Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Nov 21, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' o3 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Given expert service, even though JC wasn't dressed like a Grand HighHat Hotel doorman, he gave Kelly the royal treatment, holding the door, waiting for him to get in and then shutting it, before rounding the front of the Lexus and jumping behind the wheel. Thankful Jared didn't make him wear the tight, white shirt, not the jacket buttoned around the bellybutton like a corset, or black bow tie, JC kind of liked the idea of wearing a kilt. Nice to feel the breeze blowing up his balls, airing everything out!

Pulling the handle of the back door, "I suppose being `valet', doesn't come with all the frills?"

Looking in the rearview, all JC says is, "really, Carlos?"

It was humorous, Kelly giggling, like the two still immersed in a comedy routine, "you guys are too much!"

For Carlos, due to being out of shape most of his life, he always had a back seat to almost everything. The exceptions, were due to being a `fat kid', throughout his schooling life. From about 5th grade on up, he was singled out to be made example of, bullied by other boys whom were mostly fit and trim, or with social prejudices.

He had figured, by the time his class had reached 12th grade, they would be mature enough to live in a more peaceful and loving society. Forget that.

Trying to avoid conflict, Carlos had his brother drop him off at the side of the school. Last year it was the gym. Maybe a change of location would confuse the enemy!

Didn't help. There were still those, loyal to the bullies, whom would rather turn another in, than suffer the same fate themselves.

However, what the bullies were not counting on, was Carlos' brother, Teyo, whom was once a high school senior himself, putting up with the same shit. He sent Carlos out the door of his car with advice, what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger,' and trust me, it gets better.'

Teyo knew his brother dreaded going back to school and for the years they share each others' secrets, he felt he owed his brother. He always did favor Carlos with the first set of lips touching his cock and even though there have been better `tongue-wrestlers', Teyo accredits Carlos with being the best shaft-savorer. In those years, Carlos needed something to boost his ego!

Carlos realized, in his senior year, it important for getting into a good college, in order to make something of himself. He wasn't so keen on Teyo's idea, of joining in on sports. Though, in a couple of months, working out, sure enough he dropped pounds and put on muscle. Teyo's gem of an idea indeed got the bullies off his back.

Not only words, Teyo had good experiences to back him up. In his own senior year, one of the high school coaches found a karate team forming at a local private school. He tried out and in his own estimation, for a senior with no prior experience, the instructor thought Teyo had talent.

One problem, with 8 brothers in the family, money for things other than basics; food, clothing, medical care, anything else would need to be had for nothing, or do without. One of the karate instructors sympathized with boys who could not afford a basic package and arranged to give Teyo some pointers on the side. Best thing, Teyo didn't even have to go to the karate school location. The instructor had him come to his home basement setup. Striking up a deal, they came to mutual agreement, entailing a 2-hour session every week.

Teyo aspired in his karate studies, much so, he was able to tutor his brothers during the summer months. It was through those karate sessions also, Teyo first learned how to put on a condom. Finding out about each other at an earlier age, Teyo was able to pass his expertise onto Carlos.

Carlos balked at the idea of learning karate but Teyo gave him an ultimatum, be bullied the last year of high school or stand up for himself.

However, as it goes, that close contact made the brothers see beyond the surface of the sport, giving into desires, of which they had suspicions. Whereas words could not communicate, actions brought out the best in both boys. One thing, whereas Teyo thought he would only be a top, doing activities of the man wearing the condom, he also found how pleasurable it could be, in an oral way, making the other guy hard. Teyo also thought `it' didn't taste so bad; kind sweet taste to it, which he equated to tasting sort of like cookie dough!

From then on and through future educational and other experiences, Carlos has found out there are many people out there willing to give a guy a chance. One thing key is to know how to make wise choices. Based on this, this is how Carlos came to stay at the Magonagle compound. Seeing a blurb on the college bulletin board, he gained not only employment, but funds for college and garnered friendships which could lead to more. At least that's what Carlos thought, with all the hot guys floating around!

After graduating college, Teyo had a lot of loose ends to tie up with family and other small details. For one thing, it wasn't his choice for the karate instructor to feel so guilty, compelled to pay for college expenses, tuition, room and board, but Teyo gladly accepted. It felt good to walk out with a diploma, no bills to fall back on. Next decision, was what to do with the double graduate degrees he had just achieved in business and personal training, with added extracurricular activities along the way. It's then that Teyo cashed in on all that help he gave young brother Carlos. After hearing his brother rave about this place, where not only offered sound employment, but like `a million' hot guys to work with.

Traveling down the old lane to Rt. 20, Kelly and JC hardly got a word in edgewise. In fact, every time Kelly heard the name `Teyo', it made him smile, thinking perhaps Carlos and Teyo may have shared some of the same experiences as he and Jared.

The real reason Carlos was shooting his mouth off, even though Kelly had just landed, he was hoping he could find out if there were any lucrative position available where his brother could find work at the Magonagle compound.

Not sure exactly what he was doing in way of a job, Kelly remarks, "hey, I'll let you know when I find out what I'm doing!"

In JC's mind, having the background to know, Kelly would be doing much of nothing, which suited him. When JC first came on board, instead of a shiny red Lexus, he helped pull stumps out of the ground with a green tractor. Of course, like all the other employees, his time wasn't only spent keeping his Lexus spiffed up, but in training for the Highland Games or modeling a kilt or related apparel, when the factory or store needed an extra hot bod! He was glad Kelly was easy going, allowing him to hang out, since it can get lonely without a pal to pal around with!

It's Kelly who, after the car slows down, entering a group of stores, "is this the place?"

"This is it, well what there is of it, so far," JC parks in the lot of an L-shaped building.

The three getting out, Kelly spots a cafe, "now that's where you'll find me every morning!"

Before he can even make it across the street to his future hangout, here comes Jared, down the parking lot sidewalk, flanking a wall of the Magonagle building, "welcome, bro!"

JC, he knew everyone, from whom worked the kilt store, to who delivered goods, right on up to the head honcho.

Perhaps Carlos, who had only been in town once, the day he arrived, was as well, checking out the parade.

"What's all this?" Kelly accepts the hug from his brother.

"Opening day of our new store. What do you think?"

"It's not open yet? I thought."

Before Kelly can get a word in edgewise, he's engulfed in the crowd, enveloped and whisked to the front door. He equated it to nothing less than celebrity status. Everyone seemed to know him, whereas names were spoken without being able to absorb corresponding faces. Regardless, his brother was always there with an arm around the shoulder.

He did manage to communicate, "uh, Jared, you think we can take a trip to the cafe across the street?"

Morning, noon or night, Kelly could be up for a latte!

"Oh you don't have to worry about that!"

Whereas the parking side of the building was bland, with a billboard announcing a customer was near the `Magonagle Kilt & Music Shop', when turning the corner, that offered the real cosmetic shock, "wow, this is awesome, bro!"

It was amazing, which anyone would think so. Soon as Kelly turned the parking lot corner, there was Phil Driskell, starting up what was a high school field trip, the Danesburg H.S. Fife and Drum Corp, playing some song he didn't recognize, other than being from Scotland or Ireland. He wasn't up on his cultural music, so couldn't tell, other than it wasn't some top 40 tune!

"Hey, Phil," Kelly yelled out, at almost the only other person he knew, different from JC or Carlos.

With a hand, not his baton, Phil hailed Kelly's arrival, but mostly pay attention to the beat. These were his high school-college mix and one could easily throw the other off. Without Phil at the baton, the fife and drum corp would be in shambles!

"Kelly," Jared signals, giving his brother's shoulder a squeeze?


"Mayor Gibbons."

It's then that Kelly realized the scope of things. This was not just a meet-and-greet-at-the-store deal, a tartan-colored ribbon', constructed of real kilt' material, stretched across the whole front of the store and a pair of `gold' scissors, "what's all this?"

Kelly's first reaction was the material thing, but upon recognizing the man as mayor, "oh, hi there, Mayor Gibbons!"

Right off, it hit Kelly, this guy a little too young to be in office, but didn't say so, only reacted with shaking his hand.

"Very glad to make your acquaintance Kelly. We've all heard so much about you," Gibbons shakes and welcomes.

Kelly was `in love'!

Tall, dirty blond, stylish haircut...

It was then Kelly made an astonishing discovery. Not only was Mayor Gibbons outfitted in a kilt, but looking below-the-belt, everyone, regardless of sex...was kilted. He felt like an outsider.

He wonders why he didn't make the connection getting in the red Lexus, JC and Carlos in a kilt, himself jeans!

"Whoa, this is remarkable, Jared...I feel like I'm in Scottish-Oz!"

Other than shirts; long sleeve or short, tanks, tees, the uniformed tops of the fife and drum corp, the variety was immense, but for loin-coverings, everyone wore a kilt.

"And if we ever get to cutting this ribbon," Jared clears his throat, looking to the mayor, "we'll get you outfitted!"

"Of course," Mayor Gibbons fumbled with the scissors.

Just by the shear handsomeness of the mayor, Kelly wanted Jared to cut him a break, signifying, "I've got plenty of time."

Wayne Gibbons knows he was up against stiff competition last November, with the incumbent mayor, having been in office longer than he should. He was grateful for the `Magonagle-vote', overriding the town vote to put him in office.

"Well, I don't. Can we get on with it, mayor?"

Wayne had made it known, before elections, he wasn't anyone's puppet, which disavowed him from any ballot box wrongdoing. It was something which entertained Jared. Two types of people jived with Jared. Either they took the alpha approach, or fell to the bottom of the list. Still, he sought, through training, a person could rise above and become a valued statistic in his organization. He liked Wayne for that alpha attitude.

One problem, Wayne himself wasn't sure if he were straight or bi. Jared gave him the leeway to find out. As he expressed point blank, upon first meeting, he couldn't tell a person who they `were', that they had to find out that on their own. The mayor did some soul-searching and finally made a decision, not to allow religion to hold him back.

They did see eye to eye, the mayor sticking to a campaign promise, to pull the town out of the past century, moving it ahead, creating jobs, business and having the inside knowledge of how Jared perceived where the Magonagle business model would be in a few years time, banked on those campaign promises. For certain though, poking Jared in the chest with his index finger, Wayne posed a good challenge if he didn't meet those promises, it would be more than himself going down!

"Of course," the mayor acted sly, "I know you're a busy man, Jared."

Kelly was too busy himself, admiring all those around, which made the grand opening of the family business almost as admirable as any town holiday parade. Even the main street was cordoned off.

He didn't count, but Kelly estimated a crowd of 50-100 had gathered. Never good at head-counts over 20, he more took in what people looked like. In recent times he couldn't recall shaking so many hands, being greeted by so many smiles. Though, there were a few guys he hoped he wouldn't forget!


"Yeah, I'm here," Kelly pays more attention to the ribbon cutting ceremony.

"Come around here."

Advantageously, Jared wanted Kelly in on the ribbon cutting.

Kelly, he smiled at the mayor, when their hands came in contact. For certain, Kelly felt a jolt out of context, skin upon skin.

Another thing he realizes, Jared having everything coordinated. All eyes on him, Phil Driskel knew exactly when to cut off the current tune on the corp's playlist.

Photographers, from where, he didn't know, could be the local paper or cam's readying to record for local Tv coverage, they were all on the gun, waiting for his and Mayor Gibbon, a hand each commanding the scissors, to make a slice.

"Anytime," Jared was there in Kelly's ear, "or within in the next few seconds, would be a good time to make your move, bro?"

A little perplexed, Kelly wondered why Jared's hand wasn't on the gold scissors, but figured he knew what he was doing, squeezed both scissors and Wayne's grip.

When the wide tartan strand snipped in two with three cuts, there was a loud range of cheers and the cue for the band to switch to something very festive.

"Wow!" Kelly was overwhelmed by the grandioseness of the moment, not to mention the mayor being the first one to hug him.

What could he do, Kelly losing all control, placing a kiss on the mayor's neck!

Mayor Gibbons wasn't so sure of that move, but looking over Kelly's shoulder, right into Jared's face, he knew he better go with it. So did, without any other reaction, other than smile at Jared. He also could not deny, feeling something when their crotches met!

"Next?" Jared seemed to rush things along.

Right up one step, they were in the grand foyer of Magonagle's Kilts and Music Shop, which by no means was a measly small enterprise.

Kelly was truly blown away by what looked like to be two floors, but stepping inside, the first floor standing two stories high, "wow, this is awesome!"

"Welcome to our store," Jared kept reinforcing the issue of everything not being of sole ownership.

"They look so lifelike," though Kelly was smart enough to know, the mannequins hanging by threads from the ceiling, were not real. More lifelike and to his liking, were when Kelly's chin dropped to shoulder level.

"Hey, I'm Billy Higgins, manager of the store. Any suggestions for me?"

Other than wanting a hug from the well-rounded cub, "nope. You're doing a good job."

That's what Jared thought and why Billy Higgins has been the mainstay of the shop well before it opened. He also happens to look very hot at the occasional party which pops up, dripping in leather. Billy also encourages his friends to shop on the 3rd floor, off limits to customers under a certain age.

"Thanks," Billy says. Then right up behind him, slipping an arm in between, is a guy who found Billy very hot.

"Carlos, you and Billy?" Kelly senses right away they were more than friends.

"I know what this looks like, but trust me, it's the first time we've ever met."

Billy probably would have liked to have hung around for the chit-chat, but he was always on top of things, which required paying attention to more than `love.'

"Hmm, I sense love is in the air?"

Kelly's remark made Carlos smile, turn a deep hue, "could be."

Yesterday, when Jared had met with everyone, he pressed upon every employee not to leave his brother with a dull moment, which is why, when one major employee stepped away, a nod told anyone to drop what they were doing and report front and center.


One thing made this employee stand out from the rest, "wow, I can't believe it."

"Can't believe what?"

"I thought only guys worked here!"

"Nah. There's a few of us. The law says Jared has to hire a few of us. I'm Willow."

As he thought, Willow Mazza was younger than himself, 20-years old and a music student at Coarshill Commons Community College, majoring in education.

"I help Phil with the non-traditional musical instruments. About anything except bagpipes, really. Bagpipes, they're way beyond me," her hand zooms above her head.

"I haven't a clue myself about that."

Then, when a prospective customer comes by, with a young boy, asking for her help, "I'll be right with you."

Kelly saw she was hanging around for him, "you can go take care of her now. I'll cover with Jared for you!"

The way Kelly addressed her, she kind of got the idea he knew about his brother making sure he was kept busy.

However, he didn't want Jared to get the idea this was Willow's idea, so he found someone to get busy with!

"Hey, you in charge of this area?"

"That's me," the employee turns around, clutching a hand drum. Right away he notices, "oh hi. You're Kelly, right?"

He mused to himself, if people didn't know who he was by now... "yup, that's me."

"Sander McBluff, but they call me Sandy. Interested in a drum?"

Smiling, Kelly was interested in more than that, but one particular question was on the tip of his tongue, "they let you come to work like that, without any shirt on?"

"Some of us," Sandy replies. "Depends on what area of the store a person works in. Billy, you'll never catch him away from wearing a dress shirt and tie, but all of us, we're required to have a kilt as the lower half of our attire. Tops are optional."

Kelly certainly wanted to play `top' to him!

Sandy wanted to share with Kelly, how some of them let their balls hang free, but didn't think it appropriate. Not yet. Not until they were on more informal terms.

"I like the uniform," Kelly was delivering a message of a different sort.

"We should get you into one."

"I'm sure my brother has that in the plan, but if you're not busy, maybe you can help me?"

Since the fateful day of fatherly disciplining had brought on sessions with Doc Watson, not all that psychological therapy had ironed out every little kink. What not even Kelly himself realized, every boy he's met, after boarding the flight back to home life, a feeling of `being in love' has set in.

First it was Tim on the plane, hovering about Kelly, with orders from Jared, to please his brother's every whim. It didn't help Kelly thinking Tim had some hidden affection for him, in lieu of just being courteous. Though, with exiting the plane and not seeing Tim again, all that new felt love trickled away.

Then it was JC, whom Kelly thought `this, the one,' but it became obvious, his limo driver was not the settling down type.

Carlos, very cute, pudgy, will someday make a nice gem of a guy for that lucky man. Then, Kelly witnessed him getting with Billy.

Now, there was Phil Driskel. That was a `catch', if Kelly ever thought of a hot, good-looking man...too bad Phil was already taken.

Oh well, there were plenty of other men in the sea. Not being too picky, surely `Billy', a bear of a man, Kelly almost had the chance to dream!

About ready to get over-friendly, who should step into the space between?

"Having a good time, are we?"

"Doc Watson!" Kelly exclaims, his shrink-for-life comes between him and what would have been, his `next man to fall in love with'.

"How are you doing?"

To Kelly, every time his psychiatrist asked him that, it was like walking into a session. Sometimes there was something weighing terribly heavy on his mind, other times, "fine. Why?"

Sometimes Kelly looked like he was disturbed about an issue. Other times it baffled the doc, "nothing," he pats Kelly on the shoulder, sliding a gentle hand down to the forearm, falling off, "just making sure you're handling everything."

"Why wouldn't I?"

Sam Watson smiles, which sends a clear message to Kelly, both knowing why there should be concern. With a few people in the room, Kelly was okay with it, but when flanked by wall to wall population, especially mostly guys, it was like the whole city was closing in, almost with a claustrophobic effect.

Before Kelly left college and came home, their last few sessions together were made in an effort to deal with the transition. Leading up to this had been mostly about the interactions between brothers.

Most prep sessions had been about facing circumstances, if they should happen to arise, regarding the father's disciplining, which had Kelly change from an easygoing teen, into a reclusive being, choosing to keep to himself, shy away from friendly relationships, keep a low profile from school events.

That first session, Doc Watson didn't ask, Kelly admitting he was shy when it came to removing his shirt.

The doc did ask about the scarring from the whipping, which did show up in Kelly's medical report from his family doctor. What he wasn't counting on, is Kelly offering to show him!

In reality, Sam thought there wasn't much damage with skin tissue, rather more of a mental impact. What he didn't need to mention is how guarded he kept the notebook glued to his lap, one he used for all patients, jotting down session notes.

He thought it a shame, the code about patient-doctor conduct, yet the doc didn't wish to spoil his perfect record. Never has there been a time that he's been accused of `hands on' a patient, doing anything which would jeopardize his career. He wasn't about to make Kelly his first statistic.

However, the day Jared came to his office and proposed taking on his brother as a special case, which would require a sabbatical from his patient schedule, there was nothing in the official code about getting it on with patient relations!

Soon after that first time with Jared, talking the self-proclaimed `top' into sucking him off, Sam made it clear, their sexual fling took place before he took both Magonagle brothers on as patients.

Jared was cool with it, saying that wouldn't be the case, being Doc Watson wasn't to charge him, since he was making a bundle off of Kelly. So, if he wasn't paying for therapy, rightfully, on record there was no wrong-doing!

Whenever Sam was around Kelly, he had this feeling like `God' was watching him, even though the shrink always said, what goes on between them, therapy-wise, goes under patient confidentiality and nothing gets back to Jared.

Regardless, there were times when Kelly just couldn't wait to bust open and talk about things, "I was really admiring the store manager. Cute, isn't he?"

When Doc Watson was confronted by something like that, it was like a lead-in to a session, "very. Are you liking him as a friend, lover, or..."

"Yeah," Kelly jumps the gun, "all of them. Except..."

After Kelly's self-confession, Billy and Carlos friends, probably heading down the road to something more, it relaxed the doc. Great, because then they didn't have to hack through a previous issue, difference between getting friendly with another man, whether it's shaking hands or licking dicks, "oh. So then, have you met any other love interests you would like to pursue?"

"Of course," Kelly's demeanor changes over to the humorous, "all of `em!"

Then, from over the doc's shoulder, "how is your favorite patient getting along, Sam?"

"I was about to ask my `favorite' patient," he turns around to face Jared.

Rather than talk up himself, which usually when psychoanalyzing the psychiatrist, Jared diverts, "I have a couple of more boys to add to your list of future patients. Aty has the list."

And that was it! A pat on the shoulder was all that was needed to confirm he was dumping a couple of more patients onto Sam's schedule. He did have a feeling though, this temporary situation, of being away from his practice and office, was turning more permanent by the week. Originally, it started out as only following up on Kelly, but over a period of a few weeks, before Jared's brother even set foot in Danesburg, he had a short roster of patients.

In fact, it had been Aty whom had put a buzz in Jared's ear, saying every hired employee should go through psychological profiling. Jared liked the idea immensely and also gave his security manager the detail of finding other ways of keeping the doc on permanent sabbatical!

Doc Watson also did not mind it at all, when some young guy would come over to him during meals, or while walking Magonagle grounds, or at functions such as this, talking `shop.'

"Doc Watson," the lad approaches, "can we talk?"

Sam had really wanted to tail Kelly over towards some other guy, but being he really didn't mind the business being thrown his way, "sure Tom, what's on your mind?"

Smiling, Tom, a 34-year old, who worked construction, retorts, "do you really want to know?"

He always knew when a guy `really' had a serious problem, because there was no joking. When receiving an answer such as this, "I'm a little busy right now for a blowjob, Tom?"

"Would've been sweet," Tom turns him down, "but I'm not asking for me, but a buddy on the crew, Simon?"

"Last name?" Sam starting taking mental notes.


"Nature of his reason for wanting to talk?"

Shrugging both shoulders, Tom replies, "beats me. I just told him I talk to you, to get stuff off my mind and he says he needed something like that."

Though, Tom wasn't telling the truth. Really, he didn't want to get into telling Simon's story. Reason he shoved the responsibility of lending an ear in the first place. First off, he knew very little about this s&m stuff, other than it was related to `whips and chains' and secondly, didn't feel it was his business to know.

"Okay. Tell him to stop by my office."

When Doc Watson originally was propositioned by Jared, to oversee the mental needs of his brother, there wasn't anyone else involved. Now, with the need for a home base, Sam willingly gave up an office in the security complex, for a single room at the `dorm', where those who could not afford off-grounds lodgings, were given a bunk. Originally, he planned on protesting, but so often he caught boys running from the dorm to the lake, without even a kilt, it changed his mind.

"I'll do that," Tom said, departing after confirming it.

Sam suddenly felt lonesome, almost the feeling of being used. However, it's only been a few months on the grounds, feeling assured sooner or later he would meet up with `Mr. Right.' For certain, with Kelly having this problem with falling in love with every hot guy he beholds, Sam wasn't about to develop the same habits.

Meanwhile, in the distance he saw that Kelly hadn't engaged the store manager for too long and instead of blending in with the kilt racks, was developing conversation.

Not even within earshot, how would he be able to tell some of the other employees were up to no good!

"Yeah, since there's no curfew at the dorm, sometimes our orgies can go into the early hours of the morning," one of them says.

"Orgies?" Kelly is motivated to take part in the conversation, maybe more!

Then, a familiar voice, JC joining in, "who's having an orgy? When? Where? I'm in!"

As the crowd of workers began to jump on the band wagon, Kelly slowly backs away. Instead of the wall, he almost stepped on Sam's toes.

"Going somewhere?"

All Kelly had to do is turn a cheek, "uh, I dunno. Maybe."

Probably, more than anyone else in the world, more than Jared, maybe Kelly himself, his psychiatrist understood him, much so, he could predict something, like why Kelly was backing away from the ensuing circle of workers.

"Let me guess. Something came up in the conversation you're unsure about and rather than stand there and pretend to go along, you're opting out?"

Having the feeling his face had a mask of guilt, Kelly smiles, "you have me figured out every time. How do you do that, doc?"

Over the past seven years, roughly since he was 19-years old, he's been under Doc Watson's care. It wasn't anything really planned, a happenstance on Jared's part.

Also seven years ago marks an anniversary, one which is not celebrated, the death of their father. Jared marks it as when the family began to unravel, fall apart, their mother blaming Kelly as putting the father in an early grave.

Regardless, Kelly wasn't the only one who needed counseling. Jared, he had been out of college for a number of years and even though keeping his sexuality a secret, it wasn't he had a black book of tricks on the side.

Of one such Kilting Conference, Jared crossed paths with a hot looking guy in an elevator at the hotel. Going up, he was on his way back from the conference room, wanting to shower and freshen up before dinner. Sliding the card in the door slot, he happened to look at the gentleman standing at the door next to him, admitting himself also. A connection was made and next thing, Jared had him in his room, back to the wall, pressing lips together.

Come to find out, kilting wasn't the only conference being held at the hotel, coinciding with a Mental Health Group. Not only did he and Doc Watson get to know each other in bed, they hung around together until both conferences ended.

It is then Jared unloaded a lot which was on his mind, just out of college, a gay brother and the whole ordeal over how he probably should have stood up for his brother, instead of being such a coward.

While naked in bed, Sam would have liked to have lay there comfortably, kissing, licking, sucking, making love and more, but Jared would always revert back to something which resembled a session on depression and anxiety. At least he got a few things he wasn't sure he would get on this trip.

After the first night, it looked to Sam, Jared looking more for psychological advice than getting his rocks off. That's okay, Sam at least having a hot cock to suck on, while listening to Jared's troubles. It's only during pauses, Jared asking for advice, when he had to pop off with a slurp. At least it wasn't a boring psychiatric event, once he left the conference hall, Jared the highlight of his 5-day week.

Leaving his card, Sam hadn't a clue their paths would cross again, but Jared was willing to pay for his 2-hour train fare, his time spent traveling, plus his regular, out-of-network fee, to bring him to where he and his brother were, setting up a new kilt business in Danesburg.

How he came to decide to give up his city practice and live at the compound permanently, partly it was the smell of fresh, country air. The salary Jared was offering, plus room and board was nice than adequate. Fact that many of the young crowd who were coming on board, working the factory, the store, at landscaping, household staffing and others, many had similar problems about coming out, Sam knew he could help them out with various heartbreaking situations. Many came to the compound from broken homes, which were fine until boys announced they were gay.

This was one thing which was an ace in a guy's pocket, confronting Jared with the issue. Partially because the incident in his family occurred at all, but also because of the guilt he felt, allowing Kelly to carry the burden of punishment, when it should himself with his back exposed to the strap, or at least sharing the burden.

The more Doc Watson hung around, at the compound, or in town, he realized this was the right decision for him. Upon meeting and counseling Kelly, he took a personal interest in helping him to get well. He never said anything, to Jared, nor Kelly, but maybe part of that interest was because he thought Kelly was `hot'. Too bad there was that doctor-patient clause to get in the way.

"So, what is I right or wrong?" Sam stands there, arms folded across the middle, confronting Kelly.

"Yeah, but it's not like I'm applying something you taught me?"

"Oh? How does that go?"

"The thing about choosing to do something, instead of following the crowd, just because everyone is doing it."

"Hmm," Sam mulls it over, "so, it's not because it looked like a few guys, until JC came over and then everyone started jumping at the opportunity?"

Shrugging a shoulder was a dead giveaway, Sam knowing Kelly was agreeable with his prediction, "because you know you prefer one on one?"

He was right on it, Kelly saying, "I don't even know why I acted like I thought the orgy was for me."

"You were acting on the impulse that you want to fit in."

"Right. That's it."

Kelly had a lot of issues building up over a period of years, since both his father's passing and the parental way of disciplining.

He could see Kelly feeling more distraught, than pulling out of it, "how about we go across the street and grab a cup of coffee? I think things are a little overwhelming for you?"

"But Jared arranged all of this for me."

"Do you want to stay because you will feel guilty you left a party your brother arranged for you, or do you really want to stay?"

There it was again, the good doctor knowing exactly what he was thinking, "coffee."

On the way out they did cross paths with Jared, Sam telling his brother needed some time out, that things were a bit overbearing. He didn't mention the `orgy.'

Walking out the front door, some Kelly had met at the pool, or right inside the entryway, said they were glad to make his acquaintance.

Traveling cross main street, Kelly questions, "do you think they really are glad they met me?"

Taking Kelly's arm, hurrying him up on the curb, "I think some are. Others, they need time to get to know you. How many do you know very well, enough to say you are really happy to know them and can't wait to meet them again?"

"Except JC and Carlos, I really don't know any of them," Kelly replies, standing at the door to the Cornwall Cafe.

"Then how can you frankly say whether you are really glad to know them, or not?"

Kelly got it, now joking, "like, I wonder if there's any I will connect with?"

"I know, in college, you could count your friends on one hand, but maybe you'll have a different opinion with people you will be working with."

First topic of conversation, sitting at a cafe table, Kelly says, "I know Jared has all these ideas about me being some big, hotshot CEO, but it's not really what I want."

"Tell him."

"I don't want to hurt his feelings. Look at all he's done for me. He got me `you'!"

"And I'm glad of that."

"Really?" Kelly says, eyes lighting up.

Holding up his hands, like signing `time out', Sam says, "remember, patient-doctor clause?"

"You didn't pull that on Jared?"

"That was kind of a different situation."

Though, when Doc Watson explained it to him for the first time, Kelly had a field day at night, with his hand under the sheet, jerking off!

Like Sam hasn't heard it all before, Kelly pouts, "I probably like you more than my brother, you know?"

"I know," Sam replies, since this hasn't been the first time they've hashed this over, "even more, right?"

And as it has ran the course, Kelly reiterates, "don't you feel anything for me?"

Rightfully, taking Kelly to bed would definitively break down the code of doctor-patient allegiance, but it didn't hurt to voice feelings which could be understood by both, "you know I care for you Kelly. Can we leave it at that and move on?"

As it's gone, Kelly always ends with, "fine, but someday I think you and me should stop having sessions so we can lay together and not have to break any laws."

It's not which Sam hasn't thought about it, how many of his patients would he have liked to have slept with. Kelly though, he would be a special `sleepover'!

Being it was getting on 4pm, the lunch crowd began to empty out.

"Well, should we be getting back to the party?" Sam stands, pushes his chair in and reaches for the bill.

Kelly swipes it away, "in case you haven't heard, I've just inherited the position as CEO of a big company?"

"Is that what you want?"

Again, shrugging shoulders, Kelly says, "I dunno. I have to see what I'll be doing. Then I'll decide, wether that's I `choose' to do."

"Good answer. I'm happy to see our therapy sessions weren't in vain." Then, slipping the bill out of Kelly's hand, "my treat. You get it next time."

"Cool," it went right to Kelly's head, there was going to be a next time!

The cashier took Sam right away, but Kelly was more fascinated with waiting around, rather than leave to go back to the kilt business.

"Hey, you hiring?"

While the scruffy character accosted the cashier with his request, Kelly held his nose and wasn't scared to make opinion, saying softly, "Doc, did you fart?!"

Giving Kelly a wry smile, "wise ass!"

However, the dude with the job-inquirer, starts giggling!

Taking his card back, Sam says, "you can find your own way back to the store."

That was fine with Kelly and even though he knew it wasn't doc who farted, but the two lads standing there at the cashier, something sparked Kelly's interest, a dude laughing at his joke!

"Hi. I'm Kelly."

Cordially, he held out his hand.

Placing an extra sack down on the floor, the guy says, "John Hull. My brother, Ryan and me just got here. Into town that is."

Ryan was good at selling himself apparently, having carried his gear with him in the back. Kelly had seen Mr. Cornwall out there earlier, so the deal must've gone down very quickly.

Not more than 2 minutes later, Ryan comes back, having shed his jacket and gear, and wearing an apron.

"Hey John. I don't want you to panic. Mr. C's got a job for me, but says something else might open up in a month. He says you can stay out back with me in an old trailer, until we find some place better. You don't have to worry about food. He says he'll feed us both."

Kelly was no shrink, but he could sense John somewhere along the lines of `devastated' by the news, "no job? What am I gonna do? Ryan said he would get a job for both of us."

Suddenly, Kelly was interested in being a CEO!

"I got a job for you."

"Really?" John was sparked. Then, like a speeding train, "where? Can I start right away? How much does it pay?"

Kelly was all giddy, that he was going to use his new power to hire some dude, down and out at that. It wasn't only that, thinking him very cute.

"Well, I don't know how much it's going to pay, but you'll have a place to stay and meals."


The two stood there, nothing much else being said, like where' was the job and what' did it entail.

"We can go now, if you want to tell your brother?" Kelly points his thumb out the front door.


Walking right in the back, John didn't think anything of it, except `where' he found Ryan. In the storage closet, John was not appalled by what he viewed, "well, you didn't waste any time!"

There was Ryan, standing over the cashier-slash-cafe owner, both with their pants down. Over sacks of potatoes, Ryan had him bent, cock stuck in, up to the hilt.

He jokes, "nothin' you haven't seen before, bro!"

Agile with his foot, Ryan kicks the door shut.

John sticks his head back in, saying, "I just wanted to tell you, this guy outside, says he can give me a job."

Without skipping a beat, hammering his new boss' ass, Ryan says, "fine. Let me know later."

Kelly, who had followed John back, was waiting in the hallway, "what's all the racket?"

A little ashamed his brother had just landed a job and was fucking his boss, "Ryan is getting to know the routine."

"Oh," Kelly replies, believing him. "Is he okay with working for me?"

"Didn't say. Too busy getting to know what's expected of him, I suppose."

That's how it's been for the brothers, legging it halfway cross country, then up north, from Nashville. Wherever Ryan could get work, it's often been Ryan as the laborer, taking care no one abused his younger brother. Always on the lookout, this is the first time John has taken the initiative to do something on his own!

"Hmm," Kelly taps a finger to his lips.


"I don't think you should be going to work smelling like...farts?"

He laughs, which gets John cackling again.

"Well, Ryan says there's a trailer out back where we'll be staying. They've probably got a shower?"

Helping themselves they walk out back and it wasn't a task to find the silver Airstream.

Only, in Kelly's estimate, "when do you think they first started making these?"

Pulling open a screen door, which looked as if it was ready to fall off in his hand, John says, "I dunno, but this one looks really ancient."

Inside, they could tell this wasn't up for a Good Housekeeping award, Kelly saying, "this smells worse than you!"

John felt it warranted a `slap-aside-the-head', same way his brother dealt out to him, meaning to reprimand in a friendly, less serious manner.

Truth be told, if Kelly were in other surroundings, with a certain type of person, meant to cause harm, he would have taken the mussing of his hair as being bullied.

It made all the world to them, the two feeling comfortable with each other, in a friendly way, which touching didn't bring on animosity, like they wanted to duke it out.

They both got another laugh out of it, the deeper they immersed themselves into the disaster situation of the trailer.

Using a fork found lying on a counter, John holds it up, a pair of someone's personal item dangling from it, "did you happen to drop something?"

"Ewe, John!"

That set off another series of laughs and cackles, John hurling it like a slingshot. When the moldy briefs hit a mini-blind, they both jump when it falls off a window, as if inhabited by the supernatural.

Finally, since the place didn't seem inhabitable by himself, Kelly says, "forget it. You're not staying here tonight!"

"You got a place for me? Is it included in the job?"

Not even thinking yet what John's job will be, Kelly assures, "yup. It's all inclusive. Anything you need."


What they didn't find, was running water, John lamenting, when he turns a knob on the shower, "not which I think I would want the bottoms of my feet touching the floor, but.."

"Trust me, John," Kelly places a hand on his friend's shoulder, looking into the small cubicle, "I think you're cleaner than the shower!"

With haste John unhands the shower head he's picked up, trailing the hose which has become disconnected from the plumbing, "ewe!"

Moving backwards, he's pressed his back against Kelly's front and backing out of the shower, "oops! Sorry `bout that."

Realizing it, the small ledge, no quite flush with the floor, between the bath and hallway, caught Kelly at the heels, causing him to `sit.'

"Wanna give a hand here?"

Having turned around in the cramped quarters, John towers over Kelly, offering a hand, "here ya go!"

All ready to spring to his feet, with John's hoisting abilities, Kelly leapt up like a trampoline was under him.

Coming face to face, chin to chin, feeling bods between the fabric of shirts, they remained motionless.

"I think in the movies, this is where the actors suddenly decide they're in love?"

Kelly had no problem with John's motives, "what's holding us back?"

Laughter filled the gaps, only it wasn't born of joking material, rather nervousness.

John, in an attempt to keep Kelly from repeating the fall to his ass, held him tightly by both arms.

More adventurous, an afterthought, Kelly had nonchalantly woven both hands in between John's hips and arms.

Now, there were no need for words, so it seemed.

Perhaps nervous, John's reveals one of his deep, inner secrets, "I never kissed a guy, except Ryan."

It came out as blaming, really Kelly letting John know they were on the same page, "you and your brother kissed?"

Suddenly the grip each had on the other, slackened.

"I know'd it isn't exactly the right thing, but..."

Before he allowed John to get too apologetic, "me and Jared, we did too."

"Really?" it made John's eyes light up with astonishment.

"Yup. Was my first boy-kiss!"

"Cool!" Then, since they had gotten this far, "did you like, do anything else?"

It made Kelly smile, thinking he's found another guy whom he could relate to, "plenty of stuff. You?"

They were about to reveal stuff they promised themselves they would never talk about with anything but their brothers, when another blind takes a leap off the window.

"Yikes!" Kelly says, "the place is really haunted!"

No ghosts, but when a possum or other animal reveals itself, it sends the boys running!

They didn't walk, but ran to the back entrance of Cornwall Cafe. Entering the rear, they casually walked.

"I wonder if they're done," Kelly says.


Returning the flip of the hand, Kelly nudges the brim of John's baseball cap, "you're bro and Mr. Cornwall, doofus!"

It made John smile, returning, "oh. Him."

They did do a quick check, prying the supply closet door open, but all was silent.

Holding a finger under his nose, sealing off the breathing canals, Kelly says, "stinks in here."

"Not as bad as out there!"

Each telling it like a joke, set them off again in laughter.

Down the short hallway they came to kitchen, not as broad as if a full-scale restaurant.

There was Ryan, standing around, like he was the manager, "hey, how's the trailer?"

Kelly jokes, "worse than the supply closet!"

When the two start cackling, it made Ryan smile, but it gave Ken Cornwall the notion, "first order of business, Ryan, kick those two out!"

John and Kelly were on their way out anyhoo, which made Ryan's bouncer job easy, shooing them out as if hens in a barnyard.

With all of Kelly's promises backing him up, John says, "I found a better place to stay tonight."

Ryan was glad John was happy making Kelly's acquaintance. He knew someday John would have to choose his own way, which in this case, he felt good vibes, "a word of advice...don't forget the condom, bro!"

Reaching into his back pocket to grab some foil packets, John told his bro, "got some already."

"Holding out on me, bro?"

Laughing, John says, "stole them when you didn't have your pants on!"

Ryan bounced them out of there, warning his brother, "don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

After the door closes, John says, "are we going all the way, Kelly?"

"Beats me. We'll know it when it happens!"

Crossing the street, getting closer to the building which has undergone a grand opening, John had his questions.

"Yup, the business is half mine. My brother already made me a CEO."

"Wo-o-ow, I never met one of those kind before. Man, did I luck out!"

Not which it hasn't occurred to Kelly, at least 5 times in the past 24 hours, "I'm also looking for a partner."

Being smart about it, Kelly knew a guy doesn't come out and ask another dude if he's `gay'. Yet, it was kind of clear, the issue on his mind.

"Um, how would you mean that?"

"Probably the way you're thinking it. Are you?" Kelly swallows, going for broke, "into guys?"

Answering a question with a question, John says, "are you?"

There they are, Main St. USA, standing on the sidewalk, both with hands locked, facing each other, having their own private moment, leaning heads together.

"Wow! You're a good kisser!"

"You too," John agrees.

"Hey, see the red Lexus over there?"

"Wow!" John is filled with glee, "is that your car?"

"Nope. My limo driver's, but if you wait over by it, I'll go find him and come right back."

Kelly didn't walk, but ran in the front entry, sideswiping many who again said hello and hoped that JC didn't find that orgy yet.

Fortunately, he was still engaged in the same circle of future fuck-buddies and breaking him off, grabs his arm, "c'mon. We gotta go."

Meanwhile, Ryan had relieved himself, clean up, and having seen John out of the front window, across the street, made a beeline for him.

From what he could tell, after John spell it out, he learned Kelly was a CEO of the store he was standing outside of, he was gay, looking for a boyfriend, and the red Lexus belonged to his limo driver.

"Sweet, bro," Ryan had dollar signs dancing in his head, "you stick with him and see what you can find out. Maybe you can get me a job. Make sure you ask for top dollar. I gotta get back."

Last parting words, were not about John, Ryan looking for more than what he had now.

On the other hand, John was thinking of Kelly as more than a boss. He didn't have any rush to have sex, although the mention of being boyfriends was kind of cool.

John, he's never had a boyfriend before. From a disjointed family, parents alcoholics, doing drugs, it left him and his brother mostly on their own. Like other brothers, both gay, they turned inward to find their experimentation.

Runaways, it's Ryan who was tougher, always looking out for his younger brother. They never went hungry. Even if they couldn't find jobs, Ryan could always hustle a buck. There were always bottoms looking to get `full-filled'!

One thing Ryan was careful of, he and his brother getting caught up in drugs. He worked for a while as a roadie, but when this became an issue, he `stole' wages, which were rightfully his and left town.

Leaving the store, JC had to admit Kelly had piqued his interest, but when he saw `what' was hanging by his car, "you've got to be kidding me, Kelly?"

"What?" Kelly was innocent as hell.

"I'm not allowing a homeless person to step foot inside my Lexus."

Suddenly, Kelly was on the defensive, "and I don't like your attitude, JC!"

First thing to come to mind, Kelly was standing up for not only himself, but John, which meant he probably liked him, so JC cools his jets, "well, maybe he can use the store shower."

"The store has a shower?" Kelly replies. "Why didn't you say that?"

Being JC was open to that, Kelly marches right over to John and says, "hey, grab your stuff. JC says you can shower in the store."

After he said, it, something crossed Kelly's mind, something Doc Watson would say, about being his own man, assertive, "I mean, you can come in the store and take a shower, if you choose?"

JC wondered what that was about, but just went with it.

Carrying one of John's two packs, JC leads them around back.

"Good idea," Kelly heralds it.

"Yeah, we don't want anyone thinking we farted!"

They both laughed, JC being left in the dark. However, he also thought, in the hour Kelly's been gone, he sure got to know some guy kind of well. He wondered if he liked orgies?! However what lingered on his mind, which JC knew many of those whom worked out and about at the compound, and the town store, you didn't want to get on the head honcho's bad side. No way could be faster than to have Kelly complaining to his brother, so if you valued your job, to please one brother, would do justice to falling into favor with the other. JC liked Kelly and was under the impression Kelly was okay with him.

"Here we are," JC leads them into the back of the store, to the side of the stock area.

Upon opening a fully stocked closet, soap, towels, other stuff, Kelly asks, "got a question...if you're a limo driver, JC, how come you know all of this is here?"

"Good question," JC said it only to buy himself time, "uh, because once when I was bringing some goods here to the store, I helped carry them in and this is where they brought them to store. I helped load it."

"Sounds good to me," Kelly looks to John, like he was asking approval.

Shrugging both shoulders, like `he don't know,' John retorts, "sounds cool with me."

Maybe JC was looking for more than just showing John where the shower was, which was 2, lined up next to each other. Like they had never seen a shower and knew how it worked, JC pulls one of the doors open and turns it on, saying, "you need to wait a minute or so for the hot water to come up, but when it does you need to be careful to mix it with the cold, because it can get real hot."

Kelly was about to ask, John jumping the gun, "and you would know this, because?"

From the two of them, laughing their asses off, because they thought JC was trying to hide something from them, like he had been there, stripped to skin and showered, perhaps not alone, it just tickled the two. Maybe it was, since John thought it was funny, it tickled Kelly to join in on the laughter.

"Okay. I'm leaving now, but I'll be back...uh, not back here, but back in the Lexus, when you're ready for the trip back up the road?"

Like he was embarrassed or something, JC left. Truthfully, if he had been invited to strip down and join in, he would have. However, thinking it not right, if something like that got back to Jared, it might have been misconstrued as misconduct. Besides, leaving the stock are of the store, JC thought about how many other hot guys there are working at the Magonagle enterprises, not to mention assorted hot men whom found employment in Danesburg.

"Okay, well I guess you have everything," Kelly says, hand on the doorknob. "I'll wait out in the hallway for you, John."

Some things about John, one in particular, on the road between here and there, Ryan could be an over-protective individual, not which John minded. There were a number of times Ryan actually did keep him from falling into harm's way.

From the time he left the Cornwall Cafe, walked across the street, met JC and now stood in the shower room at the kilt store, John has thought the guy he met really nice, friendly. Too, Ryan would never let him fade from view, if he wasn't confident he was going off with someone trustworthy.


However, as Kelly closes the door, John suddenly feels a terrible, terrible loneliness. He literally ran to the door, as if to catch it from closing. Already sealed, he turns the handle, lunges it open, speaks out, "Kelly?"

"Yeah?" Kelly turns right around.

"Um, would you mind," he knew this sounded awkward, "hanging around?"

"Sure. I'll be right out here."

"I meant, could you stand...inside?"

"You want me inside, by the showers?"

"I know it sounds weird, but..." tight-lipped, John smiles, "I guess we've all got our hangups?!"

Kelly was thinking, at least John was honest, "sure. No problem."

Though, when they stood there together, neither did anything, Kelly thinking about his hangups.

John felt okay with taking off his baseball cap, but stopped there.

Kelly, he didn't know what else to do, since there wasn't anything for him to do, but be a spectator. Not there to spy or get an eye-candy full, he then decides, "maybe I should wait outside the door."

"No," John lurches to the side, placing a hand on the back of the door, shutting it with a bang, the 1-inch Kelly had pulled it open, "please don't leave?"

Right off, Kelly gets the idea John has some skeletons in his closet, but before he started consultations with Doc Watson, he did have some old baggage. After only a few visits, Kelly so looked forward to talking with the shrink, he asked for more sessions. He remembers almost 2 weeks straight, practically daily, he was sitting in his office.

Totally with awareness, "sure," he walks over to a bench, "I can stay, if you want?"

However, instead of stripping for why he came there, John took a seat next to Kelly and like he was at Doc Watson's office, "it's complicated."

Lifting one shoulder in a shrug, Kelly says, with a little nervous chuckle, "what part of life isn't?"


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 4

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