Glenmore Grange

Published on Sep 22, 2003


If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

Glenmore Grange

Part 5

By Bald Hairy Man

Things settled down rapidly after the Round Robin fucking. It had been good for the fuckers, fuckees and the watchers. In fact it was hard to tell who had enjoyed it the most. We got back to Sam's Bed & Breakfast at 10:00 or so and slept really well. I woke at 8:00 smelling bacon.

I went to wake Bobby but he wasn't in his bed. I heard some noises from Bill's room. The door was ajar so I looked in. Bobby was sitting on Bill's cock. doing a good imitation of the hula-hula dance. He would rise up and then lower himself on the massive pole. Bobby's slim body was quivering like a leaf and it was hard to believe Jim's massive cock could fit in the boy's ass. I closed the door and went down to breakfast.

Fifteen minutes later, Bill and Bobby joined me. Sam had a traditional breakfast; there was no trace of the food police in his menu. It was bacon, eggs, butter and coffee; it really hit the spot.

Mitch stopped by and told us how much he had enjoyed the meeting the day before. "I've never seen Lou enjoy himself more. Your cock is the first to tickle his prostate. He's never done that before." Mitch said.

"He seemed to like it." I said. "I'm not sure I have the ideal starter cock, but given the horse hung men at the meeting, I guess I was a good size."

"It was good for Lou. He doesn't take the initiative often. He just does what I tell him to do. Lou got excited watching the fuck-a-thon. Usually, he just watches. He was really excited. He copies what I do, but when he sat on your cock, that was all Lou. I didn't coach him at all." Mitch said. "Maybe something is coming back. Brains can re-program, you know." Mitch was proud of Lou's achievement and almost on the edge of tears. "You will come back, won't you?"

"It's a long drive here, but I had a great time." I said. "I've got a bad schedule for the next few months, but if I can make it again, I will. How many times do you get fucked by horse cocks like I did last night?"

"Don't worry, Mitch." Jim said. "I came here just to experience it once. I've been back a good ten times. Sex is a basic human instinct. No where is it as good and plentiful as it is at the Grange."

"Please do," Mitch said, "Lou would love it. Shit, I'd love it."

"We can all agree on that!" I said. We had to get back so we packed up after breakfast and were on the way by ten.

"Was it a successful trip?" Jim asked once we were in the car and on our way.

"What do you think?" I asked. "Do you like cocks as much as I do?"

"I think I do," Bill said. "I like men period. It's funny. You and I are about as well educated and sophisticated as men get, but when confronted by our sex drive, sex drive wins every time."

"Do you think that's bad?" Bobby asked. "It seems pretty good to me."

"You may be right,"Bill answered. "We are brought up to think our natural instincts and desires are bad. To do what comes naturally is a sin. I don't think that's right."

"The mistake is to lump all natural instincts together. Men have destructive urges, but they have creative urges," I said. "The sex drive surely is the original creative instinct. I think most sexual problems derive from suppressing sexual instincts, not from expressing them."

"Everyone at the Grange was sure laid back about sex; naked and ready to play. It was nice." Bobby said. "No one was picking a life partner; they were just using their bodies to give pleasure. How in hell can that be bad?"

"It sure builds up as you get into it." Bill said "The excitement grows the more men are involved."

"Where were you during the first part of the meeting, Bill?" I asked

"After all this talk about the joys of group sex, I'm a bit embarrassed." Bill said. "I was with an old friend, Rob. He's a judge and was too afraid of exposure, but he wanted the sex too much to stay away. He's a good man and I understood his concerns. By the way, he'd be interested in meeting you, the next time you visit the Grange."

"Nice guy?"

"Yes, hung and furry like a gorilla. Sort of like Sean Connery."

"That sure sounds good to me." I said.

We weren't able to get to the next meeting of the Grange, but Jim and I were able to get to the Thanksgiving meeting. It was the week before Thanksgiving and Bobby couldn't get away from exams at school. Bill brought along a friend, Tony, a graduate student and the friend's lover, Mike. Tony was Italian, about 6-2 with curly, black hair and a bushy moustache. A doctoral student, he was about 35 and had taught several years in a small college.

He was a friend of Bill's and shared the same sexual interests, but they apparently weren't lovers. Tony was working on Dionysian Rituals as a forerunner for Greek drama as his dissertation. Bill told him the Grange was as close as he would get in the United States.

Mike was a bland, blond man of about 40 who looked as if he was 25. He was small and slight. He was the vice-president of a small bank. He also seemed to be shy.

"To tell you the truth," Tony said, "when Bill told me about it, it seemed too good to be true. The Grange might approach the sexual abandon of the Greek festivals. I was excited, but it took some talking to get Mike to come along."

"I just didn't know what it would be like." Mike said. "Tony said, it was purely research, but quite frankly . . ."

Bill laughed. "The Grange meeting took some getting use to for me. Sex was always hidden and secret. Being with men who were nude, hard and frankly interested in sex was a shock. It was good, but not what I had expected."

"How do you mean?" Mike asked.

"Well, it's not a beauty contest and you aren't looking for a date." I said. "In some ways at the Grange, you make your body and genitals available for other men's pleasure. In return, they do the same. It's very even handed."

"It's not just everyday sexual pleasure. I think the Greeks discovered that you could amplify the fun through the group's enthusiasm and participation." Bill said. "I think for the Greeks, it was a social safety valve. They lived in a restrictive society and ritual festivals gave them a chance to let off steam in a socially acceptable way. As far as I can tell, the private lives of the Grange members are good and stable with very few divorces. I think most men aren't naturally monogamous. Several times a year at the Grange, you get a chance to have all the sex you want. Afterwards, you go home and have no need to wander or experiment."

"Is it all sucking?" Mike asked.

"Not by a long shot." I said. "It's anything that rings your chimes. Some guys like sucking and cuddling, others are into heavy duty fucking. It depends on you. Remember, it's okay either to look or to participate."

"It's better to watch and participate!" Bill said. Mike still looked a bit unsure, but the drive was pleasant and he seemed to relax as he got to know us better. He was your traditional MBA type with rather limited general knowledge. We were talking about primitive tribes and rituals and he was interested. When we reached Glenmore, Sam came out to greet us. Rather to my surprise, Mike and Sam hit it off. The minute Mike saw Sam's collection of old rock concert posters they were pals.

Sam had been to concerts of the Beatles and Rolling Stones that were all but mythical events to Mike. Sam had been naked at Woodstock and Sam's "be free, be beautiful" hippy's approach to sex made sense to Mike in a way that my Ancient Greek rituals did not,

It was so obvious Mike and Sam hit it off, I was afraid Tony would be disturbed. That wasn't a problem. Tony was deep into the Dionysian ritual potential of the Glenmore event and was having a great time talking with Bill and me. He wasn't interested in ancient American Rock and Roll history and was glad to have Mike occupied with Sam.

I was experienced with modern group sexual events from my experiences at Wilson's Hollow and also with a Central American Tribe, so I had a lot of experience. I had been to several orgy-like events and a bath in Amsterdam and could define the similarities between them and the Glenmore activities.

"There was a real sense of brotherhood in the Indian tribe and at Wilson's Hollow. In both cases most of the participants were related and male sex was an initiation and a mark of adulthood for the males." I explained. "It seemed to be a means of population control for each group too. Man to man sex didn't have the problems heterosexual sex does. It provided an opportunity for men to release their sexual tensions, without killing off their women in childbirth."

"That's much the same origins of the Glenmore Grange meetings," Bill said. "The men weren't all so closely related, but in a small farming community in the later 19th century, intermarriage could be a problem."

"At Wilson's Creek, sex was defined as being between men and woman only. To be sex, it had to possibly result in pregnancy. By definition man to man intercourse wasn't sex." I explained. "In the same way, I studied an Australian tribe which defined nudity by having an exposed cock head. They didn't practice circumcision and as long as the foreskin covered the glans, you were fully dressed."

"It was odd, one of my colleagues was cut and the aborigines found that both shocking and titillating." I explained. "To expose yourself that way was a sign of intimacy and friendship. They didn't know what to make of it."

"How close was the sexual contact between relations?" Tony asked. "It seems they disobeyed all the rules about incest."

"Remember it wasn't sex unless it involved women. It wasn't sex, it was messing around. The closeness varied. In the Indian tribe, man seed was the source of strength and you wanted to make sure your sons got yours as well as the seed of the strongest and most powerful men of the tribe." I said.

"How did they take it?" Tony asked.

"After some drinking and ceremonial dancing, the seed went straight from the cock into the deepest part of the ass." I replied. "I think the father's cock was supposed to be the first to enter, but I had a feeling, most of the boys cheated a little with their older brothers and cousins. It was older men fucking the younger men at first. As the ritual progressed and everyone got drunker, it was wide open."

"Now, Wilson's Creek, it was an Uncle, or older cousin who fucked you first. Sex play with your father was later and entirely voluntary. It wasn't required." I said. "As far as I could tell, everyone did eventually. It was a male bonding event, but there may have been other explanations."

"Such as?" Bill asked.

"The Wilsons always claimed they were inbred and they kept on getting hornier as they kept on screwing their sisters." I said. "All of them seemed to have well developed sex drives. Quite frankly, they never were that picky when it came to selecting partners. Except mothers and sisters were strictly off limits."

Sam, Tony, Mike, Bill and I were sitting in the hot tub when Virgil appeared. He came to check out the two new men. Mike and Tony passed with flying colors. Tony's very Italian good looks impressed him. His cock was thick and uncut, a classic Italian sausage.

Mike was a surprise. He was very muscular and toned; he wasn't a muscleman, but he was in great shape. He was also just about the whitest man I had ever seen. He was pale, but healthy, with pearly skin with pink highlights. His chest was hairy, but the hair was fine and white, so it all but disappeared. Mike's cock was long, thin and cut. Mike was still talking to Sam when Virgil joined us. Virgil knew a lot more about the Grateful Dead than any sensible man should. Virgil and Mike hit it off too.

I noticed Virgil was hard when he got in the tub. That didn't seem to bother Mike at all. Virgil sat on the edge of the tub with his erection in view. Mike wasn't as hard as Virgil, but he was a long way from being soft. Mike had evidently made peace with being naked in a bunch of guys.

Tony was much taken with Bill's monster cock. Like me, he hadn't guessed Bill was so well endowed. We talked well into the night and although the evening was filled with the anticipation of sex, we went to bed with no activity of a sexual nature. I wondered if that would affect the next days activities.

Lou and Mitch came over for breakfast the next morning. Mitch took me aside. "You will play with Lou? He has his heart set on it." he asked.

"Sure I enjoyed our time at the last meeting. I enjoyed my time with you too." I said. Mitch blushed. He was unaccustomed to praise of any sort.

"Lou has a friend from the Rehab Center he wants you to meet." Mitch continued. "Lou can hardly talk. You can't believe how good it has been for him to be trying so hard. I mean, it's not easy to figure out what he's trying to say, but after years he is trying."

"Don't worry. I'll do my part." I said. We went off to the Grange Hall. This time I entered on the other side, and Tony and Mike went to the new comers door. The Johnson brothers were waiting for me. We went into the meeting room and there were a few men standing around. After a few minutes, Mitch and Lou arrived with a third man, who I assumed was Lou's friend. They walked over to me.

"Gus, this is Martin." Mitch said. I shook hands. Martin was a good-looking kid of maybe 23-25. He had dark brown hair and a small moustache. His hair was combed to hide a gash on one side of his head. One arm and leg were shrunken. I could see the effect of the head injury.

"Grizzly!" Martin cried. He hugged me. I realized what had happened. I don't know if Lou thought I was Grizzly Adams, or if I just looked like him. Whatever he thought, I hit the spot for him and his friend. When Martin hugged me he ran his hands over my furry back. Martin almost melted.

This had happened once or twice before, when I had run into men who were really turned on by fur. Martin just held me and patted my back and cradled his head on my chest. He also was getting hard and rubbing his cock against me. Lou cuddled up on the other side and we formed a tight cluster. Mitch was looked at us as if he was a matchmaker who had just made a particularly good match.

For me, cuddling turns into something more overtly sexual. I didn't know if it affected the boys the same way. Martin's cock answered the question for me. It would be more correct to say his cock and his mouth responded. He slipped to the floor and began nursing my cock. We moved over to a bench against the wall. I was able to suck Lou while Martin sucked delicately on my cock. His movements could be jerky and I think he was afraid he might hurt me. After a while Lou and Martin traded places. Martin must not have expected me to suck him. He first looked shocked, then he began to glow.

He didn't last long. He turned ridged as a stone, then my mouth filled with his ball cream. I held him tight and took the whole load. It was a young man's load and I was pretty sure it was a good week's supply. He calmed down and I sucked Lou again with the same results. Both men looked pleased and almost serene as they came down from their sexual high. Mitch looked after them like a mother lion, protecting his den.

"It will take them a while to recover," he whispered. "Go and play some. Do you think you could come back later?" I said, sure. Bill was waving at me from a corner of the room. I went over to see what he wanted.

Next: Chapter 6

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