Gladiator Evry Day

Published on Nov 30, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' o4 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Kelly, consciously he was about to do something man-to-man', without Jared. He tries thinking up something which came up in session with Doc Watson, regarding insecurity, if he should approach John, with soft' intentions.

Unlike Kelly, John stood there, arms at his sides, looking straight ahead. It has been a long, long time since he hasn't had Ryan around, about every minute of the day. If he hadn't thought of Kelly as an okay guy, he might have not taken that gamble, leaving his bro and heading out of the cafe. Though, standing there now, with what next to do' on his mind, John was nervous. He knew what he wanted' to do, but would it be appropriate?

Saving the day, whom should rap on the door once and stick his head in, "oh there you are, Kelly."

He didn't wait to be invited on in, Sam helping himself.

"JC mentioned you were back here, helping your new friend with a shower?"

Relief floated over Kelly like a cool breeze, "uh, yeah. This is John. We just met."

"Right," Sam didn't press it, already knowing. "So, how's it going?"

The boys weren't the only ones lost for words. Certainly, if John were back here for the purpose of showering, apparently he hadn't gotten to that step yet!

Always on the lookout for Kelly's welfare, Sam had the idea right now there could be two patients in the room, "so, anything you guys want to talk about?"

"Not me," were the first words out of John's mouth.

"Me neither," Kelly agrees.

Ten seconds later was a different story, each saying, `actually...'

Spoken simultaneously, Kelly says, "you go."

"No, it's okay. You," John says, ending with a puppy-dog smile.

Doc Watson knew how this went. It wouldn't be the first time he has dealt out advice without being in his office, or accumulating retirement money, "where are you from, John?"


From the looks of things, John's disheveled appearance, Doc Watson already has one clue to his past. General in nature, when a guy has unkept clothes, looking to haven't been washed in weeks, maybe months and smelling, "how long has been since your last bath? Solid meal? Slept in a bed?"

As if John had something to be ashamed about, he mumbles, "I dun-no."

Knowing first hand, of how a guy down on his luck can work towards getting back on his feet, Kelly says, "we can help John with all that, right Doc?"

One thing, in Sam's opinion, which Kelly and John seemed to match in, were good looks. When he first met Kelly, even though he was being well-cared for by Jared, his mental appearance was as if he had a scruffy exterior, with an application of a troubled mind. Scoping out John, Sam knew there was much work there to be done. However, one obstacle which was usually the first with new patients, was one's willingness to be helped.

He reinforces his thought, "everyone can be helped. A shower and a change of clothes, that's the easy parts!"

Kelly adds, "well, isn't it a place for us to start?"

Doc Watson knew where this was going. Years ago it had been Jared in Kelly's place, rightly assuming, because the fee was being put on the table, he was hired. One difference, there was no speak of money. However, as Sam has learned on his own, tossing principal out the window, man does not live by coin and cash alone.

"Well certainly," the doc begins to diagnose, "everyone has to start some place," thinking help could be had for John.

"See, John. I told you. If I was a hopeless cause and Doc Watson pulled me out of it, he can do the same for you?"

John looked down, at Kelly's five digits on his forearm. For certain, it hasn't been any other human touching him, except for Ryan, ever since...

Knowing certain legal things, John finally pops out of deep thought, "yeah, but me and Ryan, we don't have any medical."

Really, other than what the brothers wore, plus in their backpacks, they had nothing else to their names, except each other!

Smartly, Sam, while pondering his next move, says, "everything doesn't boil down to the almighty dollar."

The doc had used this on Kelly, so he knew the drill, "tell him about your slush fund, Doc!"

That's exactly what the doc was thinking. He never said it, but the slush fund' was only meant to come from his own lips. Wouldn't be the first time the slush' came from Jared's pocket, "shall we go then?"

"Go?" John questions. "Go where?"

Short time Kelly's been in town, he was already getting the picture, "where else do young, cute drifters whom happen into town and down on their luck, go?"

What he wasn't getting, a guy didn't have to be bulked up in muscle to wander onto into the Magonagle compound. Although the scales tilted toward this `species' of man, with a mind geared towards the competitive edge, there were also a fair amount of cubs and bears in the woods!

Ever conscious of his brother always vouching for him, John asks, "You got a place for Ryan, too?"

Using his CEO mental ability, Kelly comes up, with the snap of a finger, "you can stay with me and your brother?" he thinks on it...

Following the conversation, Sam wasn't about to allow Kelly to get all the `goods', "I'm sure you can find a bed for your brother, John."

"Really? It's okay if John and Ryan stay with us?" Kelly's eyes lit up with excitement, upon making his first corporate decision, all on his own.

It's no secret how Kelly and the doc had feelings for each other, after a period of time had passed, since that first session. Age play a part in why their dreams and fantasies never came together. When Kelly turned 18, then 20, his patient was willing, but Sam stopped at that first kiss, because once a doctor breaches the patient-doctor `touching' clause, there's no going back.

"So," Kelly snickers, "you can help John, right?"

That's where the dilemma came in, the doc not so sure he wanted to enlist John as a patient, which would seal his fate when it came to patient contact. Though, he'd be kidding himself if he chose the selfish route, over a guy whom needed the help.

"Sure," the doc inspires his patient, "haven't I always approved of your good judgement?"

At 27-years old, finally out of college and entering the world of business, out on his own, Kelly has become over-conscious of finding a mate, especially after those repressed frat years. Could be also, making up for all those stored up teen hormones, he never rightfully was given the opportunity to do more than jerk off over a hot love affair with a man. Flesh to flesh, Kelly wanted more than a hand wrapped around his man-meat and `thinking' about how life could be. Would be nice having another man to kiss, other than a sibling!

"Cool," John congrats, "wish Ryan would let me do that."

In a few short minutes, Doc Watson could see why one brother would vouch for the other. No different than when Kelly began treatment with him, John looked to be a few leagues behind. Though, as his patient has proven, willing to challenge the brain and work towards recovery, with the proper approach, a man can work past anything. All it took was time and nurturing.

"Hey, how old are you John?"

It threw him. John's mind was more on where he was going to be laying his head tonight, "me? Twenty-six. Why?"

Kelly than asks, "Have you ever been in love?"


"Gay, right?"

It wasn't exactly how Sam would have handled it, finding out if John were gay, or other, but Kelly was handling himself pretty well. Also, the doc was kind of entertained by finding out answers, without being on the question end of the psychiatrist's couch.

"Uh, I suppose."

"Do you like boys and not girls?"

"I like girls."

Sam steps in, as he allows the door to close, "I think what Kelly means..."

"That's okay, Doc. I've got this."

It made Sam smile, Kelly-the-shrink owning the conversation. Finding a stack of boxes to sit on he folds arms across the middle, placing one leg over his knee and sits.

When he does, apparently toilet paper is not as sturdy as if filled with something solid. The boxes busting open at the seams, catches Sam off guard, hurling his butt to the floor.


All four limbs are thrown out to the sides, Doc Watson assuming the position of a turtle falling over onto his shell, the position which is tough to recover from. The element of surprise doesn't help!

A quick glance to each other, to someone else it would look comical, both with mouths gaping wide open.

Sitting there on crushed toilet supplies, Sam ridicules, "well, are you boys just going to stand there, or what?"

The turtle needed help doing a flip!

Like they both suddenly had a flash of the same idea at the same time, they run over to Sam.

A team lift had Kelly pulling on the doc's right arm, John at the left. The two strapping, middle-20's men had Sam up and dusting off in seconds.

"Are you okay, Dr. Watson?" John says.

Over the past few years Kelly has learned much about his psychiatrist, except perhaps getting a ruler and measuring his hard shaft, "oh, he's just fine, right Doc?"

He was now, with his two hoisters still holding onto forearms, dusting off shoulders with hands. `Oooh,' he thought to himself, feeling his nips perk up, the lads brushing lint off his chest.

"I'm fine. Just fine."

Showing over-confidence, the two back away, Kelly again asking, "are you sure, Doc?"

"Of course. It takes more than a little fall like that to..."

What had rekindled efforts though, with John at a distance, the stench was strong not to go unnoticed, "well then, we better do something about getting you that shower."

Kelly agreed, but before they could make haste and leave, the door opens upon them once more.

"John! They said you might be back here!"

Not which it mattered, Kelly asks, "who are `you'?"

Looking upon the `suit', the only thing which could come to Ryan's mind, "uh, you better zip up, before you catch cold?"

Pulling his belt in, Doc Watson looks down, up, down again, "oops!" and looks up again. A smile on his face, "thanks."

Must've happened, during the ass-plunk, Sam's fly shimmying down!

Half-cocked smile, Ryan replies, "no problem."

John ruins his brother's attempt at flirting, "this is my brother, Ryan," he introduces Kelly.

Sam's mind was a little in a tif, John forgetting about him!

Not afraid to speak his mind, Ryan wasn't as subtle as someone else in finding out things, "nice to meet you Kelly," he turns on Sam, "and who might you be?"

"Dr. Sam Watson, shrink to the Magonagle clan," he chuckles. "Good to meet you Ryan."

Not used to that type of meet and greet, Ryan did remember some manners, taking Sam's hand, shaking it, and in keeping eye contact, "yeah, you too, Doc."

Little did they know, Jared intermittently was keeping tabs on Kelly. Whether intentional or not, when he busts into the room, sending Ryan forwards, right into Sam's arms, he is all apologetic, seeing them both cast to the pile of rubble, "oh, did I do that?!"

As part-CEO, or plain head honcho, whatever the case may be, it's Jared's prerogative to know what's going on, which is why he had his men `in the field' report back with anything important, even if it is gossip.

He left JC with a pat on the back, and a free tank of gas.

What Ryan had no clue, finding JC to set him off on his quest to find John, he set off a chain of events which had Jared busting in on them.

In a few short seconds, Sam and Ryan had met each other beyond the handshake. Lying there in a pile, Ryan lay faced down on top of the shrink.

Whereas it were speculation on Ryan's part, of the man being gay, it wasn't much different of Sam. Though, he uses Kelly's outright tactic, "uh, too bad our crotches didn't meet under other circumstances?"

Having retreated to a kneeling position, Ryan rekindles old thought, "good thing you zipped up. I'd be more into poking a hole in a dude, than getting impaled."

After a quick glance at Ryan's ass, Jared becomes more interest in his brother's welfare, "Kelly, you okay?"

"Sure. Why wouldn't I be? It's Doc Watson I'd be more concerned about?"

Focusing on the real reason he entered the supply depot, Ryan chooses to get to his feet. Acting as a shield, his back backs up to John's chest.

Having picked up a little moxie from Kelly, John says, "isn't it a little late for that, Ry?"

Sam, even though he followed the unfolding events, also was checking the jewels, making sure there were no mishaps!

"You," Jared directs at Ryan, "now you care about your brother, after sitting on Sam's lap?"

"Sit?" Ryan closes the gap between himself and Jared, "I hardly think that's the case. Though," he slyly studies the tall figure in front of him, "if you need a seat, I can provide the chair?!"

Even though Ryan was being suggestive, Jared following through, coercing him into taking a seat on `his lap,' "I didn't come in here looking to fuck around."

"Chill, bro," Kelly tears his eyes away from John long enough to say, "I'm okay. Okay?"

There was a moment Jared had both fists clenched, but hearing Kelly was in the clear and no harm done, "so, who wants to start talking?"

`Hey, that's my line!' Sam muses to himself.

Never had Jared gotten angry at Kelly, yet there seemed to be some tension in his brother's voice, "not much to tell, bro. This is John and his brother Ryan. Doc was just about to counsel John, when Ryan came in and..."

Kicking Doc Watson in the shoe, Jared says, "what am I paying you for, to sit on your ass and be comfortable?"

Ryan was tough, knowing he had to be that way on the road. Not only for his own well-being, he knew John was so shy, people would walk all over him. When they did, John could be a pushover. Maybe he jumped to conclusions earlier, thinking his brother could be in some back room, jumped on, taken advantage of, raped, or worse. Seeing none of that take place, Ryan could be a big man about stuff like that, wrong when he was wrong, "it my fault," he walks over and offers Sam his hand.

"Thanks," Sam says, "I'm glad someone cares!"

`What's this...beat up on Jared day?' Jared thought.

He also thought of Ryan as being a big man' about all of this, breaking down the tough facade. Maybe he wasn't such a Mr. Tuff-stuff' after all?

Apparently, Ryan turning right around, facing Jared and speaking his mind, "that was your fault."

"My fault?" Jared puts a hand to his own chest. The audacity of someone to question his motives, "I beg your pardon?"

Taking it as an apology, Ryan says, "that's better. Now maybe we can move on."

If a person didn't know, they would never have guessed, Ryan either liking a guy, or not, just the way he was. When he turned around and saw Jared, he more than liked what he saw, which kind of made him forget why he came in there in the first place.

Not sure if he heard it, introductions, it didn't hurt to start over, Ryan saying, "I'm Ryan Hull and this is my brother, John." Saying more than he had to, at least he was providing a nutshell of info, "we've been out on the road for a long time. A guy's gotta assituate the situation, if you know what I mean?"

It did amuse Jared, `assituating the situation,' "oh, totally."

Sam clicks his teeth, the way Ryan and Jared were making goo-goo eyes at each other, when 5 minutes ago they were ready to beat each other's brains out!

First time Ryan heard about Jared Magonagle, was back at Cornwall Cafe, upon which he had dollar signs flashing before his face. Slowly that began to fade, because sometimes, other things were more important than money, like tall, hot looking dudes, whom seemed to have packed pants and know how to exploit what they've got.

Jared didn't know what to think, other than this Ryan-character was kinda hot. Beyond the tough exterior, maybe there was something to work with?!

Waiting too long for his brother, Kelly takes up the slack, "this tall, dumb guy here is my brother, Jared and the guy whom you tried to impregnate is my psychiatrist, Dr. Watson."

Doc Watson had managed to get to his feet and leaning an arm on boxes he didn't crush, targets his patient, "thanks for that vivid introduction, Kelly."

Quaint smile, Kelly say, "no problem, doc."

"Right," Ryan recollects, back over at the Cornwall. "Sorry about the..."

"No problem," Sam's `not' sorry about what could almost be construed as foreplay.

John breaks silence, "Dr. Watson. He's gonna help me."

"Help you? With what?" Ryan gets adamant.

Kelly and Jared both knew, from experience, co-worker, Garry Smith, told the boss his brother needed some `help-in-the-head', as he put it.

Derived from this awakening, Jared states, "to put it nicely, your brother needs some `help-in-the-head'."

Getting down on him, Kelly says, "not exactly the way I would have put it, bro?"

Sam, he just stood there, formulating his own observations. After all, wasn't that a psychiatrist's job for a prospective client?

Facing the family shrink, Jared says, "anytime you want to jump in here, Sam?"

"Of course," he eventually did. Putting away ideas of the mental scan he was doing of Ryan, he takes the 30-year old into his confidence, hand to the shoulder, "you seem like an intelligent man, Ryan." Not sure where his next 5 words were coming from, he looks to Jared, "based on their past, Jared and Kelly were having a dickens of a time dismissing prior events in their life and forming new thoughts which could help them deal with developing a healthy lifestyle."

All would agree it sounded like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.

Ryan comes back with, "wanna cut the bullshit and explain it in English?"

Sympathetic, Jared says, "it was getting a little deep for me, Sam?"

Rather than translate, the doc had a better idea, "you've been there, Jared. Why don't you explain it?"

"Me?" Jared thinks it's absurd.

Then, using the other two lads as a scapegoat, "why don't I take these other two back to the compound and get them situated."

Before he allowed Jared to think on it too long, Sam ushers Kelly and John out of the room.

Not sure what should be next, Jared says, "you got a place to stay tonight?"

Way ahead of him, Ryan shows his moxie, "yeah. Your bed!"


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`GLaDiaToR EV'ry DaY' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 5

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