Glee Blam

By Kyle Poulos

Published on Oct 30, 2013


This is a complete work of fiction, depicting sexual acts between fictional characters of the television show "Glee," which is produced by 20th Century Fox. I own no rights to anything regarding "Glee," except this fictional work, from which I do not profit. The sexual orientations of characters in this work do not represent the actors who play the characters, no matter how much we might wish so. As always, if it is illegal to read this where you are, go somewhere more appropriate, whether that be somewhere else to read this, or somewhere else online. This may contain acts of unprotected sex, though you should always practice safe sex.

--------------------------------------------------------- Sorry about the very long lapse in the story. Life got in the way. ---------------------------------------------------------

Blaine hadn't been this happy in a very long time. His best friend, who happened to be one of the hottest guys in school, was also his new boyfriend. They hadn't put labels on it yet, but that's what he considered them. They weren't looking to date anyone else. They hadn't even started dating yet, per se, but they spent more time together than they had before. They spent time apart too, because they knew to give each other space. Blaine was awestruck at how attentive Sam could be as more than a friend. Sam always made sure Blaine had felt good about himself. Sam made Blaine happy in so many ways.

Sam was feeling great about himself and about life in general. He finally discovered that one piece about himself that he never realized was there. He still liked women, like he found them attractive, but he found so much more enticing about men now. He has begun to wonder if that was always there, but he had just repressed those feelings, because they felt wrong at the time. He hasn't decided how to tell his parents yet. He thinks coming out to his mother first might be easier, but part of him just wants to come out to both of them at the same time, get it over with. Blaine has been a great help about all of this. He has been there, willing to talk about everything of which Sam could think. Blaine has sort of been Sam's rock to finding himself. He thought he couldn't have a better person to help him with this journey. It was someone he cared about before he realized he felt this way.

Sam and Blaine had been content with keeping things very low key. Blaine knew that Sam wasn't ready for the world to know exactly yet, especially since he hasn't told his family yet. Sam didn't regret kissing Blaine out in the open, but he's glad that it was only Tina who saw. So far their little romance has led both finding out little quirks about the others, especially since Sam has been spending the night at Blaine's once or twice a week at Blaine's house. Blaine realized that Sam loves to dance while getting ready in the morning, even if there is no music. Blaine started setting music on his alarm in the morning, to give something Sam to dance to. Sam appreciated it the first time he woke up to the music. "Awe, thanks, Dude, I feel like dancing in the morning really wakes me up."

"I thought I woke you up in the morning," Blaine winked at Sam.

"Oh you for sure do. Come here you." Sam tackled Blaine onto the bed. Sam loved making out with Blaine. Kissing him felt so good. He'd never felt so safe and open with anyone else. He knew that Blaine would be there for him, no matter what. They continued making out for a little bit, but they knew that they had to get to school.

They continued getting ready, and Blaine said, " Hey Sam, I don't want to freak you out, but I think I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level. Ya know, being intimate with each other."

"Well, aren't we already intimate?" Sam questioned.

"Well, yes, but if you're ready, I am too, to ya know, to have sex."

"I don't want to have sex with you." Sam stated, Blaine immediately looked confused, hurt, and sad all at the same time. "Oh my God. No, no, no, Baby, I want to make love with you." Blaine started to smile, with that twinkle of a tear starting in his eye. He had no idea Sam could be that romantic. Honestly, Blaine didn't want to just fuck, he wanted to make love too, but he wasn't sure how to appropriately approach the subject with Sam. He was so much happier knowing what Sam wanted was what he wanted too.

"Sam, you couldn't have said anything better. I mean, I would have been fine just fucking, but now knowing that you want to make love, it makes it even better because that's what I really wanted too." Blaine was tearing up a little. Sam walked up to him and wiped his tears off of Blaine's face with his thumbs.

"You know, you're even cute when you cry. I love you."

"I love you too." Blaine was beyond shocked by what was going on. Sam had completely turned his life upside down. A few weeks ago, Blaine had been pining over Kurt, and now he was planning to make love with his new boy friend. Blaine decided that he would try not to be surprised by Sam anymore. He was nervous about saying he loved Sam, not because he didn't love him, but the way his last relationship ended, he didn't want that again. He knew it would be different with Sam though.

So Blaine and Sam were driving to school together, and Sam said, "So when and where would you want to do this?" Blaine could tell Sam was excited, because Blaine had told Sam what anal sex was like. He told him how it was a pressure on your cock that is kind of like a vice grip, but it feels so good, and the bottom feels really weird at first, a little painful, but it feels so good after a while. Sam seemed so very into the idea of having sex with Blaine. Taking their relationship to the next level would mean so much to both of them.

Blaine and Sam planned it for the weekend, starting Friday right after school. Blaine's parents would be out of town, not unusual for Blaine, but spending the entire weekend with the sexiest man he knows would definitely be a perk to the weekend. The week seemed to move so slow for them both. Sam hated the idea of jerking off, because he wants to have a huge load for when they finally do it, but the thought of it made him so hard it hurt. Luckily Friday came, and after what seemed to be the longest day ever in the history of Sam's life, Blaine's too it would seem, they were finally free. Blaine drove them both to his house, and Blaine gave Sam a run-by of what they might do.

"So, I think it would be best if we showered together first, get clean, and we can make out in the shower, but no cock touching. I haven't jerked off all week, so I'll be ready to burst enough as it is. Ok, I have condoms and lube, but I don't love the feel of condoms, so, if we're ever ready to commit to each other, I would like to have bareback sex. I mean, obviously not today, we don't know each other's status, but we can find that out whenever."

"Blaine, I only want to be with you. I'd only ever want someone else if you'd want to invite someone into our bed together, but I don't need anyone but you. If you want to get tested, we can get those oral tests, and we can see. I mean, I've never done anything usage before, and I know you're too smart to contract anything, so we can get rid of the condoms if you really want." Blaine was surprised, but he had mentioned to Sam how much better bare felt. The warmth, the sensitivity of direct contact was all so much better than wearing a condom. Blaine made a quick stop at a convenience store and bought two oral swab HIV test kits. Not to their surprise, they were both negative.

"Okay, I guess we can get home and get started." Blaine drove them to his house, Sam holding his hand the entire way. Sam started kissing Blaine's hand, and once Blaine had parked the car in the garage, Sam thrusted himself onto Blaine's face. Sam's lips met Blaine's with such a passion Blaine knew this night would top all other previous encounters. Blaine started kissing Sam back, his hands wrapping around Sam's neck and head, pulling him closer and massaging his lover.

They found their way inside the house and up the stairs. They had been slowly removing their clothes on their way to Blaine's room. They finally got to Blaine's room and were down to just their underwear. Sam had been stealing Blaine's sexy underwear, not that Blaine minded. He thought Sam looked better in them anyways. Blaine walked into the bathroom, with Sam huddled right behind him, kissing his neck and massaging his body. The water was turned on, and while they waited for it to heat up, Blaine faced Sam and the two made out while massaging each other.

They finally entered the shower, completely naked and hard. Blaine started to push Sam up against the wall, taking control. On occasion they did like to switch the roles from Sam being the more dominant force in the relationship. Not that Sam minded at all, he would gladly submit to Blaine any day. Blaine pushed Sam's arms up over his head. The water was running over both of their heads as they kissed. Sam just stood there and enjoyed what was happening. Blaine let Sam take control again, and Sam lifted Blaine up, picking him up by his thighs and made out while holding Blaine up. Blaine knew Sam was strong and could hold him like this for some time, but he didn't want to waste any of Sam's energy holding him up during foreplay. He dropped down and they stepped out of the shower.

They attentively dried off each other, kissing each other's bodies while drying it off. Blaine led Sam into the bedroom, the room was a little chilly, but they both knew things were going to get warmer in no time. Blaine lightly pushed Sam onto the bed. Sam moved all the way up to the pillows, sitting up and watching while Blaine started licking his nipples and started moving down. Blaine reached Sam's gorgeous cock, and started kissing it gently before he took the tip of the cock in his mouth before taking the entire shaft in his mouth in one try. Sam knew Blaine could deep throat but he never did it right away. Blaine let the cock fall out of his mouth, and asked, "Sam, would you like to rim me, get me nice and ready for when I get to ride this bad boy?"

Sam gladly obliged his partner, Blaine moved his beautiful perky ass up to Sam's awaiting mouth. Sam was fantastic at rimming, according to Blaine, Blaine had never really loved getting rimmed before, but there was something about the way that Sam did it that made it feel amazing. Blaine went to town on Sam's cock, while Sam gladly licked Blaine's tight hole. Sam decided it was time to feel inside that beautiful hole. He took his hands off of Blaine's ass and sucked on his index finger and decided to tease the hole with it. His finger pushed lightly around the hole, slowly pushing in just slightly. Sam heard the intense moans of pleasure emitting from Blaine and felt the vibrations on his cock. He pushed the finger in. It was tight, but it felt so good. Sam started pushing his finger all the way in. Blaine stopped sucking Sam, only because he felt so good, he had to moan out loud and let Sam know how good it was making him feel. Blaine told Sam to add a second finger, and Sam gladly opened him up with it.

After a few minutes of this, Blaine removed his ass from Sam's fingers and face. He started to kiss Sam, trying to show him how good Sam made him feel, just by doing that. Blaine started to move away from Sam's face, and he started to make his way to what he really wanted. Sam was laying there, just watching and anticipating what was going to happen. Blaine was now hovering over Sam's erect penis. Blaine grabbed Sam's perfect cock, and started to slowly sit on the cock. Sam watched Blaine, but it was difficult because he was enjoying himself so much, he almost had to close his eyes from bliss. He was watching Blaine's eyes as he was moving down the shaft. Blaine's mouth turned to one of those big grins that only came from pure pleasure. Once Blaine had mad his was to the base, Blaine grinded his hips into Sam to let him know how much he wanted it. Sam slowly took this sign as an indication to start thrusting his hips. Being under Blaine, it was a little difficult for him to get much motion, but he made due with what he could. He started to move up and down, his upward thrusts leaving Blaine suspended up for a little bit so that on the downward thrust his cock moved out of Blaine slightly, and on the next thrust, his cock went deep into Blaine's ass. This was the best feeling Sam had ever experienced without a doubt.

Blaine was in heaven, riding the perfect cock, feeling it thrust deep inside him, hitting that spot with every thrust. He felt so good, he knew he could do this every day for the rest of his life. Blaine started to lean in to kiss Sam, and Sam moved up to meet Blaine's lips. The two kissed, while Sam's meat was happily inside Blaine's ecstatic hole. Blaine was the one who stopped the kiss. He indicated that he wanted to try a different position. He stood up and let his ass leave Sam's cock. He the proceeded to get on his knees and present himself to Sam, doggystyle. Sam took the reigns and rammed his hard cock into the slightly less tight hole, but still way tighter than he ever would have imagined. Sam started pumping in and out of this tight hole. He can't believe how good it felt for him, but part of him wondered how good Blaine felt. Sam wouldn't last much longer, because he's been waiting all week, so he told Blaine that he might cum soon. Blaine changed positions so that way Blaine was laying down, with his legs up on Sam's shoulders as Sam started to pump in and out of him. Blaine was in pure bliss, having his ass pounded by this stud. He wanted to feel Sam's cum inside him. Blaine told Sam to blow his load deep inside him. Blaine knew he was about to cum, so as he started to shoot, his ass clenched tighter than Sam could have ever believed. It was so tight that Sam instantly started to shoot his load deep inside Blaine. Blaine's cum shot straight passed his head and hit the pillows and the headboard of the bed. This was definitely to most intense orgasm they had ever had. Blaine laid there with Sam on top of him, still inside of him. Blaine couldn't believe how great he felt. Sam started kissing Blaine, and the two stayed that way for some time. Eventually, Sam pulled his cock out of Blaine's ass. Blaine and Sam laid on their sides, making out, and just enjoying the high that followed those orgasms. They couldn't believe how absolutely amazing that was. Sam, feeling only somewhat nervous from his first time asked Blaine if he was good. Blaine responded with, " You dork, that was the best I've ever had." Sam smiled a big smile that Blaine met with a kiss. The two huddled for a little bit and fell asleep for a little bit. Blaine was exhausted from the ramming Sam gave him, and Sam was exhausted, and his dick hurt a little bit, not a bad pain, but it still felt a little cramped. The two napped in each other's arms.

Sam was the first to wake, and this time, he knew what he wanted. He wanted to know what Blaine felt like when he was getting fucked. Sam started to suck on Blaine's semi-hard cock. Blaine, being the light sleeper, awoke instantly, but was not mad about being awoken at all. Sam had learned to control his gag reflex by now, and was happily servicing Blaine's cock. Blaine took this as an invitation to eat Sam's ass, Blaine started to lick Sam's amazing pink hole. He felt it with his finger, it was twitching, wanting to be filled, with a finger and more. Blaine spit on Sam's ass, Sam jumped at the feeling but he was surprised at how much he enjoyed it. Blaine pushed one finger into Sam, Sam had to stop sucking Blaine's cock, this feeling was entirely new and entirely amazing to Sam. He never would have guessed how good it felt. "Dude, I need more." Sam got up and laid on his side, presenting his ass to Blaine. " Is this ok? I mean, can you fuck me this way?" Blaine said, " Well, I've never fucked this way, but we can try." Blaine laid right behind Sam, positioning his cock right outside Sam's hole. Sam never though how much he wanted this, but watching Blaine smile as big as he did when he reached the bottom of Sam's shaft, he knew something had to feel really good. Sam pushed his ass back, allowing Blaine to start pushing in. "Fuck me, Blaine. I want it so bad." Sam couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. There was pressure, on both ends, Blaine felt as if his cock was about to be crushed by the tightness that was Sam's ass. Sam felt a new pleasure of pressure that was happening inside him. It was slightly painful, but once Blaine was all the way inside Sam, Sam felt Blaine's cock deep inside, and his cock hit something in Sam that made him feel like he was about to blow his load right away. Sam now knew why Blaine's smile was that big. While it did hurt, the pressure of his ass being opened up, the pleasure way out measured any pain he felt. Blaine started pumping in and out of Sam's freshly de-virginized ass. Blaine took the initiative to kiss Sam's neck and nibble on his ear lobe, something that drove Sam insane. Sam could barely contain himself, he was feeling so good. While at first he wanted to shy away from the little amount of pain, once he realized how good it felt, he was thrusting his hips back to accept Blaine's cock deep inside him. Sam knew what he wanted now. He wanted to ride Blaine's cock like he did, and he wanted to feel his cum deep inside him. His own cock was rock hard, and he knew that he would be able to cum without even touching it. Sam pulled his ass off of Blaine's cock. His ass felt empty, and it made him miss the warmth of Blaine's cock inside him. He pushed Blaine over so he was on his back. Sam kneeled over Blaine's hips. He started to lower himself on Blaine's cock. Blaine was surprised how much Sam enjoyed this. Sam had always been the more dominant of the two, but watching Sam want his cock turned Blaine on so much.

Sam started bobbing up and down on Blaine's cock. Blaine was surprised how well Sam could take it. Sam seemed to love it. Sam would bring his hips up almost to the point of Blaine's cock falling out of his ass, then slamming down all the way to the base of Blaine's hips. He rode cock like a pro. Sam's big lips were wide open, and moans of pleasure came from them. Sam started to lean down over Blaine and they started to kiss, and Sam knew that he was about to cum. He had never had this feeling of about to cum, with nothing touching his cock, just the big dick inside his ass was all he needed. He broke the kiss and told Blaine he was about to cum. He felt his load building up inside him. His insides tightened as he felt the load start to shoot out of his enormous dick. The shots flew onto Blaine's chest and face. Blaine opened his mouth, hoping to catch some of the delicious cum on his tongue. A small spurt hit Blaine's tongue and he slurped it up. Meanwhile, while Sam's unbelievably tight ass had gotten tighter during Sam's orgasm, Blaine had one of his own, shooting his cum straight up into Sam. Sam could feel the warmth deeper inside of him. He was unsure which feeling he liked more. Sam stood up off of Blaine's dick and tried to stand up, but he fell. His legs wobbling. He felt weird. After the adrenaline of the amazing time the two had had, they realized that their legs were both sore from the sex. They figured this was a great reason for them to just lay there for the rest of the night. The two curled up under the blankets, completely naked and went to sleep. They knew they had the house to themselves for the entire weekend. They were happy they had all this time to do that again and again.

Ok, sorry for the extremely long delay. I wrote most of this in July and August, but classes started back up and my life got busy. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know if you like it or not. As always comments and suggestions are welcome, and I promise to try to be more diligent in getting more chapters up sooner, that is if people still enjoy reading them that is.

Next: Chapter 5

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