Godly X Men

By James cockburn

Published on Oct 20, 2009


X-men and all marvel characters are property of marvel and I do not own any of it and do not presume top know the sexuality of the characters the creators created. Charmed is property of the CW.

I awoke from the best sleep in a long time. My head was on Wyatt's washboard abs with his cock staring my in the face and Chris was behind me with is cock in my ass crack. It felt great to wake up to this when i heard a knock on my door."Liam it's Bobby, Scott sent me. Logan, Ororo, forge and Laura are awake and the gods inside them are asking for you.""Okay ill be right there." I said sliding out from the two hunks and got changed into a jeans and a shirt both which are fitted and make me look really sexy and of course i go commando today cause im hoping to come back to the room for another round with the Haliwell brothers. I left them i note saying what i had to do then i materialized their clothes back on the dresser. I left the room loking fondly back and the two brother who literally rocked my world last night. I closed the door and headed for the med-bay.

When i got there Logan and Forge were standing in the togas that i remember them wearing in the dream. Laura was in a flowing black gown that had like a armor looking bodice. Ororo wore a very natural looking dress that went to her knees and was green like grass."Hello Ares, Hephaestus, Morrigan, and Nantosuelta it is great to see all of you again even though you look different as do i but i garantee that i am Zeus and that i have called you here into Homo Superior vessel so that you can help me stop Hera from bringing back Hades and putting this world into a new dark age.""Zeus, Father i am happy to see you again and i am willing to give everything i can to help you and stop mother.""My lord i am also willing to do anything i can to help you." said Hephaestus"As will i" announced Morrigan"The forces of nature which i control will be yours to use." said Nantosuelta

With that being said the returned to the normal state and normal clothes. They were filled in on what had happened and seemed to be a bit off due to the unusual sensation of have someone else with them inside thier bodies.

I went back upstairs to me room hoping that the Halliwells were still there. When i got to the door i heard hushed voices so i entered. Both Wyatt and Chris were getting changed as fast as they could."Is everything okay" I asked them"No I just got a messeage from my mom saying that there are people at our house and they dont know them." Answered Wyatt."I'll come incase i do know them cause i have a feeling that i will and since the others have awakened i will be able to call on them if they need to be." I told Wyatt and after i sent a message to the others saying that i am going somewhere and that i might need them so be ready for me to call them.

Wyatt and Chris were quickly finished changing and i decided to not change into the toga incase it was Hera she might not be able to recognize me. Wyatt held on to my shoulder and orb me with him to his family's house.

We arrived and i was very quite except for a voice coming from upstairs. The voice was a women's but i knew it wasn't any of their aunts. We all went up that stairs as quitely as possible on wood stairs that are almost as old as the house. We went to the attic and opened the door. The three sisters and Wyatt's and chris' dad Leo were all surrounding the Book of shadows with a cyrstal cage around them while the sisters where whispering a spell to protect themselves from."Great your sons have arrived." said the women whose back was to us but i already knew it was Hera because she was wearing the toga she wore in the dream. "Look they brought a friend with them.""Wyatt, Chris why did you come we never called for you." Said Leo."you did not need to call us cause we could feel your want for us to come." said Chris.

Hera turned around and i finally saw the body she had in habited. She had waist length black hair, emerald green eyes, 5'7", the others at Xavier's would know as the Black Mamba. When she turned she looked right at me and smiled."I did not think you would come. You look surprised to see that i recognize you. Of course i would recognize someone i have known for mileniums no matter what form the have taken. So Liam or Zeus which do you prefer here? It dosen't matter since you will soon be dead." with that she raised her arms and 7 people appeared in the attic behind her. "You might know some of these people seeing as they are vessels for the Gods that hate you." She pointed at a girl with six arms with silver hair and white eyes. In each arm she had a different weapon. "This would be Spiral or as you might know her the Hindu Goddess Kali." Next she pointed to a tall man at least 6'5" with red eyes and black hair dressed in like a blue uniform with a red belt and a red diamond on his chest he also and a sort of cape thing that looked a bit chaotic. "This is Mister Sinister or the Egyptian God Seth." She point to one other person was a wild looking man with blonde hair that went passed his shoulders. amber eyes, he was wearing jeans and a wife beater with and floor length jacket with the sleeves cut off showing his huge arms, this guy was built like Wolverine but way taller, his jacket was lined in fur and his nails where sharpened to look like claws. "This is Sabertooth or the Celtic God Arawn. That is it for all the gods here but the other here are Bullseye, Lady Deathstrike, Lillith, and Carange. But the Gods i have waiting for me are Skatha, Geb, Perkþnas, and Nun. I hope you are willingly to fight cause they are.""Wyatt orb Chris out of here and back to the institute. Piper grab the book and i will teleport us back with Wyatt and Chris.""Actually, Hera i am going to do something you have never done which go to were i am strongest and not fight on your terms but on mine. It was nice seeing you all agian i only hoped it would be on better terms." I consentrated on Piper and the others as Wyatt took Chris by the shoulder and orb him out and i took the rest with we me.

Sorry this took awhile but i had to figure somethings out with the story thanks you to everyone for the comments and please continue to send them and any suggestions at avalonpriest@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 12

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