Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Aug 25, 2018


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey guys, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any horny tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' 19 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Next day, the day previous had completely tired Kelly out. For a change, the night before was like `no commercial interruption', Kelly and Keran a night in, getting more intimate with each other.

It had started out as business, main topic, Kelly worried about his brother, but Keran had a way of using words and actions to assure things would go along without problems.

A feeling Kelly had been getting for awhile, Keran being very much a man who could control destiny, without becoming a control freak. Like last night, for all purposes, their sweet love moments had come to where Keran could very rationally be the one on top, but it was his love who had relinquished that role.

Keran was right there, all firmed up and as anyone who had been viewing this like a porn flick, would assume Kelly was going to get it, right there and then.

Nonetheless, one of them `got it', Kelly suddenly becoming the dominant partner and as he always thought it would be, parted Keran's ass cheeks and took advantage.

So, as to this morning when Keran got out of bed, had to scratch his head, as he felt his tender ass, thinking, "didn't think he was that big!"

Yet, thoughts of all that sweet loving making, to the apex of their essence being totally brought to a peak lust, it made Keran not want to shower, shave, get ready, but to climb back into bed.

In doing so, he more than rustled the sheets, "you getting up?" Kelly turns to face his spooner.

"I was up. Now I'm getting down!"

The smile told Kelly all was well, which had him sigh with satisfaction and turn back over, placing each other in a loving embrace.

Settling in, they are startled back to reality by a crash, followed by, "oops!"

"What was that?" Kelly exclaims, turning all the way back to facing Keran, bod wound up in the sheets.

Smiling, rather than alarmed, Keran says, "I think maybe some first day on the job jitters?"

Unknown to Kelly, something inconsequential had occurred yesterday evening. Not only gaining acclimation to employees at the Magonagle estate, Keran already had it in mind every member of his extended clan, names, ages, schooling, what they were doing way back when, now and their future aspirations.

No different, as he rises up out of the bed, dragging one of the sheets as coverup for his cub bod, "probably Jay."

Kelly asks, thinking of all the family and extended family Keran has and who knows beyond that, "one of yours, no doubt?"

"A `Carnes'," Keran introduces him, while tinkering with the doorknob.

Upon opening, he's greeted by Jay, "oh. Uh. I kind of dropped something." Then, in performing his first duty as house manager, "um, am I bringing breakfast too early?"

"No," Keran was gracious, "but I'll take this and you can bring fresh eggs?"

"Yup. Uh, sorry about the rug."

He took the tray of mugs of coffee from Jay, "at least you saved the important part."

Watching Jay make the best of scooping up scrambled eggs from the carpet, "leave that, until you can return with something better to clean it with."

"I'm really sorry about that, Kerry. I was trying to get the doorknob."

"Next time, set stuff down, and knock?"

Even in his eyes, the 18-year old was so cute, which is one reason why Keran would give Jay a million chances, "just be careful?"

Seeing a tray adorned with two mugs, Kelly sits up in bed, "umma...quick! Bring it here!"

In his approach, Keran allowed the sheet to lazily unravel from his hips, "am I not enough?"

"Uh, yeah," Kelly stops to take a mug, sip, "you do it for me too!"

"Good to know I'm not second to one, or none, or however that goes."

After the second sip of coffee, Kelly says, "trust me, what happened last night, this cup is flat!"

Settling back into bed, both lay there, pillows as their backup, not caring they were uncovered, "so, when did you appoint Jay as my new house manager?"

"Actually? It was Shayne's idea."

"Shayne? What has he got to do with it?"

Though, Kelly could think of something if he tried dwelling on it, upon seeing the pair make out at the pool late last night.

"Seems, with a difference of two years in age, they have a lot in common. Jay, he doesn't want to be a farmer, wants to pursue a career in dance and Shayne, well he doesn't want to become known as a rich playboy, but would like to find an interest in doing something."

"Jay a dancer? What kind of dancing?"

"He always had an interest in ballet, but our family, being farmers, didn't lend much to that. Me, myself," Keran acts modestly, "I didn't have a problem with it, so helped him to sneak about, get some dance lessons."

Setting his half-filled mug on the side table, Kelly says, "that's sweet. Tell me about it," he curls around Keran's arm.

"Nothing much to tell. Like the watchful eye I am, being I was all alone in my own `clan', and wished I had a brother, I sort of adopted Jay to be that person in my life. Being older, able to drive, I could sneak him around and return him to the farm, without anyone suspecting. Although, the last of his schooling, senior year, the family has kind of picked up on his dancing and know what?"

"Um," Kelly spots the coffee mug in both Keran's hands, held right above his pubes, "you're getting a reaction?"

With a giggle, Keran, after realizing a casual placement of his coffee mug on his cushy stomach, had slid down to below the belt-line, he had to look, after lifting the warm mug.

Seeing a little red ring, left by the bottom, "oh that's nothing. It should go away," his hand tried brushing it till gone.

Swatting Keran's hand away, "I think it's going to take more than that," Kelly, after making sure his drink was safely sitting on the side table, doesn't lose any time, head now looming over bellyhole...not his own!

"Well," Keran snickers, "while you're down there."

It would have been nice, going through another round of sweet nothings, which when their love-making came to fruition, both had exploded with what comes with built up emotion. But this moment and that weren't of the same momentum.

"Yeah," Kelly backs off, "right. Only thing," he retreats to the night stand mug, "I'm not feeling it like I did last night?"

"Right." Having the same reaction, which included his cock just lying there in a bed of fur, "me too. Uh, about Jay..."

Kelly smiled, knowing that prolly Keran would have gone the other way too, not which he would have rebuked the build up to echo last night's romp in the sheets.

"When the rest of the family found out Jay liked dancing, they didn't care. I mean, they didn't care he wanted to be a dancer and not a farmer. Blame it on immaturity, what we thought his parents would think, wasn't the case. Instead of us thinking they would blow their stacks when they heard Jay wanted to be a dancer, didn't happen at all."

"So, all your sneaking about with Jay was wasted?"

"Oh, no. From this one experience, Jay learned there wasn't anything he could bring up to his parents and how open they were. Get it?"

"Sort of. I'm just glad things turned out the way they did."

Keran was too and not just how it went with Jay.

"Me too," Keran turns, Kelly getting the hint.

Mugs deposited on respective side tables, they get into a lovey-dovey positioning and like has become custom there's a knock on the door, "eggs and toast ready, if you are!"

"Are we?" Kelly questions Keran.

"We wouldn't want to mess Jay up on his first day?"

This time Keran picked the sheet up, balled it and tossed it to the bed. After all, it wouldn't be the first time he faced Jay in the nude!

"Ah, hot, steamy eggs!"

Quietly, Jay says, "you still look beautiful, Keran."

If Jay hadn't seen it all before, Keran would have had him blushing, replying with a simple, "thanks. I'll see you later, okay?"

Church-mouse-quiet Jay was not, Kelly overhearing, saying, "I'm sure there's a story there?"

Walking the tray of eggs to the bed, Keran says, "You heard?"

"I was listening too hard, not to!"

"Well," Keran sets the tray down, "it's probably nothing what you're thinking."

"Prolly," Kelly says, still lying there, a man of leisure, smug smirk on his kisser!

Side of the bed, Keran lifts the lid of the main vessel, scooping out eggs on to one plate, asking, "one strip or two," he holds up two sets of fingers.

"I hope those hands are clean...two."

"Of course," Keran acts like `don't be silly!'

Quick at it, Kelly mentions how Keran dishes food out like a pro.

"So," they sit back to enjoy their bacon, eggs, toast and fresh mugs of coffee, "you taught Jay all he needs to know about falling in the sack?"

Keran made himself clear, "`about it'. We never went through the motions, may I remind you!"

"Of course. When you said I was the first man you ever made love to, you think I didn't believe you?"

Slapping Kelly on the thigh, "of course I do."

In bending over to give Kelly a little smooch, he forgets his plate is resting on a thigh.


"Y'know," Kelly guesses, "I think we would do better to have our breakfast in the dining room, than in bed?"


It got them out of bed, somehow not the same romantic venue as last night.

Thus far, they knew Jay and Shayne had cuddled at the pool last night, but when there come a knock at their door, Keran and Kelly turn to each other, "Jay!"

Sure enough, the lad was standing there, emptying handed, "um, was wondering somethin'. Uh, Shayne, he has to drive out to the Hamptons and wondered if I could get off work?"

"Go," is all Keran says.

"Geez," Kelly remarks, "I wish I had you for an employer!"

"Why," Keran turns to Kelly and moves in for an embrace, "when you've got me for so much more?"

It's a morning which the couple wishes was without so much distraction, taking it easy, breakfast in bed and more time showering together, in lieu of alone.

Beginning with Keran stripping the bed of soiled sheets, Kelly said of it, "well, you gave the maid the day off!"

Keran, after tugging at the grounded bottom sheet, "I wasn't complaining about doing the work, but the stubborn corner of the sheet," which comes boomeranging loose.

"Oh. Right. I knew that."

They just stood there for a moment, looking at each other, like two lovers do, smile in place of words.

Kelly breaks silence, "too bad we couldn't take a drive ourselves, eh?"

"You're the boss?"

"Right," Kelly thinks on it, "but what so I know? I've, like, never been a boss before. seem more like an expert at that, with all your experience?"

"Well, matter of fact, I have been commended by my cousins, that I would make a good chairman of a company. However, since we're talking about you and not `moi?', in being the boss man, you've got to keep yourself ever mindful of what your place is here on the estate."

"Want to translate that?"

Their casualness of the morning never died, Keran looking upon Kelly's cute face. In getting closer, he holds Kelly's chin in a hand, "sure, I'll translate that for you."

Instead of addressing the question, Keran just places his lips on Kelly's and a kiss, drops his head, kissing just below the chin, "for one thing, you can't allow people to take advantage of you!"

with Keran working his lips down to Kelly's chest, "you mean like you're doing to me now?"

Standing up straight, Keran says, "well, I certainly hope you never allow some guy to take advantage of you in `that' way?!"

Frivolously, Kelly answers, "I guess that would depend on if he serves me breakfast in bed every morning!"

They tried being serious, but their emotional love for each other kept on drawing them both into the spider's web.

Having showered, gotten the ick of sex off, dressed at least in briefs, Keran's hands had dove back into Kelly's briefs.

Philosophically speaking, "what is it that drives me wildly in love with you?"

Kelly speculates, "uh, could it be you love the taste of my lollipop?"

He wanted more than hands to convince himself, Keran sinking down on his knees, "like I said, this is my position only!"

"Aye-aye, captain," Kelly watches as the cub takes briefs in fingertips, sinking to knees.

All Kelly could do is arch his back, steady his balance on Keran's shoulders, with a wet mouth engulfing him, "oh-h-h we go again!"

This time, instead of rockin' the bed, it didn't take long for Kelly's hormones to kick in at full speed. Though, it took a different twist than last night.

First on his knees, sucking Kelly off, before it came to a climax, Kelly bent Keran back, splayed out on the floor.

Like their breakfast in bed, neither wanted their morning to end.

Pressed against the carpet, Kelly fervently kisses Keran.

Then, without saying, Kelly sinks down and starts making love to Keran's shaft.

If anyone were to walk in within the next five minutes, they would have come upon head-to-crotch, crotch-to-head, two men sucking each other's lollipop...and it didn't take long for...

...back of Keran's hand wipes the sap from his lips, "that was the best!"

It was apparent, whereas Keran took it as a gourmet treat, Kelly's tastebuds treated it like vinegar and water, "to each their own."

"Yeah. Right," Keran says, getting the impression, from here on out, he would be doing all the `bottom' chores.

Flat against the floor, Kelly realizes, "you know," he turns about so he can reach, "your belly isn't as big as I thought it was."

"Well, I'm a cub and not a chub, if that was what you were thinking?"

It gave them a giggle and whereas they were surrounded by a bed, a sofa, two armchairs to sit in, they chose cuddling in each others arms on the floor.

"I wonder if it'll last."

"What will last?" Keran questions.

"Well," Kelly acts silly, "I certainly hope I'm not some hit-and-run-roadkill?"

Fake slap up the side of Kelly's face, "don't be silly."

Rubbing a slimy hand up and down what he thought was a chubby belly and not a cubby one, Kelly says, "why not? It's fun being silly!"

Scooping of remnants of Keran's goo, Kelly skates a finger down the embedded tummy-trail, into a deep bellyhole and then...

"Hmm, I think I could get used to your silliness!"

Then, to ruin another perfect moment, they hear a knock on the door, a voice calling out, "I'm leaving now, Keran."

"Do you need any salary advance, Jay?"

"Nope. Shayne says he'll take care of everything."

"Have a good time and...don't forget to come back!"

"I won't." A lull in Jay's voice, "I mean, I won't forget to come back."

They wait for more, but were met with silence.

"You know," Kelly says, "if I was headed out to the Hamptons with my boyfriend, who happens to be from one of the 25 wealthiest families in America, I might think twice about coming back!"

"Hmm," Keran cuddles, "I guess we'll both be marrying into rich families!"

Next knock, it was Kenny, which meant `business', so they were forced up from the floor and into their second shower of the morning.


Meanwhile, Jared's morning was in full swing. He had realized, other than a daily change of clothing, outfits worn to practice for the Highland Games, kilts for various occasions, and a scattering of this that, "other than the suit I wore for our father's funeral, there's not much left for packing."

Callum, having taken a perch on Jared's bed, back propped up against a pile of pillows and shirt arranged, unbuttoned down to the last eyehole, "why don't you forget about that now and come and get cozy?"

Not which Jared was ignoring the idea, but faced with dilemma, leans a hand on the closet frame, "looks like I'll be needing some traveling threads," he slams the door shut. Turning to Callum in the bed, he certainly did look like a centerfold, "did you say something?"

"Yeah," he admits, throwing both feet over the edge, sitting on the side of the bed, "did you ever hear the phrase, `all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy'?"

By no means did Jared think Callum plain and simple. From the first time he lay eyes on the 35-year old, that auburn hair, matching beard, strip of hair above the lip, a total contrast to the rest of his smooth bod, he was drawn like a magnet, which is why he was slowly losing his cool.

Callum, finding himself bowled over onto the bed, sat up on elbows, "I guess I owe you an apology?"

Stomachs about to touch, Jared questions, "apology," puzzled, "for what?"

"I have a feeling," Callum flops back down, "on our trip, we're hardly going to have a dull moment!"

It didn't take any words to explain what makes a moment interesting, Jared pinning Callum to the bed, hands wandering inside the shirt, while kissing lips. In not time, the newly formed couple were on their way to a full blown sex romp!


For the next few days, probably Jared never saw so much of Kelly, since returning from college, as now.

One thing on Jared's mind, "so, you and Keran. You're getting kind of serious?"

Just one of their more friendly meet ups, the brothers sat across from each other at the dining table, Kelly's castle.

"No more than you!"

Kelly stare at Jared with a smile on his face.

After a sip of water, Jared says, "um, you," nervous, "you didn't happen to mention to Keran, anything about `us', did you?"

"A little."

"Like how little?"

"Some," Kelly didn't want to detail, yet, "how `bout yourself?"

Regardless of other men he's met, Jared had his opinions of his relationship, "Callum can be very persuasive about things."

"Opposite with Keran. I'd say, if someone were to ask the same about us, I would be the one with more interrogative skills."

It made Jared giggle a little, not which it had bearing on how things were now, but past endeavors, "you always were the better top!"

Fortunately, in the confines of one of their homes, instead of eating in the main dining hall, they could be loose with thoughts and past memories.

Smiling, Kelly retorts, "I know."

"Callum says he doesn't mind, if, you and me, if we got it on now and then?"

"With you and him? Whatsamatter? Callum not enough for you?" Kelly responds, still that shining smile.

"For a tall man, he's not really packin' down below, but still he's a mouthful."

"Only mouth?" Kelly laughs, like it was his own funny joke.

Short, sweet, Jared says, "that too!"

With the first course still on its way and both feeling the pangs of conversation, Jared is the first to remark, based on seeing one of Kelly's hands on a mug handle, the other under the table, "I could take care of that for you?"

It just made Kelly smile.

Assuming this had to do with allegiance to one's partner, Jared says, "then again, if you don't Keran would approve..."

"Nah, it wouldn't bother Keran. What you said. It just takes me back to another place in time."

Both smiled, stare at each other. Neither had to communicate thoughts dancing in each of the others' heads.

Not until, Jared backs up, not quite to the very beginning, when two brothers first experimented, but when the older brother came home from his first year at college, "remember my first year on campus, when I came home, with all those new ideas on how sex could be?"

"Oh, you mean how dad almost walked in on us, with you tied to your bed?"

It wasn't what Jared was thinking of, but it did hit home, "you remember that?"

How could Kelly forget something like that. How, after his brother's tutoring, about getting hard and not being able to lift his own hand to do something about it, "was kind of fun making you squirm!"

Kelly laughed out loud, as if it were that day, long ago, when he was 18-years old.

"Callum thought it was funny, too!"

It left Kelly with his jaw dropped open, "no-o-o-o! You didn' what didn't you tell him?"

"Let's just say, he used more than a feather to tickle the tip of my dick!"

The whole conversation was making Kelly feel like he had to look under the table, to see if there were any dabs of cock-spiration leaking out onto his khaki pants.

"Yeah, he did that too," Jared comments on Kelly's wide, open mouth.

"Did what?"

"Placed his lips over the head of my shaft and proceeded to thoroughly torture me!"

Play on words, Kelly blurts out, "I think I lips right now, to torture me!"

Would have played out as a sweet, clandestine bedroom scene, but then to mess up their moment, Kenny enters, a tray of dishes, colored with eggs, strips of bacon and some decorative vines of greenery, "Chad says this is a new recipe. He'd like your opinion when you're done?"

Jared says to Kelly, "so much for that!"

"To be continued!"

Kenny knew there was some hidden code there. Before he found out, long ago, the two had secrets, which led to finding out the brothers were gay, and more, "what are you two up to now?"

Coughing, like choking, taking a sip of water, Jared turns the chat back around, "uh, Kenny, how come Jackson's not serving up our breakfast this morning?"

Kelly knew, "he didn't work out as..."

His bro cut him off, "did I ask for your opinion?"

At first, the impression any would get, Jared was pissed at the person whom he wasn't talking to. However, the brothers, staring back at each other, slowly their serious demeanor lightens up, lips turning up to greet each other with a smile.

Kenny, placing arm over arm, in front of his pecs, states, "I'm not even going to bother, asking!"

Typical, the cold shoulder, same thing Kenny got first time he questioned the pair he knows further questioning would draw up a blank.

Moving on, Kenny fills in the answer to Jared's inquiry, "Jackson didn't have a clue to what, if he did have an interest in college, his major, so I placed him in the factory, as Gavin's apprentice."

"Big mistake!" Jared is quick to come back with.

Kelly, starting in on his egg mash, simply says, "you started it, bro. You finish it."

More unknown thoughts passed between the brothers and as usual, left Kenny's brain to speculate what it all meant, facial features distorted, waves of thoughts moving invisibly through midair.

Kenny did have the impression Jared did not approve of his decision, perhaps sharing negativity, "what do you care, Jared? You'll be off to Ireland with your loverboy, having a gay ole time!"

With saying so, Kenny leaves abruptly.

"Was it something I said?" Jared looks to his brother for guidance.

Like a pinball machine, hitting all the right objects, racking up points, Kenny had hit the tip of the iceberg.

Kelly turned over disheveled eggs, once placed neatly on the plate, complete with sprigs of greenery, buying him time.

Unknown to either of them, in the kitchen Chad had tried keeping a deaf ear, but after Kenny came barging through, apparently ticked off, complaining that talking to Jared civilly was an impossible task, all Chad could say is, "I wonder what's got Kenny's balls in a tether?"

Thomas, new to family-related disputes, picks up on his lover's remark, "hm-m, wouldn't mind a little of that attention myself, if you get what I'm saying?"

It wouldn't be the first time, in their short-term relationship, Thomas has mentioned something kinky, Chad saying, "we've got a real crisis here. Is that all you can think of, is yourself, Thomas?"

He thought he was being smart-alecky, Thomas seeing his lover not in the mood for antics, "uh, sorry. I was only trying to, help?!"

In the beginnings of a relationship, there is no set order of learning things, each about the other. With patience, in order to not keep hopping in and out of love, one has to show understanding. Such seems the case with Chad and Thomas.

Cooling his jets, Chad drops both arms, like being frustrated, but in reality, showing compassion, walks over to Thomas, "I know," he simply places hands on his lover's arms, moving them up and down, like it was cold in the kitchen and not boiling hot, "forgive me?"

"If you do the same for me?"

Chad show a look of `what for?'

Thomas reading that mask, "I can't help it. It's just my way of cheering a person up."

From feeling up arms, to the sides of Thomas' bod, beyond the apron strings, Chad give hug, "there should more people like you in the world, Thomas."

It made Thomas smile, not so much as what Chad said, but thinking how long it took to figure out what to call him. So far, it's been Tom' and once, Tommy', but now it seemed concrete, the name he would have Chad chosen for himself!

"Thanks for saying so."

Lifting his chin off Thomas' shoulder, not which Chad had to say it, "you're welcome."

Breaking apart, Thomas says, "I can finish up in here, if you want to go out there and throw your 2-cents in?"

Their first hurdle in the ongoing relationship, Chad departs, but not before giving Thomas a peck on the lips.

Walking through the archway between kitchen and dining room, flinging open the double doors, Kelly jokes, "here comes dad!"

Little did either of the chefs know, Kelly and Jared first talked about Kenny, as having the `dad-attitude', parental judgement on what was good and what was not for a son.

Then, Kelly share a little of what he knew about Keran; his adopted father.

Other than Shane, Jared didn't have a clue to anyone else in Callum's life.

Turning back full circle, Jared had brought up the idea, what if their father had been alive.

It didn't fare well with Kelly, him sharing if that were the case he never would have come home from college, instead heading north, south, west, any direction except east!

Regardless, Chad with his own opinion, renders, "so, when does your boat leave, Jared?"

"Plane," Jared replies, but was curious, "what brought this on?"

Pulling a chair out, the chef taking the liberty, regardless of being house staff, sits, "um, if you have more family business you want to keep private, I suggest having that wall torn down," he motions a hand, pointing out the zone between rooms, "and have a more buffered wall erected?"

Ahead of the business-brains of the family, Kelly says, "in other words Chad, you were listening in on everything we meant to be private, between brothers?"

It was all Jared could do to keep a straight face. His lips contorted this way and that, a sign his brain was telling him, to laugh out loud. For certain, it would have broken Chad's will, having come in there to talk about serious matters. Instead of fighting it, he picked up his cup of coffee and took small sips!


An ear to the other side of the door, Thomas had his thoughts on how it was going for Chad, like, `why should he be apologizing?'

Boldly walking in on them, Thomas doesn't condemn, but supports, "I think what Chad's saying is, you can go off on your trip without any worry." Circling around, behind Chad, he puts both hands on his lover's shoulders.

Looking up, Chad smiles. Not exactly the opportune time, he does get the message, like Jared should be absorbing, "I think what Thomas is saying, you needn't worry. Kenny, he's been around a long time and maybe jealous a little, that if something were to happen to him, like the chemo not working..."

Kelly thought Kenny only shared that with him and his brother, "you knew?"

"Yeah, we both did. Do." Chad chose not to dwell on it, continuing with his gut thoughts, "there's many people here who care about you two, the business and not just punching a time clock in and out. So, go off on your little honeymoon and don't worry that you're going to come back to a business that's falling apart."

It made Jared smile, thinking of it as a `honeymoon'. Really, all he was thinking of it as, was a 3-week vacation, whereas he and Callum were going to get to know each other, as they took in the sights of the Irish countryside.

It did leave an impression on him, but Jared pay more attention to Chad's original dad-message, "if you say so."

Instead of his gaze of Chad, Jared glanced towards his bro and for the first time show confidence in not only Kelly, "think you and your mate can handle it?"

It's something which Kelly himself had been kicking around in his mind, the fact Keran not only made a great lover, but also had a good business sense.

Simpler, it gave Kelly a gut feeling, "sure. No problem. Does that mean you're giving Keran a cut in the business?"

Getting up, because he and Callum still had some plans to iron out, Jared says, "that only comes when a person `marries into' the family!"

"Really?" it made Kelly jump out of his chair.

Chad and Thomas, they sat and stood there, as witnesses.

"You're giving Keran and me your blessing?"

Jared didn't think he was in the position to have to, but Kelly was so cute, he didn't want to burst his bro's bubble, "well, Keran hasn't come to me yet on bended knee and ask?"

Thomas couldn't help himself, "what does he need to do, give you a blowjob, Jared?"

Chad, who had Thomas' arms leaning on both shoulders, gives a pull, quietly reprimanding, "hush!"

They both heard, but Kelly, overjoyed over the fact his brother is happy for him, rushes around the table, "I'm so glad you're okay with Keran and me, I could give you a blowjob right now!"

Thomas doesn't let the opportunity flee, "hm-m, now that would be something to get me hard!"

He knew there would be retribution, Chad looking up at him, straight in the face, "really?"

Turning away from his mate's incriminating pose, Thomas says, "uh, sorry `bout that, guys."

Too much into their own hugging, whatever more they were feeling for each other, Thomas' words were falling on deaf ears.

As were Chad, like both were talking to the wall, "don't worry," he gets up, wiping his mouth, "I'll take Thomas here to my private dungeon and make sure he's properly disciplined!"

"Cool. Really?"

Taking Thomas by the apron string, Chad lures him into the kitchen, saying with confidence, "sure. Right after you clean up the mess we made this morning."

Having offered before, that he could handle it, Thomas raises a brow, thinking he's bitten off more than he could chew.

"And," Chad says, loosening his own apron string, lifting it from neck, overhead, "when you're done you can find me out by the pool."

It made Thomas' jaw drop, saying, "you're leaving me with this mess?"

Loosening his shirt, pulling it from his pants, Chad says, as he pushes the screen door open with an elbow, "and don't forget who writes your employee review!"

Right now, it wasn't the employee review that bothered Thomas, but the mountain of pots and pans, one in particular he picks up.

Condemning himself, "why did I have to mention that special sauce that would compliment the eggs?!"

To make that sauce, it took not only the pan in his hand, but 3 different bowls, 2 spatulas, a whisk, then holding bowls, transferring this to that, chopping greens, eyeing up those particular vessels, and not only his own tools, "geesh, Chad!"

Outdoors, Chad had stood near the door, just waiting to hear Thomas' complaints.

There was no review, just Chad's say-so, to keep him', or get rid of him.' Of work-related duty, that was a keeper. Regardless of how things worked out between them, Thomas would still have a job on the estate!

However, it was time for Chad to step inside, instead of lounging out by the pool.

"Need some help?"

He knew the voice, facing the dishwasher, but was surprised by his chef-mate's kitchen attire, "I sure could use some!"

Totally in the buff, any man would welcome the help!

"Y'know," Chad looks about as he walks over by Thomas, "I've been meaning to requisition for a larger air-conditioning unit, but until then..."

Eye to eye, it was one of the first things which show they were suited for each other. Chad at 6'4-inches, Thomas 6'2, they matched up pretty well.

"Yeah, one of the things I notice. Really hot in here this morning," Thomas reclaims his upright status. "What are you gonna do about it?"

Back in his teen years, Chad had discovered, more then any other gay, sexual activity, he loved tantalizing a man's cock with his mouth. With experience, peer relationships, a circle of friends wanting to keep their secrets safe, fraternized with each other, learning all about what makes gay men tick.

As time would tell, Thomas' growing up, nurturing years would not be much different, wanting to keep a lid on being gay. Though, it would not be until Thomas was a matriculated student at the cooking institute, he dabbled in kinky behavior.

The torch had been given back and forth, each the victor at performing for the other, or reciprocation. It's not until an hour ago, Thomas had given Chad the crown back, only to retrieve it for himself.

"I don't think I'll ever figure you out!"

Nevertheless, Chad didn't really care about who was top', if he were the bottom'. All that mattered was, the juices were flowing and he was turned on, which is why he started to viciously undress Thomas!

"Does it matter if we ever do?"

Thomas has always, will always, have the insatiable desire to fuck'. He has always had the ammunition to back it up, when fully loaded. Not always a textbook case, he also had deep down desires which would contradict all things said about how a top' is supposed to be, to act.

For instance, it left Chad hanging on a broken hinge, "like, how am I supposed to strip you down, when you're on your knees?"

It was the way the juices were flowing for Thomas, having a desire to fall on his knees and start licking at Chad's dick, stopping to express, "uh, come down to my level?"

"Oh shit!"

Unsuspecting, being this a rare place to have sex, middle of the kitchen floor, but Thomas showing his control, grabbing onto Chad's shaft he just made hard, using it as a handle to bring him down...

"There," Thomas smiles at Chad, "as you were saying?"

Holding his own shaft, having shooed Thomas' hand away, not which he wasn't enjoying it, "if you pulled a muscle in my dick, you'll pay for that!"

"Bring it on," Thomas smiles back at him.

Talk about a good moment going sour, the pulsations were buzzing, when they here Kenny's voice gently say, "I guess they took a break."

Invisible, behind the butcher block island, Thomas whispers, "oh shit, does Kenny have someone with him?"

Fortunately, Thomas hadn't stripped the island of all the pots and pans, piles of plates and in Chad peering between, "yeah. Some guy."

In a fearful time of being discovered, instead of being terrified, Thomas asks, "is he cute?"

Unfortunately for Thomas, his shaft, propped against the floor by bulging balls, was sticking straight up, making it a target for Chad's slapping hand, "shush!"

"Ow," Thomas replies, feeling Chad's fingernails slap against it.

Really, being it one of the `fun' things Thomas enjoys, his hard, engorged 9-inch shaft being slapped around, it was more pleasure than pain.

And, in already judging what Thomas is about when it comes to that kinky stuff, Chad says, "give it up," he periscopes through plates and pots, "you hardly felt it!"

It made Thomas smile, thinking Chad definitely a `keeper'!

Fortunately for the pair, Kenny, having scoured the kitchen with his eyes, turned and let himself out the back door.

"Coast is clear," Chad says, standing fully erect. "Uh," he looks down at the floor, "you and your big dick can come out of hiding now?!"

From bottom to top, as he rises up, Thomas' attitude changes dramatically, "is that so?"

"Um," Chad feels challenged by touch of a hard shaft to his ass-crevice.

It's not which he wouldn't mind feeling it, shoved deeply within...

Like one of those times, the right place, which gives way to losing control, based on the juices flowing, the balls pumping and losing control of one's will...

It was enough to wake up a whole household, pots, pans, dinnerware, flatware, all wiping the kitchen island clean, by the driving force behind Thomas' powerful erection.

At first, Chad had the thought, this being totally the wrong place, wrong time, and of course, the sound of breaking dinnerware, not the ideal conditions for...

"Oh shit, Tommy!"

Right now, name-calling wasn't at the top of Thomas' list. Fact is, his only priority was to feel release, which had one hand separating Chad's mounds, the other feeding his shaft inside the unseen opening.

"Yeah, yeah, take it," he was as if in an uncontrollable feeding frenzy!

Regardless of place or time, right or wrong, Chad lost all sense of responsibility in a few seconds. With abandon of whatever else mattered at the moment, he found himself with chest planted on the wooden surface, reaching both hands back and helping Thomas.

Without thinking about it, as both had experience over and over again, between teen years and the ten and twenty years since, respectively, neither Thomas nor Chad had to dwell on what went where, or once a shaft gets firmly planted, what a guy had to do.

Chad was glad there was no obstruction, reaching out both arms to other side of the island and grabbing the edge, holding on like for dear life.

For Thomas, not which it is meant, but everything becomes one-sided. Only one opinion, which is his own, is the driving force, one in which his not warming shaft dig deeper in, swallowed up. With occasional pull out, with experience, Thomas knows how far a pull back on his hips is needed, before shoving it back in.

With grunt, there's an equal one, shared by the bottom as his top's balls are slapped against him. It's something sexual' that has made the interaction between him and Thomas, moving,' feeling those hefty weights punch him, delivering a blow as that of two mini-fists, butt-punching him, "oh! Oh! Oh yeah!"

Time passes, which seems like hours, is less than than fifteen minutes, both babbling at the top of their lungs. Thomas pulls out, which has Chad feeling a great void, "What tha..."

Releasing one hand, he turns a shoulder, just in time to see Thomas, finishing up what he started!

His own meat, having been ground into the edge of the table, still it has great substance, thick, filled to the brim with what comes upon a man in a heated state of mansex.

Not which he had hoped for, rather thinking, at the least, Thomas being a bit selfish, he hops off the table and confronts him, "oh no, you're not getting away that easy!"

After all, Thomas wasn't the only one in need of release.

Now it was his turn to feel the brunt of selfishness, Thomas' hand slapped away, "damn, why'd you do that, when I was so close?"

Yeah, Thomas was all ready to relieve himself of both pent up emotion and what has been boiling in his balls for the greater part of the past 15 minutes.

Smiling, Chad with his own plan of action, lines up his own tube next to his lover's 9-inch shaft, which comes up a couple of inches short, but who cared about statistics at a time like this!

"My turn," Chad stares point blank at Thomas, one of his big hands taking on both pieces of meat.

"Oh dayam!"

Yeah, much as Thomas was feeling the pangs of getting off, once Chad's tight ass had worked his stalk, even though not as stoking-mad was the feel of their cocks rubbed together in unison, he couldn't help but notice, "not half bad."

Stopping the hand action, hand remaining intact, Chad questions, "does that mean it's good?"

"Just shut up and get to work?"

It wasn't the first time the two ended, without it finishing up as an `inside job.' That one other time, Thomas had voiced opinion, it was the way it always went for him. Whether it was a hand or some dude's lips wrapped around, he did give a selfish opinion over how the highest apex was feeling gobs of creme shoot from the tip. Only difference, for the first time in his life, instead of the wipe up, clean up, Thomas felt a continued afterglow, wet pubes pressed together and getting with some kissing!

With them bother reaching climax simultaneously, it was like someone in the kitchen was committing murder, the clamoring of voice, expressing the endpoint of sexual release.

Half hour prior to the kitchen island getting arm-swept clean, Kenny had been walking by the dorms. As always, his mind was set on `the brothers'. Not which he was close in the private sector, but he was loyal to Jared and Kelly's father when speaking about business. Not that much far apart in age, 2 years older than Jared, to be exact, Kenny had started employment with Magonagle Fife and Kilt Company, while still in high school. Kenny had been with the firm 2 years, working intensely at learning a trade, before he even learned of his employer having two children.

When Kenny was invited to that first company picnic, he was to find the Magonagle children, grown. More teenagers, Kenny was happy to find the elder of the kids, almost his age, the younger one not far behind. That was it, all the other children of employees, either preteens, or of college age. Not which Kenny didn't think some of those frat boys hot, but it was Jared who had caught his eye and as it turns out, same the other way around. Jared's stare had locked onto Kenny both having a meaning, without saying.

Developing a camaraderie in both business and private sectors both developed a love for each other, in friendship and whereas Jared was concerned, a deeper understanding of the world of gay-sex and what Kenny could offer to teach him.

With much history, devotion and love Kenny had for the pair, more like brothers than business associates, is the reason he was out in the woods, headed to the dorm, trying to find a house manager for Kelly. For certain, with Jared headed off to Ireland, Kelly was going to be needing the help.

It did occur to Kenny, walking the woods, that it was a shame he and Jared were more friends, than lovers. It could've been them, as a couple, going off on some exotic vacation. However, the more he thought on it, Kenny summed up how, with different interests, like him liking frilly stuff, Jared plain and simple, their life so close together, they probably would have been miserable!

Right as he turned the corner of the building, from deep down within, bringing such thoughts to light, it made Kenny laugh out loud.

"Um, did I miss something?"

More startled, Kenny didn't know what to say, until seconds later, "uh, no. I was humoring myself over something I was thinking."

"Oh," the ginger-redheaded dude vaguely says. "Can you tell me, is this `the dorm'?"

Having pulled out a piece of paper, Kenny takes it from him, "this is the place you're looking for," and because it had a name on the top of the sheet, "William."

It was time for William' to laugh, saying, as he took the paper back, folding it up, sticking it in a hip pocket, "I know we haven't met," he formally introduces, putting out his right hand, "I'm William Darrow, but people call me Bill'."

Knowing he was snagged, by reading off the header of the page, he accepts the handshake, "Kenny Logan. People call me `Kenny'."

Right off, neither would deny the other a fox-catch, but in particular, Kenny did not really care for ginger-redheaded men and likewise, Bill not catering to young guys with silver-gray.

"Well, it's great to meet you."

Uncoupling hands, Kenny makes light talk, "where are you from, Bill?"

"Michigan. I did a tour in the military, but returned home to work on the family farm."

Kenny wondered, "oh really? We have a couple of family members from Michigan farms coming on board here."

Smiling, Bill reveals, "yeah, I know. I'm one of `em!"

"Aha! I thought I saw the family resemblance!"

Not only Bill, but others of the Carnes-Cahoon-Cleary-Darrow clan got the same reaction, though unlike in features, every one of them had the same ginger-red head of hair, with varying degrees of lightness. Only Keran Cleary, adopted, failed to match the rest!

"You noticed that, did you?" Bill takes his cap off, runs a hand over the fine fibers.

"Well, not so much yourself, because of," Kenny stutters, "I guess you prefer a military cut."

With most of his head hidden, plus the crewcut, Bill knew where a man's eyes would get the notion of him being a ginger kind of guy. Feeling the heat after leaving his air-conditioned vehicle, back at the parking lot, he had immediately taken to unbuttoning his shirt down two eyelets. Sporting a fuzzy front, same carrot-red color as the hair on his head, it was a dead giveaway!

"Yeah, especially in this weather."

With pause, Kenny says, "I notice on your itinerary, you haven't an assignment?"

"True. I was told they didn't have placement for me yet, that I would find out when I get here. I suppose they will place me in farming, though I hoped for something more to do with what I did in the service."

"Which would be?"

Straightening up, standing tall, Bill salutes, "Lieutenant Commander William Hawk Darrow, at your service!"

It made Kenny smile, Bill rounding off his rank with a tight finish to his salute, "at ease, soldier!"

Bill could tell, Kenny not up on his military training, where it came to armed services education, but didn't let it be known. Thinking him kind of `cute', led Bill to break pose, curving his lips into a small smile. Careful as can be in the military, not to allow some things to show, he was the same with Kenny, even though members of his clan had said, they didn't care at the business if you were gay.

"So Kenny, what do you do here?"

It had been a mystery to Kenny himself, exactly what his title was, or defining his position here at the company.

If asked, "I'm what you would call, a hand given where needed," which Kenny had intended on allowing his guard to slip, eyes glancing downward. Bringing them back up to eye level, he quickly repairs the thought of checking out Bill's lower anatomy, "looks like you have enough gear, like you intend of staying for awhile?"

Thinking he had it over on him, while Kenny stare towards the feet, Bill had tilted his eyes as well. He couldn't see more than down Kenny's shirt, but did notice he kept his pecs tight. He caught himself from nearly licking his lips, catching those perky nips poking at Kenny's shirt!

"Until I find a reason otherwise, not to?"

Right then and there, Kenny had felt it his duty to take matters into his own hands. After all, Jared was all caught up in getting ready for vacation and in turn, saying a farewell to Kelly, kept him occupied.

That left him as the next-best person in charge of business, "well then, why don't we see where you fit in, Lieutenant!"

In an instant, Bill bowed down, a hand meeting Kenny's, vying for control over a duffle bag, "I've got that, sir."

From years ago, when Kenny gave up on controlling the color of his premature gray, people have always thought he was older than his true age. Now, at 36-years old, they've guessed him to be anywhere from early 40's, all the way to 55! Some have no clue.

Beating Bill to it, Kenny hauls it out of perimeter of where either hand could have grabbed it, "I'm not as old as you think I am, Sir?!"

Kenny could swear, Bill complimenting him on wearing his maturity well, something beyond flatter, "is that so?"

Purposely Kenny stare, an attempt at forcing Bill to confess something he had rather not.

"Well, I guess we better be on our way then," Bill didn't cave to Kenny's interrogative methods.

Finding his attempts to draw out information, Kenny says, "well, okay. This way then," he leads Bill back round the corner of the building he just came from.

Following Kenny, Bill had a sense of `doing it again,' like in the Navy, fooling all who thought they were onto something. One thing Bill didn't need to dwell on, was carrying himself around in a macho, straight manner. Among other things, he was born with it and working for him, not against, it seemed to be working with Kenny!

So he thought, Kenny turning around, "so, how did you manage to fool the Navy, Bill?"

Off his guard, Bill questions, "what do you mean?"

He knew Bill thought he had him fooled. Kind of part of the fun, when a dude thinks he's kept his secret hid, only to have it all turned around, upside down. Following up his accusation, all Kenny had to do is stand there, stare, smile. Rather than fight Kenny off with false claims and excuses, Bill confesses, "probably because I had an outlet, rather than having to keep it all to myself."

It left Kenny intrigued, stopping for a moment and parking his ass on an oversized rock, "care to share?"

Smiling threw off any anxiety the other person could have, which worked for Bill, and with no going back, "Billy-Bob Walker."

Duffle lying to one side, against the boulder Kenny sat on, arms folded in the middle, it sent a message he was all ready for a nice, long story.

Slowly, Bill wove the tale, "at the time, this almost boy', from Louisiana, from a long chain of Naval admiralty, deep-rooted in religion, Billy-Bob knew it would spell disaster, if he were to suddenly announce he was into boys'."

The mystery thickened, Kenny not having a clue of where this was going, "but he came out, regardless?"

"It's complicated. On board ship, that first day, I met Billy-Bob, he was in charge of fitting civilians with uniforms.

Alone in a room which housed sailors gear, when I stripped off my civilian shirt to try on a regulation one, I got these strange vibes about Billy-Bob, like he was trying too hard to keep from staring at my chest...and more!

I took a huge gamble, whereas my assumptions could have panned out as lying flat out on the floor with mushy abs, not to mention kicked out of the Navy, with no chance in any type of military career."
"Oh, so your intentions were making the Navy your career?"

"More, since I really didn't have much of an inclination as to what I wanted to do, it was try it out and see where it led."

"Fair enough. So, now that you've got my interest piqued?"

Bill thought it was more than that, that Kenny might have been reading this like a porn novel.

"Instead of Billy-Bob punching me out, I was convinced that maybe he had the same idea. Jumping forward, clasping me by the back of the neck, it was like, lip-on-lip, embracing the moment, kissing me back. So great was the propensity of Billy-Bob's intention, it drove us both through two shirt racks, pinning me to the wall!"

"Oh my," Kenny stood.

Stood, because Kenny thought maybe he was showing and it easier to hide if standing, balls dropping into the reservoir of his kilt, an advantage to wearing pants. The anatomy, when not bound by briefs could hang free, sometimes warding off the effects of getting hard, soften the blow.

"Becoming our little secret, we made super-sure no one could tell we had this `little thing' going on. Billy-Bob's father was an admiral in the Navy, it would've been disastrous for both, if the gay issue were made public."

"Oh, he was an Admiral. Yes, I could see where something like that could cause a ruckus, but also advantageous to someone who was the son of a high ranking officer?"

Strangely, when Bill chose to move on in life, coming to the Magonagle estate, with an interest in starting over, he had it in mind not to drag the past into his future. However, "you know, you're easy to talk to, Kenny?"

Kenny, he thought the conversation would stay in the confines of Bill's story, but this deviation threw him off guard, "is that so?"

It left a smile on Bill's face, "yeah."

He could feel it, but Kenny knew it would be a dead giveaway, if he looked down, checked to see if his hard dick were making his kilt tent. For certain, the tip was reaching the danger-zone, whereas, if the person he were talking with, if they had an interest, could tell. Instead, since he already had these intuitive thoughts running through his head, he thought he would go for it. It's like, not the first time, insinuating the other guy, gay, would get him into hot water.

After looking down, Kenny lifts his head, then staring Bill in the face, says, "just checking," then snickers.

Then waits!

Way ahead of Kenny, Bill had already checked, but keeping up the standard, makes it like he didn't know, "checking? Checking what?"

`Oh shit!' Kenny thinks it, tensing his gut muscles, getting ready for a pounding, "uh," he thinks up a plausible excuse, "not sure if I did up all the buttons of my kilt, when I was getting dressed this morning."

Now, working with Kenny, instead of putting on false heirs, Bill, "right. I imagine that would be embarrassing, to be wearing an unbuttoned kilt and, uh," he was about to take his own chances, reaching down, taking the hem in his hand, lifting the cuff of the kilt up, "do guys wear briefs under these, by chance?"

Back to arms folded under his pecs, after Bill lets the kilt hem fall from his fingertips, flopping down, Kenny says, "I thought so."

Not so different, Bill says, "yeah. Me too." He also had another thing to find out, "those buttons, they're fake, right?"

"You'll find out. When picking out a kilt you can go old school' fastened with buttons. Us moderns, prefer the quicker, zipper type, false buttons making it look old school'."

Kinky as it may seem, Bill inquires, "and the wearing of underwear?"

Feeling inclined to bring it out into the open, not only does Kenny express it in words, "never do," but lifts his own kilt, putting his answer on display!

Showing his true feelings, based on sexuality, Bill remarks, "and nothing to be ashamed of!"

Kenny share, if they stood there and talked about kilts, surely he would have to do something about walking around with it being tented, so they went on their way.

Bill carried on with his story, telling how it would've been nice if it lasted, but being Billy-Bob had already been in the Navy before him, his term, returning to his hometown in Louisiana.

"Last I heard, Billy-Bob works at his brother's fishing and restaurant business. Under the same roof his brother, Johnny, has an auto mechanic business."

Since it not a strange thing, for Kenny, he asks, the roundabout way, "is Johnny married?"

Catching Kenny's drift, Bill asks, "you mean to a woman?"

With smile, Kenny says, "was I being that obvious?"

"Was I?"

Yeah, they both were, which after that last topic, they brought things out in the open.

Apparently, Billy-Bob shared more than he intended, taking a chance, on board a Navy vessel, trading off stories of growing up, coming of age and being gay, sibling bromance, things which a lot of brothers don't share.

It kept them interested in each other, right up to where Kenny was opening the back gate to Kelly's castle.

"Wow, nice pool!"

Spotting the blue splendor of leisure living, Bill walks right in through the gate Kenny held open.

First rule, Kenny figured it a good one for Bill to know, "look at all the skinny-dipping you have to look forward to!"

Turning his head back to Kenny, smiling, Bill replies, "I'll make sure I text you when I do!"

"Here, give me your phone. I'll put my number in it!"

"Just for the record, I really didn't see under your kilt...much!"

It would've been sweet, this little cat and mouse play.

"Oh. There's your new employer, now," Kenny says, walking over to the back of the house.

Greeting Kenny halfway, Kenny mumbles, in the quietest voice, "your new house manager."

Almost behind them, Jared announces himself, "well, who do we have here?"

Before he can utter a word, Kenny is announcing him, "this is Lieutenant Bill Darrow, Kelly's new house manager."

"Lieutenant, is it?" Jared is the first to approach, front and center, offering a handshake.

So taken in by Bill's ginger-red appearance, other handsome qualities, it's Kenny who does the introductions, "this is Jared Magonagle and," breaking the connection, Kenny places a hand to Kelly's back, inching him forward, "his brother, Kelly."

"Happy to make your acquaintance, sir," Bill greets him.

"`Sir?'" is the second thing Kelly notices, the first, "you can't be much older than me?"

Rightly so, Bill, still with attached hand, "I'm twenty-six. You?"

"Wow, I thought for sure you were older than me. Twenty-seven."

They needed break time, Kenny providing the go between, "Bill and Keran are cousins."

Knowing he stood there too long, holding Bill's hand, it came to light, at the mention of his boyfriend's name, "is that right?"

"Yeah, we're cousins," Bill replies, yet it seemed something made it lose some luster.

Jared too sensed something, asking, "have you had time to visit with Keran?"

Being it was his new employer's boyfriend, Bill kept his cool, "not yet, but I suppose our paths will cross sooner or later."

"Well, I understand you just got here and you're anxious to connect with family, but right now Keran's involved in a meeting with..."

Kelly thought that strange, when Keran had said, this morning he was headed into town, "meeting? Where?"

Then the conversation switched, from encompassing the four of them, to the two brothers.

"Over at the factory. That's weird."

"What is?" Kelly confronts.

Kenny enters the conversation, "yeah, very."

Seeing Kenny being shy to say, Kelly provokes, "you have something to say, Kenny?"

Then, it was like the brothers ganging up on poor Kenny, Jared adding, "if you have something to say, spill it!"

He had gotten the impression right away, based on what he heard at the factory, just before setting out for the dorm, "the opinion I got, is that you knew about it."

Then Kenny was under the gun, Kelly saying, "I knew about what?"

However, being family, like family protects family', when family' oversteps boundaries, sometimes it turns family against family and whereas Keran's family had chosen to keep it cool, after meeting Kelly and Jared, especially since these guys are going to be his future employers, Bill loses that cool, "typical of Keran."

Standing a few feet away, suddenly Kelly's advance, followed by Jared, brought them into the same space.

"What do you mean, `typical'?" Jared is the first to say.

"Well, I didn't want to get into this," Bill truthfully hadn't intended on dragging a family member through the mud, "but Keran, apparently there's some things you don't know about him."

Already attached and thinking the world of him, Kelly butts himself up, almost making contact with Bill's chest, "what the fuck? How can you talk about your own family like that?"

One thing Bill learned, a man's position was earned working their way through the ranks, though inadvertently, the same could be had, through other channels.

Quite by accident, literally, Bill's advancement occurred in the blink of an eye. Army personnel, General Sean Duffy and his sidekick, Private First Class Dack Subrasami, left the dock in a rubber dingy, on the way to visit a Navy buddy, aboard his light craft. On this particularly overcast day, they found the lightweight craft was no match for choppy seas. More used to getting around in a helicopter, they were no match for abnormal wave activity. When the vehicle went belly up in the ocean, whereas others were stunned, Bill's gut reaction kicked in. With only tossing his sailor's cap aside, he jumped overboard. He hadn't noticed, but once in the water, there was one other brave soul who dared taking a leap off the tall ship.

With the general and his sidekick on deck, Bill and the other sailor were last to be fished out of the water. When the general was faced with getting out of his wet clothing, he turned to them, including both in that concern. Marched away to quarters fitting for upper rank Navy men, they communed in the same area. With others busy on deck, the four, General Duffy, his assistant, Private First Class Dack Subramani and midshipmen, Peter Choi, Bill rounding out the quartet, utilized the upper rank showering facility.

Without any clothing, a man was a man, without rank and file. General Duffy, who had a keen sense among men, had rightly guessed the odds of knowing a certain thing, offering the soap in his hand to Bill. Given a smile from the General, it gave Dack the go ahead to do the same for Peter.

Dropping all pretenses and since they were alone, behind locked door, neither were reluctant to follow the churning in their balls, laying hand upon hand, soaping each other up. Leaving the shower area, it didn't need to be said, keeping their interaction cool.

There wasn't a medal equivalent to this type of hero action, but it had catapulted Bill and Peter, from ordinary midshipmen, to Ensign, Peter later on promoted to Lieutenant, then Captain. Humble as can be, the under-classed accepted their promotions. As it goes, there were those who were jealous, having worked for years at something, Bill and Peter walking away with the prize after a few hours of heroic actions. Fortunately, General Duffy's Navy buddy, after both Bill and Peter had an incident, transferred them to duties on dry land.

Out of all of this, Bill learned about honor, upholding what is right. Whereas someone could doubt his actions, they hadn't a clue to what he had been through, nor the honors accredited to his name. He also learned, through counseling, something which Bill sought out after the incident aboard ship, there was no sense arguing an issue, when the other person has their mind already made up. Such is how Bill perceived this situation regarding Kelly. Speaking his mind, he left the chips as they fell.

In their teens, whenever Kelly would get riled up over something, or the other way around for Jared, the brothers were always there to console each other. With the foresight, two steps ahead of how his brother was going to react, Jared steps closer to Kelly's back. Raising both arms, palms play up and down his arms.

Meant to comfort, Jared cautions, "easy now. I'm sure there's more to this than meets the eyes."

Whatever spell his brother had over him, Kelly could always relate to the warm touch, the feel, a calming power which could go unexplained. Oft times, it were the brothers alone, sharing intimate emotional release, Kelly turning around till each stood chest to chest. Right now, it wasn't the usual, Kenny and Bill there with them.

"Why don't we give Bill the chance to explain himself?"

He wasn't pirouetting in the casing of his bro's arms, but Kelly did turn a cheek to acknowledge that he was listening, taking his brother's advice, "okay."

Soft response told Jared, his brother was leaning on him for support, which had him firing away, "so Bill, as you were saying?"


Copyright 2018 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 20

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