know them and vice versa. In self-analysis, Steve was wondering why these two so drew in his attention? With the company he kept on the Magonagle property, there were a great diversity of ages, guys whom Steve would or would not find an interest. The unusual sum, most were gay, which made it easier to get along when scoping out a potential boyfriend. A dilemma facing him now, if he was drawn to both, which one would he pick, Adrian, or Ryan? Last thought, maybe neither would find an interest in him!

Then suddenly, Steve knew he was overwhelming himself with trivialities.

Breaking off of the main complex, they headed for the community bathing area, which also housed the closets which contained clothing suitable to rehearse for the games. Jared not only made sure it included sports wear, but also general items, for those who walked in off the street, with clothing that looked like it wasn't even suitable for thrift.

Feeling a tank top, clothed on a hanger, Ryan says, "wow, I can't even remember the last time I wore something this clean!"

It tickled Adrian to say, "clean? I can't remember the last time I had something new!"

Much to Steve's delight, the two got taken up like a swirling tornado, stripping so quick out of shirts, pants and shucking shoes and socks.

Each were ready to feed arms into shirts, when Steve reminds, "aren't you going to shower first?"

Not which he wanted to stop studying those hot bods, it would likely not be the last time Steve has experienced a dereliction of duty. After all, as stated in his job requirements, out of the mouth of their fearless leader, Jared Magonagle, this job took a person who could make decisions which were logical and for the greater good. Certainly Steve would not make men do what he would not. Rationale, Ryan and Adrian would be starting out squeaky clean. How could he not be an example?

"Of course I am," Steve thumbs the waistband of his jock shorts.

The way Steve was eyeing them up and down, it didn't take rocket scientists to perceive what was going on here, Adrian sporting the notion, "it wouldn't be fair."

That threw Steve, "`fraid I don't get you there, Adrian?"

Ryan did wonder too, not having a clue.

Walking right up to Steve's chest, Adrian explains, "you're going to be teaching me and Ryan here all about the HD games..."

"HG," Steve corrects, which he hated interrupting Adrian, on account of the surrounding perimeter getting heated up!

"HG, pardon me, but I think Ryan shares in the fact, you're going to be instructing us, using all that hard-earned expertise and...what do we have to show, in kind return?"

Of one thing, Steve had to admit one thing about Adrian, he was a good bullshitter! In his time he's experienced ways men have tried to weasel their way into his life, or pants, but at 44-years old, already he's had less men try, "is that so?"

Cocking his neck, Adrian bends his head to the side, sticks out his tongue, and knowing from experience, that first moment of attack can offset how the rest goes, swipes his tongue over Steve's hairy pec, while his left thumb and index finger take a gentle hold of the right nip, giving a little `tweak'.

"Oh my god," Steve gasps, feeling Adrian's tongue whisk right over his nip, "I can't believe you did that!" Stepping back, Steve holds both hands over both pecs, rubbing the right one in a circular motion.

Giggling, because Adrian had so easily pulled it off, "yeah, me neither." Though drawing off how easily he managed to oil the motorcycle saddle, "uh, wait. Yeah, I can believe it!"

Then it left Ryan gasping, jaw-dropped, when showing no inhibitions, the 20-year old clawing Steve at hips, Adrian takes his shorts down, "oh wow, it's been a long time since I've gnawed on a jockstrap."

He knew how to service a man, but Ryan was drawn in a different way to Steve, placing a hand on his chin, letting him know he wanted some romantic foreplay beforehand.

The more Ryan had thought about travels with John, he looked upon it more as a blessing than misfortune, regardless of how he felt about being a top, or bottom. There were all kinds of men out there. Not all were rough. Some were gentle and kind, like the one who played him like ambient music, the breed of a man, whom if Ryan had a choice he could have set up house with. Only, the other guy wasn't looking for longterm. Regardless, at least he was using that experience to get romantic with Steve.

"Mm," Steve voiced opinion, feeling Ryan's lips on his.

One of Adrian's perks, he enjoyed not only orally satiating a man's sexual desire, but feeling fingers wedge into a man's ass crack.

Ryan, who at the beginning of his and John's hitch hiking trip, were to think of such things he wound up doing, of one of the things, never thought he would get used to feeling fingers work up his sinkhole.

Adrian felt his way, withdrew, wet his own fingers, then weaseled his way up Ryan's ass. He didn't concentrate too much on Ryan, Steve stiff and growing.

"You two are too much," Steve felt complete surrender.

Ryan, who had Steve in half of caress, puts a hand on Adrian's head, giving a gentle push, "you want us to stop?"

When Steve set out this morning, to take on his first HG training session, he was all fired up with ideas. His built up stamina had him doing a pre-workout, running through the woods. Mind set on meeting the troops, he was all set on leading them to victory. Now, with all those thoughts out the window, he has become more the follower, given in to these two mens' whims.

Backing up once more, it wasn't for the fact he wasn't enjoying Adrian's ministrations, "uh," he finally thumbs the jock strap, with intentions of removing it, "not which I don't appreciate your efforts, Adrian, but it's kind of chafing at the tip?"

Showing he wasn't taken aback, Adrian lets out one of his famous giggles, responding, "I was wondering Steve, keeping that monster all bottled up!"

He didn't even need to take control of his own jock strap, Adrian doing it for him. Not which he wasn't going to get something more out of it.

Ryan, since Steve was enjoying making out, went back to it, as Adrian enjoyed sucking in cock. He even upped the ante, stroking Steve's wet shaft while switching over to Ryan.

Mimicking Adrian, while making out with Steve, since Ryan had seen how he liked his nips mashed, he prey on that emotional build up, while kissing.

"Oh man, you guys are too much," Steve manages to get a word or two in.

What man would not get into the throes of foreplay, 2 pairs of hands gliding over his bod. First it's the stripping of wardrobe. Shirt goes first. But while one pair of hands are working the buttons, Steve is overwhelmed when the other pair of hands goes at his belt buckle!

"Oh man you guys are too much!"

Not finished with the accolades, things escalate much further, Ryan working the shirt off Steve's back, skinning it from both arms. Same time, his tongue slides down the middle of Steve's back!

"Oo-ooooooh, guys!"

Ripple effect, tongue reaching the middle of Steve's back, it's like a cold wind mingling with a warm paradise. Much like coming in out of the cold on a winter day, his shoulders move up and down to throw off the mental chill.

Meanwhile, whereas Adrian looking like the more oral of the duo, Ryan is not immune to lips sucking him in till he can feel the back of a throat on the tip of his semi-soft shaft. Then, cool air surrounding warmth, it's like Adrian's playing a game of `hot and cold.' Regardless, the 30-year old former drifter feels at home, interacting with the older and younger of men.

For more times they were interested in counting, Steve says, "you guys are way, way too much!"

Then things began to progress way-way too fast. Adrian, feeling the lust, wanted to experience the real thing. Standing, he backed his rear up to Steve's crotch.

"Oh wow," Steve says. Whichever guy it was going to be, if it came to it, he wasn't expecting one of them to choose him!

Ryan, he wasn't thinking top, nor bottom.' Like it's always been dealing with lust', take it as comes and analyze it later.

"Huh?" Adrian and Ryan both say at once, looking over their shoulders.

They're surprised, when Steve changes like day and night, saying, "get behind Adrian's cock, Ryan."

Adrian, even the heat of hot sex, Steve plugging him to the hilt, says to Ryan, "uh, is that the same Steve behind me?"

Up until now, Steve's sweet manner, changing to more of an alpha tone, gave Adrian and Ryan an idea that maybe their trainer was holding back.

Ryan didn't always have a choice when bartering for food or a place for him and John to spend the night, so going with it, "uh. Yeah. Okay."

Ryan wound up over a table used for meticulously folding clothing, Adrian firmly planted in his ass. Though, it felt like Steve was doing all the work, drilling right through Adrian's ass, into his inkwell!

In no time things sped up and soon all were exclaiming how glorious the feeling, Adrian's hand working Ryan's shaft from behind.

Ryan hugged the table like a long lost lover, until he felt his cock give out, the second time in the last hour. It's only then he felt a little squashed, squeezing his way out the side, from Adrian and Steve's weight on his back. From there, it was more about getting every last drip of semen out, the afterglow of Adrian's hand-job. Slowly, Ryan's ass slipped down the table, till ass hit the floor with a splat.

"Oh man," he exclaims, Ryan arching his back when feeling not only the cold floor on his bum, but the soreness of almost doubly impaled!

Feeling wickedly aroused, it was the first time Adrian found his own secretion being rubbed into chest and stomach. He didn't know his navel was so sensitive, until feeling Steve's finger poke in and out.

Sooner than later Steve and Adrian grew fatigued, sitting down too, the three of `em, panting, though Ryan a little less, having sat there, watching the other two, like a live porn show.

Upon hearing a door slam, it made the three come alive with energy, jumping to their feet.

"Shower," Steve shouts out, like the reason they originally were there for?

Steve grabs three towels and a plastic container of soap, saying, "this way," as he led them onward, shortly followed by the sounds of streaming water.

After the warning, "be careful we don't slip," Adrian giggles.

Instinctively, Ryan grabs onto Steve's arm.

Steve felt warmth not only in the touch, but maybe thoughts that it wasn't too late to adopt a `son' or two?!


Copyright 2018 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 12

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