Gladiator Evry Day

Published on May 4, 2018


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' 13 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


"Well, what is it we're gonna do now?" John asks, soon as they pass between the rungs of the wooden fence.

"First things first," Kelly, who now has assumed a `big boss' attitude, says, "we're going to go back to Adrian's Mustang and retrieve our stuff, before he gets any ideas about trying on our duds!"

John was thrilled with their shopping trip. Both things clashed, in a good way, finding new things to try on and buy, same time getting to know Kelly better. Quite a few times he said that Kelly was the best thing that has happened to him.

Kelly felt the same, which is why he was so reluctant to give up John to just any ole job. Nope, he was going to find something which John could learn from. That required finding the right teacher.

"Being that my brother hasn't really given me anything to do to, I guess the next best thing is to look around and find something to do. Make sense?"

Shrugging both shoulders, what did John know about that, "I guess so."

Surprising John were not words in return, but Kelly, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the side of the trail. It was shocking not only to find his back up against a tree, but pinned there.

"What was that for?" John asks, still feeling Kelly's kiss with his fingertips.

Feeling giddy, Kelly responds, "my first order of business!"

"Oh." Going cross-territories with his brother, John gained a lot of eye-opening experiences. Sometimes he and Ryan talked about them, other times he was left up to his own thinking. "Um, what would that mean?"

Kelly thought John would have gotten it by now, "what it means, dummy, is I care a lot about you."

"Oh. Well, me too. I care a lot about you Kelly...too."

Not which he was the world's gift to relationships and how to procure development of such, but Kelly seemed to have it over John.

After having kissed, backed away, stood there, found out how it moved John, he steps back into the ring, "when we're together like this," their bellies touch, "it's like I'm feeling something I've never felt with anyone else."

Then the hammer falls, John asking the question, "well, have ya ever kissed anyone else?"

Kelly's lips formed an oh'. It was like he had a pair of balls in his mouth, tongue turning them over and over, which he has' experience with someone else. Only, that someone else, he wasn't sure he was ready to divulge to anyone, yet, that he and Jared have experienced more than a brotherly hug!

Rather than go into detail, "um, maybe. I mean, yeah, but it's kind of complicated."

Not up on worldly matters, such as relationships, John did get the feeling he was being shafted. He knew he was smiling when saying, "okay."

"You're okay that maybe I've gotten it on with another guy?"

If he wasn't okay with it, John was wondered how he would go about telling Kelly about him and Ryan laying together, "sure. Why wouldn't I have be?"

Kelly didn't expect that. In a way, if John had pressed him for details, it would have most likely wound up like a session with Doc Watson and indeed, he would probably have opened up gave out some details. But it's not which he didn't learn something, feeling that comfortable with John, that he would do that.

"I guess we should go claim our stuff."

John was smiling, which Kelly inclination that their conversation about matters hadn't bottomed out.


"Adrian's not gonna touch our stuff."

"What makes you so sure?"

Holding up the car keys, John says, "because, after we left the locked car, you said to hold these, `dummy'!"

It was good to hear John laugh. What was even more fun about him, as he was about to rip the keys from hanging off a finger, John takes off and hightails it out of there.


Preceding them, between the rungs of the fence, Callum, who had hopped, had called Jared a `woosie!'

Indeed, as they jogged through the woods, Jared got the upper hand, Callum, at an intersection in the forest, stops, "uh, which way?"

Smiling, Jared says, "oh, so you need me after all?"

Back at Shayne's mancave, Callum needed Jared in a way which a person might seem a premature gesture. Strangely, the Idahoan, who had a background in horrible relationships, certainly did breakdown the barriers rather fastidiously, after swearing off sex and even a gesture of a kiss or hug. However, it's not that he didn't feel the urge.

"Really, I don't need your help. After being cooped up in a jetliner for the 6 hour and 20 minute trip from Boise, then the one-and-a-quarter hour drive from the airport to here, I could use a day out in the fresh air!"

Certainly, it being on the verge of the weekend, there were numerous things Jared could busy himself with, tying up loose ends. What he was thinking now, having Callum on his property, he was considered a guest. Like treating any other guest, how could he possibly abandon a `guest', regardless if it had anything to do with business, or not?

"Well then, let's do it."

It threw Callum, right in the middle of a hand-clasping, overhead stretch, which being of surprise, had him dropping them down, "do it? Do what?"

Taking Callum by the arm, Jared turns him towards the right fork in the forest, "I can't have you working for me, if you don't know your way around. God forbid you should get lost. I could never forgive myself, if it was found you were wondering these woods for days, not being able to find your way home?"

Knowing this a put on, Callum had it in mind to put an end to Jared's supposings. But this little utterance in his head, which sort resembled the pitch of Shayne's voice, all it took was a few seconds of nagging, "well, okay, if you have the time?"

"Uh, yeah," he wasn't sure, but knew if, say by chance he fell ill, there was always his man, `Kenny,' who could take up the slack, "give me a few minutes."

"A few minutes I have," Callum chuckles.

He had more than that, minutes, hours, the whole day he supposed, not really being given an ultimatum on when his duties as HG trainer was to begin. Looking around, taking in the sights and sounds, he was really liking the quiet, except for the sounds of nature and breathing in all that fresh air.

Sure enough, as Jared was thinking, Kenny was right there, at anytime, waiting for his call. A survivor of retirements and buyouts, Kenny was almost alone in the transition from the old way the Magonagles ran the company and the move forward in location and practices. He knew more about the business than probably Jared himself!

When he came back to fetch Callum, he had it in the bag, confident Kenny could handle things, with a little zinger thrown in, something which had him giving himself a pat on the back.

So engrossed in whom he now deemed as his `guest', Jared almost forgot, "we just have to swing by the infirmary and check up on Steve, before we get involved in anything else," he taps Callum on the elbow.


They had just reached the Mustang, were unlocking the doors, when Kelly's phone sounds off a tune.

"I wonder who that is?" Kelly looks at it, the number `private'.

Answering, "who is this? Oh. Kenny. Right. Yeah. Of course I remember who you are. Jared? Nothing bad has happened? Oh. Right. Yeah, we just came from the same place as him and Callum. Oh. Right. Right. I see. Yeah, we'll be here. You will? Sure. We can wait till you get here."

Looking over the top of the Mustang, Kelly says, "that was Kenny. Jared got tied up in some important business, so has asked Kenny to handle all of his business today."

Kelly had an idea what some of that business entailed, but wasn't about to speculate out loud!

"So, what's he want us for?"

"I dunno. Kenny didn't say. He just wanted us to stay put and he'd be here in a jiffy."

Being they had the keys to the Mustang, neither of them feared their stuff disappearing. Walking over to the side of the crude parking lot, they sat on a railing, positioned between two stumps sticking up out of the ground.

It broke!

"Oh shit!" they both share an opinion of their dilemma.

What they also share, is the cradle, formed out of the breaking of their seat, right in the middle.

Catching them in the bough, Kenny stands there, saying, "what's this about?"

Having broken clear in the middle, it cast the pair towards each other, whereas it created a vacuum of space, sandwiching them together.

"Shouldn't your question be, `how can I help?', Kenny?"

Shamed by Kelly's words, Kenny grabs his right hand, John's left, pulls back, leaning his weight away from them.

Instead of `how are you,' he's griping, "just what we need, something else which needs to be fixed around here."

Kelly, like he's talking to a ghost, "that's okay, Kenny. Really, we're fine. Don't be concerned that John here could have cracked a rib, or that I might have broken a limb."

Adding some of his own sarcasm, John says, "yeah and doncha worry. I ain't gonna sue ya!"

More attention shone to John, Kelly smiles at him.

It bouncing back to him, something Jared has stressed to everyone, about who comes first, after Kelly has landed back home, Kenny finally does buck up, "well, you didn't break anything, did you?"

Like Kenny never asked, was never there, Kelly asks, "what about you, John, anything broken?"

"Nope. I'm okay. You?"

"I'm fine. What about you, Kenny?" Kelly mocks, "you didn't pull your back out, lifting us both us, did you?"

Kenny sulked on it for a few seconds, coming to realization, he was making his problem someone else's.

"Sorry. I know I could've been a little kinder. It's just that...well, never mind about me. That's my problem."

Seeing things from a different perspective, Kelly could see something troubled Kenny, "um, we're not monsters you know? If there's something bugging you, we can maybe help you out, Kenny?"

For John, that was really weird. Growing up with people who were nasty to you, you didn't do stuff for them. His paw always showed by example, a person who did you wrong, you tried to make their life hell. In a way, John always thought that was wrong, because whenever his father did go at that way of thinking, it usually brought more grief on him and his family.

Standing there, watching Kelly deal with `diplomacy', John could only think, even at almost 30-years old, he had a lot of years to catch up on, but above all, could see a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel, with Kelly leading the way.

"So, what's this really about?"

That threw Kenny. However, seeing Kelly act this way, it wasn't much different than addressing Jared. Same mannerism, standing there, arms crossing the chest line, the whole demeanor, it was as if `Jared' himself were standing there. He just assumed, if the apple didn't fall far from the tree, Kelly was going to be just as steel-tempered as his brother, no way of getting out of telling what ailed him, unless he was prepared to turn and run. That was already an option with Jared, only he knew, sooner or later he would have to come back. Always looming over Kenny's head was the fact, where else could he have an arsenal of hot men, to respond to hot fun whenever he was up for giving or getting a blow job...and more!

"It's about," Kenny gulps, "your brother, actually."

A moment's pause, Kelly says, "am I going to like what I hear?"

"Probably not, but if I let it keep eating at me..."

It's not that Kelly was kept totally from Jared's life, those years away at college. Though, it seemed like he never heard complaints, only good things dealing with his brother's life. Most of the time, it was a story about how someone did something dumb, not costing anyone a bundle of money, but providing a lot of laughs.

As then, now he fires back with, "What did he do now?"

Being a certain person in Jared's life, it's by an obscure incident this man came into their lives. Probably there were rumors, but the real truth was how Jared had won a trip to Las Vegas. He chose to take Kenny with him, it being an all expense paid trip for two.

"You know about Ainsley?"

"I do, but a little sketchy on some of the details. Why don't you refresh my mind?"

Nudging himself closer to Kelly, John says, "I wanna know too, for my own benefists."

That was sweet,' Kenny thought. "Well, as it goes, the reason Jared took me along, was to look after him. As fate has it, we both got a little caught up in beers and shots. Jared claimed it had to be fixed, the card game, but as it turns out, instead of losing, he was made to win. Neither of us saw it coming and when we were presented with one of the player's assets', it turned out to be `Ainsley'!"

Of course, John didn't know who Ainsley was, Kelly telling, "Ainsley is Jared's um, I guess he's a butler?"

Asking Kenny, he responds, "servant is the proper term, but close enough I suppose." Surely, with John standing there, he wasn't about to pour out a thesis on modern day slavery.

Not fully getting it, John says, "isn't that a good job?"

"Could be very lucrative," Kelly says, "if Ainsley was getting paid in dollars and cents!"

"Still don't get it," John says.

Kenny provides a clue, "just think of what the equivalent to an unpaid servant is?"

"Um," John shrugs his shoulders, "I dunno even know what a servant does."

Calling it as it is, Kelly says, "um, you know what slavery is, John?"

"Yeah, didn't it cause a war?"

It's probably the shortest explanation he's ever heard for such a great American conflict, "something like that."

Showing he wasn't totally bumbling idiot, "it set the slaves free, right?"

Standing there, taking it all in, Kenny had wished it were him who got to John, before Kelly. Age was just a number, which when it came to hot men, he just tossed out the window. Surely, Kenny had licked his lips at least 2 times already, dry for the taste of what he spied between John's legs. Sight unseen, if a guy has chased after men his entire life, he can judge what a bulge can mean. Ten out of 10 times, looking upon the package, unwrapped, it's a totally different ball game than a guy can imagine.

Kelly, he wasn't about to stand there all day and debate the Civil War, though he was amazed that John knew so much about it.

"So, about Ainsley, Kenny?"

Kenny did feel guilty, with one hand in his pocket, so when he heard Kelly's voice, he whipped it out, "Yeah. Uh. Right. Ainsley. Well Jared has been building him up, preparing for a time when he can cut the strings..."

"You mean, give him his freedom?"

Kelly had to admit, John right on it!

"That's right, John," it gave Kenny an excuse to dwell for a few short seconds on that handsome face, shaggy, dark brown hair, stache, beard, it was all very fine, "give Ainsley his freedom, which I was under the impression he was going to handle it himself."

"What?" Kelly, who has never shown anger, started to clam up, "he wants you to handle his dirty work, Kenny? Well...that sucks!"

"I know," Kenny says, "but it's on his agenda for today and since he called said to handle all of his business...well, that's part of today's business."

Opening up a memo on his cell, Kenny shows Kelly the short list.

"It's there all right," Kelly says, "but do suppose Jared might have forgotten about it being on today's schedule?"

"Anything's possible, but usually Jared is up to date on anything happening on any particular day." Then, lamenting on his own predicament, "if it were dismissing an employee, I could handle it, but this..."

"Well, that's dang inconsiderated, I'd say!" John comments.

Pretty close to what Kelly was thinking, "I'm with John on this one. Maybe we should get to the bottom of this, before you go and say something to Ainsley. He's still human and I'm sure he would feel something bad, hearing something like that from you, and not Jared."

It made John smile, thinking he helped Kelly out. And `damn it,' he surely wished he could be as smart as his boyfriend, always coming up with solutions.

"Maybe you're right," Kenny rubbed his grisly chin.

It felt right to him and especially since Kelly was offering to confront his brother, it made it seem like the right thing to do.

Unless a garbage collection vehicle, which was a mini-truck, riding beyond this point was against the rules.

"Ready?" Kenny was eager to clear this matter up, the only thing on his list he objected to achieving today.

"Um, sure," Kelly locked the Mustang, realizing their parcels weren't going to be taken home at the moment.

About ready to go find Jared, a car pulls up into the lot. On duty, Aty comes out of his crude, one-man hut and approaches it.

They didn't know the vehicle, but Kelly recognizes the driver, "Isn't that Shayne?"

"Yup, that's him," John too recognizes, "and Patrick with him. I wonder what happened with that?"

Kelly had signaled for John to wait there, that he would jog over to the security booth and find out what the story was.

Making light conversation, Kenny says, "so, you and Kelly, you're getting serious, I take it?"

The only tag John knew to put on what they had going, he says, "we're boyfriends."

Other than that, Kenny was lost for words.

"So, what does a servant do?"

Glad that John asked, Kenny says, "anything the master of the house asks of him, within reason. Uh, he cooks, cleans, makes sure the house is spotless and that Jared's laundry is done. I've never heard Jared complain about the food!"

Then, he was real cute, John saying, "I hope I make Kelly a good servant."

"Well, I certainly hope Kelly is thinking you're more than a servant to him!"

Apparently John hadn't realized the whole concept. But did it really matter, when he already thought of Kelly as a cool guy.

Walking back towards Kenny and John, Shayne zips forward, pulling his trendy car into a parking spot.

He rationalizes them being there, "I promised Patrick a tour of the grounds. Shayne's coming along for the heck of it."

Other than college, Shayne didn't have much to do. He still had a few odds and ends, settling into his new home, but those were things to do on his own.

The pair approaching, Kenny says, "haven't I seen Patrick at the store?"

"Yup. He works there," Kelly responds.

Arriving where they are, Kenny shakes hands, "so nice to see you again, Patrick."

"Hi," Patrick tried to remember, but at least drew up a vague memory of facial recollection. "Yes, you were my first customer!"

It all came back to Patrick now. First day he was in town, he started working at the Magonagle store. Kenny was his first customer.

"That I was."

Patrick was a little conscious, of Kenny holding onto his hand for quite a while, beyond the normal scope of greeting a person. Like drawn to Tito, back in Boston, Patrick already knew he preferred older men. First time he lay eyes on those silver-gray haircut, it was a turn on. With no clue as to why, coupled with the closeness, especially the touch aspect, Patrick started to feel a great disturbance in the force!

"Um, Kenny," Kelly interrupts, "are you still interested in settling this issue with my brother?"

"Of course," he drops Patrick's hand.

For Patrick, it was like the breaker tripping.

"Only, I haven't a clue to where he's at, at the moment?"

Holding up his cell, Kelly says, "already on it."

"Oh," Kenny replies, thinking it's the same move that Jared would make, when in control of a situation.

In less than a minute, Kelly gets a response, "right now he's showing Callum around the factory."

"Oh good," Patrick says, "you were meaning to show me around anyway, Kelly?" Perhaps it was an unconscious flirt, "but then, maybe, if Kenny's free, he wouldn't mind?"

Kelly and Kenny exchange stares. Like, was Patrick acting in a manner in which they were both thinking, trying to hit up on one of them?

It seemed very strange to Kelly, Patrick boasting about having a boyfriend, Rodrigo, back at the apartment in Boston, but it's not which he hasn't heard of stranger stories.

"Fine with me."

With a sense of direction, they were off. Heading in the direction of the factory, Kenny took the helm, the only one familiar with the shortest route. As he, and Kelly, had their suspicions, Patrick indeed clung to him, like a gluestick to paper. Not knowing virtually anything about Patrick, Kenny didn't think it would hurt any to strum up some conversation.

He thought he had heard Patrick was from Boston, so used it as leeway, "so, do you have a boyfriend waiting for you back home?"

At first, Patrick thought Kenny might be a psychic, figuratively speaking, a way in which people joke about it. By perchance, knowing Kenny is estate manager, he might have come across his file, or stumbled upon that information, from someone else.

Either way, Patrick didn't act on suspicions, rather stating the facts, "I do. His name is Rodrigo."

At 36-years old, Kenny has felt he has had enough relationships under his belt, both romantic and occasional, to be able to read into situations, "being away from each other, has that had an effect on your relationship?"

In a way, Patrick felt relief. Not smart at certain things, the 25-year old always found it a tough thing, to have the expertise to lead a conversation into a place which could be difficult to tread. Having 2 serious relationships in his life, first Tito, then Rodrigo, both were circumstances which did not require much work, to light the flame and keep it burning. Tito showered him with everything but what he wanted most, a permanent man in his life. When he left for France and Rodrigo came into his life, Patrick thought this `was it.'

From Patrick explaining this to Kenny, he says, "oh, so you are involved in a serious relationship?"

Kenny was ready to give up. In a way he liked Patrick and it wasn't only through conversation. From the moment he lay eyes on the lad, Kenny could feel a longing to get to know the handsome, he assumed, Scot', having that look' about him.

"Well," Patrick's voice dropped in pitch, not the happy-go-lucky sound it was seconds ago, "really I'm expecting the `call' any day now."

He was cut off by Kelly and the others catching up.

Conversation has a way doing that to people, slowing their steps as they become engrossed in the topic at hand.

The others, maybe they had an idea, Shayne being the one to say, "getting to know each other?"

They pressed right through, dividing Patrick and Kenny.

Originally their tour guide, Kenny says, "I though you needed me to lead you?"

"Nah," Kelly says, having had his own chat going, "Shayne, he knows the way."

Apparently, in trespassing', Shayne has been nosy enough to check out not only the paths along the fence, but has ventured onto the property, passing by the factory, even Jared's castle.'

Words of wisdom, Kenny yells ahead to them, "if you think you're lost, a left turn will take you in the direction of the factory."

He was a little disappointed he wasn't going along with them, being that a hundred feet up the path he spots Shayne stripping his shirt off!

"Maybe you should go with them," Patrick says in a solemn tone.

Rather than saying something, like leaving him to sulk in his grief, Kenny calmly touches Patrick's shoulder, "hey, I know I've only known you for a matter of a half hour or so and probably you're not ready to jump out of one relationship and into another, but I want you to know I'm here for you. As a friend."

Patrick had hoped Kenny had some kind of feelings like that for him.

Fact is, Kenny was feeling more than he cared to share right now. He knows what it's like to be dumped, having had it done to him twice. First time it was like a long, long moratorium period, where he swore off both sex and love. Well, the `love' part was easy, but he soon got tired of watching gay porn and solo jerk-offs! The sex was good, but he yearned for a companion to do stuff with, hike, camp, go to sports games, a man to come home to. Second relationship, at least that's what the other man said he was looking for, but what it trickled down to was sex in and out of the relationship.

There wasn't a space in his conversation with Patrick, but Kenny thought there was a lesson to be learned from his own experience, "it wouldn't have been half as bad, if my ex came out and discussed with me, something about having an open relationship, instead, finding out about it, behind my back?"

Kenny had a feeling this is the way it was going with Patrick.

"Yeah," Patrick says, "looks like that's the way it's going. Only problem, I know the man he's involved with."

However, in the past 30 minutes, Patrick couldn't condemn Rodrigo's actions, feeling something in the way of a great want, with Kenny. It made all the difference to what this moment was leading up to.

Just Kenny's hand on his shoulder wasn't enough to give in return.

Patrick, moving his feet, closing in, both hands on Kenny's forearms, moving up to where the sleeves of his shirt clung to biceps, "I think, in my mind, I've been preparing myself for this moment."

It threw Kenny. He thought, with two solid relationships laid to waste, that he knew all there was to repairing the heart and mind. With that thinking, with feeling Patrick's breath in his `face', he didn't back away, but was astounded by his actions. For himself, bouncing back from a relationship-gone-awry, it took time.

"I hope you don't think I'm using you?"

If this was being used, it was one way in which Kenny was accepting, "no. Not at all. I don't mind being used, not in this way."

Slowly Patrick's footsteps starting walking backwards. It's not which he was backing away. In a return of affection, Kenny's lips met the oncoming force of puppy love.

With the narrow, two-man path, in no time Patrick's back was up against a tree. For Kenny, it wasn't a matter of snapping out of the anxiety of hurt. Because he had taken so much time in convalescence, the situation he was in now, it made it the right time to snap out of it and think about diving into his third serious relationship...maybe?

Rapidly progressing into reversing the flow, with Patrick being the aggressive one, it didn't take long for love to change course.

One thing in common, they both were on the hurting end of the stick. The unknown factor, they were slowly coming together with the same attitude; moving on.

Having gone back to work, Patrick was still attired in a white dress shirt, tie ringing the collar. It was determined, a white shirt and tie looked great with an accompanying plaid kilt. Loose at the neck, one button undone, between lust and suggestion, Kenny saw it as an invitation, which without thought or cordially asking, hands gravitated from smoothing down the sides of Patrick's shirt, to untying the tie.

Eyes staring straightforward, Patrick observes, "damn, you're a good looking man, Kenny."

He wasn't sure if he were acting premature, but it was what Patrick was feeling.

Kenny didn't need to mention, "likewise," since Patrick was probably already feeling the closeness, especially Kenny's hard shaft pressed up against the inner part of Patrick's leg!

"I mean," Patrick was a bit nervous, biting a lip, then relaxing, then realizing his hands idle, allowed actions to speak for him.

Kenny, to stretch his salary, took to dressing in the standard Magonagle shirt, which had become the signature color for the Highland Games, white gauze shirt. There was no tie, but rather leather laces crisscrossing the opening. Patrick could already make out a light covering of chest hairs, painted on a palette of muscled pecs. It seemed awkward to mingle hands with those leather lacings, so he tried the alternate, feeding fingers up, under the shirt.


Kenny wondered what was so spectacular, that it warranted that reaction, "what?"

Premature graying at age thirty-six, Patrick liked the way it streaked his head of hair. Anywhere else on his bod, the stache, grizzly chops, chest, stomach, pits, pubes, hair grew in a natural dark color. In the summer months, Kenny tended to keep chest and stomach clipped, to achieve a better tan.

When Patrick lifts the light-grade fabric, revealing that trimmed look, it wasn't hair which left him in awe, "you. Your abs. I mean, you really keep yourself in good shape, Kenny."

Of course, feeling his hard, eight inches, snaking down his pants leg, Kenny was thinking of more than aesthetics, but was also proud of the results of keeping in shape, "thanks."

"I hope it's okay that," he meant fingertips outlining the sectioned off portions of Kenny's sixpack.

Sensing a difference of opinion, with Patrick's tie hanging down from the collar, shirt unbuttoned to his bellyhole, Kenny drops both hands, "of course it's okay. Blame me. I realize it, that everyone is different, has their own agenda and maybe we're both just not on the same page?"

For sure, he could tell Kenny's disappointment. After all, the frenzy their emotions had worked them up into, Patrick was now feeling guilty. He was the one who really instigated it all, only to have Kenny read the signs, go wholeheartedly into backing `him' up against a tree.

"Sorry," Patrick's lips curl up in a slight smile, "I thought maybe I was ready to move on."

Understanding completely, especially since he had liked where all this was heading, Kenny says, "why don't we take our time and see where it goes?"

It was sort of a sense of relief, Patrick glad, "thanks for not giving up on me."

He did leave an impression, of not wanting to give up on what could eventually bloom into a beautiful relationship, placing a hand at the back of Kenny's neck and bestowing a kiss on the lips.

After doing so, "still friends?"

Kenny, he was hoping for maybe more, but with the `softening' of his emotions, not now, in the future, if things did work out, he could always get it up again!

"Um, do you think Kelly and the others are at the factory by now?"

Taking it as a hint, to move on, both in what was kindled and making tracks up the path, Kenny responds, after a quick peck on the cheek, "race ya!"

One thing he left Patrick with, is the feeling of that kiss on his cheek, much as if someone had touched it with a burning ember. With a half-cocked smile, he took on Kenny's challenged and raced up the path after him.


Unfortunately, Shayne's excursions onto the neighbor's property, he hadn't paid as close attention to landmarks and instead of walking up to the factory building, had come upon the barn and farmyard.

No imposition, Kelly was just as glad, walking in the barn and finding, "Sam?"

Milking a cow, Sam' stands and ridicules, "it's Willow', you idiot!"

It set Kelly to laughing, as he embraces his college housemate, "I'll probably never get it right."

Coming in the side door, Brice not only shares opinion, but makes a big announcement, in a subtle way, "yeah, will you get my fiancee's name right, Kelly!"

"What's this, Sam? I mean, Willow?"

Now there, that was intentional, which did get everyone chuckling!

Instead dwelling on names, Kelly gives hugs, "I'm really happy for you, whatever-your-name-is!"

Not really gay, it's not which Brice hasn't tried it, following a sort of dare from one of his mates, `don't knock it, if you haven't tried it' type of thing. With no problem he accepts hug from Kelly and kiss to the side of the neck, Brice doesn't feel uncomfortable returning the affection.

With that, Kelly softly says, "are you sure you're marrying the right sex?"

Backing away from each other, Brice says, "thanks for the encouragement Kelly."

Though, observing Sam, Willow during their college days, getting it on with a same-sex encounter, Kelly figured she would be comfortable if coming upon Brice, shacked up in bed with another guy. Kelly would not even put it past the couple, if he came upon them with having another couple join them in bed!

"You're welcome," Kelly says.

Then, to break the ice, Shayne introduces himself to Brice. Very good looking, a flip to his rather long hair, the kind where a guy needs to constantly keep brushing it back with one hand, Shayne just had to not only give a hug, but run his fingers through the soft mane.

Willow, not oblivious to the boys `getting gay' on Brice, "my, aren't you the affectionate bunch!"

Except for John. He kind of stayed in his own perimeter, keeping a column in the barn from falling over!

However, Kelly wasn't about to leave him out of the inner circle, "and this is John. I suspect someday soon we might have some news of our own to announce."

John didn't get it, "huh?"

By any means of interpretation, it was cute, Kelly standing behind John, slipping his arms in between arms and waist, giving him a bear hug from behind, "right, John?"

It felt warm, something which he only felt once before, from his own brother, Ryan. From that, John knew the feeling of being wanted, and love, "uh, yeah. Someday."

Shayne, who was still hanging near Brice, was getting some lusty pings of his own and if he didn't do something quick, was afraid of making a spectacle out of himself!

With attention drawn to the squeaking barn door, naturally they all turn towards the entrance.

"Sorry, sir, if I'm interrupting something?"

Surely, many haven't gotten used to it, the way Ainsley addresses anyone, calling everyone a `sir', except Willow.

However, since the master' or half-master' of the estate was present, Kelly automatically thought Ainsley meant him, and in a joking way, "you may speak freely, slave!"

Tone of voice, meant to invoke humor, it did the trick, Kelly drawing laughter from the inhabitants.

Only, Ainsley wasn't laughing, just smiling. To him, the role he play in life was serious business. Though, took it as a joke, knowing it was to please the master, since that was his purpose in life, as established by his own code of conduct, to please.

Hanging by a strap, Ainsley pulls a leather bag around front. It looked like he was trying to hide his crotch, but instead it's purpose was to gain access to inside.

Withdrawing a laptop, he looks at Brice, saying, "I found that information you wanted, sir, but I'm so sorry that something's wrong with my email and I can't send, so I brought it to you in person."

Brice smiled, same time blushing. He knew Ainsley was covering for him, knowing he had become lax at checking his own emails, that there was a limit, should his inbox become `full', "uh, thanks for sharing that, Ainsley. I owe ya one!"

Willow, clearing her throat, smiled, saying, "well, I've got some weeding to do, so will leave you to you boys to your business. Don't be a stranger, Kelly?"

"Yeah, later," Kelly getting it straight for once, "Willow."

Kelly acknowledges, leaving his friend to her business. He wondered, allowing naughty thoughts to run through his mind, was it for Brice's benefit, she made excuse to vacate the scene. Would Brice fall to his knees and make good on his promise, dissemble Ainsley's kilt and even up the odds with a hearty blow job, in lieu of whatever way a person thanks a `slave'?

All his daydreaming proves, was making his cock throb. If Kelly were paying attention, he would be gathered around Ainsley, as Brice, Shayne and John were, gazing at the laptop screen.

Though, things don't happen without a reason and as Kelly instructed his shaft, `down boy,' his focus began to turn to the matters at hand.

Looking at the quad, studying the laptop screen, Kelly thought on his purpose which accidentally brought them to the barn. He had been on a mission to find his brother. That aim was regarding Kenny, having to inform Ainsley, he was `setting him free.' Seeing Shayne, standing there next to Ainsley gave Kelly an idea.

"Uh, Shayne, can I speak to you for a moment?"

It interrupted all of them, the whole conglomerate turning towards Kelly.

"Uh, just Shayne?"

John, he was really fascinated with the laptop, having not much experience with one, in that he never had one himself. He was also tickled, Ainsley calling him `sir' and that he was willing to tutor him on how to use one. It was just one of the things looking up for him, since meeting Kelly. Surely, he felt the warmth of his presence, but learning new things, finding his way, beyond he and Ryan setting foot on Magonagle soil, there was an excitement in having a new partner by his side.

"What's up?" Shayne stands near Kelly.

"That manservant you were looking for? I think I've got one for you?"

For all of five seconds, Shayne wondered, but facing the inevitable, "oh, you mean Ainsley?"

"You're okay with him, aren't you?"

Anyone might question what kind of kinky stuff a guy is into, who wears a chain around the neck, connected with a keyed lock?

"Sure. He's cool. Smart, I think. He knows a lot about what Brice had him research. I don't think we would have a problem getting along."

It was a relief to Kelly, on a lot of fronts. First off, when he did confront his brother, it would look good for himself, having solved the mystery of what was going to happen to Ainsley. It would also be a feather in his cap, taking the thinking off Jared, the uncertainty of what would become of him. There was a burden or guilt, if anything should happen to Ainsley...there was always bringing him back to stay, which led right back around to why he was turning him out in the first place. True ignorance, Jared hadn't a clue to how to take a man like Ainsley, a slave, and turn him around, into a man who could think for himself.

Shayne inquires, "What else do you know about him?"

Not much else than what he's been told, Kelly goes on his own opinions, of what he's viewed, "well," he smiles, "he certainly is very good looking, has a beautiful physique. Wouldn't you agree?"

This is how Shayne and Callum used to get into silly conversation, one not containing valuable resources, except where sex was concerned, "do you mean from the neck up, or the neck, down?"

One thing about kilts, worn without undies, if a guy got excited in a certain way, they would have a tough time keeping it' hidden. Whether or not Ainsley was wearing briefs, not much could be detected, wearing one of the first Magonagle leather' kilt prototypes. Leather tended to be a stiffer fabric than the others used to manufacture kilts, thus could pretty much keep a hard shaft from poking straight out from a set of balls.

"Well," the humor was getting to Shayne, "I haven't seen much from the navel on down, but I think Ainsley is...say, about being an indentured servant, does that mean if like," Shayne was stifled by some dirty thoughts crowding his brain, finally letting loose, "I tell him he's gotta give me a blow job, he can't refuse?"

Perhaps Shayne hasn't checked Ainsley out with a thorough visual scouring, but certainly Kelly has worked his new friend over with the eyes, "I would say," he felt giddy, smiling, "Ainsley would certainly be in for a real treat!"

Truly, feeling the conversation shift from Ainsley, to Kelly, Shayne was moved, but also, he remembers `the boyfriend', "John is sure a lucky fellow."

Mouth gaping in surprise, Kelly says, "you've been peeking?"

Tit for tat, Shayne says, "no more than you, Kelly," he expels light, evil laughter.

Rather than follow with a war of words, Kelly says, "I'm lucky to have met John."

Shayne seeing that round of volley put to an end, "you two do make a nice pairing."

"What about you? Any boyfriends in your life, besides Callum?"

Though Callum and Shayne had a history of light' touching, for the sake of gay-education', he is quick to point out, "oh, Callum's not my boyfriend. We're distant cousins."

"Oh. Sorry `bout that. I thought," Kelly leaves the rest vague, on account of no use pursuing.

"I think `Nick Ackerman' is one of yours?"

Kelly gritted his teeth, contorted his toothy look, looking like he had eaten something distasteful, an attempt at trying to remember, "nope. Can't recall meeting him. Tough to remember everyone I've met, when there are so many working here."

With seeing the trio, Ainsley close the laptop, John in a hustle and bustle to get back to Kelly, "hey, Brice, he says I can work at the farm, if you says it's okay?"

As it turns out, John was very interested in the subject Ainsley was presenting to Brice, on how to raise hens, to produce maximum quantity of eggs. Not only about business, Kelly was happy John was becoming interested in `something.'

"He wants me going with him now, but says it has to be okay with you?"

His excitement left Kelly with little to say, "fine."

John started towards Brice, but then turns, like he forgot something. Hurrying back to Kelly, he grabs him by the shoulders, kisses him on the lips, then turns right back around and hustles away.

It made Kelly smile, confirming what he's been thinking most of the day, that he and John have made a connection. More than that, already some strong bonds, which only time would tell whether they were cast in cement or, written on paper, whereas wind and rain could make it whither away.

The impact wasn't only on Kelly, Shayne seriously thinking about Nick. He was a little regretful he chose to make breakfast, instead of showering with him this morning. Fact is, it got him to thinking, was that visit to his home a one shot deal? He was vague in his thinking, though it did sound like an older guy was okay with dating a 22-year old `kid'.

They were both shaken from their thoughts about `relationship', Ainsley standing there like a soldier, waiting for the commander to dismiss.

"Oh, Ainsley," Kelly says, "you're still here?"

For Ainsley, it was his place to be in Jared, or anyone who had summoned him, one with authority, until dismissed, "yes, sir." Though, living with Jared, it was different than with a master who knew `all the rules', which is why he had to throw a hint as to what was to come next.

"Would you like to see the stats concerning Brice's project?"

Kelly and Shayne just stood there. It was like one was waiting for the other to make the first move!

"Um?" Shayne merely said, looking to Kelly.

Taking the hint, Kelly, who really was the rightful owner' of both the Magonagle enterprise, which in turn owned all the materials' which made up the itinerary surrounding the business, "Ainsley, how would you feel working at Shayne's house?"

Even though a so-called `slave', Ainsley had feelings too. Wherever he worked, whomever he worked for, he got a sense of loving that person. Always treated fairly, Ainsley was given the same treatment. With former masters, there's been two, before he came to being indentured to Jared, rewarding for good behavior came in the way of not only good treatment, but sex.

It was a big change, from treatment by those men who knew how to treat a slave, than one who knew little or nothing on the subject. Immediately finding ignorance on protocol, Ainsley had tried working his way into Jared's bed and it became almost a full time job, teaching his owner on how to be an `owner'. He made the best of the situation, but Ainsley was not totally happy.

Seeing him down to business, serious, "I think things will work out good, Kelly. Uh, but what about stuff like filling out an application? References? I know that's how it's done in `the real world'."

That was something which Ainsley was confidant with at the time. It seemed, when his former owner signed his `papers', deed, that Jared, in retrospect, knew what he was doing.

"The `real world'?"

Interrupted, into their real world walks Nick.

"Let me tell you about the `real world'!"

There was laughter in his voice, as the 43-year old, sweaty from head to down below, strips off his tank top, wipes pits first, then wet chest and stomach, up and down and up and down and then lets it hang, straight out, before tucking it into the rear of his jog shorts.

"I can't believe what wooses those guys are, assigned to me for training. In twenty minutes they were ready to collapse!" Seconds after thinking, "except this one fellow, Kevin. He was the only one who kept asking, `what's next? What's next? What's next? Geesh, I sure have my work cut out for me!"

Laughing, it showed Nick wasn't too torn up about the inadequacy of his recruits.

It did occur to Shayne, "I thought Callum was taking over for Steve?"

"He Jared wanted me to work with him, being I'm experienced."

Shayne asks, "well, what did they do, or didn't do?"

Sitting his butt down on the top of a barrel, Nick proceeds to outline, "first," he fashions his hand like a pistol, pointing it to the rafters, "all of `em, except this one fellow, Kevin, have no idea of the proper position of doing a pushup, would you believe it?"

Going along, giving Nick time to blow off steam, Kelly says, "nope."

In his mind, Nick seemed to treat the whole as bumbling idiots, but was always mentioning his start student, "and whereas the others couldn't get more than 3 feet off the ground, Kevin took to that rope and shimmied himself up to the top, just as fast on the rebound!"

At this point, Shayne was ignoring Ainsley, not because he thought he was a `fixture' and not a person, but because Nick was drawing away all his attention.

"So," Shayne reiterates, "I guess you have your work cut out for you?"

It was Kelly who figured Shayne wasn't paying attention, or his ears were clogged, "uh, Nick just said that."

Indeed he did, but having developed the hots for Shayne, refutes it, "did I?"

Placing fingers in both ears and popping them out, Kelly says, "unless it's my ears that need vacuuming!"

It didn't go unnoticed, Nick looking towards a guy in the shadows, square-shouldered, feet apart, arms drawn behind his back. The kilt, Nick's seen plenty of them around, just not of the leather type. Still, it was an ordinary garment, but what threw him was the chain around his neck, drawn together by a keyed lock.

"So, what's your story?"

Ainsley didn't speak, looking to Shayne. He had already picked up on Kelly offering him up as a domestic for the Crosslet household.

With him not responding, Shayne fills him in, "remember I was looking for a housekeeper?"


While Shayne explained, thoughts ran through Ainsley's mind. For certain, he had hoped his duties would not be limited to carrying around a feather duster and vacuuming. Even with Jared, he could not exhibit his full potential.

Orally, Ainsley was used to carrying a man beyond the limits of exhilarating. Fact is, his old master thought, of all the `slaves' in the household, he was by far the best cocksucker and when taking it up the ass, knew how to clench a hard shaft, driving the owner insane.

His talents didn't stop there. At times, when his master had friends over, he share in the center of attention. It was the first time he ever had 2 cocks in his sinkhole at once. It hurt like hell at first, but when the two men clamored on and on about how awesome it felt, plus hard himself, it quickly became one of his favorite things. Taking two orally, now that was a different story.

There was also the bondage, discipline, sado-maso stuff, which after an introduction to it, sex wasn't the only thing keeping him hard, the juices flowing. What could be construed as tough torture, Ainsley loved being tied down eagle-spread, merciless clamps affixed to his nips, electrodes to the balls and large sized plugs `screwed' into his ass chamber. Worst part of the whole ordeal, no way could he touch himself, wanting to come so so badly!

Same was true with the lash. He loved feeling a leather strap across his back. Got him hard in no time. At times like this, Ainsley tried to hold back, because if he came, his tormentor would show total disregard, but then the whipping would `really' be torture!

"Now I get it," Nick says.

Kelly asks, "what is it you get?"

Knowing a little of Ainsley background, Shayne would like to know too, "yeah, Nick. Like, how does that go?!"

Of a younger generation, at 22-years old, Shayne was accepting of most things. He wasn't sharing right now, but his cousin, Callum, and himself, were invited to Uncle Sean's bachelor party. Uncle Sean's friends knew he was into kinky stuff, so held the party at an S&M club. He held back what he knew, waiting to see how far Nick was into it.

"Well," he approaches the subject, Nick saying, "I've dabbled in it a little bit, I guess you can say."

Being Ainsley just stood there, rigid in appearance, Nick says, "um, whoever is in charge, want to give the slave permission to speak freely?"

At least he knew that much!

To his surprise, Ainsley breaks protocol, "I'm not a slave anymore."

"Oh?" Nick questions, picking the lock up off of Ainsley's chest, "I was under the impression..."

Taking it from Nick's hand, Ainsley says, "I just haven't had the chance to have it removed, or rather finding someone to do it."

Old habits die hard, which is why Ainsley stood almost at attention.

It seemed awkward, at least Shayne thought so, so broke the ice, "I've hired Ainsley for the housekeeper position, since Kelly says he has no place to go."

In reality, that was the truth. Ainsley, 37-years old, didn't have any scenario, if he was ever freed. He just assumed he would be `forever' indentured. For now, he was accepting of Shayne's offer, not only because he was a very cute young man!

Nick assumes, "so, he'll be living with you?"

"There's an extra room."

Since none of this really concerned him, Kelly excused himself with, "I think I'll go see how John is making out."

After excusing himself, Kelly thought about what he said. Things could be sticky if he happened upon John and Brice, `making out.' Sure it would not be the case, he laughed out loud. Besides, Brice isn't gay!

Of Ainsley, going from a slave to a free man, Kelly drew up a correlation, between that and after coming home from college, diving into a relationship. It's not which he was doubting it a good idea, was wondering if he was really serious about it.

He signaled to himself a sigh of satisfaction, catching Brice and John holding chicks, talking over stuff. In a matter of hours, Kelly has found himself immersed in business matters, even though one of them was a hand-me-down from his brother, the other, covering for him. In a way, handling the problem with Ainsley, Kelly felt it as payback, for all the times he has had problems, dealing with the aftermath of family, getting through college, the deal with housing and coming to know Sam, "dammit!"

He cursed to himself, having to recondition his brain, to conform to calling `Sam', Willow!


Upon hearing the small curse, John's seemingly supersensitive hearing picks up on it and rushes over to Kelly, holding a tiny chick in the cup of two hands.

"Brice and me. We's gonna raise these little chickadees into big hens!"

He smiled, not only at the chick in John's hands, but the cuteness with his find, "that's great John. I'm glad you've found something that interests you."

In all the time Kelly's known John, which hasn't been long, it's the first time they spent apart.

He questions John twice, "are you sure you want to stay here with Brice?"

Brice smiles a toothy grin, almost evil-looking, "whatsamatter Kelly, you don't trust me?"

All it took was a look from Kelly to answer that, but threw it back at Brice, "is there a reason I shouldn't trust you?"

John could care less, "I'ms gonna stay here, if'n it's ok with you?"

Saying, "barbecue at 6," Kelly could not leave Brice out, or he'd be hearing the `violins playing' from Willow, "and yeah, you and Willow, are invited!"

An after thought had Kelly patting himself on the back, it finally sinking in, `Willow!'


Copyright 2018 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 14

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