God Spent That Time on Me

By Mr. Dash

Published on Aug 14, 2000


The-Lousy-Forced-Disclaimer-That-I-Understand: This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of *NSYNC (although I think a few of `em are MIGHTY curious--if not already all-out queer--but that's just my personal opinion. Not saying they are admittedly gay, or anything like that. Read the damn story now.)

God Spent that Time on Me -- Prologue 2

"Damn, that was a good show!" I said to my friend Brandy as we exited the auditorium together. She was another one of my friends that knew. She was even closer to me than Lindsey. The only other person who could be a best friend like Brandy was Chad, an on-again/off-again romance of mine.

Brandy, Chad, and I were a formidable team. We were the best of friends, (Chad and I a little too close for comfort sometimes) and we were always together. For that very reason, both Brandy and Chad were a little apprehensive when I told them about my dinner date for the evening with *NSYNC.

"That's no fair! You don't go, or we all go! We're the 'Three Musketeers' after all, aren't we?" Chad whined. I could tell that he was insanely jealous.

"Chad! This is Jeremy's DREAM! We can't let him back out on it at this point. That's really selfish of you!"

"Yeah, I suppose so..." he trailed off into a mumble. "Where are you supposed to meet Lindsey anyway?"

"Over by the Harding Student Center five minutes after the show. She said she'd drive me to the meeting place, and that the *NSYNC guys were to travel in unmarked cars. Before the show, she told me where we were going... but for security reasons, I'm not supposed to tell where it is..."

"COME ON!" Chad and Brandy screamed in unison.

RED LOBSTER, a loud raspy whisper said. I whirled around and saw Lindsey behind me. I automatically knew that my *NSYNC experience might not be as intimate as I'd hoped--Chad and Brandy surely wouldn't miss the chance to all of a sudden "show up" to Red Lobster when my fab-five would be there.

Chad and Brandy gave secretive little smiles and scampered back to Chad's new Saturn.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU TELL THEM?" I screamed in Lindsey's face.

She gave an amused smile. "Scared that Chad will provide a little competition for the Bedroom Olympics?"

"No--I just didn't want them there. They just wanna be there because *NSYNC is famous. They don't give a damn about them otherwise."

"But you are all-wonderful, and you just want to meet them for a dinner conversation?" she asked sarcastically.

"Well, no...yes...BUT I OWN THEIR CDs!"

"BLAH BLAH BLAH." She grabbed a hold of my arm and started pulling me to her car. "Come along, Oofty-McGoofty. We have a dinner to attend."

Dinner didn't turn out to be a disaster after all...in the end. We had our own section quartered off so that the press nor the other customers would get too distracting to our dinner experience. God Bless Red Lobster.

When Lindsey and I first arrived, we were escorted to the room with no one to greet us (i.e. the room was EMPTY.) We sat down and were enjoying some delicious water when all of a sudden a bunch of people just walked up and sat down. I didn't know who the hell they were.

There was an old lady with a walker, a fat, bald man, a lady with long, stringy hair and glasses, and three obnoxious kids. They just sat down at our table and began to look at the menus as if they owned the place!

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I whispered over to Lindsey. "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?"

Lindsey looked for a minute. The fat, bald man started talking.

"Maw--I want the fried chikken! How 'bout you?"

"Ah dunno son," the stringy lady answered, "ah don' think they sell frahd chikken here. They got fish. Git some catfish, h'okay?"

The kids started up as well. "I want me some hot dogs! Gimme some pizza!"

The old lady with the walker looked ready to pass out into her empty plate.

Lindsey looked at me with a smile that let me know she had finished her investigation into these strange people. "THEY'RE TYPICAL REDNECK ARKANSANS," she whispered in reply.

Just then a waiter appeared with another group of people in tow. This time, I felt better--I could tell that these were the people I had been waiting for.

Everything turned out all right. The waiter realized the mistake that the redneck family had made in their seating, and offered to take them to another table. When they refused to leave, ("We got ourselves in here first, dammit!" the bald guy had said) the waiter was abled to coax them away with a 10% discount.

The boys all had a time figuring out where they were going to sit. I think their manager had told them not to all sit together in one clump as to allow us to get to know them better. Then again, the Harding SAC group was a little late, so the boys couldn't really plan for that. All in all, it worked out fine. Lindsey sat by Joey. I sat by Lance. The three Harding people sat by Justin, Chris, and JC.

I was immediately intimidated at the prospect of a blond god sitting to the right of me. I didn't know what to do or say. I mean, I'd been seeing this guy's picture on teenybopper magazines, television, and on the cover of Rolling Stone and Entertainment Weekly. What could I say to that?

You know that deoderant commerical that says "You never get a second chance to make your first impression?" Well, they know what they're talking about, because that impression was completely ruined the minute my elbow bumped my water glass and sent it straight into Lance's lap.

I didn't know it was physically impossible to sink so low in my chair. I thought my face was going to explode from the heat that ran into it when I realized what I had done. Everyone burst out laughing. Even Lance smiled, despite the ice-cold water slowly spreading across is (mmm...drooool....) crotch. He ran off to the bathroom lightning quick.

JC composed himself for a minute and then looked at me. "Thanks for doing that man," he sniggered. "Lance needed a bath after that concert! What's your name?"

"Jeremy." I said with reserve. I still wasn't un-embarrassed yet.

"Good to meet ya, Jeremy. I have a feeling I'm going to like you if you keep up the good work," JC replied with a twinkle in his eye.

"I'm sorry, JC."

"For what?"

"Well...you won't like me."

"Why not?" JC appeared concerned.

"Because I don't plan to keep throwing things all over you guys the whole time you're here," I answered with a slight smirk. "Except this."

I took one of those cheese/butter rolls (you know, the good ones they have at Red Lobster) and threw it right at his face. Now I know I was acting like a little kid when I did that, but according to what I've heard, these boys aren't the most mature creatures on the planet. Therefore, it came as no surprise when a little butter package hit me in the head, via Justin Timberlake, and when I looked down, the rest of the rolls were gone! Apparently the other boys had their fun with them.

I looked over at Lindsey, expected to see her flashy grin. Instead, I was met with a look of horror. She didn't understand what was going on, and she thought I was ruining the whole dinner!

I was about to say something to her, but I was interrupted by Lance's sitting back down right next to me. All of a sudden, I could care less what Lindsey thought.

"Brrrr...." Lance looked at me and said with a cute smile.

"Uh...er...sorry 'bout that one, Lance. Uh....if you wanna, you can do that to me...yeah, if it would er...make you feel better?" Needless to say, I was stammering.

"No thanks. Was it as good for you as it was for me, though?" Lance said, and unmistakably winked.

WHAT?!!?!? Was I hearing things? "Uhhhhhh....uh....ye...eeaah." I let out.

"Uh, I was just kidding, man." He looked at me--still smiling--but as if I were stupid or something.


"So what kind of night life does Harding have?" Justing said, looking at me for an answer. Obviously, the boys felt comfortable enough with me now to address their questions. I suppose the food fight had been a good icebreaker.

"Are you kidding me?" I said with indifference to the Harding students already seated at the table. "Harding has NO night life whatsoever!"

"What do you mean?" Chris said questioningly. "No parties or anything? I thought that's what college was all about!"

The Harding students looked crestfallen. They knew better than anyone that their school was not *NSYNC's idea of fun. "We don't have any alcohol or loud-music kind of parties here. We'd get in trouble. It's already past curfew, but we have special permission to have dinner with you tonight, so it's okay," a boy from Harding spoke up.

"You're kidding me!" Joey said with shock. "There's nothing here? I can't even drink a beer? Hell no!"

This was my chance. I remembered that my school had the guest house available, and it was now or never.

"There's plenty of room at our guest house on campus," I said. "And it would be fine with our dean if you guys stayed. I'm sure you guys would be an exceptional case, and we have parties all 'round on the weekends!"

Lance's ears perked up immediately. "Are you for real? We've been touring for the past couple months without ANY fun. We're desparate for a good party. Can we come?"

I relished inwardly as I saw the faces of all the Harding SAC delegates fall. "Of course you can come! You just have to know where to go, and I can tell you all that!"

"Then it's settled." JC said with a note of finality. "We get a guest house to sleep in tonight instead of that hell-bus. I'm all for that, and a drink or two! Jeremy, you can come with us on the tour bus and show us the way. Is that a deal?"

"Yes. That'd be great." I said, not letting on to the fact that I was OVER-anxious.

After the meal was finished and paid for, we started outside. I noticed with a chuckle that the redneck family was STILL eating. I supposed they were taking the ALL YOU CAN EAT seafood buffet to its extremes. After a short walk to the back of the restaurant, I stepped into the tour bus. I could hardly find the door, it was so dark outside. Finally, I opened and entered. I was astonished about how homey it was...and dirty. Apparently the boys had been living in here a little too long.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout the mess." Chris said quickly. "We're just not Martha Stewart...any of us."

"That's okay. I'm used to it. I LIVE in Arkansas, remember? Messy houses just don't bother me," I answered with a quick grin.

The each took a seat, and I was left not knowing where to go. They directed me to the front seat where the driver was seated. They thought the directions would be confusing, and that I would be seated there the whole trip. However, it was just a follow-the-bypass kind of drive, so I returned to the back about five minutes later to find four of the boys in their small beds, napping. The only one out was Joey, and he was in the process of pulling his pants down.

I had no idea what to say. I just stared.

"Um...I was just getting ready to crawl in bed. How long is it back to your school?" he whispered.

"About an hour and a half," I mouthed back at him.

"Why don't you take your shoes off and sit up here on my bed with me. With all the others' beds folded out, there's nowhere else to sit. We can talk."

I noddingly obliged, and took off my Doc Martens. I was glad they were still new and leathery-smelling. I was worried that the exertion of the concert might make for some unpleasant smells. But Joey didn't seem to mind. He just kept looking at me with a goofy grin on his face.

END Prologue 2

Yeah..I know my story has some bizarre commentary in it, but hey, that's my train of thought and my writing style. I think it gives it character. I know I haven't gotten into anything "hardcore" for some of you erotic sticklers, but hey, this isn't your average oral sex-in-the-first-scene kind of story. Patience! The best is yet to come!

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3: Joey

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