Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Jul 29, 2018


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' 17 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


As luck would have it, for Adrian, there was hardly any damage to the bottom of the pool. Surely, an old rig such as a dilapidated golf cart, could have scratched bottom. Fortunately, in repairing the leisure vehicle, Adrian had polished off the job, with pumping the tires to full capacity. That helped soften the blow, as the cart floated until its compartments filled up with water. Outcome, sitting on the bottom, began when a hole in one of the tires grew larger, setting it off kilter.

Placing a hand on his nephew's shoulder, Chad says, "tough luck one of the tires leaked, son. I think maybe you might have found it still afloat, if it hadn't."

Turning his head towards his uncle, Adrian smiles.

With not the kind of confidence a person is conned into believing, but as close bonds a father and son develop, and where others would flee, under the wing of family, Adrian never let him forget, "there you are again for me, Uncle Chad."

"C'mere," is what followed 99% of the time, Chad beckoning his nephew into the folds of his arms, "you know I would do anything for you, Adrian."

Then, usual banter, Adrian comes back with, "anything, Uncle Chad?"

Slowly, over time, those hackneyed phrases never went out of style. If anyone bothered to ask, depending on the guy, Chad might or might not open up and share what has gone on between him and his nephew. Only once did he cross the lines. Adrian's first year of college, Chad felt sorry for him. The very first week, two days into his freshman semester, it was Chad who picked up on it, his roommate not only a jerk, but a fuckin' homophobe!

Sometimes first impressions are not as they seem to be.

Second day, a Friday night, when Chad got up to the college to visit his nephew, he went to knock on the door, but found escalated conversation, whereas it constituted an argument of sorts, good enough reason to barge in. Call it fatherly instincts, but it had Chad already on Adrian's side, `what the fuck?'

To make a long-long story short-short, day before, the roomies had already put some history behind them. Adrian had found out Michael was from a religious background, where even the mention of the words gay', or homosexual', their mouth would be on a collision course with a bar of soap and a harsh reprimanding!

After calming his uncle, Adrian explained how, the day before, in psychology class, the prof had mentioned how it helped, acting out aggression could help, before it boiled over into full-scale war.

With bursting into the room and keeping Michael's fist from pummeling Adrian, by way of clasping the lad with arms behind his back, Chad called it the way he perceived it, `oh, so you two were only play-acting?'

`Out professor calls it roleplaying.'

As it turns out, Michael had been holding inside his true being, turning a blind eye to keep in the good graces of his family. Due to Adrian coming out to him, it's the first time he's felt such a relief, able to come out to someone else and not feel the backlash.

Initially it's one of the reasons Adrian fell prey to Kelly's charms, after saying that thing about `being a gladiator'. Way before Michael, or Uncle Chad had come into his life, Adrian wanted to stand up, become a warrior, one who had enough stamina to stand on two feet and be counted in the numbers.

That night, two years ago, instead of taking one son' out to celebrate college life, Chad foot the bill for three at the pub. He should have seen the signs, Adrian having to drive back to the dorm for him, but there's a reason why they call it happy hour' and Chad was feeling it, more likely than the freshmen!

Same Friday night, Adrian felt obliged not to allow his uncle drive home. Fortunately for them, a new security guard, Pete, was on his first week of duties and with a weakness for hot guys, put Chad up at his pad. His mistake was allowing Chad to walk his nephew up to the room, to make sure he got there. Pete felt it his duty, so as not to leave himself wide open for ridicule, allowing a person who shouldn't be there after hours, to roam the building, accompanied them.

Pete hadn't been drinking, but felt under the influence, when Chad joked, falling on one of the boys' bunks, saying, `wake me in the morning!'

Come to find out, the shy farmboy from Oklahoma wasn't as religious as he made out to be, pulling a bottle of whiskey from his luggage. In no time Pete had caught up to them.

Regardless, neither of the quad could recall much when Saturday morning rolled around.

In Pete's termination report, of a job short-lived, the security guard coming to relieve him, out of the kindness of his heart, did not put in the report anything other than `falling asleep on the job.' He neglected to report the truth, finding all four naked. Whereas Adrian was in his bunk, Chad was on his side on the floor, hugging with a pillow under his head, soiled pubes still showing a glistening cock, wet from either saliva or spunk. Being that spit would dry quicker, it was thought, the latter!

However, the real infraction lay with Pete and Michael, the two cuddled up in a spooning fashion. With the lights thrown on, Pete recognizing his subordinate, he nearly dumped Michael out of bed, if it weren't for hugging him, Michael's ass to his shaft.

Even though Chad claimed it was all his fault, Pete's head officer had no choice but to not let the incident go by without repercussions, if it should ever get out. Helped, Chad's blow job, to get Adrian off the hook and in essence, have a false report filed.

Foremost incident in their minds, Adrian hasn't forgotten that Friday night, two years ago, "remember when we?"

"Yeah," Chad says, hugging his nephew, "probably will never forget it!"

Chad had hoped for a quiet weekend, after Saturday morning, his mouth working over time. He really earned the bailing out of Adrian, his roomie and Pete. Fortunately though, rather than not, Pete's superior, Joe, this big hairy Italian-boxer-type of a man, had taken a liking to Chad, or rather his tonguing techniques, which in the long run at least kept Adrian matriculated.

Pete found another job and called it destiny, or how else would he be able to date Michael, if he hadn't been distanced from employment at the college?

One hug leads to thoughts, which Adrian and his uncle often thought about, "I wonder what Michael and Peter are up to at this moment?"

What Adrian really meant, as he and his uncle hugged.

"Yeah, I wonder."

What really mattered though, was not about Michael and Peter, but themselves, under the heartfelt spell of togetherness.

Until Thomas happens by, "hey you two, wanna break it up? People are getting suspicious!"

Since Thomas felt he's known Chad like they have been a couple for years, and since Adrian's back was to him, had no qualms about reinforcing that statement with a swat to the fanny.

That wild giggle prevails, Adrian saying, "can I have 10 more please, sir?"

Knowing Adrian dabbled in that s&m stuff, Uncle Chad follows with a jovial, "you mean, `may I'?"

Adrian, closed up in the cavern of both men's bods, has to turn his neck to address the man at his rear, "may I have 25 more please, sir?"

Seriously, Thomas says, "I thought you said 10?"

Thomas Cahoon, who has been lurking on the sidelines, was supposed to be paying attention to Keran, negotiating fees for the handling of yanking the golf cart out of the pool. Not which he had anything to do with bookkeeping, it just happens, falling into a group whereas no one really cares about the topic, keeping conversation going. But to discover your boyfriend hugging some another guy?

First time Chad heres this out of the mouth of his boyfriend, "I've dabbled in the art," he means bondage, discipline and other fun stuff.


At this point it seemed like what happened between Chad and his nephew was immaterial.

"Oh, I didn't mention that?" Thomas knew he hadn't!

"No," Chad unleashes his grip on his nephew, walking to the side, right around him, "and when did you think you were gonna?"

Slight frown, not the kind which meant Thomas was unhappy, "whenever it came up."

Adrian, noticing his uncle losing focus, excuses himself, "uh, I think I'll see what Jackson is up to."

Walking away from his uncle and his lover, Adrian turns to everyone within their own niche, himself as `odd man out.'

Kenny and Jackson, they had disappeared back into the house.

Even Kelly, showing up at the back gate, had cut Keran off, so they were together.

Small talk at the edge of the pool had singled that group out.

A huddle of butts standing on the side, was engaged in toasting each other, with `bottoms up.'

Hearing the top to the grill clank shut realizes Thomas and his uncle had migrated over there, checking out burnt wienies.

People-watching can be interesting, especially when attention is drawn from persons to persons. Assessing the situation, Adrian could fill in a database of how he perceived the goings on about him. Other than Kelly and excluding his uncle, of the others Adrian didn't know much about.

For certain though, Keran's cousin, Alec and his boyfriend, he didn't need to know many facts, other than what it was that was making him `drool!'

Then, in through the back gate, where Kelly had made entrance, walks this dude, like how it happens in the first moments of what makes up the beginnings of a beautiful dream. His reaction, "wow!"

Then, watching him take in a panoramic view, "looks lost," Adrian giggles, "maybe I should offer to help him out!"

Funny thing is, Adrian suddenly gets the feeling he's being `stalked'.

Being this dude has entered into the confines of community, not which Adrian wouldn't feel free to introduce himself, does the same for a stranger, "hey, Adrian's the name. What's up? Lookin' for someone in particular?"

Naturally, any gay man, walking in on a scene where hardly anyone bothered to pick up a towel and drape it around their waist, it could be a harrowing experience, trying to keep their own loins from expressing oneself.

Odd man at the pool, the only one fully clothed, taking Adrian's greeting hand, it was no secret he had an interest, "Gregg Fox. I'm here to tidy up some details for my brother?"

Even though the dude is unlike the rest, fully covered up with threads, to Adrian he still looks kind of...

Neither were paying much attention, after locking eyes and coupling hands in a cordial greeting, to notice three guys breaking off from the crowd and approaching.

"Hey, bro, glad you could make it," Rick, unashamed at having stripped down bare, approaches Gregg, giving him a bro-hug.

Feeling strange, with a naked hug, even though it wasn't anything unusual, other than a shirt and pants standing between them, "uh...hi."

In the meantime, Kelly says, "Adrian, I want you to know I'm not mad at you, okay?"

Greeted with the biggest hug he's ever gotten, at least thought that way, Adrian peers over Kelly's left shoulder and locks eyes, not with his intended, but his Uncle Chad.

All he can do is project a melancholy sigh, smile, thinking his uncle has yet indeed, gotten him out of another jam.

"Your Uncle Chad has explained everything to me."

"Really?" Adrian peers into Kelly's face. Then the cheeriness returns, "what exactly did he tell you?"

Then Kelly, with Adrian under his wing, leads him over to others, "your uncle has a sneaky suspicion there could have been a flaw in the pool."

"Really?" one of the things Adrian feels good about.

Other thing, is his mystery man, of why Gregg is there.

Though, it's Rick who speaks for him, "yeah, reason I brought Gregg here. When it comes to pools..."

Sensitive, with complicated reasons as to why, even if it were his brother Rick and not someone distant, Gregg felt a tingling in his loins whenever a person put a hand to his stomach.

Rick's hand affirms, "Gregg is our genius-man here. He can check it out for you right now."

That's one thing Alec Carnes thought was cool about Rick. He didn't dillydally around, getting right to the point. Of course, knowing some background helped, which is why he had partial opinion in bringing Gregg out from the store, to the pool, while Adrian was there and in `full exposure'!

Adrian is more than ecstatic to learn `Gregg' is Rick Fox's younger brother.

Away at college, Gregg had it in mind to strike out on his own, develop his own family legacy. Not only with it in mind to set up a hardware shop, he was shopping for the right man to settle down with. Only, things didn't pan out the way Gregg had pictured it. Under fire from two fronts, after equipping his store with construction and farm equipment, a large-chain hardware superstore opened nearby. He also found a man, moved in with him, but shortly after found out the boyfriend only looking for half of the rent and a partner to share in multiple sex orgies.

Not wanting to admit to his brother, defeat, Gregg dissolved both business and relationship, going to work for a company which sold in-ground pools and service contracts for maintenance.

One wealthy client, married, was not only looking to have a pool sunk in the backyard of his estate was sold on the `after-care', with stipulation Gregg attended to the pool cleaning personally.

The client turned out to be a genuinely nice guy and in addition to sexual favor, the tips were great, which helped Gregg to bail himself out of the negative financial situation bankruptcy he was in.

There were some things Gregg wasn't sure he was keen on doing, with `Mark', but already sucked into those $100 tips, long as it didn't feel like he was being taken advantage of, in a bad way, he didn't mind his own plumbing being kept up and running.

Mark had a secret room, which apparently his wife, who was hardly at home as it is, didn't know existed. At first Gregg, was astonished to learn the same company he worked for, was in the business of constructing underground rooms such as this, equipped with strange `furniture'. He was a little pissed of his boss going behind his back and handling the carving out of the foundation, rebuilding the underground cavern and installing all of what he now laid eyes on, but Gregg didn't get too bent out of shape, when Mark handed him an envelope.

`Your usual fee, plus some?' Mark smiled, right after they entered through a heavy metal door.

Well, Gregg had no clue as to what his fee was, for something not related to pool construction and the `plus some,' from the envelope he pulled out a check for 10-grand! Wide-eyed, staring at the check, he didn't take notice of Mark stripping out of his business suit.

Call it a fetish of sorts, every time Gregg came to the estate, for business or pleasure, Mark was dressed to the tee in an $800 business suit, complete with $250 starched white shirt, $125 neck tie, Italian shoes and black socks. At first it was just stripping Mark out of his clothes, saving his own striptease for when Mark was in bed, propped up on pillows.

From the first, Gregg had thought he would be the object of Mark's direction, but learned, whereas his client might have been at the top of the totem pole in business, when at home he was under-shoe, of the lowest life form.

Over time, it was the bottom' leading the top', Gregg learning his place, which was to rule over Mark. Soon though, with the volume of tips he received, Gregg caught on quick and didn't feel out of place entering his client's home and dishing out orders.

First time, Gregg almost couldn't keep his cool, wanting to burst out laughing, at the fact he was behaving in such an outlandish way. Second and third time though, he started getting more than a kick out of being `master-of-the-mansion'.

He thought it a shame, money-wise, to first tear Mark's starchy shirt down the middle and make him strip it, when he could have very well unbuttoned it. But that's how Mark wanted it done and Gregg, after going through a third shirt, admitted it started to get his nads pumping. Not only the expensive shirts, but tying Mark to the bed with 4 of those silk ties?

But the day Mark felt comfortable Gregg wouldn't go blabbing on social media about the big room under the foundation of the mansion, that got him to thinking how Mark had masterminded such a deception, to bring him to this point. By this time though, Gregg was rather enjoying playing fantasy role games with Mark, who was ten years older than himself. It's like the playmate Gregg never had. Plus the fact he thought of Mark as being more gay', than heterosexual. Not even bi', because he never met the missus. He wondered if there ever was a woman in Mark's life, or was it another one of his fantasies?

Regardless, that day Gregg first lay eyes on the underground room, he entered a new level, beyond tying Mark to the bed with silk ties and getting fucked over and over. Originally, Mark had some dildos and buttplugs in the side drawer of the night table, but when he felt Mark inside him, said they didn't need to work with `artificial' means of torturing his asshole!

Gregg knew, from the moment he was aware of being gay, his shaft was bigger than other boys his age. Officially realizing the implications, of liking other boys, which happened in his late teens, he wondered what two boys do together, which was contrary to that of two of different sexes? Leave it to having a brother, who felt the same as he did, to fill in the blanks.

Without knowledge of how other gay bro get along, Gregg just went with whatever his brother-Rick, mentored him. It's one of the ways Gregg learned that his cock was bigger than most his age, by Rick not only with the visual, but how it stretched his chute, when driven in. Gregg had to confess, if it hadn't been for Rick's tutoring, he would not be the hard-fucker he is today!

In college, Gregg didn't think he was that' type of a guy, his way of thinking, more introverted than anything. However, the way his buddies perceived him to be, around the dorm, at the gym, in between classes, after hours activities, made Gregg feel like he was king of the campus'. If it wasn't for Rick, he might have been led on it being his personality, not having a clue his ten-inch, thick shaft was his ticket to being `Mr. Personality' on college grounds.

So, with Mark, to go from some innocent tying to the bed with silk ties, to ropes and chains of a dungeon, nothing really surprised Gregg to much anymore. Except, when Mark started inviting others to join in on their playing.

Would have been sweet for the charade to keep going on and on, but unfortunately Mark's company became the focus of a federal investigation. Last time he saw Mark was not at the estate, but in the local park. He could see Mark was stressed, but unlike being tied naked, eagle-spread and other guys lowering his ass onto a primed shaft, while flogging clips off his nips.Truly saddened, Mark handed him an envelope, apologizing for it's bulk, saying it was safer he gave Gregg his tip in bills, rather than a check.

With meeting Adrian, Gregg immediately smiled, seeing something more in him than being merely friends.

"So, you used to work with pools?"

"Side job, while at college," Gregg smiles, wondering when Adrian was going to reveal his true self.

"Me?" Adrian giggles. "I never cleaned one, except netting some leafs off the surface. More, I swam in them."

Gregg did glare up a smile at Adrian. After all, he wasn't only into the stuff he and Mark were into, hoping someday there could be the `other side' of wanting to be with someone, in his future.

"How about you, are you a good swimmer?"

"I did a little swim team sport," Gregg removes one boot, the other and then proceeds to removes socks. "Never won any awards, if that's what you're asking?"

Gregg was beating around the bush. Actually, he was a member of the swim team, but didn't do much in way of collegiate competition. It looked good on his college transcript, even though he was mainly kept on to widen the horizons of them swim-boys...and coaches!

"Nah," Adrian took to plopping his ass down on the lounge next to Gregg. "Geesh, that would be something, `cause in my whole life I've never won any awards."

Though, in college, Adrian came in first, most cocks sucked, most man-juice swallowed. No medals, nor gold statues were awarded, just notoriety of being the best cocksucker on campus. He didn't want to scare Gregg off with talk like that!

Placing hands on knees, Gregg pushes himself to standing. Going to the belt buckle of his pants, "well, I better stop my dawdling, before the boss gets on my case."

"Why?" Adrian, out of not knowing, questions, "who's your boss?"

"Rick. My brother. Best boss a guy could ever want!"

When they were high schoolers, Rick had the upper hand, but since Gregg has been home, there's been a bolder approach to brotherhood.

"I know what you mean. Even though Uncle Chad isn't a brother, if I stayed working for Kelly, at the house, I know he'd be the best boss a guy could have."

"Where is it you do work?"

It was a big distraction, Gregg unbuckling, removing the belt like he was going to park it in the closet for the night, unzipping pants, lowering them over his butt. It almost made Adrian forget the question!

"Work? Well, I never really had a job here. Instead, Rick asked me to come work for him, fixin' stuff. But oh, I guess that means I'd be working for you too?"

"Not really. I started with nothing and still have nothing, even though Gregg says I won't ever have to go hungry or sleep out on the street. It's complicated."

Adrian knew there were many voids in Gregg's story. But he wasn't without some secrets of his own.

Feeling safe to do so, he opened up, "I know about complications. It took a while for Uncle Chad to figure me out, when I came to live with him."

"You didn't live with your folks?"

"Like you say," Adrian didn't think a 5 minute explanation would cover it, "it's complicated. Maybe sometime I'll get to explain it to you."

Not which every time Gregg went out to service a pool, did he thumb the elastic of his briefs, but now, with only men around, "um, you think they would mind?"

With some humor, followed by a grin, Adrian responds, "I wouldn't mind!"

Adrian's no dumb bunny. One of his key attention-getters is when a man takes his pants down. Some times he gets lucky and a guy wearing no briefs, but other times his mouth can get all watery, tracing the fabric lines, eyeing up inches upon inches of stretched material.

"No. No. No. No one would mind. Guys skinny dip here all the time."

It's been ages since he's pulled a prank on a dude, Gregg wanting like hell to rip the towel from Adrian's waistline. He remembers doing that to one of Mark's friends at a private pool party.

"Well, since you're working for me, I think you should help me examine the pool."

"Whatever I can do for you?"

The way his cock was pulsing, partially based on his weakness for blond guys. A hot, blond swimmer is what got him onto the swim team in college. Though, Gregg figures it, Adrian is way ahead of the game.

About to say something which could no doubt have Adrian on his knees, Gregg reverses his thinking, "just be in the pool with me for back up?"

Bold in his thinking, Gregg chickens out when it comes to stripping down his briefs. He had thumbs all in place, but instead walks to the edge of the pool.

"Did you know you forgot to take your shirt off?"

"Uh yeah," Gregg chose the best reason he could come up with, "I've gotta watch out that my shoulders don't get burned."

It cast Adrian's face to the sky, peering at the late, late afternoon sun, "what sun?"

Like brothers watch out for brothers and others, Rick, who had one ear to their conversation, comes over and changes up the subject, placing a hand on Adrian's shoulder, "oh good, you're going to help Gregg?"

Gregg smiles at his brother, a `thank you' communicated in silence. Actually, they had a plan, when time for Gregg to strip off his shirt. There were things which he didn't want the world to see, yet going to a psychiatrist, he's become bolder about not caring what other people think.

Back in that park with Mark, if only either knew they weren't being watched by a certain detective, it might have been a clear getaway for both. Coerced into the park rest room, not only did Gregg lose the envelope with the cash, but his cherry, pummeled by the detective, while planted in Mark's ass. It started out with Mark bent over, holding onto sink faucets, and when the detective's eyes just about popped out of the sockets, seeing what Gregg was packin', he had to see what that cannon could do! Though that ass-pumping was doing wonders for his own libido, the detective had to make it more than that. Using Gregg's own belt, the detective gave his back a thrashing, then proceeded to bring up the rear-bang, with his own tool. Though his back stung from the whiplash of his own belt, Gregg could take it in stride, being all the weirdness he had experienced. The greatest loss was the blow to his financial state, though fortunate he was never implicated in any of Mark's financial ruin.

After that whole ordeal, coming `home' to family, Gregg had decided to leave all that kinky stuff behind. With Rick speaking to Adrian, it's a distraction, Gregg able to peel off his shirt and jump into the water.

"Oh, I guess Gregg isn't waiting for you," Rick says to Adrian.

Adrian thought it kind of fishy, but let it go, "yeah, right."

Certainly glad he had waited to it gave Gregg a chance to watch his brother and Adrian chatting. Though, in his opinion, he should have pulled the towel from Adrian's waist, being Gregg caught himself biting a lip, wondering the impact behind the coverup. Then, finally when it did come, Gregg sneezing, made him lose focus on what was between Adrian's legs, as he dove in the pool!

"Told ya no one would care," Adrian giggles, after having swam half the distance to Gregg.

"Care, about what?"

Swimming right up to Gregg, "skinny-dipping?"

"Uh sure. Yeah. Right."

Adrian, within spitting distance of Gregg, asks, "Ready?"

Mind a total blank, "for?" Gregg questions.

"Check out the bottom of the pool?"

Adrian was about to giggle, knowing Gregg probably would've more like to check him out, sub-surface!

"Sure. That's why we're here, right?"

Adrian gobbles up air first and dives under, Gregg following.

They head to the bottom, both scan it and then Adrian gives the thumb up.

Surfacing, Adrian says, "couldn't see a thing. What about you?"

Not wanting to say that the pool bottom was at his scrutiny, nor what was between Adrian's legs, "me neither. I guess you're in the clear."

However, it's big brother Rick who points out, "uh, guys. The golf cart was in `this' end of the pool?"

Others with Rick look upon this as comedy in the making, laughing about it, with implications of it not being the reason Adrian and Gregg descended to the depths of the pool.

Saying to Gregg, Adrian is all giddy, "I didn't know. Did you?"

Having worked around pools, Gregg says, "that's the one deceptive thing about pools. From the surface you really can't tell if you're looking into the deep end, or shallow."

His own take on it, Adrian says, "or maybe we need to pay more attention to what we're doing?"

It was the first time Gregg heard `the blond' cackle out loud, which had him smiling. Not only the blond hair, which turned darker on Adrian's wet chest, but the whole thing about him, Gregg was digging what he felt inside.

"Or," Gregg's hand swam through the water, touching fingertips to Adrian's side, "like the current, go with the flow?"

In turn, by sight and sound, hearing that sinister sound, coupled with the touch from a stranger, warms up to Gregg, "I'd give anything right now, to know what's going through your head?"


It sure got Gregg to thinking, of how he wound literally have Mark in a bind, tied to four corners with silken cuffs, begging not to be left at almost the point of no return, when having his hard shaft massaged. It's when a man can feel the goo bubbling up the lava tube, but without that hand intervention, show great great disappointment at the fuel being taken away.

"Oh, the things I could do to you!"

Whereas it could spell horror for one person, Adrian was eating it up, "I have a feeling we could get into some kinky stuff, if you're up for it?"

The problem with Adrian, in the past, before he even developed this close bond with his Uncle Chad, his hankering to get the plumbing going at full speed, often wound up getting him into trouble. Like the time, he and another dude broke away from the college graduation after-party and decided to celebrate on their own. Luke, the son of a preacher man, stole one of his father's cloaks out of the closet. Dressed up like a priest, they roleplay `sinner and saint', in the unfinished part of the church basement.

Take it, Adrian had no qualms about being the one repenting. For some time now his gaydar has had a strong suggestion of Luke being gay. That night, Adrian would get more than he bargained for. Not reluctant to strip out of his clothes, he was a little reluctant about being tied, arms stretched out, between two wooden beams. Though, also Adrian's problem, like other men have, the throbbing of ones balls make him surrender to almost anything, to find release.

So, here he was, stripped, bound for another man's pleasing, but assured he was about to get some immense pleasure as well.

At least Luke was upfront about it, telling Adrian he was one of God's emissaries, sent down from heaven, to help men repent of their sins, before getting to the pearly gates.

Jovial sinner Adrian was, his reply was, `repent me then, Brother Luke!'

Apparently, Luke had not only done his online research of sadism and masochism, but what made a man tick, what could get them ticked off!' After binding Adrian between the columns, he did caution, if there's anything you don't want done, just holler out, `mercy, brother', and I'll stop.'

Adrian was cool with that. What he wasn't sure about, as Luke was reading him his rights, same time he set a wooden chest on a table, opened the lid and began taking stuff out. And...maybe he wasn't the only one, who all year long had been stalking the preacher man's son.

Not when Luke, who holds up these pairs of clips, attached by a metal chain, says, I have a feeling you're going to be confessing rather quickly, with these,' he referred to Adrian as sinner-man'.

First time having laid eyes upon such apparatus, there being 2 of a few areas of the bod, Adrian sure hoped it wasn't the most sensitive parts! Though, much as he should have been in mortal fear, it exhilarated Adrian, to think of those most sensitive areas, nips or balls mauled by those menacing metal jaws.

It did gnaw at Adrian to know, uh, you have done this before, right? Like, I'm not your first,' he caves in to the calling, sinner-man?'

Not his first, second or third. Come to find out, Luke has terrorized many sinners, both on campus and off, which in a way, made Adrian glad Luke knew what he was doing!

It was an amazing experience and even though Adrian didn't dare phone home and ask for help, he was fortunate to have his Uncle Chad. Though, neither him nor his uncle had ever spoken a word about bdsm or roleplaying, he went about caring for Adrian as if he was suffering from a cold and not some college boys' fantasy results. Then it wasn't funny, but now Uncle Chad can joke about Adrian's nips, that if he doesn't mind his p's and q's, he'll get out the nip clamps and work his nips till they're perky and puffed up!

Well, for one thing, much as Adrian wanted to share any of that info with Gregg, he didn't want to scare him away. Except, upon hearing him casually throw around the phrase, `things he would do to him,' it didn't hurt to throw in a little hint of his own, "bring it on...bring it on!"

Neither had made mention of this relationship continuing on, after the barbecue, Gregg saying like a birthday wish, "hmm, there might be hope for us after all!"

So, they got out of the pool and instead of going their separate ways, went back to where Gregg had stashed his clothes.

Adrian, with a big hope in his heart, hands a towel to Gregg, "I hope you're not on the clock for the rest of the night?"

One of the things about Gregg, which they both seem to have overlooked, before getting entwined with each other, "are you sure you want to get mixed up with an older man?"

"Really?" Adrian truthfully hadn't noticed, until right this very moment, "like, how old of an older man are you?"

"Twenty-nine," Gregg let it settle, but adds, "too old of an older man?"

"Nope," Adrian replies, drying off, then using the soggy towel to wrap around.

From experience, Gregg, who has dove into a relationship or two, only to have to bail out after the other half didn't cater to extracurricular activities, "but you should know, I like some way out stuff that might throw you?"

Right then and there, even though nothing touched him, Adrian was feeling the stinging of the clips, but also the throbbing under his towel, "try me, why doncha?"

Liking that smile, Gregg went into overdrive, "not which I'm one-sided about things. I can be versatile?"

Adrian didn't care about versatility, "are you kidding? When it comes to what you want, I'll take all the attention I can get!"

The sun was quickly fading on the pool scene. With it, the auto pool lights came on. Oblivious to the dwindling crowd, Adrian and Gregg's toweled waists moved closer together.

Throughout all of this, Kelly was all eyes and ears. Even though he had come back to Keran with gripes, of Jared deciding to take that trip to Ireland with Callum, for a month no less, his eyes were taking in the sight.

"Isn't that sweet?"

Key to what was blossoming and blooming, Keran says, "yeah. Just like us," he sneaks up behind Kelly, rounding the waist with both arms.

Over Kelly's shoulder, his lips touch to skin, planting a delicate kiss.

"Getting affectionate, are we?" Kelly's bad mood began to soften.

Keran gave all kinds of reasons of why Kelly shouldn't fret so, but it was one really big one, "well, just think. If anything goes wrong, you have me to blame," he kisses up from Kelly's shoulder to base of the neck.

"Do you always blame yourself when you get romantic like this?" Kelly giggles.

Really, in the warmed early evening hours, he was shivering from all the attention.

Not which Keran was curious, as to the what looked like a budding relationship, but was digging his own, "you should go over and invite them to stay for the barbecue."

Smiling at Keran, Kelly says, "you trying to get rid of me?"

"Nope," Keran replies, taking Kelly's hand, "c'mon. We'll go together."

It was something Kelly was liking, not only Keran taking the initiative to make something more of their relationship than a business one, he seemed to have all the answers, especially where it came to him feeling daunted by his brother cutting out on him.

"Hey, you two," Kelly calls their attention, Keran joining in on the invite, "we were wondering if you'd like to stay for barbecue?"

They had noticed Adrian's uncle speaking to him, but didn't know they had already been invited.

However, it's Gregg taking the upper hand, "we'd love to, thank you."

"Done, then," Keran says with decisiveness.

With a dead of silence, like nothing else of curiosity between them, Kelly breaks the ice, "uh, how about a swim?"

"We just got out," Adrian says.

Tucking a few fingers in Adrian's toweled waist, Gregg gives a pull, "but the water felt so good, we wouldn't mind going again!"

Adrian was loving it before, Gregg kissing him, feeling him up through the towel, commenting on how much fun they could have together, but now in command moment, making him go swimming, well he was kind of flush with emotion when the towel unwound around him, almost hanging on the hook of his engorged shaft!

"I wonder how that happened?"

Now which the joke wasn't funny, but Adrian's cackling laughter made it more than what it was!

It showed, how far the other couple had come, Keran remarking, "oh, now doesn't that look yummy!"

Kelly, not really angered over it, swats Keran in the belly, saying, "there's plenty on the grill, Keran!"

They took their swim. They played games, chicken fights, Adrian's shaft mashed against the back of Gregg's neck, Kelly's hanging to one side of Keran, left ear. Purposely, Keran threw the fights, launching Kelly off his shoulders, cupping hands under his feet.

Each time Kelly surfaced, he would say, "oh, tough luck!"

"That's okay," Kelly knew it, "we'll get'em next time."

With the pool illuminated from within, Kelly's request to check the bottom, they all swam down and gathered around where Adrian thought the cart had landed. He was happy they couldn't find the exact spot, which meant there was no real damage.

Surfacing, they were joined by others who didn't allow the disappearing sun to take them with it.

"Bro, you stayed," Gregg says.

"I have to make sure you stay out of trouble, don't I?"

It seemed to Kelly, there was a lot of that happening, brothers bailing brothers out of trouble, or troubling situations they have had no control over.

He thinks back to John and Ryan, and in thinking over who else, is reminded, when Carlos walks in the back gate, accompanied by this tower of hotness!

Kenny is right on it, "who the hell is this hot man?"

Kelly, knowing Kenny talks about mister tall, dark and well-endowed, chooses the dude next to him, "don't tell me you don't recognize Mike Ewing, the estate medical expert?"

Nudging Kelly, underwater, in the rib, Kenny turns his attention, "of course I know who Mike Ewing is. What I mean is..."

"Teyo," Kelly names the incredible hunk, "Carlos' older bro. Happy?"

Smiling, giddy as a college boy and not some 36-year old, "of course I'm happy."

Though, Kelly, thinking Kenny's attention would have refocused on the approaching he-man, says to the stare back at him, "what?"

"You know," Kenny hesitates.

"Do I know what?"

"One time your father confided in me, this was when you were still in high school, that he was worried about you?"

It's then, morphing from a happy-go-lucky attitude, thinking about Teyo, to the fatherly figure of home life, "worried? About me? Well, he certainly had a strange way of showing it."

"Okay," Kenny's arm found it's way around Kelly's shoulder, causing them to fall into a bro-hug, "before all this gay shit came out, you know your father really cared in a way that, he wanted me to physically check up on you while you were in high school and at college. He was concerned about your welfare as you broke away from the nest."

Kelly was still pissed over what followed, after coming out to his father, but somehow much of that anger was filtered away by Kenny's touch, both physically and vocally, "I wish he could have been as understanding as you."

"Trust me, Jared's not the only one who feels guilty over the reprimanding you took. If I was man enough too, I should have come out too."

What they were reflecting on in the pool seemed to blot out the rest of the world for the moment.

Keran, Adrian and Gregg had left the pool to go meet the new hunk on the block, while Kelly and Kenny stay and stirred up old memories.

"You needn't go there Kenny."

"Right," Kenny agrees, "maybe it's best to leave what could have been, buried in the past."

They both needed bailing out, especially since they had slowly water-stepped closer together. So close, their nips were about to touch.

Seeing an immediate need to change the subject, Kelly picks out of the blue, "so, you think Jackson's going to be able to pull off this house manager position?"

Rolling eyes back and forth, lips a wishy-washy look to them, it did the trick to throw off the intimate moment approaching, "probably one of my worst ideas, that, if I didn't make an immediate change, I'd be putting myself down for!"

It made Kelly smile. Kenny could be like that, comedy in the face of turmoil.

"I guess it's back to laundry duty?"

"Nah. Jackson, he's better than dirty socks and underwear." A thorough believer in something not happening without an outcome, Kenny says, "you know, with increase of volume of business, Gavin's been hinting for more help on the cutting floor?"

It was up for Kelly's opinion, "no pun intended, but do you think he can cut it, Kenny?"

Kenny did get a laugh out of it, "no less than if I put your paper-doll-cutting skills to work?"

Kelly's jaw dropped open, "how did you hear about that?"

"Lad, there's not much your father did not confide in me about. I swear he kept me on to fill my ears with whatever bugged him about family life!"

"So," Kelly sweetly asks, "he was really pissed about them?"

"Yeah, well one thing, I suspect you were not really a good artist?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Your father never let on, but I bet he thought you were cutting out girls and boys and not just boys?"

"Uh!" Kelly says in a faint whisper, "I never thought of that!"

"Lucky you, neither did he!"

They both had a good laugh off of that one, but then settling down, it dawns on Kelly, "by the way, you didn't just happen by for a dip in the pool and wieners, Kenny?"

"No, but from the eye candy around here, if I hadn't, I'd be missing...oh wow!"

Turning around, Kelly was just in time to watch Teyo take down his briefs, a huge shaft, still in a flaccid state, bounce up and down, landing on a hefty set of balls!

"Wow is right! I hope he didn't damage anything!"

Around the pool, each were adding their own comments, Thomas and Chad at the barbecue, Keran, Adrian and Gregg, whom had just met Teyo, settling around a circular table with plates of food, then Rick and Alec, more into necking on a beach towel, than woofing down buns and beans.

"Hey," Kelly notices, "where'd Carlos go?"

"Who knows," Kenny, eyes still on Teyo stripping off the tee, after stepping out of his briefs, "who cares."

All Kelly could do is shake his head, saying, "men!"

"Yeah, I know," Kenny says, turning his attention back to Kelly, "only it's too late for stuff like that."

Suddenly, what seemed like frivolous play, turned serious, Kelly detecting something amiss, "like, what's that supposed to mean?"

Kenny, closing up the gap between them, not for any intimate means, lowers his voice, "no one knows this and I hope you'll keep it in strict confidence, but...I've got cancer."

"What? Cancer?" Kelly throws a hand over his own mouth, but releases his lips, "Kenny, I'm so, so sorry," he laments in softer tones. Having a mental breakthrough, he recovers quickly, "how bad is it?"

"Doc says I caught it in time, but just the same, not going to get myself anymore tangled up in company business, nor a relationship, until I know a little more."

"Does Jared know?"

"No. You're the first I've told. No sense him knowing now. Though, I guess he shouldn't be the last to know?"

Kelly could tell, polite way of Kenny asking him to be the one to inform his brother and without hesitation, "consider it done."

Confused, Kenny says, "informing Jared? Oh no. I prefer doing that myself. I was just making it a point he should be told, but because of the developing circumstances, maybe it should wait until he gets back."

"Whatever you want to do." Still shocked, "if there's anything I can do for you, Kenny?"

Taking a swim, like a whale on his last journey out to sea, Kenny leaves Kelly with, "tell Chad to save me a couple of wieners?"

Strangely, with the sudden news, Kelly felt a stronger bond with Kenny. Maybe it was because he knew cancer was nothing to fool with, that it was also not a pleasant thing to be treated for. Kenny has beautiful, silver gray hair and he couldn't picture him going bald. Though, probably it was going to be worse for Kenny, Kelly makes up his mind, to do what he could to help.

"Why the long face?" Keran asks, as he approaches Kelly, slipping his butt down onto the side of the pool, feet in the water.

Lifting himself out, Kelly meets him on the side, "wow, I'm just stunned. That's all."


He promised Kenny, but Kelly didn't feel like it had to be a secret with the man he was slowly liking more and more, "Kenny. He just told me he has cancer."

Sure enough, that camaraderie they had built up, even though in such short time, show Kelly something was there, Keran placing both hands around shoulders, makes great effort to cuddle, coddle, soothe, smooth out the soreness of sad emotion.

"You don't know how bad it makes me feel, seeing you like this."

He felt very warm. Not only the heat one feels when bods touch, but a real feeling of love, "thanks, Keran."

On the rebound, from one end of the pool to the other, Kenny stops right in front of the two, "you told him, didn't you?"

"Um. I. Uh," Kelly stutters, "yeah. I couldn't help it. Sorry."

Not which Keran had a vain bone in his bod, except perhaps the pride he had in keeping his treasure trail trimmed up, "can you blame him, Kenny?"

Swimming on his back, Kenny's cock points towards the evening sky. Knowing he could trust Kelly, he also knows, when in a relationship, you don't keep stuff from your man, which is why he questions no further.

"Yeah, uh, okay. You can get back to what you were doing," he flips over and swims away.

Answering Kenny, much like he would spoof his uncle, Keran says, "thanks, dad!"

Kelly says, "I guess that means he's okay with me telling you?"

"What I think is," Keran slides a hand between Kelly's thighs, where he had plucked it from when interrupted, "Kenny is a very observant man, that he's been checking us out and is wise enough to know, whatever he confides in you with, is meant to be shared with that someone special in your life."

"Yeah, you are that special someone in my life. Now, can we get back to it?"

As what has become of their relationship thus far, the closeness, often business has come between. About to settle in again for some sweet kissing and caressing, a commotion can be heard at the back gate.

"Looks like we're not going to even get five minutes peace," Kelly complains.

Still, even though he thought he would be seeing more of Jared, instead of less, life is too short to find any reason more important than greeting his own brother.

Keran, he looked upon it as the same he share with his extended clan. Cousins, they were more like one big happy family of brothers and sisters. He knew family came first and whereas meeting Kelly, he began to think of his boyfriend more clan, than a mere acquaintance. Unlike Kelly, he did worry about the towel stretched around his waist, not in a gather at the pubes, as they got to their feet.

With Jared, naturally Callum and he show they were more than friends, joined by hands, they looked really cute together.

Because Callum was there, his cousin, Shayne, was right behind him, coupled up with...

`No, it can't possibly be,' Kelly almost said out loud what he was thinking. Really, what he was wondering, was Shayne with Nick, which is what he thought, or Nick with Dave Malarkey? To get to the bottom of this, Kelly supposed he would need to go to the source and simply, ask.

Then he realizes, out loud, "who are all these people and where did they come from?"

Having walked around a bit, saying `hello' to this person and that, Keran had retraced his steps back to Kelly, "if that's all you want to know?"

With the flock of invaders, Kelly could only explain it as he sought fit, "this was supposed to be a simple barbecue!"

"Well," Keran says it like Mr. Bigshot, "as I see it, what better time for a family reunion and for you," he places a hand on Kelly's shoulder, "to get to know everyone!"

Did Kelly have a choice? He felt blessed thus far, so why not? After all, right now he was being treated like a king, ushered around on Keran's arm. Every time the side of his arm rubbed against that furry bod, it reminded him of not just a part of him, Kelly had the whole man all to himself.

First surprise, was Willow, hanging with Keran's cousin, Colleen Carnes, but there were a dozen or so more to meet, 
"and who is that?"

"Handsome lad," Keran says, "kind of takes after me, eh?"

"Um," Kelly compared features, Keran's `cub' look, as opposed to a slim lad, bare of bod hair, except a blondish treasure trail, "right. Like, everyone is unique in their own way, is what my mom used to say."

It was the first time Keran witnessed Kelly saying anything about his mom. Piecing Kelly's family history together, Keran knew there was several pieces of the puzzle missing. However, he felt also that some important milestone in life had occurred and there would be plenty of time for stuff like that.

"Oh no," Keran says.

"What?" Kelly questions.

"Jay. He only talks to me when he wants something."

Sure enough, that same teen-lad had been making his way along the pool edge, careful not to tip over into it, making his own path to where they were standing.

"Hey, Keran," Jay greets him.

Without hesitation, nor wait, Keran puts it to him, "what do you want, Jay?"

Kelly thought, besides the incredible great looks, overall Jay was a hot looking kid, especially when he conducted himself so innocently.

"What makes you think I want something, Kerry?"

"Kerry?" Kelly questions.

Apparently though, Kelly wasn't the only one checking out eye candy around the pool, Jay saying, "this your partner?"

It was time for Keran to question, "partner?"

"Yeah," Kelly directs to him, "partner, Kerry?"

He was so cute when acting like a bumbling idiot, Keran acting like a guy who had to cover up for himself, "yeah, well," he rolls eyes to the top of their sockets, "I might've said something to someone about, you know?"

For once, Keran was happy his cousin was in need, "but, what was it you wanted, Jay?"

Smart 18-year old, Jay smiles, a message to Keran he knows he's being used as a scapegoat. Placing a hand on his cousin's shoulder, "you see that guy over there with the old man with the beard?"

It made Kelly giggle, Nick Ackerman, a friend of the Magonagle family, if he only heard that being 43, was the new `old man' status!

"Oh, you mean Nick?"

"No," Kelly corrects Keran, "I think he meant Shayne. Nick, Jay, is the `old man!'"

"Shayne," Jay's eyes settled on the far side of the pool.

Not waiting around, instead of troubling people who were skirting the pool, he dove in and took that route to the far side.

"Well!" Keran says in a pompous manner, crossing arms at his hairy pec-line, "he didn't even say thank you!"

Kelly uses it to get a point across, other than, "did you expect it?"

"Nah," Keran unfolds his arms, "not really. From Jay, I never know what to expect."

Which seemed to bring the conversation full circle, "like, I didn't expect to find you were that serious about `us'?"

"Oh. That."

"That, `Kerry'?"

With a sassy, spittle tone escaping from his lips, Keran says, "do me a favor and please drop that right now?"

"Okay. No problem." Adding additional torture, Kelly throws it out there, "so, are we a couple or what, Kerry?!"

Glancing at Jay hauling his ass out of the pool, right at Shayne's ankles, Keran says, "I'm gonna kill that kid!"

Not the impression Kelly got. Of anyone in his near or extended family, he doubted Keran had any malicious thought about any of them. All though, there was one bad seed in the family, whom Keran was making mention of right now.

"Although, I might take a fist to that PJ, if he doesn't mind his manners!"

"PJ?" Kelly questions, scanning the crowd. "Which one is he?"

Reason Kelly knew PJ was a he' and not a she', the only two `shes' were Willow and Colleen!

Something amusing to Keran, he smiles, looking off into the distance, saying, "the one who had his eyes on Shayne, until Jay got there first!"

Kelly could see the humor in it, but also the animosity shown by PJ, giving Shayne's gathering the middle finger, lip-reading revealing a `fuck you, Jay!'

"So, who do you think Jay's next target's going to be?"

Right now, none, Jay walking over to the cooler, sticking an arm in and pulling out a bottle of beer.

Both watching from afar, they see a dude walk over and grab the bottle out of PJ's hand!

"Uh-oh," Kelly says in a humorous way, "there's one man no one would dare to tangle with!"

"Who's that?"

A little giggle, perhaps picked up on by Adrian's personal humor, Kelly says, "Buzz Brown. Security."

"Oh really," Keran shares in the laughter, "and you don't know PJ!"


Copyright 2018 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 18

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