Gloryhole Management

By Jim Svenson

Published on Jun 3, 2012


This is another installment of the previous story involving my boss. Sometimes that which we can't have is the most erotic. Your comments are always welcome, good and bad. Thanks for everyone's support so far. Enjoy.

Chapter 3

How the hell was I going to follow through with any of this?

I panicked. I gave Jim my number and now I had agreed to come over to Thom's house and watch as they double teamed his wife. My cock was completely controlling my life right now and making TERRIBLE decisions. On the positive side, I had figured out that my cock crazed mind opened up an assertive portion of my personality. This assertiveness had earned me an awesome stroke session with Thom and second blowjob with Jim. Deep down I knew that if I pursued this, I could open these guys up to some truly raunchy scenes. I knew that I could do things that their wives wouldn't and push sexual boundaries to new levels. The afternoon before I was supposed to be at Thom's my plan started to come together; I was going to see this sexual frenzy through to the matter what the consequences.

My heart pounded as I waited in my car outside Thom's house. I had driven around the block several times trying to get the courage to follow through with this insane plan. The purring sound of Jim's diesel truck woke me from my mental anguish, and I watched as the door flew open and he easily climbed out of the cab and sauntered to the door. Even from a distance his sexual energy and confidence were palpable. Combined with his athletic frame, these attributes were a deadly combination.

I slid out of my car after waiting 5 minutes and approached the house and centered myself mentally before knocking loudly. Shuffling could be heard inside before a shadow blacked out the light from the peephole. The opening door revealed Thom in form fitting wranglers and a t-shirt. This guy was a dense ball of masculinity and strength.

"I wasn't sure you'd show up." Thom stated with the hint of a challenge in his voice.

"Well, I had to see what kind of fun you had in mind." I responded by boldly cupping the obvious mound in his jeans. Thom reacted in shock by pulling his hips backwards. "Relax." I continued, "It's not like I haven't touched it before." My breathing increased, as I became emboldened by my assertiveness. Thom's pouch had no slack; it was stuffed to seam bursting potential with his thick sausage-like prick. Thom ushered me into the the main room of the house.

This is going to be an awesome night.

The only noise in the house besides our talking was the sound of a heavy stream of piss being forcefully emptied into a toilet. I looked towards the source of the sound and was treated to Jim's athletic denim covered ass and broad back as he relieved himself. Thom and I chatted about meaningless things as we waited for Jim to join us. Our conversation abruptly ended as Jim swaggered into the room and interjected, "You're not exactly what I was expecting, Erik."

Both Thom and I turned our attention to Jim who stood with his hands on his hips flanking his half buttoned jeans exposing his bulging briefs that forced the fly of the jeans open with the weight and size of his massive dick and bull balls. I glanced quickly at Thom who was slack jawed but had a growing bulge pushing aggressively at the front of his wranglers.

"I guess Thom's told you all about our arrangement." Jim inquired. "His wife is a total slut for big dick. About two months ago, Thom and I fucked Lori all night before calling it quits. We both must have cum at least 4 times that night. There was so much pussy juice and jizz that poor Thom had to air out his house for a week." Jim continued, "but I guess that's why you're here, isn't it Erik. To see how much sperm these big guns can shoot?" Jim prompted suggestively. Suddenly turning the focus Jim asked, "How long until Lori gets here?"

"She should be here in the next 10 minutes or so." Thom replied anxiously. "Why don't we have some beers while we wait?"

Thom got up and went to the kitchen, his muscular ass cheeks shifting in the seat of his jeans as he walked. Jim stood up and started to tuck his shirt into his jeans and managed to get his bulge trapped behind the stressed denim while watching me for any reaction. I tried not to be so obvious, but this stud knew that I was there to see him and was going to great lengths to tease me. I smiled and stared furtively at his crotch, hoping that I would get to see this cock in action tonight.

Thom reentered the room and the beers started flowing. Everyone loosened up and the stories started up about sexual exploits. Jim and Thom both told stories about college days and banging slutty sorority girls with their frat brothers. My turn came and I figured I would tell the story of a recent gang bang I went to. By the time I was telling these guys that I was being spit roasted by two guys, everyone in the room was rock hard. Before I could get to the best part, the phone rang. Thom jumped up saying, "don't say any more until I get back." I paused the story and waited for Thom while Jim's eyes bored a hole right through me. He was so horny that he had started tugging at his cock 10 minutes ago during Thom's sexual tale. The generous bulge in his crotch was now an obscene distended lump lying across his thigh. I smiled inwardly realizing the effect this talk was having on him. Thom came back into the room in a similar condition to Jim; his previously packed jeans were shifted off to one side to accommodate his large erection and had a large wet spot forming at the tip of his dick. "That was Lori." Thom began. "She can't make it tonight; some kind of family emergency." My mind exploded with joy and happiness.

"Fuck this shit." Jim spat. "I need some pussy before I fucking lose it!"

Thom interjected fearing that Jim would leave if he got fed up. "Hey Erik, do you think that you could help us out?"

"I was hoping you'd ask." I replied perhaps a bit too enthusiastically.

I moved towards Jim who was sprawled out on the couch, but he covered his crotch and shook his head no. I shrugged and moved towards Thom, coaxing him towards the couch to sit next to Jim. If I couldn't get Jim to play along yet, I was going to have to show him what a great blowjob looked like with his buddy. Strange, Jim was reserved when in the presence of his friend, despite enjoying two blow jobs through a gloryhole.

I caressed Thom's muscled legs and ran my hands from his knotted calves to his striated thighs while spreading his knees apart to make room for myself. Unbuttoning Thom's shirt was like unwrapping a present that you already knew about but were still excited to see. Thom's rippled torso was an image from a men's health magazine from his cleanly defined abs to his massive pec muscles that were sandwiched between his rounded shoulders. He reached up to pull the shirt off his shoulders and exposed his flared lats and dimpled rib muscles only seen in guys that spend hours in the gym. His physique evoked images of MMA fighters in their prime, yet Thom was easily 15-20 years older than most of those guys. I ran my hands all over Thom's compact frame, marveling in the genetics this man possessed and commitment he made to staying fit. His light green eyes stared at me while I continued my journey from his broad chest down his furry treasure trail to where it disappeared into the top of his jeans. I let one of my hands linger on his chest to lightly rub his nipples and kept my face down to lick all over his sculpted stomach. The moans and sighs coming from Thom let me know that I was treating him to something good. The ultimate confirmation of Thom's arousal was evidenced by his pulsing erection that was leaking pre-cum and began to seep through his jeans creating the telltale damp spot at the head of his dick. I grabbed his shaft and mouthed his cockhead through his pants while deftly moving my other hand to his fly and unbuttoned his tight jeans. It took some effort to shuck those jeans down Thom's thighs and over his bubble butt, but I was soon facing this dense muscular stud that was packed and leaking into his small hi-cut briefs. His erect shaft arched across his narrow 31" waist along his hip and took up all the available real estate within the confines of his briefs. His 9" thick shaft and bulbous head distended the fabric from just below the narrow waistband to the top of the leg opening creating a gap between the fabric and his skin. If the briefs were any smaller, he would have been in pain. The fabric covering Thom's cockhead was completely covered in pre-cum that permeated the air with the smell of male sex.

I inhaled the aroma of a man that was freshly showered after an intense workout. After hearing parts of their conversation yesterday, I knew that these guys were hitting the gym just prior to the meeting. During my ministrations, I occasionally looked up at Thom who would switch his gaze between me and Jim. I knew that Thom deeply wanted to see Jim naked, but I wanted to take this somewhat slowly to build anticipation and hopefully get Jim to play along.

Jim shifted uncomfortably on the couch watching my every move while I stripped his buddy Thom of his clothes. Both men were absolutely rock hard as I reached for the waistband of Thom's briefs and slowly pulled them out and over his engorged rod. The smell of pre-cum wafted into the air and Thom sighed contentedly when his dick sprang up and slapped his stomach leaving pre-cum droplets on his stomach hair. Pulling his briefs completely off, I quickly reached up and pulled his cock away from his body only to release it and let it slap against his stomach again. I repeated this action several more times, each time eliciting moans of appreciation from the short muscled stud. I slowly reached over and started massaging my boss' calf muscle through his pants while keeping Thom in rock hard form. Jim and I made eye contact briefly before Jim shifted his legs out of my reach and stood up saying, "I was really hoping that Lori was going to be here, Thom."

"Yeah, me too. groan But, at least it isn't a total loss." Thom replied in a lusty voice as I stroked his shaft with some lube that was lying on the table.

"You know how much I love to fuck." Jim pouted. "Especially your tasty wife."

"Yeah, I know." Thom gasped. "But didn't you say that you have the number of a girl you picked up for a one night stand about a month ago when you were out of town?" he continued, almost out of breath.

"It's not going to be the same." Jim lamented. "But, I've got some serious loads to drop... and besides I have a show to put on." He chuckled. Jim continued his self satisfied smile at his own joke and grabbed his phone to start dialing. He got up and walked to the other room as Thom pulled my hand off his cock saying, "I have to cool down, man. Don't worry; I'm sure this girl Jim is calling is down to fuck. It won't be very long until the party really gets started."

At the end of Thom's sentence, my phone started to ring in my pocket. I figured I would just ignore the call and check who was calling later. Seconds passed as I watched Thom's cock pulse and jerk against his stomach between his beefed up pecs. God, I wonder if he can suck himself. Watching Thom, my brain finally processed the past couple minutes.

What if Jim was calling my number?! I panicked and jammed my hand into my pants to retrieve my phone, but was too late, the call was going to voicemail; the voicemail with a personalized introduction that would confirm that I was the one that sucked his horse dick and wore his semen as a slutty souvenir. It was one thing to have voyeuristic tendencies... That I could play off as being merely curious. Actually having sex with my handsome boss was quite another issue. I could be fired!!!

I glanced at the number on my missed calls; I didn't recognize it. DUH! WHAT WAS I THINKING?! Was I expecting my phone to recognize Jim's contact information? I drew in some deep breaths and tried to calm my mind from the terrifying prospect at being exposed. Sure I wanted to have sex with my boss again, but I wanted it to be on my terms.

Thom continued to prattle on about Jim's conquests that were legendary, while I only half listened and awaited Jim's return. Jim strolled into the room about a minute later with a half-amused, half-bewildered expression on his face.

"Uh Thom.. change of plans." Jim began. "It turns out that we'll be able to get started sooner on our little party. Right, Erik?"

I blushed as my heart plummeted, realizing Jim's implied meaning. The call on my cell phone was Jim, and he was calling in his favor...tonight.

"What do you mean?" Thom asked with a genuinely confused tone.

My stomach rolled as Jim explained, "Remember that one-night stand I told you about? Well, it was actually a couple blowjobs at an adult video store through a hole in the wall."

"No shit?" Thom asked eagerly.

"No shit. But it wasn't a girl giving the blowjob. Turns out it was my own employee that was providing the services. I've never met a more willing participant." Jim finished looking directly into my eyes.

I made a noise of discomfort and Thom had a look of complete shock on his face; either from jealousy or disbelief.

"Why don't you show Thom your talents." Jim directed me.

I felt so sick to my stomach at being discovered that I started to rise up from my kneeling position in front of Thom and started to turn towards the door.

"Wait a minute Erik." Jim interjected. "Where are you going? I thought we had an agreement. I let you suck my dick again, and I get to fuck that slutty ass of yours."

My shoulders sagged as I realized that even if I was to depart, I would still face Jim at work. I might as well face the music and see what would come of it.

"If you're thinking that tonight will affect your position in the company, you're right. If I were you, I'd just focus on making your performance memorable." Jim explained. My normally laid back boss was leveling ultimatums at me... at my sexual performance. He wasn't being mean or rude. He just made it very clear what his expectations were. Unsure of what power I had, I resigned myself to whatever would transpire and pledged that I would make the most of it.

"I chose you for the special project work team because I knew you were talented. I just didn't know how talented. Why don't you show Thom what you showed me the other day?" Jim suggested.

I turned and knelt directly on the carpet by my coat and started fishing around in my pockets for my pipe and stash of weed. I figured that if I was going to get busted, I might as well be busted for more than just sucking dick. I pulled out my pipe and took a deep drag while Jim and Thom both just stared. By way of explanation, I squeaked, "you can at least give a guy his last requests," while holding the smoke deep in my lungs before exhaling. I knew I wasn't going to feel the effects immediately, but I wanted to lose my inhibitions at some point and not give too much thought to my actions.

"Go on. Get between Thom's legs and treat that big dick of his to a nice wet blowjob." Jim urged. Thom looked up at Jim, somewhat surprised that Jim took notice of Thom's endowment, but Jim gave no indication of saying anything out of the ordinary. I crawled on my knees between Thom's legs and took his now soft cock in my hand to get better acquainted with what I would soon be sucking.

"No hands, just your mouth." Jim instructed. I complied and took Thom's quickly inflating cock into my mouth as it surged towards complete hardness. I swirled my tongue all over the thick 9 incher that was filling my mouth, getting it all slicked up in preparation for giving the best blowjob I knew how. I swooned thinking of how heavenly it was to have this dream dick punching at the back of my throat and stared up at Thom who couldn't help but grunt and groan his approval. The flared head leaked pre-cum that helped prepare my throat for Thom's thickness. In and out I slid Thom keep into my gullet, massaging his cum swollen balls and putting a little pressure on his taint with my spit slick fingers. The sheer size of Thom forced saliva out of my mouth to collect around the base of his cock and drip down around his fat nuts. I used that slickness to tease his pucker as I continued to slide up and down on Thom. I would plunge up and down on his dick, coming up for air about every 4 strokes and groan my horniness at having such a stud at my mercy. I pulled off Thom's dick and sat back for a moment to let the moment sink in; my eyes clouded with lust and my own dick rock hard and straining the fabric of my jeans.

"Impressive isn't he." Jim narrated. "I had assumed that he had an average dick when Lori and I hooked up, but I guess she just likes them big...kind of like you, Erik. Make sure you get Thom's dick nice and wet. He's going to break you in for me."

I groaned my understanding and dove forward onto Thom's pulsing cock, plunging it in and out to get it coated with thick throat mucus. Luckily I had prepared myself before coming over tonight, in the off chance that I might end up with someone in my ass. I shucked my clothes in record time and reached behind to feel my hole and make sure that it was still pre-lubed to the correct wetness. I grabbed the lube from the table and squirted an extra dollop in my quivering hole for good measure and took Thom's cock in my hand to prepare it for my ass.

"You ready for an incredible ride, Erik?" Jim teased.

"I thought that you were the good ride." I shot back, my lack of inhibitions slipping as the THC hit my system.

"You can decide who is better, after Thom breaks you in." Jim countered, "If you've got the stamina."

I decided to use a technique on Thom that I usually reserved for regular fuck buddies to get them nice and hard before fucking. I pulled off Thom's dick and leaned down further to lick and suck on his heavy balls that were taut and firm in their relaxed sack. Thom sighed and pulled his legs back further to give me better access to his balls by slouching down on the couch. His fat orbs now within direct sight, I leaned forward and sucked one and then both of his churning cum factories. I kept my motions discreet from Jim and secretively slid a hand up again to spread some saliva around his taint before moving another finger to spread some around his glistening tight hole. I know I was going against Jim's instructions, but I just couldn't help pleasing Thom.

Thom grunted his approval and placed his hands on the back of my head to pull my face deeper into his crack. I willing dove in and started licking and stabbing at his moist hole with my tongue causing Thom's cock to buck and jerk against his stomach and eliciting a series of nonsensical sex sounds from him in the process. "uhhhn. Oh yeah... keep licking my hole. Damn I'm getting close." I doubled my efforts and forced his muscled thighs back towards his chest to get ultimate penetration with my tongue as I continued my oral assault. Not to be left out, Jim gently positioned one of his beefy digits at the entrance to my hole and circled it before pushing into my ass smoothly as far as it would go. The hands on this man were heavy and strong from all the years of lifting and a hint of manual labor; not enough to disfigure them with cracks or swelling, but enough to show that they had seen their share of hard work. I moaned which had the effect of forcing my tongue deeper into Thom's ass causing him to grunt an affirmation of pleasure.

"Damn Thom. You're going to love this tight little ass." Jim commented."

"I will if it is anything like his tongue." Thom replied. "Everytime you stick your finger in his hole he gets all horned up and really goes to town."

Jim smiled, as he slid two fingers deep into my hole, stretching me further, and watching my response on Thom's ass licking. Damn his fingers are thick. I grunted and paused as the feeling of pleasure washed over me. Diving back into Thom's ass with renewed vigor, I sought to gain more anal stimulation from Jim by performing a world class rimming on Thom's tender sphincter. The soapy, musky smell of Thom drove me wild as I forged my tongue into a spear and penetrated the mass of muscle spread before me.

"Jim, whatever you're doing, keep it up." Thom panted aloud. "This little slut is chowing down like he really loves ass."

Two fingers had me rock hard and aching for more. Jim added a third finger, causing me to moan loudly from the stretching discomfort until pleasure throbbed from my prostate outward.

"Oh god," I begged "stretch me open." In response, Jim started fucking his three fingers in and out of my adjusting hole eliciting responses from some primal part of my brain as I moaned uncontrollably and pushed my ass back onto the invading fingers. Thom pushed his rod away from his stomach and down towards my mouth to get wet in preparation for sliding into my hole. At one point Jim leaned over my back and grabbed Thom's shaft around the base like a cock ring and rubbed it against my face teasingly and whispered, "Let's see how well you prepped Thom." Removing his fingers from my ass, Jim reached over and slid one of his fingers into Thom's exposed ass commenting, "You really got him wet Erik, time to get that fat rod of his ready for your slutty hole." Thom groaned as Jim playfully moved his index finger in and out causing blood to surge into Thom's already bloated cock that was being gripped at the base by Jim. I sucked on Thom's cock and Jim slid his fist up and down to cover the entire shaft with saliva.

Judging by Thom's engorged rod and his breathing I knew he was close to shooting. At this point I realized that Jim had taken off his shirt, and I could feel his ample bulge pushing against my ass as he leaned over me to ensure that Thom was sufficiently slick. Jim then decided it was time and stood me up and turned me around so that I was facing away from Thom as I was directed to sit on Thom's bloated cock.

I grabbed Thom's cock and positioned it at my hole before lowering myself and rubbing his bloated mushroom head all over my slick sphincter. Thom grabbed my hips and pulled me down as he thrust upward spearing my ass on his 9 thick inches. I howled as pain clouded my vision. Thom didn't stop as he thrust slowly in and out of my ass enjoying the tightness and weakened defenses. I looked over my shoulders to see his muscles flexing and relaxing to the fuck motions he was performing. This dude was on sinewy ball of sex, and was doing a marvelous job of hitting my inflamed prostate on the upstroke.

"Fuck, this is one fine ass!" Thom exclaimed. "I'm gonna dump a huge load soon."

"Try to hold off a bit more, buddy" Jim interjected, "Erik's still needs to prep my big old hog." And stepped up to me, his bulging jeans within a foot of my lust filled face. "Go ahead" Jim instructed, "pull it out."

Now that I had started to enjoy the fucking, I squeezed Thom's dick with my ass muscles and slowed the fuck to draw out the anticipation and load that I would receive from Thom.

I reached up to Jim's waist and unbuttoned his pants and lowered the zipper until the white from his cotton briefs was clearly visible. My stud of a boss wasn't very inventive with the underwear, but he sure did fill out these Hanes like they were made especially for him. Pulling the jeans off his hips, the rock hard erection was tenting out the cotton over his right hip to such a degree that the ribs in the cotton were clearly visible. I groaned as I watched a drop of precum appear briefly through the material at the tip of his cock before being absorbed and adding to the spreading stain of his horny dick.

Thom had been watching from around the side of my back and I could feel his arousal building as he watched my sexy boss standing in his tented briefs with a boner clearly meant for sex. Thom's pace quickened while he listened and watched the interaction continue.

"You like this Erik?" Jim taunted "Getting fucked by a muscled stud with a huge cock while another big dick is waiting for your hole? Maybe you get off on watching your boss at work and imagining his schlong packed into those work pants just waiting to see him strip down at the gym and shower."

"Yeah...uh huh." Was the most my lust addled brain could muster as an affirmative answer.

"Yes, what?" Jim inquired. "Thom's big dick? My big dick? Which is it? Why don't you do what you've been waiting for... get me ready for your hole." At the end of that sentence, I went into overdrive and started bouncing on Thom's rigid pole as I leaned forward and buried my face in Jim's cotton crotch. I inhaled his scent before pulling his briefs off and letting his heavy meat swing towards my face. When his fat cockhead made contact with my tongue, I sucked Jim's cock into my mouth and swirled my tongue all over his thick head. I got about 4 inches of Jim's thick dick in my mouth when I felt Thom's cock start to thicken. I reached between my legs to feel Thom's bull balls draw tight before he started groaning his juicy orgasm into my pummeled ass.

"Ah damn Jim, I'm creaming this ass good." Thom shouted. I moaned as Thom filled my cavity with his scalding hot liquid sex. Jim pushed me backwards with a massive hand on my chest and looked at the cum that was collecting around the base of Thom's shaft.

"That's right, Thom, get it nice and wet. Erik loves juicy stud loads. Don't you Erik?" Jim taunted. "All right Thom, my turn. Let me show you how to fuck a real slut."

Jim grabbed the base of Thom's cock and removed it from my ass with a juicy pop as cum ran out along Thom's still hard dick and his full balls. Jim scooped up some of the loose cum and lubed his dick before he positioned himself at my ass. Rubbing the head of his bloated cock at my entrance he teased, "Is this what you want Erik? Tell me how much you want your stud boss' huge horse dick pounding your slutty hole."

"Please Mr. Harris." I pled, "Fuck my ass with your awesome dick. Please stop teasing me and just fuck me." I wailed in desperation, no longer caring what happened.

Jim sank his 10 inch monster halfway into my ass before pausing to let me adjust to the size difference. Jim was not only longer, but thicker by an inch on each dimension. Thom's awesome cock had me primed and ready to blow my own load, but Jim's rampant penetration left my dick somewhat deflated as I tried to adjust. After a minute, Jim sank his cock deeper and deeper into my ass while maintaining eye contact until his pelvis was pressing tightly against me. He started to withdraw his cock and dragged that massive piece of flesh across my prostate that sent signals directly to my cock again. My reawakened cock was rearing to go as Jim started pounding my hole mercilessly, commenting, "Damn, this is one tight ass. Nice job on soaking down this slut, Thom. I can really feel your load greasing his hole up good."

My panting and groaning increased in frequency as Jim continued his assault, all while still sitting on Thom's lap and feeling his rampant erection rubbing up alongside the bottom of Jim's plunging shaft.

I felt like I was in an out of consciousness as Jim's cock forged new ground in my ass and realizing that I had just been fucked by one of the hottest studs I had ever seen. The sensations in my ass became too intense when I looked into Jim's cocky face. He seemed to know that I was trying to fight the urge to come so quickly. He smiled a knowing smile as he changed his angle slightly to punch his cock directly onto my prostate. I lost it.

Three quick spurts of my jizz flew out of my cock head in rapid succession as I reached climax with my boss' thickness lodged in my ass. My cock shot 2 more volleys as my ass started to spasm and squeeze Jim's cock until he couldn't take any more and howled that he was cumming. "Ah shit, I'm fucking you full of my stud sperm." The large spurts of sperm didn't seem to wane as Jim dumped his load. I ran my hands over Jim's stomach and torso as he came down from his climax and slid his cock out of my ass. The obscene amount of cum that ran out of my ass was unreal. Only gangbangs produced that much cum.

I felt Thom's hands on my torso again as he maneuvered me into a 69 on the floor by the couch where he could lick out my cummy hole. The expert way he tongued my ass let me know that he was no stranger to analingus. Cum poured forth from my ass into Thom's seeking tongue and I groaned at his expert routine before putting my head down onto his rigid staff and cleaning all of the cum that had dripped out of my ass after him and Jim shot their massive loads. Jim knelt on the carpet to our sides and watched us play clean up.

"Looks like you've met a kindred spirit in the joys of cleaning up, Thom". Jim stated, indicating my tongue as it roamed over Thom's shaft, balls and tight hole. Without asking, I reached for Jim and pulled him close to my mouth so that I could clean his shaft of post fuck juices. Cleaning Jim's massive dong inflamed my desires again as I begged, "Please fuck my slut hole?"

"Hear that Thom?" Jim chuckled. "Looks like we've got a real cock slut." To which Thom only moaned his approval into my ass.

Jim moved around to my ass and placed his semi dry cock against my hole and frowned slightly at the dryness. "Looks like you're going to need to help me out, buddy." Jim stated as he lowered his cock into Thom's mouth. "Wet me down."

Thom dutifully responded by sucking Jim's cock deep into his throat that caused Jim to groan in admiration of Thom's skills. Thom grabbed Jim's dick and placed the head at my hole as Jim pushed forward and sank his entire cock to the base. "Oh damn this is hot." Jim thought aloud.

Jim took his time and long dicked me to a horniness that I had never known. He would tease me until I begged for him to fuck me harder and then chuckle at my moans and groans as he would fuck me within seconds of another orgasm. He enjoyed playing the role of boss, both at work and in the bedroom. I didn't care, because he was stimulating my prostate in new ways. I responded by squeezing his cock with my anal muscles and listened to him curse that he was losing his stamina quickly to my enticing slutty hole. With my mouth, I continued my exploration of Thom's hole by licking and sucking the outer folds of his sphincter and worked two fingers in his ass as a reward for his amazing fuck. Thom's cock pulsed on the edge of another orgasm with his leaking cock dripping pre cum that I licked off feverishly.

Thom continued to run his tongue along Jim's shaft as it plunged in and out of my ass dragging my ass lips back and forth within range of Thom's agile tongue. Jim changed his angle to penetrate deeper which forced his ass and balls onto Thom's mouth. Thom grunted and took up the challenge by washing Jim's pendulous balls and sneaking his tongue up to tease Jim's puckered hole. Jim grunted and started short-shafting my hole at this angle to drop his ass back directly on Thom's piercing tongue and nearly shouted his arousal provided by Thom's probing. "Ah fuck Thom, where did you learn to do that?" Jim inquired.

I was hard as a rock with the pummeling of my prostate and the sounds of Jim and Thom connecting sexually for the first time without a woman present. The erotic sounds of Thom's slurping and the slapping of Jim's hips against my ass pushed me close to the edge. Jim's thrusting got more erratic and I felt his mammoth cock swell before he grabbed me under the arms and rocked us backward placing his hole directly on Thom's slippery tongue as Jim's cock erupted in fiery jets of cum that blasted my anal walls.

"Yeah, Thom. Lick me deep as I cream this slut's hole," Jim shouted.

The extra deep penetration hit my prostate perfectly as I blasted Thom's torso with a heavy load of semen. The orgasmic clenching of Jim's anus and my showering load caused Thom to fire his second load of cum all over my face as 6 heavy ropes of cum shot directly onto my face; dripping slowly onto my chest.

Jim ruffled Thom's short hair in a friendly gesture as he pulled his still semi cock from my worn hole resulting in a river of cum that splashed out onto Thom's goatee below. Thom groaned, "You have the best creampies Jim. I don't ever get tired of this."

"Good to know, buddy. I've got several more loads queued up." Jim smiled, rubbing his spit soaked fat cock.

I turned around to face Thom and slid a finger into his wet hole before meeting him in an open mouth kiss. Thom's mouth dropped open from the feelings I was eliciting from his horny hole as I explored his open mouth with my tongue. I wiped some of his cum from my face and stuck some in his mouth and the rest on Jim's cock. Jim took his cue and stepped up between our open mouths to let us both clean his cock off. I whispered into Thom's ear, "I bet you'd like to have Jim's big cock in your ass, wouldn't you? So big and full, just waiting to plow into your tight muscle ass." Thom only groaned his response. I decided I would push this issue later.

I looked down at Thom's cock and smiled that my fingering was having it's desired effect; a full blown 9 inch thick rager jutting out from his lean frame.

Jim continued to switch between mine and Thom's mouth, sampling our tongues across his still semi-hard cock.

We all disentangled amidst the gropes and licking agreeing to pause for some beers and TV. I knew that between these two studs, I was going to get my fill of big cock. I reached for my ass and felt the raw nerve endings.

Jim saw what I was doing and inquired with a cocky smile, "How's that ass feeling?"

"Like it could take some more loads." I tossed back.

Both Jim and Thom smiled as their cocks started to inflate to full hardness again.

Next: Chapter 3

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