Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Jul 12, 2018


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' 16 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Kelly and Kevan, without speaking, felt impelled to find a space of refuge, from the car storage area. A stairway up, they figured would lead to storage area. When the heat level of hormones rise, any old place could bed a couple down.

"You didn't know this was here?" Kevan says of the arrangement of the upper garage room.

"First I've set eyes on," Kelly says, scanning the room of simple bedroom furniture, dresser, full sized bed, one night table.

They had thought about stripping down, but due to experience, duty calling without seconds warning, they chose clothing of a loose fit.

While getting in the mood, shirts had come off.

Kelly, like always, soon as he felt a pair of hands tearing at the tuck-in of his tee shirt, connected with his marred back. However, with Kevan's sweet innuendos about `what he was gonna do,' made the horrid blast from his past seemingly erased.

Kevan fills the calm atmosphere, cuddling, "Ah-h-h, we're finally alone."

"About time," Kelly's laugh has an inflection, like he's been around Adrian too long!

Then, to wreck the perfectly romantic moment, a cell phone plays a nifty little tune.


Both remained cuddled up, not wanting to move a centimeter.

A fine line between getting it on and addressing the business which not fed their mouths, "Mine," Kelly calls it, retracting the phone from a side pocket.

Normally, if a person is in the presence of a person whom they cannot confide in, they walk away, taking the call outside hearing distance. Whereas he should have, Kelly didn't make an attempt. Though, he did roll out of the partial cuddle, onto his back.


Kevan was curious to know who was on the other side of the wave, but Kelly's lithe bod, lying there in the bed, splayed out in a position for someone's eyes to `shop', Kevan went shopping!

Kelly, even though engaged in conversation, gives Kevan the `shrug', turning to the right, lying on that side of the bed, then sits on the edge.

"Figures," Kevan slaps the sheet with a hand, feeling like he's a jinx!

Turning back `round, just enough to flash a cutesy smile Kelly says into the communicator, "well, why don't you explain first, so I can get an idea," he names, for Kevan's benefit, "Doc?".

The couple just getting their feet wet, on the idea if what they have was still being tested, Kelly waited to see what Kevan was going to do.

Certainly, if it were him in Kevan's place, Kelly most likely get fidgety, and if it persisted, would get randy, in a prankish sort of way. It's just the way he felt, like they had known each other for a long time.

In turn, Kevan, who has already apologized with a silent `sorry', finding himself not in trouble, returns the giddy gesture, smiling back. Reflection on the moment, he realizes how far they have come, in such a small space in time.

He couldn't believe, working his way through life, from high school, through college, his last job, the third in four years, hauling bags of cow crap, that he should wind up in such a heavenly place. `Heaven', that was it, as he stare at Kelly, ending with a long exhale, as if Kelly had an aroma like a bakeshop. Too, he was amazed at landing such a hot boyfriend, with being a bonafide cub. Hot guys, they were usually into their own kind, contoured muscle, abs, the whole workout scheme. Kelly was accepting him, looking beyond the chubby tummy.

Being fat was something Kevan had been conscious of his whole life. Adopted into the Carnes-Darrow-Cahoon and extended family clan, not one of them measured up to what Kevan looked like. They were all broad-shouldered, slim according to stature and could eat at will and not gain an ounce. Though, what was nice, was growing up in the same town as his extended family, whereas if anyone mocked him over his weight, the clan were there to right the wrong!

He could still giggle, over Lawry, from the Cahoon clan of the extended family, mock some dude in front of his friends, making him bow down...and still caused a stirring in Kevan's soul...kissing his cock. Not bare to the boner, Kevan still had his pants on, but the simulation was almost as good as the real thing; not which any guy since, has placed his lips `down there.'

It was a turning point in Kevan's high school years, no one ever messing with this fat kid' again. Even though Lawry claimed Kevan owed him one', he never made good on it. That's the way the clan did business. There was no such thing as `you owe me a favor', each doing for the other out of pride and joy.

Thinking of that self-conscious stuff, Kevan is brought back to reality, Kelly stating, "I can't believe that all of a sudden, my brother is heaping all of his problems on me!"

"Wait. I thought you were on the phone with Doc Watson?"

"I was. Seems my big bro is too busy at love to speak to his little brother anymore," Kelly slides out of the rigid position of talking on his cell.

To Kevan, it didn't seem like it bugged Kelly, that he said it more in jest, but wasn't sure, "what was it that Doc said that ticked you off?"

"Didn't say. I think he was about to, but then he had to go, something about a call he was waiting for."

He saw something in Kelly, which added to one of the many attributes that had garnered an interest in knowing him, Kevan saying, "well, certainly you handled it well. You seem well composed."

It's then Kelly shows his true feelings, saying, "are you kidding? Doc Watson's own words come to light, `you can't get worried over what someone else does or doesn't do, when you have no control over their life, or what they are going to do.' Make sense?"

Kevan's crooked lips and raised brow suggest, "yeah," he replies with skepticism, "I think I got all that you said?"

Continuing like a prof lecturing to his college class, Kelly reflects on what the old man has drilled into his boys, time and time again, "I suppose it comes with being a gladiator. If you don't know the warfare, how are you going to fight the battle?"

This `gladiator' stuff was new to Kevan, though at first mention, he realized that's how he's been his whole life. >From high school through college and working all those jobs, it's been other people whom he's relied on, keeping his will strong. He could name a number of times when Brice got him out of some kind of predicament. In turn, even though not obligated, one good turn deserved another.

"True. So true," Kevan returns, but also smiles, thinking how lovable this gladiator is!

"Well, we better get on it," Kelly says. Second thought, "that is, if you're up to being my sidekick in the business world?"

Leading Kevan from the garage gate, into the pool area, to a door to the back of his `castle', Kelly smiled, his new friend pouring his soul out, over wanting to be more than a business associate.

When Kevan touches on the subject of namesakes, Kelly finds interest, "oh, you're real name is Keran. So, how did it wind up as Kevan?"

In explaining, it worked out as 2 factors. "My family still refer to me as Keran'. Growing up, when my step-dad, who's name is Kevin, enrolled me in school, they thought I was Kevin, Jr.'. Once I was called Kevin' in school, it stuck. An error on my enrollment forms, the i' was mistaken as an `a'. The rest is history."

It was interesting enough, which brought them into the kitchen, Kelly greeting Chad, introducing his new friend. Then, it was right through the hallway to the stairs.

"So, what is it you prefer to be called?"

"I leave it up to the person doing the calling."

"Hmm," Kelly tapped his lips with a finger, while resting his chin in the cradle of a palm. "I think you look like a Keran."

Since Kelly has wanted to do this since standing in the driveway, and being on the first step of the stairway, is was a cinch to lean forward and kiss Keran.

His falling against Keran, had him retrace steps backwards, which also made him catch Kelly in his arms, "oh wow."

In doing so, Kelly felt like a skydiver being caught in a tree, "thanks for the save!"

The `save' entailed each clutching the other, caught up in the heat of Cupid's arrow, stinging each in the heart.

"You're welcome."

A lull occurred and even though each wanted to speed up the sexual drive, Kelly says, "well, we better get on Jared's little problem."

"Oh, and what was it he wanted you to do?"

"Something official, which requires us to be dressed officially."

Walking upstairs, Keran bringing up the rear, states, "um, I doubt my chubby frame will fit your size clothing?"

Seeing one of the house workers, toting a bin of laundry, Kelly sees opportunity, "hey there, Jackson."


"How's it going? Are you settling in?"

Having been there a couple of days, he's been through the ringer, with picking up dirty wash, delivering it to the laundry hut, leaving it, then heading over to the other buildings, then hustling to pick it up later in the day, bringing it back to home plate.

"I'm starting to get the hang of it," Jackson replies, scanning Kelly's boyfriend, from the face to belt.

After introducing Keran to Jackson, Kelly says, "I don't suppose you could rustle up some clothing for Keran? He's not exactly `my' size, as you can probably tell?"

Most likely, for Keran himself, as Kelly has justified, Jackson's `shopping' his boyfriend's bod, there was need for deviation.

Jackson was comical, stepping from Kelly's right, walking behind Keran, sizing him up, "hmm, I think I might be able to come up with something, if you have a few minutes?"

`Oh man,' how Jackson lusted to reach out and touch!

"Minutes we have," Kelly replies.

Slipping by the pair on the stairway, Jackson inquires, "what are you, a large, Keran?"

"Sometimes. Sometimes an extra large. Depends."

Way Keran smiles at Jackson, he gets an inkling of an inner message there. Rather than `too excited', he departs the scene.

"Okay, give me some time. I'll come up with something. On second thought, my cart's right out back, if Kelly can stand to not have you around for a few minutes?"

"Go," Kelly says, "and I'll meet you upstairs, Keran?"

In a faint conversational tone, Kelly hears Jackson dispute, "Keran?"

"Long story," Keran replies, adding, "but not really `long' long," he starts in on the details.

Continuing on his own journey, Kelly hikes up the stairway. Turning the corner, so was another worker, which brought the pair chest to chest.

"Kelly, just the man I was looking for!"

"Kenny, what are you doing here? Where's Hugh?"

"I know you'll be as shocked as me, when I mention Hugh has resigned," Kenny thinks a sec, "or maybe fired? Whatever."

First impressions can mean everything, which is what Kelly had felt, initially laying eyes on Kenny Logan. At college, there were many men to choose from, Kelly not finding an interest in any. Though, it's not to say he wasn't drawn to different personalities. Some his own age, others a year or two older, even some of his college prof's were kind of hot.

When he met his house manager, it was like one of those older professors. Only difference, most of those gents were fat, well-padded. On day one, first meeting Kenny, handsome as ever, neatly coiffed, with his silver-gray hair, Kelly was in love all over again. Between then and now, a lot has changed, lifestyle and the type of person he chooses to be with. Certainly, transitioning from John, to Keran, there was quite a difference right there. Kenny though, there was a pleasant personality, standing out all on its own.

"Hugh?" Kelly mused. "Hugh, who?"

They met, eye to eye, both smiling, knowing they had the same feelings towards the former house manager. Or it could have been mixed with the cordial feeling they were having over each other?

"Even though my initial feelings were, that Hugh would be good for the job, slowly that changed, thinking he wasn't really a people person."

Flirty, Kelly says, "not like you, eh Kenny?"

Kenny, who has been with the Magonagle empire since the old regime, it hadn't been until he hit thirty-five it was decided one-nighters wasn't working for him. Too, the new location and who ran the company, it was a life-changer. Gone were many of the old employees. Replacing those were younger employees and it changed the game plan for Kenny.

With Kelly mentioning it, Kenny chitchats, "oh, by the way, I've been seeing someone."

"Anyone I know?" Kelly took to leaning on a wall.

"You know the new guy at the store in town, Patrick, who does alterations?"

It was tough to forget, the guy who, with his tape measure, came within inches of also measuring his dick!

"Oh, that Patrick. Sure I know him. Measured me for my first kilt. He's good at what he does, I take it?"

Kenny smiles, thinking, if Kelly got the same zinger as he did, Patrick's toiling fingers would certainly be tough to forget!

More on a personal note, Kenny reveals, "yea, well, he's a real sweetheart."

"Oh? And how did you two meet?"

"HG training. He could be a trainer, you know?"

He had a feeling, when being measured, under Patrick's clothes, not an ounce of fat, "I had a feeling he were as stealth as you, Kenny."

Giddy, Kenny says, "well, maybe you'll catch us by the pool someday and can compare us?"

Kelly very well knew one thing, if there was something to know, Kenny knew it, which had him saying, "you know there's a barbecue going on at my place later on?"

"I did. There was."

"Was?" Kelly questions.

"A person can't be in two places at once. Did you remember it's your first official dinner at the commons today? Oh, but Hugh, he was supposed to remind you of that. He didn't, did he?"

Kenny was being so sweet, Kelly felt bad he wasn't `his' house manager.

However, being he wore one of those corporate hats, "tell me something, Kenny?"

Leaning against a wall casually, what Kelly thought of as Kenny's favorite stance, shoulders embracing the wall, hips swung out, fingers folded in between pits and pecs, thumbs visible, it certainly was a sexy way to stand, but that also included the handsome face, adding to the hotness.

"If it's not too personal!" Kenny laughs.

"It's business."

"Oh. Okay, then?"

"Next to Jared, I'm like, one of the head honchos around here and what I say, goes, right?"

"Well," Kenny stands from his relaxed position, "I would say, according to Jared, you have the same power. At least, that's the way everyone around here is supposed to be thinking. That is, if they value their job!"

It was a likable response.

"Well then, I want you to be my house manager, Kenny," adding, "if it's okay with you?"

It was the first time Kelly viewed Kenny in a derogatory manner, mouth wrinkled up like he had just eaten something bad. To add to this, it was the first time Kelly viewed Kenny as a loss for words.

"Uh. Yeah. Uh. I mean. Well, um. I. Uh."

Wishful thinking, it would have been sweet to have Kenny a part of his household, but he was being selfish, so on the reboot, "unless you already have someone in mind?"

Coming up the stairway, Kelly had thought it were Keran, with Jackson, but instead, the messy cut of straggly, dirty blond hair, pushed back with two hands, reveals, "you wanted to see me, Kenny?"

"Adrian! Yes!," Kenny takes the 20-year old lad into their conversation.

It would be one of the things Kenny would be forever beholden to Adrian for, interrupting an awkward moment.

On his mind, Kenny was ready to place Adrian in the agricultural sector, but Kelly screws it up, "hey, you're just the person I was looking for, Adrian."

"Me?" Adrian looks around.

Throwing hint to Kenny, but also cluing Adrian in, "what do you know about being a house manager?"

Adrian puts Kenny on the spot, "is that what you wanted to see me about?"

Throwing his eyes on Kelly, Kenny says, "right. Exactly. Was going to tell me yourself, but I guess Kelly couldn't wait to give his first executive order."

"Cool." With a giggle, Adrian adds, "do I get to boss my uncle around?"

Kenny had to be reminded. On the ball with positions of people working there, he was not up on the extensions of families, extending down from uncles, cousins or even brothers.

Seeing question on Kenny's face, Kelly refreshes, "Adrian's Uncle Chad. He works in the kitchen."

"Oh," Kenny replies, "that uncle."

Far from wearing formal business interview clothing, Adrian was attired in dirty jeans, loose shirt, unbuttoned down the middle, showing soiled bod fur, but not `unappetizing', and since he had removed his signature khaki ribbon, his hair was unkept. He also did not smell squeaky clean from the shower.

All in all, Kenny wasn't about to let opportunity go, especially where it would have him keeping his presence confined to certain perimeters, "well, there you have it, Adrian. What do you say?"

Adrian, knowing protocol, says, "I don't think I have a choice, do I?"

With a smile, Kenny, knowing Adrian was his scapegoat, "not really."

First the giggle, "well then, I guess a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do," Adrian busts out in full laughter.

After the laughter settles, Adrian says, "by the way, I never been a house man before. Like, how will I know what to do?"

Kenny fills in the blanks, "I'm sure Kelly can fill you in, but I strongly suggest your first course of action is to get a shower?"

He wore no belt, so in stashing the shirt down his skinny waist, the pants sagged till a long strip of trail ended at the top of his pubes. Pulling up on them was Adrian's first course of action, to tidy himself up.

Kenny had left, leaving everything else up to Kelly, who says, "you don't need to worry, Adrian. Everyone has to start someplace. I'm sure you'll pick it up quick."

With a giggle, Adrian says, "after I take my shower, I'll Google it!"

Finally, Keran had found some duds in Jackson's `clean clothes' hamper and returned, "so, how do you like my new wardrobe?"

All Kelly could do is laugh his ass off!

"What?" Keran looks down upon himself. "So the pants are a little short?"

Apparently, since they were some other person's pants, not as wide girthed as Keran's slightly plump belly, it took up the slack by raising the length at the ankles!

Before anyone could have further reaction, Keran's shirt, little tight at the pecs, like buttons were ready to pop off at any moment, "I don't think we've met. I'm Keran."

Kelly jumps in with, "this is Adrian. Our new house manager."

Whereas Keran and Adrian were exchanging knuckle clinking, Kenny was with the silent approach, eyes wandering, feasting on the sights before him.

"Our new house manager, eh?" Keran says, retreating from the knuckled greeting, taking in Adrian at full view.

Putting on airs, Adrian sinks into his role, "that is if you approve, your royal highness?"

If anything, Kelly was sure, Adrian would be bringing much `happiness' into the house, whether life was merry, or the chips were down.

Ducking back in for one last time, Kenny, who was about to leave, says, "oh, by the way, that thing Jared wanted to see you about, you don't need to worry. I've taken care of everything. Check your texts."

In an instant Kenny had vanished, leaving Kelly with going to his phone. Not cluing the others in, all he says is, "oh, is that all?"

When next he saw his brother, he would have to `jab him in the ribs', for welching out on him, sending Kenny to do his dirty work, of dealing with Hugh resigning from the house management job. According to Kenny, since Hugh had left without notice, with one of the workmen on the job, Jared chose not to include a severance package.

Both Jackson and Adrian were thirsting for knowledge, "what did he text?"

Throwing his weight around, Keran steps in, "that's Kelly's business. Um, we really need to get ready and I'm sure you two have some place to be?"

Which, after they all leave Kelly and Keran to themselves, "well, I guess you don't need to get dressed up, Keran."

"Oh good," he starts to unbutton his shirt, from tight pecs, down, "is it safe to breathe again?"

With a giggle, Kelly says, with the power of suggestion, "keep going?!"

Jackson took hint, but also, "uh, long as you're not needing the threads, Keran?"

Hinting to strip down and give him back someone else's wardrobe, Kelly is on it, "uh, he'll catch up with you later about that, Jackson." Taking the strong hint, Jackson left, taking a last look before closing the door.

Kelly, he took the easier route, slipping out of his clothes, tossing most in the hamper, teases, "I should call Jackson in here to gather the dirty laundry."

Smiling, Keran blocks his route to the door, "now why would you want to mess with me like that?"

Returning the sweet, affectionate move, Kelly takes the opportunity to help Keran out of his shirt, "oh, is that the way it looked? I was only going to make sure the door was locked, so no one disturbs us?"

"I knew that," he twirls around, Kelly removing the shirt from his shoulders.

Whether conscious of it or not, Kelly says, "I didn't think, being your boyfriend, also meant I was being your valet?"

Twirling back around, Keran, with that cute glint in his eye, says, "I hope you're okay with this?"

Kelly never really looked at love' as a picture of perfection, unlike others who lusted after fat, skinny or otherwise', "you think I'm into muscleheads?"

When feeling thumbs inside the elastic of his briefs, Keran says, "are you sure we're not rushing things?"

"I dunno. Got a feeling, that's all. Willow used to say my instincts were pretty much on target," Kelly peels down the briefs, till the waist gets stuck on the barrel.

Not hearing of this person, Keran assumes, "oh, you had a girlfriend. I thought you were gay?"

It also gave him heart-pings, something like instant indigestion, Keran already much taken in with everything about Kelly...except this, possibility of affixing the `bi' label?

"On the contrary," Kelly gives Keran a big sigh of relief, "besides the fact I went through college with a `girl' roommate, who," Kelly had to reflect, now that they were on the subject, "come to think of it, I never did resolve the thing, of Willow being bi, or straight, or," Kelly plops his ass down on the bed, "y'know, before Willow was Willow, her name was Sam?"

With less of a drop, Keran sits on the bed, "short for Samuel?"

Much as Keran hoped to get it on with their own thing, he thought this important to Kelly, so allowed him to ramble on.

"Samantha. Though, you would never know that, unless you knew her. Total tomboy. Short-cropped hairstyle, which could change from pink, to red, to blue or green, depending on Sam's mood." Kelly shakes his head out, "I mean Willow."

It's then Keran became like Doc Watson was to Kelly, sitting there, listening to him talk up all of Willow's superlatives.

"Fact is, there wasn't anything negative I can say about her. Best friend a guy could ever have."

With Kelly running out of things to say, Keran picks up the slack, "well, I certainly hope I meet all of your expectations, too?"

His hand ended up on Kelly's knee.

Glancing down at his own thigh, Kelly lifts his chin, turning his smiling face to Keran.

More in comical approach, Kelly says, "so far we're good."

It can get `dangerous', in a funny sense, when two guys are sitting, not on chairs, but a cushy bed. So easy, butts right next to each other, playful hands, down the inner thigh, then the smacking of lips, the pair fall backwards on the bed.

Not a twin, nor queen, but kingsized, there's ample room to lie back. An unplanned script, Keran initiates rolling more on his side, then appears to overpower, place half of himself on top of Kelly. He's careful not to `crush', as they lie chest to chest, sweetly engaging in the throes of first love.

"Hey, Kelly?"

Hearing Kenny's voice, a sound like his face was smashed into the door, they both recite, "oops!"

Even though on the verge of all out sex, Keran remains upbeat, "maybe you shouldn't have locked the door."

Kelly grabs an article of clothing, holding it to his pubes, while making his way to the door, "trust me, you wouldn't have hurt Kenny's feelings any!"

"Sorry to bother you," Kenny says through the crack in the doorsill, obvious his eyes were trying to peer inside.

"You should learn to knock, Kenny," Kelly giggles. "Might keep you from getting a concussion someday?"

"One of my faults. I'll have to work on it. Um, mind if I come in to talk?"

"Uh, yeah, I do," Kelly played the game.

Thwarting Kelly's plan, Keran comes to the door, grabs it by the edge and swings it open, "whats up, Kenny?"

Knowing one of Kelly's hands was pinned to his pubes, Kenny figured the same for Keran. It could be told, his disappointment over finding the cub clothed in a pair of briefs, "uh, I suppose this could have waited, but John tells me his egg hatched and to mention it to you when I saw you. You know how excited he can get?"

Kelly jokes, but with conviction, "whatsamatter, text on your phone doesn't work, Kenny?"

Red in the face, Keran felt sorry for the man. Kidding or not, much as his own happiness was slipping, he scolds, "oh, now that's a downright cruel thing to say!"

Whereas Kelly and Keran was joking about it, Kenny show more of a serious nature, "my bad. Sorry. You're right. I shouldn't have disturbed you."

Up on stuff like this, Keran knows Kenny's plot and being playful, "well, if you don't mind, Kelly and me, we need to get back to planning our life together?"

Kenny stood there for a sec, until it registers, thinking Keran for real, "really?"

"Really?" Kelly turns to Keran.

"I hadn't a clue that you two had become that serious?" Kenny is clueless.

It certainly put Kelly on the spot!

Seeing he's intruded enough, Kenny did what he came to do, scoots out of there, with some lame excuse, "I promised John I would go over and welcome the new chick into the world."

Door closing, Keran is the one to secure the lock this time.

Rather than dig into a subject he brought up, Keran sidelines it, "Kenny looked a little nervous."

"Of course," Kelly heads back to the bed, "it's not everyday you have an egg, which you think you're going to eat, turn into a live chick."

Keran knew Kelly was being nice, for bringing sensitive information to light, in front of Kenny, before discussion between themselves.

"Sorry for bringing up personal matters, before we've had time to discuss it."

"Well, did you mean it when you said you want to start planning our lives together?"

Keran gulped down spit. Though, he knew if he didn't make good on what he said, he would show he was thinking too much about it, "of course. I would never say anything like that and then back out of it."

Giving Keran a chance to back out, Kelly says, "but we've only known each other for about a day?"

It could've been a scapegoat for Keran, agreeing with Kelly, but lying there naked, staring him in the face, "I really don't want to wait a minute longer," he play with Kelly's almost-blond hair, brushing it from his face.

Up to now, Kelly had only fingered Keran's shoulders, sliding up and down arms.

It's something Kelly never felt right, doing with John, nor Carlos, which is why he was taking it slow, perhaps waiting for Keran to make the first move.

Years ago, with his own brother, Kelly had done the same thing. Waited. His motive proved out, when Jared took the first leap, sliding down on the bed, with strong suggestion to spread legs. Figuring his older brother more wiser at these things, plus the element of trust, it was the first time Kelly had offered up himself to be `used.' With Jared though, there was that trust and truthfully, up to this day, hour, minute, second, that was the best blow job Kelly reckoned he ever would experience!

With no difference between Jared and Keran, "uh, I'm a little nervous."

"You needn't be."

Thinking Kelly's logic right, Keran quotes, "he who hesitates, loses out?"

Nerves tearing at his heart, Kelly remains unsure. Though, heat had a part to play in whether he wanted Keran to keep making advances, "pushing it a little, Keran?"

Keran knew the implications. Since stripping down to the buff, he went all the way, leaving his watch on the dresser. The alarm clock on the side table, in this day and age, had become obsolete. Today, with apps for almost everything, it puts life all in one place.

"Not again," Keran leans over to the buzzing sound from his phone. Looking at it, "oh wait. Not mine. Yours," he hands it to Kelly, "text from your brother."

At least Kelly saw, that even though they were starting to get the sex machine restarted, Keran was being a good sport.

Tabbing the text open, Kelly says mundanely, "oh, is that all?"

Lying in bed next to each other, Keran reads off Kelly's phone in his face, "ten minutes till you're supposed to be standing with your brother at the dining room table?"

Without enthusiasm, not towards sex drive, but the `what if', of not showing up at the dining hall, balls start bouncing, from the bed to the bathroom.

When Kelly took on the new responsibility handed him, he swore to do everything right. One of his college professors warned, even one little error in judgement could upset the flow of things. Welcoming in the newcomers and introducing key players in the game of `Magonagle Monopoly', it was an event which fell into this category.

Entering the bath, with the shower running, Keran says, "to be continued," as he slides the glass door partially open. "Mind if I join you?"

Nothing romantic, or anywhere near so, the two hastened to slide the soap bar over their wet bods, Kelly passing the cake over to Keran.

Even though they had to be quick, Keran, last out of the shower was obliged to Kelly for having a towel all ready for him.

It was sweet, Kelly stopping the rush job to give him a peck on the lips. The towel was held up, enveloped over Keran's shoulders.

"Need help drying off?"

Kelly didn't break concentration from Keran's eyes.

"Keep that up and I'll be getting hard all over again!"

Toying with each other, Kelly says, "how do you know that isn't my goal?"

Much as both wanted the same thing, Keran kept with the timetable, "sweet, but duty calls?"

Seeing it his way, Kelly had thrown on his clothes.

Keran had the same predicament as before, unsuitable clothing to fit his cub-like frame," you run on ahead. I'll see you there."

Honestly, he thought Kelly would wait, but when he finished drying his hair off, his lover had vanished!

No matter. It was more important that Kelly was there with Jared, on what seemed a semi-important milestone. He also had to admire Kelly for his determination and dedication.

Kelly going on ahead had given him the opportunity to be a little casual. Most times, not out of vanity, but possible loneliness, he would view himself in the mirror, while still naked. He didn't have any connection with bear and cub. Guys of his clan were already buff, most of them going to the gym, keeping fit. Keran judged himself closest to Brice, both same age, chummy with each other since they learned to walk. It was Brice who tried to get him to slim down, go to the gym, at least drop a few pounds. Much as he fell off the wagon, while dieting, Brice was always there to set him straight.

Of the Cleary-Carnes-Darrow-Cahoon families, working at farm life, every one of the siblings and cousins went on to studying agriculture, in one form or another. Colleen Carnes even saw fit to study aquaculture. She was laughed at then, but as they hear it now, Colleen has been talking up `water-gardening' with Jared and just may secure some funding for a venture. However, like it's been, the clan has kept the peace among them, forgiving, forgetting and moving on. It's one of the things which has made them one big, happy family.

But it's Brice who has always come to mind. At this particular moment, his thoughts regress to almost a decade ago, when he and Brice were in college. Whereas he knew he was gay, for Brice it looked as if they share a big difference in thinking.

He recalls the day, when they headed out back of the barn, On the brink of their 18th birthdays, they rushed the coming of age, stealing 2 beers from the adult stash. Short version, Keran had made the first move, leaning to one side, kissing Brice on the cheek.

It made Brice chuck half his bottle of beer away, exclaiming, `oh shit, Keran!'

It's something Brice would always make fun of, later on, how Keran got beet-red' in the face. They could joke about it now, since Brice refer to it as his wakeup call.' It strengthened their bro-friendship to the point, if either came up with an idea that they might want to try `something,' there was no reluctance on either of them to go ahead and be adventuresome.

A first for both, it was Brice's first blowjob, actually thinking it very pleasurable making love to a man's cock. By the time college came around, he was quite a good cocksucker and ball-licker!

As for Keran, he claimed Brice's lube-job' was the better for sliding in real easy. Thus, the give and take process, which slowly occurred over their senior year of high school, had them all prepped for college, when it came to that academic'.

It was during those college years, they saw less of each other, especially in the sack, Keran not being able to fathom that Brice was bi and not gay. Now he thinks of his cousin as a real ding-a-ling, swaying from bi, back to gay!

Keran chuckles even now, reflecting on it, while looking in the mirror, "why am I not surprised?"

What was puzzling, is why, if he had Kelly as a boyfriend, hand on his cock and drawing a hard reaction, why did the memory of Brice feed the lust of his fantasy?

"No," he makes demands of himself, Keran losing the drip on his cock, allowing it to dangle there in front of the mirror, "that's not right."

Though, what was the logic here, right or wrong, once a man got all stroked up, was it okay to think about something of the past, or consciously connecting to the present?

As with any man, Keran's hand returned to his cock and purposely blotting out his own reflection, closes both eyes tightly shut, an aid in completing that fantasy.

"Oh yeah...on yeah...oh fuckin' yeah!"

Whereas it replicated himself, pressed up against Brice, Keran's bod slammed the mirror. Instead of cream coagulating at the place of another man's pubes, slime ran down the glass.

There were repercussions to feeling good, Keran, once recomposed, peering down upon what he had done.

"Dayam," he both condemns and gloats, over streaks on the mirror.

All that history, hashed over in only about 8 minutes, had really released the flow of pent of man-made sap, which had Keran blaming not himself, but, "Brice, man!"

After effect, it was feeling good, the aroma of recently spent man-juice, plus the feel of fingers working around flaccid cock and balls, had Keran with mixed reaction, "no, I can't, damn it!"

Wouldn't be the first, not the last, Keran with the ability of working on a second ejaculation!

To put a definite damper on things, a hand come knocking at the bedroom door.

"Keran, it's me, Jackson."

One thing Keran has gathered, if you don't want nosy neighbors popping in on you all the time, make sure the door is locked. Nothing could be more truer than the recent experience with Kenny.

Fortunately, either he or Kelly had tossed a bath towel on the bed. Draping around the waist took more time than balling it up and placing it over the pubes. It's not like he was ready to blow up, easier to hide what was there.

"What's up?" Keran looked through the crack in the door.

"Adrian, when I told him about the old golf cart in the garage, he couldn't wait to see if he could get it working. It works, if you want a ride over to the mess hall?"

"Sure. Just let me finish up here."

Jackson, when he closed the door, had to reflect on what his eyes gazed upon. `Very' much into a hairy man, even though smooth himself, he had to whet lips, before moving from the spot outside the door. One thing, as he began putting one foot in front of the other, he was more than glad now, working the main house, goings and coming back, with so much to return to. He wasn't too much on swimming, but certainly, catching Keran in a swimsuit, he was intent on spending more time at the pool!

Not which he had to be in a hurry, Jackson took the stairs two at a time. Butting into his business, Adrian warned him it not a good thing, being the stairs, even though new, had some squeaks to them. On his own, Adrian, a jack-of-all-trades, things requiring construction or fixing up, said he would see about replacing some of the slats.

When Jackson's foot hit the bottom step, what Adrian had warned, suddenly came to light in a flash. Hearing a crack, fortunately his foot didn't go through, but the flex did a bounce to his next step. Coupled with the usual, letting go of the bannister, fortunately he had a wad of laundry to soften his landing.

As fortune has it, Adrian was headed inside, to find out what was keeping Jackson. In his new position, as house manager, Uncle Chad was the one who impressed upon him not to slip up, or he'd be out on his ass. Tough price to pay, when Adrian has yet to have his ass worked, but not by having it punted out the door, on the tip of his employer's boot!

Cheerful, even though five seconds ago Jackson had feared for his life, or the possibility of puncturing the wall with his head, "you saved me!"

At first stern, "didn't I warn you about that jiggy thing you do on the stairs?"

More catching Jackson in a hug, as he spoke, Adrian set the lad on his feet.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry," Jackson was apologetic, while looking into those brown eyes.

Finally unlatching Jackson at the hips, Adrian says, "well, the golf cart is humming pretty nicely, so we should get going."

However, caught up in a web of a spell, Jackson didn't want to get going just yet, "like, right now?"

Smirking at Jackson, Adrian, who had seen and done more in his 20-year old lifetime, than most men, was keen enough to recognize the signs, "we'll have plenty of time for that later on. Let's just concentrate on getting Keran over to the canteen?"

Upon which, Keran comes hustling down the stairs.

"Be careful, Keran, of that last step," Adrian lets out light laughter, "it's a doozie!"

Jackson appreciated the thought, Adrian not putting the blame on him. It began to change the scenery for the 18-year old lad, thinking that maybe there was a spark there between them.

Adrian, watching Keran take on the stairs, comically rendered in thought, `trip! Trip!' Though, a skinny lightweight, pitted against a big cub, surely the catch might be more than he bargained for!

Not one to mess with fate, Keran was careful, heeding Jackson's warning.

Making it out back, Adrian had left the engine running, which in this case was not a good thing, "oh no!"

First thing Adrian notices, whereas the golf cart motor was noisier than new, there was silence when they walked out the back door. Even birds chirping were prolly scared away by the horrendous sound. However now, the cart sat, with its roof just about scaling the top of the pool water!

"I'm ruined!"

Kicking off flip-flops, foot apparel Adrian wore everywhere, pulling shirt at the buttons, allowing it to fall to the pavement, he dove in.

Surfacing, back at the side, "looks like I've ruined the bottom of the pool. I'm sure in deep shit now."

"Maybe its not that bad?" Keran tries to calm the 20-year old.

Dramatically, Adrian, who is not all fun and games now, "oh, it's `that bad'. Trust me on this one!"

Because Adrian had stripped and still in the pool, Keran taking his shirt off, more carefully, unbuttoning it, Jackson felt he should do some investigating as well. However, not which this was a time for show'n'tell, he did get an eyeful of Keran's hot chest. For certain Jackson had to be careful, not a place or moment to get a hard-on!

Popping up to the surface, Keran was cheerful at least, but to the point, "uh, yeah. Looks like you're in deep shit, Adrian."

A different side of Adrian they had not seen, has him with his face in both hands. To mask his insecurity, there was no laughter.

More than Keran's hot chest, Jackson suddenly focused on Adrian's grief. A few inches shorter, walking towards the deep end, in Adrian's direction. Not a good swimmer, adequate, Jackson wound up swimming the rest of the way. The only way he could remain buoyant, was latching onto Adrian's belt, dipping two fingers inside the waistline.

"Maybe it's not that bad," Jackson tried to comfort. "You fixed the golf cart. Maybe you can fix the pool!"

"That's true, but first we have to have the cart lifted out of the pool," Keran joins the conversation.

"It's not going to look good for me, especially on my first day," Adrian pouts. With strong character than most people, "still, I've got to get this out. Know any locals with a crane?"

They didn't, but Keran, with all those family connections, "maybe."

Fortunately, he had left his cell phone up on the dresser, or else it could have been soggy to the point of inoperable.

Leaving the other two in the pool, Keran quick-dried off and headed back into the house.

"Y'know," Jackson was so cute, "I have about 75-bucks saved up. I could help you out with paying for repairs to the pool, Adrian?"

Smart guy all around, which people are slowly coming to realize, Adrian says, "I can't take that off your hands. You were saving that for college, Jackson."

Still floating around, two fingers keeping him stable, Jackson gives a few tugs, like giving more meaning to his words, "but right now, you're more important to me, Adrian."

Over the short time Adrian has come to know Jackson, each has been a beacon for the other. It's only since catching him after the bottom-step mishap he's felt something more, "but that's not to say it's really nice of you to offer."

Whether he felt Jackson's digits might have started to become strained, or something else, Adrian feels the urge to fish, reeling his catch in closer.

"It's okay. Jared, he already offered to financially assist any of guys who want to go to college. I even hear that he might set up some online courses for us, so we can still work and study at the same time. Cool, huh?"

"Yeah," Adrian says, but somehow his mind wasn't really tuned in to academics.

The golf cart, there in the middle of the pool, was totally forgotten by both, two dudes too much into themselves to think about it.


Keran comes to pool edge and like he's their for leisure, slaps his wet butt down on the pool apron, feet plunging into the water. Both of the other two have taken notice, Keran having shucked the pants and shirt, stripped down to his tighty-whities.

"I've spoken both to Kelly and my cousin, Brice. Brice says not to worry, that our other cousin, Alec, is friends with the son of the manager at the farm store in town. He can get his hands on a light crane and be here in 30 minutes."

Jackson connected once again with Keran's fox bod, but then, realizing he was standing there, in Adrian's arms, he didn't have to shop elsewhere, other than right in front of him!

It gave Adrian some piece of mind, "that is so good of you to help each other out like that, Keran." He did have a momentary lapse, it being no different than the special relationship with his Uncle Chad. "Um, what did Kelly have to say?"

Hoisting himself up, Keran says, "uh, that's my next call. I have to get back to Kelly, after finding out what my-cousin-Alec had to say. I'll let you know."

Many a time, that's how family introduced their clan, my-cousin' or my-uncle', followed by their given name. Once the firstborn of one of the clan started it, it caught on like wildfire. Then they all were doing it!

"It's not your fault Adrian," Jackson tries to comfort. "The golf cart was old. How were you to know, ya know?"

"No, it was my fault. Y'see, I..."

However, right in mid-sentence, Keran cuts him off, taking the call coming in, taking it out of listening range.

Jackson, with keen insight, which he normally did not have, quips, "must be Kelly."

Immaterial to Adrian, still wrapper up in his woes, but also attuned to Jackson' grip on him, "I really did notice quite a vibration and the possibility of leaving it on, the gears could shimmy this way or that, shift itself into gear all on its own. I should've listened to my own brain."

It's when they got out, got out of their wet clothes, and faced with comparing nudity, "you look," Jackson swallows, "nice, Adrian."

"Right," Adrian says, too caught up in his current problem.

Seeing Adrian too distraught for this kind of conversation, Jackson hands him a towel. Each drape them around their waists.

When Keran comes back, Adrian is right on it, "what did Kelly say? Am I fired?"

Like it was something so remote, Keran says, "you're not fired Adrian."

"I'll pay back every penny to fix the pool. I'll work my fingers to the bone."

Smiling, Keran says, "well, you might have to do more than that, Adrian!"

Looking down between them, not only Adrian's towel was tenting.

"Oh man, it just gets worse!"

Not for Jackson, who smiles, "why not mix a little pleasure with the pain, Adrian? I mean, you seem so upset. You should chill."

"I'll chill when I'm not in so much trouble!"

Truthfully, if Adrian were set in the right frame of mind, the goofy personality he can be, he most likely would have laughed the whole ordeal off, but couldn't forget.

Pretty good judge of character, when his mind is not clouded by sex, Jackson says, "I have the feeling, even though Kelly could have been pissed off, he wasn't."

"Apparently," Keran again smiles, "Kelly has a fondness for Adrian and," shrugs both shoulders, "says accidents happen. He seemed to be more concerned for your welfare Adrian."

"Wow. No one's ever treated me like that," Adrian then thinks, "except Uncle Chad, that is."

Busy in his kitchen chores, Chad does finally make it out back, "Adrian, how you holding up, son?"

Nephew, for long as either of them can remember, they have been more like father and son.

"Okay Uncle Chad. Looks like I won't be losing my job," they embrace, "but I still feel responsible."

Like the mentor he's been for most of Adrian's life, "and who says that's not a bad thing?"

Keran butts in with his two-cents, "Chad is right. Whenever something goes terribly wrong, we learn to face it, be...what is it that Kelly calls it?"

Taking it all in, Jackson adds, "a gladiator."

Chad smiles, seeing Adrian drift from his embrace, over to placing a hand over Jackson's shoulder. A melancholy feeling, it's something he's always wished for his nephew, success at not only life, but love. About time he's departed from a troubled existence!

"Yeah," Adrian faces the music, "that's what I'm going to do," he looks to Uncle Chad, "I'm going to get through this," pausing, "right?"



"That's right," Jackson adds to Keran and Chad's affirmatives.

Walking in on the conversation, having heard the repeated word, Thomas says in a comical tone, "right. Uh, what am I `righting'?"

Chad just gave him a look. By now, the boyfriends could read not only minds, but lips, `I'll tell ya later.'

Whether that `later' ever came, Thomas pay no mind. He just loved the smile Chad gave in. For himself, life was turning out kind of awesome; good man, stability, good sex, to name a few superlatives.

Something only two who have been through much of what life has to offer, Chad says, "I think you've been through much worse things, Adrian. About time someone gave you a break."

Jackson wished it was him on the receiving end of the hug, but could understand, the closeness of Adrian and his uncle.

Keran thought of it as a selfy moment', whereas he didn't think it appropriate to hone in on someone else's business, retaining the photographic event in his mind. If anything, it was sweet.'

In less than 30 minutes, the sound of a truck could be heard right outside the gate by the garage.

Both in agreement, Jackson and Adrian says, "wow," which has them turning to each other and smiling.

Keran, even with Chad, he felt out of place in just briefs, so had grabbed a pool towel. Certainly, he would be getting enough looks. More than half of ten surveyed, loved a man with the front of his bod consumed by `fur'!

It wasn't finding the small crane on top of a flatbed, but the man behind the wheel and his passenger.

Obviously, Keran knew the passenger, walking over and greeting him with a hug, "so good of you to do this for us, Alec."

Over the phone, Keran had hinted, eager to meet Alec's boyfriend...

"This is Rick Fox," Alec smiles, adding, "the IV."

Rick rolls his eyes, smirking and saying, "did you have to?"

Reaching for Keran's hand, Rick says, "I've heard so much about you, Keran."

"All good, I hope?"

Even though Rick has known Alec for only a few months, "I'll leave that for you and your cousin to battle out!"

"All good," Alec assures Keran, giving Rick a swat on the fanny.

Whether Keran saw it or not, Chad notices how much Rick enjoys `that!'

Things moving ahead quickly, they all pitched in, being that the gate and fence needed to be removed in order for the combo backhoe-crane to be set in place near poolside.

It soon became the happening thing of the day, Kenny finding his way there. He congregated around Chad and his boyfriend, Thomas Cahoon. Being that Jared was tied up to the mess hall event, Thomas had the night off from cooking up a feast.

"Too bad they had to take down the fence. Looked brand-spanking new," Thomas says.

"Not me," Kenny says, "I hated that fence. Good riddens!"

Chad, though would never admit it, was swayed by Kenny's good looks, "I agree. Hideous looking thing. I thought of accidentally backing my car into it a number of times," he laughs.

Thomas acted like he wasn't amused, "geesh, I better be on my guard!"

"You?" Chad had a difference of opinion, "trust me, you have nothing to worry about. In my book you're way better than some dumb fence!"

Kenny could see how, in a few days, the two were falling in love. He would not admit it, but was jealous. Both were very cute, loving towards each other. They could joke, give each other a peck on the cheek were earning the rewards of what constituted a relationship.

"That was quick," Chad breaks up their meeting of the minds, seeing the crane lift the cart effortlessly out of the pool. Too, he thought Adrian might need some moral support.

Walking around, from the now fenceless side of the pool, he and Thomas could see Adrian sitting, feet in the water, his spirits still down.

Placing a hand on Thomas' chest, to call his attention away, Chad says, "I think my nephew might need some cheering up, than the crane operator?"

"Oh sure," Thomas is quick to say, turning his attention away from the hoe cockpit.

Call him a bad' uncle, or a good one, whatever another has an idea of how a relationship should go, with Chad, he was very liberal in his views, as how sex and life should go. Not which he was careless or relaxed with standards, but wasn't opposed to more than two together during a one night stand. This sometimes included Adrian, who in the beginning of experiencing something as new and revolting as this, the very idea a couple can invite and maintain relationship with an invited third, was at first repulsed by the idea. Though, what his Uncle Chad found out, Adrian, his love of cock', soon put such notions aside. Caring, there were times he instructed his nephew to `sit this one out.' No qualms about it, Adrian still could view it like a porn vid and with hand wrapped around his stalk, get his rocks off!

One of the quirks he found out about Thomas, even though he's always gone at it one-on-one, was inquisitive about the addition of another. In speaking about it, he had actually got on the defensive, like it was something to mar the good Cahoon name, refusing to take part in any such thing!

Now was Thomas' first introduction, even though not the same as if they were in a bedroom and not at the side of a pool.

Neither did Chad present it that way, telling his boyfriend, "we gotta do something for the poor kid. It's not like he did anything drastically wrong, you know?"

"I know," Thomas knew, but right now hated tearing his eyes away from the backhoe-rigged crane, it's operator,

with the idea of at least removing the cart. In fact, at one time of another he was standing next to Rick. While everyone else's attention was on the emerging golf cart, Thomas had both eyes glued to the sweaty tank its operator wore.

Not missing a trick, Chad chose to speak to Thomas about it later. Might be good fodder for stoking up the sexual embers!

"No. This way," Adrian, without humorous charm, directs the crane, from landing the cart on the opposite side of the pool.

Honestly? Rick thought the best place for the cart would be where his gut told him to drop it. However, he wasn't immune to Adrian's long strand of dirty blond hair, the lithe bod. One or twice he sensed Adrian's sweat in the wind. Surely would've been easier placing it where a vehicle could haul it away, but the voice in his mind told him to go with `the blond,' "whatever you think. You're the boss!"

Alec detected something strange in that proposition, but would catch up with that idea later. Into some pretty kinky stuff, he has found Rick an avid disciple. Already he was succumbing to slowly having his boyfriend's shaft worked, then the torture of unhanding it, blowing some wind over it...if he thought on it any longer, Alec would need to excuse himself to the little boys room. Stuff like that really excited more than his soul!

Rick knew the story of how Adrian gave the old cart a tune up, saying, "you can't be serious about getting that old relic back in shape?"

He didn't know, Adrian saying, "maybe. I'm good with my hands."

Chad turns, whispers in Thomas' ear, "that ain't all he's good at!"

"Really?" Thomas returns, in a scolding tone. "At a time like this? Shame on you!"

"Are you sure about that," Chad says, not taking a word of Thomas' seriously.

Reading him loud and clear, Thomas renders, "any chance I might get to witness that?"

"Way it looks to me," Chad surveys his nephew and `new friend', "either he needs to get singled up, or...well, two and two is a nice combination too!"

The pair had to quit that kind of talk, or else they both might have to make a trip to the small boys' room!

On the sidelines, Jackson had been making sure Adrian was completely absconded of anything which had to do with the golf cart sitting on the bottom of the pool.

Returning to Adrian's side, Jackson puts away that stuff for now, heralding, "Adrian can make anything that's broke, fixed!"

Upon seeing Jackson, with more inclination than being a buddy, Rick jokes, "good with your hands, eh Adrian?"

It could've slipped by as something innocent, but Adrian did pick up on the wink, "I could give you a demonstration, if you like?"

Though, in the short moments they stare at each other, making a connection, Adrian's mouth was watering, wanting to show Rick how his hands were only part of the equation!

Not which he minded much, Rick playing around, Alec Cahoon makes an effort to approach the backhoe-crane, where his boyfriend casually sits, "uh, shouldn't your mind be on your work?"

Crude smile, Rick knew he was being toyed with, "yeah. You're right. Would be my blunder if the cart, crane and me all wound up at the bottom of the pool, eh?"

Rick turns right around, from sexually-charged thoughts, to business, "how about a job at my store, fixing broken down equipment?"

It made Alec smile, when Rick behaved this way, `his store,' though he faced the facts much as the son has, pretty soon his father would be retiring, leaving the business to his only son. Not to mention, Rick good in bed, it would be nice to fill the other pair of partnering shoes, when the old man moves on.

Adrian's mind was still in the gutter, "what's the pay like?"

Rick could only smirk at Adrian's antics, though that hot bod, attached to the long-haired features, he was quite a dish!

"Let's just see what you can do first?"

"Here," Rick is faced with waving fingers, "let me have a try at that. I used to run one of them things, you know, 24 stories up!"

Rick thought the `old man' kind of hot, admired him for his gumption, "okay pops, let's see what you can do!"

Who could blame Kenny, working in the late afternoon heat, stripping his shirt. Somewhere along the line, climbing up into the crane cab, which was not like a piece of machinery which sits atop a city building, Kenny had tore a hole in his pants. He thought. Hearing the tear, it was on the underside of his butt, so he could not view it. Never the mind, he proceeded to expertly turn the crane around, move the cart to where it was situated over the driveway pavement and literally `drop it'!

Some were watching what Kenny was doing. Others were checking out each other.

"Where do you want this?" Kenny was sure to take in the features of Rick's face and more.

"You can leave right there, pops."

Like hell, Kenny wanted to jump out of his seat and taking a Tarzan leap, force himself onto Rick. Pure fantasy, he was stifled by the thought he was already taken. Though, eyes darting from Rick, to Alec, and back, he wondered if maybe they wouldn't mind getting it on with an `old man?'

Funny thing is, Kenny thought he had made some kind of connection, at least by his driving skills, but when Rick turned to walk to Keran, he decided to take a swim!

Underwater, no one would know he was checking the seam of his butt crack for rip currents!

`Oh yeah,' Kenny thought to himself, a finger finding it's way almost to the opening of the back door.

"Playing with yourself, Kenny?"

"Oh shit! You scared the hell outta me, Jackson!"

For awhile Jackson hung around Adrian and discovered all on his own, it wasn't love' he felt, but more a strong friendship. Truly, he didn't really think Adrian had an interest in him. Fickly, his attention returns to the dad' figure.

"You handled that crane really good. Are you as smart about being a...what is that I'm going to be, again?"

Forgetting about the ripped seam, Kenny is drawn over to the side of the pool, those nervous two feet paddling the water.

"Well," he was nervous himself. It's been a long time since he has said even a few words, socially, to an 18-year old kid, "thanks, for saying that about my crane-operating expertise, but about the house manager's job..."

"Yeah, that's what I meant to say. Um, I'll probably need a lot of tips along the way."

It did occur to Kenny, `was he coming onto me?'

"I mean," Jackson slips into the water, "it can't be that easy for someone inexperienced as me. I'm going to need someone to show me the ropes? I mean, I guess what I'm getting at, is there's prolly no one as qualified as you are, right Kenny?"

At this moment, he felt like Jackson should be calling him Uncle Kenny', or even Grandpa Kenny'! Even though he was only 36-years old, his premature gray hair would have any man guessing. Still, a young kid, half his age, Kenny more was with attitude, not what this boy say in him, but what he saw in this kid!

"I think that might be a good idea if I stuck by your side. At least for a couple of days."

Neither thought about the `night'. Not at this mark in time.

"So," Jackson had made up his mind to forgo what Kenny was doing in the water, but now which he's made it this far, "what was it you were trying to do..."

"Oh!" Kenny's mind did return to almost sticking his finger up his butt, "I better retrieve the helmet...almost forgot!"

While making a beeline for the yellow helmet, a cinch to locate against the blue liner, Kenny bought some time, choosing to inspect the bottom of the pool.

Surfacing, Jackson was right there, "how does it look?"

Well, Kenny could have answered that question easily, if Jackson was asking about the condition of his makeshift swimsuit, out of a pair of tight briefs, "you can tell Adrian there's hardly any damage. Nothing a little duct tape can't fix!"

When Adrian got wind of it, he almost dove in the pool, "really? That's great! I could kiss you Kenny!"

Not knowing any better, Jackson's feeling got hurt, which had him questioning the universe, "really?"

Intuition had Kenny assuring the lad, "no, he's joking. Couldn't you tell?"

Everyone else could, Adrian letting out one of his signature howls!

"Oh. Right," Jackson says, still unsure.

Trying to cheer him up, Kenny says, "by the way, the reason it looked like I was trying to finger-fuck myself, got a hole in the butt crack of my jeans!"

With the smirk on Kenny's face, it did provide some cheering up for Jackson.

For a loss of words, "oh. At least you didn't split it, where everyone would notice."

Standing there, in `hugging' distance, Kenny was slowing warming up to the wavy surface, "you'll make that our little secret, won't you?"

"Um," Jackson felt the urge to step forward, only his feet were frozen to the pool liner, "sure. No problem, Kenny."

There it was again, being treated on an equal plane. It made Kenny feel years younger.

For Jackson, it felt like maturing and breaking out of the timid mold. Responding to this older man, he could only have flashbacks to that' one word. Rising above his shy nature, he was slowly becoming a gladiator!'


Copyright 2018 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 17

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