Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Oct 17, 2018


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' 20 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Second thoughts, Bill Darrow thinks he probably should have kept his mouth shut. Growing up, back in Michigan, with the rest of the clan, he could have been labeled a tattletale, but that was kid's stuff. Even though, it wouldn't be till his mid teen years he outgrew it. In the outback of the Great Lakes, they didn't have counseling' with a professional doctor. If someone needed a person to talk to, it was usually the local preacher. Devout Catholics, Bill went along with it, but wasn't much sold on the priest preaching one thing and practicing another. The love your brother' part, Bill thought the priest carried the message a little too far.

Bill would look back on it, laugh, Father Ed calling it group therapy', when he had a few guys his age get together and chat about their problems. Neither of the guys in the group wanted to mention the G' word, but right in front of everyone else, Father Ed came right out and asked, "so, which one of you fellas aren't gay?"

Truthfully, which made Bill laugh, because he knew the difference between gay meaning happy' and gay meaning guy-to-guy' stuff. Father Ed was amazing. He not only was truthful about stuff, like his age, 32, but when it came to comparing size and since he wanted everyone on the same page, wasn't intimidated to unzip and let his pants fall to the floor. Instructing one of the guys to fetch a ruler out of the draw of his desk, Father Ed said it didn't matter long or fat a guy's cock was, but using it safely. Certainly, Bill was churched more about the birds and the bees, than school or at home!

He did have a sense of respect, knowing that touching another guy's private parts wasn't a respectful thing to do. Knowing some of the other boys in the group didn't think anything of giving into certain sexual practices, Bill had a different sense of perspective. One day, when Father Ed thought taking Bill aside, alone in his office and having him examine the penis-issue up close, he wasn't too obliged to take the priest's lead. In fact, to this day Bill has never chosen to be as rough with a man. Put in a position to take a man's hard shaft between his lips, it didn't jive with Bill to be literally cornered into doing so. If out on the play yard at school and angry enough to take on a bully, Bill would react, claiming self defense.

After the fact, Bill totally exonerated himself, rationaling it was Father Ed's own fault for bullying him into a corner of his office, faced with taking on the hard tube, with larger-than-life, big dangling balls. Up close, it all looked humongous! He's heard from the other boys `it wasn't so bad', but Bill wasn't like other boys. Born out of family values, he knew about respecting elders, but Bill's throat felt hoarse already, just looking at Father Ed come closer, hand stretched out, holding his meat on the platter of his palm.

Too, he seemed to be losing it, telling Bill it was his God-given talent to use his lips to...

Feeling bullied, Bill reacted the last moment. It was so quick, he hardly thought about it, raising a fist and bringing it down hard, squashing `the bully'!

Being his first encounter with the 32-year old priest being naked, it was the first time Bill had seen his butt. Other times, in the group, when measuring up to each other, Father Ed led the group in unzipping flies, reaching in and pulling out tools to be measured. When Bill pounced with his hand, his wrath was with a vengeance. His fist caught both slab of meat and both orbs between a balled up left hand and Father Ed's flat palm. Immediately following, Bill gasped at what he had done. Honestly, he didn't know if it was the shock of reacting to Father Ed's coming at him, or an inner instinct which told him it was a violation of his right, not to be touched.

He didn't acknowledge right off, how it must've felt for the priest, shocked at what he had done. Just as he had gathered his own protective instinct, Father Ed reacted likewise. Grabbing his whole crotch in protective mode, turning around and falling to his knees, clutching up the whole works, it was the reason Bill was staring at Father Ed's naked, hairy ass.

Not a total prude, high school senior jock, he's seen another dude's butt, just not as hairy. Of a dude having his balls squashed, being on the high school football team, there was always talk about the need for a guy to protect his junk. They even goofed off about something ever happening, but nothing like right now, what Bill had done. Strangely though, other than a faint `sorry', he really had no remorse for Father Ed. Recollection, talking about balls and footballs, that goofy locker room chat, Bill never thought he would be finding out for real how it was when a dude got socked in between the legs. As the kidding around went, they had joked, about giving and getting blowjobs, it something lewd, to be avoided. It was only for the weak.

Out of all this, the opinion of himself, Bill ruled out being a mean guy, thinking Father Ed had it coming, that he should not have been bullying him, turning him into a weakling!

Other than getting the hell out of there, Bill was scared as hell by the time he got home. He would have made it clear in the front door, up the stairs to his room to sulk and sort things out, only Keran had been at the house visiting, he thought.

Come to find out, his parents and younger brother, Nick, had been in a minor car accident, were at the hospital and Keran was there to soften the news.

When Bill walked in the door, he was faced with Keran's opinion, that he looked as white as a ghost and for a ginger guy not to have the carrot-orange composure, he figured he was a sight.

Making a long story short, Bill explained all the important facts, recalling as he knew it, that he believed Father Ed was about to take him down a road he didn't want to go and that he had reacted.

Keran didn't blame him for doing what he did, saying it was rational to want to protect himself if he felt he was in danger.

Each knew the other was gay, so it wasn't off the wall for Bill to assume Keran would do the same thing.

No one home except them, they pinky-swore secrecy, never to tell another what they discussed.

Knowing it was rush hour, even in the country setting, Keran and Bill lit out on horses, hightailing it through the woods. At the small country hospital there were still hitching posts and a small corral. That's how backwoods the country was then. Now it's all different.

As it turns out, their pinky-promise became obsolete, when one of the other boys in Bill's group said something' about the priest, something about what he did with a ruler, measuring how big.' What could have been a national issue in the media, wound up as a clandestine dismissal, the parish not wanting it to turn into a 3-ring circus.

Bill was there at the parish hall hearing, feeling guilty afterwards that he didn't say anything. He was among the others in the class, quizzed about Father Ed's sexual promiscuity, but just shrugged his shoulders. He and the priest exchanged looks, but it was brief, uneventful.

As it turned out, Father Ed was dismissed, leaving the community a shamed theologian.

Strangely, Bill later was approached by his father and the kind of questioning led him to believe he had known personal facts only he and Father Ed would have known...or Keran? When asked if Keran had mentioned something to his father, it was denied. To this day, he's never asked Keran about it, taking it for granted his dad got his information from the hearing. Though, after the incident Bill felt relationships were strained. Many loose ends hung in the balance; conflicting thoughts of whether he should have done what he did to Father Ed, where his father got his information, did Keran betray his trust or remotely, from out of all of this, was his parents angry over him being gay? Like a boxed-in animal, wanting to get free, Bill knew he couldn't remain in the community. He was about to cut ties with graduating from high school, but slowly felt out of place anywhere he went, which resulted in skipping both prom and the graduation ceremony. Then he had conflicting thoughts. Should he have accepted his fate, have been backed up against the wall, allowed Father Ed to have his way?

The only way he felt he could get beyond this conflict was to either seek counseling, which had caused the problem in the first place, or run away. A troubled, perplexed teen, he opted out, joining the Navy. Two of the boys in Bill's church group, followed his lead and joined the armed services. Bill chose the Navy, they chose the Army.

Bill, who got wiser with his years and experiences, did come to grips with being okay being with another man and consensual sexual practices. It made him think about how wrong it was for his home parish to dismiss Father Ed with a slap on the wrist. It did matter, but also, Bill, running into an old high school buddy, found out Father Ed didn't learn from his experiences and after a few months at a parish down south, had fallen victim to his own seedy practices. This time he did prison time.

Bill didn't relate the whole story, just gave the sketchy details. He could've kicked himself, but did it really matter now, whether Keran revealed to his father information he trusted to his cousin, or did he find out from the parish hearing?


Following Jared's lead, Kenny, who was having second guesses on Bill being `such a nice guy', "and what does this all have to do with Keran?"

It made Jared smile in a way. For himself, from his own experiences, Kenny would too stand up for him. That kind of love, between people not related by blood, was golden!


He had meant to tell the truth, but it's more than the `Father Ed' issue that had drawn Bill and Keran together, making cousins more like brothers and whether or not Keran did or didn't inform his fathers of the seedy details, "it's complicated?"

"I don't know," Kenny stood there, arms across the middle, thinking, "something fishy about your story, which doesn't jive?"

What Bill should maybe have done, is mind his own business!

Yet, he did care an awful lot for Keran, cared about his welfare...well wouldn't someone else who felt so strong about another person whom they had experienced a bunch of firsts? First kiss, first time hugging naked, first time the cousins held each others' cocks, stroking till hard and shooting all over each other? They giggled the first time they took turns tasting the other's hard shaft!

In a dilemma, whereas his only concern was for Keran's welfare, Bill had dug himself deep into his own hole. With haste he tried to thing of a way out of this mess. Not one for lying, the only solution, was the truth, the truth he had been evading for since the incident happened.

About to work his way around to the subject, he's halted by Jared calling out, "I see you found Keran?"

At the back gate, there was Kelly, ushering Keran inside the perimeter, where the others had gathered at the side of the pool.

Bill took a look exhale.

Kenny, still disturbed over the whole situation, mutters, "you're not out of the woods yet!"

Bill had to admit, as Kenny walked away, there was more to being gravitated to him than wanting to explain his way out of the animosity between them.

About ready to follow him over to the gate, Bill feels a hand on his shoulder, "don't worry about Kenny. He's got a lot on his mind right now."

"Right," is what Bill thought, what he was feeling was something else, which had him turning back round.

Being the head head-shrinker at the Magonagle estate, Sam didn't get there totally by textbook knowledge, "I have a feeling there's a few gaps in your story?"

Already turned on to the doc's charm, Bill says, "um, I've been meaning to ask?"

He had Sam's full attention, "yes?"

If they had been in Sam's office, he would have had his appointment book out, or rather the equivalent in front of him, on his iPhone. The mental attraction between them at this moment, he was sure he could remember a day and time.

Being Sam was almost stepping on his toes, Bill had the feeling the attraction wasn't only there for himself, "I was wondering if I could engage you in some professional time, Doctor Watson?"

Bill had adopted that phrase, professional time', to differentiate from when one of the officers on board his Navy ship meant business which had to do with duty and other'.

Having the idea there wasn't any interest here on Bill's part, he was out to change that, "I know it sounds unethical, but I'd much rather you call me, `Sam'?" he says, sliding his hand down Bill's shoulder.

"I'm taking it like, you don't share the same opinion as the others?"

Sam, toying with a little nautical rope bracelet around Bill's left wrist, "I remain unbiased, actually."

"Right. That's the way I would want it."

Then Bill had second thoughts. Did he really want this glowing moment to disappear?

For certain, Sam didn't, "the only way to get to the bottom of all these conflicting moments," he lay it on heavy, "and to relieve the anxiety you are feeling, would be to get you on my examination couch."

Bill knew his eyes lit up, much like the time he reported to the ensign's quarters to deliver a message, finding him naked from the waist up. At the time, the only ones who knew he was gay, were those who were the same. It was all he could do to keep his mind on waiting for the ensign to sign off on a reply and not pop a boner!

Sam did notice Bill's eyes, not any different from a guy who's seen a ghost, which had him thinking, "oh, no, no, no, I didn't mean `that'! I mean, I don't even know if you know?"

Bill was lost for words.

But Sam was doing pretty well, filling in the blanks, "I mean, my bad. Often around here, so many men being...a certain way...I tend to assume too much, I suppose."

He had let Sam suffer enough, Bill finally allowing his emotions to flow, breaking out in a little smile before unloading, "I'd love to take up some space on your examination couch, `Sam'!"

Then, looking over Bill's shoulder, the very reason which has brought them to this point, surfaces, "oh, hey there." Not as immediate concern for Keran, but for the other, Sam holds the gate, "how are you feeling, Kelly?"

"I'm okay. I guess."

Not which he ignored Bill and Keran, but he thought it would buy him some time with Kelly, those two going engaging in their own mending conversation.

"You guess?"

"I know," Kelly did sound a little depressed, "I'm supposed to face any situation with a stiff upper lip, but I think I'm failing here."

Going into support mode, Doc Watson says, as he takes Kelly under the wing of his arm, "anything which requires discipline takes work."

This has been honed into Kelly for the past few years. Kelly has never tired of hearing it, because it's acted as a reminder, "I know."

On the rebound, Sam always comes back with, "and I know I keep saying it, but..."

"I know," Kelly pouts, "and probably you get tired of reminding me, eh?"

Truth be told, which both of them already know, for Sam, Kelly is the most important person at the Magonagle estate.

Closing Kelly up in arms, much like he would do if with a lover, for a moment Sam gives hugs, "come on now, let's both put these thoughts away and think of more cheerful things?"

While Doc Watson and Kelly had their little powwow, off to the other side of the pool Bill and Keran had walked, talking about their own differences.

Returning to where Kelly and Sam had just broken from their sentimental hug, Bill says, "um, about that consultation, do you think you have room for two on that couch?"

"Frankly," Sam lightens up, not which he would mind giving the attention, "I don't think the legs can take the weight!"

While Sam was on campus, Kenny had chosen to get in a few sessions, which especially was great since he was diagnosed with cancer. For a 36-year old man, with so much to live for, it's been tough. With so many eligible bachelors around, Kenny has had conservative thoughts about starting up any relationships, even friends. Yet, there's somewhat of a spark in his life, Doc Watson keeping the flame lit, guaranteeing at the least, people there, caring about him.

Walking in the back gate, first person which Kenny connects with, is Bill.

A `master of facial expression', Sam had a way of judging what was on a guy's mind, "Kenny, how you doing?"

Surprised, but not surprised, Kenny was not, that Sam had picked up on what was on his mind, "good."

"Just good?"

And there it was, same thing Kelly was faced with, as others, over and over, time and again, Doc Watson's way of...if a guy felt down, if they honesty did not feel upbeat, their shrink would `make them.'

Bill and Keran had yet to catch on, but Kelly knew what Sam was trying to instill in Kenny, a sense of digging him out of his depressive mood, "you know you're not going to win, Kenny?"

Kenny looks up to Kelly, like he was the doc.

Sam stands there on the sidelines, allowing nature to take its course.

Not only playing doctor, but also a friend who cares, Kelly steps into Kennys space and renders, "now, what's bothering you? Is it really about losing all your beautiful hair when you have to go for chemo?"

It was the remotest of excuses, Kenny saying, "no, it's not that."

Then, acknowledging what he's learned in therapy, Kelly pries, "you know what Sam says, it's better to talk it out, rather than carry the burden all alone, on your own shoulders," not sure he's got it right, "I think that's what he says?"

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and in order for Kenny to feel good about himself, he knew he had to reconcile differences. Walking over towards Bill, he had his hand out, "sorry Bill. I guess I had you all wrong."

Like he was reluctant to engage with Kenny's hand, Bill says, "afraid I don't know what you're talking about, Kenny?"

There was a lot to talk over and seeing this more apt to work itself out with Sam as a mediator, he steps in, "I think it might be good if we got ourselves a small therapy group going?"

While in the pool, Chad, Thomas and Callum had been horsing around, playful activity soaking up their time, but Jared more engaged in eavesdropping, followed the conversation like a hawk.

He slowly had backstroked over to the shallow end and popping up like a submarine, sheds light on what he's already gathered, touching Sam's ankle, "looks like you've bailed us out again, Doc?"

Bluntly, Sam replies, "oh really? Well, you know who's going to pay for the group session?"

"So much for favors!"

Much as Kelly would have liked to have aired some thoughts out with Keran, he understood, the cousins wanting some more time to talk out their differences. Too, he was glad Doc Watson was available to help the pair out.

Dropping feet first into the pool, Kelly comes to the surface, blowing out a spout of water into his brother's face.

"Was that nice?"

Kelly knew it wasn't, but also knew he was instantly forgiven, "nope!"

Then, after hearing some rowdy laughter and splashing, Kelly says, "looks like Callum and you have found some new friends?"

Taking up space along the pool wall, Jared speculates, "yeah, we seem to be getting along."

A moment of time out, Kelly glances at his brother's wavy chest hair, splashing too and fro, much like the tide hitting the shore, "ever miss the days when we were growing up?"

"What brought that on?"

Back in the day, it didn't take much for the brothers to reminisce about the good ole days, "nothing." Then, rather than dwell on turmoil, nor good times, "looks like Sam's got a new secret admirer?"

He had noticed, but more was of concern, "yeah, that's nice, but how are you and Keran making out?"

"Doc says we should be able to work out our differences. Like usual, you know?"

Not which anyone could be free from fault, "we've got to stop jumping the gun?"

"Something like that," Kelly replies.

A sense of brotherly trust fell over the brothers, Jared slipping his arm behind Kelly's neck, allowing the wavy water current slide them together. Buoyant, Kelly's shoulder fit right in the pit of Jared's arm.

As in times past, whenever the brothers share a moment of depression, they lean on each other. Unlike some, brotherhood went beyond the norm, Kelly and Jared feeling a warmth which connects beyond the comfort zone, a stirring in their loins lifting them up.

Kelly is the first to say, "just like old times, eh?"

Jared hung back reply, his mouth gaping open, followed by, "I can't believe you did that!"

With a pranking giggle, Kelly, right after his hand brushes his brother's underwater cock, "but it felt good, right?"

Strangely, what he had with Callum, or any other man in his life, Jared swore the vibes he got from being with own brother were of a different sensation, "of course!"

Neither could deny the truth, whereas each other was responsible for many `firsts', when it came to man to man actions of youth.

Keran, sensing the brothers were sharing something personal, gently breaks the bind, "hey, mind if I slip in?"

"No problem," Jared replies.

Kelly's head was bopped up and down.

Jared slips out, lifting his bod up, Keran slipping in, causing a dull splash.

From above, cupping his crotch in his hand, Jared says, "catch up with you guys later." Leaving his bro with words of wisdom, "uh, don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

"I don't know about that," Kelly smiles up at his brother.


Next day, everyone was ready to start out with a clean slate. Though for Jared, it wasn't quite that easy.

Still groggy from a rough', but nice night with Callum, he found one arm still tethered to the headboard, which, in turning over to answer his buzzing cellphone, he feels the tug, "what the?" Debating whether to answer his cell, or let it go to voice', he had to tell his attorney, "can you hold on a minute, Angus?"

Callum, who had stirred awake, wiping the sleep out of his eyes with one hand, the other freshening up cock and balls, "who's that at this time of the morning?"

Having also glanced at the clock, Jared says as he tries untying the tight knot at his wrist, "Angus Carmichael, our company attorney and it's not morning?" Holding up his tethered wrist as best he could, "hey, you wanna give me a hand with this?"

"Sure," Callum rolls over, untying the sheet which got wrapped around his leg.

At first he crawled, but when hanging over his lover, started to feel a little frisky. Allowing his pubes to go slack, Callum reached the distance, which had the tip of of his cock go meddling with Jared's pubes.

"Like, today?"

"You're no fun," Callum says, losing some joy over paying more attention to Jared's bound wrist.

"Yeah, well, life can't all be all joy and no work, y'know?"

"Right," Callum says with attitude, like he's pissed, "I'm headed to the shower, whenever you're free for a backrub."

Even though very enticing, Jared says, "don't hold your breath."

For certain, he wanted to follow those buns, but then, the phone was in his hand. Holding it up to his ear, Angus must've detected it so, apologizing, hoping he wasn't interrupting them.

"No, no, you're good Angus. What's on your mind?"

If Jared only knew the truth. Though he hadn't gotten the full gist of everything he overheard Callum say, it was enough of a spark to get his assumptions going. Yet, Angus would leave what is not his business to his own wandering imagination.

Like all the other things happening with a growing business, on Jared's mind had not only been the upcoming trip, but anytime, if something should happen to him, he wanted to make sure Kelly was set, for life.

"You've got the will all drawn up? That was quick!"

The rest of their conversation involved him and Jared getting together, going over every detail, signed off, notarized, etc., etc. Not which it was any of the 52-years old attorney's business, he wanted to know about `the rope'!

Simply put, Jared used Angus' own words, "like you said, Angus, none of your business!"

Their business concluded, Jared ended the call. He lay back in bed and the first thing to catch his eye was the rope, still attached to the railing at the head of the bed.

Fondling the strands of soft fibers, with the same hand which was attached, he notices the indentations on the skin. Not which it was probably a good idea to leave his arm hanging from there all night, but `all night' had ended only about an hour ago.

It made him smile to think of what a sweet time he had, being his lover's prisoner!

He should probably be there now, in the shower, washing off every place Callum's tongue touched his skin. Reconnecting with those thoughts created a disturbance in the force. Having treated a pillow like `hugging', Jared turned over and not thinking about it being a replacement, but the mattress was there and Callum was not, reason he took to grinding his pubes.

"Oh man, you really know how to hurt a guy!"

His waist wasn't towel-wrapped, Callum walking out of the bath room, drying his dark, auburn-colored head. Out of habit, he clutches the towel like a bonnet and dries the matching beard.

"What?" Jared flips back over.

Pulling the towel down, holding at hip level, Callum stares, "there's no hiding that!"

"Oops," Jared says, right hand trying to suppress his emotions, lefty cupping balls.

Much as he would have liked another go around, they both had a date with destiny and HG practice. Very important, the factory was closed 2 days prior to the weekend, so that all the training could show where they stood, for when the day of the competition arrived.

"Well, I had better make my move," was Jared's excuse for finally hopping out of bed.

"I'd love to make it with you, but you know?"

"Yeah," Jared whips the towel from Callum's side, "duty calls!"

Those memories worked such power on both men. While Jared was in the shower, Callum getting suited up for HG practice, his mind was less on the games and more on the game they started late last night, going into the wee hours of the morning.

He had taken out some of his clothes, but as he sat there on the bed to pull a sock on, Callum's mind began to sink back into the night before.

The bed sheets reeked of the afterglow, but his mind was fresh as last night, after having fallen back on the bed. Staring up at the indentations in the mattress, where Jared had lain, Callum smiled when his eyes focused on the rope which acted as bondage, keeping his lover in place.

Not which he thought Jared would dare want to run away, escape from his sweet ministrations, Callum smiled now, as he did last night, thinking of how cruel he was, to make his lover beg to release those sweet juices!

"You're not dressed yet?" Jared catches Callum, doing like he did minutes earlier, playing with the bondage rope.

Like caught in the act of not wanting to be caught, Callum does an instant sit-up, "almost!"

Far from the truth, Callum only had on one sock, which he had tore himself away from the roleplay fantasy long enough to pull on.

"And that?" Jared smiles.

Unlike Callum, Jared coming out of the shower had the towel wound around the back of his neck, ends hanging down over his pecs, as he waltzes over to the bed.

Feeling frivolous, even though it's already been stated, they had places to go, stuff to do, Callum lurches forward, grabbing the tails of the towel.

What could Jared do, resist? He hadn't a choice, losing footing and falling forward, in the direction of gravity.

Upon landing directly on Callum, Jared smiles and face to face, "I hope I didn't break anything?"

"Let me check," Callum slips a hand in between their pubes.

Five seconds later, "well?"

"Still hard," Callum replies, smiling. "You?"

With suave repose and business the farthest from his mind, Jared says, "getting there!"

Not the climbing temps of last night, nor stimulation of bondage, still, Jared feeling a stroking hand underneath, rolls over on his back...

"You realize this is going to mean another shower?"

"Don't be a sorry sport," Callum tells him.

Jared wasn't. Already well into it, lying there side by side, hands on each other's shafts, feeling the cool down wasn't in the picture.

First time for everything, last time they made a sexual connection, Jared's eyes bugged out, not at Callum's tall stalk, but his own. For sure he thought, by catching an eyeful of his boyfriend's pants-bulge, he was certain the package could grow into an immense erection.

Even though Jared wasn't thinking it, he smiled, knowing he had at least an inch of growth on Callum. It also increased the width of his grin, reminiscing to way-back-when, when he and Kelly had measured', with a ruler', noting the apex of lengths, once a man has reached his peak.

Right now, it was vague memory. Unlike the peak he and Callum had reached within the past 12 hours, it didn't take long before they were ready for that shower.


"Yeah, I know," Callum shared in the joy of release.

Not which Jared minded, slowly finding out one of the small quirks of Callum's sexual ritual of after-spurts, a flat palm gliding over his deflated shaft, "why do you always do that?"

Actually, Callum wondered why Jared hadn't popped the question before, teased, "why do I do what?"

Why play games, the each knowing what was on the other's mind. Instead of obvious conversation, they took to some sweet kissing, right after Jared says, "shut up!"


Copyright 2018 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 21

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