Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Apr 15, 2018


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' 12 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


In a small town, such as Coarshill Commons, there aren't the mega shopping malls, nor variety of clothing stores to shop. Only recently, one of those dotting main street, was Kelly's own family store. After picking up a few items elsewhere, he and John happened in.

Billy didn't wait for anyone else to approach them, greeting, "Kelly, what a surprise! We had no idea you would be in this soon to be fitted for a kilt?"

"Kilt?" Kelly looks to John for answers and in finding none, "us neither!"

It made John smile. Not which it was something to smile about, but the thought that Kelly made him inclusive in his decision.

In addition to the store manager, there were two other customers in the store, plus the salesclerk helping them and two others, who upon hearing Billy call out Kelly', knew, with such an obscure name, that could only mean a Magonagle' were in the store!

"Hi Kelly!"

"Carlos? Are you working or shopping?"

Kelly's way of saying `hello.'

"Oh no. I work here now."

"Things change fast. Now who's going to keep my pool sparkling clean?"

"I dunno, but for once in my life I feel like," Carlos stops to gaze at Billy, chatting with John, "I belong somewhere."

"I know the feeling."

Truly, when Kelly returned to the comfort of family,' he wasn't sure if he was going to feel belonging.'

Other than Sam', who was now Willow', he felt a disconnection with any real semblance of a cozy home. Willow and he had become as close as a brother and sister could become, not falling from the same family tree.

His brother, having set in place a precedent for people to follow, Kelly felt welcomed. With people walking in, onto Magonagle terrain nearly everyday, strangers happening onto estate turf happened nearly all the time. Word getting around that this could be sanctuary, a living and working environment for those whom did not fall into ordinary living, only served to increase the volume of those migrating to Coarshill Commons.

With Carlos excusing himself, it left Kelly momentarily in limbo, a time to reflect. He had John in his life now. Regardless of everyone else, the connection to the future was there, in a boy who he enjoyed being with, who in some ways thought along the same track. Slowly coming to know each other, they seemed to have a lot in common.

Looking up, after staring at the same garment tag while pondering things, he thought he better get over to where Billy and John were standing. With Billy's arm over John's shoulder it's not which Kelly senses him stealing John away, but in his own rationale, why should the manager have to explain the same thing twice?!

"What'd I miss?"

"Nothin' much. Billy was thinkin' he was gonna measure us up for a kilt." Since Ryan was always upfront, John was too, "But I don't wanna go get measured up for one, when I don't have the way to pay for it. You heard what Hugh said?"

"Hugh-schmugh. Forget what he said. We're here now and if Billy has the time to measure us up, I think we should go for it."

Sincerely, because of hitching with his brother, John always knew, what Ryan put out, he expected good and equal treatment in return, "I'll pay ya back, soon as I can afford it."

Billy just stood there between the racks, taking it all in, as if watching a romantic movie. There were many sorts of personalities who came and went in the store. He couldn't help but be a people-watcher. Well, with a cute guy there could be another angle. This would be his first couple who `went like a love story', other than his own real-life script.

Realizing they weren't in a private place, Kelly puts a hold on further discussion, "okay." Then turning to Billy, finding him absorbed, "are you ready to measure us up?"

Billy takes to not having the rack holding up his butch-cub frame, standing solidly on his own two feet, "are you two ready to be measured up?"

Direct orders from Jared, Billy was instructed, whenever Kelly was in the store, he was to wait on him personally. However, sometimes moments like that are torn between other important duties which require his personal expertise. Like, there would be no Fife' half of the Kilt and Fife' sign on the outside of the store, if Billy didn't tear himself away to tend to the instrument salesman. Rightly, Billy forgot he had the appointment sketched in on his calendar, which had him scrambling for an available salesman.

The next store employee passing by was grabbed, Billy swinging him around by the crook of his elbow, "Patrick, are you waiting on a customer?"

Whether John was on the same page, Kelly sure hoped Patrick was free. Man, was he dreamy!

"I was just returning these goods to the racks. Then I will be, sir."

It put a smile on Kelly's face, which he suddenly realizes it! Afraid someone might have `seen', he wipes it off with the back of his hand. In the clear, he pretends nothing has happened.

"Good, then I'd like you to assist Kelly at measurements and picking out some items to his liking."

Taking the pile in Patrick's hands, Billy walks off. Coming to another salesperson, his own boyfriend, Carlos, he dumps it on him to put away!

"Hi, I'm Patrick," he gets to it, "have you ever shopped for period clothing before?"

Kelly's attitude, he was ready to forgo the shopping trip, wanting to get to know this handsome salesman, but suddenly he remembers he has another dreamboat with him!

"Nope. Got any ideas?"

John, who had involved himself in looking through one of the glass showcases at harmonicas, fifes and other musical instruments, suddenly realizes Kelly is finally getting waited on and comes over.

He approaches Patrick and Kelly. Spotting the little brass bar on the salesclerk's chest, "Patrick," he got that easy enough, "Cross-let?"

A smile, Patrick often getting the reading of `Crosslet' in a number of variations, "Cros-sleigh. Nice to make your acquaintance, uh..."

"John's my name. John Hull," he accepts Patrick's handshake. "Are you gonna help us?"

Looking upon John's handsome features, Patrick smiles, saying, "I'm certainly going to try."

With introductions, Kelly doing the honors, "this is my boyfriend," he smiles.

It left pause, Kelly feeling giddy over the designation. As of now, both felt it a little awkward, calling themselves a couple.

"Well then let's get started, shall we?" Patrick rubs palms together.

Not sure how all this goes, but being he's part owner in the store and every other aspect of the Magonagle empire, Kelly figures he better start learning, "do we pick out what we want, or get measured first?"

"There's two ways we can go about this, Mr. Magonagle..."

Both Kelly and John giggle.

"Was it something I said, sir?"

In Kelly's thinking, Patrick couldn't be older than he nor John. Adding honorifics to their names, the prefixes made him feel like Patrick's older uncle, father, or grandfather.

"Uh, you won't get fired for calling us by our first names, will you?"

"Rightfully, even though Billy is my superior here at the store, being the position you have in the company, you have the right to supersede his authority," Patrick reads off, like he's reciting the Bill of Rights.

"Fine then. Call me Kelly."

On the bandwagon, John recites, "him Kelly, me John!"

Falling out of formal sync, Patrick says, "sure. That's cool."

With insight, John says, "Ryan calls it, being plastic!"

Kelly, he would've taken that as a slap in the face. It made him feel bad for Patrick, who was just trying to do his job.

Treating this delicately, he says, "I think what John is trying to say is, you don't need to be formal with him and me. Just treat us like we're friends, okay?"

Patrick did seem to relax more, "I like that. For us to become friends, but I know we have to maintain professional standards."

It did show that indeed, Patrick was not `plastic', being able to throw some humor into the situation.

John, there wasn't much he knew about professional standards, "hey, you been to the practice yet?"

"Practice?" Patrick questions.

Kelly shoots back with, "the Highland Games?"

Mention of it by name, "oh right. The `HG'. I've heard that's quite an event, both in preparation and competition. Uh, no. Haven't given it much of a thought. Just got into town two days ago. I'm still getting into the routine. How about yourselves?"

Patrick was surely glad they had dropped all those stuffy standards. A dude from Boston, that could be the protocol back in high society, the scene he grew accustomed to. Purposely he had left that all behind and was happy to meet some guys who were not sucked into that lifestyle. Truthfully, being one applicant who had not met `Jared', he was certain the Magonagle brothers were both of the same crust as the Crosslet Family. It was nice to find otherwise.

Kelly stood back and let John handle it, "nah. We haven't been yet."

After standing there, taking in all of Patrick's good looks, short, auburn hair, nicely coiffed, thin stache, scruff along the chops, brown eyebrows, the way his face moved with every word, "maybe after we finish getting what we came for, you want to hang out?"

Two days ago Patrick had arrived from the airport. Out to start a life of his own, he passed up the charitable act from his father, to establish a residence at a ritzy hotel and parked his goods at the Magonagle barracks. If he was out to start a new life for himself, it was going to be from the basement, up.

As Patrick's history went, he was once a spoiled kid, who grew up in that lifestyle. Growing up rich, he had everything a kid could want, including a nanny. He didn't like the woman they hired, so complained to his father he wanted a `male' nanny, and got it!

Fortunately it was a gay' nanny and much to his favor, Patrick learned much about being gay, though it was a secret he kept between himself and Al'. His real name was Alfred, but Patrick learned from day one, if he ever called Al by his real name, he'd be looking for a new nanny!

Even though there wasn't any closeness between them, except the occasional birthday hug, Patrick learned much about how the sex went, gay terminology, other stuff. They got along together more like brothers, than a nanny and his ward. It was great for Patrick to have Al around, whereas he saw little of his mother or father. An only child, for his parents, love was keeping the money supply going, goods instead of even conversation most times. Most times, when Patrick did see his father, it was in the morning and almost never deviating from, `hello son, how are you today?'

Spoiled, yes, but kept in line to some extent by Al.

Al wasn't intimidated by Patrick saying, `the first thing he didn't agree with,' that he was going to run back to the old man and have him fired.

Very first time it happened, over telling Patrick he had to be in bed by 10p.m., "go ahead. Go tell your old man," Al said, standing there, leaning in the door frame, arms crossing his abs.

Rather than make a scene, Patrick crawled into bed, "I'll tell him tomorrow."

That tomorrow never came. In his own way Patrick reconciled differences on account of one simple thing. In his own way of thinking, Al was `hot'! With an adjoining room, sharing the same bathroom, many a time he's seen Al half, or naked all the way.

The way Alfred' got his job, he was the son of someone at his father's place of employment, which was in the shipping industry. Fresh out of college, Al didn't know what he wanted to do. For certain, he didn't have a death-wish, to follow in his father's footsteps. All work and no play,' might have been good for some, but not for someone who looked outside the corporate box.

It's the first time Patrick got a taste of someone who didn't care about money, rather was looking for more meaning to life. After a period of about month, he also had this sense Al cared about him, the brotherly instinct kicking in.

Having many similarities in growing up, while his parents were off enjoying the benefits of high society, Patrick had the company of Al.

Slowly, each became to the other, the brother they never had!

With college he became distanced from Al. In the beginning they were in contact, via text, weekly. As Patrick became engrossed in his college work, the texting became less.

Strange to Patrick, having an older guy as a companion for much of his teenage years, his gaze was more towards older men.

He had a major crush on one his instructors at the fashion college. It was probably why Professor Ricardi's class became his favorite. When the prof was fitting a mannequin with material, Patrick pay close attention. Often, at night in bed, he would treat the mannequin as if Prof Ricardi's bod, fitting material around it, then stripping it down to nothing. The naked mannequin would suddenly come to life, same time Patrick's hand was wrapped around his banana!

Possibly Al hadn't covered everything in the gay panorama of things, because one day when time was up, Prof Ricardi asked Patrick to remain after class.

It was a valuable lesson Patrick would come to learn, from the chapter on `stalking', which had his professor inviting him to dinner. He could only guess that staring stuff worked both ways!

Different than with Al, Patrick was now of age where he could choose whether he wanted to have sex with a man, which is why, after dinner, he accepted Tito's invitation to go back to his apartment. Where Al left off, Tito picked up, Patrick having his first experience in bed. Something he never expected was not having to think whether he was a top or a bottom. Not which he had the opportunity with Al, Patrick pictured himself on top of his nanny, tongue worshipping him.

From the onset, soon as they were inside Tito's luxury condominium, located at the trendy Lovejoy Wharf, an upright residency near the Boston waterfront, Tito started to get frisky.

Patrick wasn't used to having a guy `attack' him, a mild means for most men in the heat of foreplay, Tito going right for the bowtie of his tux.

They had eaten at a posh place where such attire was required. Patrick didn't even own a tuxedo, but it wasn't a problem. When Tito came by his place that evening, he had one in a garment bag. He felt a little embarrassed, Tito offering to help him get into it.

However, stripping out of it, he slowly gave in to Tito's hands, because perhaps he was as eager as his prof!

Like Patrick thought, Tito was about to show him how hot sex goes, when it took a different twist. It was apparent, Tito wanting him to take the initiative. Fortunately for Patrick, the last year he was in Al's care, before going off to college, for his birthday he was treated to a night out with the boys.

Patrick didn't know any of Al's friends, but certainly the evening was enlightening. So, when Tito had asked him if he `knew what to do?' Patrick could frankly give a positive answer. Though, when it came to being romantic in bed it threw Patrick.

Al's friends, when they went back to one of their's homes, Patrick was more the spectator than participator. He got a nice jerk off over watching them literally rip clothing off. When the rough got going, the going got intense!

Sometime during the beginning of the orgy, Al had smiled at Patrick, saying it was okay not to participate, to sit on the sidelines. With Al, education came in different, weird forms.

Well, Patrick wasn't so sure he wanted his time with Tito to be so rushed. Too, with Al's friends, he didn't have several partners to hop from this one, that one and back again. They all didn't have equal equilibriums. When one `came', there was another one to get a second protein drink off of!

Like with Al, Tito gave him a choice. There wasn't any pressure. That first night with his college professor, things went slow, but by his own free will things had progressed where he really wanted to go all the way.

After porking the prof, Patrick lay back in his arms and out of the tall windows overlooking Boston harbor, they fell asleep.

Next morning breakfast was served to him in bed. When Patrick said he had to go home to get a fresh set of clothing, or he would be late for class, he was overwhelmed by Tito's generosity. Taking him into a second bedroom, bureau drawers and a walk in closet displayed clothing, a variety of garments.

When Patrick picked a tee shirt out of a drawer and noticed it was his' size, Tito confessed to him, why do you think I require every student to hand in sizes of clothes they wear at the beginning of the semester?'

Patrick's history goes on a little past this. For his whole education experience, gathering knowledge in the fashion realm, he stay with Tito at his apartment. Strangely, after that first time together, even though it seemed like they built up the relationship from an affair, towards his senior year he saw less and less of Tito. One reason his lover was off to Paris every other month, until he took a leave of absence.

It's not which he put his sex drive on hold either. Up late one night, trying to finish a project, the next day Patrick was fatigued. He made it through one class, but with a three hour gap in between, decided to put his feet up in the lounge and take a snooze. He awoke to the maintenance kid tapping his foot with a broom handle.

If it wasn't for Rodrigo waking him up out of the deep sleep, he would have missed the preliminaries for an exam. Though, when he shook Rodrigo's hand in appreciation, there was a true electrical shock. Somehow Rodrigo, brushing the carpet, had picked up static electricity!

Patrick found out, it wasn't any coincidence, Rodrigo knowing what time he would need to be woken up, or be late to his class.

Knowing Rodrigo was on the custodial staff was a no-brainer. They didn't wear name tags, so Patrick had to confess he asked one of the security guards.

Regardless, over a time period of a few days, Patrick and Rodrigo became friends. A few more days and they were more than friends, Patrick inviting him over to the condominium at Lovejoy Wharf.

Furthermore, Patrick had learned Rodrigo, on a visa from Peru had intentions of someday achieving what Patrick had, an education degree in fashion. After finding out just how talented Rodrigo was, Patrick became a mentor, sort of how Tito was to him.

Rodrigo owed Patrick a lot for allowing him to room with him and eventually get his work status changed to an educational visa.

Slowly over the course of a few years they developed a solid relationship and Patrick got over Tito, seeing that where one door closed, another opened and perhaps dating a 33-year old professor wasn't to be in his future.

All this coming about made it easier for Patrick to explain to people, like John and Kelly, sensing they were all on the same page.

When asked, Patrick was always eager and proud to explain, "yeah, I've got a boyfriend, Rodrigo. He's back in Boston, in his last year of studies. We have an understanding, that we see each other on holidays."

To reinforce what he was telling Kelly and John, Patrick holds up his ring finger.

Almost tearing Patrick's finger out of its socket, John exclaims, "is that thing real?"

"I hope," Patrick says, "or else the jeweler sold us `plastic'!"

John knew Patrick was shaming him over his remark.

Allowing him to have his finger back', he uses Kelly's terms of apology, "sorry bout that, Patrick."

Patrick jokes, "don't let it happen again."

Saying it with seriousness, John didn't think he was kidding, Kelly saying, "he's pulling your chain, John!"


In an hour tops, Patrick, who was very good at taking measurements, had Kelly and John outfitted for not only kilts, but the `sneak preview' prototype of the new fife and drum corp's uniforms, of his design, which he has yet to present to Jared.

Not which Patrick intended on being sneaky about it, he did mention he hadn't presented the idea to Jared for final approval, "so don't go blabbing it around?"

The pair were more concerned with how the outfit affected John's appearance, "uh, a bit on the baggy side, wouldn't you say, Patrick?" Kelly says, holding the costume away from his boyfriend's lithe frame.

Patrick had the feeling when he was measuring John. For certain he was a skinny lad, but up the inseams, one particular place was not at all in need of taking in!

With insight, tidbits of what Kelly has gathered here and there thus far, "seems to me I've heard that Mike Ewing can help put some meat on those bones, John?"

Not being able to recall, John questions, "Mike?"

Kelly shares the same feeling, people coming in and out of his life in such a short time, it's tough to remember who's who, "Coarshill Commons High School nurse, who covers for us out at the factory grounds?"

He might be slow, but right away this hot man registers with John, "right. I remember."

Patrick didn't mind stopping in the middle of the couples' shopping trip. He made like he was engaged in sorting and resorting of material, but studied the pair like it was his business to deliver an assessment!

Billy, on his way from here to there, asks, "how are we doing here, Patrick," he gives him a pat on the back, the kind which leaves a `palsy' arm around the neck, "are we getting these two squared away?"

The duo gave Patrick a chance to cool, but having Billy there to question, it startled Kelly back to the real reason they were standing there in half-rags, "what's next, Patrick?"

It made Patrick smile. Not which he was in any trouble for standing around, but that maybe Billy was `jealous' of not being available to study Kelly and his mate, "next, we see about where all the material comes together."

With that, Patrick steps out from the leash of having Billy's `buddy-to-buddy' arm around his neck and gets down to business.

Seeing everything well in hand, "then I guess I'll get back to business!"

With all that out of the way, Kelly exercises the power invested in him by his brother and got Patrick off for the rest of the day, not which Billy wasn't expecting it. Came with the territory, people-watching, figuring out what the next move should be on his part. That college prof was right on, the one Billy took psychology with. Not only very perceptive, helped he could relate to the bear-cub' culture. Nothing of importance, it just made Billy smile every time he set eyes on another cub, bear or these two otters'!

Upon hearing Patrick had never been up the road to the Magonagle estate, nor has visited the factory, they grabbed some sandwiches from the `9 to 5 Brunch & Dinner' spot and headed up that way.

Patrick did tell Kelly he liked his Mustang and for a while the secret was kept, it was his, till John spilled the beans, "too bad we have to give Adrian back his car."

This was going up the lane, the connection between Route 20 and the Magonagle compound. It was a bumpy ride, but it seemed Adrian's expertise at shock absorbers lent to a fairly smooth ride.

"Uh, Kelly?"

"Yeah, Patrick?"

"I think you've got the police tailing you?"

John in the front seat and Kelly, behind the wheel, turn to each other and laugh.

Leaning over the front, Patrick says, "uh, did you hear?"

Kelly says, "yeah I heard you. Uh, just sit back and prepare yourself for a joyride!"

Then all hell broke loose. Patrick didn't have time to sit back, forcibly thrown into the seat, as Kelly jams on the gas.

Looking through the back window, all Patrick can make out is a giant dustbowl!

Turning the unpaved country lane into a frenzy of dried dirt, they speed up the lane, spitting gravel and in no time make the slight right turn that takes them into the estate.

A slight blur of judgement, Kelly says, after stopping and putting it in park, "oops, I never thought. I hope it's Ansel in the patrol car!"

Patrick, who rights himself, from being thrown back and then to the side, "are you guys crazy?"

Two guys with a plan, spoken mentally a few minutes past, John says, "yup. We are!"

"Apparently," Patrick says, hearing their roar of laughter.

What was even stranger, when the patrol car catches up to them, instead of getting out, Kelly waits.

Patrick suggests, "uh, maybe we should get out?"

"Nah," Kelly replies, "it's gonna be more fun waiting for the law to come to us!"

"Yeah," John high fives Kelly, the two laughing again.

What was Patrick to do, other than trust them? In a way, he figured Kelly had everything under control. Too, whatever the reason, he found their laughter infectious.

Kelly had the scene all set, window rolled down, just waiting for whichever town cop to make an appearance. If it were another deputy, then he would have some explaining to do!

He nor John were disappointed, when Ansel walks the length of the now dusty Mustang and after reaching the driver's door, leans down.

All at once he barks, "what the hell you think you're doing?"

Kelly waits the few seconds for it all to come together.

Sure enough, the cop registers, "you're not Adrian?"

Dumbfounded, he goes to get up, hitting the back of his hat on the doorframe, which causes his police hat to fall off into Kelly's lap.

Neither Kelly nor John had any fear, laughing their asses off.

Kelly picks up the hat, holding it outside the window, "drop something, Officer Adamson?"

"You guys are crazy," Patrick states.

"Who's that back there?" Ansel asks, thinking it might be Adrian. Instead of waiting for an answer, "Okay, all of ya. Out of the vehicle."

Mostly, Adamson realizes it's not Adrian, but whoever it is, he certainly looks very cute!

Before Kelly can make a move, over walks Jared. He wasn't expecting his brother behind the wheel, but when he does recognize him, "Ansel, what the fuck are you doing?"

Patrick thinks this whole scenario a farce, but is curious to how it all is going to play out. They do get out, but he remains on the sidelines with John.

In order to not incur the wrath of Jared Magonagle, the officer says, "case of mistaken identity. I was just leaving."

Not before Jared hounds him on the way to his patrol car, giving him a piece of his mind, and not in a kind way, about causing a hassle for his brother, then busting him on pulling him over on private soil, to `get the fuck off his property!'

Patrick, seeing the cop get in his patrol car and drive off without calling out the riot police, says, "I guess he told him."

John confides, "I know it doesn't look like it, but Kelly says the cop and his brother, theys are really good friends."

Chuckling, Patrick says, "friends like that, I can do without!"

Jared does notice an unfamiliar face. He had it on his mind to present the reason he was hunting his brother down, but that unknown individual sidetracked him.

In his thinking, having made his first real business-related decision, to get Patrick out of a day of work, on company pay, he decides to sweet-talk his brother, "hey Jared, this is Patrick."

A stickler for faces, not necessarily a name to put with that face, being Patrick didn't interview with the head honcho, Jared shakes hands, "good to know a friend of my brother."

In a jolly mood, after the altercation with the town police, Jared turns to Kelly's `other friend', "how are ya, John?"

"Good," John simply says.

He felt good too, feeling Kelly squeeze his hand. Unlike the welcoming he got from Hugh this morning, John had a warm sense of being, when around the Magonagle brothers.

In a matter of a couple of minutes, Jared got down to business, "good that I caught up with you Kelly. Got a job for you to do."

Not asked, if Kelly did or didn't want to do it, he figured he didn't have a choice.

In reality, Kelly dreaded coming back to the company, which had belonged to their father. Going away to college had severed everything which had to do with his father, which included the night his father hammered his back with a leather strap. Time had healed him quite a bit. It's only through the death of their father that Kelly found true peace, he would never have to deal with the unlikelihood of facing the homophobic bastard. He had to give credit where due, Doc Watson and Sam, `Willow', helping him over many hurdles.

In a way, having John's hand in his, Kelly felt strength to face whatever Jared was about to throw at him, bold enough to say, "what is it you want me to do?"

Really, Jared didn't expect his brother to stand up to responsibility, not which what he was about to unload on him required any great stamina and focus, "Aty informs me, there's a neighbor from next door, who finds it okay to jog every morning, trespassing onto Magonagle property. I'd like you to go next door and using some of that diplomacy you learned in college, tell him it's not the okay thing to do."

Patrick and John stood there, looking to Kelly.

Feeling their eyes on him, plus his brother, Kelly was impelled to respond, "well then," he acts with pompous attitude, like Kelly already had the matter wrapped up in a tight bundle and taken care of, "I suppose I should get like a gladiator, go over there and put to work some diplomacy!"

They didn't laugh, nor let out a giggle, but John and Patrick could tell Kelly was mocking his brother. Patrick nudging John's elbow, smiling at each other was enough of a hint they thought Kelly and his brother had something `mental' going on.

Jared thought his bro took that well, "good. Then you'll take care of it?"

He would, but doubt on exactly how that would go, Kelly truly acts diplomatic, "um, why don't you come along for moral support? In case I need backup?"

"I suppose I could do that," Jared says, wanting to communicate further, like walk over to his brother, take him in his arms, assure him he had more than his back!

After gleaming himself up, Nick, the 43-year old having finished showering and shaving, going about his duties at rousing the dorm residents, emptying the residence out, comes into the parking area, "Jared, you wanted to see me?"

Another confirmation of Patrick being `gay', not which the ring on his finger wasn't enough, he exclaims, "wow! Where did you come from?"

Long, handsome face, graying hair, salt and pepper beard, that was enough in itself to make Nick Ackerman attractive. Being he had no inhibitions at running shirtless through the forest, he was proud of the sixpack he sported. Image, at his age!

"Wanna get your hormones in check, Nick?" Jared's eyes feasted on the impeccable pecs, carved abs, what wobbled below, "since you're familiar with the layout, I need you to lead us to the neighbor's house next door?"

Only too happy was Nick, having struck up a friendship with Shayne. Keen sense of direction, he didn't need to leave a trail of breadcrumbs, "I'd be happy to."

He started to jog east, Jared calling out, "at a human pace, Nick?"

Turning around, at the same gait, Nick jogs back and with a smile, "a little out of shape for the games, boss?"

"Ha," Jared answered him.

That's how it went around there, part of a person' worth judged by how well they performed at HG practice. Having to attend to so much business lately, there's been so little time to devote to getting in shape. Jared had hoped, with Kelly returning home, he would be able to share in the responsibility of running the factory, store and everything else which has to do with the upkeep of the estate.

But who was he kidding?

Jared loved the responsibility which kept him from being idle during the day. One would call that a work-a-holic, but from college graduation until now, he called it being a gladiator, what it took to be an empire-builder. Though he would never admit it, Jared was much like his father, but only in a business sense. In his chats with Doc Watson, it's something he would make crystal clear. No way was he a `monster', taking a strap to his own son...blah, blah, blah. That's why Jared went to the trouble of talking the family psychiatrist into making the move, from a decent practice, out to the sticks. According to Jared, Doc was the only one who truly understood him and his brother.

"You're lagging, bro," Kelly slows his steps so Jared can catch up. 
"We haven't had much time to talk since you got back?"

"What about now?"

Hanging back, while Nick led John and Patrick on ahead, it was like they were surrounded by an office of forest walls.

"Now is as good a time as any. So, what's up?"

For this particular moment, Jared hadn't a prepped agenda, only one single idea, "I wanted you to get involved in the business, but take your time working your way in. Take some time off. Familiarize yourself with the estate and how it's run."

That seemed vague to Kelly. In a way, he wasn't sure who's boots he was going to fill, when coming to what would be his new home. In doing so, there was really only one thing which defined the word, `home,' "I'm glad to be back by your side, Jared."

Walking through the forest side by side, a mutual feeling of stopping in their tracks took hold.

Turning towards each other, Jared had an overwhelming desire to want to play catch up for those years they spent apart.

Kelly, the affection was there also and without thinking of where they were, who was watching, they abandoned all reality.

Nick, who had volunteered to double back, approaches, "hey, you two wanna get a room?"

That handsome, Idahoan voice broke up the loving hug. Jared, being the last to slide hands down his brother's arms, "aren't you the nosy one, Nick?"

Smiling, taking it in stride, Nick says, "Hey, no telling how far you two might go, if you should happen to get lost in the woods?"

Maybe Jared and Nick's fathers had history, but certainly, meeting Nick for the first time, they had hit it off well enough to make it seem like their past lives ran deep.

"Like, that's your business?" Jared confronts Nick.

Kelly, who realizes their tender moment had concluded, calls ahead for John to wait up.

Rather than dwell on themselves, Nick deviates off course, "wait till you meet Shayne's boarder."

From this, Jared has gathered, "Shayne? Kind of cozy with the neighbor we're supposed to be busting chops, Nick?"

Not letting on he had showered at the Crosslet home, eaten breakfast there, had comfortably chatted with Shayne's house guest, "he's not the mean neighbor you picture him as, Jared."

"Still," Jared has only one thing on his mind, having his brother solve the problem, "you're not making it easy on Kelly. How is he to learn to stand up for the Magonagle name?" As Nick gets a little ahead, "and another thing, stop putting words in my mouth. I never said he was mean!"

"Oops!" Nick wasn't sure, fraternizing with the `enemy', if that would be a plus or minus, but guesses he would find out. Of Jared's words of wisdom, Nick just laughs it off!

Right at the side of that fateful fence Nick `fell over, instead of hopping,' Kelly and John, with Patrick, are waiting.

"Any time, bro?"

Answering his brother, Jared puts a little hustle in his step, "I'm coming, keep your shirt on."

This time, knowing the height, Nick places a hand on the top of the fence rail and nimbly hops over.

Wiser, having never hopped a fence in his life, John slips in between, "I hopes you don't think I'm that crazy!"

"Me neither," Kelly says, following John's lead.

Not saying, Patrick does likewise.

With the fence between them and Jared, "I'll take the low road," he ducks the top rung.

Nick calls it, "you certainly are out of shape."

To that, Jared scratches his nose with his middle finger!

Nick took it as it came. He wasn't sure if he would like leaving the midwest for an eastern lifestyle. So far, so good. Jared and everyone else were friendly enough. It didn't need him to think beyond Shayne, to realize he definitely made the correct decision. Though they were still friends, Nick hadn't made mention of anything of a relationship. He didn't know himself where things were headed. It's just that he felt giddy leaving the house with a peck from Shayne's lips!

Leading his entourage across the lawn he came to that familiar fence, which looked like it had no entrance. Frankly, only second time facing it, he himself was lost. He felt along the perimeter much like a cop patting down a suspect, searching high and low.

"Getting something out of that, eh Nick?" Jared says.

Nick could only imagine the stealth form of Jared, under his shirt, "compared to you, Jared, I haven't had the pleasure?"

John nor Patrick had a clue, keeping their opinions to themselves.

Kelly, on the other hand, "you two have something going on, that I don't have a clue about?"

Only friendly banter, Nick says of it, "I think we should keep'em guessing!"

Jared smiles back, in agreement. With roughly ten years difference in age between them, he would certainly not hold age as a deterrence to getting to know Nick. Though, as Jared would have it, he wouldn't mind having Nick as the occasional fuck-buddy. Still, he wouldn't mind one scenario or the other, on his knees before Nick or vice versa. One thing, he was too busy running things to ever think of getting mixed up in the notion of getting into a relationship. Totally out of the question!

"Looking for this?"

There, right in the middle of the fence, a panel springs open.

Nick turns to his left, "there you are!"

`Oh man,' Jared bit a lip.

Standing there in the gateway between his world and the next, was it's gatekeeper, this `Shayne' Nick raved on and on about.

Wouldn't be so bad if it were some troll, but tall, ginger-red hair, shirtless, toweled waist, holding a bowl of cereal and lifting the spoon effortlessly to his lips..."oh, it's you Nick."

Shayne must've done it before, knowing the fence post large enough of a surface to place a cereal bowl, zeroes in on their leader, "who are your friends?"

At least, for Jared, who's purpose there was to back up his little brother into standing up to this magnificent giant, all he could think of was, `hmm, handsome trespasser!'

Nick, standing outside with the quorum, says, "these are your neighbors from next door," introducing the closest first, "Kelly Magonagle, John, Patrick and Jared Magonagle." Not knowing the score, "he's got something to say to you. Oh, this is Callum Hampton."

No one made mention of the homeowner, Shayne Crosslet, nor bothered with a formal handshake, making their way in the side door, brushing past Callum.

However, last but not least, Callum blocks Jared's way with reaching to remove the cereal bowl from the post, "so, you're the owner of the kilt factory?"

"I am," Jared replies, more fascinated with the deep green eyes. Without mention of names, how did Jared know this wasn't the one who freely hopped the fence for a run?

Only, he wasn't quick enough ask, Callum offering, "Have you had your breakfast?"

While Callum chitchatted with Jared, sniffing him out like a hound dog, the others had taken to meeting up with Shayne in the kitchen.

"Oh by the way, Shayne?"

Shayne, pouring out multiple cups of coffee, "What's up, Kelly?"

Having his strategy all planned out, too bad Jared wasn't there to hear it, "As a representative of management at our company, I have no problem with you taking your morning run on our property. Jared, he kind of does. You know, old folks?"

"Yeah. Suppose you and me will be one of them someday?"

That tickled John into giggling, "hope it's later and not sooner!"

He got a high five from Patrick, "you got that right!"

"Anway, I don't want to make an enemy of you..."

As Kelly explained, making Shayne welcome to the neighborhood, he had an idea to cut part of the wooden fence out, installing a gate. Smartly, he identified the objection to Shayne hopping the fence, he might break something and then bringing up a lawsuit, which in turn would make them enemies.


After meeting the guys, Shayne assures them, "oh, I'd never do that. Nope. Instead I would need to borrow someone from over there to wait on me hand and foot!"

Nick chokes on a sip of coffee, Shayne staring at him. Instantly getting the message he says, "sure. No problem. Any time you wanna break a leg!"

And he was worried that little peck on the cheek didn't mean anything?

"Well, the same here, which is why, having a gate installed, we can keep that from ever coming into question."

Kelly remembered that wording, `keeping that from ever coming into question,' it one of Willow's favorite sayings. Good thing it stuck with him.

"I haven't a problem with it. In fact," Shayne was so accepting, "I'll even pay for the carpenter to come over and install it."

Kelly manned up, said that wasn't necessary, but Shayne insisted.

After their lengthy checking each other out, Callum leads Jared into the kitchen, announcing, "hey guys, Jared's invited us over for a barbecue this evening."

Excited to tell Jared he's achieved a positive response to his first order of diplomacy, on behalf of Magonagle enterprises, Kelly broadcasts, "Shayne is very receptive to the idea of not trespassing on our property. I suggested putting in a gate and he's offered to have it," Kelly gets professional, "executed."

Turning around, Callum's looks were like that of a lion ready to pounce and kill, "you didn't mention anything about Shayne trespassing on your property?"

Fortunately for Jared, he was only 1-inch shorter than Callum, so being 6'3", his attitude wasn't towering over him. He hoped it wasn't picked up on, Kelly using the word, `executed!'

"Um, uh," not one to put on airs, Jared says, "I asked my brother to handle it, being if he intends on having a stake in this business, he needs to deal with problems which may arise."

Not which Callum prided himself in being a big, mean ogre, he wasn't too keen on knowing wimps who backed down, "oh. A gate, you say?" Then to Shayne, "and you're okay with paying for it?"

"I offered," Shayne responds.

"I think it's a good idea," Jared made it known, especially to Kelly, that he did good, giving him the thumb's up.

It did make Kelly smile. Sometimes the smallest of things can mean the most. Like, the first time he and his brother compared private parts, him having the `smaller' dick.

Certainly, the warmth Jared found radiating from Callum's bod, he would rather think of it as `friendly' sweat and not heated anger.

If under different circumstances, in more intimate quarters, and if he knew Jared better, Callum might have shown him his appreciation more than sticking out his hand, "thank you for being nice to Shayne. It means a lot to me that you are."

For sure, Jared wanted more than a handshake, but sometimes greater things could come out of being friendly, "you're welcome."

Even though Nick had eaten once, coffee and toast, he sat down for another breakfast, Shayne elaborating on what he had planned for himself and Callum.

Only Callum had the heads up, Shayne and Nick getting along so well, one could see it was leading to something more.

Earlier on, Nick had earned Callum's `blessing' and combined with the rest, no one would be able to tell any of them hadn't known each other for years on end.

With Jared's phone going off, he looked at the readout, saying, "sorry. I've got to take this."

There were certain people Jared could get a call from, which he could let go to messages. `Mike Ewing', part time estate nurse, was one of those qualified to interrupt intimate sex, if it came to it!

Coming back to the table, Jared reports, "sorry, but I've got to cut this short."

Now head on the roster of `gotta know stuff', Kelly asks, "what's up, bro?"

Strangely, Jared, not feeling this with everyone, comfortable about sharing company business, "Steve Rek, one of our trainers...twisted his ankle in the shower. Our nurse-on-staff informs me he'll be out of commission for several weeks. So," Jared inhales a deep breath, exhales, "it looks like we'll have to see about juggling people around."

Since Callum looked out for him, Shayne did the same likewise, "what kind of job would it be?"

Kelly, thinking Shayne might be looking for a job, was all the more to help out. He didn't know anything about Steve, except he was a trainer, but in this case, background didn't matter. "Steve was one of the trainers for the Highland Games we participate in every year. He was just starting and then this happened."

Patrick, who had intently been following Jared, right from the top of his handsome face, to guessing what lurked under the threads, got the notion someone might know he was stalking, "uh, did he say what led up to Steve breaking his ankle?"

Some things of company business Jared felt comfortable sharing, but one of your trainers in the shower with two others, wasn't one of them, "no. He didn't say."

Almost no one notices. Callum detected something screwy. Shayne could often get a hint of something being up, his friend's arms moving to a folded position across his middle, one eyebrow cocked and an almost inaudible `humpf' sounding.

Before Kelly could ask about Shayne maybe wanting the job, Shayne names, "there you go, Callum. Right up your alley!"

Breaking out of his reverie, Callum inquires, "what is?"

"You've had experience with Highland Games?"

"Some," Callum replies.

Like Shayne was ten feet taller than his friend, he badgers, "stop being modest Callum. You've won more medals from the games than can fit on your chest!"

The others found it funny, Jared not wanting to do anything to mar that beautiful chest.

"That was a long time ago."

The only one in the room, except Callum himself, Shayne knew what it was that made his friend bitter over life in general, the reason why trust was an issue with him.

"Isn't it time you forgot about the past and looked to the future, Callum?"

`Wow,' Jared thought, wishing it were himself in Shayne's shoes, standing there close to Callum, placing a hand on his bare shoulder. Though, probably he would have both hands gliding down both of Callum's shoulders and not just one!

For a short minute Callum sulked, head down, zooming in on Shayne's hands, like they were really packs of heat, soothing his wounds.

Lifting his chin, Callum got right to the point, "I could probably be of some help, if you would have me?"

Having first addressed Shayne, Callum shifts his eyes to Jared.

"Sure. Long as you have the credentials?"

Waiving everything which has to do with prospective hires, Kelly takes on his next order of business, "if Shayne says Callum is as good as he is, I'd hire him before some other team got word of him like that?"

For other reasons, like that first handshake, Callum shirtless at the door, those piercing green eyes, Jared certainly would not argue credentials. He wasn't a gambler when it came to what was good for the business, but jumped the gun on this application, "well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hire you on the spot and then if you didn't work out, offer you severance pay?"

Once again vouching for his good friend, Shayne says, "that ain't gonna happen. You'll see." Staring at Callum, he adds, "he never turned a back on me when I was in need."

There were a lot of loose ends, much like a Hitchcock novel, but the way Kelly and Jared felt, there would be plenty of time for discovery.

One thing, he wished his brother wouldn't have been so speedy to approach Callum for a congratulatory handshake.

Attached were feelings, which Jared supposed would fall in place, "I can say you're in for a real challenge," Kelly's hand stay fastened to Callum's, "being that since John and me were supposed to train with Steve, you'll be working with us now."

However, Jared was not one without tricks up his sleeve, "y'know, maybe it would be a good idea if I took some time out from business to get myself in shape?"

Glancing over to Jared, Callum says, "indeed, Kelly. You're right. I certainly do have my work cut out for me!"

Hand on one hip, Jared says sarcastically, "well, you don't have to agree with me?"

Jared needing to leave, Callum interrupted his departure by five minutes, saying he would go with him, to allow him some time to throw on a shirt and jeans.

Patrick, who thought maybe his worth had worn out, stands up from the breakfast table, "well, maybe I should think about going back to the store, if someone can give me a ride?"

Kelly had another decree to make, concerning business, "sit down. There's no one going to town right now."

It gave Patrick a chuckle, "okay," he pulls the chair out he just scooted under, "I guess I'm staying."

Nick wasn't used to hanging around with such a young crowd, so made excuse that he was good at tidying up in the kitchen.

"Nonsense. I don't mind cleaning up. You guys sit and chat."

After Nick loads his arms with dishes and carts them off to the kitchen, Kelly teases, "Nick sure would make a good husband!"

Way ahead of that thought, Shayne says, "I've been thinking about that myself!"

From joking to seriousness, Patrick asks, "has Nick shown any, `interest'?"

"I think right now we're friends, maybe a little more."

Right then, Nick comes on the scene, "uh, sorry, but I got a call. Some mixup with lodging arrangements at the dorm. They need me to come over and straighten things out."

No one, not even Shayne was prepared for Nick's next move.

"See ya later?" he addresses `mostly' Shayne, giving him a peck on the cheek.

Nothing planned, things like that rarely are. They just happen.

"Sure," Shayne smiles, hand on cheek, still feeling up where Nick's lips were.

"Oh, by the way," he turns back, "while you're thinking about that gate, you should think about having in big, bold letters, the word, `entrance', put on the side of the fence?"

Nick leaving, John was the one to say, "kind of dumb if there's a door an' nobody can find it?"

Not only John, but Shayne thought the others were cool too, "I'll definitely think about that, John."

Kelly, with really no agenda, "So, what are your plans today, Shayne?"

Sitting there, gulping down the spit in his coffee mug, Shayne says, "I'm sure if I sat here long enough I could think of something," he giggles.

They all laugh. Truthfully, except for Patrick, who could get back to his job at the company store, if Kelly let him, he would be the only one who had something to attend to.

Losing all track of reality, John had no clue what his job was or was to become. For now he was just following what Kelly did, where he went.

Kelly shares, "I know I should be doing something, but as of yet, other than being handed a title, I don't have any real sense of what being a company executive means."

"I lied," Shayne does remember, "I have one thing on my agenda. I'm supposed to be writing an article to place in the local newspaper, advertising for domestic help."

It was a cliche, but Kelly didn't know how else to communicate, "yeah, good help is hard to find. Since I got here a few days ago, the limo driver I had, Carlos, I thought would be around forever, left to work for an airport limo service. Then along came Adrian, but I wound up driving his Mustang to town and back. Not that I minded riding in his cool car. Right now I haven't an idea where Adrian is, not which it matters now. Anyway, first day I set foot on the place, I met Kenny, whom I thought was in charge of the house I live in, but this morning I find out Hugh is the designated caretaker. And to top it off, the cook grilling at the barbecue yesterday, when I wake up this morning..."

So cute of John, "I woke up too?"

It made Kelly smile, "when John and I woke up this morning, to find Chad busy in the kitchen." He further laughs it off, "imagine that. I come home from college and expect to do my own food-fixin' and I have a `chef!'"

Patrick already had a clue to Kelly and John's close association, Shayne slowly developing his own thoughts, "so, you and John, you're pretty close?"

"We're boyfriends," John says.

Kelly's smile on his face confirms the truth.

Then that was it. The conversation drew up a blank.

"Well I better get showered, dressed and then take care of that ad. Uh, you wouldn't know of anyone at your place, looking to defect?" Shayne coaxes.

"Not really," Kelly says, "like I've said, I've only been here a few days and except for those who have a job, don't know anyone looking for one."

Patrick really did extend his gratitude and thanks, for Kelly getting him the day off, but felt his place should be at the store.

Not one to hold anyone hostage, Kelly adhered to his wishes. When Shayne got himself together, he said he would drop Patrick in town.

Across Shayne's lawn, arriving at the fence, John asks, "so's, what is it we do now?"


Copyright 2018 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 13

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